Stocks: How to add Dow Jones Index?

This is quite strange.
After clicking the + sign and typing 'dow' in Yahoo Finance, there isn't a listing for the Dow Jones Index. The closest is the Industrial Average.
How do I add it?

Stewie Grif.,
The iPhone gets the stock information from Yahoo's data feeds. If you are in doubt what symbol to use for an index or a specific fund, searching for it on Yahoo Finance will give you the symbol to use.
Hope this helps,
Nathan C.

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    thanks a lot. I did so and it worked, but I found a minor bug while doing so:
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    The path is SPRO > Global Enhancements to Project Elements > Setup field control.Herein,once you select the field control you may proceed towards defining the conditions that influence the same. A step by step approach is explained in the below article  that will aid you to change properties of custom fields.
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    Hi Sanjana,
    What you can do is to use the ABAP keyword INSERT or MODIFY to add or modify records to a given database table. Here are the syntax taken from SAP documentation:
    *Insert Statement
    INSERT dbtab
    INSERT { {INTO target VALUES source }
           | {     target FROM   source } }.
    The INSERT statement inserts one or more rows specified in source in the database table specified in target. The two variants with INTO and VALUES or without INTO with FROM behave identically, with the exception that you cannot specify any internal tables in source after VALUES.
    System Fields
    The INSERT statement sets the values of the system fields sy-subrc and sy-dbcnt.
    sy-subrc Meaning
    0 At least one row was inserted.
    4 At least one row could not be inserted, because the database table already contains a row with the same primary key or a unique secondary index.
    The INSERT statement sets sy-dbcnt to the number of rows inserted.
    The inserted rows are finally included in the table in the next database commit. Up until this point, they can still be removed by a database rollback.
    *Modify Statement
    MODIFY dbtab
    MODIFY target FROM source.
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    System fields
    The MODIFY statement sets the values of the sy-subrc and sy-dbcnt system fields.
    sy-subrc Meaning
    0 At least one line is inserted or changed.
    4 At least one line could not be processed since there is already a line with the same unique name secondary index in the database table.
    The MODIFY statement sets sy-dbcnt to the number of processed lines.
    The changes are transferred finally to the database table with the next database commit. Up to that point, they can be reversed using a database rollback.
    Hope it helps...
    P.S. Please award points if it helps...

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    the fact that your question is posted in Order Management section, does the move order automatically generated by OM?
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      2  /
    CREATE INDEX test_nclob ON test (nclob1) indextype is ctxsys.context
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    ORA-06512: at "CTXSYS.DRUE", line 160
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    hi ,
    refer SAP online hep :
    Implementing Enhancements in a View
    To enhance the layout of the view, you can create new UI elements. This procedure is no different u2013 from a technical viewpoint u2013 from creating UI elements in components themselves. All UI elements created within the enhancement implementation can then be processed as usual.
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    refernce :
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    PS C:\scripts> C:\Scripts\updatedefaultvalue.ps1
    Cannot index into a null array.
    At C:\Scripts\updatedefaultvalue.ps1:8 char:7
    + IF($i[ <<<< "Title"] -eq $null)
        + CategoryInfo          : InvalidOperation: (Title:String) [], RuntimeExce
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : NullArray
    $web = Get-SPWeb http://tspmcwfe:89/
    $list = $web.Lists["test"]
    $item = $list.Items | Where { $_["Name"] -eq "Emc" }
    foreach($i in $items)
    IF($i["Title"] -eq $null)
             $i["Title"] = "test"
    Why are you piping a where in the items? Do you only want to add the "test" to ones matching
    a name?
    If you have ISE installed on your server I recommend you put your code in there and debug it. 
    If this is helpful please mark it so. Also if this solved your problem mark as answer.

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    Edited by: neha1.gpta on Jun 8, 2010 1:14 PM

    Use the function module REUSE_ALV_FIELDCATALOG_MERGE
    Then use the structure MEREP_OUTTAB_EBANACC to create the field catalogue
    Now call the REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY with your internal table it would work.
         i_program_name               = sy-repid
         I_INTERNAL_TABNAME           =
         i_structure_name             = 'MEREP_OUTTAB_EBANACC '
         I_CLIENT_NEVER_DISPLAY       = 'X'
         I_INCLNAME                   =
         I_BYPASSING_BUFFER           =
         I_BUFFER_ACTIVE              =
         ct_fieldcat                  = it_fieldcat
         inconsistent_interface       = 1
         program_error                = 2
         OTHERS                       = 3
    LOOP AT it_fieldcat INTO wa_fieldcat
        WHERE fieldname = 'CONTRACT' OR
              fieldname = 'ZUPDCIND' .
        IF wa_fieldcat-fieldname = 'CONTRACT'.
          wa_fieldcat-hotspot = c_x.
          MODIFY it_fieldcat FROM wa_fieldcat.
        ELSEIF wa_fieldcat-fieldname = 'ZUPDCIND'.
          DELETE it_fieldcat INDEX sy-tabix.
          MODIFY it_fieldcat FROM wa_fieldcat.
          is_layout                         = gs_layout
          it_fieldcat                       = it_fieldcat
          t_outtab                          = it_output1
    Edited by: mukesh mahajan on Jun 8, 2010 1:38 PM

  • How to get the column index inside a dataTable

    before I get staked, there are multiple threads handling familiar topics to the one I'm questioning about but none gives an anwer. If there is one, I'm propably to less skilled to see it.
    So here is my Problem: I've build a web-interface to a time-recording system. The hours worked on a certain project are displayed in a dataTable component which is generated out of a mySQL Query. Each entry (column/row) contains a inputText component to display and edit the specific value.
    Editing one of these inputText elements now fires a valueChangeEvent which reads the new value and stores it in the database. For that cause I need to know the row- and column-index of the inputText component that fired the event.
    Using the getClientId method from the valueChangeEvent I get some Information which makes it possible to calculate the row/column index. A typical clientID looks like "form_table:mainTable:0:_id14". "form_table" is the ID of the form the dataTable is in. "mainTable" is the id of the dataTable component. "0" is the row the component is in. And finally "_id14" stands for the id randomly given to the inputText component by JSF.
    My Problem is now, that though I can calculate the column out of the[i] "_id14", this calculation is hardcoded. So everytime I add a component in before the dataTable, the calculation needs to be adjusted in the code.
    The Questions:
    - How to force a sensefull id indicating a column-index for the inputText components inside the columns of a dataTable?
    - Nicer since no workaround: How to get the column-index inside the dataTable on a natural way? (e.g. out of the valueChangeEvent the specific inputText component fires)
    After some investigation here on the board and on the net I know multiple ways to get the row index, (Things like component-binding and so on) but I can't find a answer on how to get the column-index.
    Thanks to all answers and/or links to things my eyes missed while searching for one.

    ...then index 0 becomes index 1 and my program doesn't work properlyThe program works properly, just not as you expect it to.
    As you've noticed the table gives you the flexibility to move columns around. So if you move column 0 to column 1, why would you expect to still use 0 as the index? The table manages the reordering of columns for you to make sure the data being displayed in each table column comes from the correct column in the data model.
    You can manage this yourself using one of the following methods (I forget which one):
    table.convertColumnIndexToModel(int viewColumnIndex)
    table.convertColumnIndexToView(int modelColumnIndex)
    Or, you can get data from the data model directly:
    table.getModel().getValueAt(row, 0);

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    Thank You Mathan MP,
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    Bookmarks have been removed from Pages 5 along with 90+ other features. 2bc797f0c2dbd918f4c&mforum=iworktipsntrick
    You may have Pages '09 still in your Applications/iWork folder.
    The T.O.C. does not index text inside objects which includes Tables.

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    Best Regards,
    Badr NASSER

    There are instruction in the manual that came with the computer. Set the drive jumper to CS (Cable Select). You will need to remove the tray's lip.
    Be careful not to pinch or cut the cables when reinstalling the drive carrier.

Maybe you are looking for