
I tried to set the stoke .25pt or .2pt it will not work nor will Align Stroke. I have used illustrator since version 2. Please help out. I brought this part of upgrade from CS2 to CS5.

Presuming this is not a laguage setting issue (, instead of .), it may be worth trying to Ctrl+Alt+Shift/Cmd+Option+Shift during startup or to Move the folder in order to reset (some of) the preferences.
Edit: Or what Tie & Die said.

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    Tom Wolsky wrote:
    You can't change the timebase of a project once there is video in it. Make a new custom project at the right frame rate and copy from the old project and paste into the new one.
    Ok noted with thanks, Tom

  • Illustrator CS6 Path not aligned to stoke or fill.

    I've been having a problem in illustrator for the last couple of days that I haven't had before. It doesn't just happen with this graphic, it has happened with other objects, even happened with a circle yesterday. It doesn't happen to all objects on the artboard though, just particular ones.
    I've drawn these shapes with the pen tool, but the stoke and fill aren't aligned aligned with the path that I've drawn. It's causing issues when I resize (see image below) and also when I align. It aligns the path correctly but because that image doesn't match the path it looks wrong.
    Any ideas? Am I missing something or is it some kind of glitch?

    Hi Scott.
    Thanks for replying. No effects. I just drew it with the pen tool. Align to Pixel Grid is un-checked. I thought that might be the issue when searching through other questions, but it did nothing.

  • Illustrator brushtool NOT displaying brush stoke in realtime... Please help!

    I been a hunting for a solution to my problem for a while now and am desperate to find out why it's happening and how to fix it
    When I apply a brushstroke with my brushtool, No stroke displays itself in Realtime until I end the stroke.
    And the other weirdest thing is it only on part of my monitor screen (right side) is where it doesn't show in realtime ... the other 2/3 of the screen it does show while doing the stroke action in realtime.
    So if I'm doing a stoke with my brush tool from right to the left of my screen, nothing will show until it reaches a certain point on my screen, then from there on it displays in realtime as it's supposed to. Once I lift the brush and end the stroke only then does the full stroke reveal itself. And if I do it from left to right of the screen then opposite happens i.e. ... 1st one can see the stroke in realtime, but then it disappears once my stroke action reaches the specific area of my screen.
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    I'm working on a laptop i7 8gigram, Win7 64bit.
    Please I'd really badly like a solution to this problem.

    Hi Cari
    Thanks for your quick response. I'm using CS6 with latest update (it also happened before the update, was hoping the update would fix it)
    I'm using various calligraphy brush tools which again I say seems to display ONLY on the right hand side 2/3 of my monitor screen, it stops displaying at a very clear and crisp area down the one side of my screen.
    The files I'm working on aren't very large at all, between 5 and 8 megabytes in size. At the moment I'm only doing "line-art" with no special fills or effects, as I then take the line art afterwards to pPhotoshop for coloring.
    However, I have now noticed ... that if I open only one file (5-8mb), it all seems to be working fine, but the moment I open more that one file (even just 2 files at the same time), THEN the problem seems to occur.
    So I'm thinking MAYBE it is a memory issue, ... but then again I don't understand why because the files are so small ... I have 8gig ram, Win 7 64bit.
    Also regarding the scratch disc ... I made a separate partition of about 50gig which I use as the scratch disc instead of using the "start-up" or same partition that my OS is on ... that should be sufficient shouldn't it for the small size files I'm working with?
    I'm not using the "secondary scratch-disc" as I for one don't know how it would effect it, and also if I did would making a nother 2nd partition for this actually be right and would it make any difference?

  • Stoke behind text problem?

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    As you can see ive applied the stroke behind the text. what i dont want though is such a big stroke on the outside of the text? Please help!!

    It is true that you can create the appearance described in post #8 in a simpler way without expanding as follows,
    1) Create the live Type;
    2) In the Appearance palette flyout click Add New Fill and drag it down beneath the Characters;
    3) With the Fill selected in the Appearance palette, change the colour as desired, then Effect>Path>Offset Path by a positive amount sufficient to give you a sufficient filling between the letters, then Effect>Pathfinder>Unite or Merge, then Effect>Path>Offset Path by a negative amount that gives you the desired appearance round the outermost individual letters (the difference between the needed offset applied first and the desired addition to the letters),
    but as I forgot to mention my assumption that you would wish to reshape certain parts of the background transitions, such as S to t, y to C, and C to l, when the overall shape is established. To do that (properly), I believe you will need to expand.
    So, the simplest way may be as described above with 3 steps, and then Object>Expand Appearance and reshape the background transitions between letters if wished/needed.
    Basically it is the same procedure, where the crucial three steps are offset > unite/merge > reversed offset (smaller value).

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    I dont get this at all, new estate and **bleep** infrastructure, can anyone help me out on this please.

    no you have to wait until OPENREACH upgrade the cabinet there are many reasons for delays
    Within an exchange area there will be some customers who can't get BT Infinity. There are several reasons why this could be the case:
    Your phone line may be connected directly to the telephone exchange and not to a local street cabinet.
    Your line may be too far from the local street cabinet to have a stable BT Infinity service.
    Your local street cabinet may not be suitable for fibre optic cables.
    We haven't yet got the council's planning permission to do the necessary work at your local street cabinet.
    So, even though you may be within an enabled exchange area, it's possible that your particular line may not be able to have BT Infinity yet.
    Our availability checker at has the latest detail about what speed your line can provide.
    If you want to say thanks for a helpful answer,please click on the Ratings star on the left-hand side If the reply answers your question then please mark as ’Mark as Accepted Solution’

  • Trying to delete everything without a stoke or fill

    var doc = app.activeDocument;
    for(var i=doc.pathItems.length-1; i>-1; i--){
    if(pathItem.filled==false && pathItem.stroked==false)    //I think this is where the error is
      alert("Found "+pathItem);
    So I am trying to find everything that does not have a stoke or fill and then delete it. I used this as a reference Finding pathItems that have no fill and no stroke Not sure what I did wrong I am new to javascript. Any help would be great I've been at this all day and it is very frustrating lol. I have CS6.

    Hi djbgraphicdesign,
    in your example pathItem is not defined. Please use doc.pathItems[counter] instead.
    var doc = app.activeDocument;
    for(i = doc.pathItems.length-1; i >= 0; i--){
    if(doc.pathItems[i].filled == false && doc.pathItems[i].stroked == false)
      alert("Found " + doc.pathItems[i] + " i");
    This should do the job.
    (You can also use a variable for doc.pathItems and use this variable instead.)
    Have fun

  • Why does the eraser tool leave a stoke behind?

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    Please help I don't remember having this problem in the past but I am lost and I really need your help as soon as possible!

    Look into the path eraser tool, which you can get to by clicking and holding on the pencil tool. Or you may have started with a broken circle in the past, rather than one that is connected the full 360°.
    The top tool is the path eraser tool.

  • How do I convert a stoke to a shape?

    I have a 1pt stoke around a logo. How do i make the stoke a shape so it no longer is treated as a stoke when i scale the logo or recolour it.

    i would select the logo and the stroke together.  group them (ctrl+g on pc).  then select the grouped image.  then to go "object" and select "expand."

  • HT201274 After doing this my iPhone got stoke in the loading circle. How can I make it work again?

    After doing this my iPhone got stoke in the loading circle. How can I make it work again?

    Try connecting it to your computer and restoring it by going to the Summary tab of your iTunes sync settings and clicking on Restore (see  If that doesn't work you'll have to put it into recovery mode and restore it, as described here:

  • Change Stoke Weight PER Anchor Point

    I was wondering if in a future release of Illustrator if it would be possible to be able to have the option to change the weight (or thickness) on an anchor point by anchor point basis. Picture a straight segment (line) made up of two anchor points (drawn with the pen tool).
    I would like the ability to click on the first anchor point and change the weight (stroke / thickness) of that anchor point to 1 pt then click on the second anchor point and change it's stoke to 5 pts. I would like the line segment to be 1 pt thin at the beginning and for it to gradually get thicker until it reaches a 5 pt thickness at the second anchor point.
    In addition to that I would like to be able to do this with all of the Illustrator drawing tools, for example: Using the square tool, to be able to start the whole square at 1 pt stoke thickness... but then be able to select one of it's corner anchor points and change that one point to 3 pt thickness and have the attached segments get progressively thinner going down to the other 1 pt anchor points.
    I hope I've explained that well enough. If you need examples please let me know.
    Cindy Colby
    [email protected]

    That request comes up here all the time. It really isn't workable. You'll soon find that you don't want the thickness settings to be locked to the positions of anchorpoints, because you're not going to want the
    thicknesses to be locked to the
    shape of the spine path.
    So on-object variable thickness control would end up requiring yet another set of handles along the path, just for controlling thickness. I serously question the real-world value of this.
    Look, you want to be able to vary the thickness of a stroke. You can already do that with an Art Brush. Example:
    1. Rectangle Tool. Draw a square.
    2. Rotate Tool. Rotate it 45 degrees.
    3. Remove Anchorpoint Tool. Click the left anchorpoint to remove it.
    4. Drag the resulting triangle to the Brushes Palette. Define an Artbrush.
    Now draw a path of any shape. Apply the Brush. You now have a "stroke" that increases thickness along the path.
    But you want it lighter or heavier weight overall. Adjust the stroke weight in the Stroke dialog.
    You want it going in the opposite direction. Change the direction of the path, change the direction of the Brush, change the direction of the Brush as it is applied to just that path (doubleClick its listing in the Appearance Palette), or make a pair of Brushes from the beginning (as I often do).
    But you said you want the start of the path to be 1 pt, not zero, and then to be 5 pt. at the end. Fine. Instead of a triangle, create your ArtBrush from a trapezoid instead of a triangle.
    Now... apply that trapezoid Brush to an ess curve. Works fine. Starts at 1 pt.; increases weigth to 5 pt. at the other end. But now you decide you want it to start at 5 pt., shrink to 1 pt. at the middle of the ess, then increase to 5 pt. toward the end.
    Now, you could easily build a Brush that does that, too, but consider this:
    So you use one of the methods explained above to make a "reverse" of the trapezoid Brush. You cut the ess path at the middle, where you want the thin to occur, and reverse the direction of one half.
    Now you encounter one of the key problems with all these half-baked suggestions for on-object stroke weight adjustment handles: The place where the "thin" changes directions has a kink in it. Do you want that kink? Sometimes yes, sometimes no. How will you control the "smoothness" of the change of direction of the stroke weight curve? Your tidy interface is going to have to get more complicated. It's going to have to include some kind of "direction handles" at each of the weight-change key points.
    Now I ask you: What feature in AI already gives you that control? Answer: ArtBrushes.
    Now consider the real-world practicality of all this. What do you want to use this for? Drawing calligraphy-like flourishes? You try that with any more than one or two intermediate thickness keys along a given curve, and you'll find the smoothness of the result is quite difficult to control. An ArtBrush thoughtfully-built from a simple geometric primitive is easier to control.
    Or do you want to use it to give your cartoon line drawings more of a hand-drawn look that is more convincing than the almost always unsatisfying results of Calligraphic Brushes? Do you really want to adjust handles on each and every path you draw in a cartoon? Try some of my simple geometric ArtBrushes and see if you
    really need more than two or three variants to get the look that you want.
    The idea sounds great on the surface, but if you give careful thought to the actual implementation, you'll find it isn't as workable as you first think. And for the vast majority of
    practical uses, simple ArtBrushes already facilitate it.
    Some here have even mocked-up elaborate fake "interfaces" for a separate window in which to tediously describe a "profile" of a varying stroke that would then later be added to paths; all the while failing to realize that is essentially what ArtBrushes
    already are--except you don't need a separate dialog to do it; you can do it right there on the artboard, and then update the ArtBrush.
    I fully expect that if Adobe spent development time in pursuit of a separate dedicated interface and feature set for this, the end result would be as awkward to actually use as the on-path handles for pathType objects, and as tedious and time-wasteful as all the tweaks and twiddles in LiveTrace.
    All that's really needed is a few thoughtful improvements to the already-existing Brushes feature set. How about an "isolation mode" (or edit window) for Brushes, instead of having to drag an existing Brush onto the artboard, edit it, and then drag it back to update it? Then do some work on improving the mitering of Brushes where they encounter corners and sharp bends in the spine path.
    The usefulness of other Brushes (particularly Pattern Brushes) would benefit hugely from just a few similarly modest improvements, too.

  • Is there anyway to chage the stoke on the pen tool?

    Hi I want to use the pen tool but it doesn't look to good with the rounded ends. Iv noticed the brush tool automatically makes a tipped end with the stroke and im wondering can you do this with the pen tool?
    The red is what I want but seeing how i only have a mouse I need to use the pen tool
    The blue is the pen tool with the ugly rounded edges id like it to look like the red stoke.

    You may want to try out the new Variable Width Strokes that lets you do exactly that and very conveniently!
    Variable Width Tool with Tweening support is a new addition in Flash Pro CC 2014 that just released. You can get this latest release from your Creative Cloud App.
    Along with this, there have been several other new additions. Complete list is available at these links:
    Whats new:
    Release Notes:

  • On shops in europe (Berlin, Amsterdam) Do you always have in stok a macbook pro with an only English keyborad?

    On shops in europe (Berlin, Amsterdam) Do you always have in stok a macbook pro with an only English keyborad?

    This is not Apple. This is a user forum. We are all users like yourself. Check the stores in those cities for your answer.

  • Delete a stoke outline shape

    Version: Adobe Illustrator CS5.1
    So could someone help me with a little problem.
    I created a logo using a font then converted it to an object. The font wasn't thin enough!
    I then added a white stroke to get the font/ shape to the right thickness, now I need to start using the logo for other stuff and creating white versions so I need to delete the stoke outline so it cuts the shape to the needed size.
    Thanks in advance

    Instead of a white stroke, you may use Object>Path>Offset Path with a negative value, then hide/delete the original path.

Maybe you are looking for

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