Submitted online help form ... no reply 10 days on...

Submitted a online help support as one of my powerline adapters will not come out of standby. This was last monday and still no reply. Is this the norm?
Go to Solution.

Hi guys,
I'm sorry you haven't got a reply yet. If you could drop me an email to [email protected] with the details I'll have a dig around and see what I can find out.
BTCare Community Mod
If we have asked you to email us with your details, please make sure you are logged in to the forum, otherwise you will not be able to see our ‘Contact Us’ link within our profiles.
We are sorry but we are unable to deal with service/account queries via the private message(PM) function so please don't PM your account info, we need to deal with this via our email account :-)

Similar Messages

  • Forms Online help disappeared

    Previously (at least until last week) the Forms Online Help was available here:
    but this link results in a 404.
    It would be the same as the one shipped with Forms Builder, but it's a little bit hard to post links to my local online help when I want to suggest to use a documented builtin...
    Could someone please restore the documentation or at least update the announcement here with the URL where the documentation is located now?

    It might have to do with SSL/SSO implementation they put into production recently. Since the forums are on SSL and the new fancy login screen got added the whole forum seems to behave quite unstable. I get the "We are sorry blah blah blah" screen almost every second time I click on a link here in the forums. Hopefully they didn't vaporize the docs permanently as it was a good resource to point to....

  • Billed 2X per Month for 16 Months - No Reply After Submitting 3 Contact Forms

    Like the title of my tread states, I am being charged twice a month, sometimes on the same day sometimes on different days, for my spotify service and its been happening for the past 16, yes 16, months! I am very annoyed because of one; the difficulty in trying to contact spotify and two; I have yet to receive a non-automated reply. I would greatly appreciate speaking to a spotify representative. I have submitted 3 contact forms and I have yet to receive a real response. Spotify, please contact me ASAP so I can be issued a refund for the overage charges I have been subjected to. - Zach Wummer

    Support usually replies within 24-48 hours.
    If you still have not gotten a reply:
    Did you get a confirmation email from the contact form? It should be similar to "Spotify Support Case #XXXXXXX". If so, reply back to that email and tell them you still need help.
    If you got an automated reply email telling you to check the help section or the community, you need to reply back to it saying you still need help, even if it's from a no-reply address.
    If you never got an email, look in your spam folder to see if there is an email in there. Make sure you are checking the email account you used to sign up to Spotify. You can check the email on your account here.
    If you still do not get a reply, let me know and I'll try to get support to reply back to you.

  • Forms 9i ---- Online Help not working

    Hi !
    Suddenly on my computer forms9i's Online help is not working? when i click on Help-->online Help option it gives error message FRM-18105 : Failed to Start Help System in a alert. Day back it was working fine.
    Any idea about it???

    Thanks Frank !
    I have change some path setting to use webutil but i am still unable to use it. I am getting same error WUC-015. due to this help is not working here i am sending u current path setting.Please tell me what is wrong with it..
    Classpath variable of windows
    Path variable of windows
    c:\ora9i\bin;c:\dev6i\bin;c:\ora9i\jdk\jre\bin\classic;c:\ora9i\jdk\jre\bin;c:\ora9i\jlib;C:\Program Files\Oracle\jre\1.1.8\bin;C:\Program Files\Oracle\jre\1.3.1\bin;c:\jdk1.3.1\bin;c:\jdk1.3.1\jre;c:\jdk1.3.1\lib;c:\jdk1.3.1\jre\bin;c:\jdk1.3.1\jre\lib;c:\Inprise\vbroker\bin;c:\Inprise\vbroker\lib;c:\Inprise\vbroker\idl;c:\Inprise\vbroker\console;C:\ORANT\bin;C:\Program Files\Oracle\jre\1.1.7\bin;%SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem;c:\centrun;c:\win32\exe;c:\cms\lib;c:\cms\Resource;c:\dev6i\jdk\bin;c:\neerajtyagi\webutil\lib;c:\neerajtyagi; c:\neerajtyagi\webutil
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <!DOCTYPE orion-web-app PUBLIC "-//Evermind//DTD Orion Web Application 2.3//EN" "">
         <context-param-mapping name="configFileName">c:\ora9i/forms90/server/formsweb.cfg</context-param-mapping>
         <virtual-directory virtual-path="/html" real-path="c:\ora9i/tools/web90/html" />
         <virtual-directory virtual-path="/java" real-path="c:\ora9i/forms90/java" />
         <virtual-directory virtual-path="/jinitiator" real-path="c:\ora9i/jinit" />
         <virtual-directory virtual-path="/webutil" real-path="c:\neerajtyagi/webutil/lib" />
         <session-tracking cookies="disabled" />
    # The next parameter specifies how to execute the Forms applet under
    # Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.x. Put IE=native if you want the
    # Forms applet to run in the browser's native JVM.
    otherparams=debug=%debug% buffer_records=%buffer% debug_messages=%debug_messages% array=%array% query_only=%query_only% quiet=%quiet% render=%render% host=%host% port=%port% record=%record% tracegroup=%tracegroup% log=%log% term=%term%
    pageTitle=Oracle9iAS Forms Services
    # Virtual path mapping for Forms Java jar and class files (codebase)
    AliasMatch ^/forms90/java/(..*) "c:\ora9i/forms90/java/$1"
    AliasMatch ^/forms90/webutil/(..*) "c:\neerajtyagi/webutil/lib/$1"
    # Virtual path for JInitiator downloadable executable and download page
    AliasMatch ^/forms90/jinitiator/(..*) "c:\ora9i/jinit/$1"
    # Virtual path for runform.htm (used to run a form for testing purposes)
    AliasMatch ^/forms90/html/(..*) "c:\ora9i/tools/web90/html/$1"
    # Configuration for JServ (if mod_jserv.c is available and not mod_oc4j.c)
    <IfModule mod_jserv.c>
    # Only configure for JServ if mod_oc4j is NOT available:
    <IfModule !mod_oc4j.c>
    # Virtual path mapping for FormsServlet and ListenerServlet.
    # Purpose: paths to invoke the servlets should be /forms90/f90servlet
    # and /forms90/l90servlet respectively.
    # We map f90servlet to servlet.if90, and l90servlet to servlet.ifl90.
    # The apJServAction directives (below) will then remap those.
    AliasMatch ^/forms90/f90servlet(.*) "/servlet.if90"
    AliasMatch ^/forms90/l90servlet(.*) "/servlet.ifl90"
    ApJServMount /forms90/servlet /forms90
    # Let the servlets be called by file extension (e.g /servlet.if90)
    ApJServAction .if90 /forms90/servlet/f90servlet
    ApJServAction .ifl90 /forms90/servlet/l90servlet
    # Prevent access to the Forms Servlets by paths other than
    # /forms90/f90servlet and /forms90/l90servlet.
    # 1. Prevent access via the .if90 and .ifl90 file extensions:
    <LocationMatch ^.*\.if.*90>
    order deny,allow
    deny from all
    # 2. Stop access by class (by paths like
    # /forms90/servlet/oracle.forms.servlet.FormsServlet)
    <LocationMatch ^/forms90/servlet/oracle\.forms.*>
    order deny,allow
    deny from all
    # Config. for OC4J
    <IfModule mod_oc4j.c>
    Oc4jMount /forms90 OC4J_BI_Forms
    Oc4jMount /forms90/f90servlet OC4J_BI_Forms
    Oc4jMount /forms90/f90servlet/* OC4J_BI_Forms
    Oc4jMount /forms90/l90servlet OC4J_BI_Forms
    Oc4jMount /forms90/l90servlet/* OC4J_BI_Forms

  • Search Help Online Adobe form WDABAP

    How to get F4 help in online adobe form? If the values are maintined in the domain then in the form Im able to see all the values by using Enumarated drop down. But if for the particular filed any Value Table is assigned , then how to get those values in F4 of Adobe form? It can be done by binding to UI elemtn or Do I need to do any coding for getting this?
    Actually I have gone through few links in SDN but Im not clear. Im not working on ISR. It is a normal BAPI and adobe form is designed based on that form , ZCL type.
    Appreciate your help

    Its solved Thank you

  • F4 help in online interactive forms using ABAP

    Question 1:
                     I am able to get f4 help in online interactive form using ABAP. but after selecting the value from pop-up the value is not populated in PDF field. Can u help regardiing this.
    Question 2:
                     I am able to get f4 help in online interactive form using value help dropdown, first time if i click the dropdown button it is showing the popup, if i click second time it is not showing the popup.
    Thanks & Regards,

    1. I you are woking from the Web Dynpro for ABAP then after binding the Context variable in the view, and in the Adobe Layout Designer from the Library goto WebDynpro Native Tab and drag and drop the Value Help and for this automatically JavaScript is being generated, go that script and edit the line
    Var fieldname = "yourfieldname";
    Note: dont forget to link the context attribute to search help. ie. in the context properties of the attributes select the input help mode as dictionary search help and specify the name of the search help present in data dictionary.
    And now go to Utilities and click on u201CInsert Web Dynpro Scriptu201D.
    Also make sure that you specify the Layout as ZCI Layout in the Propertioes of the Adobe Form.
    2. Only the Submit button , the Enumerated Drop-Down List as well as the Value help button from the Web Dynpro Native library of Adobe LiveCycle Designer are supported. Check SAP Note: 1098009
    Pradeep Goli

  • F4 help in online interactive form

               How to implement F4 help in online interactive form? Please help me regarding this.
    Thanks & Regards,

    If it for SAP interactive forms.... go through the following link ....
    f4 help in SAP interative forms
    where the admin had provided the help link for providing f4 search option for SAP interactive forms
    I hope this will do for you ...
    have fun

  • OVS Search Help in Web Dyrnpro Java Online Interactive Form

    Hi Experts,
    Is there any  OVS Search Help control we can use in Online Interactive Form as a as we have in Web Dynpro java. Can we assign this search help to any existing control.
    If it is not possible can we call a Web Dynpro View as a popup from Intefactive Form such that field search can be done in popup window and on selection the resultant record should populate to Interactive Form control.
    Please suggest me feasible solutions

    Hi You can create Value Help in Webdynpro to show F4 Help values.
    Follow this link
    Reward Points if Helpful
    Edited by: Praveen Kommineni on May 7, 2008 8:05 PM

  • Search Help in online adobe form WDABAP

    How to get F4 help in online adobe form? If the values are maintined in the domain then in the form Im able to see all the values by using Enumarated drop down. But if for the particular filed any Value Table is assigned , then how to get those values in F4 of Adobe form? It can be done by binding to UI elemtn or Do I need to do any coding for getting this?
    Actually I have gone through few links in SDN but Im not clear. Im not working on ISR. It is a normal BAPI and adobe form is designed based on that BAPI and form is ZCL type.
    Appreciate your help

    please see the link below
    link: F4 Value Help on Adobe Interactive Form with Web Dynpro ABAP
    link:F4 help in Interactive forms with Webdynpro abap
    link:F4 Value help on adobe form doesn't work
    link:Search Help from SAP values using WebDynpro ABAP in ADOBE Interactive Form

  • Forms 9i Online Help Interface

    I installed forms 9i and Changed NLS_LANG parameter to AMERICAN_AMERICA.
    The normal menus is in English now but still the menus for the online help is displayed in Arabic Language.. I want the whole development enviroment to be in Egnlish Language Interface..
    How Can I do that???

    Sounds like a Bug - I suspect that the Help system (because it is Java) is picking up the Environment settings from the control panel rather than from NLS_LANG - If you change your locale using the control panel does it then change?
    Anyway you shoudl log a TAR with Oracle Support to get them to log a bug on this.

  • Forms online help where can I found on my disk

    where can i found on my disk Oracle Forms online help (help that is embeded with Oracle Forms - with F1 button)? Is there any reference to this help on the internet?

    start at and also check out my blog entry
    there is a link to documentation on the forms home page

  • F4 Help online interactive form

    Im designing an online interactive form in WD ABAP. I got the context from a BAPI and mapped to view context. Now how to map F4 field from data view to UIelemnt?
    Im dragging value help dropdown list from webdynpro activex palette to the form and selecting that field from dataview and dropping on the value help dropdown which i placed before. Doing like this the field is changing to text filed.
    Is this the right of way doing for getting f4 helps in to interactive form? Should my filed in dataview should have anyother properties to be a f4 help?
    Can some one help me on this?

    Hi Jawaji,
    Here is a note about input helps...
    [Note 1035630 - ISR WebDynpro ABAP UI: Input helps from ABAP Dictionary|]
    Also, when you defined your form, under the properties tab, what did you select for the Layout Type?  There is:
    - Unknown Layout Type,
    - xACF Layout
    - ZCI Layout
    - Standard Layout
    You should be choosing the ZCI Layout.  Then from inside your form, you want to select the Value Help Dropdown List from the Web Dynpro Native library, not the ActiveX one, unless your form is of type xACF.
    Once you have the element on the screen, go to the Object tab and select the Binding tab.  Under Default Binding, navigate to the field that you want bound to the dropdown.
    Next, select the Field tab.  You should see a parameter there called List Items.  If it is not green and underlined green, click on the little black triangle that points to the right, and select Show Dynamic Properties.
    Then click on the green List Items link.  Inside the popup, you want to put the following line of code in the Items binding:
    where FIELD_NAME is the name of the field that you have previously bound to the dropdown.  I'm not 100% sure on this line, this is what works when developing an HCM Process & Form form.
    Hope this helps...

  • Online Help in Web Deployed Forms App

    In a Designer generated Forms app deployed across intranet via Forms Server, what options do I have for an online help system? Is Designer's ability to generate MS Help files useful outside client/server environment? Thanks in advance.

    I'd also consider checking a test case with Oracle Support to confirm its the same issue as well.
    Grant Ronald
    Forms Product Management

  • Create printouts from data submitted in a form.

    Long story short:
    I'm looking to set up a system that automatically creates a document from data submitted in a form. So imagine I type "Jason" in the name field, "Orangutans" in the favorite animal field, and when I click print I'm presented with an A4/Letter document that says "my name is Jason and I love Orangutans" and the background is covered in cute orange apes. Where do I start?
    Long story long:
    I work at a computer store and due to my experience with Adobe products* I've been tasked with creating all the signage in the store. I've been doing all the signs for a year now and now we have a bunch of different signs that need printing every day. The most in-depth and time-consuming ones for me are signs for Trade-In computers. Unlike new computers, the specs are always different based on the particular model we buyback from the client. There are all kinds of fields that are different in each case.
    As it stands, I have an illustrator file with all the information in the right place, and when a computer comes in I take all the specs, fill in the right boxes and unhide the image layer so I get an image of the corresponding model on my document. This takes considerable time, and means the process is specific to me, i.e if I'm not in the store, the computers don't get put up for sale beacuse we can't add a spec/price sheet.
    What I want to do is automate the process so that anyone in the store can make these signs. All they will have to do is fill in a form (online or locally) that asks for model, year, RAM, HDD, etc**. Then when they click submit it returns a completed sign that they can print and put up next to the computer.
    I'm not entirely sure how to accomplish this. I've looked at Adobe's free online FormCreater***, and I like the simple data output that it creates. However, I'm uncertain as to my next steps. I imagine I'll need it to send the results to a computer with blank templates for the Trade-In computers. It would then need to populate the applicable fields and automate all the work I usually do.
    Where should I start? I'm willing to learn anything to get this working.
    *Illustrator, Photoshop, Flash, inDesign
    **Total of ~18 text and 4 image fields need to be changed per sign.

    I'm willing to learn anything to get this working.
    Excellent! Right attitude.
    Where should I start?
    With my favorite "graphics program": FileMaker Pro. (Yep. My favorite graphics-project tool is a relational database program.)
    You see, you've discovered something that graphics people are discovering with increasing frequency all the time: Your project is not a graphics problem. It's a data problem.
    Note how little of your problem has to do with graphics. Emphasis mine:
    ...we have a bunch of different signs that need printing every day.
    the specs are always different based on the particular model
    automate the process so that anyone in the store can make these signs
    All they will have to do is fill in a form (online or locally)
    an image of the corresponding model
    See if this scenario sounds appealing:
    You have on your computer a single file, named TradeIns. You or one of your authorized users doubleClick it. It opens to a nicely organized form that is completely self-explanatory; requires absolutely no training to use.
    It's completely idiot proof. The user doesn't have to know anything about any graphics program. He can't break anything.
    Consistency is maintained because everything that can be automated is. Dependency intelligence is built in. Popup menus limit data entries to legitimate choices (ex: Models). Subsequent data entry choices are automatically filtered based on data already entered (ex: RAM configurations limited to those possible for Model). User prompts and hints (highlighting, event-driven messages, tooltips, data validation, etc.) make sure that all required information is entered.
    When the data entry is done, the user clicks a button labeled Print Preview: A3 Poster. The display automatically changes to a pre-defined A3 formatted layout with all the data graphically styled (Headline, descriptive blurb, bullet list of features, price, etc., etc.), the company logo and contact info in place, and a graphic of the appropriate model appears in the background. The user clicks a button labeled Print Poster. Next to it, by the way, is a button labeled Email Poster To...
    If you want, you can enable up to five people concurrently to access and interact with the solution in their web browsers from anywhere. So the data entry can be performed by staff members who logon (according to access priviledges you define and control down to the individual field level if need be) in the office, from home, or even on their iPhone. Multiple users can enter/edit data at the same time.
    It's 2:00 Tuesday when Customer leaves with his new machine. You clean up his trade-in a little; put it on the display shelf. Pull out your iPhone and take a photo of it. Tap the specs in. The data, including the photo, are simultaneously entered into the database. You lock the door and go home at 5:00, confident that a formatted sales flier of "Just Arrived" trade-ins will be automatically emailed to your mail list before you get home.
    You, having admin priviledges, can add to, alter, elaborate upon the functionality (ex; add an automatic price calculator) anytime you need, with no downtime on the system.
    How difficult, time-consuming is this?
    Once the requirement details are nailed down, and the raw beginning data for populating values lists is provided, an intermediate level FileMaker developer could build the above-described solution and have it up and running, ready for data entry, in less than a day, easy.
    Cost? $500 for one copy of FileMaker Pro Advanced. That's it. (And...*achem*'s not rented; it's a normal perpetual license.) And with it you can build an unlimited number of other data-driven solutions for your business. You can even bind them as fully-functional standalone applications which you can distribute without royalties.
    Based on what you've described so far, the solution's starting data schema would be very simple:
    Create a new database with three related tables:
    Trade Ins
    The fields for each table would be something like this:
    Model ID (primary key; text; unique)
    Model Name (text)
    Brand (text)
    Image (container)
    Trade Ins
    Trade In ID (primary key; text; computer's serial number)
    Model ID (foreign key; text; value list)
    Spec ID (auto-enter serial number)
    Model ID (foreign key)
    Trade In ID (foreign key)
    Spec Name (value list)
    Description (text)
    You'd have two Layouts (screens): Data Entry and A3 Poster. You could build as many additional Layouts to display whatever combinations of the data you want for as many purposes as you may encounter. Export to PDFs or Excel spreadsheets any time. Build automated reports with live graphs, use conditional formatting, automate with scripts, etc., etc.
    Marvelous program. Every business should have it.

  • We want to create an online contract form with different options which will determine different prices as they make their choices. We will also require a legally binding e-signature. Is Acrobat the best product or even an option for this?

    We want to create an online contract form with different options which will determine different prices as they make their choices. We will also require a legally binding e-signature. Is Acrobat the best product or even an option for this?

    You need to use form fields. See the Acrobat help section and this site:
    However, that last part (receiving an automatic response when a form is submitted) has nothing to do with Acrobat, or even with the PDF file. This is something you'll need to set up on your web (or email) server.

Maybe you are looking for