Starting my component framework

ok so i'm getting into developing my apps with components and
i'm reading a couple of books to help me. However some of the
things these books are saying are conflicting with each other. Like
'Object Oriented Actionscript for Flash 8' by friends of ed is
saying it's best to start from scratch with my own UIObject and go
from there so that i know how everything works from inside out. But
then i am reading other literature wich go from the perspective of
building components by extending, or otherwise using, the flash
component architecture, which seems smart enough, after all if
there is a complete acrchitecture there to begin with, why rebuild
what already works.
However the flash component acrchitecture is huge and
complicated and i could spend years learning how it works properly,
and even then i don't know if it will suit my needs. For example
when it comes to skinning compenents i've had a hard time in the
past and having complex animations between different states of the
component (ie. a tween to take a button from enabled to disabled)
seems to be almost impossible. and if i create a component from
scratch i could build and understand this functionality in from the
Also i'm going to be moving onto actionscript 3.0 soon and
flex builder 2 and i don't know how the component architecture is
gonna differ from what i'm using now.
I'd like to hear from other developers out there the pros and
cons of either side of the argument, and how you guys go about this
side of programming GUIs. Do you use the build in components or do
you have a library of your own componets that you've built from
scratch? Do you extend from the flash comps to build your own or
have you defined your own version of UIObject? Are there different
things to consider when it comes to using AS 3 and Flex 2? How do
you skin your components when absolutly everything needs to be
smoothly animated? Should i put the time and effort into learning
the flash component architecture???
As you can tell, i'm in a bit of a whirle here and i just
wonna get started on the right foot. most of all i just wonna get
on with building the rich apps that are in my head! So any pointers
in the right direction will be much appreciated.

Hi thanks for the reply, i have managed to find out that the oa framework version in my instance that is as below,
OA Framework Version InformationOA Framework Version
MDS Version (build 554)
UIX Version 2.2.22
BC4J Version
But i couldn't find the matched jdeveloper version to use in that note 416708.1 listed. and in my system i have downloaded jdeveloper version is . please suggest me.
Edited by: user549459 on Aug 25, 2008 2:11 PM

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    Hi Igor,
    first of all, I would like to clear up something. There are three 'levels' of customizing considering personalization in WDA. First and lowest Level is the end user Personalization, second level is the adminitrative personalization, third and deepest level is the component and application configuration. To mix these three up together does not make sense.
    Please take a look at these documents:
    Now to your question:
    However, in Settings for Current Configuration popup I see only view UI elements, not context attributes of configuration controller.
    Correct. You can only manipulate UI-Elements with this.
    How can I get to customize attributes of configuration controller and overrun configuration settings?
    Why would you want to overrun configuration settings? If you want to alter Context attributes you should tend to the enhancement framework and do it programatically in my humble opinion.
    Maybe I can help you with your problem if you explain detailed what exactly you are trying to accomplish. Or was this just a question for general understanding?
    Cheers, Lukas

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    That's an odd looking error to see when creating a new project.
    Did you create the project with Dolly?
    Dolly should have set this up correctly.
    Look in your Xcode project.
    In the Groups & Files section you should have a file:
    where the ???? is the short name that you provided in Dolly.
    That contains the method DontDeadStrip() that the compiler is looking for.
    If it's not in the project, check your source folder and drag the ????NoStrip.cpp
    into your project.

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    at com.essbase.eas.framework.defs.ManifestUtilities.callHandlerForDirectory(Unknown Source)
    at com.essbase.eas.framework.defs.ManifestUtilities.callHandlerForDirectory(Unknown Source)
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    Begore post here I tried to extend a OA Framework page, I want to start with simple things, for example change label button, or add a text field to an existing OA page ....
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    I've read about Export and Import utilities and I think that they only can be used to get page XML definition but not to get soruce code ( java & jsp) files...
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    where, how (i guess by ftp) get source code files to be put them into JDEV_HOME directory.....
    Another question is this: I read in OA Framework Dev Guide that if I want to deploy a extended application I must zip up it and then upload it to server directory and uncompress it(maintainin JDEV_HOME structure directory).
    So If someone could help I'll bevery pleaced...
    I'm using Oracle Application 11.5.10 and jdeveloper 9.0.3(Oracle9i JDeveloper Oracle Applications Extension)
    Any comment or advice will be very helpful..........
    Cheerss Noah.

    mmmm, there aren't much responses...
    I'm not sure, but perhaps I didn't explain me correctly:
    My doubt is where I found jsp and java filesand thendownload them to be extended by jdeveloper.
    I don't know if exists a tool or script that do this work easier, because I'm thinking that I must dowload source code from different directories and then allocate this files in adecuate directories in JDEV directories...
    Any comment will be pleased...

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    Hi thanks for the reply, i have managed to find out that the oa framework version in my instance that is as below,
    OA Framework Version InformationOA Framework Version
    MDS Version (build 554)
    UIX Version 2.2.22
    BC4J Version
    But i couldn't find the matched jdeveloper version to use in that note 416708.1 listed. and in my system i have downloaded jdeveloper version is . please suggest me.
    Edited by: user549459 on Aug 25, 2008 2:11 PM

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    Would anyone tell me where i can download ACF alone.
    Thank you

    Also please check the note <b>738891</b> to get to know the related notes of ACF.
    <i><b>Raja Sekhar</b></i>

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    I tried, but no luck.
    ./opmnctl status
    Processes in Instance: EnterpriseManager0.rhel
    ias-component      | process-type       |     pid | status
    DSA                | DSA                |     N/A | Down
    HTTP_Server        | HTTP_Server        |    2459 | Alive
    LogLoader          | logloaderd         |     N/A | Down
    dcm-daemon         | dcm-daemon         |    7308 | Alive
    OC4J               | home               |    2460 | Alive
    OC4J               | OC4J_EM            |    2461 | Alive
    OC4J               | OC4J_EMPROV        |    2463 | Alive
    WebCache           | WebCache           |    2496 | Alive
    WebCache           | WebCacheAdmin      |    2464 | Alive
    Base Exception:
    OracleAS instance: Oracle Home: /u00/oms10g OC4J component: OCMRepeater is down
    opmnctl: stopping opmn managed processes...
    opmn id=rhel:6201
        no enabled components for this request
    Base Exception:
    J2EE application: OCMRepeater has already been deployed. Redeploy needs to be used to override previous deployed application
    opmnctl: starting opmn managed processes...
    opmn id=rhel:6201
        no enabled components for this request

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