Stored Procedure with OpenQuery

Good day,
We have developed update query that works well and would like to make stored procedure from it.  This query does join with an OpenQuery and we would like to pass BatchID (int) to both OpenQuery and local table. Not sure how really go about doing that
with OpenQuery. Here is the working query;
declare @CurrentDate varchar(8) 
set @CurrentDate = replace(convert(char(5), getdate(), 1), '/', '') +''+ right(replace(convert(char(8), getdate(), 1), '/', ''), 1) -- get date in mmddy format
UPDATE       a1
SET                a1.LastErrorCode = a2.ENTRY_STATUS, a1.UploadedYN = CASE WHEN a2.ENTRY_STATUS = 0 THEN 'Y' ELSE 'N' END, --check if uploaded
a1.LocatorNumber = Case when AccountType in('60','61','62', '63', '64','65', '98', '90') then Left(OriginalLocatorNumber,7) + '' + Right(OriginalLocatorNumber,4)   
 when BatchType= 8 then  '00' + '' + @CurrentDate + '' + convert(varchar, a1.UploadEntryKey) 
 when BatchType= 4 then  '10' + '' + @CurrentDate + '' + convert(varchar, a1.UploadEntryKey)  
 when BatchType= 6 then  '11' + '' + @CurrentDate + '' + convert(varchar, a1.UploadEntryKey)  
 when BatchType= 1 then  '01' + '' + @CurrentDate + '' + convert(varchar, a1.UploadEntryKey)  
 when BatchType= 7 then  right(accounttype, 1) + ''+ right(accounttype, 1) + '' + @CurrentDate + '' + convert(varchar, a1.UploadEntryKey)  
 when BatchType= 2 or BatchType = 3 then  AccountType + '' + @CurrentDate + '' + convert(varchar, a1.UploadEntryKey)  
 when BatchType= 9 then  '39' + '' + @CurrentDate + '' + convert(varchar, a1.UploadEntryKey) 
 when BatchType= 5 then  '31' + '' + @CurrentDate + '' + convert(varchar, a1.UploadEntryKey)  
 when BatchType in('10', '11', '12', '13') then '88' + '' + @CurrentDate + '' + convert(varchar, a1.UploadEntryKey)  
 when BatchType in('17', '18', '19', '20') then '38' + '' + @CurrentDate + '' + convert(varchar, a1.UploadEntryKey)  
 when BatchType in('28', '29') then '78' + '' + @CurrentDate + '' + convert(varchar, a1.UploadEntryKey)  
 when BatchType in('30', '31') then '68' + '' + @CurrentDate + '' + convert(varchar, a1.UploadEntryKey)  
 when BatchType in('32', '33', '34', '35') then '08' + '' + @CurrentDate + '' + convert(varchar, a1.UploadEntryKey) 
FROM            tblEWPBulk AS a1 INNER JOIN  
                             (SELECT        *
in(17773) AND ENTRY_STATUS <> -1')) AS a2 ON 
                         a2.ENTRY_KEY = a1.UploadEntryKey INNER JOIN
                         tblBatchControl ON a1.BatchID = tblBatchControl.BatchID 
WHERE        (a1.BatchID in(17773)) and (a1.DeletedYN = 0) AND (a1.UploadedYN is null or a1.UploadedYN = 'N')
Below is our attempt at creating stored procedure but we know it won't work due to parameter in OpenQuery.
USE [OurDatabase]
/****** Object:  StoredProcedure [dbo].[StoredProcedureName]    Script Date: 4/21/2015 1:05:09 PM ******/
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[StoredProcedureName] @batchid int, @errorID int OUTPUT --@return_value int =0 OUTPUT
IF EXISTS (SELECT BatchID FROM tblBatchControl WHERE BatchID = @batchid)
DECLARE @CurrentDate varchar(8) 
SET @CurrentDate = replace(convert(char(5), getdate(), 1), '/', '') +''+ right(replace(convert(char(8), getdate(), 1), '/', ''), 1) -- get date in mmddy format
UPDATE       a1
SET                a1.LastErrorCode = a2.ENTRY_STATUS, a1.UploadedYN = CASE WHEN a2.ENTRY_STATUS = 0 THEN 'Y' ELSE 'N' END, --check if uploaded
  a1.LocatorNumber = Case when AccountType in('60','61','62', '63', '64','65', '98', '90') then Left(OriginalLocatorNumber,7) + '' + Right(OriginalLocatorNumber,4)   
 when BatchType= 8 then  '00' + '' + @CurrentDate + '' + convert(varchar, a1.UploadEntryKey) 
 when BatchType= 4 then  '10' + '' + @CurrentDate + '' + convert(varchar, a1.UploadEntryKey)  
 when BatchType= 6 then  '11' + '' + @CurrentDate + '' + convert(varchar, a1.UploadEntryKey)  
 when BatchType= 1 then  '01' + '' + @CurrentDate + '' + convert(varchar, a1.UploadEntryKey)  
 when BatchType= 7 then  right(accounttype, 1) + ''+ right(accounttype, 1) + '' + @CurrentDate + '' + convert(varchar, a1.UploadEntryKey)  
 when BatchType= 2 or BatchType = 3 then  AccountType + '' + @CurrentDate + '' + convert(varchar, a1.UploadEntryKey)  
 when BatchType= 9 then  '39' + '' + @CurrentDate + '' + convert(varchar, a1.UploadEntryKey) 
 when BatchType= 5 then  '31' + '' + @CurrentDate + '' + convert(varchar, a1.UploadEntryKey)  
 when BatchType in('10', '11', '12', '13') then '88' + '' + @CurrentDate + '' + convert(varchar, a1.UploadEntryKey)  
 when BatchType in('17', '18', '19', '20') then '38' + '' + @CurrentDate + '' + convert(varchar, a1.UploadEntryKey)  
 when BatchType in('28', '29') then '78' + '' + @CurrentDate + '' + convert(varchar, a1.UploadEntryKey)  
 when BatchType in('30', '31') then '68' + '' + @CurrentDate + '' + convert(varchar, a1.UploadEntryKey)  
 when BatchType in('32', '33', '34', '35') then '08' + '' + @CurrentDate + '' + convert(varchar, a1.UploadEntryKey) 
FROM            tblEWPBulk AS a1 INNER JOIN  
                             (SELECT        *
@batchid AND ENTRY_STATUS <> -1')) AS a2 ON 
                         a2.ENTRY_KEY = a1.UploadEntryKey INNER JOIN
                         tblBatchControl ON a1.BatchID = tblBatchControl.BatchID 
WHERE        (a1.BatchID = @batchid) and (a1.DeletedYN = 0) AND (a1.UploadedYN is null or a1.UploadedYN = 'N')
SET @errorID = 0
SET @errorID = 1001

Eric, we tried your option 2 and it kept failing on LinkServerName.TST1.ETAX_ENTRY
with an error
Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Procedure EWPUpdateLocator1, Line 17
Invalid object name 'LinkServerName.TST1.ETAX_ENTRY'.
I do want to note that we are connecting to DB2 database if it makes any difference and batch would usually be up to 30 records but table can have more than thousand
records (it gets flushed every night)
We did try your option 1 and ( I changed a2.BatchID to a2.ENTRY_BATCHID and add same column to openquery)
and it worked just fine but we are concerned as to how many records is it bringing back.. will this query bring all records
back or just that batch? Our goal is to limit brining of records from BD2 to the batch in question. Here are some results
from Performace Monitor. First highlighted is your option 1, second is us hardcoding batch number in openquery only (and repeating execution in the last un-highlighted
query) and 3rd was running our stored procedure by eliminating batchid criteria in openquery altogether.
I'm not sure if your option 1 is bringing all records from DB2 table or not but I'm pretty sure that option 2 if we can get it working would not.
It seems that Report Services jumped in when we executed your option 1 so it added some things. Here is a better picture with 1st option highlighted in blue.. we also ran it second time and looks like report services jumped in again.. 

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    Go to Solution.

    Also, I don't know if this would be helpful but here is the actual stored procedure in SQL:
    CREATEPROCEDURE [dbo].[getLastSequenceNumber]
    @p1 nvarchar(10)='WO-00000'
    -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
    -- interfering with SELECT statements.
    -- Insert statements for procedure here
    selectmax(SequenceNumber)from Devices where WorkOrderNumber= @p1

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    Dear Oracle experts,
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    Best regards,
    Daniel Wetzler
    P.S. :
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    Sproc1.Connection := TDBConnection(strlistConnectionstrings.objects[iConnectionIndex]).Connection;
    Sproc1.Parameters.CreateParameter ('SwitchID',ftInteger,pdinput,0,0);
    //Sproc1.Parameters.CreateParameter ('StartTime',ftdatetime,pdinput,50,0);
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    if FactsTempDS.RecordCount=0
    then raise Exception.Create('No line switch variable found for switch '+IntToStr(SwitchID)+' before starttime. Check BDE dump filter.')

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    tranPkg.transactionhistoryInsSp(insertTrans.getCardId()); // executes db package
    Am I missing something really obvious here??
    btw - I found this link helpful in troubleshooting the max cursors issue:

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    I would appreciate any help.
    Kind regards
    my environment:
    Visual Studio 2008, C++ application
    Oracle 11g

    To start using a blob you have to insert it into the database and then get it back. Sounds weird but that is how it is. Here is a very simple program to do this:
    #include <iostream>
    using namespace oracle::occi;
    using namespace std;
    int main()
        Environment *env = Environment::createEnvironment(Environment::OBJECT);
        Connection *conn = env->createConnection("hr","hr","");
        string stmt1 = "insert into blob_tab values (:1) ";
        string stmt2 = "select col1 from blob_tab";
        Blob blob(conn);
        Statement *stmtObj = conn->createStatement(stmt1);
        Blob blob1(conn);
        Statement *stmtObj2 = conn->createStatement(stmt2);
        ResultSet *rs = stmtObj2->executeQuery();
         blob1 = rs->getBlob(1);
        string stmt3 = "begin my_proc(:1) ;end;";
        Statement *stmtObj3 =  conn->createStatement(stmt3);
      catch (SQLException e)
        cout << e.getMessage();
      /* The tables and procedure are primitive but ok for demo
        create table blob_tab(col1 blob);
        create or replace procedure my_proc(arg in blob)
         -- just a putline here. you can do other more meaningful operations with the blob here
    }Hope this helps.

  • Calling a Stored Procedure with output parameters from Query Templates

    This is same problem which Shalaka Khandekar logged earlier. This new thread gives the complete description about our problem. Please go through this problem and suggest us a feasible solution.
    We encountered a problem while calling a stored procedure from MII Query Template as follows-
    1. Stored Procedure is defined in a package. Procedure takes the below inputs and outputs.
    a) Input1 - CLOB
    b) Input2 - CLOB
    c) Input3 - CLOB
    d) Output1 - CLOB
    e) Output2 - CLOB
    f) Output3 - Varchar2
    2. There are two ways to get the output back.
    a) Using a Stored Procedure by declaring necessary OUT parameters.
    b) Using a Function which returns a single value.
    3. Consider we are using method 2-a. To call a Stored Procedure with OUT parameters from the Query Template we need to declare variables of
    corresponding types and pass them to the Stored Procedure along with the necessary input parameters.
    4. This method is not a solution to get output because we cannot declare variables of some type(CLOB, Varchar2) in Query Template.
    5. Even though we are successful (step 4) in declaring the OUT variables in Query Template and passed it successfully to the procedure, but our procedure contains outputs which are of type CLOB. It means we are going to get data which is more than VARCHAR2 length which query template cannot return(Limit is 32767
    6. So the method 2-a is ruled out.
    7. Now consider method 2-b. Function returns only one value, but we have 3 different OUT values. Assume that we have appended them using a separator. This value is going to be more than 32767 characters which is again a problem with the query template(refer to point 5). So option 2-b is also ruled out.
    Apart from above mentioned methods there is a work around. It is to create a temporary table in the database with above 3 OUT parameters along with a session specific column. We insert the output which we got from the procedure to the temporary table and use it further. As soon the usage of the data is completed we delete the current session specific data. So indirectly we call the table as a Session Table. This solution increases unnecessary load on the database.
    Thanks in Advance.

    please check if this following proposal could serve you.
    Define the Query with mode FixedQueryWithOutput. In the package define a ref cursor as IN OUT parameter. To get your 3 values back, open the cursor in your procedure like "Select val1, val2, val3 from dual". Then the values should get into your query.
    Here is an example how this could be defined.
    type return_cur IS ref CURSOR;
    PROCEDURE myProc(myReturnCur IN OUT return_cur) ...
    OPEN myReturnCur FOR SELECT val1, val2, val3  FROM dual;
      MYRETURNCUR myPackage.return_cur;
        MYRETURNCUR => ?
    Good luck.

  • T-sql 2008 r2 place results from calling a stored procedure with parameters into a temp table

    I would like to know if the following sql can be used to obtain specific columns from calling a stored procedure with parameters:
    /* Create TempTable */
    CREATE TABLE #tempTable
    IntValue INT)
    /* Run SP and Insert Value in TempTable */
    INSERT INTO #tempTable
    EXEC TestSP @parm1, @parm2
    If the above does not work or there is a better way to accomplish this goal, please let me know how to change the sql?

    declare @result varchar(100), @dSQL nvarchar(MAX)
    set @dSQL = 'exec @res = TestSP '''+@parm1+''','' '''+@parm2+' '' '
    print @dSQL
      EXECUTE sp_executesql @dSQL, N'@res varchar(100) OUTPUT', @res = @result OUTPUT
    select @result
    A complicated way of saying
    EXEC @ret = TestSP @parm1, @parm2
    SELECT @ret
    And not only compliacated, it introduces a window for SQL injection.
    Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP, [email protected]

  • Oracle Stored Procedure with out parameter

    Good morning,
    Is it possible to use an Oracle stored procedure with out parameters in MII ?
    If yes, what is the manipulation to see the values of parameters Out?
    Thank you

    This is the  MII query template  :
    and the stocked procedure code
    CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE XMII.SP_ValidateProcessOrdersList2(strCompteRendu OUT nVarchar2) IS
    tmpVar NUMBER;
    debugmode INT;
    strClauseSql varchar(2048);
    strListPOactif varchar(1024);
    dtmTimeStamp DATE;
       NAME:       SP_ValidateProcessOrdersList
       Ver        Date        Author           Description
       1.0        18/06/2008          1. Created this procedure.
       Automatically available Auto Replace Keywords:
          Object Name:     SP_ValidateProcessOrdersList
          Sysdate:         18/06/2008
          Date and Time:   18/06/2008, 18:45:32, and 18/06/2008 18:45:32
          Username:         (set in TOAD Options, Procedure Editor)
          Table Name:       (set in the "New PL/SQL Object" dialog)
       tmpVar := 0;
       debugmode := 0;
       -- lecture date systeme pour time stamp
       select sysdate  into dtmTimeStamp from dual;
       if debugmode = 1 then
       end if;
       -- insertion du bloc dans le log
       insert into LOG_ORDER
        if debugmode = 1 then
        DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('insertion LOG OK');
       end if;
    strCompteRendu := '0123456-896;0123456-897';
         -- insertion du bloc dans le log
       insert into LOG_ORDER
       (dtmTimeStamp,' ',ID_LOG_ORDER.nextval);
           -- Consider logging the error and then re-raise
    END SP_ValidateProcessOrdersList2;
    Thanks for your help

  • Call stored procedure with OUT parameter

    I have created a short-lived process. Within this process I am using the "FOUNDATION > JDBC > Call Stored Procedure" operation to call an Oracle procedure. This procedure has 3 parameters, 2 IN and 1 OUT parameter.
    The procedure is being executed correctly. Both IN parameters receive the correct values but I am unable to get the OUT parameter's value in my process.
    Rewriting the procedure as a function gives me an ORA-01460 since one of the parameters contains XML (>32K) so this is not option...
    Has someone been able to call a stored procedure with an OUT parameter?

    Object is Foundation, Execute Script
    This is for a query, you can change to a stored procedure call. Pull the value back in the Java code then put into the process variable.
    import javax.naming.InitialContext;
    import javax.sql.DataSource;
    import java.sql.*;
    PreparedStatement stmt = null;
    Connection conn = null;
    ResultSet rs = null;
    try {
    InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext();
    DataSource ds = (DataSource) ctx.lookup("java:IDP_DS");
    conn = ds.getConnection();
    stmt = conn.prepareStatement("select FUBAR from TB_PT_FUBAR where PROCESS_INSTANCE_ID=?");
    stmt.setLong(1, patExecContext.getProcessDataLongValue("/process_data/@inputID"));
    rs = stmt.executeQuery();;
    patExecContext.setProcessDataStringValue("/process_data/outData", rs.getString(1));
    } finally {
    try {
    } catch (Exception rse) {}
    try {
    } catch (Exception sse) {}
    try {
    } catch (Exception cse) {}

  • Calling a stored procedure with RAW and SYS_REFCURSOR

    How do you call a stored procedure with the following input and output parameters?
    create or replace PROCEDURE test
    v_col3 IN RAW DEFAULT NULL ,
    OPEN cv_1 FOR
    lv_tmp1 aaaa ,
    lv_tmp2 bbbb,
    lv_tmp3 cccc
    Edited by: 925963 on Apr 6, 2012 10:50 AM

    Did you try just declaring the vars?
      myCur SYS_REFCURSOR;
      myRaw RAW(4);
        test (0, 0, myRaw, sysdate, myCur);

  • Calling Oracle Stored procedure with OUT parameter from ODI

    I called an oracle stored procedure with following anonymous block in the ODI procedure.
    Status varchar2(10);
    OTM.DeleteTarget('E_KPI_TARGET_VALUE', Status);
    I want to capture the OUT parameter STATUS value in a project level variable.
    And based on its va;lue I would like to choose between 2 interfaces in my package.
    Please help me in doing this.

    For that kind of situation I commoly use:
    1) one step with:
    create or replace package <%=odiRef.getSchemaName("W")%>.pck_var
    Status varchar2(10);
    * transaction 9, for instance
    2) step
    OTM.DeleteTarget('E_KPI_TARGET_VALUE', <%=odiRef.getSchemaName("W")%>.pck_var.Status);
    * transaction 9
    3) then, at an ODI variable, use a refresh like:
    select <%=odiRef.getSchemaName("W")%>.pck_var.Status from dual
    at same logical shema where the package was created.
    Does it make sense to you?

  • Calling stored procedure with output parameters in a different schema

    I have a simple stored procedure with two parameters:
    PROCEDURE Test1(
    pOutRecords OUT tCursorRef,
    pIdNumber IN NUMBER);
    where tCursorRef is REF CURSOR.
    (This procedure is part of a package with REF CURSOR declared in there)
    And I have two database schemas: AppOwner and AppUser.
    The above stored procedure is owned by AppOwner, but I have to execute this stored procedure from AppUser schema. I have created a private synonym and granted the neccessary privileges for AppUser schema to execute the package in the AppUser schema.
    When I ran the above procedure from VB using ADO and OraOLEDB.Oracle.1 driver, I got the following error when connecting to the AppUser schema:
    ORA-06550: line 1, column 7:
    PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'TEST1'
    ORA-06550: line 1, column 7:
    PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    but when I was connecting to the AppOwner schema, everything is running correctly without errors.
    Also, when I switch to the microsoft MSDAORA.1 driver, I can execute the above procedure without any problems even when connecting to the AppUser schema.
    I got this error only when I am trying to execute a stored procedure with an output parameter. All other procedures with only input parameters have no problems at all.
    Do you know the reason for that? Thanks!

    If anyone has figured this one out let me know. I'm getting the same problem. Only in my case I've tried both the "OraOLEDB.Oracle" provider and the "MSDAORA" provider and I get an error either way. Also my procedure has 2 in parameters and 1 out parameter. At least now I know I'm not the only one with this issue. :)
    '*** the Oracle procedure ***
    Create sp_getconfiguration(mygroup in varchar2, myparameter in varchar2, myvalue out varchar2)
    rec_config tblconfiguration.configvalue%type;
    cursor cur_config is select configvalue from tblconfiguration where configgroup = mygroup and configparameter = myparameter;
    open cur_config;
    fetch cur_config into rec_config;
    close cur_config;
    myvalue := rec_config;
    '** the ado code ****
    dim dbconn as new adodb.connection
    dim oCmd as new adodb.connection
    dim ors as new adodb.recordset
    dbconn.provider = "MSDAORA" 'or dbconn.provider = "OraOLEDB.Oracle" "Data Source=dahdah;User ID=didi;Password=humdy;PLSQLRSet=1;"
    set ocmd.activeconnection = dbconn
    cmd.commandtext = "{call fogle.sp_getconfiguration(?,?)}"
    'i've also tried creating a public synonym called getconfiguration and just refering to procedure by that.
    ' "{call getconfiguration(?, ?)}"
    ' "{call getconfiguration(?,?, {resultset 1, myvalue})}"
    'and numerous numerous other combinations
    set oPrm = cmd.createparameter("MYGROUP", advarchar, adparaminput, 50, strGrouptoPassIn$)
    cmd.parameters.append oPrm
    set oPrm = cmd.createParameter("MYPARAMETER", advarchar, adParamInput, 50, strParameterToPassIn$)
    cmdParameters.append oPrm
    set rs = cmd.execute

  • JDBC-Adapter-Receiver Calling Stored Procedure with Input-Typ Record

    I´ m trying calling a stored-procedure with two input-parameter; one of typ record (oracle) and one of type tabel of records. Is this possible (I think there are only types like string, integer etc. possible)? When not is there another possibility to work with that type?
    Thanks in advance,

    Hi Frank,
    I think stored procedures will not take Array of Records as a Input. If you want to make a loop funtionality etc then JDBC adapter will work accordingly. You need to just call the stored procedure from the JDBC adapter. It will work for the array of records(multiple occurences).
    Receiver JDBC Procedures.
    Alternative option is you can make use of Java Proxy and from there you can call stored procedure ..I think it is possible.. not tried.
    Hope this helps

  • Calling Stored procedure with Parameters in PowerPivot DataModel

    Hi All,
    I wanted to call a SQL stored procedure from PowerPivot(Excel) on based on changing slicer's value. 
    Currently, we can call stored procedure wihtout any parameter from Data Model tab using 
    Exec stored_proc_name in Table Properties window.
    What if I want to call the same procedure with a parameter whouse value will come by changing slicer's value. I  meant, changing slicer value will act as a parameter to that stored procedure & it should return updated results. 
    Is this possible in PowerPivot?

    Hi Rameshwar,
    According to your description, you call a SQL Server stored procedure in PowerPivot data model, now the problem is that you need to pass a parameter to the stored procedure, right?
    Based on my research, it seems that we cannot achieve this requirement directly in current version of PowerPivot data model. Here is a similar thread for you reference.
    If you have any concern about this behavior, you can submit a feedback at and hope it is resolved in the next release of service pack or product. Your feedback enables Microsoft to make software and services the best that they can be, Microsoft might consider to add this feature
    in the following release after official confirmation.
    Charlie Liao
    TechNet Community Support

  • How to use stored procedure with many return results and variable with perl

    Hi everybody,
    i´m writtting now a Perl programm, wich use a oracle stored procedure with more than 1 result and 1 variable(I have to return 2 variable fpr each result). I don´t now how I can get it.I already search the web but I didn´t find.
    My example:
    PROCEDURE get_projects_and_sub_projects (
    v_project_id IN INTEGER,
    v_project_c_id OUT INTEGER,
    v_project_id_find OUT VARCHAR2
    SELECT c_id, proj_id
    FROM t_projet
    WHERE t_projet .ksa_pro_art_kbz = 'KU'
    AND t_projet.proj_id LIKE v_project_id || '%';
    v_project_c_id := NULL;
    v_project_id_find := NULL;
    kmessages.error (NULL,
    'Project-Name: ' || v_project_id,
    'Errornumber: '
    || SQLCODE
    || ' Error: '
    || SQLERRM,
    raise_application_error (-20001,
    'Error '
    || SQLCODE
    || ' get_projects_and_sub_projects: '
    || SQLERRM,
    END get_projects_and_sub_projects;
    in Perl Program:
    sub get_projects_unterprojects_name($$){
    my ($db_handle, $proj_name_id) = @_; #$db_handle ist the DB Connection return value
    my $db_proj_c_id;
    my $db_proj_name;
    eval{ my $csr = $db_handle->prepare(q{
    pro_doc_ber.get_projects_and_sub_projects(:proj_name_id, :db_proj_c_id, :db_proj_name);
    # parameter value
    $csr->bind_param(":proj_name_id", $proj_name_id);
    # return values
    $csr->bind_param_inout(":db_proj_c_id", \$db_proj_c_id, 11);
    $csr->bind_param_inout(":db_proj_name", \$db_proj_name, 20);
    $csr->execute(); };
    But this didn´t work. Could somebody give me some idea?
    Thank you

    Some additional info would probably be helpful.
    What is your programming enviironment? Java?
    In any case I suspect that you will need to use the OCI to deal with specific Oracle types such as user defined object types -- thats not standard ANSI SQL.
    In Java I believe you need to use OPAQUE, there are some examples out there. I'm mostly a PL/SQL developer with some Java expereince so others here are more qualifed to answer your question more directly.

  • Java- Stored Procedure with Call by Result

    Hi Oracle-Community,
    I am looking for some example Code how to use a Java-Stored Procedure with Out-Parameters. Don't get me wrong. I dont want to call a Procedure with Out Parameters from Java (there are a lot of examples for this out there) . I just want to implement the Call by Result concept in a Java-Stored Procedure. A Client will call this Procedure with some parameters and the Java Procedure will fill them. So my first question: is this possible? And my second Question: How to implement it?

    I found out a solution. It is very simple.
    Just defining the parameters as java array (e.g. String[] P1). The first value (P1[0]) is the returned value.
    At last just set in JDeveloper in the "Edit Method Signature" Dialog the parametermode to OUT.
    The dialog can be found by rightclicking on the stored procedure in the dbexport file. You can read this
    in Section 6 Publishing Java Classes With Call Specifications -> Setting Parameter Modes in
    Oracle Database Java Developer's Guide.

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