Storing Array of Floats as a BLOB

I am designing a new laboratory database. For some tests, I have several waveforms with ~10,000 data points acquired simultaneously. In the application (written in C), the waveforms are stored as an array of floats.
I believe I would like to store each waveform as a BLOB.
Can the data in a BLOB be structured in such a way that Oracle can work with the data itself using only SQL or PL/SQL?
* Determine max, min, average, etc
* Retrieve index when value first exceeds 500
* Retrieve 400th number
* Create BLOB which is a derivative of first BLOB

Let me start from your last question should I use BLOBS?, the answer is simple - NO, why the hell do you need to store is on BLOB's, you are talking about 6,000,000 rows per day it avarag no more, uses reular tabular reprisentitiona and you will be able to query the data properlly.
1. If I decide to use a BLOB then the calculations must be performed in the application. Correct? - Yes
2. In order to query on data derived from the raw data, the result of any calculations must be re-inserted into the database. Correct? - Not exacly.
3. Considering the quantity of data and how I want to use it, should I use BLOBS? - Regulat tabular represintition, and you can archive the data after X day or use summery tables.

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    1) No
    2) An array of float is an object as well:
    Object obj = new float[]{1.0, 2.0, 3.0};3) What you want to store? If your structure is somewhat like this:
    float[][] f = {
       { 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 },
       { 4.0, 5.0, 6.0 },
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    Application Express
    BI Publisher

    Hi Tyler
    OK, here's where I'm at...
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                                   //convert to String for array
                                   String bankIDLoginSTR = String.valueOf(bankIDLogin);
                                  String passwordLogin =customerResults.getString("password");
                                  String accNo=customerResults.getString("number");
                                  float accBal=customerResults.getFloat("balance");
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                                  String accBalSTR = String.valueOf(accBal);
                                  //put info into array
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                        HttpSession session =req.getSession(true);
                        session.setAttribute("customerdetails",customerDetails);In a separate servlet I called the session object
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    There's probably probably something in your code that prevents the array from being updated straight away.. My guess is that it's a data flow problem. Let's say e.g. that the array you are looking at is wired to the output of a VI, a shift register, or through the side of a loop, case or sequence...then the array does not really receive the new data until everything inside that structure (VI/loop etc...) is finished running. LabVIEW does not release the data coming out of such structures until all outputs of that structure is you need to put the indicator inside that "border" or use a local/global (functional) to see the data on the fly...
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    Here's an example of packing 8 of your bytes from the array into a byte, then unpacking it into a String.
            byte[] ba        = {0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0};
            // when packed into a byte the array value is decimal 42
            //Pack a byte
            byte packedByte  =
                (byte) ((byte) ((ba[0] & 0xf) << 7) |
                        (byte) ((ba[1] & 0xf) << 6) |
                        (byte) ((ba[2] & 0xf) << 5) |
                        (byte) ((ba[3] & 0xf) << 4) |
                        (byte) ((ba[4] & 0xf) << 3) |
                        (byte) ((ba[5] & 0xf) << 2) |
                        (byte) ((ba[6] & 0xf) << 1) |
                        (byte) ((ba[7] & 0xf) << 0));
            System.out.println("The byte value is " + packedByte);
            //Unpack a byte
            String UnpackedByte = Integer.toBinaryString(packedByte);
            System.out.println("The binary string is " + UnpackedByte);

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    try DataInputStream and DataOutputStream
    ObjectInput/OutputSTream is used to store Object which use more space.

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    number | one
    | two
    | three
    | four

    Ok here is the sample code
    Table in db
    mysql> create table test (a INT NOT NULL, b SET('USA', 'India', 'Pakistan', 'Russia'));
    First.htm (say)
    <form name="frm" action="Test.jsp" method="post">
    <input type=text name="na" >
    <select size="1" name="a8" tabindex="7" multiple>
    <input type="submit" name="abc" value="ok">
    <%@ page language="java" import="java.sql.*"%>
    <title>Testing SET in MySQL</title>
    String arr[] = request.getParameterValues("a8");
    String strToInsert = "";
    for(int i=0; i<arr.length; i++) {
    if(i==arr.length-1) {
    strToInsert += arr;
    } else {
    strToInsert += arr[i] + ",";
    String strID = request.getParameter("na");
    int iID = Integer.parseInt(strID);
    Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(
    Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
    stmt.executeUpdate("insert into test values("+iID+", '"+strToInsert+"')");
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    it is not possible to store with Number datatype. if you are using the data to sho report, then change its format (like 45 to 45.00). if you want to store 45.00 in database, then you have to modify the datatype for that column. for this follow the following path
    1. Add a column of datatype Varchar2.
    2. Copy all the value of your number field to it.
    3. Drop the old column.
    4. However make sure that if you have used that column somewhare in arithmetic calculation, the modify it and use to_number function to do arithmetic opration.

  • Storing array in session

    hi guys, i need your advice , is it safe to store array in session will it use up the webserver memory ? thanks a lot

    session.setAttribute("attibuteName", Object);
    you can put all u need in your sesion's attributes.
    get them with:
    if(session.getAttribute("attributeName")!=null) variable = (variableDataType) session.getAttribute("attributeName");
    for example:
    vector myVector = new Vector();
    if(session.getAttribute("myVector")!=null) myVector = (Vector)session.getAttribute("myVector");
    hope this helps
    Message was edited by:

  • Stored Procedure or function to extract Blob

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    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-22835: Buffer too small for CLOB to CHAR or BLOB to RAW conversion (actual:
    236143, maximum: 2000)

    I am trying this but it's not working for some reason:
    create or replace function F(B BLOB)
    return clob is
    c clob;
    n number;
    if (b is null) then
    return null;
    end if;
    if (length(b)=0) then
    return empty_clob();
    end if;
    while (n+32767<=length(b)) loop
    end loop;
    return c;
    I get ORA-22921: length of input buffer is smaller than amount requested
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_LOB", line 833
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.F", line 15

  • Creating array of float...

    import java.util.*;
    public class AskUser{
         public static void main(String args[])
              throws IOException
              Float amt[] = new Float[3];
              String option;
              String flag = "y";
              String userInput;
              BufferedReader stdin = new BufferedReader
                   (new InputStreamReader(;
              for(int i = 1;i<4;i++)
                   System.out.print("Enter your price"+i+":" );
                   userInput = stdin.readLine();                          
                   amt= Float.parseFloat(userInput);
              System.out.print("Do u want to print out the amount the user enter??[y/n]");
              option = stdin.readLine();
                   for(int j =1; j<4;j++)
                        System.out.println("The price u enter is $ "+amt[j]);
                   System.out.println("Thank u for using our system.");
    how come there is an err in this program???

    amt= Float.parseFloat(userInput);
    You can't put a float value into a Float variable.
    This will fix it.
    amt[i] = new Float(Float.parseFloat(userInput));

  • Storing very small floats

    We're trying to store small decimal numbers (in the region of e-300), is there a way to do this? There seems to be a hard limit on how low you can go before a number is rounded out to 0, as these statements show:
    SELECT DUMP(6.4322131131214125e-130) FROM DUAL
    Typ=2 Len=10: 128,7,44,23,14,12,32,22,42,26
    SELECT DUMP(6.4322131131214125e-131) FROM DUAL
    Typ=2 Len=1: 128
    SELECT DUMP(6.4322131131214125e-132) FROM DUAL
    Typ=2 Len=1: 128

    You use the NUMBER datatype to store fixed or floating-point numbers. You can specify precision and scale. The maximum precision of a NUMBER value is 38. The magnitude range is 1.0E-130 to 9.99...9E125 (38 nines followed by 88 zeroes). Scale can range from -84 to 127.
    Oracle can represent numbers with greater precision than most floating-point implementations because the internal format of Oracle numbers is decimal. This can cause a loss of precision when fetching into a FLOAT variable

  • How can I run a sequence file which is stored as BLOB

    I' using (or better will use) TestStand 3.1 and a ORACLE database. Is there a way to load and execute sequence files which are not stored on the filesystem but as BLOBs in the ORACLE DB. The choice which sequence has to be executed is done dynamically within a custom built process model. A certain sequencefile should be loaded and started by referencing it not by filename but with the PrimaryKey of the table.
    I don't know if this would be a certain capability implemented in TestStand or in ORACLE. It could be something like mapping a BLOB into the Filesystem and pretend that the file is present on the filesystem, something like that!
    Any ideas are highly appreciated
    Oliver Friedrich

    Oliver -
    TestStand does not have any hooks to allow a test system developer to override the internal searching for a file on disk. The only simple option that I see is to to query the database and download the latest sequences ahead of time. This is similar to a Source Code Control mechanism. Keep in mind that once an execution loads a sequence file, the file is typically not released until the last execution completes so you cannot load an updated copy of the sequence file while executing, especially the client sequence file.
    Scott Richardson
    National Instruments

  • Diaplay  Word file stored in blob into a browser using JSP

    Dear All
    I have files stored in oracle table in a blob field.I store the files using forms 10g and webutil. I can upload the files and display them successfully in forms, however when i use JSP to retrieve the files and display them in Internet Explorer, I'm able to display the pdf files, bmp , jpg and video but I'm getting junk characters when I try displaying (word , excel , access or powerpoint files which might contain arabic Characters )
    the code I use to display the files is as follows :
    Connection conn = null;
    String username=session.getAttribute("username").toString().toUpperCase();
    String password=session.getAttribute("password").toString().toUpperCase();
    String ip = "*****************";
    String sid = "***************";
    conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:oracle:thin:@"+ip+":1521:"+sid,username,password);
    String par = request.getParameter("LETTER");
    String par1 = request.getParameter("SERIAL");
    Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
    ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("select * from TableName where PK1 like '"+par+"'"+" and PK2 like '"+par1+"'" );
    if (
    Blob pic = null;
    byte[] blobBytesArray = null;
    OutputStream stream = response.getOutputStream();
    pic = rs.getBlob("BLOBFIELD");
    int len = new Integer( new Long( pic.length()).toString() ).intValue();
    blobBytesArray = pic.getBytes(1,len);
    if (blobBytesArray != null)
    if (blobBytesArray.length > 0 )
    stream.write(blobBytesArray) ;
    catch(Exception e)
    System.out.println("Exception: " + e.getMessage() + "<BR>");
    can you please guide me of how to display other file types.
    Best Regards.

    Ideally when you store the document put the content-type in a column and set the content type in your JSP. This will indicate to the browser what is the type of file and you should not have any issue with any type.
    Tugdual Grall

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