Streaming a Radio Broadcast with Ustream

First, I'm not really sure if this discussion fits in this forum or not, but could someone please help me out. I own an online newspaper. We have been online for several months and we run it through iWeb. We have the ability to stream live video and audio through livestream or ustream.
Starting this fall we are going to be partnering up with a local radio station to play their high school football game radio broadcasts live on our website through ustream.
My problem is this. How can I run the audio feed from a regular portable radio(which we are willing to purchase new) through to my Macbook pro and into ustream as audio. What cables would that require? How could it be done? Is there a better way to do it?
Please, Someone help!

ok petra heres a few and i was suprised when you said it worked as i thought the site was winamp only ...well that what it says is important so i need to access alot of stuff but i' make it also so i listen to allsorts constantly.
also any stations from below just to try as theres no specific genre just click.

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    Could you walk us through what happens when you try to connect to the Store in some more detail, please?

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    Last edited by yellowfox (2007-02-16 12:21:01)

    Your english  is much better than my american, so maybe we can communicate somehow.
    I don't use iptables since I have a router handling that for me.
    Trying with xmms, vlc, amarok and mplayer resulted in not much.     VLC did give very choppy playback, while xmms got in a buffering/prebuffering loop.
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    It also tells me that they are stream aac sound, so, maybe the right plugin or a recompile after installing faad will make your chosen program work.
    Good luck and have fun

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    What are your current settings in FMLE ?
    What is your input feed? from webcam? external HD camera? Encoder card?
    If your connectivity approved you can raise up the bitrate and set higher output size.

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    When audio (music or speech) is being streamed to your iPod, the "file" (or each few minutes of audio) has to arrive at your iPod at least as fast as it's being played to you. If it does, then everything will sound okay and if it arrives faster than required, your iPod will buffer the sound in its memory. When that's full, it will tell the originating website to stop sending for a while. But if the "file" doesn't arrive fast enough, then you get breakup of the sound.
    So even though your Wi-Fi connection may be good, the internet itself may be slowing down the feed of the stream and that could be down to any one (or more) of several things.
    1. I assume your internet connection is broadband - that is the 8MB you referred to. Even so, it may be a slow connection, now or all the time. Have you done a speed test on your internet connection?
    2. The website itself may be busy. Unlike broadcast radio, where it makes no difference how many extra peple listen, every extra listener on the internet needs extra resources on the interenet and on the website sending the sound.
    3. Even if you have this problem with different radio services, it could be the App your using that's causing the problem.
    4. The internet itself may be busy. It's like trying to make a call on your mobile phone (cellular) at midnight on New Year's Eve. Well, here in the UK, it was so busy, you couldn't do so.
    One trick you could try; if the App you're using has a pause button, pause the audio for about thirty seconds and then re-start it. It may, possibly help, but don't put money on it.
    In the future, this breaking up problem will go away, but the internet (and radio streaming) is still relatively new and that's why there's a problem. So new in fact, that no one has yet come up with a suitable name for "listening to a live audio feed over the internet, from an organisation that broadcasts over *radio waves* at the same time". Radio, you might say. Well no, radio is short for "broadcasting over the "airwaves" by usng radio-frequncy transmission.
    I suppose "internet braodcasting" - but that's not very catchy, is it?
    So yes, other peoiple wll also have the same problem as you, I do ocassionally. The only things you can try that may help are those I've suggested above - check the speed of your broadband and try the pause trick.
    Good luck.

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    Hey bbhillfarm,
    Thanks for the question. I understand that you are having trouble finding the Internet Radio section of the new iTunes 12. The following resource should point you in the correct direction:
    Listen to Internet radio - iTunes Help
    Tune in to Internet stations
    1. Click the Internet Radio button   near the top left of the iTunes window (if you don’t see it, click ).
    2. To see the available stations, click the triangle next to the type of music you want to listen to.
    3. To tune in, double-click a station.
    If you use a dial-up modem to connect to the Internet, choose a station with a bit rate of less than 48 kilobits per second (kbps) for best results. To see a station’s bit rate, select the station, then choose File > Get Info.
    Matt M.

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    Try the Reciva app.
    It's not realistic to compare the capabilities of iPad apps with stuff you are using on a laptop or desktop, they are just completely different systems.

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    Is this true? If so, that is great as that was something I was willing to give up to go to a Droid. Having access to the radio broadcasts without VCast would be a plus.

    Make sure you have the unlimited data plan as well, you'll eat up that 250mb plan in just a couple games otherwise.

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    So answer is - how do I listen to live broadcasts using my mac and why isn't this ability written into the OS.

    how do I listen to live broadcasts using my mac and why isn't this ability written into the OS.
    It's not "written into the OS" because a Mac does not have a radio receiver. If you are referring to streaming broadcasts that come over the Internet, that capability is dependent on the web browser, not the OS. And as mentioned above, iTunes also has the capability to stream Internet-based "radio."
    You can also go to any number of web sites that stream "radio" broadcasts. Just do a Google search on "internet radio". For example, here is a web site that aggregates such streams.

  • Streaming bbc radio, connection drops out, have to manually reload.

    W7 pc, 4GB ram, virus/malware free. 10 mb/s cable access.
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    Is there a download manager - don't think it can be the BBC site.

    BBC at least in the past has often had problems with its Edge Servers and so listeners outside the UK would have problems that took a long while to be solved, the BBC's support system often failed to pass on info regarding problems. Specific countries/ISP s would have problems but as long as the UK service was unaffected the BBC tended not to notice.
    I have not recently used BBC iPlayer online. The overseas low/high bandwidth on the iPlayer stream did not do anything other than restart the stream, overseas users only got the one low bandwidth, the option was an artefact.
    AFAIK the BBC does still stream Flash and Windows
    As you are using a Widows computer try both streams one may work still.
    The BBC no longer has a support forum, but you could look at
    As always worth trying clearing the browser cache, and the BBC related cookies.

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