Structure help

When I go to transaction ppocw I get a screen which has position , job ,person,user etc.
When we expand the pull downs of position,person and user we get sturcure help but when we expand job there is no structure help.
This is with many screens I think we have to attach structure help to job.
How to create structure help and how attach them to job.

Hi Asad,
Never done this before but I think this is possible. In IMG follow the path given below.
Personnel Management
   --> Organizational Management
        --> Hierarchy Framework
              --> Object Manager
                     --> Define Your Own Scenario
                     --> Define Your Own Search Node
                     --> Customize Search Area
                     --> Redefine Column Headings
                     --> Display Your Own Column Group in Selection Area
If this helps, please reward and close the post.

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    Hi Guys
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    What you describe is similar to what we are doing currently, with a few notable exceptions. Two of us maintain a large number of online user's guides that are published both as Webhelp (25 projects merged into one parent help system) and as standalone .docx and .pdf files. We are also using Agile. Our company offers two or three major releases per year (2011.1, 2011.2, 2011.3) with one or two patch releases for each major release (2011.1.1, 2011.1.2, etc).
    Our customers also use different versions--some are still on last year's release (possibly earlier), while others install the latest version as soon as it's available.
    A few things you may want to consider:
    1. We've had limited success importing Word documents directly into Robohelp--the HTML invariably gets screwed up with a bunch of extra codes from Microsoft. We've found we have better control over the help files if we simply copy the Word text to Notepad and then copy and paste the stripped-down text to Robohelp, where we create topics, apply styles, insert hyperlink, and import images. This method of converting text from Word to RH takes longer initially, but seems to work better in the longer term, especially if the original document had nested lists or complex tables. FWIW, doing the conversion is relatively mindless work--the kind of task that is great to do at the end of a long week when your mind is numb from writing.
    2. The start pages for each of our 25 projects are linked to their corresponding modules in the software (users can click the Help icon or press F1 to see the online help for the module or to access the entire help system). However, we do not offer true context-sensitive help.
    3. We use the same source control system that is used by our software developers and check our Robohelp files into the same mainline code branch--this means that up-to-date documentation accompanies each release from mainline. Typically, we do not update the help files in our patch branches, since this would mean duplicate work (after updating the help in the patch branch, we'd have to make the same updates to the mainline branch). Instead, we use release notes to document any user interface or functional changes in patch releases. That said, the majority of our patch branches are for bug fixes, not enhancements, so they require only limited changes to the help.
    4. Our entire help system is automatically generated during our nightly software build using the RHCL batch command. When customers install a new release of our software, the latest help files are automatically written to their computers.
    5. After major releases only, we generate a revised Word/PDF file for each project and post those files on our customer support portal. Other than that, we make no attempt to provide improved documentation to customers who are using downlevel software. That is, if we need to rewrite the basic instructions for some task, we update the mainline branch for use with the next software release and all subsequent releases. I guess we figure that if our customers are interested in the latest and greatest instructions, they should spring for the cost of a software upgrade.

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    I am using  FM RH_OBJID_REQUEST. It is giving the structure valid ion today. My requirement is to get the structure valid on given period in the above selection field.
    Please let me know is there any other way(other FM) to get the date specific structural help.

    Pass your dates to ORGBEG     & ORGEND                                                                               
    This parameter only applies to the search function.                                                                               
    The parameters ORGEND and ORGBEG together determine the period in which          
         the organizational assignment data for positions is read. The entry in           
         ORGBEG specifies the start of the search period.                                                                               
    Value range                                                                               
    Allowed values are all dates smaller than the date in ORGEND.                                                                               
    The default value is the smallest system date.                                                                               
    Function Module                                                                      

  • Deep structure help

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    type of type char20
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    I tried this:
    Insert into xixi_dbvalues values xixi_stvalues-id xixi_stvalues-type.
    this tells me thatexpects a '.' after

    Hi charla6,
    For example there is a 3D internal table (it_tab) like this....
    Address --> houseno, street1, street2. (type table field)
    now create a data like this
    DATA: it_add like line of it_tab-address.
    loop at it_tab-address into it_add.
    "this will give u  all the field values like it_add-houseno, it_add-street1, it_add-street2.
    like this u can read all the 3D internal tables
    Do reply if still problem persist.
    Rohit G
    Edited by: Rohit Gaharwar on Aug 12, 2009 12:06 PM

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    make the DT as
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    Now your recordset is root.
    In the other case;
    you will not be able to provide a recordset and it wudnt be possible to read the file using content conversion.

  • Run-Time Menu and Event Structure~~HELP~~

    Hi, brothers,
    I'm new user for LabVIEW. Use the version of LabVIEW is 8.6
    One problem describe as below:
    Can Run-Time Menu and Event Structure exist simultaneously?
    Without Event Structure, Run-Time Menu works well, but Run-Time Menu works abnormally.after adding Event Structure,
    How do I modify the problem?
    Thank you for your help.
    Attached is the program.
    Attachments: ‏44 KB

    Yes they can coexist, but not how you did it.
    Every iteration of the while loop you wait for an event in the event structure, and you look if the user has selected anything from the menu.
    To get this working you should add an event for <this VI>\Menu Selection (User):
    PS you should add a stop button, the only way you can stop the VI is hitting the 'emergency stop' button, with hardware connected (like you have) this is not the adviced routine
    Message Edited by TonP on 09-26-2008 07:34 AM
    Free Code Capture Tool! Version 2.1.3 with comments, web-upload, back-save and snippets!
    Nederlandse LabVIEW user groep
    My LabVIEW Ideas
    LabVIEW, programming like it should be!
    Main_BD.png ‏5 KB

  • Case structure help

    Rusty with labview and need help.
    Each value (13 total) from an array is selected one at a time to form part of a command which is sent to test equipment.
    The first frame of the stacked sequence structure should execute all of the array values then move to frame 2. 
    Note: The only difference in each frame is a value of a channel card, channel "1"  is selected first then channel "2" is selected in the second frame.
    My problem is the frame doesn't execute all the values in the first frame before moving to frame 2.  
    If there is a simpler way of doing what I am trying to do please let me know.
    test ‏66 KB

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    I push the start button on the front panel
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    So, one at a time the relay switches in and out depending on the logic line selected from LV (array). Each of the twelve coaxial outputs from the relay is connected to the device under test (DUT). The RF input port of the relay is connected to a network analyzer (also under the command of LV) to measure VSWR. 
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  • Case structure help needed~

    Hi guys, i am running into some problem trying to output multiple data source into one single indicator, i have attached a screen shot of my schematic below. let's to refer to it...
    i need to run the big case structure after condition is met, but once it is met it will also need to check for certain condition, like '21' and '31' (i have many more) and display whatever constant that is to be displayed, but after i wired it up, it says wire connects to a undirected tunnel. is there is way to wire this sort of logic? i already tried it for quite sometimes, but still couldn't get it to work...
    Thanks in advance for all your help~
    error9.JPG ‏63 KB

    1st) Please do not use variables if not really neccessary
    2nd) Think of the wires in LabVIEW just like wires in electronics. Connecting two sources lead to a short. In your case, the short is not obvious since LV didn't typify the outputtunnel from the lower case structure.... which is strange to me, but for usage just as bad as a short....If you like to create a string "21" out of "2" and "1", you have to concatenate the two strings "2" and "1".
    hope this helps,
    Message Edited by Norbert B on 08-01-2008 02:18 AM
    CEO: What exactly is stopping us from doing this?
    Expert: Geometry
    Marketing Manager: Just ignore it.

  • Event structure help, basic execution

    I am a new user of the event structure and have a very basic question. I am trying to write a program to control some GPIB power supplies that executes intial user settings (voltage, current limit, etc.) a single instance before stepping into an event structure.
    Once inside the event structure, the timeout event will be infinite, and the program will only update when there is a change to any of the front panel controls. The problem with my current approach is that I am rewriting the same code twice. Once, before stepping into the event structure, and a second time when the user front panel controls change. Is there a way to incorporate the initial code to execute only a single time in the event structure shell? If so, how do I go about doing that? I don't want to put it in the timeout event because I would like to avoid having the program refresh itself unless a front panel control changes. But I do need that single intial execution. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

    You can do one of the following teachinques:
    First create an event for your main value changes and also assing the timeout to it. 
    Place the timeout in a shift register initialized with zero and wire -a (=infinite) to the shift regsiter on the right. It will timeoutonce and then never again.
    Use "Select" and wire =0 to the iteration terminal. Pick 0 for i=0 and -1 otherwise and wire the output to the timout terminal of the event structure.
    Don't even use a timeout event, but use a value(sgnl) property write before the loop to trigger the main event with it. This way it will fire immediately after the event structure is ready for the first time. As a side effect, you can even bring the control to a defined state.
    See how far you get.
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .

  • Extract Structure Help

    Hi All,
    When I look for fields for my Extract structure , I can see some field are in blue color and some are in black , It must be having some meaning , I dont know that , Can you please let me know what is that mean ?
    and one more thing what is diffrance betweent adding append stucture and Enhansment done in Data source ?
    What is relation between Append stucture and Enhansment  ? Do we need to right extraction logic for appended feilds ?
    Please help me to understand this
    Ashutosh D

    The Black are the direct fields in the strcture and the blue came through the include structure and append structure. The includes are used by sap for the reusability purpose.
    Enhancement includes appending the extract structure along with other activities.
    Append the extract structure with required fields
    Enable the fields for display in the transfer structure (this will come when u save the DSafter   appendings)
    Write code in the exit to populate the newly added fields.
    Hope this will help you!!

  • Switch structure HELp!!!

         Really nid help in this probelm...dont know how to use switch and Text Field please help ...
    Mail order house sells 5 different product..prod1-$2.98, prod2-$4.50, prod3- $9.98, prod4- $4.49 and prod 5- $6.87..Write an application that reads a series of pairs of numbers as follows:
    a)Product number
    b)Quantity sold for one day
    Program should use a switch structure to help determine the retail price for each product.Your program should calculate and display total retail value of all product sold last week. Use a TextField to obtaimn the product number from the user. Use sentinel -controlled loop to determine when the product should stop looping and display final results.
    .....Help will ne greatly appreciate guys..Ive been doing this for 2 days..dont know where to place diffrent controls...send source code if possible thank you..

    class Sale{
       double total=0;  //total sales
    public int addSale(int product,int amount){ //amount is the num of product saled
           case 1: total+=(2.98*amount);
           case 2: total+=(4.50*amount);
           case 5: total+=(6.87*amount);
           default:System.out.println("no such product!");

  • Creating Extractor Structure Help needed

    I m looking to create a custom datasource with function module (without delta)in rso2.
    but first i have to create
    1.a functional module( which i know how to create)
    2.a extract structure
    can anybody tell me how to create extract structure
    Any document(s) for whole process will be appreciated.
    thankx in adv.

    Check this:
    In this field you have the name of the type to which the component is assigned.
    The following cases are possible:
    A screen element is assigned to the component.
    A structure is assigned to the component.
    A table type is assigned to the component.
    The component references a class or an interface, or it has a generic reference to ANY, OBJECT, or DATA.
    The field component type is not filled. The data type, number of positions, and, if required, the decimal places are specified directly after the pushbutton Predefined type has been selected. In this case, the field component type remains empty.
    To find out which type is assigned to a component, refer to the field data type.

  • IMovie file structure help

    Hi there.
    First of all, I cannot confirm whether this is for IMovie '11 or not but I had to choose a version to post.
    So I usually work in FCP and a client sends me some footage they had shot. I thought I was getting QT files but what I received was a folder that contained two other folders entitled "IMovie Cache" and "IMovie Thumbnails".
    Inside the Cache folder is a QT movie called cache and a file called Cache.plist
    Inside the Thumbnails folder are a bunch of files starting with the word "clip" and another IMovie Cache folder which contains different Cache and Plist files than the first "IMovie Cache" folder.
    Long story short, I cannot open any of these files and do not want to change them because I know IMovie doesn't like stuff to be moved around. When I try to open the files in QT is asks to find the "Clip" (are these the thumbnails?) files but when I navigate to the missing files they will not let be select them.
    I'm thinking what I am missing is an IMovie Project file. Is there any way to open these files without with or without IMovie?
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    This sounds like a a partial iMovie Event folder.
    Normally, the Event folder would have the video clips (e.g. DV, Apple Intermediate Codec, h.264, etc.) plus it would have the two folders you mentioned. The thumbnails and cache folders are used in iMovie for skimming and other things, but they reference the real clips.
    I would ask your client to provide the rest of the folder. This may be quite large depending on what it is.

  • Event Structure Help

    So I wrote this program not knowing how event structures worked ahead of time, and I did pretty well except for 1 problem.  I set the event to continue on a value change of the "Continue..." button on the bottom right of the screen (block diagram is attached) but when I wrote it, I did so thinking that it would run all the code on the inside first, and then pause for me to pick what I wanted next (that big case structure on the right side) and then click the continue.  Instead the order of operations is backwards, it pauses and waits for me to click "Continue..."  in the very beginning, then runs the code inside. 
    This would be fine, if it didn't cause the test I was running to be a step behind.
    Is there a way to change the settings so that it runs the code, and then waits for the "Continue..." button, or do I need to re-write this from psuedo-scratch so that it does everything in the right order?
    Hope that was all clear, let me know if it's not.
    Reversal Adjustment.jpg ‏297 KB

    Looks to me like the problem your running into is that the control selecting the case structucture is read as soon as you enter the case structure, i.e. at the same time the rest of your other code is executing.  By the time you reach your 'pause' the conditions for the next iteration are already set, and changes to the case structure control, will be read NEXT time through the loop, making it appear to be one step behind.  Use 'Highlight Execution' to verify.
    If you don't mind pressing the 'continue' button first, you can get rid of the shift registers, move the case structure to the left and feeding its outputs directly into the various subVIs directly.  The case will be selected by the 'NextUp' control when the 'Continue' button is pressed.
    Move the code you want to run first outside the event structure.  Leave just the 'Next Up' control, the case structure, and the 'Continue' control inside the event structure.  
    When you execute, the code outside the eventstructure will execute using the defaults outside the 'while loop',  and pause at the event structure until the 'Continue' button is pressed.  When you press the 'Continue' button, 'NextUp' control is read selecting the case setting the shift registers for the next time through the loop. (you should probably use an error wire to force execution flow)
    Attached are abbreviated examples

  • -6002F "Invalid node structure" HELP!

    This link tells what my problem is and how to fix it... except that it dont work. Cause I can't enter the command+s function. When I try this appears in the middle of the screen:
    Nothing more happens. Nothinig happens actually, if I try safemode, the apple logo shows, and it freezes like that. If i try recovery OR normal startup, internet recovery starts for about a second, then the globe stops and -6002F shows up. Cmd + option + r + p dosen't work either.
    I have researched in all the other discussions (that I found) that mention -6002F, but none seem'd to have the exact same problem.
    So I can't fix it as described in the link... Anyone who knows how to fix it?
    I use a MBP "15 mid 2010. My SSD is brand new, because apple suport thought it was my old SSD that was broken, but i still got the same problems after I changed it.

    Now I have got it into internet recovery after resetting NVRAM/PRAM, and used recovery before it started normally.
    What should I do? Got it back from service, they couldn´t fix it, but they were going to send it to a workshop...
    Last time I had it in internet recovery, i tried to download OS X Maveriks again, but it didn´t help much.

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