Studio pro hangs on encoding

A new system just installed.
When building the project the encoding starts but more often than not hangs. This can happen at any point in the encoding (as early as 2% and as late as 80% so far) and happens with short projects of a few minutes and long ones of up to an hour. Only once has it completed an encode and that was with a 15 min project.
After quitting the project (there's no other choice, it's not going anywhere), it most often crashes and I have to force quit.
Rebooting has no effect, ie doesn't clear the problem.
I'm logged in as root at this time.

That black dialogue box is a kernel panic - something definitely wrong when you see one of those. The slightly better news is that there will be a log of what went wrong stored in your console and you can explore that to find the problem.
It sounds to me as if you have got a bit of an issue with your installation. Compressor encoding just fine is good news - whatever is wrong, you at least have a workflow... and in fact encoding outside of DVDSP is by far the better way to do things.
Have you kept up to date with software updates? Do you have any 'pro application support' patches to apply?
Check the crash log and see if anything stands out to you there (yes, I know... they are not the most informative of things to anyone except apple techs). You have already repaired permissions using disk utility, but download Onyx and use that as well - certainly run the maintenance scripts and optimize your system.

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    Try making the m2v and AC3 files outside of DVD SP in Compressor.
    Also note that Leopard and Studio 2 has some issues, depending on how things were installed (though I do not recall this problem).

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    Have you tried to reset the SMU/PRAM?
    Message was edited by: 2point5

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    Before you read this remember I am new to FCP and DVDSP. I think I remembered why I couldn't burn the DVD. I did a video for a friend and when I was editing it I put in several markers. I then decided to send him a clip via email of about 30 seconds to see if he liked the theme I set. I did an "in and out" in FCP... made it into a QT then just dragged it into iMovie then sent it from there. Later I thought I would use that same 30 second clip in the intro menu.
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    Seems like you have covered a lot of possibilities so I have no quick solution but to add the following considerations:
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    2-Apart from the above have you fixed permissions. (Disk Utility)?

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    Thanks again,

    MJax4 wrote:
    Give this a try...
    Instead of letting DVDSP do the encoding, let Compressor do the work and bring the asset in already to go.
    I was considering this plan of attack.... which settings do you use in Compressor? Will there be a noticeable difference between "Fastest Encode" and "Best Quality"?

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    DVD SP does't do Blu-Ray.
    If you have time to kill, do a search on the forum for hours of entertaining reading on this subject.
    To create a DVD, use Compressor to generate the m2v and ac3 files needed by DVDSP to author a DVD.
    Again, a search of this forum will turn up hundreds of threads - most of which are restating the process for authoring that is spelled out in the manual.

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    Thank you.

    My Question is:  Will a QT movie exported from iMovie 6 or 9 be the same quality as one exported from Final Cut Express or Pro?
    Depends how your iMovie projects were exported, for example HDV in to HDV out or converted to something else on output like H.264?
    Note that not all QuickTime movies are equal .mov is just a container -the video inside could use any one of a number of codecs.
    Final Cut gives you the opportunity to export to QuickTime using Current Settings -same as your Timeline. Assuming it was set up correctly to begin with, the exported film is identical to the material you shot. iMovie has something similar.
    Should I send them to Compressor, and if so will Compressor 4 work with DVD Studio Pro?
    Yes. Compressor 3 has time based DVD presets. You select one that the running time of your movie fits into.
    Compressor 4 has a single preset in the "Disc Burning" folder. DVD Studio Pro will also encode the files it needs if you import the master file from your editing software directly. Compressor offers more control over the process.
    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
    Read the manuals for Compressor and DVD SP. I taught myself DVD authoring in a single afternoon with those resources. Buy a couple of DVD-RW discs -you can experiment, erase and re-use them. Better than burning through a spindle of -R discs just to throw them away afterwards.

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    Please Help Me,
    Ive made it to the last faze of 50 dvd production project with UNDERWATER video. Im trying to find the most efficient way to begin the DVD formatting process and Id like to think compressor could speed this up.
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    3. What if any filters should i run over the video in Compressor to improve the quality of the underwater video? de-Interlacing? Color correction?
    4. Does it save me anytime to create this independent .m2v files for use in DVD studio pro or should I just create a export to quicktime file and let DVD studio Pro do the encoding? Does DVD studio pro re-encode the video when i burn my DVD with it?
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    9mbs is too high if the discs will be duplicated (as opposed to replicated). 7 would be better. Be sure to compress the audio as Dolby Digital.
    Do your color correction in FCP before compression.
    Best Wishes,

  • DVD Studio Pro 2 hangs up when encoding

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    Any ideas what might be causing the hang up?
    BTW, as of December '05 I'm running this on a PowerBook 5,8. This is the first time I've used DSP 2 on this particular laptop.
    Powerbook G4   Mac OS X (10.4.4)  

    I have had the same problem with two different projects. I've gone to exporting a Quick Time movie from Final Cut, closing Final Cut, and then using Compressor (outside of FC), and importing the resulting mpg and Dolby audio (not AIF) into DVDSP. Then, if I burn a DVD with DVDSP I'm still having problems with freezing on playback in some players (not all), but I gather that's a matter of burn speed, which I don't see any control for in DVDSP. So the solution on the forums appears to be either to use slower media, or to burn DVD's using Toast (for which you have to delete some of the files in the TS_Video folder). This all seems very buggy to me. I'm still watching the forum to figure out the best formula for burning DVD's that I author in DVDSP.
    Steve S.

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    Thanks for any assistance.

    The simple fact that you have to encode your files into an mpeg-2 stream means that you're going to experience a loss in quality.  Check the bitrate of your DV files.  The max bitrate for all of the elementary steams (audio, video) on a DVD is 9.8mbps.  So if your source has a higher bitrate than that... you're going to experience "lossiness."
    However there are some tricks that I've read about that increase the overall quality of compression... and yes they are for windows.  Check out AVIsynth and MeGUI... there is a learning curve to learning these tools though.  I never followed through with it.
    EDIT: Also forgot to mention that learning these things takes TIME.  Quality encoding takes much longer than realtime. 
    You can also check out some higher quality mpeg2 encoders like cinemacraft and HC encoder, although the former costs $$$.  The quality you get from these encoders are much better than what you have in iDVD and DVDSP/Compressor.

  • Issues With DVD Studio Pro 1.5 - MPEG2 Encoding & Building Discs

    I'm having problems encoding MPEG2 files in final cut express - everytime I try to encode, final cut closes.
    Also, when I go to build and format a disc in dvd studio pro, this also closes.
    I have looked at updating dvd studio pro to 1.5.2 and although I have downloaded the .bin file for the update, I don't know how to get it to run. The download is from the following link ( )
    If anyone could help at all, it would be much appreciated.

    Of all the early versions of DVDSP, 1.5.2 was the most stable and you really ought to be using that if you are not going to upgrade further.
    V1 was notoriously flaky. I used to chant 'Apple+S' every day when I used it, just to remind me to save... I lost count of the number of hours lost when the app hung or crashed. That version of DVDSP was built on an entirely different code base to the current version. There are still folk who prefer to use V1 despite its faults, but I am not one of them... although I do still run a version of it somewhere.
    The upgrade will be straightforward enough. Double click the file you have downloaded and you should get a disc image. Open it and double click on the files inside. Keep your serial number handy, although I don't recall it being needed for a minor upgrade.
    You may find that encoding is your biggest hurdle. Back in the day of v1.5 there were very few cheap options open to you. One was to use the Quicktime MPEG encoder, which was a system file you had to install into the QT folder in the system library. Since the system library can't be altered whilst the system is running (i.e. your mac is on) this was a bit of an issue - you either used the terminal app, or booted into target disc mode and used a second mac to put the file into the right location. Sheesh. Alternatively, you used an altogether better encoder - BitVice. These days you have many different options for encoding - try simply exporting from FCE as .mov and encoding in something else entirely. You need to end up with elementary streams -ideally a .M2V and .aiff (for audio). You should also have A.Pack installed on your hard drive. Use this to encode the audio to AC3 (Dolby Digital).
    Then bring those assets in to DVDSP and author quickly. Use Apple+S frequently - like every time you make a change. Don't use the preview if you can avoid it, as it tended to crash out more often than not. Build the disc as a disc image and test it in DVDPlayer app.
    Of course, for a relatively low cost you can now use DVDSP v3 or 4 (available on eBay most days, I think!) This uses a far more stable code base, a more graphical approach to authoring and has more bells and whistles (not that you'll need them all the time, if ever). It is based on DVD Maestro (PC App) and is very similar to use. Advantages are many and varied compared to V1 but there is a consequential hit on speed IMO. That said, if your mac is anything close to modern (I author mostly on an old G4 still) then you will be fine.

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    Thank you for you help, however I think you misunderstood my question
    I have 800 gb on my Mac hd
    I am getting this error message when I go to build and format the dvd. This is after compression encoding.

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    David's right.  Do the encode in compressor and bring the resulting m2v (video) and ac3 (audio) into dvdsp.  Then do an advanced burn:  build in dvdsp  and test the build using the mac dvdplayer to play the video_ts folder you've created.   Just go to file:  Open DVD Media and point to the build folder or the video_ts folder within it.  If this works, your dvd burner is probably the problem.  You can buy an external burner for not a lot of money.  Apple sells one, and you can even get cheaper ones than that.

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