Stuck at Server assistant

I've got a mac mini that I'm trying to install 10.5.4 server on to it. The Mini meets all the requirements. I am able to install the software successfully, but I can't complete the server assistant. I can get through all the steps except for when it asks me if I want to create additional users. No matter what option I select (later or now), the setup will restart. Any ideas? Same results after and erase and install too.

For future references.
If you choose the advanced configuration and you don't have any DNS server already up and running on the LAN and presumably you want the server you are installing your primary DNS server, at the step "Network setup" select "configure network setting manually".
Fill in IP address, Subnet Mask, Router boxes.
Leave DNS server and Search domains blank for the moment.
Go on with the rest and the installation won't stall.
I had the same problem with a Mac mini and Leopard server 10.5.4.
Unplugging the network cord during the last phase did the trick but I had a warning message that I didn't like. So after a few trial and following the procedure I explained above everything worked without a hic

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  • Stuck in Server Assistant mode.

    Did a clean install of Leopard 10.5 Server on a Dual 2.66G Intel Cor2Duo Tower. Everything went fine created a few users, added some folders with files, created a few sharepoints, set permissions levels on the sharepoints.
    Notified by Apples Software Updater to update Quicktime and iTunes to a newer version, did so. Then I did a Disk Utility on the HD and got some ACL error statements but at the end DU said permissions were repaired.
    Now......... When the computer boots, I get the sign in screen, put an administrative user and password in, and I'm put into the Server Assistant Application.
    Can't get past point, what did I do wrong or how do I fix this?
    Thanks for any help

    Well, in 10.5, that file has content and maybe it can't be empty - the command I give creates an empty file of the name ".AppleSetupDone"
    I would still try booting into single user mode and then mounting the drive:
    +mount -uw /+
    and then editing the file - you'll have to use vi or nano, which is beyond the scope of this post
    OR put your OS X Server machine into target disk mode and edit the file but you really shouldn't be touching that area of the filesystem via any GUI (the Finder will put .DS_Store files there)
    Here's the content of mine (from 10.5.1 client not server but it should still work).
    The first amount of space should be single tab, the 2nd larger amount of space, two tabs:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
    <plist version="1.0">
                    <string>United States</string>
    Then, you should run (while still in single-user mode):
    +diskutil RepairPermissions /+
    and then

  • Backup server setup info with Server Assistant

    I'm trying to backup my OS X Server (10.9.4) setup information using Server Assistant. On the 'Welcome' page in the Assistant, I selected "Save setup information in a file or directory record." The other choices are "Install software on a remote server" or "Setup a remote server." When I click Continue, the Assistant acts more like it's doing an initial installation as opposed to a backup of settings that are already in use. It asks for the OS X Sever serial number, and even for the administrator name, shortname, password, and to verify the password, just as though i'm setting up the server for the first time. I'm afraid to continue past the Administrator Account page since it seems like it might copy over my current setup.
    OS X Server Help is useless here. It only states that you can backup the server settings, not how to do it.
    Anybody ever do this before? Should I just proceed?
    X Serve Mac OS X (10.4.9)

    You can use Server Assistant but it can only save a configuration file to another server running directory services. You can save property lists for individual configured services by drag dropping the propery list to the desktop (small icon above the Settings Save button. Transfer them to a memory stick or something suitable. Server Admin can be configured later on with these property lists. Export Users and Groups, bear in mind passwords are not transferred across. You can transfer passwords using the appropriate command line tools, but this is not trivial. Most people find it easier to define a password policy for all users once they have been re-imported.
    For many reasons I would not advise you to save the Open Directory property list.
    If you are planning to change the server name and/or IP address then don’t start the services after drag dropping the transferred property lists, issue changeip first – consult the man page for proper usage. Restart the server twice and then start your services one by one starting with AFP, Windows and DHCP, test these with a test user in the local directory node. When you are ready move on to DNS, test this thoroughly before moving on to any DNS dependent services such as LDAP, Mail, Web, SUS etc.
    Hope this helps

  • What are the reasons why Server Assistant won't detect Auto Server Setup ?

    Hi there,
    I've been having issues with Auto Server Setup mechanism (the mechanism that allows an administrator to install a machine without human user interaction). I actually have the answer to my post question but I post it anyway because it might help someone that stumbles on the same issue. Moreover, the answer raises other questions about licencing.
    I had the problem that I had created a NetInstall image that had a "/Auto Server Setup/generic.plist" file; this worked perfectly on the XServe I was testing it on : when I started the client in NetBoot mode, the client was installing without any human interaction, from the disk formatting to the login window... all this was pefectly good. Then I tried to install another machine by starting it in NetBoot mode : the machine installed the system and then waited for human interaction for the configuration step in Server Assistant, as is there was no "/Auto Server Setup/generic.plist" file....
    I finally managed to figure out what was wrong (not thanks to Apple, as I couldn't find any clue : no message from "Server Assistant", nothing useful in the logs I found just by luck in /Library/Logs/ServerAssistant.log) : my "/Auto Server Setup/generic.plist" was ignored because of the Mac OS X licence key. When I replaced the key in generic.plist with another key, it started working again. I know that the official documentation says to use site licences when using the generic.plist mechanism but at least an error message somewhere would have helped...
    So, it seems that "Server Assistant" talks to apple servers and refuses to use a licence key that is used somewhere else. These policies are perfectly fine, as long as it works and it is consistent, which I'm not convinced of :
    - first, we had success in the past in duplicating Mac OS X 10.5 system disk images (we have lots of xserves with valid licence keys but we found it easier to duplicate system disk images) on our xserves, and even if all xserves had the same osx server licence key, they worked fine (except that Server Admin doesn't like it). As a result, the licence verification policy is inconsistent as it depends on the way mac osX is installed...
    - second, I'm not sure this licence checking mechanism even works : I beleive that apple registers associations between a machine id and a licence key; then, how does apple guarantees that this association (therefore free the licence key) is removed when you format a system hard drive (there is no other way to uninstall Mac OSX, right ?) ?
    Does anyone knows how licence key registration works and more specifically how licence keys get freed for reuse on another machine ?

    Hi Stephen,
    To login, the internal server should be:
    The external server and domain fields are blank.
    Your username only needs the prefix of your video address.  For example, if your video address is [email protected] then your username is "stephen."
    Unfortunately, there is only forum support for this free service.

  • Server Assistant in 10.6 won't open

    I'm trying to run the assistant and I'm getting the following error:
    "The document “LaunchServerAssistant.jjqPm.plist” could not be opened. Server Assistant cannot open files in the “property list” format."
    Has anyone encountered this? Is there a fix?

    I ran into the same issue, and realized that Server Admin was opening the copy of 10.4 Server Assistant that I still had on my drive. No newer version of Server Assistant is anywhere to be found. I deleted that, and tried again, but no joy. I tried reinstalling the admin tools, and still Server Assistant remains elusive.

  • Server Assistant doesn't start automatically

    I reinstalled Mac OS X Server v10.6 Snow Leopard on Mac mini Server,
    but the Server Assistant didn't open automatically.
    In the manual I found:
    Server Assistant opens automatically when you:
    Finish installing Mac OS X Server v10.6 Snow Leopard
    Start up a new server with Snow Leopard Server preinstalled
    What is the right way to reinstall Mac OS X Server Snow Leopard
    so that I can change the settings?

    I attempted to install a new preinstalled 2.5 Ghz Mac Mini refurb, 10.6 server software, going the headless route that is suggested by Apple. I was not able to get the Server Assistant to start either, after I did get the setup window to take the root admin login, and the server key would never take. I wound up attaching keyboard, mouse, monitor and network cable to the Mini, then got the setup completed nicely, ran all updates, no additional problems.
    It seems that the remote setup, which I attempted through another 10.6 MBP on the network, had installed the admin tools DVD, don't think I actually updated the admin tools (which could have added to the setup problems), never communicated fully with the setup software on the Mini.
    My recommendations are to avoid the headless install with a mini. I have done headless installs on 10.4, 10.5, and 10.6 Xserves with no real problem. I don't know why there would be any difference for the same version OS.

  • Where is the Server Assistant?

    One thing that has really been rubbing me the wrong way about Lion Server is the lack of accuracy in the migration documentation. It refers to the "Server Assistant", but I don't encounter it running anywhere, and when I reinstall the server, it doesn't ask me if I want to migrate settings.
    I have an old XSERVE G4 with 10.5.8 Leopard Server, and the documentation ( states on page 26 that I need to utilize the Server Assistant (not the Migration Assistant) to migrate my data on my 10.5 server to 10.7.
    I have reinstalled and played around with various scenarios over 10 times now, and have come up empty, unable to resolve this issue. Does anyone have any ideas, or accomplished this successfully yet?
    Thanks in advance!

    Okay, so the Migration document is incorrect about what triggers the Server Assistant (or at least the process doesn't work as documented-it looks like the install doesn't remove the correct file).
    But the solution to get it to work is pretty simple:
    - Have the Server components installed.
    - boot into single-user mode.
    at the command line run the following:
    mount -uw /
    rm /var/db/AppleSetupDone.something (I don't recall the extension, but tab completion will fill it out)
    Reboot and (I believe this requires having a valid 10.5.8-10.6.8 or greater server drive attached) the Assistant won't be the standard client Migration Assistant, but the Server Assistant and you will be asked if you want to migrate.
    Transfer and go (haven't gotten that far yet, it's still in progress, but at least it's going). No idea if this will actually work, particularly given the other issues, but at least it's a start.

  • How do you run Server Assistant on Lion?

    Hi, all,
    I am trying to migrate from a 10.5.8 server to a new Mini running Lion Server and I'm unable to complete the migration as described in the documentation. There have been other threads covering this issue but I can't find a clear answer.
    To explain further: I have installed Lion and the Server app from the app store but deferred the migration from the previous server. I am now trying the migration and on page 26 of this document:
    it states:
    3  If this is a new server with Lion Server already installed, proceed to Server Assistant instructions in step 8.
    4  On the server you are going to install Lion Server on, open the App Store, find Mac OS X Lion, and install it.
    7 Click Install.
    During installation, progress information appears.
    After the installation is complete, the computer restarts and Server Assistant opens so you can perform initial setup.
    8 Move through the assistant’s panes, following the onscreen instructions.
    In the Transfer Existing Mac Server pane, select “Transfer the information from an existing Mac server” and click Continue.
    However, there seems to be no way to launch anything called 'Server Assistant'. I've looked around inside and Server and can't find anything. The documentation for Snow Leopard server says it is in System > Library > Core services but it isn't there on Lion.
    It is tempting to try using the Migration Assistant but there are dark warnings in the Snow Leopard documentation about this resulting in data loss.
    Anyone out there know a solution to this one? Any help gratefully received.

    This is how i fixed it:
    Shut down.
    Hold 'command + S' to boot into single user mode
    type exactly as is below
    mount -uw /
    rm /var/db/.AppleSetupDone
    rm /var/db/.ServerSetupDone
    once the machine reboots it will allow you to go through the Server setup Assitant process.

  • Leopard Server Assistant and DNS Name

    I am trying to setup Leopard Server in my home...
    Server assistant launches I fill in the information and everything is fine... except I do not know what to put in the Server DNS name box. If I leave as is the server tools do not start because they cannot resolve the machine name.
    In short what is going on...
    1. How do you change the machine DNS name after server assistant has finished running?
    2. What should I put in the DNS box?
    MACServer.local? or MACSERVER
    3. If I move to Dynamic DNS how do I change this later without having to re-install.
    I have to admit that setting the server up, installing disks was easy but the DNS issue seems to be a real stumbling block for setting up a home server.
    What am I doing wrong?
    Message was edited by: Peter Jarvis
    Message was edited by: Peter Jarvis

    Thanks for the response.
    My concern is that a normal home user will not be able to setup MAC Server 10.5 very easily without knowledge of DNS. (I will walk through a setup later on in the mail)
    My point is that the average user will not be able to setup MAC Server. They will have difficulty filling out the setup wizard correctly - for this reason I cannot recommend it to a rookie. What is needed is a really simple setup scenario script that can be given to user so they can setup a MAC server in the home to support file sharing, intranet web browsing and time machine backups and central storage for users.
    Don't get me wrong a MAC admin will find the changes in 10.5 a significant and fine improvement over past mac server setups and a leap frog over the Windows and Linux setup experience. Don't let anyone persuade you that Microsoft Home Server is a easy either. (Actually corrupts data with certain apps) - great testing Microsoft
    Back to good software...
    MAC Server Setup example: (Newbie the new IT for the household)
    Prior to setting up the server Newbie will need to define his system setup...
    Server Name [email protected]
    IP Address:
    Is the machine going to be a gateway or behind a firewall?
    Will it distribute IP addresses for the home network etc?
    These points are important as the DHCP and DNS go hand in hand. If the router is acting as a DNS relay and handing out IP addresses this may interfere with setting up the server to be primary DNS provider in the home.
    Walkthrough 1: Scenario:
    Setup the server to be a simple server with only file sharing, web server and time machine.
    When asked Newbie enters:
    Domain name:
    Server Name: (DHCP) or manual
    Nebie configures the server...
    after setup the first thing that will happen is that Server Preferences will launch it will populate with the above server data...
    Problem: Newbie trys to use server preferences and types in his password and fails to get access...
    Why... because Server preferences expects "" to resolve but DNS is not setup yet...
    OK so Newbie needs to setup DNS...
    Newbie selects Applications/Server/Server
    (Newbie uses Magic to find Server Admin)
    First prompt "Are you sure you want to use Server Admin?"
    Newbie selects "Use Server Admin"
    (Newbie uses Magic to know he has to do this)
    Connect to server via IP address
    Select DNS add click to box...
    Expand (our server)
    Select DNS
    Select zones...
    Add primary zone / Select
    Change Primary zone to ""
    Select "ns" and Change Nameserver to "pkjserv"
    Under primary domain select machine change machine name to "pkjserv"
    Select IP Addresses and change to
    Click "save"
    Newbie should have the following setup displayed:
    Name Type Value Primary Zone -
    pkjserv Machine Reverse Zone - Reverse Mapping
    ------- Start DNS...
    The problem here is that DNS is working but Newbies IP setup is still not referencing the DNS server so newbie will have to add it to the network settings.
    Preferences / Network / advanced / DNS
    once they have done this Newbie should be able to launch your browser and type "" and have it resolve to the web browser on the machine...
    in short - this is difficult... hence my proposal that Apple need to create a simple setup scenario scripted document (fill in blanks) so a user can setup a MAC server in the home. Current docs do not allows an average user to install MAC OSX Server - I want a simple MAC Server that anyone can install...
    Message was edited by: Peter Jarvis

  • Server Assistant hangs at: Installation...  window?

    Hello All!
    I'm trying to do a clean install of the server OS (10.4)on a "no-video card" XServer. I'm using my powerbook on a little standalone network (server, switch, and powerbook).
    Server Assistant connects fine from Powerbook using "169.254.X.X." address. Server Assistant presents the typical windows and following the message about having to erase volume to intall, etc. Final window declaring Installation in progress with progress bar appears. However, it appears to hang at this window, and the progress bar shows no updating.
    Anybody seen this before? Any recommendations on what to try?
    Thank you!

    The boot volume had some permission issues. The quick fix, as opposed to looking up how to do it via the commandline, was... to reboot off the existing harddrive, re-format disk1, pop disk0, start back up from DVD and install on "disk1." From the new intall reformat "disk0" and update away...!

  • Server Assistant - Migrating from old to new

    Newbie question:
    If I have an XServe with an XRAID, and I setup a new Mac Pro with another RAID (looking at Promise), can I use the Server Assistant to migrate everything?
    In other words, does it work like the Migration Assistant and once it's done, I turn off the old, turn on the new and as far as the end user is concerned, everything works as it did before? I would assume that if there is more than one volume, it would ask me to verify where I am copying it to and calculate the sizes on the new volume to ensure it would fit. Haven't seen it work in practice, so I am asking for anyone who has, or who can direct me to screenshots in another manual.
    I've been reading the Upgradingand_Migratingv10.6.pdf document and they use the words "volume" and "data", but I am really hoping this means stuff that is connected externally, like the XRAID, and managed by the OS X Server.
    Also, they have FireWire drives. Could those just be unplugged and plugged into this newly migrated server without reconfiguration as they will be found and used as they are now Time Machine backups.
    Thanks for any insight.

    If you have Firewire 800 on both machines, that might be the easiest way to go. Then you can use Setup Assistant as soon as you first start up the new Mac. It will tell you to hook up the cables to your old Mac, put it in Target Disk mode and away you go. If you have 400 on one and 800 on the other, just use a FW 400 to FW 800 converter cable.
    Good luck!

  • Using server assistant to remotely install/configure Leopard.

    As I don't have a graphics card in my Xserver, I need to configure Leopard remotely.
    I already installed Leopard Server using Target Disk Mode, but I can't find a way to configure it.

    You should just be able to run Server Assistant on another Mac on the local network.
    It should reach out to find the server and allow you to configure it over the network.
    Are you saying you've tried that and it's not working?

  • Manipulating a Server Setup saved by Server Assistant

    I have saved server settings to my Open Directory (LDAP) using Server Assistant and want to change or delete these settings. My LDAP master is Mac OS X Server 10.3.9 if that helps. How do I do this? Thanks, Rob

    I found that using the Inspector tab in WorkGroup Manager is where you can delete and manage saved server setup files.

  • Reconfigure xserve via server assistant

    I have installed osx10.5 server on a g5 xserve headless
    I have played around a little bit for a few days checking out how it works. Now I wanted to go on with the final configuration
    I would like to change the dhcp ip assignment to a fixed ip
    have tried to use server assistant but get (no response from this server. This server might be setup completely)
    It is the correct ip address as it is showing in server admin, password etc is correct
    How can I rerun the server Assistant setup?
    Message was edited by: Ozewolf
    Message was edited by: Ozewolf

    Server Assistant is used for initial setup only. Once the machine is setup you use Server Admin (or Server Preferences) to manage services on the server.
    If you want to change its IP address you need to be careful - certain services such as Open Directory depend on the IP configuration and may have issues if you change it.
    IMHO if you're running as an Open Directory server your best option is to reinstall. Trying to deal with changing addresses on a directory server is just too much work.
    If, however, you haven't configured services, then you can just use System Preferences -> Network to change the IP address.
    If you have configured services then use the command-line utility changeip. This will update the directory and most services to work with the new IP address.

  • Server Assistant Processes Serial Number Forever

    - admin computer : macbook with OSX 10.4.7
    - target computer : macmini (PPC) with OSX Server 10.4 DVD in drive
    - connected via single ethernet cable
    Success so far ...
    - start macmini (which boots off DVD)
    - start server assistant
    - welcome -> install software on remote server
    - destination -> no servers lists, so enter IP address
    - enter temp pwd to continue, so enter first 8 digits of macmini serial
    - takes 5 mins, but eventually says authenticated
    - language -> use english
    - keyboard -> US
    - serial number -> enter osx serial number
    - displays 'Validating Serial Number' with circle going around
    - does not go any further than this stage
    - does not display invalid serial number or anything
    Any suggestions much appreciated.
    Also, can SSH successfully onto target.
    BTW. I did read that it may be looking for a DNS server ... is this true???
    Mac Mini PPC 1.42   Mac OS X (10.4)  

    It is OK, solved problem with different type of install.

Maybe you are looking for