Still image video creation

I am dropping still images from an animation program into the program, but it loads each image as 10 frames rather than a single frame. How do I set the framesize to automatically recognize my images as one single frame?

Check user preferences, still image import duration.

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    I am a newer person to editing and I have Adobe Elements Premiere 10 and I wanted to do my first really nice project and when I edited and looked at the video every single picture was blurry, and when I paused the video the picture would go back to normal. I think that the image is too big and I might have to change the pixel size or resolution of it. Please if you have an answer please break down how to fix my problem, because I am only a teenager trying to figure out this editing system! Thanks, Caitlyn

    Welcome to the forum.
    There are several considerations, when doing a SlideShow in PrE.
    The first is, do you have any Video footage?
    If not, then the next quesion is, how do I plan to deliver the final results, such as DVD-Video, BD, or something else?
    Armed with those two answers, the next one is, how can I Scale my Still Images in Photoshop/Photoshop Elements, to match my chosen Project's Frame Size, and this ARTICLE addresses that, plus offers tips for doing that Scaling in Batch with Actions.
    Last, when a Still Image is Imported into PrE, and is placed onto the Timeline, PrE needs to "create" Video from those Still Images. There will be a red line above the Still Images, and for best, and smoothest playback, one needs to Render the Timeline, by hitting the Enter/Return key.
    Hope that this helps,

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    First, read these...
    Photo Scaling for Video
    -Too Large May = Crash
    -And another crash report

  • Turning still images into a video-help please!

    Hello, I have Adobe Premiere Elements 10 editing system, and I am currently working a summer project. One of the things I would like to do is create a video from still images, but I am having a problem, because the images I chose and increased their time line look too choppy, but I want a more flow-ey look. What should the speed or duration be for each picture? Are there other effects that can assist the making of my still picture video? Also, I am up for any other suggestions others have on making a smooth, still image video. Thanks! 

    I was not sure of my schedule for later this evening so I am going to post a sample scenario, assuming that you have Premiere Elements 10 on Windows 7 64 bit.
    1. Place your 10 each at 3680 x 2760 4:3 pixels photos in sequence order in a desktop folder. Do not bother to resize them beforehand ONLY if your Windows 7 is 64 bit and not 32 bit and your installed RAM exceeds 4 GB.
    2. Open Premiere Elements 10 and set the project preset for
    DSLR 1080p30 @ 29.97
    3. Go to Edit Menu/Preferences/General and remove the check mark next to the option "Default Scale to Frame Size".
    4. Next, use Get Media/Files and Folder to bring your desktop folder into the Organize/Media area. From there drag the whole unopened folder to the start of Timeline Video Track 1. When you do, your 10 photos will be on the Timeline in the order that you placed them in the folder.
    5. Click on Photo 1 to select it. Then go to Properties Palette/Motion Panel expanded and the Scale property. Set the Scale at 52.6%.
    6. Go back to the Timeline and click on Photo 1 to select it. Go to Edit Menu, select Copy. Then select the other 9 photos (all at one time), right
    click anywhere in the selection, and select and click on Paste Attributes.
    7. To give a Timelapse effect to your 10 photos, you are going to decrease the duration of each photo. You do not want to be dealing in seconds, rather frames (1 to 5 frames which is 0.033 to 0.165 seconds in a 30 frames per second set up).
    a. first we look at the effect with the photo duration of 5 all 10 photos all at one time....right click anywhere in the selection and select Timeline Stretch. In the Time Stretch dialog change duration from 00;00;05;00 (5 seconds) to 00;00;00;05 (5 frames equivalent to 0.165 seconds)...note the Timelapse effect that is achieved after you render the Timeline content by pressing the Enter key to get the best possible preview of the Timeline content played back in the Edit area monitor.
    b. If you are not satisfied with "a", the repeat, but this time change the duration of all to 00;00;00;03 (3 frames equivalent to 0.150 seconds)...note the Timelapse
    effect that is achieved after you render the Timeline by pressing the Enter key to get the best possible preview.
    c. If you are not satisfied with "b", then repeat, but this time change to the lower possible set 00;00;00;01 (1 frame equivalent to 0.033 seconds)..note the Timelapse effect achieved after you render the Timeline by pressing the Enter key ot get the best possible preview.
    See what that looks like. At this time, I would not bother with transitions. More than one transition placement at a time can be done by selecting all the photos and using Timeline Menu/Apply Default Transition. But, with such short duration photos, I would need to think about changing the transition default duration.
    And, I see no point in pans and zooms with the short duration that are used.
    These are some basic ideas about Timelapse in Premiere Elements.
    ATR Premiere Elements Troubleshooting: PE: Time Lapse Video Basics
    ATR Premiere Elements Troubleshooting: PE: Numbered Stills in Time Lapse and Other Animations
    Notes: To select more than one clip at a time, you can hold down the Shift key and click each photo. Or, you can use the mouse cursor tip to draw a rectangle around the photos to select them.
    Please let us know if any of this needs clarification.
    Thank you.

  • How do I make still Images the same size as the video when importing? CS5

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    The video is 720 x 576 and the image I want to use is 4752 x 3168
    How can I scale it down to fit with the video. Currently it just zooms in to a part of the picture making it pretty useless.
    Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

    I made a tutorial on this exact thing.
    Part One:
    Part Two:

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    What audio output are you using? What mac and version iMovie

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    Double-click on the still image in the project timeline to open the Inspector. In the Inspector, adjust the duration by typing in a new duration to match the length of your music. I think the limit for a still image is 10 minutes. If you need more than this, simply drag the image into the timeline again then adjust its duration. The two images will play seamlessly (no gap will be visible).
    See this iMovie Help topic:
    You can achieve more precision when entering durations by changing a preference in the menu item iMovie Preferences. Check (tick) the preference for Show Time As HH:MM:SS:frames. This will enable you to enter the duration of stills down to the frame level, rather than full seconds (NTSC is 30 frames per second; PAL is 25 fps). When entering times, type a colon between each time segment, such as 2:50:15, which represents 2 minutes 50 seconds and 15 frames. For 5 seconds 20 frames you would enter 5:20 and so forth.
    Note that the music will only run to the length of the video in the timeline (in your case, the still images). So, after increasing the stills duration you will need to drag the end of the music track as far as required. The stills can be dragged inwards to reduce the duration if necessary.
    Message was edited by: John Cogdell - added Note

  • How can I edit a still image so that I can float it over the video?

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    You need to either create an Alpha channel or cut out the area of interest and paste it into a transparent Photoshop document. You can save the former as PSD, TIFF or PNG. Save the latter as TIFF with transparency enabled (shows up in TIFF Options at step 2 of the save dialog).

  • Video out to Sony A1U: Sound, Still Image

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    Hmm... are you playing the DV-NTSC movie from the Viewer window?  Or, do you have it a Sequence that's at DV-NTSC settings?
    What you've described usually happens when the video is not compressed with the DV/DVCPro-NTSC codec.
    But, I'm just taking guess.

  • How to extend audio from a video clip over an adjacent still image

    I'm in iMovie 11.  My project looks like this: video A, transition, still image B, transition, video C.  I want the sound from video C to start playing while still image B is on the screen.  I tried following the iMovie 11 help instructions for extending a video clip's audio.  I click on video C and open the precision editor.  From there I can grab video C and move it back so that it overlaps with the still image, but all that happens is the still image still shows up, without sound, and video clip C starts in the middle.  The help instructions seem to indicate that I should be able to drag only the audio and make that overlap the still image, but it's not happening.  Either the video and audio move together, or nothing moves.
    When I try detatching video C from its audio, I just end up with a big mess because later the audio and video don't synch up.
    What am I doing wrong?

    I am having the same challenge... any tips here would help me out in a big way. I recorded my boss tdoing a training session and now I would like to have the powerpoint slides change as necessary - but I want the audio to remain. I would love to just get the slides to change rather than back to full before bringing up the next slide. Jim, if you come up with anything, let me know. I have VC2 pro.

  • Still image pixel aspect ratio wrong in exported video (but correct in Premiere renders)

    I've saved a targa still image from my footage and added it to the bin. It's properties show as follows:
    Image Size: 1440 x 1080
    Pixel Aspect Ratio: 1.3333
    This correctly matches my sequence settings as I'm working with 1080p widescreen footage.
    The image appears as expected in the Program window both before and after rendering previews. However, once I export my sequence as a video file, the still image is squashed (displaying incorrectly):
    A work around would be to stretch out the still to a width of 1920 in Premiere so that the export displays it back at its normal aspect ratio - which works - but I don't understand why I should have to do this.
    The other solution I found was to go to the bin and 'Modify > Interpret Footage' and although "Use Pixel Aspect Ratio from File" already shows the correct settings, to actively reset it (to the same pixel aspect ratio)  with the 'Conform to' option:
    This works too.
    Surely a bug?
    (using Premiere Pro CC)

    Thanks for the quick reply. But then why does the still's properties (in my bin) show the pixel aspect ratio as 1.3333 (not square pixels, 1.0) and should it not appear incorrectly in both the preview renders and the exported video ? This seems inconsitent to me.

  • How to superimpose still images onto video?

    Hi there,
    I'm an absolute beginner with iMovie (and video editing in general), so please forgive my ignorance!
    OK, my question is this: Is it possible to superimpose still images on top of video in iMovie, and if so how? I'm using iMovie because it has a reputation for ease of use, and yet I can't figure out how to do this... Basically, all I want to do is take a single piece of video about 5 minutes long and periodically fade in and fade out some still images on top of the action. Am I being too ambitious here?! Should I just give up on the idea...?!
    Any help or advice would be very gratefully received!

    Just in case anyone else is interested in doing something similar - I found two (commercial) solutions to this problem:
    Gee Three software's 'Slick 4 - Hollywood edition' plug-ins package includes 'Picture-in-Picture' - $50 (also includes three other great effects):
    cf/x's 'Picture in Clip (Static)' does exactly the same, but only costs a bargain $1.50 - available here:

  • Stacking video frames to make still image - help please

    I want to take 2 seconds of video ( 60 frames )and stack all the video frames to make one still image.
    I just tried to do this in Photoshop CS3 but found out that this requires CS3 extended version. Is there a stacking feature in Final Cut Express? ( Or in iMovie6 ?)
    Any ideas welcome as to how to accomplish this task.
    Thank you in advance.

    I would say the best advice has already been given, which would be to use a still camera with a long shutter speed. However I suspect you already have your footage and would need to wait for another opportunity to do this. I'd say the next best option would be a motion blur filter, I think stacking each frame would have its problems.
    You can easily export your 2 seconds of video to single frame images by exporting to an image sequence, you could then import each still as a layer into photoshop. You would probably find that other stars (having 60 images on top of each other) would be very bright and stand out like a bird of paradise's mating ritual, unless you adjusted the opacity of each which you would likely need to do for the whole of the image excepting the shooting star. I'd say it can be done, but it sounds like a bit of work.

  • Video Still Image Enhancement Software

    I was wondering if anyone out there can give me some assistance. We video horse shows and at a show last week we had some requests we have never had to deal with before -- a bunch of people wanting still images from our video. (The photographer at the show was not good at all and took few if any action shots).
    At any rate, we collected names and numbers and told the people who asked we'd try. I've pulled stills off video before and used them on the covers of some of the training DVDs we've produced, but I've never tried to blow them up to anything beyond a 1 or 2 inch shot. These people would be happy with a 4x6.
    Knowing that I have a number of folks out there who would pay for even a "reasonably" clear still image, I was wondering if there was any software newly available that helped boost the resolution of a video still and/or software that increased the quality of image.
    I did some quick research on the web and found a Windows product called Topaz Moments and a Adobe Premere plug-in from RedHawkVision, but nothing that was a stand alone (or FCP compatible/Quicktime Compatible) product for Mac OSX. These products seemed to tout they did a multiple frame combine to render a sharper image than a single frame grab.
    Any help provided would be greatly appreciated.

    Captures from DV video are 720x480 non-square pixels. The equivalent of a really cheap still camera c. 2000 (640x480 pixel image)
    To get the best possible image pick a segment where there is NO or VERY LITTLE motion. The more motion,the more interlacing problems.
    If you have interlacing issues (usually evidenced by jagged vertical lines), you may need to deinterlace the image, which basically means, you are throwing away half the vertical resolution in order to clear up the jaggies. The outcome of this is your image is effectively now a 640 x240 pixels, though the 240 will be doubled through digital trickery to become 480 again. Nevertheless, the resolution IS significantly decreased.
    If you figure you will print these images out at 150 dpi, your 640x480 image is slightly wider than 4 inches and higher than 3 inches. 4x6 is possible but temper expectations before you hand them the prints.
    Good luck.
    FWIW, if you think you are going to have continued requests for stills, you will be much better served by an inexpensive (or expensive as your business model provides) digital camera for stills.
    Good luck.

  • Youtube videos becoming green and still image?

    I started watching some videos and after 10 minutes, what i could see was a green still image... Thought that this was not something that i should not worry about, but today it happened again! Now, i cannot watch any video.
    P.S. if that helps, i tried to watch a youtube video which was on a webpage with safari. For a couple of moments, everything was fine, but soonly, it turned into a green image, the same that happens now with the youtube app!!!!

    Well, First of all, some of my .PDF files started to disappear without any reason, a year or so ago, a couple of months ago the "message" started to come up everytime I tried to shut it down or re start it. Then, the YouTube videos went "green" on Internet Explorer, and then on Google Chrome too! A couple of weeks ago any video saved on my Laptop, started to go "black", the same pattern, only audio could be heard, no images. It took a little while, I mean, after turning on my Laptop, 30 minutes or 2 hours later, tops, the YT videos would turn green,after watching 2 to 6 six videos on YT. and black, on Windows Media, at the same time, whenever I tried to play any video.
    Then I tried the link that I posted before. And my Laptop is getting slower after that, the display has "blinked", 1 or 2 times this past week. Internet Explorer "crashes", and I have to re-open my "session" to see my previous visited sites. I think this last part, is normal, since everytime IE fails and you have to "close the program", and then open it again, it doesn't scare me.
    What does scare me is to have a virus, or mallware. I have an antivirus, McAfee Security Center. And, I don't know what else to say.
    I use my laptop to record music, I have 2 programs for that, and 1 or 2 more that came with a guitar pedal and a keyboard, and I don't know if I should have just one, instead of 2 programs (DAWs) installed on my laptop, does that affect my Laptop?
    Thanks for replying.

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