Stop random button animations playing

Hi. I'm sure this is a common problem, but can't find any
I have created a menu structure with buttons that play an
animation on mouseover and stop on mouse out (thus returning to
frame 1). Only problem is, sometimes when the page is loaded an
animation will play without any interaction, also if the mouse is
moved too quick, the mouseout code isn't triggered and the
animation keeps playing.
How do I stop this from happening? Thank you.

Change it to start on click and stop on click on a different
Or, create a movieClip with a button1 on frame one and a
different button2
on frame 2.
When the user clicks button1, gotoAndStop frame 2.
When a user clicks button2, gotoAndStop frame 1.
On frame 1 put the code:; //the instance name of your animation
On frame 2 put the code;
Dan Mode
*THE online Radio*
*Must Read*
*Flash Helps*
"flanky" <[email protected]> wrote in
news:e9erlp$drh$[email protected]..
> Hi. I'm sure this is a common problem, but can't find
any answers...
> I have created a menu structure with buttons that play
an animation on
> mouseover and stop on mouse out (thus returning to frame
1). Only problem
> is,
> sometimes when the page is loaded an animation will play
without any
> interaction, also if the mouse is moved too quick, the
mouseout code isn't
> triggered and the animation keeps playing.
> How do I stop this from happening? Thank you.

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    If you downloaded iOS 6 - YouTube is no longer included in the iOS.
    If you are not running iOS 6 - go to Settings>General>Restrictions and see if you restricted YouTube.
    If it isn't restricted.Swipe from screen to screen and look for it. If you still can't find it....
    You can reset the home screen layout and the icon will reappear - but the home screen will return to the way that it looked when you first activated your iPad. Settings>General>Reset>Reset Home Screen Layout.
    For the videos - quit the app completely and then restart the iPad and try again.
    Go to the home screen first by tapping the home button. Double tap the home button and the task bar will appear with all of your recent/open apps displayed at the bottom. Tap and hold down on any app icon until it begins to wiggle. Tap the minus sign in the upper left corner of the app that you want to close. Tap the home button or anywhere above the task bar. Restart the iPad.
    Restart the iPad by holding down on the sleep button until the red slider appears and then slide to shut off. To power up hold the sleep button until the Apple logo appears and let go of the button.
    Or ... Reboot the iPad by holding down on the sleep and home buttons at the same time for about 10-15 seconds until the Apple Logo appears - ignore the red slider - let go of the buttons.
    Or...Swipe to the right from your first home screen to get to the iPad Spotlight search. Type in the name of any of your movies in the field at the top. When the movie appears in the search - tap on it and it should start to play. Let it play for a minute or so - hit done - go back to videos app and see if all is OK.

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    stop_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,clickha ndler);
    function clickhandler(event:MouseEvent):void{
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    I also can send you the Fla.

    You should consider using the Sound class. Here's a quick overview of it:
    You'll be able to add event listeners to the sound to know when it completes so you can execute more code, such as swapping the play and stop button. There is an example in that overview of listening for the SOUND_COMPLETE event (e.g. channel.addEventListener(Event.SOUND_COMPLETE, onPlaybackComplete);). It should contain everything you need.
    A basic example of what you'll end up with (there's many ways to do it) might look something like this:
    // just set up and wait for click
    var isPlaying:Boolean = false;
    var mySound:Sound = new MySoundInLibrary();
    var myChannel:SoundChannel = new SoundChannel();
    myChannel.addEventListener(Event.SOUND_COMPLETE, onPlaybackComplete);
    // buttons
    function clickhandler(event:MouseEvent):void
              swapChildren(play_btn, stop_btn);
              if (isPlaying)
                        isPlaying = false;
                        isPlaying = true;
                        myChannel =;
    function onPlaybackComplete(e:Event):void
              isPlaying = false;
              swapChildren(play_btn, stop_btn);
    The basic idea is keeping a flag if the audio is currently playing. If it isn't then assign the sound to a channel and play it while setting the flag (isPlaying) to true. If it's already playing, set the flag to false and stop playing the audio.
    The swapChildren is run in the onPlaybackComplete() method so when the audio completes the play button is swapped back in front.
    Rather than swapping the children I'd urge you to toggle the .visible property instead. It's easy to run commands in the wrong order and get desynched on depth.

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    Any advice is appreciated.
    Thanks in advance.
    Robst - CLD
    Using LabVIEW since version 7.0

    Hi Coamin:
    Thanks for answering...yes, I know it's a good idea to support the Spanish forums, most of the time I post there, I don't know what happened this time =), ok, switching to Spanish now...
    Te comento que estuve realizando unas pruebas y parece ser un problema de repintado. Al principio pense que dado que los GIFs eran muy grandes y estaban reescalados para ser más pequeños, pense que el tamaño estaría evitando la animación. Entonces generé GIFs mas pequeños pero el problema persistió. Experimentando, me di cuenta que si colocaba los GIFs en una sección vacía del Front Panel, se mantenián animados, y si los colocaba en una sección ocupada, en mi caso, sobre una imagen grande, el corportamiento de la animación  a veces se volvía errático. Te adjunto un VI donde trato de ejemplificar esto, aunque lo acabo de probar y no ha fallado....siempre pasa, como el coche cuando lo llevas al mecánico o los niños cuando los llevas al doctor...nunca dan síntomas cuando deben de.
    Además, encontré que otra cosa "rara" sucede, cuando tengo un GIF animado en un Front Panel, lo copio y pego (o lo clono con Ctrl + mouse drag), la nueva copia cambia de frame muy lento, o se queda estática.
    Para mi aplicación, y para evitar cualquier problema de confiabilidad, realize las animaciones con un Picture Ring, y funciona muy bien. Por cierto, te agradezco el ejemplo de XControls, los conocía, pero no los he manejado a fondo, exploraré un poco al respecto, pero tambien me parece una excelente alternativa.
    Espero puedas reproducir las situaciones que te comento y te agradezco como siempre tu tiempo y tu ayuda.
    Robst - CLD
    Using LabVIEW since version 7.0

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    Hi there, the first thing that comes to mind is to use session storage. Set a variable "isFirstTime", and check it on Stage.compositionReady in Edge. You can then jump to the end of your timeline, effectively skipping the animation. Alternately, you could set and check session storage outside of Edge, and swap out the div's contents to either contain Edge content, or a static image, etc.
    Here is a good example:
    Session storage stores data until the user closes the browser, so they would see the animation again if they closed the browser and visited your site they next day, but they wouldn't see it again on the same visit.

  • Rollover buttons that play a movie clip.

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    I have this inside one of the movie clips (mc_2) in a seperate layer under - (actions)
    RO_btn.onRollover = function(){;
    On the main timeline I have an actions layer with this:
    Thinking that this may stop all of my movie clips but it doesn't.
    Should I make an actions layer in each movie clip with this syntax huh? stop();?
    I'm frustrated!!
    Thanks, if you can help!

    I have made something that you are looking for.
    It will be of help to you.
    basically you will have to create a few movie clips namely:
    2 buttons: (name them a_btn, b_btn, c_btn, d_btn, e_btn)
    3 movie clips (I am taking example image1_mc, image2_mc, image3_mc)
    in each of these 2 frames and on second frame put your movieclip(one in one).on both the frames put stop()
    now click on a_btn and write this script
    on (rollOver) {
    on (rollOut) {
    with this all 3 animations will work simultaneously. if you need to run any one of the movieclips at a time the you can address that mc in particular
    .Say if you want only 1 mc to move at a time then put this on  btn 2
    on (rollOver) {
    on (rollOut) {
    .Dont forget to give proper instance names to movieclips.(they are in properties panel.)

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    Hey all,
    On most of my option MC's I have something like:
    this.onRollOver = function(){
    this.onRollOut = function(){
    Obviousy if you quickly roll on and then off the MC the
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    this. Could someone please show me a good solution.
    Any help would be great.

    the best solution is to stop the rollover animation as soon
    as the button is rolled out and start the rollout behavior (from
    the correct place on your timeline) as soon as the rollout is
    depending on your rollover and rollout animations that may
    require a little math or more commonly when the rollout animation
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  • Button to play outro before new intro

    I am building an animated menu in CS3 using AS 3.0. I have a
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    and D_btn
    Now on the timeline I have labels that have intro and outro
    animations for each.
    Let's say the lables are labled: Ain, Aout, Bin, Bout, Cin,
    Cout, Din, Dout
    Ok, so I have the buttons all playing the intros just fine.
    How do I get them to play the outro before moving on to the
    appropriate intro? Note: each intro and outro is completely
    different and independant. In other words, I'm not using the same
    transition for each one.
    Here's a link to a test project file that shows the buttons
    playing the intros.
    Here to see example
    Here's the current AS3:
    function onHomeClick(evt:MouseEvent):void {
    home_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onHomeClick);
    function onAboutClick(evt:MouseEvent):void {
    about_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onAboutClick);
    function onWorkClick(evt:MouseEvent):void {
    work_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onWorkClick);
    function onContactClick(evt:MouseEvent):void {
    I tried adding this after stop and before function, but it
    doesn't do anything.
    var gotoA:Array = new Array();
    function f(e:MouseEvent){
    Any help would be appreciated.

    Here's the example link:
    just click here

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    I have some buttons that on mouseover they animate scaling up and on mouseout they scale back down. This is working great except the scenario when a user mouse's over one button then immediately mouse's out to the next button the animation on the first button abruptly stops and the animation starts on the current button. Is there a way to keep the animation playing for the first button AND have the animation play work for the second button?
    I have uploaded a quick demo to illustrate what I mean. Also I've uploaded the project file if anyone can find a solution. Thanks!
    Dropbox -

    You need to create two symbols for these two buttons, so that both can play simultaneously.
    I have created a sample for you @

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    To make sure voiceover is off, you need to go to summary screen then click the "Configure Universal Access" button. Then you will get a dialog where you can make sure voiceover is off. All of the boxes in the dialog should be unchecked.

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    It just says not connected, and as soon as it bails to menu, it connects again and will play for another minute before doing the same thing all over again.

    Hello David, 
    Thank you for contributing to the Apple Support Communities. 
    It sounds like your Apple TV is having trouble streaming videos from iTunes on your computer. This symptom could have a variety of causes, and I'd suggest the following initial troubleshooting steps. 
    In addition to restarting your devices (Apple TV, computer, router), try the tips in this article, starting with "Check your home network:"
    Apple TV (2nd and 3rd generation): Troubleshooting playback performance - Apple Support
    All the best,

  • Button animation in selected state.

    Can I have a video or animation playing on a button only in the selected state(and still in the the other state)?
    atm I can have a video looping in in a normal menu but this dosen't work in a layered menu?

    I replied in the other thread you posted to.
    Since layered menus are effectively a series of normal menus linked by auto-activating buttons, you can have a "selected" version of your menu that has each button animating by itself. Then when you navigate to that button, it can auto-activate and jump to the appropriate animated menu with the correct button animating.
    As I said in the other thread, the drawback is that navigation from button to button is slow.

  • Having only selected buttons animated!

    I'm working with DVDSP4 to make 12 short movie clips into 1 DVD.
    I made 12 buttons connected to each of them.
    And I also prepared small size movie clip for the buttons.
    But the problem is, I don't know how to play that small button animation only when the button is selected.(roll-over mouse)
    All of 12 buttons are animating and it's so dizzy.
    Help me out.
    Any help would be appreciated.
    Message was edited by: CarlosLibera

    While something like this is relatively easy to set up in Flash, Director or any of the modern website programs, the DVD specs do not allow for this.
    Go rent/buy a bunch of DVDs. Look at the menus. See what they are doing. Anything you have seen can be done in DVD SP. But you have never seen buttons animating on rollover on a DVD.

  • Random audio file playing

    Hi!  I've been having random audio files playing on my RAZR.  It sounds like a video that automatically starts playing on websites.  However, I'm not on the browser, have windows open, or even using the phone.  I unlock the phone and there's nothing in the notification bar.  No apps are open on the home screen. 
    My Alarm Clock Plus app will sometimes play an alarm after I've turned it off.  Because there's nothing in the notification bar to stop the music, I have to shut down my phone to stop it.  This may be an app bug but has anyone had random audio files playing?

        Hi Es80
    It sounds like that phone is possessed! Let's get this fixed! It sounds like it may be an application error. Please power the device on in safe mode and retest. Here's how:
    Please let me know if the issues persists.
    Thank you
    Please follow us on twitter @vzwsupport

  • My ipod click skips to random songs after playing 10 seconds of a song

    my ipod click skips to random songs after playing 10 seconds of a song and it won't reset either, can anyone help?
    ipod click   Windows 2000  

    There are three possible causes of skipping music after playing a bit of the song:
    1) the music on your computer is munged
    2) the music was munged as it transferred to your iPod
    3) the iPod is 'confused'
    Listen to a couple songs on your computer - the same ones that are skipping on your iPod. Are they okay? Scratch problem 1 - otherwise you have some reripping to do, assuming you haven't backed them up.
    Next, reset your iPod. If the music is still skipping then the fastest fix is to use your restore/upgrade software to restore the iPod. This will erase the music and re-install the iPod's operating system which will take care of possible problems 2 and 3.
    If the iPod isn't resetting - first make sure you are following the reset instructions for your iPod. There are different methods for different generations. Also, sometimes it is best to reset with the iPod plugged in. Finally, make sure you don't have the hold button set.

Maybe you are looking for