Stupid me! Font not recognized.

I know, I know, I'm just an ignorant newbie with webdesign and I have probably messed up what I intended to do. Maybe someone can help me out.
Dreamweaver CS4 shows this Live View of the heading of my page:
That is - initially - how I would like it to show up. There are further enhancements I would like to do, but for this moment, let's concentrate on this issue.
Now, when viewing this page from the website, where it is located for testing purposes, , it shows up like this:
This happens with Chrome, Firefox and IE on every computer that does not have the font installed that is used in the DW screenshot. The font is ChopinScript btw. If the font is installed on the computer, all browsers have no problem in displaying this correctly.
So the question is: What do I need to modify or do so that the second line of text shows up in an intended script font (old-fashioned one) on all systems? Change the font to something else, make other changes?
For my next question, I'll make a separate thread, but I hope someone can tell me where I messed up big-time on this issue.

The use of anything but web-safe fonts has several obstacles.   Copyright infringement being the main issue.  Supporting all the major web devices is another.  IMO more work than it's worth.
If you're committed to this and don't want to use an image, check your font licenses carefully before using them on the web. You don't want to put yourself or your client in financial jeopardy over misuse of someone's fonts.
@font-face Kits
Good luck,
Nancy O.
Alt-Web Design & Publishing
Web | Graphics | Print | Media  Specialists

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    Cricket311 wrote:
    The hard drive going bad happened very suddenly with no rhyme or reason. It was working perfectly fine one day, and the next day it wouldn't boot up. I brought it into the Apple store and had their Genius Bar take a look and they weren't able to repair the hard drive.
    If your last backup was late the day before, it's possible something got corrupted.
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    Did you repair permissions and restarted your computer after the font installatons?

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    Obviously, you should. It is best to run the Cleaner Tool between uninstalling and reinstalling.
    Use the CC Cleaner Tool to solve installation problems | CC, CS3-CS6

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    Helvetica Condensed
    Helvetica Black
    Helvetica Light
    Helvetica Extra Compressed
    Helvetica LT Std
    Helvetica Neue
    Helvetica Ultra Compressed
    Of this list, Flash 8 is only recognizing:
    Helvetica LT Std
    Helvetica Neue
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    in Illustrator, export swfs, and import them into Flash.
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    changes a pain.
    I'm leaning towards the fact that this is a corrupt font
    issue, yet these fonts are available in every other software I've
    tried them in.
    Has anyone else experienced this issue?
    Any thoughts??
    Thank you!!!

    I was having the same problem, with other fonts. I tried what brianimator suggested and it made it worse. Half of my fonts are now again gone. I can't take this anymore... worse of all, verdana is still MIA.
    Those fonts are all in system/library/fonts, they just don't work with Flash and only Flash. I'm ready to shoot myself soon. I don't know what else to try. Any ideas, anyone?
    PS: I have an iMAC OSX 10.5.7 and I run Adobe CS4 (fonts are recognized in all other applications)

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