Start GP from VC

Hi experts,
I have a visual composer application compiled in flash. I want to launch a guided procedure on the click of a button. The first step in my guided procedure will be performed by another user, i.e. not the one clicking the button. So, the GP just has to be initiated from my vc application.
In my GP, I use vc iViews as callable objects. As soon as I want to initiate the GP, I receive one of these errors:
"The portal page builder required to execute this callable object is not available."
"Process could not be initiated: The activity could not be read"
Any ideas?`
Thanks in advance and Kind Regards, Benni

Hi Luis, hi Ankur,
thank you for the links. I followed exactly the tutorial (i.e. link 1 and 3). The Blog (link2) is new to me, but sounds very promising. I will try to include a webservice that starts the GP. As far as I know, every guided procedure is accessible through the "GPProcessDiscoveryWSILWeb Service (WS) that Guided Procedures (GP) provides" (see <a href=""></a>
However, I hoped there was an easier way! I can only use flash, as my vc application consumes queries and bapis.
the topic you referred to sounds familiar. Unfortunately, I want to start the process "on click", not via the runtime. So I am afraid that the whole "instantiation" tab of the gp is useless, if you use vc callable objects in your process.
Any more ideas?
Thanks all of you and best Regards,

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       1. Insert the Mac OS X Install disc that came with your computer, then restart the computer while holding the C key.
       2. When your computer finishes starting up from the disc, choose Disk Utility from the Installer menu. (In Mac OS X 10.4 or later, you must select your language first.)
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       4. Click the disclosure triangle to the left of the hard drive icon to display the names of your hard disk volumes and partitions.
       5. Select your Mac OS X volume.
       6. Click Repair. Disk Utility checks and repairs the disk.
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    1.  Whyis the new TB drive recognized in image 1 but still have the original 256GB size still recognized(and almost full) in image 1 also?  The HD should now be 1 TB, not 256 correct?  If this were the case, the HD, would only be fraction of full capacity,  Where is the disconnect between reconizing the installed tb HD but, it not being used?
    2.Image Number 2 shows once again that the new tb internal HD is recognized.  However, in image 3, the HD 256GB drive is still shown underneath the new HD.  Does this show that I am misssing something, some step, related to confirming the new HD should be fully reconized instaed of this old 256 that still remains?
    3.  In image 4, the SATA heading, shows the TB hardrive,  However, in image 5, the 256GB drive is still being shown under the storage heading?  Once again, seems like I've missed some simple step to make this all the same?
    4.Why is the start up from boot up soooo slow now.  I was never even close to this slow(slower than PC startup slow) before the new HD was installed.  IS this common when updraging to a new HD?  Doesn't seem right?
    5.  Why now all of a sudden when the computer finally boots up are certain programs automatically opening up, word, excel, when they have never opened up like this before?
    Summary:  1. New memory issues, 2. Very slow start up, 3.  Programs opening up automatically at startup.
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    All responses welcomed!

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