Store details in a java program

This is a sample scenario
I am taking interviews daily, I need to store candidate name, gender, dob, phone number in a java program
I do not want to store it at any other secondary storage like db, flat file etc.. As soon as i switch off the system the data should be lost
What is the best method that i can store it in a java program...
I came across this question where someone asked me and i replied that i will store it in arrays, but here for array i have to define size.. so may be on a day there are only one to two entries so un-necessarily i do not want to waste the memory is there any other better way where i can store and performance also doesn't get impacted

user10873676 wrote:
This is a sample scenario
I am taking interviews daily, I need to store candidate name, gender, dob, phone number in a java program
I do not want to store it at any other secondary storage like db, flat file etc.. As soon as i switch off the system the data should be lost
What is the best method that i can store it in a java program...
I came across this question where someone asked me and i replied that i will store it in arrays, but here for array i have to define size.. so may be on a day there are only one to two entries so un-necessarily i do not want to waste the memory is there any other better way where i can store and performance also doesn't get impacted
Thanks,Search for in memory databases for java. HSQLDB is a good one to start with.

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    import org.xml.sax.helpers.*;
    import org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser;
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    public class MySaxParser extends DefaultHandler
    private static int INDENT = 4;
    private static String attList = "";
    public static void main(String[] argv)
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    System.out.println("Usage: java MySaxParser [URI]");
    String uri = argv[0];
    XMLReader parser = XMLReaderFactory.createXMLReader("org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser");
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    throws SAXException
    String s = new String(ch, start, length);
    if (ch[0] == '\n')
    System.out.println(getIndent() + " Value: " + s);
    public void endDocument() throws SAXException
    idx -= INDENT;
    public void endElement(String uri, String localName, String qName) throws SAXException
    if (!attList.equals(""))
    System.out.println(getIndent() + " Attributes: " + attList);
    attList = "";
    System.out.println(getIndent() + "end document");
    idx -= INDENT;
    public void startDocument() throws SAXException
    idx += INDENT;
    public void startElement(String uri,
    String localName,
    String qName,
    Attributes attributes) throws SAXException
    idx += INDENT;
    System.out.println('\n' + getIndent() + "start element: " + localName);
    if (localName.compareTo("Machine") == 0)
    if (attributes.getLength() > 0)
    idx += INDENT;
    for (int i = 0; i < attributes.getLength(); i++)
    attList = attList + attributes.getLocalName(i) + " = " + attributes.getValue(i);
    if (i < (attributes.getLength() - 1))
    attList = attList + ", ";
    idx-= INDENT;
    private String getIndent()
    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
    for (int i = 0; i < idx; i++)
    sb.append(" ");
    return sb.toString();
    }// END PRGM
    Now , am not a very good Java DEv. and i need to find a soln. to this prob within 1 week.
    The next step is to write the data to the DB.
    Am sending an example of my file:
    <Hostname> IPCServer </Hostname>
    <HostID> 80c04499 </HostID>
    <MachineType> sun4u [ID 466748] Sun Ultra 5/10 UPA/PCI (UltraSPARC-IIi 360MHz) </MachineType>
    <CPU> UltraSPARC-IIi at 360 MHz </CPU>
    <Memory> RAM : 512 MB </Memory>
    <HA>] </HA>
    <HD1> c0t0d0 ctrl] target 0 lun 0 </HD1>
    <HD2> ST38420A 8.2 GB </HD2>
    <GraphicCard> m64B : PCI PGX 8-bit +Accel. </GraphicCard>
    <NetworkType> hme0 : Fast-Ethernet </NetworkType>
    <EthernetAddress> 09:00:30:C1:34:90 </EthernetAddress>
    <IPAddress> </IPAddress>
    Note that i can have more than 1 machines (meaning that i have to loop thru the file to be able to write to the DB)
    Cal u tellme what to do!
    Even better- do u have a piece of code that will help me understand and implement the database writing portion?
    I badly need help here.

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    try {
    String sr[] = new String[100];
                   String s1=" ";
                   int j=0;
                   DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(;
                   OutputStream f1 = new FileOutputStream("file1.txt");
    DocumentBuilderFactory docBuilderFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
    DocumentBuilder docBuilder = docBuilderFactory.newDocumentBuilder();
    Document doc = docBuilder.parse (new File("book.xml"));
    // normalize text representation
    doc.getDocumentElement ().normalize ();
    System.out.println ("Root element of the doc is " +
    NodeList listOfPersons = doc.getElementsByTagName("person");
    int totalPersons = listOfPersons.getLength();
    System.out.println("Total no of people : " + totalPersons);
    for(int s=0; s<listOfPersons.getLength() ; s++){
    Node firstPersonNode = listOfPersons.item(s);
    if(firstPersonNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE){
    Element firstPersonElement = (Element)firstPersonNode;
    NodeList firstNameList = firstPersonElement.getElementsByTagName("first");
    Element firstNameElement = (Element)firstNameList.item(0);
    NodeList textFNList = firstNameElement.getChildNodes();
    NodeList lastNameList = firstPersonElement.getElementsByTagName("last");
    Element lastNameElement = (Element)lastNameList.item(0);
    NodeList textLNList = lastNameElement.getChildNodes();
    NodeList ageList = firstPersonElement.getElementsByTagName("age");
    Element ageElement = (Element)ageList.item(0);
    NodeList textAgeList = ageElement.getChildNodes();
    NodeList stuList = firstPersonElement.getElementsByTagName("stu");
    Element stuElement = (Element)stuList.item(0);
    NodeList textstuList = stuElement.getChildNodes();
    }//end of if clause
    }//end of for loop with s var
    System.out.println("Process completed");
    for(int i=1;i<=j;i++)
                   byte buf[] = sr.getBytes();
                                       byte buf1[] = s1.getBytes();
    }catch (SAXParseException err) {
    System.out.println ("** Parsing error" + ", line "
    + err.getLineNumber () + ", uri " + err.getSystemId ());
    System.out.println(" " + err.getMessage ());
    }catch (SAXException e) {
    Exception x = e.getException ();
    ((x == null) ? e : x).printStackTrace ();
    }catch (Throwable t) {
    t.printStackTrace ();
    }//end of main

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    import java.awt.event.*;//Provides interfaces and classes for dealing with different types of events fired by AWT components
    import javax.swing.*;//Provides a set of lightweight components that, to the maximum degree possible, work the same on all platforms
    import javax.swing.table.*;//Provides classes and interfaces for dealing with javax.swing.JTable
    import javax.swing.JOptionPane;//provides a class that makes it easy to pop up a standard dialog box that prompts users for a value or informs them of something
    import java.sql.*;//Provides the API for accessing and processing data stored in a data source using the Java programming language
    public class Demo extends JFrame{
       static String url = "jdbc:odbc:VideoLibrary";//a static variable that allows a connection to be made to a database called VideoLibrary
       static Statement stmt;//a static variable that allows a statement to be made once a connection is set up
       static Connection con;//a static interface that allows a connection to be made to a database
         //global variables
         JTextField hostField;//a class that allows a line of text to be changed
       JTextField queryField;//a class that allows a line of text to be changed
       QueryTableModel qtm;//a class that shows and changes regular two-dimensional tables of cells
       JComboBox comboBox;//a class that puts a button or editable field and a drop-down list together 
       public static void main(String args[]){     
          int choice=-1;//a variable of type int that is set to -1
             choice=getChoice();//invokes the method getChoice()
                getSelected(choice);//invokes the method getSelected(choice)
             }//end if
                   //if the user chooses 5, it will cause him or her to exit the system
          }while(choice!=5);//end do-while
          System.exit(0);//closes down the menu screen
       }//end main
       public static int getChoice(){
          String choice;//a variable of type string
          int ch;//a variable of type int
          choice = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null,"1. Maintain product details\n"+"2. Maintain member details\n"+"3. Maintain rental details\n"+"4. View product, member and rental details\n"+"5. Log Off\n\n"+"Enter your choice");//asks the user for some input   
              ch = Integer.parseInt(choice);//a class that wraps a value of the primitive type int in an object     
              return ch;//a method that returns an integer value
       }//end getChoice
       public static void getSelected(int choice){   
             maintainProductDetails();//invokes the method maintainProductDetails()
          }//end if
             maintainMemberDetails();//invokes the method maintainMemberDetails()
          }//end if
             maintainRentalDetails();//invokes the method maintainRentalDetails()
          }//end if
                 Demo test = new Demo();//invokes the constructor Demo()
             test.setVisible(true);//shows the JTable component by marking it as visible
              }//end if
       }//end getSelected
       public static Connection getConnection(){
          try {
             Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver");//used to create a JDBC connection using a database
          }//end try
              catch(java.lang.ClassNotFoundException e){//causes an exception to be thrown when an application tries to load in a class through its string name
             System.err.print("ClassNotFoundException: ");//displays an error message
             System.err.println(e.getMessage());//returns the exception that was raised if an error occurred while attempting to load the ClassNotFoundException class
          }//end catch
          try {
             con=DriverManager.getConnection(url,"","");//tries to create a connection with the database using the DriverManager class
          }//end try
              catch(SQLException ex) {
             System.err.println("SQLException: " + ex.getMessage());//returns an SQL error message
          }//end catch
          return con;
       }//end getConnection
       public static void maintainProductDetails(){
          Connection con = getConnection();//creates a connection with the database
          String  addProduct1, addProduct2, addProduct3, addProduct4, addProduct5, addProduct6, addProduct7, addProduct8, addProduct9, addProduct10;//string variables that represent information about the different types of product data that will be stored in the database
          addProduct1 = "insert into Product values (110001, 'The Killers - Sams Town', 5.00, 'G', 'CD', 2006)";
          addProduct2 = "insert into Product values (110002, 'Robbie Williams - Rudebox', 5.00, 'G', 'CD', 2006)";
          addProduct3 = "insert into Product values (110003, 'Razorlight - Razorlight', 5.00, 'G', 'CD', 2006)";
          addProduct4 = "insert into Product values (110004, 'My Chemical Romance - The Black Parade', 5.00, 'G', 'CD', 2006)";
          addProduct5 = "insert into Product values (110005, 'Snow Patrol - Eyes Open', 5.00, 'G', 'CD', 2006)";
          addProduct6 = "insert into Product values (110006, 'Scissor Sisters - Ta-Dah!', 5.00, 'G', 'CD', 2006)";
              addProduct7 = "insert into Product values (110007, 'Lovesounds - Justin Timberlake', 5.00, 'G', 'CD', 2006)";
          addProduct8 = "insert into Product values (110008, 'Director - We thrive on big cities', 5.00, 'G', 'CD', 2006)";
          addProduct9 = "insert into Product values (110009, 'Roxette - Roxette hits', 5.00, 'G', 'CD', 2006)";
          addProduct10 = "insert into Product values (110010, 'Pussy Cat Dolls - PCD', 5.00, 'G', 'CD', 2006)";
              try {
             stmt = con.createStatement();//Creates a Statement object for sending SQL statements to the database
                 //statements are allowed to be made once a connection is set up
             stmt.close();//closes the Statement object
             con.close();//terminates the connection with the database
          }//end try
              catch(SQLException ex) {
             System.err.println("SQLException: " + ex.getMessage());//returns an SQL error message
          }//end catch
       }//end maintainProductDetails
       public static void maintainMemberDetails(){
          Connection con = getConnection();//creates a connection with the database
          String addMember1, addMember2, addMember3, addMember4, addMember5, addMember6, addMember7, addMember8, addMember9, addMember10;//string variables that represent information about the member data that will be stored in the database
          addMember1 = "insert into Member values (1234, 'Ann', 'Smyth', 'Upper Killult, Falcarragh, Co. Donegal', '(074)-9135210', '(087)-2030172', #5/11/85#, #5/12/06#)";
          addMember2 = "insert into Member values (2345, 'John', 'Murphy', 'Lower Killult, Falcarragh, Co. Donegal', '(074)-9135211', '(087)-2030173', #4/12/85#, #6/13/06#)";
          addMember3 = "insert into Member values (1324, 'James', 'McFadden', 'Lower Ardsbeg, Gortahork, Co. Donegal', '(074)-9165314', '(087)-2030171', #4/11/85#, #6/14/06#)";
          addMember4 = "insert into Member values (1235, 'Frankie', 'Ferry', 'Ardsmore, Gortahork, Co. Donegal', '(074)-9165325', '(087)-2031234', #6/13/60#, #6/15/06#)";
          addMember5 = "insert into Member values (1236, 'Daniel', 'McKimm', 'Ballyness, Falcarragh, Co. Donegal', '(074)-9135212', '(087)-2030184', #5/14/73#, #6/16/06#)";
          addMember6 = "insert into Member values (2346, 'Stephen', 'Doohan', 'Ballyness, Falcarragh, Co. Donegal', '(074)-9135213', '(087)-2030185', #6/13/85#, #5/13/06#)";
          addMember7 = "insert into Member values (2347, 'James', 'Ferry', 'Meenlaragh, Gortahork, Co.Donegal', '(074)-9165360', '(087)-2031345', #9/12/85#, #5/14/06#)";
          addMember8 = "insert into Member values (2348, 'Liam', 'Cannon', 'Derryconner, Gortahork, Co.Donegal', '(074)-9165324', '(087)-2031456', #4/11/86#, #5/15/06#)";
          addMember9 = "insert into Member values (2401, 'Ciaran', 'Ferry', 'Brinalack, Gweedore, Co.Donegal', '(074)-9176425', '(087)-2030282', #9/12/85#, #5/16/06#)";
          addMember10 = "insert into Member values (2402, 'Ciaran', 'McGee', 'Derrybeg, Gweedore, Co.Donegal', '(074)-9176536', '(087)-2030393', #9/14/85#, #5/18/06#)";
             stmt = con.createStatement();//Creates a Statement object for sending SQL statements to the database
                   //statements are allowed to be made once a connection is set up
             stmt.close();//closes the Statement object
             con.close();//terminates the connection with the database
          }//end try
              catch(SQLException ex) {
             System.err.println("SQLException: " + ex.getMessage());//returns an SQL error message
          }//end catch
       }//end maintainMemberDetails
         public static void maintainRentalDetails(){
          Connection con = getConnection();//creates a connection with the database
          String addRental1, addRental2, addRental3, addRental4, addRental5, addRental6, addRental7, addRental8, addRental9, addRental10;//string variables that represent information about the loan data that will be stored in the database
          addRental1 = "insert into Rental values (110001, 'The Killers - Sams Town', 1234, 'Ann', 'Smyth', #9/01/06#, #9/10/06#, 'Yes', 2.00)";
          addRental2 = "insert into Rental values (120001, 'Mission Impossible 3', 2345, 'John', 'Murphy', #9/02/06#, #9/09/06#, 'No', 0.00)";
          addRental3 = "insert into Rental values (130001, 'Need for Special Carbon', 1324, 'James', 'McFadden', #9/03/06#, #9/12/06#, 'Yes', 2.00)";
          addRental4 = "insert into Rental values (110002, 'Robbie Williams - Rudebox', 1235, 'Frankie', 'Ferry', #9/04/06#, #9/11/06#, 'No', 0.00)";
          addRental5 = "insert into Rental values (120015, 'Prime', 1236, 'Daniel', 'McKimm', #9/05/06#, #9/14/06#, 'Yes', 2.00)";
          addRental6 = "insert into Rental values (130015, 'FIFA 07', 2346, 'Stephen', 'Doohan', #9/06/06#, #9/13/06#, 'No', 0.00)";
          addRental7 = "insert into Rental values (110009, 'Roxette - Roxette hits', 2347, 'James', 'Ferry', #9/07/06#, #9/16/06#, 'Yes', 2.00)";
          addRental8 = "insert into Rental values (120003, 'The Break Up', 2348, 'Liam', 'Cannon', #9/08/06#, #9/15/06#, 'No', 0.00)";
          addRental9 = "insert into Rental values (130027, 'Gears of War', 2401, 'Ciaran', 'Ferry', #9/09/06#, #9/18/06#, 'Yes', 2.00)";
          addRental10 = "insert into Rental values (110021, 'Scooter - Mind the Gap', 2402, 'Ciaran', 'McGee', #9/10/06#, #9/17/06#, 'No', 0.00)";
             stmt = con.createStatement();//Creates a Statement object for sending SQL statements to the database
                   //statements are allowed to be made once a connection is set up
             stmt.close();//closes the Statement object
             con.close();//terminates the connection with the database
          }//end try
              catch(SQLException ex) {
             System.err.println("SQLException: " + ex.getMessage());//returns an SQL error message
          }//end catch
       }//end maintainRentalDetails
       public Demo(){//a constructor
          super("Demo Test Frame");//overrides the constructor
          setSize(350, 200);//Resizes this component so that it has width of 350 and height of 200 
          comboBox = new JComboBox();//invokes the class JComboBox
          comboBox.addItem("jdbc:odbc:VideoLibrary");//adds the specified item to the end of the scrolling list
          qtm = new QueryTableModel();//invokes the class QueryTableModel
          JTable table = new JTable(qtm);//a class that shows and changes regular two-dimensional tables of cells
          JScrollPane scrollpane = new JScrollPane(table);//a class that provides a scrollable view of a lightweight component
          JPanel p1 = new JPanel();//a class that puts the combo box and query field in a panel
          p1.setLayout(new GridLayout(3, 2));//Sets the layout manager for this container
          p1.add(comboBox);//Appends the specified component to the end of this container
          p1.add(new JLabel("Enter your query: "));//Appends the specified component to the end of this container
          p1.add(queryField = new JTextField());//Appends the specified component to the end of this container
          p1.add(new JLabel("Click here to send: "));//Appends the specified component to the end of this container
          JButton jb = new JButton("Search");//a class that is an implementation of a "push" button
          jb.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){//Adds an ActionListener to the button
             public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
                qtm.setHostURL();//invokes the method setHostURL
                qtm.setQuery(queryField.getText().trim());//invokes the method setQuery; and returns the text that is presented by this text component and returns a copy of the string, with leading and trailing whitespaces omitted
          } );//end addActionListener
          p1.add(jb);//Appends the specified component to the end of this container
          getContentPane().add(p1, BorderLayout.NORTH);//Returns the content pane
          getContentPane().add(scrollpane, BorderLayout.CENTER);//Returns the content pane
       }//end Demo
    }//end class Demo
    import java.sql.*;//Provides the API for accessing and processing data stored in a data source using the Java programming language
    import*;//Provides for system input and output through data streams, serialization and the file system
    import java.util.Vector;//provides a class that implements a growable array of objects
    import javax.swing.*;//Provides a set of lightweight components that, to the maximum degree possible, work the same on all platforms
    import javax.swing.table.*;//Provides classes and interfaces for dealing with javax.swing.JTable
    public class QueryTableModel extends AbstractTableModel{
         Vector cache;//a class that constructs an empty vector so that its internal data array has size 10 and its standard capacity increment is zero 
         int colCount;//a variable that counts the number of columns in the three tables
         String[] headers;//a class that represents character strings and all string literals in this program are implemented as instances of the String class
         Connection db;//an interface that allows a connection to be made to a database
         Statement statement;//an interface that allows executes the given SQL statement, which returns a single ResultSet object
         String currentURL;//a variable that allows the URL to be displayed in a combo box
         public QueryTableModel(){//a constructor
              cache=new Vector();//constructs an empty vector so that its internal data array has size 10 and its standard capacity increment is zero
             Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver");//used by opening a JDBC connection using an URL
              }//end try
              catch(Exception e){
                   System.out.println("problem loading the driver ");//an error message
              }//end catch
         }//end QueryTableModel
         public String getColumnName(int i){//Returns the designated column's name
            return headers;//returns the name of each column in the three table
         }//end getColumnName
         public int getColumnCount(){//Returns the number of columns in the column model
         return colCount;//returns the number of columns in the three tables
         }//end getColumnCount
         public int getRowCount(){//Returns the number of rows in this table's model
         return cache.size();//returns the number of components in the vector
         }//end getRowCount
         public Object getValueAt(int row, int col){//Returns the cell value at row and column
              return ((String[])cache.elementAt(row))[col];//Returns the component at the specified index
         }//end getValueAt
         public void setHostURL(){//sets the URL for the database
         String url = "jdbc:odbc:VideoLibrary";//a variable that allows a connection to be made to a database called VideoLibrary
         closeDB();//invokes the method closeDB()
    db=DriverManager.getConnection(url,"","");//tries to create a connection with the database using the DriverManager class
    statement=db.createStatement();//Creates a Statement object for sending SQL statements to the database
    }//end try
    catch(Exception e){
    System.out.println("Could not initialize the database.");//an error message
    e.printStackTrace();//a Throwable method that prints this throwable and it's backtrace to the standard error stream
    }//end catch
         }//end setHostURL
    public void setQuery(String q){//sets the kind of query that is to be sent to the database
              cache=new Vector();//constructs an empty vector so that its internal data array has size 10 and its standard capacity increment is zero
    String s="select * from Product";//a variable that causes all the data that is in the product table to be displayed in a JTable, which also means that all the data that is in both the member and rental tables can also be displayed in a JTable
                   ResultSet rs=statement.executeQuery(q);//an interface that is used to generate a database result set by executing a statement that queries the database
                   ResultSetMetaData meta=rs.getMetaData();//an interface that is used to get information about the types and properties of the columns in a ResultSet object
                   colCount=meta.getColumnCount();//Returns the number of columns in this ResultSet object
                   headers=new String[colCount];//gets the name of each column in the three tables
                   for(int h=1;h<=colCount;h++){
                        headers[h-1]=meta.getColumnName(h);//Get the designated column's name
                   }//end for
                        String[] record=new String[colCount];//stores the name of each column in the three tables in memory
                        for(int i=0;i<colCount;i++){
                             record[i]=rs.getString(i+1);//Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as a String
                        }//end for
                        cache.addElement(record);//Adds the specified component to the end of this vector, increasing its size by one
                   }//end while
                   fireTableChanged(null);//Forwards the given notification event to all TableModelListeners that registered themselves as listeners for this table model
              }//end try
              catch(Exception e){
                   cache=new Vector();//constructs an empty vector so that its internal data array has size 10 and its standard capacity increment is zero
                   e.printStackTrace();//a Throwable method that prints this throwable and it's backtrace to the standard error stream
              }//end catch
         }//end setQuery
         public void initDB(String url){
                   db=DriverManager.getConnection(url);//tries to create a connection with the database using the DriverManager class
                   statement=db.createStatement();//Creates a Statement object for sending SQL statements to the database
              }//end try
              catch(Exception e){
                   System.out.println("Could not initialize the database.");//an error message
                   e.printStackTrace();//a Throwable method that prints this throwable and it's backtrace to the standard error stream
              }//end catch
         }//end initDB
         public void closeDB(){
                   statement.close();//Releases this Statement object's database and JDBC resources immediately instead of waiting for this to happen when it is automatically closed
                   }//end if
                   db.close();//Releases this Connection object's database and JDBC resources immediately instead of waiting for them to be automatically released
                   }//end if
              }//end try
              catch(Exception e){
                   System.out.println("Could not close the current connection.");//an error message
                   e.printStackTrace();//a Throwable method that prints this throwable and it's backtrace to the standard error stream
              }//end catch
         }//end closeDB
    }//end class QueryTableModel

    here's an uncommented version of the code.
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.table.*;
    import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
    import java.sql.*;
    public class Demo extends JFrame{
       static String url = "jdbc:odbc:VideoLibrary";
       static Statement stmt;
       static Connection con;
       JTextField hostField;
       JTextField queryField;
       QueryTableModel qtm;
       JComboBox comboBox;
       public static void main(String args[]){
          int choice=-1;
       public static int getChoice(){
          String choice;
          int ch;
          choice = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null,"1. Maintain product details\n"+"2. Maintain member details\n"+"3. Maintain rental details\n"+"4. View product, member and rental details\n"+"5. Log Off\n\n"+"Enter your choice"); 
          ch = Integer.parseInt(choice);    
          return ch;
       public static void getSelected(int choice){   
             Demo test = new Demo();
       public static Connection getConnection(){
          try {
          catch(java.lang.ClassNotFoundException e){
             System.err.print("ClassNotFoundException: ");
          try {
          catch(SQLException ex) {
             System.err.println("SQLException: " + ex.getMessage());
          return con;
       public static void maintainProductDetails(){
          Connection con = getConnection();
          String  addProduct1, addProduct2, addProduct3, addProduct4, addProduct5, addProduct6, addProduct7, addProduct8, addProduct9, addProduct10;
          addProduct1 = "insert into Product values (110001, 'The Killers - Sams Town', 5.00, 'G', 'CD', 2006)";
          addProduct2 = "insert into Product values (110002, 'Robbie Williams - Rudebox', 5.00, 'G', 'CD', 2006)";
          addProduct3 = "insert into Product values (110003, 'Razorlight - Razorlight', 5.00, 'G', 'CD', 2006)";
          addProduct4 = "insert into Product values (110004, 'My Chemical Romance - The Black Parade', 5.00, 'G', 'CD', 2006)";
          addProduct5 = "insert into Product values (110005, 'Snow Patrol - Eyes Open', 5.00, 'G', 'CD', 2006)";
          addProduct6 = "insert into Product values (110006, 'Scissor Sisters - Ta-Dah!', 5.00, 'G', 'CD', 2006)";
          addProduct7 = "insert into Product values (110007, 'Lovesounds - Justin Timberlake', 5.00, 'G', 'CD', 2006)";
          addProduct8 = "insert into Product values (110008, 'Director - We thrive on big cities', 5.00, 'G', 'CD', 2006)";
          addProduct9 = "insert into Product values (110009, 'Roxette - Roxette hits', 5.00, 'G', 'CD', 2006)";
          addProduct10 = "insert into Product values (110010, '***** Cat Dolls - PCD', 5.00, 'G', 'CD', 2006)";
          try {
             stmt = con.createStatement();
          catch(SQLException ex) {
             System.err.println("SQLException: " + ex.getMessage());
       public static void maintainMemberDetails(){
          Connection con = getConnection();
          String addMember1, addMember2, addMember3, addMember4, addMember5, addMember6, addMember7, addMember8, addMember9, addMember10;
          addMember1 = "insert into Member values (1234, 'Ann', 'Smyth', 'Upper Killult, Falcarragh, Co. Donegal', '(074)-9135210', '(087)-2030172', #5/11/85#, #5/12/06#)";
          addMember2 = "insert into Member values (2345, 'John', 'Murphy', 'Lower Killult, Falcarragh, Co. Donegal', '(074)-9135211', '(087)-2030173', #4/12/85#, #6/13/06#)";
          addMember3 = "insert into Member values (1324, 'James', 'McFadden', 'Lower Ardsbeg, Gortahork, Co. Donegal', '(074)-9165314', '(087)-2030171', #4/11/85#, #6/14/06#)";
          addMember4 = "insert into Member values (1235, 'Frankie', 'Ferry', 'Ardsmore, Gortahork, Co. Donegal', '(074)-9165325', '(087)-2031234', #6/13/60#, #6/15/06#)";
          addMember5 = "insert into Member values (1236, 'Daniel', 'McKimm', 'Ballyness, Falcarragh, Co. Donegal', '(074)-9135212', '(087)-2030184', #5/14/73#, #6/16/06#)";
          addMember6 = "insert into Member values (2346, 'Stephen', 'Doohan', 'Ballyness, Falcarragh, Co. Donegal', '(074)-9135213', '(087)-2030185', #6/13/85#, #5/13/06#)";
          addMember7 = "insert into Member values (2347, 'James', 'Ferry', 'Meenlaragh, Gortahork, Co.Donegal', '(074)-9165360', '(087)-2031345', #9/12/85#, #5/14/06#)";
          addMember8 = "insert into Member values (2348, 'Liam', 'Cannon', 'Derryconner, Gortahork, Co.Donegal', '(074)-9165324', '(087)-2031456', #4/11/86#, #5/15/06#)";
          addMember9 = "insert into Member values (2401, 'Ciaran', 'Ferry', 'Brinalack, Gweedore, Co.Donegal', '(074)-9176425', '(087)-2030282', #9/12/85#, #5/16/06#)";
          addMember10 = "insert into Member values (2402, 'Ciaran', 'McGee', 'Derrybeg, Gweedore, Co.Donegal', '(074)-9176536', '(087)-2030393', #9/14/85#, #5/18/06#)";
             stmt = con.createStatement();
          catch(SQLException ex) {
             System.err.println("SQLException: " + ex.getMessage());
       public static void maintainRentalDetails(){
          Connection con = getConnection();
          String addRental1, addRental2, addRental3, addRental4, addRental5, addRental6, addRental7, addRental8, addRental9, addRental10;
          addRental1 = "insert into Rental values (110001, 'The Killers - Sams Town', 1234, 'Ann', 'Smyth', #9/01/06#, #9/10/06#, 'Yes', 2.00)";
          addRental2 = "insert into Rental values (120001, 'Mission Impossible 3', 2345, 'John', 'Murphy', #9/02/06#, #9/09/06#, 'No', 0.00)";
          addRental3 = "insert into Rental values (130001, 'Need for Special Carbon', 1324, 'James', 'McFadden', #9/03/06#, #9/12/06#, 'Yes', 2.00)";
          addRental4 = "insert into Rental values (110002, 'Robbie Williams - Rudebox', 1235, 'Frankie', 'Ferry', #9/04/06#, #9/11/06#, 'No', 0.00)";
          addRental5 = "insert into Rental values (120015, 'Prime', 1236, 'Daniel', 'McKimm', #9/05/06#, #9/14/06#, 'Yes', 2.00)";
          addRental6 = "insert into Rental values (130015, 'FIFA 07', 2346, 'Stephen', 'Doohan', #9/06/06#, #9/13/06#, 'No', 0.00)";
          addRental7 = "insert into Rental values (110009, 'Roxette - Roxette hits', 2347, 'James', 'Ferry', #9/07/06#, #9/16/06#, 'Yes', 2.00)";
          addRental8 = "insert into Rental values (120003, 'The Break Up', 2348, 'Liam', 'Cannon', #9/08/06#, #9/15/06#, 'No', 0.00)";
          addRental9 = "insert into Rental values (130027, 'Gears of War', 2401, 'Ciaran', 'Ferry', #9/09/06#, #9/18/06#, 'Yes', 2.00)";
          addRental10 = "insert into Rental values (110021, 'Scooter - Mind the Gap', 2402, 'Ciaran', 'McGee', #9/10/06#, #9/17/06#, 'No', 0.00)";
             stmt = con.createStatement();
          catch(SQLException ex) {
             System.err.println("SQLException: " + ex.getMessage());
       public Demo(){
          super("Demo Test Frame");
          setSize(350, 200);
          comboBox = new JComboBox();
          qtm = new QueryTableModel();
          JTable table = new JTable(qtm);
          JScrollPane scrollpane = new JScrollPane(table);
          JPanel p1 = new JPanel();
          p1.setLayout(new GridLayout(3, 2));
          p1.add(new JLabel("Enter your query: "));
          p1.add(queryField = new JTextField());
          p1.add(new JLabel("Click here to send: "));
          JButton jb = new JButton("Search");
          jb.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){
             public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
          getContentPane().add(p1, BorderLayout.NORTH);
          getContentPane().add(scrollpane, BorderLayout.CENTER);
    import java.sql.*;
    import java.util.Vector;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.table.*;
    public class QueryTableModel extends AbstractTableModel{
         Vector cache; 
         int colCount;
         String[] headers;
         Connection db;
         Statement statement;
         String currentURL;
         public QueryTableModel(){
              cache=new Vector();
              catch(Exception e){
                   System.out.println("problem loading the driver ");
         public String getColumnName(int i){
            return headers;
         public int getColumnCount(){
         return colCount;
         public int getRowCount(){
         return cache.size();
         public Object getValueAt(int row, int col){
              return ((String[])cache.elementAt(row))[col];
         public void setHostURL(){
         String url = "jdbc:odbc:VideoLibrary";
    catch(Exception e){
    System.out.println("Could not initialize the database.");
    public void setQuery(String q){
              cache=new Vector();
    String s="select * from Product";
                   ResultSet rs=statement.executeQuery(q);
                   ResultSetMetaData meta=rs.getMetaData();
                   headers=new String[colCount];
                   for(int h=1;h<=colCount;h++){
                        String[] record=new String[colCount];
                        for(int i=0;i<colCount;i++){
              catch(Exception e){
                   cache=new Vector();
         public void initDB(String url){
              catch(Exception e){
                   System.out.println("Could not initialize the database.");
         public void closeDB(){
              catch(Exception e){
                   System.out.println("Could not close the current connection.");

  • New TO JAVA Programming

    Dear Forummembers,
    I am student doing postgraduate studies in IT.i have some queries related to one of my programming staff.i am very much new into Java programming and i am finding it a bit difficult to handle this program.The synopsis of the program is given below -
    You are required to design and code an object-oriented java program to process bookings for a theatre perfomance.
    Your program will read from a data file containing specifications of the performance,including the names of the theatre, the play and its author and the layout of the theatre consisting of the number of seats in each row.
    It will then run a menu driven operation to accept theatre bookings or display the current
    status of seating in the theatre.
    The name of the file containing the details of the performance and the theatre should be
    provided at the command line, eg by running the program with the command:
    java Booking Theatre.txt
    where Theare.txt represents an example of the data file.
    A possible data file is:
    U and Me
    Jennifer Aniston
    5 10 10 11 12 13 14
    The data provided is as follows
    Line 1
    Name of the Theatre
    Line 2
    Name of the play being performed
    Line 3
    Name of the author of the play being performed
    Line 4
    A list of the lengths (number of seats) of each row in the theatre, from front to
    The program must start by reading this file, storing all the appropriate parameters and
    establishing an object to accept bookings for this performance with all details for the theatre
    and performance.
    The program should then start a loop in which a menu is presented to the user, eg:
    Select from the following:
    B - Book seats
    T - Display Theatre bookings
    Q - Quit from the program
    Enter your choice:
    And keep performing selected operations until the user�s selects the quit option, when the
    program should terminate.
    T - Display Theatre bookings
    The Display Theatre Bookings option should display a plan of the theatre. Every available
    seat should be displayed containing its identification, while reserved seats should contain an
    Rows in each theatre are indicated by letters starting from �A� at the front. Seats are
    numbered from left to right starting from 1. A typical seat in the theatre might be designated
    D12, representing seat 12 in row D.
    B - Book seats
    The booking of seats is to offer a number of different options.
    First the customer must be asked how many adjacent seats are
    required. Then start a loop offering a further menu of choices:
    Enter one of the following:
    The first seat of a selected series, eg D12
    A preferred row letter, eg F
    A ? to have the first available sequence selected for you
    A # to see a display of all available seats
    A 0 to cancel your attempt to book seats
    Enter your selection:
    1. If the user enters a seat indentifier such B6, The program should attempt to
    reserve the required seats starting from that seat. For example if 4 seats are
    required from B6, seats B6, B7, B8 and B9 should be reserved for the customer,
    with a message confirming the reservation and specifying the seats reserved..
    Before this booking can take place, some testing is required. Firstly, the row
    letter must be a valid row. Then the seat number must be within the seats in the
    row and such that the 4 seats would not go beyond the end of the row. The
    program must then check that none of the required seats is already reserved.
    If the seats are invalid or already reserved, no reservation should be made and the
    booking menu should be repeated to give the customer a further chance to book
    If the reservation is successful, return to the main menu.
    2. The user can also simply enter a row letter, eg B.IN this case, the program should
    first check that the letter is a valid row and then offer the user in turn each
    adjacent block of the required size in the specified row and for each ask whether
    the customer wants to take them. Using the partly booked theatre layout above, if
    the customer wanted 2 seats from row B, the customer should be offered first:
    Seats B5 to B6
    then if the customer does not want them:
    Seats B10 to B11
    and finally
    Seats B11 to B12
    If the customer selects a block of seats, then return to the main menu. If none are
    selected, or there is no block of the required size available in the row, then report
    that no further blocks of the required size are available in the row and repeat the
    booking menu.
    3. If the user enters a ? the program should offer the customer every block of seats
    of the required size in the whole theatre. This process should start from the first
    row and proceed back a row at a time. For example, again using the partially
    booked theatre shown above, if the user requested 9 seats, the program should
    offer in turn:
    Seats A1 to A9
    Seats C1 to C9
    Seats C2 to C10
    Seats E3 to E11
    Seats E4 to E12
    If the customer selects a block of seats, then return to the main menu. If none are
    selected, or there is no block of the required size available in the whole theatre,
    then report that no further blocks of the required size are available and repeat the
    booking menu.
    4. If the user enters a # the program should display the current status of the seating
    in the theatre, exactly the same as for the T option from the main menu and then
    repeat the booking menu.
    5. If the user enters a 0 (zero), the program should exit from the booking menu back
    to the main menu. If for example the user wanted 9 seats and no block of 9 was
    left in the theatre, he would need to make two separate smaller bookings.
    The program should perform limited data validation in the booking process. If a single
    character other than 0, ? and # is entered, it should be treated as a row letter and then tested
    for falling within the range of valid rows, eg A to H in the example above. Any invalid row
    letters should be rejected.
    If more than one character is entered, the first character should be tested as a valid row letter,
    and the numeric part should be tested for falling within the given row. You are NOT
    required to test for valid numeric input as this would require the use of Exception handling.
    You are provided with a class file:
    containing methods that can be used for neat alignment of the seat identifiers in the theatre
    File Processing
    The file to be read must be opened within the program and if the named file does not exist, a
    FileNotFoundException will be generated. It is desirable that this Exception be caught and
    a corrected file name should be asked for.
    This is not required for this assignment, as Exception handling has not been covered in this
    Unit. It will be acceptable if the method simply throws IOException in its heading.
    The only checking that is required is to make sure that the user does supply a file on the
    command line, containing details of the performance. This can be tested for by checking the
    length of the parameter array args. The array length should be 1. If not, display an error
    message telling the user the correct way to run the program and then terminate the program
    The file should be closed after reading is completed.
    Program Requirements
    You are expected to create at least three classes in developing a solution to this problem.
    There should be an outer driving class, a class to represent the theatre performance and its
    bookings and a class to represent a single row within the theatre.
    You will also need to use arrays at two levels. You will need an array of Rows in the Theatre
    Each Row object will need an array of seats to keep track of which seats have been reserved.
    Your outer driving class should be called BookingOffice and should be submitted in a file named
    Your second, third and any additional classes, should be submitted in separate files, each
    class in a .java file named with the same name as the class
    I am also very sorry to give such a long description.but i mainly want to know how to approach for this program.
    also how to designate each row about it's column while it is being read from the text file, how to store it, how to denote first row as row A(second row as row B and so on) and WHICH CLASS WILL PERFORM WHICH OPERATIONS.
    pls do give a rough guideline about designing each class and it's reponsibilty.
    thanking u and looking forward for your help,

    yes i do know that........but can u ppl pls mention
    atleast what classes shud i consider and what will be
    the functions of each class?No, sorry. Maybe somebody else will, but in general, this is not a good question for this forum. It's too broad, and the question you're asking is an overall problem solving approach that you should be familiar with at this point.
    These forums are best suited to more specific questions. "How do I approach this homework?" is not something that most people are willing or able to answer in a forum like this.

  • Calling java program in bipublisher

    Like we have datamodel types in BIPublisher as SQL Query, Webservice, Answers, File etc,, Can we call java program through bipublisher.
    The requirement is:
    A java program will generate BARCODE image based on the customer number given.
    We need to create a template in bipublisher which shows the customer name and that barcode image and other details.
    We have calling javaprograms in ibots in analytics, is there any such thing in bipublisher.

    You can call PL/SQL programs from OWB either by defining transformations or as expressions. From PL/SQL you can call a java stored procedures in the database as follows:
    1. Define the java stored procedure. For example, let's suppose that you store the following Java class in the database:
    import java.sql.*;
    import oracle.jdbc.driver.*;
    public class Adjuster {
    public static void raiseSalary (int empNo, float percent)
    throws SQLException {
    Connection conn = new OracleDriver().defaultConnection();
    String sql = "UPDATE emp SET sal = sal * ? WHERE empno = ?";
    try {
    PreparedStatement pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
    pstmt.setFloat(1, (1 + percent / 100));
    pstmt.setInt(2, empNo);
    } catch (SQLException e) {System.err.println(e.getMessage());}
    2. The class Adjuster has one method, which raises the salary of an employee by a given percentage. Because raiseSalary is a void method, you publish it as a procedure using this call spec:
    CREATE PROCEDURE raise_salary (empno NUMBER, pct NUMBER)
    NAME 'Adjuster.raiseSalary(int, float)';
    3. Call procedure raise_salary from an anonymous PL/SQL block, as follows:Long postings are being truncated to ~1 kB at this time.

  • Evaluation version of Java programs

    Hi everybody.
    I have created my own Java program and now I need to create an evaluation copy of this program, so that users can try it for 30 days by example.
    I know there are programs that do this, but these programs produce an exe (grrrrrr), but I want Java evaluation copies.
    Any suggestion?

    Just a thought....haven't ever tried it, but this has certainly crossed my mind several times when developing application -- and for the same reasons you're needing a policing mechanism.
    Perhaps you could use digital certificates with an expiration date. If you obtain a signer from a CA and then produce your own certificates with an expiration date you can protect your code.
    When initializing you can check the expiration date of the certificate. You'll probably have to serialize and encrypt some of the data (i.e. JCE) so people can't simply binary edit everything.
    Many sites demand that users register themselves for download. Taking this approach you can actually generate and package the digital certificate that moment via Java, giving the user, say 60 days, to use the application. This way, each user gets a full 60 days, but you simply generated a certificate signed by your root. This way, nobody can forge the certificate since you have the private key. You'll probably need to embed and encrypt the certificate somewhere so that it's not replaceable. Even if someone did replace it, they'd have to replace it with one from your signer.
    There certainly would need to be some more thought behind this, but my first impression is that it's possible. If you're interested I can try explaining the concept in more detail as it relates to trust/key stores with JSSE.

  • Deploying java program on Windows

    I have just finished developing a java program using the eclipse editor. I'm ready to deploy it to Windows XP platform. To my surprise, once I step outside of eclipse, nothing works (compling, executing, packaging)...
    Since Eclipse is obviously compiling and packaging the files using the same commands availiable to me from the commandline(java.exe, javac.exe, etc.), what I want to do is write a batch script that will compile the entire project, and another batch script that will execute the project. I might use jar file.
    My program consists of JDBC and many other library that I used( junit.jar, etc.). I have all the library pack in a dir and I use them in Eclipse by importing them as external jar. However, it seems like these library can't be recongize when I compile from the commandline. I tried to place them in my javaSDKdir\lib, but that didn't help. I ideally, I want everything to be in one package.
    I also tried to make a jar file in eclipse. After it's generated, I edit the MANIFEST.MF file and include my main class. However, when I launch the jar file(double click), nothing really happen. I know it can find my main class because if I change the MANIFEST file, it will complain main class not found.
    Any suggestion is welcomed. Thanks.

    A very good book that you should run, not walk, to the store and buy:
    It will show you how to do everything you want to do, and a lot more. It's one of those books most developers should learn to live by, and sadly most do not. Between unit tests, build automation, continual integration builds and more, you'll find it in this book.
    Now, I recognize that you are probably somewhat new to java development given the difficulties you are having, so this book may seem overkill, but its a great place to learn what to do the right way fhe start.
    If $800 is not a terrible amount of money to spend, I'd strongly recommend Install4J. It will bundle your application with installers for mac osx, windows and linux, and provide native launchers as well, with a LOT of the drudgery usually involved in shipping/deploying a java application taken care of. If you are working for a company (or your own), I'd suggest you go that route to provide a good professional installation and launcher capability. If it's a free/open-source project, well, I'd still recommend it if you can afford it.

  • Running a java program a set number of times

    This is a general question. Is it possible to make a java program run only 5 times for the sake of arguement.
    Basically I want to write a program that will give the user some flexibility when it will actually run another Java program, but I only want them to be able to say "not now' for a set number of times. When the last time comes the other program will launch. I was initially thinking of the Do Whilw loop, but this needs to work when the program is restarted.
    Program starts, it has 5 times it will run before it does something else(doesn't really matter now I think). User takes option "Not Now" and the program ends, but warns the user this will run 4 more times before you will need to do something.
    This process will repeat until the user takes the option "Ok install now" or the time limit expires and the install occurs anyway. Can someone point me in the right direction.

    ok I see so it's like one those programs that you download for free on the internet and they give you a set amount times to use it before you have to pay for it. but in this case when the number of times you use it equals 5 (or when the user clicks ok) a different java app will open automatically.
    My first thought would be to Write a Serialized object to disk using objectOutputStream that stores the number of times the application has been opened. and each time the program runs it checks for the serialized object and then you can do something like what I posted before. of course if were worried about security the user could always look for the object and erase it, if so then I guess we would have to come up with another plan of attack
    Hope this helps

  • Running a java program outside eclipse...!

    Hi guys...!
    I wrote a java program that uses different classes. The program deals with xml documents and creates a new xml document. The problem is, the program works fine in eclipse, but when I run through the command line in windows, it complains that it can't see the different classes that I created. Here is one of the error messages: find symbol
    symbol : class Circuit
    location : class src.Test
    Circuit cir = new Circuit ();
    Note: uses unchecked or unsafe operations.
    Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details
    Does anyone know how to resolve this...?
    Any help from you guys will be very appreciated.

    I think the problem is probably something like this:
    You have a path thus:
    C:\blahblahblah\With a subdirectory thus:
    C:\blahblahblah\srcIn which you have declared classes thus:
    package src;
    public class Foo {
    }And you have then used a classpath something like the
    javac -classpath C:\blahblahblah\src Foo.javaThis is incorrect. Your classpath needs to point to
    the root of the package hierarchy. If it's like the
    above, it will look in C:\blahblahblah\src for a
    package src, which results in a path like
    C:\blahblahblah\src\src which does not exist.
    You should set it to:
    C:\blahblahblah\Where that is the root from which your packages
    Dave.Thanks Dave. It works man. I really appreciate your help.

  • Running a Java program on HP UX

    Hi everyone
    First time in life i have to make a Java program run on HP UX... the program is running perfectly in windows environment..... but when i copy the program to HP-UX and try to run it gives me following error
    -----------------End Configuration-------------------------
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: java/sql/Savepoint
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass0(Native Method)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(Unknown Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at$1(Unknown Source)
    at$ Source)
    at Method)
    at Source)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
    at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver.getConnectionInstance(OracleDriver.ja
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver.connect(
    at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(
    at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(
    at StatInterface.main(
    I can guess that this has something to do with Class path or java home... i even don't know how to set paths in HP-UX
    can u ppl help me?
    Following are the details
    OS Version = HP-UX rpsvr02 B.11.11 U 9000/800 (ta)
    JVM = java version "" Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (build 1.3.1 PA2.0, mixed mode)
    $PATH value
    I really need your help.. and it is really urgent.. plz
    Thanx in advance

    In the documentation for Savepoint it states "since 1.4"
    You need a more recent version of java. I suggest using asupported version like 1.4.2_08 or 1.5.0_04 if you can get them.
    If not try getting the source for 1.6.0 and compiling it for HPUX.

  • Error while executing program

    Hi All,
    I am trying to execute the samples( program from Jdeveloper and provided the following details in runtime.defaults:
    however getting the following exception:
    Error Code: ORACLE.FDK.UnexpectedError
    Detailed Error Code: ORACLE.FDK.FeatureNotEnabled
    Trace Id:
    info (NamedValue[]): null
    can any one please help me to resolve this issue.

    See the Cleartext Authentication note in the running_client_samples.html file of the CDB devkit.
    The default configuration for an out-of-box Oracle Content DB installation allows Cleartext Authentication only if SSL has been enabled (and the Web Services connection string begins with https). See the authentication topic for details.
    To allow Cleartext Authentication to take place over standard (non-SSL) HTTP, set the Oracle Content DB domain property IFS.DOMAIN.WS.CleartextAuthenticationRequiresHttps to false using Enterprise Manager (Application Server Control). See the Content DB Administration Guide for details.
    If the domain property above is not modified to false and Cleartext Authentication is attempted using using standard HTTP, an FdkException will be thrown:
    ORACLE.FDK.UnexpectedError : ORACLE.FDK.FeatureNotEnabled

  • Need help in creating a java program

    Hi everyone.
    I'd like to say before i start about my problem, that i've only begun learning java and my teacher hasn't explained anything at all. He only showed us by doing it himself and then showing us the final version. I've searched a little on how to program but i get little success in finding a good tutorial.
    I need help creating a program which has been assigned to me due in a few days in which i can't contact my teacher for help.
    I need to write a java program which inputs 3 items. The number of kilometres you drove, the number of litres of gas you used and the price you paid for the gas. Then, the program must calculate the number of litres used per 100km driven, which is litres divided by kilometres times 100, how much it costs to drive 100km, which is the result (a) times the price per litre and the number of miles per American gallon of gas ( one American gallon = 3.785 litres, and one mile = 1.609 km.
    The program has to output my name, the inputs given, the results computed and a message saying "Program Complete".
    To give you what i've done to begin with, from what i understood, is:
    import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
    public class prog1
         public static void main(String args[])
              final double americanGallon = 3.785;
              final double mile = 1.609;
              System.out.println("My Name");
              System.out.println("Number of kilometres driven:");
              kilometresDriven = JOptionPane.showInputDialog ("Kilometres Driven");
              System.out.println("Number of Litres of gas used:");
              gasUsed = JOptionPane.showInputDialog ("Litres of gas used");
              System.out.println("Price of a liter of gas:");
              priceOfLiterGas = JoptionPane.showInputDialog("Price per liter");
    Up to now, that's all i've got. i know i'm wrong, but i'm not sure how to do this. Could someone give me an outline of what this program is suppose to look like?
    Thanks in advance.

    Here's an update on my program. I've worked on certain details and would need your comments whether it contains errors. I'd also want to know if it would work or not because i don't know how to check it on my computer.
    Here's the update:
    import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
    public class Prog1
    public static void main(String args[])
    String name;
    double kmDriven;
    double litresUsed;
    double pricePaidForGas;
    double priceOfALiter;
    name = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Name");
    input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Number of km driven");
    kmDriven = Double.parseDouble (input);
    input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Number of litres of gas used");
    litresUsed = Double.parseDouble (input);
    input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Price paid for gas");
    pricePaidForGas = Double.parseDouble (input);
    input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Price of a litre of gas");
    priceOfALiter = Double.parseDouble (input);
    a = (litresUsed/kmDriven)*100;
    b = ((litresUsed/kmDriven)*100)*priceOfALiter);
    c = (kmDriven/1.609)
    System.out.println("Name:" + name);
    System.out.println("Number of litres used per 100km:" + a);
    System.out.println("Cost of driving 100km" + b);
    System.out.println("Number of miles per American Gallon of Gas:" + c);
    System.out.println("Program Complete");
    Comments please.
    Thanks in advance

  • Challange for you, help for me! java program

    I am a beginning java student and desparately (again) in help of someone who will check my java program. See below what they want from me, and try to make a program of it that works in all the ways that are asked. Thank you for helping me, i am running out of time.
    Prem Pradeep
    [email protected]
    Catalogue Manager II
    1.     Develop an object to represent to encapsulate an item in a catalogue. Each CatalogueItem has three pieces of information: an alphanumeric catalogue code, a name, and a price (in dollars and cents), that excludes sales tax. The object should also be able to report the price, inclusive of a 15% sales tax, and the taxed component of the price.
    2.     Data input will come from a text file, whose name is passed in as the first command-line argument to the program. This data file may include up to 30 data items (the program will need to be able to support a variable number of actual items in the array without any errors).
    3.     The data lines will be in the format: CatNo:Description:Price Use a StringTokenizer object to separate these data lines into their components.
    4.     A menu should appear, prompting the user for an action:
    a.     Display all goods: this will display a summary (in tabulated form) of all goods currently stored in the catalogue: per item the category, description, price excluding tax, payable tax and price including tax.
    b.     Dispfay cheapest/dearest goods: this will display a summary of all the cheapest and most expensive item(s) in the catalogue. In the case of more than one item being the cheapest (or most expensive), they should all be listed.
    c.     Sort the list: this will use a selection sort algorithm to sort the list in ascending order, using the catalogue number as the key.
    d.     Search the list: this will prompt the user for a catalogue number, and use a binary search to find the data. If the data has not yet been sorted, this menu option should not operate, and instead display a message to the user to sort the data before attempting a search
    5.     Work out a way to be able to support the inc tax/ex tax price accessors, and the tax component accessor, without needing to store any additional information in the object.
    6.     Use modifiers where appropriate to:
    a.     Ensure that data is properly protected;
    b.     Ensure that the accessors and mutators are most visible;
    c.     The accessors and mutators for the catalogue number and description cannot be overridden.
    d.     The constant for the tax rate is publicly accessible, and does not need an instance of the class present in order to be accessible.
    7.     The program should handle all exceptions wherever they may occur (i.e. file 1/0 problems, number formatting issues, etc.) A correct and comprehensive exception handling strategy (leading to a completely robust program) will be necessary and not an incomplete strategy (i.e. handling incorrect data formats, but not critical errors),
    Sample Execution
    C:\> java AssignmentSix mydata.txt
    Loading file data from mydata.txt ...17 item(s) OK
    a) display all goods b) display cheapest/dearest goods
    c) sort the goods list d) search the goods list
    e) quit
    Option: d
    The goods cannot be searched, as the list is not yet sorted.
    a) display all goods b) display cheapest/dearest goods
    c) sort the goods list d) search the goods list
    e) quit
    Option: b
    Cat      Description      ExTax      Tax      IncTax
    BA023      Headphones      23.00      3.45      26.45
    JW289      Tape Recorder     23.00      3.45      26.45
    Cat      Description      ExTax      Tax      IncTax
    ZZ338      Wristwatch      295.00 44.25      339.25
    a) display all goods b) display cheapest/dearest goods
    c) sort the goods list d) search the goods list
    e) quit
    Option: c
    The data is now sorted.
    a) display all goods b) display cheapest/dearest goods
    c) sort the goods list d) search the goods list
    e) quit
    Option: d
    Enter the catalogue number to find: ZJ282
    Cat Description ExTax Tax IncTax
    ZJ282 Pine Table 98.00 14.70 112.70
    a) display all goods b) display cheapest/dearest goods
    c) sort the goods list d) search the goods list
    e) quit
    Option: e
    Here you have the program as far as I could get. Please try to help me make it compact and implement a sorting method.
    By the way: you can get 8 Duke dollars (I have this topic also in the beginnersforum)
    import java.text.DecimalFormat;
    import java.util.StringTokenizer;
    public class CatalogueManager {
    // private static final double TAXABLE_PERCENTAGE = 0.15;
    // Require it to be publicly accessible
    // static means it is class variable, not an object instance variable.
    public static final double TAXABLE_PERCENTAGE = 0.15;
    private String catalogNumber;
    private String description;
    private double price;
    /** Creates a new instance of CatalogueManager */
    public CatalogueManager() {
    catalogNumber = null;
    description = null;
    price = 0;
    public CatalogueManager(String pCatalogNumber, String pDescription, double pPrice) {
    catalogNumber = pCatalogNumber;
    description = pDescription;
    price = pPrice;
    // the mutators must be most visible
    // the final keyword prevents overridden
    public final void setCatalogNumnber(String pCatalogNumber) {
    catalogNumber = pCatalogNumber;
    // the mutators must be most visible
    // the final keyword prevents overridden
    public final String getCatalogNumber() {
    String str = catalogNumber;
    return str;
    // the mutators must be most visible
    // the final keyword prevents overridden
    public final void setDescription(String pDescription) {
    description = pDescription;
    // the accessors must be most visible
    // the final keyword prevents overridden
    public final String getDescription() {
    String str = description;
    return str;
    // If the parameter is not a double type, set the price = 0;
    // the mutators must be most visible
    public boolean setPrice(String pPrice) {
    try {
    price = Double.parseDouble(pPrice);
    return true;
    catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
    price = 0;
    return false;
    // the accessors must be most visible
    public double getPrice() {
    double rprice = price;
    return formatDouble(rprice);
    double getTaxAmount(){
    double rTaxAmount = price * TAXABLE_PERCENTAGE;
    return formatDouble(rTaxAmount);
    double getIncTaxAmount() {
    double rTaxAmount = price * (1 + TAXABLE_PERCENTAGE);
    return formatDouble(rTaxAmount);
    double formatDouble(double value) {
    DecimalFormat myFormatter = new DecimalFormat("###.##");
    String str1 = myFormatter.format(value);
    return Double.parseDouble(str1);
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
    final int MAX_INPUT_ALLOW = 30;
    int MAX_CURRENT_INPUT = 0;
    FileReader fr;
    BufferedReader br;
    CatalogueManager[] catalogList = new CatalogueManager[MAX_INPUT_ALLOW];
    String str;
    char chr;
    boolean bolSort = false;
    double cheapest = 0;
    double mostExpensive = 0;
    String header = "Cat\tDescription\tExTax\tTax\tInc Tax";
    String lines = "---\t-----------\t------\t---\t-------";
    if (args.length != 1) {
    System.out.println("The application expects one parameter only.");
    try {
    fr = new FileReader(args[0]);
    br = new BufferedReader(fr);
    int i = 0;
    while ((str = br.readLine()) != null) {
    catalogList[i] = new CatalogueManager();
    StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(str, ":" );
    if (! catalogList[i].setPrice(tokenizer.nextToken())){
    System.out.println("The price column cannot be formatted as dobule type");
    System.out.println("Application will convert the price to 0.00 and continue with the rest of the line");
    System.out.println("Please check line " + i);
    if (catalogList[i].getPrice() < cheapest) {
    cheapest = catalogList[i].getPrice();
    if (catalogList[i].getPrice() > mostExpensive) {
    mostExpensive = catalogList[i].getPrice();
    catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) {
    System.out.println("Input file cannot be located, please make sure the file exists!");
    catch (IOException ioe) {
    System.out.println("Application cannot read the data from the file!");
    boolean bolLoop = true;
    BufferedReader stdin = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
    do {
    System.out.println("CATALOGUE MANAGER: MAIN MENU");
    System.out.println("a) display all goods b) display cheapest/dearest goods");
    System.out.println("c) sort the goods list d) search the good list");
    System.out.println("e) quit");
    try {
    str = stdin.readLine();
    if (str.length() == 1){
    chr = str.charAt(0);
    switch (chr){
    case 'a':
    for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CURRENT_INPUT; i++){
    System.out.println(catalogList[i].getCatalogNumber() + "\t" +
    catalogList[i].getDescription() + "\t" +
    catalogList[i].getPrice() + "\t" +
    catalogList[i].getTaxAmount() + "\t" +
    case 'b':
    System.out.println("CHEAPEST GOODS IN CATALOGUE");
    for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CURRENT_INPUT; i++){
    if (catalogList[i].getPrice() == cheapest){
    System.out.println(catalogList[i].getCatalogNumber() + "\t" +
    catalogList[i].getDescription() + "\t" +
    catalogList[i].getPrice() + "\t" +
    catalogList[i].getTaxAmount() + "\t" +
    System.out.println("MOST EXPENSIVE GODS IN CATALOGUE");
    for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CURRENT_INPUT; i++){
    if (catalogList[i].getPrice() == mostExpensive) {
    System.out.println(catalogList[i].getCatalogNumber() + "\t" +
    catalogList[i].getDescription() + "\t" +
    catalogList[i].getPrice() + "\t" +
    catalogList[i].getTaxAmount() + "\t" +
    case 'c':
    if (bolSort == true){
    System.out.println("The data has already been sorted");
    else {
    System.out.println("The data is not sorted");
    case 'd':
    case 'e':
    bolLoop = false;
    System.out.println("Invalid choice, please re-enter");
    catch (IOException ioe) {
    System.out.println("ERROR:" + ioe.getMessage());
    System.out.println("Application exits now");
    } while (bolLoop);

    One thing you're missing totally is CatalogueItem!! A CatalogueManager manages the CatalogueItem's, and is not an CatalogueItem itself. So at least you have to have this one more class CatalogueItem.
    public class CatalogueItem {
    private String catalogNumber;
    private String description;
    private double price;
    //with all proper getters, setters.
    Then CatalogueManager has a member variable:
    CatalogueItem[] items;
    Get this straight and other things are pretty obvious...

  • Error in  Concurrent Program Details Report - XML Publisher program

    i m executing a Concurrent Program Details Report - XML Publisher program and i m getting following errors
    Beginning post-processing of request 4365650 on node APPS1 at 01-DEC-2010 08:04:00.
    Post-processing of request 4365650 failed at 01-DEC-2010 08:04:04 with the error message:
    One or more post-processing actions failed. Consult the OPP service log for details.
    Can u specify where exactly the problem is the OPP log file shows:
    11/25/10 5:08:20 AM] [main] Starting GSF service with concurrent process id = 1272712.
    [11/25/10 5:08:20 AM] [main] Initialization Parameters: oracle.apps.fnd.cp.opp.OPPServiceThread:2:0:max_threads=6
    [11/25/10 5:08:20 AM] [Thread-18] Service thread starting up.
    [11/25/10 5:08:20 AM] [Thread-19] Service thread starting up.
    [11/25/10 1:00:02 PM] [GSMServiceController:1272712] New Initialization Parameters: oracle.apps.fnd.cp.opp.OPPServiceThread:2:0:max_threads=4
    [11/26/10 12:01:08 AM] [GSMServiceController:1272712] New Initialization Parameters: oracle.apps.fnd.cp.opp.OPPServiceThread:2:0:max_threads=6
    [11/26/10 1:00:33 PM] [GSMServiceController:1272712] New Initialization Parameters: oracle.apps.fnd.cp.opp.OPPServiceThread:2:0:max_threads=4
    [11/27/10 12:01:48 AM] [GSMServiceController:1272712] New Initialization Parameters: oracle.apps.fnd.cp.opp.OPPServiceThread:2:0:max_threads=6
    [11/27/10 1:01:11 PM] [GSMServiceController:1272712] New Initialization Parameters: oracle.apps.fnd.cp.opp.OPPServiceThread:2:0:max_threads=4
    [11/28/10 12:00:18 AM] [GSMServiceController:1272712] New Initialization Parameters: oracle.apps.fnd.cp.opp.OPPServiceThread:2:0:max_threads=6
    [11/28/10 1:01:39 PM] [GSMServiceController:1272712] New Initialization Parameters: oracle.apps.fnd.cp.opp.OPPServiceThread:2:0:max_threads=4
    [11/29/10 12:00:48 AM] [GSMServiceController:1272712] New Initialization Parameters: oracle.apps.fnd.cp.opp.OPPServiceThread:2:0:max_threads=6
    [11/29/10 1:00:20 PM] [GSMServiceController:1272712] New Initialization Parameters: oracle.apps.fnd.cp.opp.OPPServiceThread:2:0:max_threads=4
    [11/30/10 12:01:51 AM] [GSMServiceController:1272712] New Initialization Parameters: oracle.apps.fnd.cp.opp.OPPServiceThread:2:0:max_threads=6
    [11/30/10 1:01:00 PM] [GSMServiceController:1272712] New Initialization Parameters: oracle.apps.fnd.cp.opp.OPPServiceThread:2:0:max_threads=4
    [12/1/10 12:00:20 AM] [GSMServiceController:1272712] New Initialization Parameters: oracle.apps.fnd.cp.opp.OPPServiceThread:2:0:max_threads=6
    [12/1/10 8:04:02 AM] [OPPServiceThread1] Post-processing request 4365650.
    [12/1/10 8:04:03 AM] [1272712:RT4365650] Executing post-processing actions for request 4365650.
    [12/1/10 8:04:03 AM] [1272712:RT4365650] Starting XML Publisher post-processing action.
    [12/1/10 8:04:03 AM] [1272712:RT4365650]
    Template code: FNDCPPGD_XML
    Template app: FND
    Language: en
    Territory: US
    Output type: PDF
         at oracle.apps.xdo.oa.schema.server.TemplateInputStream.initStream(
         at oracle.apps.xdo.oa.schema.server.TemplateInputStream.<init>(
         at oracle.apps.xdo.oa.schema.server.TemplateHelper.getTemplateFile(
         at oracle.apps.xdo.oa.schema.server.TemplateHelper.processTemplate(
         at oracle.apps.xdo.oa.schema.server.TemplateHelper.processTemplate(
         at oracle.apps.fnd.cp.opp.XMLPublisherProcessor.process(
    [12/1/10 8:04:04 AM] [1272712:RT4365650] Completed post-processing actions for request 4365650.
    [GC 6798K->4234K(9108K), 0.0020110 secs]
    [GC 6858K->4321K(9108K), 0.0399700 secs]
    [GC 6945K->4256K(9108K), 0.0021440 secs]
    [GC 6880K->4272K(9108K), 0.0021000 secs]
    [GC 6896K->4232K(9108K), 0.0020110 secs]
    [GC 6856K->4316K(9108K), 0.0020590 secs]
    [GC 6940K->4408K(9108K), 0.0597480 secs]
    [GC 7032K->4495K(9108K), 0.0034290 secs]
    [GC 7119K->4581K(9108K), 0.0031930 secs]
    [GC 7205K->4667K(9108K), 0.0027380 secs]
    [GC 7291K->4753K(9108K), 0.0028380 secs]
    [GC 7377K->4840K(9108K), 0.0030960 secs]
    [GC 7464K->4926K(9108K), 0.0026830 secs]
    [GC 7550K->5011K(9108K), 0.7886420 secs]
    [GC 7635K->5099K(9108K), 0.0029910 secs]
    [GC 7723K->5183K(9108K), 0.0650420 secs]
    [GC 7807K->5287K(9108K), 0.0137250 secs]
    [GC 7911K->5375K(9108K), 0.0028940 secs]
    [GC 7999K->5461K(9108K), 0.0121010 secs]
    [GC 8085K->5544K(9108K), 0.0025770 secs]
    [GC 8168K->5634K(9108K), 0.0035770 secs]
    [GC 8258K->5723K(9108K), 0.0134410 secs]
    [GC 8347K->5810K(9108K), 0.0028090 secs]
    [GC 8434K->5891K(9108K), 0.0029380 secs]
    [GC 8515K->5981K(9108K), 0.0029140 secs]
    [GC 8605K->6069K(9108K), 0.0027600 secs]
    [GC 8693K->6154K(9108K), 0.1243500 secs]
    [GC 8778K->6241K(9108K), 0.0039650 secs]
    [GC 8865K->6326K(9108K), 0.0028650 secs]
    [GC 8950K->6413K(9236K), 0.0039710 secs]
    [Full GC[Unloading class sun.reflect.GeneratedSerializationConstructorAccessor6]
    6413K->5352K(9236K), 1.1909030 secs]
    [GC 8936K->5472K(12956K), 0.0023870 secs]
    [GC 9056K->5591K(12956K), 0.0033830 secs]
    [GC 9175K->5729K(12956K), 0.0042040 secs]
    [GC 9313K->5849K(12956K), 0.0034840 secs]
    [GC 9433K->5961K(12956K), 0.0100990 secs]
    [GC 9545K->6086K(12956K), 0.0030080 secs]
    [GC 9670K->6201K(12956K), 0.0031240 secs]
    [GC 9785K->6319K(12956K), 0.0032300 secs]
    [GC 9903K->6440K(12956K), 0.0034340 secs]
    [GC 10024K->6559K(12956K), 0.0034880 secs]
    [GC 10143K->6672K(12956K), 0.0035840 secs]
    [GC 10256K->6798K(12956K), 0.0057700 secs]
    [GC 10382K->6910K(12956K), 0.0060400 secs]
    [GC 10494K->7033K(12956K), 0.0100290 secs]
    [GC 10617K->7155K(12956K), 0.0071060 secs]
    [GC 10739K->6968K(12956K), 0.0096190 secs]
    [GC 10551K->7022K(12956K), 0.0018430 secs]
    [GC 10606K->7024K(12956K), 0.0019950 secs]
    [GC 10608K->7020K(12956K), 0.0019460 secs]
    [GC 10604K->7024K(12956K), 0.0021440 secs]
    [GC 10607K->7011K(12956K), 0.0018930 secs]
    [GC 10595K->7048K(12956K), 0.0027050 secs]
    [GC 10632K->7174K(12956K), 0.0028100 secs]
    [GC 10758K->7059K(12956K), 0.0015890 secs]
    [GC 10643K->7070K(12956K), 0.0032490 secs]
    [GC 10654K->7192K(12956K), 0.0332620 secs]
    [GC 10776K->7313K(12956K), 0.0035480 secs]
    [GC 10897K->7437K(12956K), 0.0042360 secs]
    [GC 11021K->7555K(12956K), 0.0158540 secs]
    [GC 11139K->7679K(12956K), 0.0036930 secs]
    [GC 11263K->7800K(12956K), 0.0035670 secs]
    [GC 11384K->7919K(12956K), 0.0036300 secs]
    [GC 11503K->8043K(12956K), 0.0039190 secs]
    [GC 11627K->8164K(12956K), 0.0036210 secs]
    [GC 11748K->8284K(12956K), 0.0034810 secs]
    [GC 11868K->8405K(12956K), 0.0224470 secs]
    [GC 11989K->8538K(12956K), 0.1723720 secs]
    [GC 12122K->8661K(12956K), 0.0036210 secs]
    [GC 12245K->8782K(12956K), 0.0101020 secs]
    [GC 12366K->8903K(12956K), 0.0036410 secs]
    [GC 12487K->9031K(12956K), 0.0037570 secs]
    [GC 12615K->9152K(12956K), 0.1185410 secs]
    [GC 12736K->9273K(13084K), 0.0037680 secs]
    [Full GC[Unloading class sun.reflect.GeneratedSerializationConstructorAccessor16]
    [Unloading class sun.reflect.GeneratedSerializationConstructorAccessor18]
    9273K->6003K(13084K), 0.2840530 secs]
    [GC 10163K->6154K(14616K), 0.0024850 secs]
    [GC 10314K->6296K(14616K), 0.1144950 secs]
    [GC 10456K->6436K(14616K), 0.0194160 secs]
    [GC 10596K->6261K(14616K), 0.0069170 secs]
    [GC 10421K->6264K(14616K), 0.0014630 secs]
    [GC 10424K->6344K(14616K), 0.0027370 secs]
    [GC 10504K->6481K(14616K), 0.0034770 secs]
    [GC 10641K->6620K(14616K), 0.0282380 secs]
    [GC 10780K->6758K(14616K), 0.0027550 secs]
    [GC 10918K->6901K(14616K), 0.0026610 secs]
    [GC 11061K->7042K(14616K), 0.0033920 secs]
    [GC 11202K->7183K(14616K), 0.1176190 secs]
    [GC 11343K->7328K(14616K), 0.0026570 secs]
    [GC 11488K->7468K(14616K), 0.0037760 secs]
    [GC 11628K->7602K(14616K), 0.0030830 secs]
    [GC 11762K->7747K(14616K), 0.0037920 secs]
    [GC 11907K->7880K(14616K), 0.0039450 secs]
    [GC 12040K->8029K(14616K), 0.0037420 secs]
    [GC 12189K->8168K(14616K), 0.0059800 secs]
    [GC 12328K->8308K(14616K), 0.0040210 secs]
    [GC 12468K->8447K(14616K), 0.0141800 secs]
    [GC 12607K->8588K(14616K), 0.0040530 secs]
    [GC 12748K->8731K(14616K), 0.0927280 secs]
    [GC 12891K->8869K(14616K), 0.0039840 secs]
    [GC 13029K->8761K(14616K), 0.0167970 secs]
    [GC 12921K->8655K(14616K), 0.0013430 secs]
    [GC 12815K->8692K(14616K), 0.0027280 secs]
    [GC 12852K->8697K(14616K), 0.0022180 secs]
    [GC 12857K->8698K(14616K), 0.0018800 secs]
    [GC 12858K->8844K(14616K), 0.0030390 secs]
    [GC 13004K->8703K(14616K), 0.0020500 secs]
    [GC 12863K->8775K(14616K), 0.0022840 secs]
    [GC 12935K->8762K(14616K), 0.0021550 secs]
    [GC 12922K->8897K(14616K), 0.0029530 secs]
    [GC 13057K->9028K(14616K), 0.0321850 secs]
    [GC 13188K->9175K(14616K), 0.0037260 secs]
    [GC 13335K->9307K(14616K), 0.0197840 secs]
    [GC 13467K->9436K(14616K), 0.0037780 secs]
    [GC 13596K->9565K(14616K), 0.0254750 secs]
    [GC 13725K->9691K(14616K), 0.0032600 secs]
    [GC 13851K->9828K(14616K), 0.0034450 secs]
    [GC 13988K->9966K(14616K), 0.0038190 secs]
    [GC 14126K->10107K(14616K), 0.0039240 secs]
    [GC 14267K->10247K(14616K), 0.1258140 secs]
    [GC 14407K->10387K(14744K), 0.0040400 secs]
    [Full GC[Unloading class sun.reflect.GeneratedSerializationConstructorAccessor19]
    10387K->5407K(14744K), 1.3601020 secs]
    [GC 9567K->5549K(14616K), 0.0024490 secs]
    [GC 9709K->5695K(14616K), 0.0159350 secs]

    Pl post details of OS, database and EBS versions. The error is here
    [12/1/10 8:04:04 AM] [UNEXPECTED] [1272712:RT4365650] java.sql.SQLException: No corresponding LOB data found :SELECT L.FILE_DATA ...
    Pl see if the solution in MOS Doc 367456.1 (Why Does the 'Concurrent Program Details Report - XML Publisher' Fail with 'No corresponding LOB dat) is applicable. Other possibly relevant MOS Docs are
    XML Report Preview : Java.Sql.Sqlexception: No Corresponding Lob Data Found          (Doc ID 418374.1)
    Getting ''No Corresponding Lob Data Found'' Error From XDOREPPB 'XML Report Publisher'          (Doc ID 399349.1)
    Publish Fsg Report fails with "java.sql.SQLException: No corresponding LOB data found"          (Doc ID 420528.1)
    The Canadian RL1 Electronic Interface is Ending in Error: 'java.sql.SQLException: No corresponding L          (Doc ID 1068986.1)
    AR Customer Balance Statement Letter /Statements Output is in XMLand not in PDF          (Doc ID 975501.1)
    "An error encountered either due to invalid Template details or due to null Data Input Stream" While          (Doc ID 1068524.1)
    XML Publisher Invoice Print Report Has No Output Generated          (Doc ID 427314.1)

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