String1 === string2 make me confuse

String s1="hello "; //string "hello " ended with a blank
String s2="world";
String s3="hello world";
String ss1="hello world";
String ss2="hello world";
if the output of statement - A is false then why the output of statement - B is true?
plz ans...

To be honest, I can't tell you the underlying
mechanics,Strings are pooled internally meaning that only one copy of a String literal, such as "hello", is ever stored. So each String literal is uniquely define by an object reference. If you know what you're doing you can utilize this fact to use == to compare Strings. So even thought this "feature" has it's roots in an implementation technique (pooling) the bahaviour is defined by the language. This means, again if you know what you're doing, it'ss a perfectly kosher way to compare Strings using ==.
Pooling is also used by some Java implementations to store small Integer literals. Sun for example pools -127 to 128 I think.
Integer i1 = new Integer(5); // an object reference
Integer i2 = new Integer(5); // another object reference
if (i1==i2)  // my god they're equal ?
  System.out.println("Small Integer literals are pooled");The above == comparision "should" be false but istn't because of pooling.
The difference is that this behaviour is an implementation artefact and NOT part of the language so it can never be utilized the way String pooling can.

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    Note the this has been answered in the Database-General forum
    Re: copy(string1, string2)
    Distributed Database Consulting, Inc.

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    Hi Ken,
       Wow! That's something you don't see every day; I'm really impressed. I had had a tough day too. Later I thought of a funny answer in which I blamed everything on the crazy shell I use. The difference between the two answers is just the flow of karma but stopping the flow of negative by saying something is a real and difficult choice and yours shows character. I'm sorry for going on too much but such things matter more than machines.
       On the other hand, you're a royal pain in the ... just kidding. You're a strict task master but right; I read in the man page about it returning zero and forgot. However, mathematically it isn't too difficult; you just have to use modular arithmetic. In zsh, (I can learn) it would look like:
    echo $(( ( ${#test%%[bc]*} + 1 )%( ${#test} + 1 ) ))
    In bash, it would look like:
    echo $(( ( ${#testtmp} + 1 )%( ${#test} + 1 ) ))
       In science it often happens that scientists say, 'You know that's a really good argument; my position is mistaken,' and then they actually change their minds and you never hear that old view from them again. They really do it. It doesn't happen as often as it should, because scientists are human and change is sometimes painful. But it happens every day. I cannot recall the last time something like that happened in politics or religion.
             -- Carl Sagan, 1987 CSICOP keynote address

  • GUI components always make me confuse!

    Hi all!
    Firstly, The problem I 've just encountered is that: I 'd like to add a JLabel with an icon onto the contentPane of the JFrame, But the Icon canot be drawn. Tell me why?
    This is the code:
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    class TestLabel extends JFrame {
         public TestLabel(String title) {
              ImageIcon icon = new ImageIcon(getToolkit().getImage("./images/chat.bmp"));
              JLabel lb = new JLabel( icon);
              this.getContentPane ().add(lb, BorderLayout.CENTER);
              this.setSize(300, 300);
              this.setDefaultCloseOperation (JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);
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              new TestLabel("Test Label with Icon");
    Secondly: I would like to make an introduction for my application. So I creat an introduce canvas and then add some text and an Image on to it. But the Image can't not be displayed anyway. I'm going to be crazy with every thing!!!. Help me as soon as posible. This is the code of the Canvas ( JPanel). To test how things are, would you please creat a JFrame and add it on to the contentpane of the frame. Thanks!
    package caro;
    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.image.*;
    * <p>Title: Caro Game</p>
    * <p>Description: Two player caro game, playing through a Local Area Network</p>
    * <p>Copyright: Copyright (c) 2004 Group 8 - Tin 4 - K46</p>
    * <p>Company: FIT - HUT</p>
    * @author PhuongVM, AnhLT, KienNT, AnhNT
    * @version 1.0
    class IntroduceCanvas extends JPanel {
    private Color pink = new Color(255, 200, 200);
    private Color blue = new Color(150, 200, 255);
    private int w, h;
    private int edge = 16;
    private static final String title = "Caro Game";
    private static final String name = "Version 1.0-2004";
    private static final String foot = "Group 8 - Tin 4 - K46";
    private static final String subFoot = "FIT - HUT";
    private Font namefont, titlefont, footfont;
    Image hutImg;
    public IntroduceCanvas() {
    titlefont = new Font("SansSerif", Font.BOLD, 58);
    namefont = new Font("SansSerif", Font.BOLD, 18);
    footfont = new Font("SansSerif", Font.BOLD, 12);
    hutImg = getToolkit().getImage("./images/intro.jpg");
    // draw the specify String s with specify font, color and position
    private void d(Graphics g, String s, Color c, Font f, int y, int off) {
    FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics();
    g.drawString(s, (w - fm.stringWidth(s)) / 2 + off, y + off);
    //Overide the paint method from the parent
    public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
    //get the size of the window.
    Dimension d = getSize();
    w = d.width;
    h = d.height;
    //set the back ground color to CYAN
    g.fillRect(0, 0, w, h);
    // draw a blue 3D rectangle to put introduction
    g.fill3DRect(edge, edge, w - 2 * edge, h - 2 * edge, true);
    //draw information and logo on to the rectangle
    g.clearRect(w/2 - 100/2, edge, 100, 140);
    g.drawImage(hutImg, w/2 - 100/2, edge, 100, 140, this);
    d(g, title,, titlefont, h / 2, 1);
    d(g, title, Color.white, titlefont, h / 2, -1);
    d(g, title,, titlefont, h /2 , 0);
    d(g, name,, namefont, h * 3 / 4, 0);
    d(g, foot,, footfont, h * 9/11, 0);
    d(g, subFoot,, footfont, h * 7/8, 0);

    Hi all!
    Firstly, The problem I 've just encountered is that: I 'd like to add a JLabel with an icon onto the contentPane of the JFrame, But the Icon canot be drawn. Tell me why?
    This is the code:
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    class TestLabel extends JFrame {
    public TestLabel(String title) {
    ImageIcon icon = new ImageIcon(getToolkit().getImage("./images/chat.bmp"));
    JLabel lb = new JLabel( icon);
    this.getContentPane ().add(lb, BorderLayout.CENTER);
    this.setSize(300, 300);
    this.setDefaultCloseOperation (JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);;
    public static void main(String [] args) {
    new TestLabel("Test Label with Icon");
    Secondly: I would like to make an introduction for my application. So I creat an introduce canvas and then add some text and an Image on to it. But the Image can't not be displayed anyway. I'm going to be crazy with every thing!!!. Help me as soon as posible. This is the code of the Canvas ( JPanel). To test how things are, would you please creat a JFrame and add it on to the contentpane of the frame. Thanks!
    package caro;
    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.image.*;
    * <p>Title: Caro Game</p>
    * <p>Description: Two player caro game, playing through a Local Area Network</p>
    * <p>Copyright: Copyright (c) 2004 Group 8 - Tin 4 - K46</p>
    * <p>Company: FIT - HUT</p>
    * @author PhuongVM, AnhLT, KienNT, AnhNT
    * @version 1.0
    class IntroduceCanvas extends JPanel {
      private Color pink = new Color(255, 200, 200);
      private Color blue = new Color(150, 200, 255);
      private int w, h;
      private int edge = 16;
      private static final String title = "Caro Game";
      private static final String name = "Version 1.0-2004";
      private static final String foot = "Group 8 - Tin 4 - K46";
      private static final String subFoot = "FIT - HUT";
      private Font namefont, titlefont, footfont;
      Image hutImg;
      public IntroduceCanvas() {
        titlefont = new Font("SansSerif", Font.BOLD, 58);
        namefont = new Font("SansSerif", Font.BOLD, 18);
        footfont = new Font("SansSerif", Font.BOLD, 12);
        hutImg = getToolkit().getImage("./images/intro.jpg");
    // draw the specify String s with specify font, color and position
      private void d(Graphics g, String s, Color c, Font f, int y, int off) {
        FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics();
        g.drawString(s, (w - fm.stringWidth(s)) / 2 + off, y + off);
    //Overide the paint method from the parent
      public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
    //get the size of the window.
        Dimension d = getSize();
        w = d.width;
        h = d.height;
      //set the back ground color to CYAN
        g.fillRect(0, 0, w, h);
    // draw a blue 3D rectangle to put introduction
        g.fill3DRect(edge, edge, w - 2 * edge, h - 2 * edge, true);
    //draw information and logo on to the rectangle
        g.clearRect(w/2 - 100/2, edge, 100, 140);
        g.drawImage(hutImg, w/2 - 100/2, edge, 100, 140, this);
        d(g, title,, titlefont, h / 2, 1);
        d(g, title, Color.white, titlefont, h / 2, -1);
        d(g, title,, titlefont, h /2 , 0);
        d(g, name,, namefont, h * 3 / 4, 0);
        d(g, foot,, footfont, h * 9/11, 0);
        d(g, subFoot,, footfont, h * 7/8, 0);
    //??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Sorry! in the last post I don't know that our forum suport the  tag.
    Thanks for informing me!

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    your online reserve systemis out of order for the pass two days, if it cannot allow to reserve online, please let us know and don't always just show error message when click "summit" button PLEASE!!!

    Good afternoon Folv-
    Welcome to Best Buy Unboxed forum! 
    Purchasing on is an easy and convenient way for you to shop with Best Buy. I am disappointed to learn of all the issues that have risen after you tried to upgrade your recent purchase. There has been a lot of confusion and I know that many people have tried to take care of you.
    I have used the email address that you used to register on the forum to locate your orders.  After carefully reviewing your purchases, I have additional information that I would like to share with you through a private message. Please log into the forum and select the envelope icon located in the upper left hand side of the forum.
    Karina|Social Media Specialist | Best Buy® Corporate
     Private Message

  • ?? (string1 == string2) ??

    Can someone please explain the rules here
    public class A {
    public static void main(String args[]) {
    String s1 = "abc";
    String s2 = "abc";
    System.out.println(s1 == s2);
    String s3 = new String("abc");
    System.out.println(s1 == s3);
    I was expecting "false" "false" but the first was is true - WHY?

    As joeldi pointed out, if they are both pointing to (referencing) the same bit of memory, they are equal (==), like so:
    String s1 = "abc";
    String s2 = s1;
    System.out.println(s1==s2);This will return true.
    Doing this isn't so different.
    String s1 = "abc";
    String s2 = "abc";Because s1 and s2 are being given exactly the same value, the compiler is smart enough to save memory and point them both at the same "abc" literal (is this what they mean by interning?). And since Strings are immutable (can't be changed) it doesn't matter in the slightest, since s1 can't possibly upset the data in s2.

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    String.indexOf() the API.

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    Recently I've installed a PT8.49, FSCM 9.0 with FSCM 9.0 ML. But there're several steps fails or I was confused at.
    Here's the main procedure of the installation I went throu.
    1. Install WebLogic/Tuxedo
    2. Instal PT8.49/FSCM 9.0/FSCM 9.0ML
    3. Manually create Oracle DB (follow the Manually DB setup on Unix section of Official installation guide.)
    4. Setup App Server
    5. PIA setup/Batch server setup
    Here's the issue i met with:
    During the step 3, manually create Oracle DB, after applying some dms/sql scripts & copying several projects, I went into the point that need to update the PT system msg for multilingual to run the pt849tlsXXX.dms for each LANGUAGE_CD(after applying pt849tls.dms). As it's supposed to apply all the multilingual, I ran the scripts from pt849tlsara to pt849tlszht one by one for each language, but some of the pt849tlsXXX encountered with the same error while applying the data mover scripts:
    Importing PSFILEDEFN
    File: Data MoverSQL error. Stmt #: 0 Error Position: 0 Return: 805 - ORA-00001: unique constraint (SYSADM.PS_PSFILEDEFN) violated
    Error: SQL unable to commit transaction for PSFILEDEFN
    The Import PSFILEDEFN is at the bottom of the scripts and all other importing before PSFILEDEFN was successful. Here's the Language which encountered with this issue: CFR, DUT, ESP, FRA, GER, JPN, POR, ZHS; ALL other language ran successfully without error msg.
    For installation, I skipped this and continued. BUT i have no idea why it failed, is that a bug or some steps stuck, anyone can help?
    Here's the confusion about multilingual:
    In the installation official guide, it wrote that PPLTLSML is only for french, and Non-french multilingual is using the project PPLTLS84CURML.
    During the Step 3, after copying the project PPLTLS84CUR, I copy the PPLTLSML first with only French language selected, then when doing the copying PPLTLS84CURML project, I was confused whether to include french or not. Actually I selected all languages besides ENG, Common & French for the copying.
    I'm confused if CFR should be included in PPLTLSML or PPLTLS84CURML?
    And French should be selected or not during copying the PPLTLS84CURML?
    However, there're 2 tasks: Running Additional Data Mover Scripts & Installing a Multilingual PT System Database before running VERSION AE, are these 2 tasks the same one with the previous tasks done (epXXXa.dms generated in the initial data mover DB setup scripts, and copy mulitilingual projects steps before copy the PPLTLS84DEL)? Why these 2 taks are put in this part of the doc? As I did the installation according to the doc chapter order, thus makes me confused alot about these 2 tasks.
    Any explanation would be appreciate.

    Thanks, and for those scripts I've run, think the following scripts should be added at the beginning of the scripts a little diff than the one in solution.
    IMPORT *;
    Another error, maybe it corrupts by the tasks behind this, since it relates to the LNG record, ignore it.
    But an error on PSXPRPTDEFNLNG.
    Records remaining: 1
    File: Data MoverSQL error. Stmt #: 0 Error Position: 0 Return: 805 - ORA-00001: unique constraint (SYSADM.PS_PSXPRPTDEFNLNG) violated
    Error: SQL unable to commit transaction for PSXPRPTDEFNLNG
    Edited by: user10476222 on Apr 1, 2009 6:09 PM

  • How to make an HTTP request via SSL

    I´m using an instance of the class CL_HTTP_CLIENT to make an HTTP request to a https server. as long as it requires an SSL authentication, it returns an ICM_HTTP_SSL_ERROR error message.
    How do I tell my program to ask for user´s certificate, and use it in the http request?
    I´m supossed to have hundreds of users online running this application (it´s over SRM 5.0). How can I reach this?
    Thanks you very much.

    Hello Frederico,
    >1. By creating a new client, you mean go to "Environment->SSL Client Identitites" in STRUST, right? >Can I use a previously existing one?
    I meant to create a new client SSL PSE. By default in a new Netweaver abap system, you have 3 of them : ANONYM, DFAULT and WSSE.
    If you need more of them, you can create them with the menu "Go to-->Environment->SSL Client Identitites".
    >2. I need this PSE client to have several 'identitites', I mean, to include several certificates from all my >users. Is it possible? If it´s not; how should I do so?
    It seems that you want a different certificate per user. These client certificates in STRUST are designes to identify a SAP abap system, not human users. If you have 1000 users, you will not create 1000 certificates in STRUST !
    Usually, you use only 2 entries here, one for anonymous HTTPS access and one authenticated HTTPS access. It is unusual to have several different identities for the same abap server. But  it might be possible : for exemple, one identity on the intranet and an other one on the Internet.
    >3. When I had my new PSE client, and my HTTP RFC destination of type 'G' configured to use that >PSE client, and when in abap I instantiate my http client (using CREATE_BY_DESTINATION method, >from CL_HTTP_CLIENT class): How does SAP knows which certificate to use? Because there will be >several users (hundreds) running this code to retrieve their specific data from a third party server.
    >How does SAP knows whom certificate must use?
    The certificate used will be the one defined in the HTTP destination.
    You still seem to make the confusion between server client certificates and users  client certificates.
    a users client certificate is stored in the user's PC (or smartcard) and is used for HTTPS connections from the user's browser to the SSL server, not for an HTTPS connection from the ABAP server to another server.

  • I am confuse to choose right technology for file sending?

    Dear all
    i am working in medical transcription project in that we have to send and receive more doc file and voice file from various client (web client and desktop client).
    i have three three technology which makes me confusion
    1. RMI with NIO
    2.servlet with URL class in client
    3.SAAJ with attachment[i dont know much about this]
    so please suggest me which is the right technology for file sending and receiving...the file may maximum 20 MB

    It depends if you have a valid reason to use web services. If you are providing a web front end to your application for clients to use then you could just use a standard file upload procedure, I have used apache commons and it works well for this.
    If your requirements indicate that a web service call is the answer as you have some system-to-system connectivity then I think you will need to use saaj and add the file as a SOAP attachment, as embedding 20MB of binary data into a string field on a standard SOAP message will probably cause the JVM to run out of memory.

  • How to make an array of strings?

    In my VI i need to send 3 or more strings from a server to a client over a TCP/IP connection. the problem is that when i press the send button i need all the strings to be sent together so i assume i need an array but unfortunately i dont know how to build the array. i have attached my example to this post.
    i appreciate the help!
    Go to Solution.
    Array of ‏11 KB

    TCPIP expects thay you send the packet as a single string.  you should format this into a single string that the client can understand.  Use string formater or concatinate string.
    I would sue something like string1,string2,string3 or <string1><string2><string3>.
    Other oprions are to build a string array, fletten to string on client side unflatten and the use the array.
    Either way if you plan on sending 1 packet you will need a single formatted string and the client must understand the format.
    You gan even get fancy and use a format like xml so you can genericly process the strings at the client.
    Paul Falkenstein
    Coleman Technologies Inc.
    CLA, CPI, AIA-Vision
    Labview 4.0- 2013, RT, Vision, FPGA

  • Shift string1 by 3 places right.

    code ->
    data: string1(10) type c value 'abcdefghij',
          string2 like string1.
    write:  / 'Before Manipulations : ',
            / 'string1 = ',string1,
            / 'string2 = ',string2.
    string2 = string1.
    shift string1.
    write : / 'after one shift first letter is gone :-) (leftShift)',
              ' ', string1.
    write : / 'after the shift operation there is a permanent change in',
              'the field value of string1'.
    shift string1 by 3 places right.
    write : / 'after shifting 3 places on the right-', string1,
            / 'DOUBT - only ij has gone, but hij should have gone right ?'.
    write : / 'string2 also has same as string1 had initially-', string2.
    shift string2 by 3 places right.
    write : / 'after shifting 3 places on the right-', string2.
    Doubt has been marked in the code itself. This is my first post. Please do explain me concept , in the above code,if i am wrong.

    It works in STRING2 because you never did an initial shift to the left. 
    If you did want this to work in the string... you would have to find out the length of the string and then shift on that offset.
    data: stlen type i.
    shift string2.
    stlen = strlen( string2 ).
    shift string2+0(stlen) by 3 places right.
    Rich Heilman

  • Drag n Drop Explaination In Confused Mode Detected

    Forgive me if I'm wrong.
    But I'm currently still trying to understand about the concept of drag n drop dealing with Swing component.
    For the aim objective which I concerned is just to get understand how
    to make one and more Swing component to be draggable and could be dropped into another location within
    a single JFrame. Well, that's the 1st aim.
    And yet, these lines make me confused.
    The Transferable object
    The java.awt.datatransfer.StringSelection class works well for transfers within the same JVM but suffers from a ClassCastException when used in inter-JVM cases. To solve this problem, you'll have to provide a custom Transferable object.
    I'm using one single computer that has JRE installed on it, and the explanation said "within the same JVM", something like there's another JVM.
    ESpecially, the Inner-JVM what's that topics anyway?
    any one could lead me the way out?
    still trying to read and re read again...
    Where did I got this line anyway?

    Hello again, BinaryDigit.
    I thought we need to apply Drag n drop API for this case.
    Without wasting too much time,
    I tried out as your source code from the previous reply,,,
    Instead of getting it clearly, I got another Confusion... (pardon me)
    Let me clarify this with the examples given,
    I try to adopt previous source code
    and it was this detail;
    1) Taking the X and Y coordinate (from the mouseEvent) Plus jLabel1 coordinate (both X and Y).
    2) Positioning a Coordinate taken to JLabel1
    3) Passing the Coordinate taken to jLabelX, and jLabelY.
    The problem found was;
    if we make 3rd become comments, now the jLabel1
    could works!
    I mean, jLabel1 could be dragged to another Coordinate (by dragging it to another location)
    if we un-comments the 3rd source code,
    The effect would be no movement of the jLabel1.
    BinaryDigit, is this related to the layout you mentioned before?
    Correct, DarrylBurke! :D
    I thought also the same thing,
    but setLocation() give me another Confusion....
    the coordinate seems taking its basement as a reference.
    I mean, the jLabel Coordinate's is referenced
    from the panel where the jLabel is attached to,
    rather than the Coordinate's of the base jFrame (main base -what should I call this?)
    Sorry, the Details number three (3) is my preference, Since I wanted to see the X, Y movements also.

  • Iphone4S has a SN number that confused me

    I have bought an Iphone4S from eBay. What really makes me confused is that the IPhone's SN number : DNQGYVMPDTC1   and the IMEI  is   99 000100 270499 7.
    I checked it from the apple website and got the information that both service the company provide is within the data. The question is : one of Chinese technician said this phone maybe is a mock. The ground he said is that the telephone technique support and the repair and coverage service should be not be the same. Unfortunatly both date for my phone is the same. it really makes me cofused. please tell me why. it really drives me go bananas. please if some guy knows what ,please tell me. so i can have a reason to comfort myself. My email address is [email protected] thanks god bless you.

    You can check the warranty status here:

  • Confused....clarify?

    Okay, so I accidentally unlinked my Microsoft, and I didn't realise all my data would be gone. So I relinked my Skype account again with the exact same hotmail address, but it was a 'new' account....for exactly the same hotmail address. Now, I apparently have 2 skype accounts that are linked to that same address, as one of my contacts told me that they can still message my other one that I unlinked, which is annoying as people will be messaging that one and I cannot receive any of the messages sent to that account or even login to that account anymore, yet people can still send messages to it? That makes me confused? How can I have 2 accounts from the same email address, is there a way to delete that other one because I cannot log into it and people send me messages I cannot receive from it???? 
    Haven't been able to find an answer anywhere, I see it pointless that theres that account lingering around when I cannot use it or receive messages from it?? 

    hmm. this normally means that the device has been reflashed after manufacturing with "wrong" SW variant. have you taken the phone to e.g. a Care service point for reflashing at some point? 059Q1N3 is India only specific country variant and 059F7M6 is a more generic variant, though also sold in India.
    There might be small differences between these SW variants, for example some app has been added/removed, but otherwise this is not a big issue.

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