Stop playing email ringtone

Is there a way to stop playing a new mail ringtone. For example I have the Alarm ringtone set for new email. When a new email arrives it starts playing the Alarm ringtone. I look at the email and it keeps playing the Alarm ringtone. Why does it keep playing the ringtone, I'm looking at the email? The phone doesn't keep ringing after I answer it. I can't even turn down the volume of the ringtone.
The reason it needs to be a loud ringtone is because it needs to wake me up in the middle of the night. However it doesn't need to keep playing after I've looked at the email.
If it can't be done is there an app that will stop it's notification once the email is viewed?
I thought I was going to be able to do it using Notifications, but it looks like Notifications is visual notification only.

Do you have a long ringtone assigned to these types of messages?  Different OS versions on the phone can sometimes handle this differently.  Try a shorter message notifier, not a long mp3.
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    Try a Battery pull please, with the BlackBerry device powered ON, remove the battery 15 seconds and then reinsert the battery to reboot device. This will clear all cache like rebooting a PC. Then try again and see if your problem persists.
    Click here to Backup the data on your BlackBerry Device! It's important, and FREE!
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    BES 12 and BES 5.0.4 with Exchange 2010 and SQL 2012 Hyper V

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    Mike N. (nahyun...
    Posts: 2,814
    From: New York, NY
    Registered: Oct 1, 2003
    Re: itune application and itune folder
    Posted: Jun 27, 2007 7:16 AM in response to: Austin Smith2
    Reply Email
    Deleting the application rarely solves anything on Macs. A better starting point is normally to delete the preference file for the application (in Users/~/Library/Preferences/ or see if you have the same problem in another user account on the computer.
    PM MDD(1.25GHz 1.25G-RAM 320G-HD) Mac OS X (10.4.10) 20"ACD USB2Connect MacBook (2.0 White)-2GB Report this post
    Austin Smith2
    Posts: 118
    Registered: Oct 31, 2001
    Re: itune application and itune folder
    Posted: Jun 27, 2007 12:51 PM in response to: Mike N. (nahyun...
    Reply Email
    Mike, deleting the preferences did the trick, but I don't know why. Itunes downloaded 5 days of podcast! Hurray!! Thank you!!!!!!!!!

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    I have a problem that may be related. Here is the summary: M"any mp3's will not play in iTunes or in my iPod, but they used to before the recent versions of iTunes came out. These same mp3 files play fine in Windows Media Player, just not iTunes. The files are listed in iTunes/iPod, just simply will not play when you click the play button (nothing happens at all). These are all songs I bought on CD and imported. When I click "get info" on these files, the summary tab is missing information that is listed for the mp3's that still play correctly. The missing info is all in the column on the right (Format, Channels, ID3 Tag, Encoded with). " Does this sound like the same problem you have?

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    appyammers wrote:
    my i phone 5 has stopped sending emails,it has been playing up since 7.02 update
    A single email account has 2 different servers, one for receiving and one for sending. BOTH have to be set up separately. I sounds like your outgoing server has "forgotten" your user ID and password.
    Sometimes the two servers have the same URL, sometimes different, but even if they are the same URL they use different ports (which essentially makes them different servers) and must still be set up separately.
    When you set up the account, after entering your user ID and password for receiving, you must tap the Outgoing (SMTP*) server settings, and enter the server address and your user ID and password a second time for the outgoing server. I know it says "optional", but that is only optional from the phone's perspective; it is not optional from the server's perspective, except in very rare situations where the outgoing server can only be accessed over a private network, and not over the Internet ( is an example of an exception; it is AT&T's cellular network SMTP server). The reason it won't automatically use your incoming user ID and password is because there is no requirement that they be the same; for example, you can use Google's SMTP server for sending and a different ISP's server for receiving.
    *SMTP - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol

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