Storage on Mac Mini

Under "about this mac>more information", the Storage tab tells me "other" is taking up 90 Gigs of space.  What is "other"?  This section is almost twice as large as any other classification.

The "Other" catagory is anything that doesn't fit the
listed types (Photos,Apps,etc.).  Even though, some
movies, audio etc. may get lumped into other if the
file is a type OSX does not recognize.

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    Proposed Configurations:
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    Hi David,
    Aperture is a single-user application, designed to be used by one person in one place at one time.  It provides no multi-user functions, nor is there any automatic way to sync Libraries for use in different locations.
    There are work-arounds involving exporting and importing/merging, or putting the shared Projects on a Library on a (literally) shared disk that only one of you opens at any time.  That's it, afaik.
    You can add your voice to the chorus asking for some sharing/syncing via "Aperture➞Provide Aperture Feedback". 

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    I have a 2010 Mac Mini running Yosemite and Server which I use
    as a headless home server.
    I have is set up to allow screen sharing and can connect to it and
    control it with my iMac, Macbook Pro, iPhone, and a 2011 Mini Server
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    You can check this out for all the Yosemite Server capabilities:
    I have iTunes Home Sharing set up on it and have my entire iTunes
    library on it.  I can then use any of my Macs to play Movies or Songs
    from it and only keep locally a select subset of that on my individual
    Rather than and update server, I utilize Server's Caching Service.  The caching
    server will duplicate any update download (system or MacApp Store purchases)
    any time a device that is connected to my network down loads one.  The update will
    then be stored locally and all other devices will download the update from it which
    can be faster than from Apple directly.  This has the advantage of only having to download
    once with limited bandwidth internet connections.  There is also an Update Server service
    available, but it is some what more involved in setting up.  However, it will download
    and store all available updates.
    There is another thing as well if you do not care for syncing things like Contacts, Calendar, etc.
    to iCloud, you can set Server up to sync these items across devices locally.

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    Its worth confirming what free space you have on your drive: 
    go to:   Apple Menu > About this Mac >  More Info > Storage
    The bar chart shows how much free space there is on the drive:
    Please realise that partitioning does not create extra space so this wont help you.
    If your free space is less than 20 % you should get extra storage with an external USB or Firewire drive, any make or model will work.

  • New Mac Mini Server (Mid 2011) + 12TB Storage = ?

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    Here's the thing. Being that this is going to be one big uber drive, the first question is how to interface with it. I'm not opposed to Direct Attached Storage except the available connectors are fairly slow or not out there yet. I'm not opposed to NAS either as long as I have the *option* to hook it up locally (perhaps via USB, is that possible?). The bigger issue here is that RAID 0, JBOD, or concatenated is all quite volitile which is just a downside of my needing to have no more than 1 uber drive. So my thought was to back it up with an online service, likely with one that offers unlimited backup like Carbonite and Live Drive. The issue with Carbonite is that it doesn't support anything that isn't a local internal drive (no NAS or DAS). Live Drive's software isn't yet working properly with OS X but does support NAS on paper.
    Does anyone have any thoughts any way around any of this? I'm not too sure how to word it more clearly. My latest thought prior to LiveDrive screwing me over software-wise was to grab an 8bay NAS and activate the NAS aspect of LiveDrive which would pretty much solve my problem after paying $160/yr. Again though, this no longer works as they've pretty much shat on the OS X client. I also tried running a virtual machine with Win 7 via Parallels 6 but it wasn't able to view the NAS at all. I don't exactly want to buy an identical box with identical drives either because that's well over another $1000 so something a bit more creative or practical would be nice.
    Again in the end, I just need Mac Mini Server OS X Lion to have one (wishful) "internal" 12TB drive (realistically NAS or DAS) that I can have a back up of the whole 12TB over some reasonable speed interface (assuming gigabit ethernet is the way to go).

    sounds like you need a DROBO.  If all you're doing is serving up audio and video, a USB 2.0 connection is fine.  It sounds like you're looking for two different things...local storage and an online backup service.  Or, are you talking about uploading all your content somewhere and streaming it down to your mini?  If it's #2, then that's going to be way slower than connecting a USB device.
    For online backups, I use Crashplan, which is better than Mozy and Carbonite (both of which I've used for at least a year), IMO.

  • PowerMac G5 or Intel Mac Mini - Storage Server

    I posted this in the Mac Mini area, but I would like to see what the G5 community has to say.
    I would like to setup a server to store family pictures, iTunes purchases and other media. Also I would like to use it as a backup for important documents and data.
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    I would like to sell the G5, but would it make more sense to install 2 drives in the G5 and use 1 external enclosure with FW800 for the backup? I would like at least 1 external enclosure for the backup?
    Any suggestion would help.

    I would keep the G5 as it seems more suited for a file server than the mini. Also since it will be used that way and storage is what you need, you can pick up one of these:
    to mount up to 3 more dirves inside the G5 so it would hold 5 and still be a nice beastie - the mini would have to go to the external solution. Just my .02.

  • Intel Mac mini vs PowerMac Dual G5 storage server

    I would like to setup a server to store family pictures, iTunes purchases and other media. Also I would like to use it as a backup for important documents and data.
    I have a Intel Mac Mini 1.66 and a G5 PowerMac dual 1.8GHz.
    I have purchased 4 400GB drives and I am trying to figure out the best solution for the money.
    I would like to put the drives into external enclosures like OWC 2 drive FW800/FW400 and use the first pair as either RAID 0 or use the hardware spanning, and the 2nd pair as the backup.
    Will this be too much for the FW400 bus of the Mac Mini, seeing I also use an EyeTV 500/200 solution to capture TV and burn DVDs. I will do video editing, iMovie, iPhoto stuff.
    I would like to sell the G5, but would it make more sense to install 2 drives in the G5 and use 1 external enclosure with FW800 for the backup? I would like at least 1 external enclosure for the backup?
    Any suggestion would help.

    I have both of the systems to which you refer. I am typing to you on my G5 dual 2 ghz. I have an older G4 dual with 4 drives in it that I use for backup purposes, I do not use a fileserver at home in the sense of what you are talking about. My mini is my entertainment system with 1 TB of storage, my purchases are made on the G5 then transferred to the mini (giving me a backup of all purchases) and the G4 is used to back up the entire library from my mini (not as often as I should though! )
    I know Wiebetech used to make an internal setup that expanded the G5's drive capacity from 2 to 4. While you said you wanted at least one external enclosure, that option would eliminate the need for an external case, another power cord, etc. so it may be worth looking into. I do not recall the name of the product but I know wiebetech manufactured it. Perhaps someone else knows the name or you could go to the company website. It is also possible in the G5 forum there is someone who owns the product as well.
    As to which one to use, selling the G5 and having just a 2 drive or 4 drive enclosure hooked to the mini is most certainly a significant space saver over the G5 (not to mention not having to either have 2 separate machines with 2 monitors, keyboards or a KVM or VNC type setup) There are many good enclosures on the market, not just single but multiple drive enclosures which could be a better/smaller footprint/economical way to go vs. 4 individual enclosures (again, wiebetech is a noteworthy manufacturer of such, I don't work for them
    I too have eye tv hooked to the min as well as the 2 external drives I mentioned (250gb and 750gb) all via firewire. There should be no problem with the setup you mention as far as firewire is concerned and the mini. At least, not in my experience.
    Good luck, let us know what you decide and feel free to ask more questions. I will gladly help if I can (can't say I helped this time, probably gave you more questions than answers!)
    Message was edited by: CaptTB

  • Add external storage to increase mac mini capacity help!

    We have a Mac mini mountain lion server with 1 Tb storage. We have 12 macs file sharing off the mini. We have maxed the 500 gb storage. We have purchased a 4 tb storage to extend the drive so we can keep adding to the files. It is a mini stack with FireWire. How do I install this so the additional 4 tb can be added to the existing Mac mini server? Please help thanks.

    Realistically you cannot just join it to the internal drive to make one bigger one. (There is a way but it is a bad idea.)
    What you can do is move the shared files to the external drive, or have some on the internal, and the rest on the external. I would recommend just using the external. You would then use the internal drive for booting, and the external drive for data.
    Are you just referring to file-sharing or other uses?
    For file-sharing it would basically be copy the existing folder(s) to the external drive, unshare the internal drive folders, and share the drive or folder(s) on the external drive.

  • Using Mac mini for storage

    Hello Folks,
    Quick question: can I use the mac mini for storage only? I have loads of movies, music and tv shows that I want to store.
    How would this work if at all possible?
    Alternative advice on EHD that I should rather use?

    Yes, and target disk mode, or firewire over IP or setting it up as a file server are all possibilities. But given there are faster more capacious hard drives for less, I would get that instead unless there is some feature of the Mac Mini that a simple hard drive can't do that you need. I.e. Front Row, Media Central or other software can be used to see your data on a TV. An external hard drive attached to your desktop Mac together with an AppleTV can do the same thing but the media formats are more limited.

  • I have a 2004 Mac Mini. Can I convert it to just a a storage drive?

    I now have a Mac Book Pro and i want to use my old Mac Mini as a storage device. Has anyone done this?

    It is doable, boot the machine holding the T key.  Note it won't be able to boot both the MacBook Pro and itself if you start putting operating system on the Mac Mini to be used.  So if you still desire access to older applications, it probably is best if you did file sharing between the two machines.   Firewire 9 to 6 pin cables let you hook up the newer firewire to the older one.

  • Time Machine, New Mac Mini 2011 Storage Drives, Restoring... questions!

    Hi all,
    I've currently got a 2011 Mac Mini with a 500GB internal drive, and a 1TB Firewire connected external drive. Backups are done as as single operation to my time capsule.
    I've just bought a 250GB SSD and 2TB Hard Drive to fit internally to the Mac, and I'm ready to do the install.
    The questions are as follows:
    1- Does it matter which way round the drives go inside. Are both interfaces bootable, and when restoring from the time machine backup, can I specify the SSD as the installation drive.
    2 - With reference to the above, I guess within the time machine backup there are two sections. 1, my main OS Drive (the 500GB Drive backup) and 2, my external drive backup (the 1TB drive). I presume the recovery console will prompt me to restore the main OS drive, and then when I'm back into OSX I can then perform the restoration of hte other data onto the other internal drive.
    Has anyone ever done this, and if so, can they tell me how straightforward it was please?
    Really looking forward to more speed, more storage, and less clutter

    As far as being bootable, it does not matter which
    position the drive is in.  An Option key boot method
    will get you to the drive the first time and then set
    default once booted in OSX.
    I would suggest that you get yourself and external
    USB case or one of the many USB->SATA adapters
    and do the initial system restore to the SSD before install.
    This way you can verify that all is well with the restore
    of OSX (and the drive itself) before installing in the Mini as
    this is a task you REALLY want to do only once.
    As to your time machine restore question, I will defer that
    to someone else as I don't use time machine and personally
    never cared much for it.

  • My new mac mini with fusion drive says I only have 36 GB of storage

    I have a new mac mini with the 1 TB fusion drive. When I look in storage in the About this Mac area, I'm told I have 6.67 GB free out of 34.62 GB. An Apple rep said that this is a bug in the system and that I have the proper amount of storage available. Wondering if anyone else has had this issue.

    I have just gotten of the phone with Apple Support here in Canada, more to let them know about this issue and yes, got the same message. The Fusion drive is very new technology and they have not heard much about this problem either. Their best advice was to wait untill the new iMacs role out with the same drive and see if the same problem is cropping up elseware. Maybe a solutiion will be forthcomming at that time?
    Seriously, I must say..... very disappointing Apple! Steve Jobs is probably rolling over in his grave. Since when does Apple role out a product that does not work 100% out of the box? Since when does Apple adopt a "wait and see" approach to possible hardware glitches? Where is the quality control people!!
    Even as a die-hard Macintosh fan, I must concede that Apple is loosing "street cred".
    Well, I have my complaint logged and will be awaiting further updates regarding this issue, but I won't be holding my breath.   

  • Home Server with Mac Mini... Best storage solution

    I have a Mac Mini which I want to setup as a home server with SL Server. The OS will be installed on the internal disk but I want my data to be stored securely and delivered fast.
    Which external storage solution do you recommend:
    a.) A Netgear ReadyNAS NV+ (which I already own) with Gigabit ethernet connected to the Gigabit LAN
    b.) A Lacie (or other) Raid disk connected via FireWire (400 in my case) to the Mac Mini
    c.) Something else
    My Mac Mini is a C2D 1.83GHz with 4Gb RAM and I want to connect my iMac, my iPhone and my girlfriends MacBook to it. A general "household/kids" iMac will be added later. I will connect the Mac Mini via USB to a UPS so that it can shut down safely when mains fails. Which does not happen often over here, but still...
    In case b.) the disk shuts down nicely with the Mac. In case a.) the NAS will abrubtly shut down.
    I am pretty green when it comes to server stuff. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    I have two mac mini servers setup as a primary server and secondary backup for our small business. I have two WD 2TB FW 800 drives on the primary with the second backup drive daisy-chained to the first (mini's only have one FW 800 port). I have the secondary drive setup as a timemachine backup for the primary drive. Works great even though my IT guy recommended a "server grade" backup solution like Syncronize or CarbonCopy. From my standpoint, timemachine does exactly what i need and pushes over a GB or two backup in seconds with limited to zero processor usage.
    I inquired with my IT guy about getting two NAS drives plugged into my cabinet switch to have full data redundancy on both my primary and secondary server but he recommended against it. he had concerns on speed and couldn't confirm that NAS and mac ACLs worked well together. Any observations on this appreciated.
    I would definitely recommend enclosing your setup in a cabinet and getting a UPS. I purchased a 6U cabinet that fits under my desk to secure the minis, data drives, rack UPS and switch after I had 3 bad situations of the drives getting accidentally unplugged.

  • I just updated my Mac Mini to the newest version of itunes and itunes no longer reconizes my external hard drive as my storage for itunes. All of my music, movies, playlist, etc. are found on my itunes. Help I'm about to punch something!!!

    I had some updates for my mac mini and so I updated and when it reboot I checked iTunes and all of my data was gone. I have a 2TB External HDD that contains all of my iTunes data and before the latest Sept. 2012 iTunes  update I had the folder located in the advanced tab of itunes located on my external HDD. After the reboot and the new iTunes software was installed it defalted to my HDD on my mini and nothing that was there before the update was no longer there. All of my music, playlists, podcasts, folders, movies etc. was gone. I have redirected the library file locating back to my external HDD but it still is not working. HELP!!!!

    Empty/corrupt library after upgrade/crash
    Hopefully it's not been too long since you last upgraded iTunes, in fact if you get an empty/incomplete library immediately after upgrading then with the following steps you shouldn't lose a thing or need to do any further housekeeping. In the Previous iTunes Libraries folder should be a number of dated iTunes Library files. Take the most recent of these and copy it into the iTunes folder. Rename iTunes Library.itl as iTunes Library (Corrupt).itl and then rename the restored file as iTunes Library.itl. Start iTunes. Should all be good, bar any recent additions to or deletions from your library.
    Windows images, but you get the point. Depending on the age of your library the library file might not include the .itl extention. Make it match the file you are replacing.
    See MusicFolder Files Not Added and Super Remove Dead Tracks for tools to catch up with any changes since the backup file was created.

  • 2014 mac mini storage and ram details

    First there is mention in a report that a PCIe port is present.  Does this mean it is possible to have both a 2.5 HDD SATA and PCIe stick in and fuctioning.  Also the  low model can't upgrade ram after purchase is this the case with all the models of the 2014 Mac Mini.
    Thanks for any insights.

    don008 wrote:
    Also the  low model can't upgrade ram after purchase is this the case with all the models of the 2014 Mac Mini.
    Mac mini (Late 2014): Memory specifications
    The memory for Mac mini (Late 2014) computers isn't user accessible and is integrated into the main logic board. You can configure your computer's memory at the time of purchase.

Maybe you are looking for