String length when using CHNAVERAGE

Hi all,
I want to average quite a number of non-waveform channels and ran into the problem, that the CHNAVERAGE function only accepts a 255byte long channel string. Working around it by using the "'[1]/Channel 1-'[1]/Channel X" syntax does not help, because channels are not in consecutive order.
Any Ideas???
... using Diadem 10

Hi DavidS!
There is not any longer a length restriction in DIAdem 10.1 or newer.
May be a workaround in DIAdem 10.0 is to use channel numbers instead of channel names which increases the maximum number of channels you can specify in a 256 byte long string. Alternatively you may rearange the channels in the portal and then call the ChnRenumber function to bring the channels in consecutive order.
I hope this helps,

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       geometry_components IN CLOB)
       RETURN sdo_geometry
    v_count             NUMBER;
    v_gml               XMLType;
    v_gml_rec           XMLType;
    v_gml_clob          CLOB;
    v_gml_clob_rec      CLOB;
    sql_stmt            CLOB;
    v_sdogeom           SDO_GEOMETRY;
    v_sdogeom_all       SDO_GEOMETRY;
    varray_sdogeom      SDO_GEOMETRY_ARRAY;
    TYPE t_ref_cursor  IS REF CURSOR;
    c_geoms         t_ref_cursor;
    varray_sdogeom := SDO_GEOMETRY_ARRAY();
    IF geometry_components is not null THEN
      v_gml := XMLType ('<GeometryComponents xmlns:gml="">'||geometry_components||'</GeometryComponents>');
      v_gml_clob := v_gml.getClobVal();
      SELECT count(*) INTO v_count FROM XMLTable ('declare namespace gml=""; (: :)
                                                 //polygon' PASSING v_gml);
      If v_count > 0 THEN
        sql_stmt := 'WITH gml_input AS (SELECT XMLType ('''||v_gml_clob||''') as gmldata from dual)
                     select poly.spatial_location from gml_input,
                                                     xmltable (xmlnamespaces ('''' as "gml"),
                                                               PASSING gmldata
                                                               spatial_location XMLTYPE PATH ''//gml:Polygon'') poly
                     UNION ALL
                     select point.spatial_location from gml_input,
                                                     xmltable (xmlnamespaces ('''' as "gml"),
                                                               PASSING gmldata
                                                               spatial_location XMLTYPE PATH ''//gml:Point'') point';
    --    dbms_output.put_line (sql_stmt);
        OPEN c_geoms FOR sql_stmt;
          FETCH c_geoms INTO v_gml_rec;
          EXIT WHEN c_geoms%NOTFOUND;
          v_gml_clob_rec := v_gml_rec.getClobVal;
          sql_stmt := 'SELECT SDO_CS.TRANSFORM(SDO_UTIL.FROM_GML311GEOMETRY ('''||v_gml_clob_rec||'''), 8307) FROM dual';
          EXECUTE IMMEDIATE sql_stmt INTO v_sdogeom;
          varray_sdogeom(varray_sdogeom.COUNT) := v_sdogeom;
        END LOOP;   -- c_geoms fetch
        CLOSE c_geoms;
        select SDO_AGGR_SET_UNION(varray_sdogeom, 0.005) INTO v_sdogeom_all from dual;
      END IF;  -- v_count > 0
    RETURN v_sdogeom_all;
    END IF;
    show errorsUnfortunately I cannot add the data I am processing as it is classified but here is a dummy sample of the type of GML I am parsing though this is short enough that it works:
    <GeometryComponents xmlns:gml="">
    <polygon xmlns:gmd="" xmlns:srv=""
    xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:gco="" xmlns:gml="" xmlns:mgmp="" xmlns:smr=""
    xmlns:xlink=""><gml:Polygon gml:id="bp2" srsName="EPSG:4326">
    <gml:posList srsDimension="2">175 -40 176 -40 176 -39 175 -39 175 -40</gml:posList>
    </GeometryComponents>And although this function is normally called from a procedure, here is a call from dual
    select MULTI_GML_TO_SDOGEOM ('<GeometryComponents xmlns:gml="">
    <polygon xmlns:gmd="" xmlns:srv=""
    xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:gco="" xmlns:gml="" xmlns:mgmp="" xmlns:smr=""
    xmlns:xlink=""><gml:Polygon gml:id="bp2" srsName="EPSG:4326">
    <gml:posList srsDimension="2">175 -40 176 -40 176 -39 175 -39 175 -40</gml:posList>
    </GeometryComponents>') from dual;Thanks in advance.

    I fail to see why you use dynamic SQL here.
    As said above, you're doing a lot of bad and unnecessary stuff, first of which being not using bind variables.
    Then I see a lot serializing/constructing on XMLType which just adds more overhead.
    Basically, the function can be simplified down to :
    create or replace function multi_gml_to_sdogeom (
      geometry_components in clob
    return sdo_geometry
      v_sdogeom_all       SDO_GEOMETRY;
      select SDO_AGGR_SET_UNION(
                   SDO_CS.TRANSFORM(SDO_UTIL.FROM_GML311GEOMETRY(spatial_location), 8307)
                 as sdo_geometry_array
             , .005
      into v_sdogeom_all
      from (
        select xmlserialize(content x.column_value) as spatial_location
        from xmltable(
               xmlnamespaces ('' as "gml")
             , '/GeometryComponents/polygon/(gml:Polygon|gml:Point)'
               passing xmlparse(document geometry_components)
             ) x
      return v_sdogeom_all;
    SQL> select multi_gml_to_sdogeom('<GeometryComponents xmlns:gml="">
      2  <polygon xmlns:gmd="" xmlns:srv=""
      3  xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:gco="" xmlns:gml="" xmlns:mgmp="" xmlns:smr=""
      4  xmlns:xlink=""><gml:Polygon gml:id="bp2" srsName="EPSG:4326">
      5  <gml:exterior>
      6  <gml:LinearRing>
      7  <gml:posList srsDimension="2">175 -40 176 -40 176 -39 175 -39 175 -40</gml:posList>
      8  </gml:LinearRing>
      9  </gml:exterior>
    10  </gml:Polygon>
    11  <gml:Point gml:id="p21" srsName="EPSG:4326">
    12      <gml:coordinates>45.67, 88.56</gml:coordinates>
    13    </gml:Point>
    14  </polygon>
    15  </GeometryComponents>')
    16  from dual ;
    Edited by: odie_63 on 8 janv. 2013 18:02

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    Is there some problem today? I'm getting this sort of thing all over.
    I already told you and so did Kayaman. Don't. String is not a holder for binary data. You have to Base-64 encode it. If you don't you cannot reconstruct the original binary digest value, so putting it into a database is completely utterly and entirely pointless.
    Is that clear enough?

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    Regards Joerg.

    I opened a service request and oracle support could help me.
    The problem is the windows file system: the path length cannot be longer than 256 chars.
    There's a workaround with MS-Webfolders.
    More information is available via metalink: watch out for SR-Number 5659267.992.
    PS: Thanks to Bert
    bye :-j (joerg)

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    The length change is dependent upon the algorithm you are using which can be a combination of cipher block, padding, and chaining.
    The best solution is determine the method you are going to use and apply it to the l ongest possible strings you are going to proces, then add some safety margin. There iis no penalty for defining your column as VARCHAR2(4000).

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    for i in "0" #"4"
    for j in $(seq 176 176)
    wget --timeout=1 --tries=1 --keep-session-cookies --save-cookies cookies.txt --post-file=postfile http://192.168.$i.$j/dologin.htm
    wget --timeout=1 --tries=1 --load-cookies cookies.txt --post-file=postfile2 http://192.168.$i.$j/update.htm
    postfile looks like this and is just for logging in:
    postfile2 looks like this:
    The problem now is, when using it like above, everything works fine. But if I make the text in postfile2 one character longer, I get this:
    Connecting to connected.
    HTTP request sent, awaiting response... Read error (Connection timed out) in headers.
    Giving up.
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    daf666 wrote:The two files look identical, are you sure that the "bad" one is actually a capture of the timed out session? (both have same data length and same value in the content-length header).
    Yes, they are different and the bad is is from the timeout .
    daf666 wrote:Anyway, this timeout might occur, if for some reason wget will say content length is 10 and send only 9 characters in the post request..
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    (string-length(/p1:ValidateUserRequest/Businesspartner)) not=  6   ->   system2
    Is there no way of sprucing up the standard xpath expression in the way I try?
    What alternatives do I have?

    Please try giving the XPath expression as given below:
    /p1:ValidateUserRequest [string-length(Businesspartner) = 6]  system1
    /p1:ValidateUserRequest [string-length(Businesspartner) != 6] system 2
    Please use square brackets before "string" and after "6"...its not getting displayed in my reply...:-(
    Edited by: Lekshmi N on Jan 6, 2010 12:29 PM

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    I am attaching here the VIs.
    C-V measurement by ‏107 KB ‏31 KB
    sr830 ‏15 KB

    I am really sorry for the late reply. Well, I tried to increase the time constant inthe sr830 initialize VI, upto 240,000 ms. But I still get the error, and not always now when the reading is near zero. Can you please tell me whats wrong? I am in my very early days in labview and this is infact the first program I have written. BTW i am using a serial port to communicate with the SR830 lockin amplifier. Can you tell me in this context how I use SRQ? thanks in advance.

  • Number database field treated as String in formula when using 64bit runtime

    Hey just a quick shout out to those with the above problem or those following the now "closed but unanswered" thread by the same name - if you're getting "A string is required here" error messages after switching over to the 64-bit runtime, or other weird loss of formatting issues, then try turning off the "Verify on First Refresh" or "Verify Stored Procedures on First Refresh" options in File | Report Options... as the case may be.

    Previous post was here.
    Number database field treated as String in formula when using 64bit runtime
    Thanks for the find ezachman.

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    It sounds like you did, just as you should, Save_As and Delete everything that is unwanted. If you did the Deletion from the Timeline, there should be nothing from the old Project, that should be included. A DVD is Transcoded and burned from the Timeline. If the Assets are not there, they will not included in the DVD, even if you did not Delete anything from the Project Panel.
    Tell us about the Clips now on your Timeline. Also, can you check the Timeline, by hitting the \ (Backslash key), and looking near the end of the Timeline. Do you have any "orphans" out there? Check all Video Tracks, even if you have to scroll to see them all. Does the Duration of the Timeline (viewed in the Program Monitor) match what you think that it should? If not, then you most likely have orphans, that you missed Deleteing.
    Good luck,

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    <c:set var="test" value="#{myPageBean.myMethod.length()}" />
    While evaluating the above expression,it will call getMyMethod() which will return a String. On that it will call length().
    But it this throwing parsing error,
    Is it different in JSF?..Pls help.

    BabuKhan wrote:
    I have imported the taglib in th below 3 ways and tried
    1. <anyxmlelement xmlns:fn="" />
    2. <anyxmlelement xmlns:fn="" />
    3. <anyxmlelement xmlns:fn="" />
    Literally? Do you understand the meaning of "anyxmlelement" ?

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    => My application works fine when i run the sequences sequentially.
    So i have followed my investigations and i found the origin of the problem.
    In my application i use a special process model with 2 callbacks : 
    In these callbacks i had to look for a special step. So i write something like :
    SELECT RunState.Caller.Step.StepType.Name
    I do replace this syntax by :
    IF StrComp( RunState.Caller.Step.StepType.Name , "XXXXX" ) == 0
    IF StrComp( RunState.Caller.Step.StepType.Name , "YYYY" ) == 0
    And then the application hangs no more !!!! 
    This problem can be viewed directly with TestStand using a parallel processModel containing the callbacks with the select ....
    Here are 2 files which can reproduce the problem easily ...
    ParallelModelWithCallBacks.seq ‏53 KB
    Wait10Time1Second.seq ‏7 KB -
    From your sequence files, it looks like you're using TestStand 2010. I believe you might be running into Known Issue 276979 which was fixed in TestStand 2010 SP1.
    Hope this helps.
    Manooch H.
    National Instruments

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    But should it not be something like 'Fan #1' ?
    Thanks John

    Metrics are collected at certain intervals, the Last Upload field indicates the date and time of the last time a metric collection was uploaded. The quicker the interval, the more recent that date should be. If you don't specify a CollectionItem in your default collection file for your metrics, they won't be collected or uploaded.
    If your metric column is a STRING type, it is stored in a VARCHAR2(4000)
    I'm not sure I understand your last problem... You have a table metric with a set of columns. The column you use as the key is just some tracking index which doesn't really mean anything. As long as your key column(s) make the row unique, the agent will be satisfied. If you want something more meaningful as your key, then it's something you will have to inject into your dataset if it isn't already there.

Maybe you are looking for

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