Stopping VLC's file associations

I use Arch with xfce4 and nautilus for the file manager and desktop.
I use VLC occasionally with Tunapie (shoutcast radio/tv), for the rest of my media I use Kaffeine and XMMS.
My problem is that VLC keeps associating itself with most media file types, sometimes even stealing them back after I have associated them Kaffeine and XMMS. I'm sick of seeing "Open with VLC Player" in right click menus etc all the time.
I have removed the MimeType= line...  from /usr/share/application/vlc.desktop and I have also removed
scripts found in /usr/share/vlc/utils
I then removed VLC with pacman -R vlc , (thus removing all associations and "Open With VLC" context), and then I re-installed my modified VLC package with the above changes.
Only to find that after a restart VLC is still doing the same stuff !
Can anyone suggest anything else I can try ?

*check mine name for a file type
xdg-mime query filetype xxx.torrent
*the output shall be the following
*then change the default app for this mine type to other app
xdg-mime default deluge.desktop application/x-bittorrent
I hope this example had demonstrated how you can change the default application for each mime type.
Last edited by seenxu (2008-12-21 11:31:28)

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    Conexant isn't an audio player. You'll probably want Windows Media Player, or VLC, or some media player.
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    [MIME Cache]
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    [Default Applications]
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    Grab a copy of RCDefaultApp and once installed you have a preference pane to set the Mime type/handling for any extension.

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    Hello  Don.
    Thank you for your answer.
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    CrystalDecisions.Enterprise.Framework v12.0.1100.0
    CrystalDecisions.Enterprise.InfoStore v12.0.1100.0
    CrystalDecisions.ReportSource v12.0.2000.0
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    Thanks again

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    (taken from another post)
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    gkrellm (cronos skin)
    aterm (command: aterm -tr -bl +sb)
    mc (transparent mc: Copy this line to ~/.mc/ini
    Last edited by leo2501 (2008-04-12 13:12:47)

    Well, right now i edited my ~/.mc/menu file so when i press F2 i get a menu with my additions, but the thing is, that i need that depending on the selected file when i press F2, the menu displays the corresponding options depending on the file type, but i barely understand the conditions and subconditions thing
    #### Added by me ####
    #### Video File Menu ####
    + f \.avi$ | f \.mpg$ | f \.mpeg$ | f \.mkv$ | f \.ts$ | f \.rm$ | f \.vob$ | f \.rmvb$ | f \.flv$ | f \.wmv | f \.ram | f \.mp4 | f \.asf | f \.ogm | f \.m2v | f \.evo$ $ & t n
    1 ffmpeg -i (show audio/video info)
    ffmpeg -i %f
    2 vlc
    vlc %f
    3 Encode to h264 hq 96 700
    enc2h264 hq 96 700 %f
    #### Audio File Menu ####
    + f \.wav$ | f \.mp3$ | f \.au$ | f \.aiff$ | f \.snd$ | f \.mp2$ | f \.flac$ | f \.wma$ | f \.snd$ | f \.mpc$ | f \.ac3$ | f \.mid$ | f \.ogg$ $ & t n
    1 mplayer
    mplayer %f
    2 aplay
    aplay %f
    3 ffmpeg -i (show audio/video info)
    ffmpeg -i %f
    4 audacity
    audacity %f
    5 Encode to *.mp3
    enc2mp3 %f
    #### Disk Image File Menu ####
    + f \.iso$ | f \.ccd$ | f \.img$ | f \.nrg$ | f \.mdf$ | f \.cue$ | f \.bin$ | f \.daa$ | f \.b6t$ | f \.b6i$ & t r & ! t t
    1 mountiso
    mountiso %f &
    2 isomaster
    isomaster %f
    3 Convert BIN to ISO
    bin2iso %f
    4 Poweriso convert image to ISO
    all2iso %f
    5 Convert CCD to ISO
    myccd2iso %f
    #### Image File Menu ####
    + f \.jpg$ | f \.jpeg$ | f \.bmp$ | f \.png$ | f \.gif$ | f \.svg$ & t r & ! t t
    1 feh
    feh %f
    2 gimp
    gimp %f
    3 gqview
    gqview %f
    4 mirage
    mirage %f
    #### PDF File Menu ####
    + f \.pdf$ & t r & ! t t
    1 epdfview
    epdfview %f
    2 xpdf
    xpdf %f
    #### Text File Menu ####
    + f \.txt$ | f \.nfo$ | f \.cfg$ | f \.log$ | f \.srt$ | f \.sub$ | f \.ssa$ & t r & ! t t
    1 leafpad
    leafpad %f
    #### Archive File Menu ####
    + f \.zip$ | f \.gz$ | f \.rar$ | f \.bz2$ | f \.tgz$ | f \.7z$ | f \.ace$ & t r & ! t t
    1 xarchiver
    xarchiver %f
    2 Extract *.tar.gz
    tar -xzvf %f
    3 Extract *.tar.bz2
    tar -xjvf %f
    4 Extract *.rar Full Path
    unrar x %f
    5 Extract *.rar Current Dir
    unrar e %f
    6 Extract *.zip
    unzip %f
    7 Extract *.7z Full Path
    7z x %f
    8 Extract *.7z Current Dir
    7z e %f
    9 Extract *.ace Full Path
    unace x %f
    a Extract *.ace Current Dir
    unace e %f
    b Extract *.rar in *.rar_dir directory
    unrar2dir %f
    c Extract *.zip in *.zip_dir directory
    unzip2dir %f
    d Pacman Install Package
    sudo pacman -A %f
    e Pacman Upgrade Package
    sudo pacman -U %f
    #### Windows Executable File Menu ####
    + f \.exe$ | f \.bat$ | f \.msi$ & t r & ! t t
    1 wine
    wine %f
    #### Internet File Menu ####
    + f \.htm$ | f \.html$ | f \.php$ | f \.asp$ & t r & ! t t
    1 kazehakase
    kazehakase %f
    2 swiftfox
    swiftfox %f
    #### Document File Menu ####
    + f \.doc$ | f \.rtf$ | f \.php$ | f \.asp$ & t r & ! t t
    1 abiword
    abiword %f
    2 OpenOffice Writer
    soffice -writer %f
    #### Spread Sheet File Menu ####
    + f \.xls$ | f \.csv$ & t r & ! t t
    1 gnumeric
    gnumeric %f
    #### Presentation File Menu ####
    + f \.ppt$ | f \.pps$ & t r & ! t t
    1 OpenOffice Impress
    soffice -impress %f
    #### Java File Menu ####
    + f \.jar$ & t r & ! t t
    1 Execute
    java -jar %f
    #### Help/Manual File Menu ####
    + f \.chm$ | f \.pps$ & t r & ! t t
    1 xchm
    xchm %f
    Last edited by leo2501 (2008-04-12 13:14:16)

  • File associations clobbered

    I really like Arch, but one of the major annoyances for me is everytime I install a new application it takes over the relevant file associations. Like pacman -S vlc will take over media files without asking, -S gimp will take over image files, etc.
    Can I prevent this?

    kgas wrote:In nautilus you can set the association by right clicking on that file.
    Yeah, that's how I change them back to the proper application. My problem is with newly installed application taking over the association. When I install gimp or whatever I don't want to have to keep re-associating my image formats with eog, it's tiring after png,gif,jpg,...
    Last edited by ernesto (2010-01-08 11:16:38)

  • Finder keeps returning file associations back to Preview / Quicktime

    If you right click on a file, go to Get Info, there is a section that allows you to change the application that opens that file from now on. If you click the Change All button beneath it, it will then open all files of that particular format (e.g. JPG, GIF, AVI etc) in your newly chosen application.
    I change all my picture files to open with Xee, and all my videos to open with VLC. However, for some reason my Mac returns the file associations back to Preview and Quicktime if I leave the computer on overnight or reboot. I tried fixing permissions but this hasn't solved the problem.
    Any ideas? I only recently reinstalled Leopard but don't remember having this issue before.

    do you use filevault? if not try rebuilding your launch services database.
    run the following terminal command
    /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/LaunchServices.framework/Versions/A/Support/lsregister -kill -r -domain local -domain system -domain user
    then redo "change all" in a get info window and see if it sticks.

  • File association, file association

    I can't get the file association to allow a change from the textedit writer to the OpenOffice.odt format. Is there a way to trick OSX into allowing the change?

    Stop documents from opening in text...: Apple Support Communities

  • Filevault overwrites file associations on boot

    how do I stop it from doing that, and/or what files do I need to edit/replace (ie. via an rc file or script) in order to reset the application/file associations back to the way I prefer?
    I have dozens of associations, so using a gui method after every boot is completely infeasible, nor is turning off filevault.

    I think I may have solved the problem, in large part thanks to you pointing out which file to look at. What I did was convert the plist file from data to xml format via the following command.
    cd ~/Library/Preferences/
    plutil -convert xml1
    I set all my preferences the way I like, backed up the xml file, then rebooted. Voila! A diff between the files, reveals no changes whatsoever, and my apps appear to be working as desired. So far so good, and barring some total fubaredness, we may have a winner...

  • Lion Network Accounts files association is always reverted

    I want to change file associations for all types, like opening all .avi with vlc instead of QuickTime.
    The Workstations run Lion 10.7.2 and Have Network Homes hosted on a Lion Server 10.7.2. Whenever the user changes the file association (Get Info, dialogue...) this change is reverted after a reboot. Strangely enough the new association is still in place if the user just logs out and back again. There is no such problem with local users on the machines.
    The where these settings are stored reflects changes made in the GetInfo dialogue. Upon reboot, the Finder seems to ignore this settings file although it stays unchanged!
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    I seem to have isolated the issue.
    I was using wireless for both server and client, so I switched both to ethernet to eliminate any possible issues there.  No change.
    Then after some more experimenting I realized my original statement
    if I am logged in via any user on the client (network or local), using fast user switching to go to the login screen ALWAYS shows the network users.
    was incorrect.  It turns out I have to be logged in with a local user for the network users to show up.  So I went back and experimented with the Login Window options I configured in Profile Manager.  Here is how I had my client configured.
    If I enable "Show computer's administrators", or if I disabled "Show local users", the problem goes away.  The problem only exists when I have one or the other, but not both, options enabled.  So it seems there is a bug on the client, or there is a bug in the profile that Profile Manager is pushing to the client.
    Another interesting tid bit.  I temporarily changed the local user on the client to an administrator.  That left the client with two administrators and no standard users.  The problem went away.  Turning that user back into a standard user, and the problem came back.
    So there's one combination of options here that isn't working. In the long run I won't have any local users anyway, so it won't matter.  This only affects me now while I'm migrating things.

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