Stuck at Download Initiating Process

I've been upset on this issue for a day.When I delete and then download songs to upgrade the quality ,usually after 20 or 30 songs downloaded ,further downloads just stuck at initiating process.What's more,I can't even stop or cancel those downloads.I have to shut down itunes and restart it.Any suggestions?

If you are using a Windows based computer, try disabling anti virus software and turn off the Firewall.

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    Windows 7 - 32bit - Media Center Live TV setup.
    TV Setup stuck on "Downloading TV Setup Data for your region" trying to download information for my country (Italy).
    My TV Tuner is Hauppauge WinTV-NOVA-T-Stick

    I have the same issue and have left the media center in this "Downloading TV Setup Data" for over 2 hours and... nothing it just stops its updating process. The little meter never moves any further than its initial 1 dot. This sucks. If the media center in Windows 7 with isnt going to work with a newer Hauppauge WinTV card, then I will never buy it. I will just stay with WinXp & go with the BeyondTV software.
    My card is the dual tuner:
    and my zipcode is 46350
    O/S: Windows 7 Ultimate, and fully updated with all the latest releases
    is there a fix for this stoppage or update lockup??
    WinTV-HVR-2250 Dual Tuner PCI Express TV tuner
    Two analog tuners, each with their own hardware encoders
    Two digital TV receivers for ATSC or clear QAM
    Watch one analog or digital channel while recording another
    Single slot PCI Express (PCIe) X1 board, half height
    Dual built-in hardware MPEG-2 encoders, for the best system performance when recording analog cable TV.
    Supports clear QAM digital cable TV channels with the new WinTV v6 application
    I also thought that it may be because of the WIndows firewall blocking the tranfer, so I shut it down. This is a fairly new install, with no added security or firewall or blocking type softwares added..
    I found this setup guide:
    and their STEP 7 is where my setup stops... and never goes any further... even If I let it set all night lon and get up the next morning its still in the same place & the computer isnt locked up. I can open browsers, and manuever fine thoughout the system. I have tried 10 time in all sorts of ways and its always the same place where it stop or stalls... Ive checked for updates... nothing... no fix anywhere... any ideas?

  • Deploying a Task Sequence is stuck at Downloading, 0%

    I want to deploy  a custom task sequence that performs the following Tasks:
    Run Program  to disable the write filter.
    Perform software distribution and software update activities
    Run Program  to enable the write filter
    I did everthing like ist explained here:
    System Center Configuration Manager Team Blog
    How to Manage Windows Embedded Write Filters Using System Center 2012 Configuration Manager
    On the client, in Software Center, the Task Sequence is stuck at "Downloading, 0% complete".
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    cscript.exe is running in the taskmgr, but it's  no terminated after the the deployment.
    smsts.log: (I've deleted  D:\_SMSTaskSequence manually...)
    ==========[ TsProgressUI started in process 624 ]========== TsProgressUI 5/27/2014 2:01:30 PM 2288 (0x08F0)
    Registering COM classes TsProgressUI 5/27/2014 2:01:30 PM 2288 (0x08F0)
    sbModulePath = C:\Windows\CCM\TsProgressUI.exe TsProgressUI 5/27/2014 2:01:30 PM 2288 (0x08F0)
    Shutdown complete. TsProgressUI 5/27/2014 2:01:30 PM 2288 (0x08F0)
    Successfully intialized Logging for TS Manager. TSManager 5/27/2014 2:01:32 PM 3532 (0x0DCC)
    Commandline: C:\Windows\CCM\TSManager.exe /service TSManager 5/27/2014 2:01:32 PM 3532 (0x0DCC)
    Successfully registered Task Sequencing COM Interface. TSManager 5/27/2014 2:01:32 PM 3532 (0x0DCC)
    Executing as a service TSManager 5/27/2014 2:01:32 PM 3532 (0x0DCC)
    Started ServiceMain TSManager 5/27/2014 2:01:32 PM 3900 (0x0F3C)
    Task Sequence Manager executing as service main thread TSManager 5/27/2014 2:01:32 PM 3900 (0x0F3C)
    Deleting volume ID file C:\_SMSTSVolumeID.7159644d-f741-45d5-ab29-0ad8aa4771ca ... TSManager 5/27/2014 2:01:32 PM 3900 (0x0F3C)
    Deleting volume ID file D:\_SMSTSVolumeID.7159644d-f741-45d5-ab29-0ad8aa4771ca ... TSManager 5/27/2014 2:01:32 PM 3900 (0x0F3C)
    Waiting for CcmExec service to be fully operational TSManager 5/27/2014 2:01:32 PM 3900 (0x0F3C)
    CcmExec service is up and fully operational TSManager 5/27/2014 2:01:32 PM 3900 (0x0F3C)
    Remediating TSManager 5/27/2014 2:01:32 PM 3900 (0x0F3C)
    NAP is not enabled. Skipping quarantine check. (Code: 80040154) TSManager 5/27/2014 2:01:32 PM 3900 (0x0F3C)
    Remediation returned 00000000 TSManager 5/27/2014 2:01:32 PM 3900 (0x0F3C)
    System is not in quarantine. Continuing with task sequence. TSManager 5/27/2014 2:01:32 PM 3900 (0x0F3C)
    Parsing task sequence . . . TSManager 5/27/2014 2:01:32 PM 3900 (0x0F3C)
    Task sequence schema version is 3.00 TSManager 5/27/2014 2:01:32 PM 3900 (0x0F3C)
    Current supported schema version is 3.10 and 3.00 TSManager 5/27/2014 2:01:32 PM 3900 (0x0F3C)
    Starting Task Sequence Engine . . .  TSManager 5/27/2014 2:01:32 PM 3900 (0x0F3C)
    **************************************************************************** TSManager 5/27/2014 2:01:32 PM 3900 (0x0F3C)
    Set a global environment variable _SMSTSNextInstructionPointer=0 TSManager 5/27/2014 2:01:32 PM 3900 (0x0F3C)
    Set a global environment variable _SMSTSInstructionTableSize=1 TSManager 5/27/2014 2:01:32 PM 3900 (0x0F3C)
    Set a global environment variable SMSTSRebootRequested= TSManager 5/27/2014 2:01:32 PM 3900 (0x0F3C)
    Set a global environment variable SMSTSRebootDelay= TSManager 5/27/2014 2:01:32 PM 3900 (0x0F3C)
    Set a global environment variable SMSTSRebootMessage= TSManager 5/27/2014 2:01:32 PM 3900 (0x0F3C)
    Set a global environment variable SMSTSRebootReason= TSManager 5/27/2014 2:01:32 PM 3900 (0x0F3C)
    Set a global environment variable SMSTSRetryRequested= TSManager 5/27/2014 2:01:32 PM 3900 (0x0F3C)
    The task execution engine started execution TSManager 5/27/2014 2:01:32 PM 3900 (0x0F3C)
    Set authenticator in transport TSManager 5/27/2014 2:01:32 PM 3900 (0x0F3C)
    Default CSP is Microsoft Enhanced RSA and AES Cryptographic Provider TSManager 5/27/2014 2:01:32 PM 3900 (0x0F3C)
    Default CSP Type is 24 TSManager 5/27/2014 2:01:32 PM 3900 (0x0F3C)
    Start executing an instruction. Instruction name: Run Command Line. Instruction pointer: 0 TSManager 5/27/2014 2:01:34 PM 3900 (0x0F3C)
    Set a global environment variable _SMSTSCurrentActionName=Run Command Line TSManager 5/27/2014 2:01:34 PM 3900 (0x0F3C)
    Set a global environment variable _SMSTSNextInstructionPointer=0 TSManager 5/27/2014 2:01:34 PM 3900 (0x0F3C)
    Set a local default variable SMSTSDisableWow64Redirection TSManager 5/27/2014 2:01:34 PM 3900 (0x0F3C)
    Set a local default variable _SMSTSRunCommandLineAsUser TSManager 5/27/2014 2:01:34 PM 3900 (0x0F3C)
    Set a global environment variable _SMSTSLogPath=C:\Windows\CCM\Logs\SMSTSLog TSManager 5/27/2014 2:01:34 PM 3900 (0x0F3C)
    Expand a string: smsswd.exe /run: cmd.exe /c start "" cscript.exe  D:\Test.vbs TSManager 5/27/2014 2:01:34 PM 3900 (0x0F3C)
    Expand a string:  TSManager 5/27/2014 2:01:34 PM 3900 (0x0F3C)
    Start executing the command line: smsswd.exe /run: cmd.exe /c start "" cscript.exe  D:\Test.vbs TSManager 5/27/2014 2:01:34 PM 3900 (0x0F3C)
    !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! TSManager 5/27/2014 2:01:34 PM 3900 (0x0F3C)
    Expand a string: WinPEandFullOS TSManager 5/27/2014 2:01:34 PM 3900 (0x0F3C)
    Executing command line: smsswd.exe /run: cmd.exe /c start "" cscript.exe  D:\Test.vbs TSManager 5/27/2014 2:01:34 PM 3900 (0x0F3C)
    [ smsswd.exe ] InstallSoftware 5/27/2014 2:01:34 PM 3968 (0x0F80)
    PackageID = '' InstallSoftware 5/27/2014 2:01:34 PM 3968 (0x0F80)
    BaseVar = '', ContinueOnError='' InstallSoftware 5/27/2014 2:01:34 PM 3968 (0x0F80)
    ProgramName = 'cmd.exe /c start "" cscript.exe D:\Test.vbs' InstallSoftware 5/27/2014 2:01:34 PM 3968 (0x0F80)
    SwdAction = '0001' InstallSoftware 5/27/2014 2:01:34 PM 3968 (0x0F80)
    Working dir 'not set' InstallSoftware 5/27/2014 2:01:34 PM 3968 (0x0F80)
    Executing command line: Run command line InstallSoftware 5/27/2014 2:01:34 PM 3968 (0x0F80)
    Process completed with exit code 0 InstallSoftware 5/27/2014 2:01:34 PM 3968 (0x0F80)
    Command line returned 0 InstallSoftware 5/27/2014 2:01:34 PM 3968 (0x0F80)
    Process completed with exit code 0 TSManager 5/27/2014 2:01:34 PM 3900 (0x0F3C)
    !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! TSManager 5/27/2014 2:01:34 PM 3900 (0x0F3C)
    Successfully completed the action (Run Command Line) with the exit win32 code 0 TSManager 5/27/2014 2:01:34 PM 3900 (0x0F3C)
    Set authenticator in transport TSManager 5/27/2014 2:01:34 PM 3900 (0x0F3C)
    Set a global environment variable _SMSTSLastActionRetCode=0 TSManager 5/27/2014 2:01:35 PM 3900 (0x0F3C)
    Set a global environment variable _SMSTSLastActionSucceeded=true TSManager 5/27/2014 2:01:35 PM 3900 (0x0F3C)
    Clear local default environment TSManager 5/27/2014 2:01:35 PM 3900 (0x0F3C)
    Updated security on object D:\_SMSTaskSequence. TSManager 5/27/2014 2:01:35 PM 3900 (0x0F3C)
    Set a global environment variable _SMSTSNextInstructionPointer=1 TSManager 5/27/2014 2:01:35 PM 3900 (0x0F3C)
    Set a TS execution environment variable _SMSTSNextInstructionPointer=1 TSManager 5/27/2014 2:01:35 PM 3900 (0x0F3C)
    Set a global environment variable _SMSTSInstructionStackString= TSManager 5/27/2014 2:01:35 PM 3900 (0x0F3C)
    Set a TS execution environment variable _SMSTSInstructionStackString= TSManager 5/27/2014 2:01:35 PM 3900 (0x0F3C)
    Save the current environment block TSManager 5/27/2014 2:01:35 PM 3900 (0x0F3C)
    The task exeuction engine successfully completed the execution TSManager 5/27/2014 2:01:35 PM 3900 (0x0F3C)
    Set authenticator in transport TSManager 5/27/2014 2:01:35 PM 3900 (0x0F3C)
    **************************************************************************** TSManager 5/27/2014 2:01:36 PM 3900 (0x0F3C)
    Execution engine result code: Success (0) TSManager 5/27/2014 2:01:36 PM 3900 (0x0F3C)
    Cleaning Up. TSManager 5/27/2014 2:01:36 PM 3900 (0x0F3C)
    Removing Authenticator TSManager 5/27/2014 2:01:36 PM 3900 (0x0F3C)
    Cleaning up task sequence folder TSManager 5/27/2014 2:01:36 PM 3900 (0x0F3C)
    Unable to delete file D:\_SMSTaskSequence\TSEnv.dat (0x80070005). Continuing. TSManager 5/27/2014 2:01:37 PM 3900 (0x0F3C)
    Failed to delete directory 'D:\_SMSTaskSequence' TSManager 5/27/2014 2:01:37 PM 3900 (0x0F3C)
    SetNamedSecurityInfo() failed. TSManager 5/27/2014 2:01:37 PM 3900 (0x0F3C)
    SetObjectOwner() failed. 0x80070005. TSManager 5/27/2014 2:01:37 PM 3900 (0x0F3C)
    RemoveFile() failed for D:\_SMSTaskSequence\TSEnv.dat. 0x80070005. TSManager 5/27/2014 2:01:37 PM 3900 (0x0F3C)
    RemoveDirectoryW failed (0x80070091) for D:\_SMSTaskSequence TSManager 5/27/2014 2:01:37 PM 3900 (0x0F3C)
    Deleting volume ID file C:\_SMSTSVolumeID.7159644d-f741-45d5-ab29-0ad8aa4771ca ... TSManager 5/27/2014 2:01:37 PM 3900 (0x0F3C)
    Deleting volume ID file D:\_SMSTSVolumeID.7159644d-f741-45d5-ab29-0ad8aa4771ca ... TSManager 5/27/2014 2:01:37 PM 3900 (0x0F3C)
    Successfully unregistered Task Sequencing Environment COM Interface. TSManager 5/27/2014 2:01:37 PM 3900 (0x0F3C)
    Executing command line: "C:\Windows\CCM\TsProgressUI.exe" /Unregister TSManager 5/27/2014 2:01:37 PM 3900 (0x0F3C)
    ==========[ TsProgressUI started in process 2284 ]========== TsProgressUI 5/27/2014 2:01:37 PM 3952 (0x0F70)
    Unregistering COM classes TsProgressUI 5/27/2014 2:01:37 PM 3952 (0x0F70)
    Shutdown complete. TsProgressUI 5/27/2014 2:01:37 PM 3952 (0x0F70)
    Process completed with exit code 0 TSManager 5/27/2014 2:01:37 PM 3900 (0x0F3C)
    Successfully unregistered TS Progress UI. TSManager 5/27/2014 2:01:37 PM 3900 (0x0F3C)
    Start to cleanup TS policy TSManager 5/27/2014 2:01:37 PM 3900 (0x0F3C)
    End TS policy cleanup TSManager 5/27/2014 2:01:37 PM 3900 (0x0F3C)
    Task Sequence Manager ServiceMain finished execution. TSManager 5/27/2014 2:01:37 PM 3900 (0x0F3C)
    Task Sequence Manager service will be reconfigured TSManager 5/27/2014 2:01:37 PM 3900 (0x0F3C)
    Task Sequence Manager service reconfigured successfully TSManager 5/27/2014 2:01:39 PM 3900 (0x0F3C)
    Sending success status message TSManager 5/27/2014 2:01:39 PM 3900 (0x0F3C)
    Set authenticator in transport TSManager 5/27/2014 2:01:39 PM 3900 (0x0F3C)
    RegQueryValueExW is unsuccessful for Software\Microsoft\SMS\Task Sequence, SMSTSEndProgram TSManager 5/27/2014 2:01:40 PM 3900 (0x0F3C)
    GetTsRegValue() is unsuccessful. 0x80070002. TSManager 5/27/2014 2:01:40 PM 3900 (0x0F3C)
    End program:  TSManager 5/27/2014 2:01:40 PM 3900 (0x0F3C)
    Successfully finalized logs to SMS client log directory from C:\Windows\CCM\Logs TSManager 5/27/2014 2:01:40 PM 3900 (0x0F3C)

  • Stuck app in installation process

    I have two apps stuck in the "installing" process.  I have tried to go to my PC and delete the app and then reinstall it but the "free" button won't reset itself and so it seems to think that I already have it installed.  I have tried to power down by holding the home and power off button and that has not worked.  I have tried to reset my log in through the app store.  I am at the point of restoring my ipad but I cant find the answer to what will happen if I do that.  Will I lose everything?  Will this guarantee that I will be able to download the apps? 

    Use iTune (computer) to update your apps and sync to your iPad. 7a4e6b92df1a6.jpg

  • PXE boot stuck at "downloading config file cmds\z_maint.cmd

    Since I applied NW6.5sp8 to our ZDM7SP1_HP2 server (January Driver Updates were in
    place before), the PXE boot gets stuck at
    downloading config file cmds\z_maint.cmd
    I had this very same issue before, there I missed to drop the correct version of
    sys:\tftp\boot\settings.txt, after doing so, PXE boot was working fine again.
    I doublechecked, that the right copies of the files initrd, linux and root are to be
    found in sys:tftp and ./boot.
    I *CAN* sucessfully download the z_maint.cmd file through
    tftp -i get cmds/z_maint.cmd
    There is a very similar thread:
    The server in that thread is running on W2k3, not NW, as we use. So I suspect, that
    it might be a simple "wrong files issue", even though I really checked initrd, ...
    several times.
    What's my mistake?
    Regards, Rudi.

    I just want to add this information:
    *ALL* the different client PCs we run get stuck at the very same point of th PXE
    boot process.
    downloading config file cmds\z_maint.cmd
    the cursor is blinking next line and doesn't take any keystrokes.
    Regards, Rudi.

  • SkyDrive in Windows 8.1 RTM stuck on downloading files

    when I make SkyDrive's files offline on Windows 8.1 RTM, the SkyDrive never finishes (it stuck in "Downloading xxx files"). They are kept in this state forever, even after restarts and/or additional uploads.
    I have tried this on several computers several times but it always (or almost always) stuck. Number of files differs on each attempt.
    I've tried to search for a solution on the net, but have not found anything useful/working (including the App Troubleshooter, or deleting all the files and uploading again), just few notes that for some people a fix on the server side was required.
    This issue were present also in the 8.1 Preview era. Applying the RTM Rollup patches did not help.
    Would you check the server side for me or suggest how to fix it?

    Let’s try to redirect the skydrive folder and sync again to see what’s going on:
    1. Open regedit and find following key:
    2. Change “UserFolder” to another location.
    3. Open the SkyDrive Metro app to confirm your files and new directory.
    Then check the issue again. 
    If the issue persists, please try to reset your Windows 8.1.
    Note:Backup your personal data.
    How to restore, refresh, or reset your PC
    Best regards,
    Karen Hu
    are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this
    interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time.
    Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.

  • How can I clear a song stuck in downloads?

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    This is what it looks like:

  • Can't open nor delete an app because it got stuck while downloading, what can I do?

    Can't open nor delete an app because it got stuck while downloading, what can I do?

    Restart the iPad. The downloading App will dissapear
    If it was a purchased App, you'll probably have been charged for it, so it'll be worth trying to re-download.
    Let me know if this helps...

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    is it normal if it takes more than 5 hrs to download and process ios 5 and backup in itunes (syncing)

    Hi Thaimic,
    Thanks for your reply.
    IP Adddress:
    These are my WLAN details.under DHCP and BootP. Could you please tell me what to do with the DNS ? I do not have idea about the DNS.

  • IOS6 stuck on downloading for 3 days!

    My wife's iPhone4S has been stuck on downloading iOS6 for 3 days now. Not having come across this issue before, I'm not sure what to do? Will a reset cause any complications at this stage?

    Well, of course, just after posting, the update finally went through!

  • GR out put error :No messages for initial processing exist

    Hi All
    When Im process the out put for GR using T-Code MB90, the following message appears and I'm able to see the out put "No messages for initial processing exist".I have checked the three processing modes even it is giving the same mesaage.Can any body help  to how to see the GR out put.
    thanks and regards,

    Hi ,
    I think the necessary condition records might not exist.
    You can maintain the same using MN21.
    Also check whether the necessary customising is done using Transaction NACE and by selecting application ME.
    Ramesh Ch

  • Searching for ABAP to download BW Process Chain (as txt / xls)

    Dear all,
    Has somebody an ABAP to download BW Process Chain definitions as a TXT or XLS file (to local PC)?
    (and want's to share it...
    Best regards,

    Hello Jos,
    i can just give you a hint on some tables:
    RSPCLOGCHAIN contains the LOG_IDs of all process chains executed.
    RSPCPROCESSLOG contains the steps executed in the given run of the prcess chain identified by LOG_ID.
    perhaps, that helps at least a little bit...

  • No messages for initial processing exist in MB90

    Hi friends,
       When i try to take print from MB90 the error "No messages for initial processing exist" for Goods receipt --> others MIGO.
         I maintanin the Print controls in SPRO --> MM --> IM --> Print Control.
          Please help me in this issue.

    Hi Anbalagan,
       Thanks for your Reply.
      Here MM consultant is now not available thats why i post question here.
      Personally i check some forms are assigned to Material document. But i know some is to be configured. but i dont know what it is. If you know the procedures please guide me.
    With Regards,

  • Photos app stucks on downloading state

    I upgraded to iphone 4s and entered my apple id.
    In the original photos application it started downloading photos, thenit got stuck on downloading for ever.
    now it shows "downloading x of y" and never changes.
    tried hard reset and it did not heped..
    i have 16gb version, ios 5.01
    Thanks, liran/

    I upgraded to iphone 4s and entered my apple id.
    In the original photos application it started downloading photos, thenit got stuck on downloading for ever.
    now it shows "downloading x of y" and never changes.
    tried hard reset and it did not heped..
    i have 16gb version, ios 5.01
    Thanks, liran/

  • Stuck in downloading mode while playing bubble mania unable to advance to next level how to clear this problem

    stuck in downloading mode unable to advance to next level

    Reset the device:
    Press and hold the Sleep/Wake button and the Home button together for at least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    Then try downloading again.

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