Stand still and no clue whats happening after ....

This is a puzzling one. I have completed the form. Click on Submit button. The form stands still and no clue whats happening?
Please advice.
All errors on the page has been resolved. There are none. All the insert to database tables works before but not now. Please advice.

<?php require_once('Connections/attending.php');?>
if (!function_exists("GetSQLValueString")) {
function GetSQLValueString($theValue, $theType, $theDefinedValue = "", $theNotDefinedValue = "")
  if (PHP_VERSION < 6) {
    $theValue = get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? stripslashes($theValue) : $theValue;
  $theValue = function_exists("mysql_real_escape_string") ? mysql_real_escape_string($theValue) : mysql_escape_string($theValue);
  switch ($theType) {
    case "text":
      $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? "'" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL";
    case "long":
    case "int":
      $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? intval($theValue) : "NULL";
    case "double":
      $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? doubleval($theValue) : "NULL";
    case "date":
      $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? "'" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL";
    case "defined":
      $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? $theDefinedValue : $theNotDefinedValue;
  return $theValue;
$editFormAction = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
if (isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) {
  $editFormAction .= "?" . htmlentities($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']);
if ((isset($_POST["MM_insert"])) && ($_POST["MM_insert"] == "form1")) {
  $insertSQL = sprintf("INSERT INTO attendlist (Windowsid, title, firstname, surname, extension, mobile, jobrole, course, cpg, mgrname, room) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)",
                       GetSQLValueString($_POST['Wid'], "text"),
                       GetSQLValueString($_POST['title'], "text"),
                       GetSQLValueString($_POST['firstname'], "text"),
                       GetSQLValueString($_POST['surname'], "text"),
                       GetSQLValueString($_POST['contactno'], "text"),
                       GetSQLValueString($_POST['mobile'], "text"),
                       GetSQLValueString($_POST['jobrole'], "text"),
                       GetSQLValueString($_POST['courses'], "text"),
                       GetSQLValueString($_POST['cpg2'], "text"),
                       GetSQLValueString($_POST['mgrname2'], "text"),
                       GetSQLValueString($_POST['troom'], "text"));
  mysql_select_db($database_attending, $attending);
  $Result1 = mysql_query($insertSQL, $attending) or die(mysql_error());
  $insertGoTo = "ReportbyAll.php";
  if (isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) {
    $insertGoTo .= (strpos($insertGoTo, '?')) ? "&" : "?";
    $insertGoTo .= $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
  header(sprintf("Location: %s", $insertGoTo));
mysql_select_db($database_attending, $attending);
$query_rsattendance = "SELECT * FROM attendlist";
$rsattendance = mysql_query($query_rsattendance, $attending) or die(mysql_error());
$row_rsattendance = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsattendance);
$totalRows_rsattendance = mysql_num_rows($rsattendance);
if ((isset($_POST["MM_insert"])) && ($_POST["MM_insert"] == "form1")) {
  $insertSQL = sprintf("INSERT INTO attendlist (title, firstname, surname, extension, mobile, jobrole, course, cpg, mgrname, room, Adate) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)",
                       GetSQLValueString($_POST['title'], "text"),
                       GetSQLValueString($_POST['firstname'], "text"),
                       GetSQLValueString($_POST['surname'], "text"),
                       GetSQLValueString($_POST['contactno'], "text"),
                       GetSQLValueString($_POST['mobile'], "text"),
                       GetSQLValueString($_POST['jobrole'], "text"),
                       GetSQLValueString($_POST['courses'], "text"),
                       GetSQLValueString($_POST['cpg2'], "text"),
                       GetSQLValueString($_POST['mgrname2'], "text"),
                       GetSQLValueString($_POST['troom'], "text"),
                       GetSQLValueString($_POST['Adate2'], "date"));
  mysql_select_db($database_attending, $attending);
  $Result1 = mysql_query($insertSQL, $attending) or die(mysql_error());
  $insertGoTo = "Listing.php";
  if (isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) {
    $insertGoTo .= (strpos($insertGoTo, '?')) ? "&" : "?";
    $insertGoTo .= $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
  header(sprintf("Location: %s", $insertGoTo));
} ?>
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<div class="container">
  <div class="header"><!-- end .header --><img src="Cerner At Imperial2.jpg" width="960" height="150" alt="" /></div>
  <div class="content">
    <h3>Attendance Register: </h3>
echo "Date  ".date("d/m/Y");?>
    <form action="<?php echo $editFormAction; ?>" id="form1" name="form1" method="POST">
      <table width="780" border="0" cellspacing="10" summary="Cerner@Imperial">
          <td><div align="right">* User ID</div></td>
          <td colspan="2"><span id="sprytextfield1">
            <input name="Wid" type="text" id="Wid" tabindex="1" size="18" maxlength="10" />
          <span class="textfieldRequiredMsg"> a value is required.</span></span></td>
          <td> </td>
          <td><div align="right">* Title</div></td>
          <td colspan="2"><span id="spryselect1">
            <select name="title" id="title" tabindex="2">
              <option value="0">Select</option>
              <option value="Ms">Ms</option>
              <option value="Mrs">Mrs</option>
              <option value="Mdm">Mdm</option>
              <option value="Mr">Mr</option>
              <option value="Dr">Dr</option>
              <option value="Professor">Prof</option>
<span class="selectRequiredMsg">    Please select an item.</span></span></td>
          <td> </td>
          <td><div align="right">* First name</div></td>
          <td colspan="2"><span id="sprytextfield2">
            <input name="firstname" type="text" id="firstname" tabindex="3" size="40" maxlength="30" />
          <span class="textfieldRequiredMsg"> a value is required.</span></span></td>
          <td> </td>
          <td><div align="right">* Surname</div></td>
          <td colspan="2"><span id="sprytextfield5">
            <input name="surname" type="text" id="surname" tabindex="4" size="40" maxlength="30" />
          <span class="textfieldRequiredMsg"> a value is required.</span></span></td>
          <td> </td>
          <td><div align="right">* Contact/ Bleep</div></td>
          <td colspan="2"><span id="sprytextfield3">
            <input name="contactno" type="text" id="contactno" tabindex="5" size="10" maxlength="6" />
          <span class="textfieldRequiredMsg">a value is required.</span></span></td>
          <td> </td>
          <td><div align="right">Mobile (optional)</div></td>
          <td colspan="2"><input name="mobile" type="text" id="mobile" tabindex="6" size="25" maxlength="18" />          <span class="textfieldRequiredMsg">A value is required.</span><span class="textfieldInvalidFormatMsg">Invalid format.</span></td>
          <td> </td>
          <td> </td>
          <td colspan="2"> </td>
          <td> </td>
          <td><div align="right">* Job role</div></td>
          <td colspan="2"><span id="spryselect2">
            <select name="jobrole" id="jobrole" tabindex="7">
              <option value="0">Select</option>
              <option value="Doctor">Doctor</option>
              <option value="CNS/NP">CNS/NP</option>
              <option value="Midwife">Midwife</option>
              <option value="Other Staff">Other Staff</option>
              <option value="Nurse IP HCA">Nurse IP &amp; HCA</option>
              <option value="Nurse OP HCA">Nurse OP &amp; HCA</option>
              <option value="IP Physician Assitant">IP Physician Assistant</option>
              <option value="OP Phlebotomist">OP Phlebotmist</option>
              <option value="Pharmacists">Pharmacists</option>
              <option value="Therapist AHP">Therapist &amp; AHP</option>
              <option value="Medical Secretary">Medical Secretary</option>
              <option value="Bed Manager">Bed Manager</option>
              <option value="Medical Record Staff">Medical Records</option>
              <option value="Medical Records Manager">Medical Records Mgr</option>
              <option value="OP Booking Clerk">OP Booking Clerk</option>
              <option value="OP Receptionist">OP Receptionist</option>
              <option value="ED Admin">ED Admin</option>
              <option value="Ward Administrator">Ward Administrator</option>
              <option value="IP Wait List Clerk/Mgr">IP Wait List Clerk/Mgr</option>
              <option value="Antenatal Supervisor">Antenatal Supervisor</option>
              <option value="Clinical Coder">Clinical Coder</option>
              <option value="Clinical Coding Mgr">Clinical Coding Mgr</option>
              <option value="Pi Help Desk Backoffice">Pi Help Desk Analyst/Back Office</option>
          <span class="selectInvalidMsg">Please select a valid item.</span></span></td>
          <td> </td>
          <td><div align="right">* Manager's Name</div></td>
          <td colspan="2"><span id="sprytextfield4">
          <input name="mgrname2" type="text" id="mgrname2" tabindex="8" size="40" maxlength="30" />
          <span class="textfieldRequiredMsg"> a value is required.</span></span></td>
          <td> </td>
          <td><div align="right"></div></td>
          <td colspan="2"> </td>
          <td> </td>
          <td> </td>
          <td colspan="2"> </td>
          <td> </td>
          <td><div align="right">* Course</div></td>
          <td colspan="2"><span id="spryselect3">
            <select name="courses" id="courses" form="form1" tabindex="10" title="course">
              <option value="0">Select</option>
              <option value="Doctors">Doctors</option>
              <option value="Nurse IP">Nurse IP</option>
              <option value="Nurse OP">Nurse OP</option>
              <option value="Midwife">Midwife</option>
              <option value="HCA">HCA</option>
              <option value="Pharmacist">Pharmacist</option>
              <option value="Back Office Staff">Back Office Staff</option>
              <option value="AHP">AHP</option>
              <option value="Pi Help Desk Analyst">Pi Help Desk Analyst</option>
              <option value="Medical Secretary">Medical Secretary</option>
              <option value="OP Phlebotmist">OP Phlebotmist</option>
              <option value="Champion Users Doctors">Champion Users Doctors</option>
              <option value="Champion Users Nurse IP">Champion Users Nurse IP</option>
          <span class="selectRequiredMsg">Please select an item.</span></span></td>
          <td> </td>
          <td><div align="right">* Training Location </div></td>
          <td><span id="spryselect4">
            <select name="troom" required="required" id="troom" form="form1" tabindex="11" title="location">
              <option value="0">Select</option>
              <option value="CXH">Charing Cross</option>
              <option value="HH">Hammersmith Hammersmith</option>
              <option value="QEH">Queen Charlottee Hospital</option>
              <option value="SMH">St Mary's Hospital</option>
              <option value="WEH">Western Eye Hospital</option>
              <option value="SCC">St Charles Community</option>
          <span class="selectRequiredMsg">Please select an item.</span></span></td>
          <td> </td>
          <td> </td>
          <td><div align="right">* CPG</div></td>
          <td><span id="spryselect5">
            <select name="cpg2" required="required" id="cpg2" form="form1" tabindex="12" title="cpg">
              <option value="0">Select</option>
              <option value="CPG 1 Medicine">CPG1 - Medicine</option>
              <option value="CPG 2 Surgery &amp; Cancer">CPG2 - Surgery and Cancer</option>
              <option value="CPG3 Specialist Services">CPG3 - Specialist Services</option>
              <option value="CPG4 Circulatory Services and Renal Medicine">CPG4 - Circulatory Services and Renal Medicine</option>
              <option value="CPG5 Womens and Childrens">CPG5 - Womens and Childrens</option>
              <option value="CPG6 Clinical and Investigative Sciences">CPG6 - Clinical and Investigative Sciences</option>
              <option value="CP7 Private Patients">CPG7 - Private Patients</option>
              <option value="Others">Others</option>
          <span class="selectRequiredMsg">Please select an item.</span></span></td>
          <td> </td>
          <td> </td>
          <td> </td>
          <td><input type="submit" name="submitbt" id="submitbt" value="Submit" /></td>
          <td> </td>
          <td> </td>
          <td> </td>
          <td colspan="2"> </td>
          <td> </td>
          <td><div align="center">* Mandatory Fields</div></td>
          <td colspan="2"> </td>
          <td> </td>
          <td> </td>
          <td colspan="2"> </td>
          <td> </td>
          <td> </td>
          <td colspan="2"> </td>
          <td> </td>
      <input type="hidden" name="MM_insert" value="form1" />
    <p> </p>
    <p> </p>
    <!-- end .content --></div>
  <div class="footer"></div>
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var spryselect4 = new Spry.Widget.ValidationSelect("spryselect4");
var spryselect5 = new Spry.Widget.ValidationSelect("spryselect5", {validateOn:["blur", "change"]});

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    All the user data on your phone is encrypted. When 10 failed attempt occur, the phone just securely erases the encryption key (overwrites it multiple times), then reboots. Without the encryption key present, even though all the data is still there, it cannot be decrypted and read anymore. Its just a load of random bits, and useless. The phone will just go through it's 'factory default' setup and quick format the flash ready to be used again as if it was a completely blank brand-new phone. At no point during any of this process is the system partition (the area that stores ios4) touched, so there is no danger of the phone being "bricked".
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    Still, the warranty is no different than any other warranty on every other product you have ever owned. It is for a specified period (one year being a good length compared to other phones/computers,etc).
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    If you mean restore the iPod via iTunes see:
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    The iPod will be erased and if the iPod can be updated, it will be updated to latest available iOS version.

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    Make sure your Junk Mail settings are properly set up, right now neither of those messages are marked as Junk Mail.  When Mail identifies an item as Junk Mail or you manually do, it will add the text "Mail thinks this message is Junk Mail" or "You marked this message as Junk Mail" to the message.  Right now this just looks like regular SPAM that you might get that hasn't been properly identified as Junk Mail or when Junk Mail Filtering is no enabled.  Remember Mail needs to learn what is and is not Junk Mail over time, so if you have recently reset your mail settings through a reinstall or the like, it may still be learning.
    1.  Do you have a Junk folder (system created) as one of your mailboxes?  If there is none, it means that Junk Mail filtering is not enabled or has been enabled but the system has yet to identify any mail as Junk.
    2.  If you do have a Junk folder, try dragging a piece of mail into the folder to see if the banner I am referring to appears.  It should.  You should be able to unmark the mail and drag it it back in your inbox.
    3.  If you manually mark the mail as Junk, does it move into the Junk folder and have the banner I am referring to?  It should.
    4.  If any of the above is not happening, first check your mail settings using the guides below:
    Mail (Yosemite): Reduce junk mail in your inbox
    Mail (Yosemite): If junk mail filters aren’t working correctly
    If all seems correct and it's still not working right, try rebuilding your mailbox:
    Mail (Yosemite): Rebuild mailboxes
    If none of these help you, please post back and we'll try something else.  Oh, and clear out your Previous Recipients window of any unwanted email addresses.  Anything listed in there is usually ignored by the Junk Mail filters.

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    You can still purchase CS6 products for the time being: reativesuite6.html

  • What happens after the year of subscription?

    I'm thinking about getting the student version of CC. My question now is, what happens after the year of subscription? Will I get any software that is able to open or even alter the my files? Someone told me that I'll get a copy of CS6. Is that correct?

    fullcorn wrote:
    what happens after the year of subscription? Will I get any software that is able to open or even alter the my files? Someone told me that I'll get a copy of CS6. Is that correct?
    No, not correct.
    When you cancel your subscription, or allow it to expire, your subscription software will stop working until you re-start your membership and start paying the monthly fee again.
    You pay, you use. Stop paying, software stops working.

  • What happens after the 1 year subscribtion.

    I bought a one year subscribtion of CC through because I am a teacher at NCOI, a large education institute in the Netherlands. What happens after the one year period? Do I have to renew through How do I keep my subscription and how much is it going to cost?

    Hi Jenne
    Yes, you'd be best to check the renewal options with Surfspot when the 12 months has almost expired.

  • What happens after the 90 days free trial period of Creative Cloud?

    I just wanted to access a free trial Version of InDesign as I didn't have access to my computer with all the Adobe programs back home, but then I ended up (without beeing noticed properly) in the free Creative Cloud test period. Now I'm wondering, what happens after the 90 days, because I can't find any option to delete my Adobe-ID from the Creative Cloud.
    I'm not interested in the paid version of Creative Cloud. How can I delete the connection of my Adobe-ID to Creative Cloud?
    Thanks for your help!

    The free trial is for 30 days, not 90. Just do not want you to be suprised on day 31. And as Cozmicone said a dialog will appear telling you the trial is over and you will no longer be able to run InDesign.

  • HT4113 what happens after the iphone is at iphone disabled wait 60 mins

    what happens after the iphone is at disabled wait 60 mins

    Apple will continue to have service replacements for the iPhone 5 for a long time to come. So if you go to Apple for an exchange, you'll get the same model of iPhone that you turn in. You will not get a 5C.
    As to the price change, there may be nothing to be done, but if you wanted to get the iPhone replaced  but that the Genius could not or would not do the replacement at that time,  talk to the manager of the Apple Store, explain that you were in and reported the problem before the price increase but could not get a replacement then. Perhaps they'll be able to do something for you. If it was your choice not to replace the iPhone, though, then you're probably stuck, just as with any product price increase when you previously elected not to purchase.

  • With my taking any action, my folders and files no longer appear under documents (under Places). Now a folder titled Documents has appeared on my desktop with all my files and folders. What happened?What happened?

    With my taking any action, my folders and files no longer appear under documents (under Places). Now a folder titled Documents has appeared on my desktop with all my files and folders. What happened?What happened?

    The way I moved from 10.3.9 to 10.5.8 was to use "ditto -rsrc" and copy the user homes and the data share to an external firewire drive. Then did the same in reverse.
    I found the key to data and share permissions to make sure that the users had the same UID in Leopard that they had in Panther.
    You can then use "sudo rm -rf" to remove any folder from the relocated homes that you want. Remember if you do choose to remove "~/Library" from each users relocated home, you will be removing any iCal calendars, login.keychains, browser bookmarks, custom screensavers and wallpapers, etc.
    Users don't really care if they can login and do any work. But there will be much wailing, gnashing of the teeth, and anxiety, if they lose their bookmarks and wallpaper.

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