Storage capacity after IOS5 upgrade

I recently upgraded a 3GS to the IOS 5 software and now my 32GB storage capacity is showing 6GB and I am out of room.

The storage capacity on my iPhone 4S with IOS 5.0.1 is 57.4GBs. As you know, this is the formatted capacity of the device. The raw storage is 64GBs but you'll never get this with any operating system (e.g. 'droid) b/c no OS is 100% efficient between formatted and unformatted capacities. The used 6.6GBs may also include IOS and 92 Apps but I cannot verify it.
On the other hand I "lost" only 700MBs on my MPB hard-disk once it was formatted. So there's something inefficient or something I cannot account for in my iPhone 4S. 

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    fix for Home button
    iPhone Home Button Not Working or Unresponsive? Try This Fix
    - If you have iOS 5 and later you can turn on Assistive Touch it add the Home and other buttons to the iPods screen. Settings>General>Accessibility>Assistive Touch
    - If not under warranty Apple will exchange your iPod for a refurbished one for:
    Apple - Support - iPod - Repair pricing
    You can do it an an Apple store by:
    Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar
    or sent it in to Apple. See:
    Apple - Support - iPod - Service FAQ
    - There are third-party places like the following that will repair the Home button. Google for more.
    iPhone Repair, Service & Parts: iPod Touch, iPad, MacBook Pro Screens

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    There are some wireless external hard drives that can be used with the iPad.
    Best iPad External Hard Drive Storage Options age-options/
    iPad Storage Solutions
    SanDisk Connect Wireless Media Drive
    Another option:
    Expand your iPad's storage capacity with HyperDrive
    On the road with a camera, an iPad, and a Hyperdrive
     Cheers, Tom

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    Hi mforsayeth!
    Here is an article that can help you address this issue:
    iOS: "Not enough free space" alert when trying to sync
    Thanks for being a part of the Apple Support Communities!

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