String comunicação serial

Boa noite!
Estou fazendo um programa no Lab View que recebe dados via comunicação serial através de 1 câmera que busca posicionamento de 2 objetos, que um outro software tem que passar a posição de cada um dos objetos nos eixos x e y, e então os dados são passados pro Lab View. Recebi a indicação de utilizar a VI Basic Serial Write and Read, mas não faço ideia de como faço para integrar com a VI de controle (com a integração, eliminarei os 4 indicadores de entrada)
Basic Serial Write and ‏21 KB ‏17 KB

Oi Ricardo, tudo bem?
Este VI Basic Serial Write and Read é um exemplo de comunicação serial na qual o VI primeiro envia um string de comando (por dafault está enviando o comando "*IDN?\n"),  e posteriormente aguarda pela resposta do equipamento. Normalmente os dispositivos com comunicação serial funcionam dessa maneira: você primeiro faz a requisição do dado que você quer saber e o dispositivo responde de volta.
Na sua aplicação, pelo que entendi, você precisará ler esses dados constantemente. Então você deve utilizar o VI Basic Serial Write and Read como um subVI dentro do seu While Loop, passa os valores para as entradas do subVI e trabalha com os dados de saída.
Entretanto esta não é melhor solução para o caso. O ideal é você estabelecer a comunicação fora do seu loop e apenas enviar/receber os dados na estrutura de repetição, finalização a comunicação após o loop finalizar.
Não sei se fui muito claro. Qualquer dúvida é só perguntar!
Ricardo Ramos
Engenheiro de Vendas - Sul
National Instruments Brasil

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    Olá, estou desenvolvendo um projeto no qual devo reconhecer comandos de voz e enviar posteriormente informações através de comunicação serial.
    A idéia do projeto é a seguinte :
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    No entanto, não venho conseguindo reconhecer comandos de voz através de alguns VI's fornecidos pela NI, então venho pedir ajuda para procurar um caminho para começar a construir tal projeto.
    Grato desde já.
    Gilberto Neto
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    Olá, achei bem interessante este projeto, porém tenho algumas perguntas:
    Existe alguma especificação quanto ao Hardware para capturar o sinal?
    Quando você diz: "Reconhecer comandos de voz como "POSIÇÃO 1, POSIÇÃO 2", você está se referindo que o conteúdo da mensagem falada é "POSIÇÃO 1,POSIÇÃO 2" ou que isso é uma mera identificação para uma mensagem diferente?
    Capturar o sinal emitido pela voz é relativamente fácil,porém a identificação e interpretação desse sinal que é algo mais complexo (Relativo a segunda pergunta que eu fiz). Com as VI's da paleta (Sound), você irá apenas coletar esse sinal, porém a análise heurística para interpretação fica a cabo do desenvolvedor. Felizmente, existem algumas Library como o SAPI e outras para abreviar este processo.
    Sobre a serialização deste sinal, você será basicamente "obrigado" a trabalhar com filas de tamanho fixo , pois os dados devem ser armazenados em sequência e serem despachados em blocos ANTES de serem repassados as funções VISA. Uma dica é repassar essa informação utilizando dados do tipo Digital (0,1) em vetores bidimensionais para assegurar que a mensagem seja serializada completamente (sem perder nenhum bit pelo caminho)
    Você irá precisar de 3 Loops: Um para a captura dos dados, um para interpretação e arranjo e outro para envio das informações. Pesquise sobre a arquitetura QMH ou P/C. Não é necessário usar nada mais complexo neste quesito
    Espero que eu tenha ajudado
    "In theory, theory and practice are the same. In practice, they’re not."

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    Desde já agradeço.
    Fernando Esquírio Torres

    Good morning,  Fernando,
    Here are some links to help in its implementation. Any questions please contact us.
    What Is the Basic Architecture for Serial Communication?
    Can I Do 9-bit Serial Communication Instead of 7 or 8 bits?
    9-Bit Serial Writing in LabVIEW
    Serial Communication Starting Point
    Serial Communication - Basic Serial Write and Read
    Enviar ou Receber Dados Binários / Hexadecimais Utilizando NI-VISA no LabVIEW
    Sending and receiving serial commands using VISA
    Mauro Vera
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

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    Resumindo COMO ENVIO UM BIT ZERO PARA SAIDA PELO VISA SERIAL WRITE EM ASCII??? Desejo que minha saida fique em zero por alguns segundos.
    Obrigado pessoal. Em anexo segue meu programa.
    Anexos: ‏10 KB

    Oi Thiago,
    Na saída Serial, todos os valores '0' representam valores positivos e todos os '1' representam valores negativos. Para ficar mais fácil de entender, lembre que o MSB determina o sinal do valor:
    0xxxxxxx -> positivo
    1xxxxxxx -> negativo
    Este link fala um pouco mais sobre como medir os valores da porta serial e aborda esse assunto (as imagens não estão abrindo, mas você consegue abrí-las pelos arquivos em anexo):
    Para você que está trabalhando com comunicação serial, é legal também manter esse guia:
    Espero ter ajudado!
    Ricardo Ramos
    Engenheiro de Vendas - Sul
    National Instruments Brasil

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    If you don't have any other programs listening on the COM port, you need to let a LV program run BEFORE the signal comes, otherwise you won't be able to read it. You can have the program wait in a slow timed loop so that it doesn't use up too much CPU time, and when the required "trigger" comes, to move into the main part of the program.
    You basically need a while loop waiting for a certain string in the serial buffer. Once the string is found the while loop is exited, and the data acqquisition or whatever else you require from the progam can be performed.
    In the example attached the program wait for ANY text to be sent to the COM port. Please note that you need to configure the VISA resource before using it. Once there is something at the COM port, the loop will exit and the rest of the program will be executed.
    Hope this helps
    Using LV 6.1 and 8.2.1 on W2k (SP4) and WXP (SP2)
    Wait for serisl ‏17 KB

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    ~ Johnny
    Ovation - AE RF generator.pdf ‏1444 KB

    Thanks... so I started with the basic serial write and read, enetered hex text strings into the serial write, including the checksum and what I read back is not always correct because for example I need to calculate the XOR in the program and not just eneter it as a hex value. I should also put the write and read into a loop because I will be writing and reading to serial port 2 dozen times.
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    any suggestion? .... much thanks.
    ~ Johnny
    ~ Johnny
    Basic Serial Write and ‏24 KB
    cap-table.txt ‏7 KB

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    Concatenate a string constant to the string.  Set the representation of the constant to Hex display.  Put the value 08 into the string constant.
    Message Edited by Ravens Fan on 07-31-2007 10:47 AM
    Backspace.png ‏2 KB

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    Strings are already in Unicode, you know. And you would have to do something to prevent the user from seeing what they typed in, if your code does what you say, so there must be something you haven't said.

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    System description:
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    I want to read the laser data everytime the encoder gives a pulse signifying the mechanical stage has moved. How can I achieve this?
    We would be taking around 1000 serial reads (from each port) per second.
    We are using PXI-1031 chassis (4-slot) with PXI-8184 controller (850 MHz celeron). OS is Win2K prof. and LabVIEW 7.1
    [email protected]
    Gurdas Singh
    PhD. Candidate | Civil Engineering |

    Hi Gurdas,
    We have some simple serial communication examples included in LabVIEW. Those example programs transmit any string of characters over the serial port. All you have to do is set which port you want to use, baud rate, stop bits, parity, etc. in the VI; this setting wil remain for each serial transfer while the program is running. Again, you can read/write any character string with the serial communication VI's. How the information is put into the character strings is up to you and the device you are communicating with. The serial communication is LSB before MSB.
    Salvador Santolucito
    Applications Engineering
    National Instruments
    Attachments: ‏66 KB ‏105 KB

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    Still new to LabView, so please bear with me...
    I have a VI that sits and wait for a certain character string to arrive over the serial port, but I need a timeout that doesn't rely on the VISA timeout.
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    In the event of no string match, the serial port may keep on sending serial data, or may be inactive (non-determinisitic because this test is to see if a computer system booted correctly). But once the VI starts, I should have 60 seconds to find the match, or set the bool output 'selection' to fail.
    I have tried putting my Elapsed Time loop inside the main loop, outside, with/without SRs, and now I'm at a loss. I looked at the VI highlighted and the serial activity wasn't active until the 60 second timer expired.
    Please take a look at the attached, and thanks for taking a look at this post.
    Go to Solution.
    Untitled 1 (SubVI).vi ‏33 KB

    I'm not entirely certain that I understand what you are trying to accomplish. However here are my thoughts:
    The VI you attached will wait 60 seconds before checking the serial port for waiting bytes ONCE then read bytes if they are availale and quit immediately. This is because you have the while loop around the elapsed time and it must execute completely before moving on to the serial communication loop.
    I assume you have setup the serial port and set termination characters, etc in a main vi
    Please try the modified VI attached and let us know if that helps
    Charles Chickering
    Charles Chickering
    Architecture is art with rules.
    ...and the rules are more like guidelines
    Untitled 1 (SubVI) ‏33 KB

  • Join two 8 bit integers and send via Serial Port

    I am trying to join two 8 bit integers and send the result via the serial port.
    I have a constant of hex value A that I need to join with a value from hex 0 - F (this is based on incoming data)
    When I use the Join VI, and type cast to change from hex to string for Visa Write, I recieve hex 0A0F.
    I have been able to use the hex 0-F with a case structure and then wire the corresponding constant ex A0 - AF.
    This makes the program very cumbersome and labour intensive to change. I have 22 commands I have to respond to with the address of 0-F.
    Currently, I have a Case structure that is selected with Message ID, then a case that is selected with subtype and then a case for address.
    Therefore I have to create a constant inside of each address case for each message as the responses are different.
    Thanks for any help

    As I understand it, you want to take the two bytes, put them together,
    and output the result as an ASCII string on the serial port.  This
    is easy.  Simply convert each number to an ASCII string,
    concatonate the two characters together, and send the resulting string
    to the VISA write function.  That's it!  I have attached a VI
    (ver. 7.1) that takes two hex numbers as input, converts them to ASCII,
    concatonates the results, and outputs the 'command' string.  Fell
    free to modify this vi and use it as you see fit.  I have left
    extra terminals in case you want to add error input/output for data
    flow, or whatever.  Notice that the display for the concatonated
    string is in '/' Codes Display mode.  This is because 0A hex is
    the newline character in ASCII.  You should also check to make
    sure that your VISA serial settings are not setup so that the newline
    character is the termination character.  If it is, the second
    character may not be recognised.  Hope this helps.
    Attachments: ‏17 KB

  • Acquisition of data serial

    I would like an information about LabView.
    I need to monitore a serial line through the C-rio and to convert this digital sign in a binary number or hexadecimal.
    To convert the digital sign for binario, it's necessary store the frames in a vector (the message can be from 8 to 572 bits).
    The problem is to store in the vector the bytes (the acquisition use a boolean signal).
    - How can I make this?
    - Do you know some VI to do this convertion?
    Already thanking!

    I'm not sure I understand your question, but I'll try an answer :
    you need to convert a series of bytes received as a string on your serial port. There is a string to byte array function to do this conversion, as shown in the attached png.
    Message Edited by chilly charly on 06-12-2005 05:19 PM
    Chilly Charly    (aka CC)
             E-List Master - Kudos glutton - Press the yellow button on the left...        
    string to byte array.png ‏2 KB

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    in the string..   ie...  "3" becomes "11" when I need it as "0011"
    Go to Solution.

    see figure:
    Example_VI.png ‏3 KB

  • Splitting string into multiple string output

    I have this string input from serial port which looks like this:
    They are all tab delimited. 
    And I need them to split into three outputs (possibly converted to numerals) -->
    Output1 --> 20 
    Output2 --> 10 
    Output3 --> 32 
    Your help will be appreciated. Thanks.
    Go to Solution.

    Hi Manu,
    Try the attached example.
    (Give Kudos to good Answers, Mark it as a Solution if your problem is Solved) 
    Untitled ‏6 KB

  • Corrupted serial data when reading

    Hello Friends
    Im working on a project that read a string through the serial port from a flow meter.
    the string that the flow meter sends has this pattern. its a comma separated string:
    i already proccesed the data with this VI (please fell free to give me any suggestions ). Please see 1.jpg
    I am having the following issue. when receving data from serial, several strings show up corrupted. please see good.jpg and bad.jpg. i have tried to read the serial data on hyperterminal, and all strings show up ok.
    i will appreciate any suggestions and advises on how to fix this!
    thanks in advance
    1.JPG ‏71 KB
    good.JPG ‏14 KB
    bad.JPG ‏13 KB

    moreins1 wrote:
    actually, i have one more question.
    this is the data viewer i have on my vi. it shows each data string that my serial device is sending. this string will change 10 times in a second. this is OK. right now, its showing 1 string at a time:
    what i want now is to actually append all this data in the viewer so i can copy and pasted it to notepad. i would like it to show like this:
    and so on.........
    Can you please advise on how to do this without actually monkeying around with the VISA inicialize?
    You're gonna have to put that string into a shift register to bring it back around.  Then you'll have to concatenate it with the current string (add a return so they end up on different lines) and take the output to your indicator.  Be careful what you wish for... if it's updating 10 times a second, it will eat up memory like crazy.
    Didn't realize you wanted to cut n paste to notepad... why not just take the original output to a file instead of an indicator?  Cross beat me to it.
    (Mid-Level minion.)
    My support system ensures that I don't look totally incompetent.
    Proud to say that I've progressed beyond knowing just enough to be dangerous. I now know enough to know that I have no clue about anything at all.

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