Strange UI sticking issue with drag/drop and JList

Hi all,
I have implemented drag/drop between a jtree and jlist. The jtree can accept drops from the jtree (nodes to other parent nodes) and from the jlist. The jlist can accept nodes of the tree being dropped on it.
Let me say this much, it all works. Works fine and great. BUT, the purpose of my post is I am seeing a very strange and not easily reproducible problem.
I should first say that after a successful drop, the list removes the selected items. I do support drag/drop for multiple items.
When I drag items from the list to the tree, reasonbly normal (not too fast), everything seems to work every time. But if I drag an item quickly from the list to the tree, for some reason after the items are removed from the list, another item is selected, sometimes NOT in the place of where the item(s) were selected. Infact, when I drag quickly, I notice the selection changes in the list itself. I only accept tree objects being dropped in the list, so there is no ability to drag/drop list items onto itself, and thus if I drag a list item around the list normally, nothing changes..the item I am dragging stays selected and the cursor shows the drag arrow.
So this problem seems seems odd. I can reproduce it fairly easily, but only when I click and drag quickly.
Anyone have ideas? I don't see where in my list code that as I drag, when drop is done, etc that I select anything in the list. I have tried JDK 1.4.1 and 1.4.2 and it does it in both. I don't see a bug in the bug database for it, and I am not sure its a bug in the JVM or my own code!
Any help is appreciated. Can't really post code as its a large set of code and it is dependent on our company project, so it would take some time to take the code out into its own app to test it again.

+" Please note that dropSite==null is a legal value for collection components. dropSite=null and DropOrientation==ON indicates that the drop has happened outside the data portion of the collection component and should be treated as a drop on the entire component Also note that dropSite==null and DropOrientation==AFTER indicates that the drop has happened on an empty collection component and the user intends to append the data."+
List dropRowKey = (List) dropEvent.getDropSite();
        //if no dropsite then drop area was not a data area
        if(dropRowKey == null){
            return DnDAction.NONE;
Edited by: Frank Nimphius on Feb 18, 2011 11:18 PM

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    I am working on a sample application with 2 list views i.e. players and team, and implement drop and drop such that players can be dropped from one list view to the other. Everything is working as expected when there is single selection model is enabled on the source list view. However, if I enabled Multiple selection model and drag 2 or more rows from source list view to target list view, seeing the following exception after the drop is completed.
    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Only serializable objects or ByteBuffer can be used as data with data format [subListPlayers]
      at javafx.scene.input.Clipboard.setContent(
    1) What should be the DataFormat used in order to be able to drag and drop multiple rows? Looks like we do not have for Object type, so I have created the following one which does not solve the problem.
       private DataFormat dataFormat = new DataFormat("subListPlayers");
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    Can someone please guide if there is an easy way to implement this behavior?
    public class Player
       private String name;
       public Player(String name)
 = name;
       public String getName()
          return name;
       public void setName(String name)
 = name;
       public boolean equals(Object o)
          if (this == o) return true;
          if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
          Player player = (Player) o;
          if (name != null ? !name.equals( : != null) return false;
          return true;
       public int hashCode()
          return name != null ? name.hashCode() : 0;
    public class JavaFXDnDApplication extends Application
       private static final ListView<Player> playersListView = new ListView<Player>();
       private static final ObservableList<Player> playersList = FXCollections.observableArrayList();
       private static final ListView<Player> teamListView = new ListView<Player>();
       private static final GridPane rootPane = new GridPane();
       private DataFormat dataFormat = new DataFormat("subListPlayers");
       public static void main(String[] args)
       public void start(Stage primaryStage)
          primaryStage.setTitle("Drag and Drop Application");
          primaryStage.setScene(new Scene(rootPane, 400, 325));
       private void initializeListeners()
          playersListView.setOnDragDetected(new EventHandler<MouseEvent>()
             public void handle(MouseEvent event)
                Dragboard dragBoard = playersListView.startDragAndDrop(TransferMode.MOVE);
                ClipboardContent content = new ClipboardContent();
    //            content.putString(playersListView.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem().getName());
                content.put(dataFormat, playersListView.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItems());
          teamListView.setOnDragOver(new EventHandler<DragEvent>()
             public void handle(DragEvent dragEvent)
          teamListView.setOnDragDropped(new EventHandler<DragEvent>()
             public void handle(DragEvent dragEvent)
    //            String player = dragEvent.getDragboard().getString();
    //            ObservableList<Player> player = (ObservableList<Player>) dragEvent.getDragboard().getContent(dataFormat);
                String player = dragEvent.getDragboard().getString();
                teamListView.getItems().addAll(new Player(player));
                playersList.remove(new Player(player));
       private void buildGUI()
    //      rootPane.setGridLinesVisible(true);
          rootPane.setPadding(new Insets(10));
          rootPane.add(playersListView, 0, 0);
          rootPane.add(teamListView, 1, 0);
       private void populateData()
                new Player("Adam"), new Player("Alex"), new Player("Alfred"), new Player("Albert"),
                new Player("Brenda"), new Player("Connie"), new Player("Derek"), new Player("Donny"),
                new Player("Lynne"), new Player("Myrtle"), new Player("Rose"), new Player("Rudolph"),
                new Player("Tony"), new Player("Trudy"), new Player("Williams"), new Player("Zach")
       private void initializeComponents()
          playersListView.setPrefSize(250, 290);
          playersListView.setCellFactory(new Callback<ListView<Player>, ListCell<Player>>()
             public ListCell<Player> call(ListView<Player> playerListView)
                return new ListCell<Player>()
                   protected void updateItem(Player player, boolean b)
                      super.updateItem(player, b);
                      if (player != null)
          teamListView.setPrefSize(250, 290);
          teamListView.setCellFactory(new Callback<ListView<Player>, ListCell<Player>>()
             public ListCell<Player> call(ListView<Player> playerListView)
                return new ListCell<Player>()
                   protected void updateItem(Player player, boolean b)
                      super.updateItem(player, b);
                      if (player != null)

    Yeah, this is a pain. I filed a while back. Go ahead and vote for it if you are inclined...
    I think the issue in your case is that the observable list provided by MultipleSelectionModel.getSelectedItems() is not Serializable. So even if you make your Player class Serializable, the list itself isn't. The first thing I would try, I think, is to make Player implement Serializable and then pass in an ArrayList instead of the observable list. So you can do
    content.put(dataFormat, new ArrayList<Player>(playersListView.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItems()));
    List<Player> player = (List<Player>) dragEvent.getDragboard().getContent(dataFormat);
    If that doesn't work, a workaround is just to store the "dragged list" in a property:
    final ListProperty<Player> draggedPlayers = new SimpleListProperty<Player>();
    // Drag detected handler:
    // Drag dropped handler:
    if (dragboard.hasString() && dragboard.getString().equals("players")) {

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    So my question is: Is there any solution for this case without calling setDragEnabled(true) on the table? Or is it possible to enable drag on the table and override some method where the drag recognition happens and the transferable object is created?

    Thanks for reply,
    Steps to reproduce the problem:
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    2) After sorting user drag and drop some row over another row.
    3) Now the table is no longer sorted.
    4) If user again wants to sort the table now, he cannot do it because the sorting button is still disabled.
    So I want the user to sort the table again, without refreshing the page
    Thanks and Regards,

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    <af:table value="#{bindings.pricingObjects.collectionModel}"
    emptyText="#{bindings.pricingObjects.viewable ? 'No data to display.' : 'Access Denied.'}"
    rowBandingInterval="0" id="poTable"
    partialTriggers=":::csTree :::cbRefresh"
    <af:dragSource actions="MOVE" defaultAction="MOVE" discriminant="rowmove"/>
    <af:tree value="#{bindings.privateChangeSets.treeModel}"
    var="node" displayRow="selected"
    rowSelection="single" id="csTree"
    <af:dropTarget dropListener="#{workspaceBean.dropListener}" actions="MOVE">
    <af:dataFlavor flavorClass="org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.model.RowKeySet"
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    Any idea why am I not getting desired result with <af:dropTarget>?

    +" Please note that dropSite==null is a legal value for collection components. dropSite=null and DropOrientation==ON indicates that the drop has happened outside the data portion of the collection component and should be treated as a drop on the entire component Also note that dropSite==null and DropOrientation==AFTER indicates that the drop has happened on an empty collection component and the user intends to append the data."+
    List dropRowKey = (List) dropEvent.getDropSite();
            //if no dropsite then drop area was not a data area
            if(dropRowKey == null){
                return DnDAction.NONE;
    Edited by: Frank Nimphius on Feb 18, 2011 11:18 PM

  • Strange problem with drag&drop!!

    hello i hope u can help me.
    i have a strange problem but not like the other users with drag&drop in Leopard..
    mine is not exactly like this:
    i can hold left click and move files but when i need to "drop" them at the .app's window the app rejects the file back! (some of the applications not all!)
    what i mean in examples is:
    i cannot drag&drop anything in the VLC's player window but i can inside the vlc's "controller" window
    i cannot drag&drop a picture in preview
    i cannot drag&drop any file in photoshop's new file/empty canvas
    i cannot drag&drop a mp3 file in itunes but i can drag&drop a full album folder(only in playlist,not in the player window)!
    and i can describe more to show u that it's not about vlc or preview or PS problem, but finder's/leopard problem.
    (i thought in the 1st, that it's vlc's problem and i downloaded a lot of versions!)
    all the other programs works well, for example i can drag&drop a video to final cut or motion
    i can do the same in iMovie (at the space it says"drag&drop media here etc)
    and of course i can drag&drop files to desctop,hard disks etc.
    i can copy/paste text etc (i can copy/paste texti can copy/paste texti can copy/paste texti can copy/paste text)
    i am trying to give you an idea, suggest me what else should i try in order to focus where exactly the problem is!
    i hope u give me a solution cause drag&drop is usefull!
    thank you
    in order to help u, i will describe what i tried so far:
    1)repair permissions
    3)terminal solution like this: (didn't worked)
    sudo su -
    cd /
    rmdir tmp +*(rmdir: tmp: No such file or directory)*+
    ln -s tmp /private/tmp

    alex74d wrote:
    hello and thanks for your reply
    but why you quote only the part of VLC?
    One thing at a time. Occam's razor.
    and why u believe this is normal?
    i am sure that VLC can drag & drop subtitles or the movie in the player window.
    and when i say sure, i mean 100%
    I disagree. I have tried this since reading your post, on all my VLC versions. It does not work.
    You can, however drop a movie onto the VLC icon in the dock. That works fine.
    RealPlayer accepts a file dropped on it. I just checked it.
    Not all apps accept a file on their output window. Usually only the input window.
    i started my windows bootcamp partition before and i saw this works.
    and i remember trying VLC in tiger a lot of years before, this was ok.
    and yes of course it would be also normal to drop a picture in the photoshop canvas.
    so what is not normal here is my problem, if u can help i'm happy if you cannot please don't confuse it more
    (sorry if i sound "unclear", english is not my 1st languange)
    I will check VLC next time I run Tiger and let you know.
    Message was edited by: nerowolfe

  • Strange issue with USB mouse and USB headset.

    Good day everyone.
    I was experiencing a rather strange issue with my mouse and headset(both USB).
    I am using KDE and ALSA, if that matters.
    They are working just fine, but sometimes, when I try to lower\raise volume, my mouse derps out. I can move it around, but I can't click on anything(sometimes though, I can click on stuff in window that was active before and sometimes only on KDE panel) until I re-plug my headset. Then, nothing can use my headset until I reboot.
    Anybody ever had that problem?

    I've had similar problems for some time now. Unfortunately, I don't know what the issue is either, but perhaps we can come up with some setup similarities and narrow it down. I have similar trouble with just alsa or with pulseaudio, so that's not it. It is unrelated to the DE, as it happened for me in both gnome 2 and xfce 4. It is not related to the machine either, as the same quirks occur in other machines with the same headset. I have had inconclusive results with downgrading to kernel26-lts, the ancient kernel. I thought at some point it messed up and I was sure the older kernel didnt help, but after trying recently-ish, I had no trouble for days -- until I found that I didn't have trouble on the main kernel either. ... then a few days later, it showed up again. Very irritating!
    Does my old thread sound like your issue somewhat?
    Essentially, at times, if the headset (wireless) is changed into a different power state (unplugged/plugged) or the mic state is toggled (mute/unmute), things that could be clicked on normally cant unless theyre in the window already focused -- mostly.
    What headset are you using? 32 or 64 bit arch? Have you tried downgrading to kernel26-lts?

  • Issues with Exchange Account and Q10

    Well, I hate to be writing this, but I'm hoping that there might be someone out there that can help get past some first day issues I am experiencing.
    The background: I have a long history with legacy BlackBerry devices, and almost as much history with iOS devices. My most recent phone was an iPhone 4S, and I make extensive use of iCloud to keep my iMacs, iPhone, and iPad connected in real-time. The setup worked. It wasn't perfect, but it worked. However, because I used to have a BlackBerry device (most recent the 9930) and because I don't use the iPhone for more than e-mail, iMessage, and phone calls (generally speaking), I decided to give the newest BlackBerry device a shot. So I bought a Q10.
    At this point I feel compelled to say that the hardware is everything I had hoped it to be. It's solid, has a good weight, and appears to be made very well. I have no complaints with the hardware, including the keyboard (a big selling factor for me), so I won't really get into the hardware as the issues I am experiencing all have to do with the OS. Let me also say that I am very familiar with the iCloud integration issues (missing Contact photos and disabled Calendar sync), so I'm not voicing a complaint over those issues in this thread.
    I have connected my Exchange account. I used to have everything in Exchange before I moved my entire computing world over to Apple, and now I keep Exchange around for e-mail. Therefore, I have no contacts, no tasks, no notes, very limited calendar entries, and a massive amount of e-mail on the Exchange server. However, to test everything out, I have added a single contact record so I can see it show up on the phone and be able to test two-way sync between the Q10 and Exchange. And here is where the first issues crop up. It looks like Exchange connects and then disconnects at random. For example, if I open my Contacts on the phone, I see the one contact (called John Doe). Then, as the phone is sitting there with the screen on, the contact will disappear and I will see a "Start adding contact to your contact list" notice on the screen. Then, after a short period of time, the single contact will return. It is important to note that the entire time this is happening, the All Contacts option is selected in the list so that all available contacts are shown. Additionally, I have SIM card contacts turned off, but if I alter the selection in the view list (All Contacts, Favorites, etc.), the SIM contacts will re-appear when I return to the All Contacts view. At the same time, even though I have turned off SIM Contacts in the settings, the setting has reverted to show SIM Contacts. If I turn off the setting again, SIM Contacts still show up. Possibly related: I can't delete contacts on the SIM card, no matter how many times I try, and it now it seems that I can't get SIM Contacts to go away in the Contacts app.
    Likewise, Exchange seems to connect and disconnect from Calendar. I go to the calendar and move day by day to June 15th. I see an entry that I know is from Exchange (I have no other connected calendars at this time), and it is in blue. I change the calendar color to green and the entry changes color, as expected. However, if I jump back to today and then scroll day by day to get to June 15th again, the calendar entry is missing. After a few seconds, the entry re-appears, but it is, once again, in blue. The setting has reverted itself, and it seems like Exchange is completely disconnecting and automatically reconnecting to the phone like I am setting it up again for the first time. Very odd. As I'm typing this, I just saw something odd. I swiped to wake up the phone, and the active frames screen was the visible screen. The calendar app is still running (since I left it running, minimized, when the phone went to sleep) and the date shown in the active card was Jan 1, not Jun 8. Why? The date (and time) on the phone is correct and is set automatically by the cellular system.
    Nevertheless, looking at BlackBerry Hub, I see only two e-mails in my Inbox from Exchange, even though I have roughly a dozen in my Inbox. The rest are filed in sub-folders. And bam! Just like that... I get the "Add Accounts" screen while looking at the Hub. In other words, as I was typing this, I first saw two Exchange e-mails and then, out of nowhere, the e-mails disappear and I see the "Add Accounts" screen as if no account has been connected.
    So... first question: Is anyone else experiencing this issue? This is very strange, and very frustrating. Second: could this be related to the large amount of e-mails I have stored on Exchange, some of which have large attachments? I selected "Forever" as the sync history length. I have my concerns, however, if this is related to loading historical e-mails onto the phone (in other words, the first sync with Exchange) because there is no reason that I can understand that the phone would blank out as if no account was connected at all. I can understand lag and stuttering while the history is syncing, but not a complete disconnect and reconnect. Considering all of the issues with the one and only contact record disappearing, the calendar entry for Jun 15th disappearing and then reappearing with the wrong calendar color, and e-mail in my Inbox incomplete (two of a dozen e-mails) and ultimately disappearing, I feel like this OS just has some real, significant issues.
    Full disclosure: I do want iCloud to work and am a fan of Apple products, but the lack of full iCloud sync support is not a big enough issue for me to want to send back this phone and/or see it fail so miserably. I will happily move my info from iCloud into Exchange, Google, and/or set up a new Exchange account for personal use (Office 365) because I am not wedded to iCloud per se. But, I won't go through that trouble if I can't even get my first account to work properly. It should also be noted that I do have a basic Google account (non-paid) and I had previously attempted to connect to it. However, I was experiencing the exact same issues with contacts disappearing, e-mail disappearing, etc. So I deleted that account. Truth be told, I deleted the Exchange account as well, and then re-connected to Exchange only to test one account at a time. Unfortunately, even with Exchange only, I am seeing very strange and frustrating behavior as described above.
    Help... please. I want this to work but the frustration I am feeling is growing worse by the hour.
    Model: SQN100-2
    OS Release:
    OS Version:
    Build ID: 525050

    To follow-up with this issue:
    I ended up performing a security wipe on my device. The security wipe finished, and I was about to reconnect with Exchange when I decided to visit our host's web site to see if they had any articles covering the issues I was experiencing. While they didn't have anything specific, I did find a step-by-step guide to connecting a BB10 device to Exchange... and right there at the end, it said "Do NOT enable memo sync."
    I contacted support, and the rep told me that OS 10 has an issue with memo sync and it can cause all sorts of unpredictable behavior. Now, whether or not this is accurate I can say this: So far, the device is not disconnecting and reconnecting like it was before. Problem is, is this a result of not enabling memo sync, or is this a result of the security wipe?
    I may have overlooked it, but I don't recall reading anything about that anywhere else. I'm tempted to try re-enabling the memo sync to see if everything blows up again. At least that way I can see for myself if the memo sync is a real issue. Of course, perhaps it's an issue with SherWeb (our host) specifically. Hm...
    Anyway, for those that were interested, and for those that may come along in the future with a similar situation, the strange behavior that I first reported is no longer happening. I just don't know if it was a result of a security wipe or a result of not enabling memo sync with Exchange.

  • How to move a picture in another folder with drag & drop

    I want to move a picture in another folder with drag&drop. I work´s any more. What I do wrong?

    Hi all!
    The problem was between the flatscreen and the chair...:-) I clicked always on the gray frame around and not in the image.
    Now it works!

  • Issues with iCloud synchronisation and contacts over two or more devices.  iTouch and iPad2 sync with different results from iMac.  Thoughts?

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    To follow-up with this issue:
    I ended up performing a security wipe on my device. The security wipe finished, and I was about to reconnect with Exchange when I decided to visit our host's web site to see if they had any articles covering the issues I was experiencing. While they didn't have anything specific, I did find a step-by-step guide to connecting a BB10 device to Exchange... and right there at the end, it said "Do NOT enable memo sync."
    I contacted support, and the rep told me that OS 10 has an issue with memo sync and it can cause all sorts of unpredictable behavior. Now, whether or not this is accurate I can say this: So far, the device is not disconnecting and reconnecting like it was before. Problem is, is this a result of not enabling memo sync, or is this a result of the security wipe?
    I may have overlooked it, but I don't recall reading anything about that anywhere else. I'm tempted to try re-enabling the memo sync to see if everything blows up again. At least that way I can see for myself if the memo sync is a real issue. Of course, perhaps it's an issue with SherWeb (our host) specifically. Hm...
    Anyway, for those that were interested, and for those that may come along in the future with a similar situation, the strange behavior that I first reported is no longer happening. I just don't know if it was a result of a security wipe or a result of not enabling memo sync with Exchange.

  • Issue with recursive join and filter records

    I am having an issue with recursive join and filtering records for the following rules. The table, sample records, test script and rules are as below
    drop table PC_COVKEY_PD;
    create table PC_COVKEY_PD (
    PC_COVKEY varchar(50),
    COVERAGE_NUMBER varchar(3),
    SEQUENCE_ALPHA  varchar(3),
    TRANSACTION_TYPE varchar(3),
    COV_CHG_EFF_DATE date,
    delete from PC_COVKEY_PD;
    Insert into PC_COVKEY_PD values ('10020335P8017MT0010012','001','001','02',to_date('01/FEB/2010','DD/MON/RRRR'),to_timestamp('02/JAN/2010 01:55:59.990216 AM','DD/MON/RRRR HH12:MI:SS.FF6 AM'));
    Insert into PC_COVKEY_PD values ('10020335P8017MT0050012','005','001','02',to_date('01/FEB/2010','DD/MON/RRRR'),to_timestamp('02/JAN/2010 01:56:00.268099 AM','DD/MON/RRRR HH12:MI:SS.FF6 AM'));
    Insert into PC_COVKEY_PD values ('10020335P8017MT0010032','001','003','03',to_date('14/JAN/2011','DD/MON/RRRR'),to_timestamp('14/JAN/2011 04:25:19.018217 PM','DD/MON/RRRR HH12:MI:SS.FF6 AM'));
    Insert into PC_COVKEY_PD values ('10020335P8017MT0010042','001','004','03',to_date('21/JAN/2011','DD/MON/RRRR'),to_timestamp('21/JAN/2011 04:00:31.719444 PM','DD/MON/RRRR HH12:MI:SS.FF6 AM'));
    Insert into PC_COVKEY_PD values ('10020335P8017MT0050022','005','002','03',to_date('21/JAN/2011','DD/MON/RRRR'),to_timestamp('21/JAN/2011 04:02:48.953594 PM','DD/MON/RRRR HH12:MI:SS.FF6 AM'));
    10020335P8017MT0010012          001     001                  02                          01/FEB/2010            02/JAN/2010 01:55:59.990216 AM
    10020335P8017MT0050012          005     001                  02                      01/FEB/2010            02/JAN/2010 01:56:00.268099 AM
    10020335P8017MT0010032          001     003                  03                      14/JAN/2011            14/JAN/2011 04:25:19.018217 PM
    10020335P8017MT0010042          001     004                  03                      21/JAN/2011            21/JAN/2011 04:00:31.719444 PM
    10020335P8017MT0050022          005     002                  03                      21/JAN/2011             21/JAN/2011 04:02:48.953594 PM
    Every PC_COVKEY, query should recursively join and generate set of records depending on latest SEQUENCE_ALPHA for the coverage number at that point of time. For ex,
    for 10020335P8017MT0010042 (4 row) should generate 2 records
    1. 10020335P8017MT0010042001004 (PC_COVKEY || COVERAGE_NUMBER || latest SEQUENCE_ALPHA--004 for cover 001), SEQUENCE_ALPHA 001 for cover 001 is not the latest for 10020335P8017MT0010042.
    2. 10020335P8017MT0010042005001 (coverage number 005, and latest sequence alpha-001 for cover 005).
    SEQUENCE_ALPHA 002 for cover 005 is not the latest for 10020335P8017MT0010042 as it happened later stage.
    for 10020335P8017MT0050022 (5 row) should generate 2 records as
    1. 10020335P8017MT0050022001004 (PC_COVKEY || COVERAGE_NUMBER || latest SEQUENCE_ALPHA--004 for cover 001),
    2. 10020335P8017MT0010042005002 (coverage number 005, and latest sequence alpha-002 for cover 005)
           pcd1.PC_COVKEY||pcd2.COVERAGE_NUMBER||pcd2.SEQUENCE_ALPHA as cov_key,
           max(pcd2.COVERAGE_NUMBER||pcd2.SEQUENCE_ALPHA) over (partition by pcd1.PC_COVKEY, pcd1.COVERAGE_NUMBER
           order by pcd2.COV_CHG_EFF_DATE, pcd2.TIMESTAMP_ENTERED) as MaxSeq,
    PC_COVKEY_PD pcd1,
    PC_COVKEY_PD pcd2
    select * from SNAPSHOT_CVR_CTP SC
    WHERE sc.PC_COVKEY = '10020335P8017MT0010042'  -- 4 row
    10020335P8017MT0010042     10020335P8017MT0010042001001     001     001     001001     001001     01/FEB/2010     02/JAN/2010 01:55:59.990216 AM
    10020335P8017MT0010042     10020335P8017MT0010042005001     005     001     005001     005001     01/FEB/2010     02/JAN/2010 01:56:00.268099 AM
    10020335P8017MT0010042     10020335P8017MT0010042001003     001     003     001003     005001     14/JAN/2011     14/JAN/2011 04:25:19.018217 PM
    10020335P8017MT0010042     10020335P8017MT0010042001004     001     004     001004     005001     21/JAN/2011     21/JAN/2011 04:00:31.719444 PM
    10020335P8017MT0010042     10020335P8017MT0010042005002     005     002     005002     005002     21/JAN/2011     21/JAN/2011 04:02:48.953594 PM
    I am trying to filter row using MAXSEQ but at the moment MAXSEQ values are not coming as expected. I expect following value for COV_KEY combination
    COV_KEY                                         MAXSEQ
    10020335P8017MT0010042001001     001004
    10020335P8017MT0010042005001     005001 -- match
    10020335P8017MT0010042001003     001004
    10020335P8017MT0010042001004     001004 -- match
    10020335P8017MT0010042005002     005001Would appreciate if anyone can get MAxSEQ as expected.

    Something like..
    with dist_cov_numbers as
      select distinct coverage_number cov_number
      from PC_COVKEY_PD
    all_data as
      select pcd.*,d.cov_number new_coverage_number,
                  over( partition by d.cov_number
                        order by COV_CHG_EFF_DATE,TIMESTAMP_ENTERED
                                  ) max_seq
      from PC_COVKEY_PD pcd,dist_cov_numbers d
    select pc_covkey,pc_covkey||new_coverage_number||max_seq new_key,
           pc_covkey||coverage_number||sequence_alpha actual_key
    from all_data
    PC_COVKEY                   NEW_KEY                           ACTUAL_KEY                     
    10020335P8017MT0010012      10020335P8017MT0010012001001      10020335P8017MT0010012001001     
    10020335P8017MT0010012      10020335P8017MT0010012005         10020335P8017MT0010012001001     
    10020335P8017MT0050012      10020335P8017MT0050012001001      10020335P8017MT0050012005001     
    10020335P8017MT0050012      10020335P8017MT0050012005001      10020335P8017MT0050012005001     
    10020335P8017MT0010032      10020335P8017MT0010032001003      10020335P8017MT0010032001003     
    10020335P8017MT0010032      10020335P8017MT0010032005001      10020335P8017MT0010032001003     
    10020335P8017MT0010042      10020335P8017MT0010042005001      10020335P8017MT0010042001004     
    10020335P8017MT0010042      10020335P8017MT0010042001004      10020335P8017MT0010042001004     
    10020335P8017MT0050022      10020335P8017MT0050022005002      10020335P8017MT0050022005002     
    10020335P8017MT0050022      10020335P8017MT0050022001004      10020335P8017MT0050022005002 
    10 rows selected Edited by: jeneesh on Nov 22, 2012 10:54 AM

  • Import swf file with drag & drop action

    I created a flash animation with drag & drop.
    I imported the swf into Captivate 3, but when I publish the
    project, the animation don't work.
    Can you suggest me some workaround to understand the problem?
    Best regards

    Hi kpurple and welcome to our community
    When you published the project, did you ensure to copy all
    the associated files? Normally the added .SWF files exist as
    external files that need to exist in the same folder as your
    Captivate files.
    Cheers... Rick

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    That's what I would have thought, but even after saving the setting, as soon as I shut down my computer or log out of Mail, it automatically defaults back to 25. It's a bit frustrating.
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    Any suggestions?

    What problems?
    The first thing to do is trash the preferences. As far as affecting Logic 7, once you install 8, 7 is "forgotten" about. I'm assuming your L8 is a real version, not a "borrowed from the interweb" one.

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    Same problem. I can see the itunes store so not a problem with windows firewall. The account is active on my iphone so i know i am not locked out. I can connect the PC to my iphone so i know itunes is working ok. It is just logging into itunes on this pc which doesn't work. Only thing I can think of is that the email address I use for my apple id has been offline for a while and is working again now, I'm wondering whether this has been the case for others who are having this issue?

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