Sudden FCP Firewire (?) Issue

I will preface by asking for no laughter regarding the age of my setup.
For the past eight (8) years we have been using a DVCPro deck (AJ-D230H) to capture video prior to uploading it to a scratch disk in a G4 Mac running OS 9.1.x (I think) using Firewire and FCP 1.2 (I think--I am typing this at a location other than the equipment in question).
Yesterday, I am told the computer "white screened". Bottom line is that it locked up and the computer had to be forcibly restarted.
Upon the restarting and opening FCP to continue editing, the user found there was no longer any sound.
What is actually happening is that it no longer plays over the FW to the DVCPro deck to the external broadcast monitor and speaker. When turning off External Video, the audio plays back just fine through the computer's speaker, as expected.
Something seems to be wrong with the Mac/FW interface and I am at a loss as to how to fix it.
Log and capture over the FW works (device control, playback, and capture).
Tried moving FW cable to different port on Mac.
Tried moving FW cable to different port on DVCPro deck FW card.
Tried replacing FW cable.
Tried Log & Capture using FW between PC & DVCPro deck (worked).
Found references to "trashing preferences", but wonder if this is possible in my old version.
Please, does anyone have any other suggestions?

I thought I would follow up on this thread just in case someone stumbles upon it in the future.
One of the people involved talked to the technician who last serviced our DVCPRO deck, and we were assured there was more than likely nothing wrong with the deck, nor with the Firewire card in the deck.
We were able to borrow a Mac running 10.4 and Final Cut Express HD. Once installed, we had none of the problems described in the original post. While repair might have been possible, we concluded that the eight-year-old Mac needed to be retired.
Therefore, this question was resolved by purchasing a new Mac Pro with dual quad core processors. I did not know FCP could Print to Video so quickly.
Thank you all who responded in an effort to help me resolve this issue.

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    First of all. Have you tried checking the system profiler to see if you system is recognising the DV deck?
    Click Apple symbol/ About this Mac / More Info... / Hardware / Firewire.
    If your system is seeing the deck, then the Deck's name / model number should appear on the firewire bus.
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    Try resarting the Mac with the deck already switched on and connected. Try another Firewire cable (Yes they do fail with regular monotony).

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    I got this from LukeA on the iLounge forums
    Just so you'll know, Apple has a ton of articles and how-to's right on this website (just click the Support link above and do a search). Other common Firewire problems can also be addressed by resetting the PMU (Power Management Unit) button:
    This one os specific to the MacMini:

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    Read here:
    It may get firewire working again on your older deck with Windows 7.  If the solution on that page works, then the problem is down to Microsoft, not Adobe.
    FWIW, it's getting to be pretty well known around these parts that the current implementation of Adobe Customer Service is awful.  That said, several Adobe employees, including some Premiere Pro engineers, have been hanging out in the forums recently.  This is a big change from earlier releases of Pr, where an Adobe presence was rarely seen at all.
    These same folks have also said that Adobe is working to improve their Customer Service.  Like the inertia of a large ship forcing it to take a long time to change course, I suspect that it will take a bit longer for Adobe to make that improvement than it would for a smaller company.  Don't give up on 'em just yet.

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    Use the workaround until the FW issue is resolved:  use a USB cable.

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    Frustrating trying to get it to work .... You can zap the PRAM as well as reset the PMU anytime. At this point, if you haven't go ahead and do the PRAM and might as well do the PMU again. Reset PRAM. Note the effects are immediate, there's no advantage to waiting overnight:
    1. Shut down the computer.
    2. Locate the following keys on the keyboard: Command, Option, P, and R. You will need to hold these keys down simultaneously in step 4.
    3. Turn on the computer.
    4. Press and hold the Command-Option-P-R keys. You must press this key combination before the gray screen appears.
    5. Hold the keys down until the computer restarts and you hear the startup sound for the second time.
    6. Release the keys.
    It sounds like you may have had hard drive issues that Drive Genius fixed for you. For comparison, did you run the Disk Utility disk repair after Drive Genius fixed the hard drive .. just to see if Disk Utility gives the drive a clean bill of health?
    When you ran the Apple hardware test, did you run the extended test? Do you have either of the TechTool programs available? They do similar testing to the Apple hardware test, it would be interesting to see if they also say the hardware is OK.
    You've reloaded the operating system a couple of times. Did you use the combo update to update to 10.4.11? I prefer that to letting Software Update make the updates, as sometimes it doesn't update correctly. Repair disk permissions before and after the update, too. Then run software update to pick up any other required updates.
    You've, by this time, reset PRAM and PMU, I assume the PRAM reset didn't change anything? If so, sorry, but I don't know what else you can do. At this point, I'd take it to a genius at the Apple store, and get their opinion.
    I didn't address sleep as I think you need to resolve the Firewire issue first, then see if there is a sleep problem.

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    Did you try Martin's suggestion of taking the scanner off the FW bus?
    If you did that and it didn't resolve it. Then I'm stumped.
    I mean, you have two camcorders doing the same thing, and SP shows the FW bus as active. And you say you've tried all the suggestions.
    OK, have you tried Zebulun's Guinness Solution suggestion? Shut Down, and unplug the computer and all devices from AC. Pull the plugs completely. Have a Guinness. After at least 15 minutes, plug back in, boot up again and see if things improve.

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    Any help appreciated.
    Jim W.

    Thanks for the responses guys. I didn't realize that FCP stopped outputting TC. Any reason behind that?
    As for the audio drop-out, I'm not sure why that was happening. I did an assemble edit to tape and it worked out. I don't know why I wasn't able to do a print-to-tape without the audio drop-out. Tried different ports, cables, etc. - no difference.

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    Can't find it no matter what I try. The deck seems to be fine, as it shows that FireWire is connected. When I go to Log & Capture, FCP just quits. I don't even get the little "FCP crashed" dialogue box.
    This is bad.

    so, after much cursing, i got it to work. the final solution, after installing the FCP upgrade, repairing permissions, etc., etc., was to reinstall QT7. fyi.

  • Firewire issue--Backup drive not found w/Time Machine after imac sleeps

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    Time Machine functions properly while the computer is in use, and it has no problem after a restart or shut down, but if the computer goes to sleep and then TM runs its hourly backup, I get an error that it cannot find the Backup Drive. Once this happens, TM will no longer work until I've deselected the drive in TM, unplugged it, plugged it in again, and reselected the drive as the backup Drive. Sometimes this requires a shut down or restart too.
    Here's what I've tried:
    1. connected the drive via USB--it operated without a problem
    2. unplugged all devices from the computer, shut down, waited, 20 mins, restrted, plugged the external drive back in via Firewire--the problem persists as described above.
    3. deleted the TimeMachine.plist file, restarted--problem persists.
    I've read that the Firewire port can be reset with other procedures such as zapping the PRAM or updating the firmware. I've also read that new problems can arise after reseting the PRAM so I'm hesitant to do this. Can anyone shed some light on the PRAM option?
    I cannot find where the firmware updates are located on the mac site. Could someone point me in the right direction? I've looked under downloads and after searching, came up with a long list, but nothing was labeled clearly. Each listing mentioned firmware in the header, but it seemed to always pertain to a certain issue (eg. superdrive, or installing appleworks). I could not tell what was the most recent firmware released for my machine, and I fear installing something retrograde that will create new problems.
    If anyone has any thoughts on how to deal with the firewire problem, or if you think my issue with using a FW connected drive with Time Machine might be rooted with something else, please comment.
    Message was edited by: imaginary_forest

    fzgy wrote:
    "Mac OS X can't repair the disk.  You can still open or copy files on the disk, but you can't save changes to files on the disk.  Back up the disk and reformat it as soon as you can."
    It's possible a heavy-duty 3rd-party disk repair app can fix it, but they're expensive (DiskWarrior is about $100), and there's no guarantee it can do it.
    Am prompted to reformat but I don't have a good understanding of what this means and how to do it.
    That will erase it.  See Time Machine - Frequently Asked Question #5.
    It sounds very much like the disk is beginning to fail, although it's possible there's a bad port, cable, connection or power supply (if it has its own).
    I'd suggest getting a new one, and using it for your Time Machine backups; once you have a good backup there, reformat the old one (and select Security Options to write zeros to the whole drive -- if that fails, you know the drive is toast).  Use it for secondary backups, per FAQ #27.   If it has failed, get a second new one for secondary backups. 

  • Usb + firewire issues = kernel panic - help needed!!

    Hello, and please forgive my english, I'll do my best!
    So, i have a 1,25 Ghz MDD G4, with 2 x 256 Mo RAM sticks (at first), running mac OS 10.3.9.
    As the original HD is too small, I work with my documents on an external firewire HD. The HD is plugged on a third party/PCI firwire card that went down.
    On the same day I bought a new firewire card (trendNet, it was said to be mac compatible form mac OS 8.6) and 4 x 512 Mo of Ram (Hynix).
    It worked just fine for a week and suddenly my mouse froze (and keyboard too > the mouse is plugged on the keyboard). Having no control on my mac (which seemed ok despite the usb deconnection) I had to hard reboot on the central Unit.
    I unplugged the usb hub that occupied mu 2nd usb port (there was a wacom tablet and a flsh memory key on it). I left just the keyboard plugged (and mouse plugged on keyboard).
    It was fine for... 2 or 3 hours and then it started again > mouse + keyboard deconnecting/freezing (the keyboard is a mac one, the mouse a microsoft one -optical-).
    As the small red optical light of the mouse turns off when the mouse freezes I first thought the mouse or keyboard itself was the culprit.
    I tested both of them them on a macbook and they worked just fine (never had a problem with them).
    I ran disk utility, repaired the permissions. And it seemed better for a couple of hours.
    When it happened again I unplugged the keyboard and plugged it on the 2nd usb port (which was free since I had unplugged everything else) > the mouse "came back to life" and I didn't have to reboot. But it happened again, like 2-3 times (every hour/half hour) until swapping the usb plug on the UC doesn't solve the problem anymore > hard reboot again...
    Then I tried EVERYTHING
    booting with techtool CD > everything ok, no pb found
    running onyx to empty the cash and rerepair the permissions > ibid, no pb
    resetting the PRAM with cmd-alt-p-r
    resetting the PMU
    resetting the usb and firewire ports after each hard reboot
    cleaning the dust
    removing my old scsi pci card (not used for ages)
    moving my new firewire card on an another slot
    installing a firmware update
    nothing has solved the problem... it seems to arrive randomly, but mostly (more frequently) when working with several apps open.
    The cursor seems to freeze for very very short periods (as a warning!) until it freezes for good > it's exactly as if the usb didn't deliver any electricity for micro laps of time (and it is the case I guess as my optical mouse light turns off).
    So I change the usb plug into the other port and it works for a while, just as if only one usb port was functional at a time, but it always ends with a hard reboot (no choice).
    It's always scary but it's also very annoying as my Western Digital Mybook external drive refuses to mount on desktop after hard reboots... I have to unplug it, replug it, restart etc... well this HD is a pain but I guess it's because it's in FAT 32 (since I forgot to format it when I bought it). So I don't bother too much about the HD itself, but however it seems that the firewire card suffers from this : I have a lot of trouble mounting 2 disks at a time (but with all this I need to backup!). It's like the fiwewire ports (of the pci card) suffered from the same pain as the usb : one at the time! and when I finally mount both external HDs, if I unplug one (after unmounting it and switching it off) the computer freezes.
    Then one day I opened itunes, and... kernel panic...
    That was 4 days ago I think and I've had like 3-4 KP since then (one a day). These kernel panic happen just as randomly as my usb deconnexions...
    Today I tried my last chance : removing the new Hynix ram and putting back my 2 old 256 rams.
    It was ok for a pair of hours and then > mouse freeze and kernel panic again...
    I reaaally need help, I don't know what to do anymore. I've spent my last week unplugging usb plugs, opening my UC, repairing permissions etc...
    now I feel helpless...
    Here are some extracts of console logs I've had :
    some :
    May 14 22:57:42 localhost kernel: 0 0 AppleUSBCDCECMData: probe - provider doesn't want us to match
    May 14 22:57:43 localhost kernel: 0 0 AppleUSBCDCWMCData: probe - provider doesn't want us to match
    May 14 22:57:43 localhost kernel: 0 0 AppleUSBCDCACMData: probe - provider doesn't want us to match
    tons and tons (but really!!) of these :
    AppleUSBOHCI[0x1382800]::MakeDevice error setting address. err=0xe00002ed device=0x1f16000 - releasing device
    May 14 23:08:26 localhost kernel: USBF: 715.217 IOUSBDevice[0x1654000]: Error (0xe00002ed) getting device device descriptor
    May 14 23:08:26 localhost kernel: USBF: 715.248 IOUSBDevice[0x1654000]: Error (0xe00002ed) getting device device descriptor
    May 14 23:08:26 localhost kernel: USBF: 715.279
    IOUSBDevice[0x1654000]: Error (0xe00002ed) getting device device descriptor
    May 14 23:09:02 localhost kernel: USBF: 750.962 IOUSBDevice[0x13e5600]: Error (0xe00002ed) getting device device descriptor
    May 14 23:09:02 localhost kernel: USBF: 750.993 IOUSBDevice[0x13e5600]: Error (0xe00002ed) getting device device descriptor
    May 14 23:09:02 localhost kernel: USBF: 751. 24 IOUSBDevice[0x13e5600]: Error (0xe00002ed) getting device device descriptor
    May 14 23:09:02 localhost kernel: USBF: 751. 28 IOUSBDevice[0x13e5600]: Error (0xe00002ed) getting device device descriptor
    May 14 23:09:37 localhost kernel: USBF: 786. 65 IOUSBDevice[0x2056d00]: Error (0xe00002ed) getting device device descriptor
    May 14 23:09:37 localhost kernel: USBF: 786. 96 IOUSBDevice[0x2056d00]: Error (0xe00002ed) getting device device descriptor
    May 14 23:09:37 localhost kernel: USBF: 786.127 IOUSBDevice[0x2056d00]: Error (0xe00002ed) getting device device descriptor
    May 14 23:09:37 localhost kernel: USBF: 786.131 IOUSBDevice[0x2056d00]: Error (0xe00002ed) getting device device descriptor
    May 14 23:10:09 localhost kernel: USBF:
    tons on this too :
    2136.248 AppleUSBOHCI[0x127f000] Watchdog detected dead controller (hcca #: 12727, hc #: 58749)
    May 15 00:56:15 localhost kernel: USBF: 2137.248 AppleUSBOHCI[0x127f000] Watchdog detected dead controller (hcca #: 12727, hc #: 59726)
    May 15 00:56:16 localhost kernel: USBF: 2138.248 AppleUSBOHCI[0x127f000] Watchdog detected dead controller (hcca #: 12727, hc #: 60703)
    May 15 00:56:17 localhost kernel: USBF: 2139.248 AppleUSBOHCI[0x127f000] Watchdog detected dead controller (hcca #: 12727, hc #: 61680)
    May 15 00:56:18 localhost kernel: USBF: 2140.248 AppleUSBOHCI[0x127f000] Watchdog detected dead controller (hcca #: 12727, hc #: 62657)
    May 15 00:56:19 localhost kernel: USBF: 2141.248 AppleUSBOHCI[0x127f000] Watchdog detected dead controller (hcca #: 12727, hc #: 63634)
    May 15 00:56:20 localhost kernel: USBF: 2142.248 AppleUSBOHCI[0x127f000] Watchdog detected dead controller (hcca #: 12727, hc #: 64611)
    May 15 00:56:34 localhost kernel: USBF: 2156.248 AppleUSBOHCI[0x127f000] Watchdog detected dead controller (hcca #: 12727, hc #: 13052)
    May 15 00:56:35 localhost kernel: USBF: 2157.248 AppleUSBOHCI[0x127f000] Watchdog detected dead controller (hcca #: 12727, hc #: 14029)
    May 15 00:56:36 localhost kernel: USBF: 2158.272 AppleUSBOHCI[0x127f000] Watchdog detected dead controller (hcca #: 12727, hc #: 15030)
    May 15 00:56:37 localhost diskarbitrationd[87]: disk2s9 hfs 6950CF0C-02C2-3F9E-B5D5-EFC293557C95 PowerMac Software /Volumes/PowerMac Software
    May 15 00:56:37 localhost kernel: USBF: 2159.272 AppleUSBOHCI[0x127f000] Watchdog detected dead controller (hcca #: 12727, hc #: 16007)
    May 15 00:56:38 localhost kernel: USBF: 2160.272 AppleUSBOHCI[0x127f000] Watchdog detected dead controller (hcca #: 12727, hc #: 16984)
    May 15 00:56:39 localhost kernel: USBF: 2161.272 AppleUSBOHCI[0x127f000] Watchdog detected dead controller (hcca #: 12727, hc #: 17961)
    May 15 00:56:40 localhost kernel: USBF: 2162.272 AppleUSBOHCI[0x127f000] Watchdog detected dead controller (hcca #: 12727, hc #: 18938)
    May 15 00:56:41 localhost kernel: USBF: 2163.272 AppleUSBOHCI[0x127f000] Watchdog detected dead controller (hcca #: 12727, hc #: 19915)
    May 15 00:56:53 localhost syslogd: exiting on signal 15
    May 15 01:17:06 localhost syslogd: restart
    May 15 01:17:06 localhost syslogd: kernel boot file is /mach_kernel
    May 15 01:17:06 localhost kernel: standard timeslicing quantum is 10000 us
    May 15 01:17:06 localhost kernel: vmpagebootstrap: 125572 free pages
    May 15 01:17:06 localhost kernel: migtable_maxdispl = 68
    May 15 01:17:06 localhost kernel: IOKit Component Version 7.9:
    May 15 01:17:06 localhost kernel: Wed Mar 30 20:07:52 PST 2005; root(rcbuilder):RELEASE_PPC/iokit/RELEASE
    May 15 01:17:07 localhost kernel: 82 prelinked modules
    May 15 01:17:07 localhost kernel: Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993
    May 15 01:17:07 localhost kernel: The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
    May 15 01:17:07 localhost kernel:
    May 15 01:17:07 localhost kernel: using 1310 buffer headers and 1310 cluster IO buffer headers
    May 15 01:17:07 localhost kernel: Local FireWire GUID = 0x110600:0x2a1bd
    May 15 01:17:07 localhost kernel: Local FireWire GUID = 0xa95ff:0xfeef67e0
    May 15 01:17:07 localhost kernel: Security auditing service present
    May 15 01:17:07 localhost kernel: BSM auditing present
    May 15 01:17:07 localhost kernel: From path: "/pci@f4000000/ata-6@d/disk@0:10,\mach_kernel", Waiting on <dict ID="0"><key>IOPathMatch</key><string ID="1">IODeviceTree:/pci@f4000000/ata-6@d/@0:10</string></dict>
    May 15 01:17:07 localhost kernel: Got boot device = IOService:/MacRISC2PE/pci@f4000000/AppleMacRiscPCI/ata-6@D/AppleKauaiATA/ATADev iceNub@0/IOATABlockStorageDriver/IOATABlockStorageDevice/IOBlockStorageDriver/ST 380011A Media/IOApplePartitionScheme/AppleHFS_Untitled2@10
    May 15 01:17:07 localhost kernel: BSD root: disk0s10, major 14, minor 9
    May 15 01:17:07 localhost kernel: AppleCPUThermo couldn't parse platform functions
    May 15 01:17:07 localhost kernel: Jettisoning kernel linker.
    May 15 01:17:07 localhost kernel: Resetting IOCatalogue.
    May 15 01:17:07 localhost kextd[84]: registering service ""
    May 15 01:17:10 localhost kernel: Matching service count = 0
    May 15 01:17:10 localhost kernel: AppleRS232Serial: 0 0 AppleRS232Serial::start - returning false early, Connector or machine incorrect
    May 15 01:17:10 localhost kernel: rtclock timebase_callback: late old 1000000000 / 41656700 new 1000000000 / 41656251
    May 15 01:17:13 localhost SystemStarter: Bienvenue sur Macintosh.
    May 15 01:17:14 localhost kernel: UniNEnet: Ethernet address 00:0a:95:ef:67:e0
    May 15 01:17:14 localhost kernel: IOFireWireIP: FireWire address 00:11:06:00:00:02:a1:bd
    May 15 01:17:14 localhost kernel: IOFireWireIP: FireWire address 00:0a:95:ff:fe:ef:67:e0
    May 15 01:17:14 localhost lookupd[125]: lookupd (version 324.13) starting - Thu May 15 01:17:14 2008
    May 15 01:17:15 localhost ConsoleMessage: Starting Apple Multicast DNS Responder
    May 15 01:17:15 localhost ConsoleMessage: Starting timed execution services
    May 15 01:17:15 localhost ConsoleMessage: Starting SecurityServer
    May 15 01:17:15 localhost SystemStarter: D?marrage du r?pondeur DNS multi-diffusion Apple
    May 15 01:17:15 localhost SystemStarter: D?marrage des services ? ex?cution diff?r?e
    May 15 01:17:15 localhost ConsoleMessage: Starting kernel event agent
    May 15 01:17:15 localhost mDNSResponder[147]: mDNSResponder-58.8.1 (Jan 31 2005 21:11:41) starting
    May 15 01:17:15 localhost mDNSResponder[147]: SetupAddr invalid sa_family 0
    May 15 01:17:15 localhost diskarbitrationd[87]: disk0s10 hfs 3A48DD89-B2C1-3D82-A158-1469A7237FD8 Sans titre /
    May 15 01:17:15 localhost diskarbitrationd[87]: disk1s9 hfs 6950CF0C-02C2-3F9E-B5D5-EFC293557C95 PowerMac Software [not mounted]
    May 15 01:17:16 localhost SystemStarter: Starting SecurityServer
    May 15 01:17:16 localhost SystemStarter: D?marrage de l?agent d??v?nement du kernel
    May 15 01:17:16 localhost ConsoleMessage: Initializing network
    May 15 01:17:16 localhost SystemStarter: Initialisation du r?seau
    May 15 01:17:16 localhost ConsoleMessage: Checking disks
    May 15 01:17:18 localhost kernel: UniNEnet::monitorLinkStatus - Link is up at 100 Mbps - Full Duplex
    May 15 01:17:18 localhost configd[86]: executing /System/Library/SystemConfiguration/Kicker.bundle/Contents/Resources/set-hostna me
    May 15 01:17:19 localhost set-hostname[190]: setting hostname to ordi.local
    May 15 01:17:21 localhost kernel: ATY,Pheonix_A: vram [9c000000:04000000]
    May 15 01:17:21 localhost configd[86]: posting notification
    May 15 01:17:21 localhost configd[86]: executing /System/Library/SystemConfiguration/Kicker.bundle/Contents/Resources/enable-net work
    May 15 01:17:21 localhost mach_init[2]: Server 2ac7 in bootstrap d03 uid 0: "/usr/sbin/lookupd": exited as a result of signal 1 [pid 125]
    May 15 01:17:21 localhost configd[86]: executing /System/Library/SystemConfiguration/Kicker.bundle/Contents/Resources/set-hostna me
    May 15 01:17:21 localhost lookupd[195]: lookupd (version 324.13) starting - Thu May 15 01:17:21 2008
    May 15 01:17:21 localhost ConsoleMessage: Starting network time synchronization
    May 15 01:17:21 localhost set-hostname[220]: setting hostname to ordi.local
    May 15 01:17:23 localhost kernel: ATY,Pheonix_B: vram [98000000:04000000]
    May 15 01:17:23 localhost SystemStarter: The "HasShadow" window property is obsolete. Use CGSSetWindowShadowAndRimParameters(cid, wid, 0.0,0.0, 0,0, CGSNoShadowStyle) to turn off the window shadow instead. Set a break-point on CGSLogMessage to find out where this property is set.
    May 15 01:17:23 localhost ConsoleMessage: Loading Shared IP extension
    May 15 01:17:23 localhost ntpdate[239]: ntpdate [email protected] Fri Sep 12 18:30:10 PDT 2003 (1)
    May 15 01:17:24 localhost ConsoleMessage: Starting printing services
    May 15 01:17:24 localhost ntpdate[239]: step time server offset 0.090631 sec
    May 15 01:17:24 localhost ntpd[262]: ntpd [email protected] Fri Sep 12 18:30:03 PDT 2003 (1)
    May 15 01:17:24 localhost ntpd[262]: precision = 8 usec
    May 15 01:17:24 localhost ConsoleMessage: Starting network file system
    May 15 01:17:24 localhost diskarbitrationd[87]: disk2s1 msdos 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 My Book /Volumes/My Book
    May 15 01:17:24 localhost automount[288]: automount version 57
    May 15 01:17:24 localhost syslogd: /dev/console: Input/output error
    May 15 01:17:24 localhost init: kernel security level changed from 0 to 1
    May 15 01:17:24 localhost mach_init[2]: Server 0 in bootstrap d03 uid 0: "/usr/libexec/fix_prebinding": exited with non-zero status 1 [pid 301]
    May 15 01:17:24 localhost ConsoleMessage: Starting Apple File Service
    May 15 01:17:25 localhost automount[311]: automount version 57
    May 15 01:17:25 localhost ConsoleMessage: Starting Apache web server
    May 15 01:17:25 localhost /usr/sbin/AppleFileServer: Sent launch request message to DirectoryService mach_init port
    May 15 01:17:25 localhost DirectoryService[323]: Launched version 1.8.5 (v258.3)
    May 15 01:17:26 localhost ConsoleMessage: Loading IP Firewall extension
    May 15 01:17:27 localhost kernel: IP packet filtering initialized, divert enabled, rule-based forwarding enabled, default to accept, logging disabled
    May 15 01:17:27 localhost kernel: IPv6 packet filtering initialized, default to accept, logging disabled
    May 15 01:17:27 localhost kernel: IP firewall loaded
    May 15 01:17:27 localhost ConsoleMessage: Starting internet services
    May 15 01:17:27 localhost /usr/sbin/httpd: Sent launch request message to DirectoryService mach_init port
    May 15 01:17:27 localhost xinetd[351]: xinetd Version 2.3.11 started with libwrap options compiled in.
    May 15 01:17:27 localhost xinetd[351]: Started working: 2 available services
    May 15 01:17:28 localhost automount[311]: logout notification received.
    May 15 01:17:28 localhost automount[311]: requesting logout processing.
    May 15 01:17:28 localhost automount[288]: logout notification received.
    May 15 01:17:28 localhost automount[288]: requesting logout processing.
    May 15 01:17:28 localhost automount[311]: handledeferredrequests: user logged out.
    May 15 01:17:28 localhost automount[288]: handledeferredrequests: user logged out.
    May 15 01:17:29 localhost kernel: 0 0 AppleUSBCDCECMData: probe - provider doesn't want us to match
    May 15 01:17:29 localhost kernel: 0 0 AppleUSBCDCWMCData: probe - provider doesn't want us to match
    May 15 01:17:29 localhost kernel: 0 0 AppleUSBCDCACMData: probe - provider doesn't want us to match
    May 15 01:17:29 localhost kernel: InternalUSBModem::setPowerState(1)
    May 15 01:17:32 localhost TabletDriver[362]: #### GetFrontProcess failed to get front process (-600)
    May 15 01:17:51 localhost diskarbitrationd[87]: SystemUIServer [376]:21019 not responding.
    May 15 01:17:52 localhost diskarbitrationd[87]: disk1s9 hfs 6950CF0C-02C2-3F9E-B5D5-EFC293557C95 PowerMac Software /Volumes/PowerMac Software
    May 15 01:19:39 localhost kernel: resize: max chain len 22, new table size 8192
    May 15 01:27:28 localhost lookupd[195]: NetInfo connection failed for server
    May 15 02:08:31 localhost kernel: USBF: 3107.389 AppleUSBOHCI[0x1281000]::MakeDevice error setting address. err=0xe00002ed device=0x12e8300 - releasing device
    and my last panic logs
    Mon May 12 14:45:14 2008
    Unresolved kernel trap(cpu 0): 0x300 - Data access DAR=0x000000006174696F PC=0x0000000000252638
    Latest crash info for cpu 0:
    Exception state (sv=0x3B912780)
    PC=0x00252638; MSR=0x00009030; DAR=0x6174696F; DSISR=0x40000000; LR=0x0053CB20; R1=0x1C55BC50; XCP=0x0000000C (0x300 - Data access)
    0x02AB8318 0x0053CB20 0x0053BEB0 0x00540044 0x005404F4 0x0053D538 0x00035148 0x00035028
    Kernel loadable modules in backtrace (with dependencies):
    Proceeding back via exception chain:
    Exception state (sv=0x3B912780)
    previously dumped as "Latest" state. skipping...
    Exception state (sv=0x2EE6AC80)
    PC=0x00000000; MSR=0x0000D030; DAR=0x00000000; DSISR=0x00000000; LR=0x00000000; R1=0x00000000; XCP=0x00000000 (Unknown)
    Kernel version:
    Darwin Kernel Version 7.9.0:
    Wed Mar 30 20:11:17 PST 2005; root:xnu/xnu-517.12.7.obj~1/RELEASE_PPC
    panic(cpu 0): 0x300 - Data access
    Latest stack backtrace for cpu 0:
    0x00083498 0x0008397C 0x0001EDA4 0x00090C38 0x0009402C
    Proceeding back via exception chain:
    Exception state (sv=0x3B912780)
    PC=0x00252638; MSR=0x00009030; DAR=0x6174696F; DSISR=0x40000000; LR=0x0053CB20; R1=0x1C55BC50; XCP=0x0000000C (0x300 - Data access)
    0x02AB8318 0x0053CB20 0x0053BEB0 0x00540044 0x005404F4 0x0053D538 0x00035148 0x00035028
    Kernel loadable modules in backtrace (with dependencies):
    Exception state (sv=0x2EE6AC80)
    PC=0x00000000; MSR=0x0000D030; DAR=0x00000000; DSISR=0x00000000; LR=0x00000000; R1=0x00000000; XCP=0x00000000 (Unknown)
    Kernel version:
    Darwin Kernel Version 7.9.0:
    Wed Mar 30 20:11:17 PST 2005; root:xnu/xnu-517.12.7.obj~1/RELEASE_PPC
    Wed May 14 23:30:32 2008
    panic(cpu 0): Uncorrectable machine check: pc = 000000000070FE50, msr = 0000000000149030, dsisr = 42000000, dar = 00000000007D0000
    AsyncSrc = 0000000000000000, CoreFIR = 0000000000000000
    L2FIR = 0000000000000000, BusFir = 0000000000000000
    Latest stack backtrace for cpu 0:
    0x00083498 0x0008397C 0x0001EDA4 0x0009160C 0x000908F8 0x0009402C
    Proceeding back via exception chain:
    Exception state (sv=0x1FC42280)
    PC=0x0070FE50; MSR=0x00149030; DAR=0x007D0000; DSISR=0x42000000; LR=0x0070DBE4; R1=0x0CDBBD20; XCP=0x00000008 (0x200 - Machine check)
    0x0070DB8C 0x0070D808 0x00267FCC 0x00266EAC 0x00266E10
    Kernel loadable modules in backtrace (with dependencies):
    Exception state (sv=0x1F638C80)
    PC=0x00000000; MSR=0x0000D030; DAR=0x00000000; DSISR=0x00000000; LR=0x00000000; R1=0x00000000; XCP=0x00000000 (Unknown)
    Kernel version:
    Darwin Kernel Version 7.9.0:
    Wed Mar 30 20:11:17 PST 2005; root:xnu/xnu-517.12.7.obj~1/RELEASE_PPC
    Is my mac dying?? Does all this come from defectible hardware? Is reinstalling a sysem a waste of time?

    philomene251 wrote:
    Hello, and please forgive my english, I'll do my best!
    My complements on that. While I read the post quickly, it was only later that I saw you're in Paris....
    Anyway, I'm not an expert on logs (system and panic ones), but from what I can tell there is a problem with the PCI USB/Firewire card you installed. It looks like it's the USB portion of the card; those are happing at startup when I'm pretty sure there's a kind of initial checking of the PCI cards.
    May 14 22:57:42 localhost kernel: 0 0 AppleUSBCDCECMData: probe - provider doesn't want us to match
    AppleUSBOHCI0x1382800::MakeDevice error setting address. err=0xe00002ed device=0x1f16000 - releasing device
    IOUSBDevice0x1654000: Error (0xe00002ed) getting device device descriptor
    2136.248 AppleUSBOHCI0x127f000 Watchdog detected dead controller (hcca #: 12727, hc #: 58749)
    The panics show dependencies to USB and FW:
    Kernel loadable modules in backtrace (with dependencies):
    Kernel loadable modules in backtrace (with dependencies):
    The problems with the card at startup are probably creating an unstable condition, which in turn is causing kernel panics later on.
    Basic things first, whenever you change the hardware setup, e.g. RAM and adding cards, it's a really good idea to reset-PRAM. Did you do that? Try that first, it's simple and easy enough to try.
    If resetting the PRAM doesn't help, then try the new PCI card. I re-read your post a few times, but I haven't seen whether you tried removing the PCI FW/USB card to see if that helps. Try your mouse and some other devises on the native USB and FW ports. If you're stable, then it very well could be the card.
    Of course there's also the question of the RAM, which you pulled without help. Again, after any change of the hardware (adding RAM, pulling RAM, adding/pulling cards, etc.) even during testing, reset the PRAM at startup.
    With new RAM it's usually a good idea to test it, with say AHT CD or Rember. If you test, you might want to do this without the new card. It's a little tricky right now because you added 2 new pieces of HW (RAM and FW/USB card) either which or both could cause the problems you're seeing. OS X is picky about RAM, and the MDDs in particular are extremely picky about RAM as far as Apple HW is concerned.
    Lots of kernel panics can eventually cause damage to the OS X installation. So in the end, it may be worth re-installing. But, before you take that route. Try the simple things like removing the PCI FW/USB card & testing, and testing the RAM. Take it one step at a time.

  • Firewire Issues Caused By Apple Isight!

    For months, I've been having an intermittent Firewire audio problem, which I initially thought was A) Quad G5 or B) RME Fireface 800!
    Testing the RME on another Quad G5 resulted in no errors, though for piece of mind a replacement RME was given! Back home the same intermittent problems occurred, it had to be the Quad G5???
    Livid, this time I persisted on Google searching for FW issues, (a few hours later) to my amazement I came across an article on MacFixIt, that pointed the finger to Apple's own iSight FW camera, which I had connected!
    The transcript below explains how to resolve this problem, it worked for me!
    Mini-Tutorial: Dealing with FireWire problems (drives not mounting, devices unrecognized, etc.)
    As an Apple-invented technology, FireWire (IEEE 1394a and IEEE 1394b) should be (and usually is) one of the most solid and efficient means for interfacing with external peripherals. Indeed Apple's "i"-branded devices -- the iPod and iSight -- have, in large part, been made possible by the quick transfer rates, power sourcing, and hot pluggability offered by FireWire.
    Occasionally, however, conflicts between FireWire-connected devices arise and can result in a variety of issues including DV cameras dropping frames, FireWire drives not mounting, and erratic behavior from the iPod (disappearing from iTunes, etc.). In the midst of these issues, you might also experience "buffer underrun" errors when trying to burn CDs or DVDs with FireWire-connected recorders.
    The iSight is especially notorious for causing issues of this nature, and exhibiting symptoms.
    There exist a number of methods for dealing with FireWire device interference, a few of which are explored here.
    Switching Ports The first procedure you should try when experiencing a problem that you believe to be caused by device interference is to simply reconfigure the arrangement in which your FireWire peripherals are connected.
    Try switching each device to a different port, or temporarily disconnecting one or more of the devices. In particular, if you are a PowerMac G5 owner, trying switching devices from the front to back ports or vice versa.
    Adding an external hub In some cases, it appears that FireWire devices are not drawing enough power from the computer. This can cause a sundry of strange issues, including apparent conflicts between devices and unexpected power-offs during device operation. In these instances, adding an externally powered FireWire hub can clear things up.
    One of the reasons an "under-powered" situation can occur is that different Mac models have varying power capacities available through their FireWire ports.
    PowerBooks and iBooks have the least, generating around 7 watts. The iMac G5 also generates a relatively low amount of FireWire power, sharing 8 watts between its two FireWire 400 ports.
    The Power Mac G5 shares 15 watts between its one FireWire 800 port and two FireWire 400 ports.
    Place devices on different FireWire busses/Isolate the iSight Similar to the above procedure, adding another FireWire bridge -- via an extra PCI-based FireWire adapter or another means -- can eliminate conflicts from devices that reside on the same bridge.
    Power cycling the system Simply cycling the power on your system may be enough to temporarily eliminate a few FireWire conflict issues.
    Shut down your Mac, and disconnect all FireWire devices as well as the computer's power cord. Leave the system off for about 10 minutes, then plug it back in. First turn your Mac back on, then re-attach the FireWire devices one at a time and check for the conflict to resurface.
    Disconnect the iSight As noted above, the most common cause of interference is Apple's own iSight. In case after case, simply disconnecting this single device has eliminated problems with other FireWire devices.
    Disconnecting the iSight has proved particularly successful for an issue where the iPod disappears from the Desktop and from the iTunes playlist, while the iPod status screen cycles from the Apple logo to a "Do not Disconnect" message over and over.
    The exact reasons why the iSight causes more than its fair share conflicts with other FireWire devices are many, and sometimes unclear. One potential source of conflict, however, could be the unit's high bandwidth usage.
    The iSight captures video at a 640 x 480 pixel resolution, at 30 frames per second in millions of colors. Such throughput uses a significant chunk of the standard FireWire port's 400 Mbps bandwidth. As such, when other devices are connected, the bandwidth requirements for satisfactory performance may not be met.
    Apply the latest updates Make sure that your FireWire drives are using the latest firmware (check the manufacturers' Web site) and the most recent iPod update has also been applied.
    Of higher importance, if you have an iSight, is the iSight 1.0.2 updater. In a large number of cases it has resolved conflicts caused by the camera.
    Re-apply the most recent Mac OS X combo updater In some cases, re-applying the most recent combo updater can resurrect seemingly defunct FireWire ports and allow devices -- drives included -- to be recognized again.
    The most recent combo updater is available from Apple's download page.
    Clear caches Try using a tool like Tiger Cache Cleaner or Cocktail to remove potentially corrupt system caches. Restart, then check if your FireWire devices are recognized.
    Ps. There was no iSight connected when testing the RME on another Quad!
    Power Mac G5 Quad 2.5 GHz   Mac OS X (10.4.4)   2x 2.5 GB HD, 2.5 GB RAM, iSight, iPod, RME Fireface 800 Audio Interface


  • FCP Memory issue on a new MBP

    I just bought a new 17" macbook pro with 4gb of ram. It's only a few days old. I'm having an issue with final cut pro 6 while trying to render or compress a file. Over the course of a few minutes, It transfers all of my memory from free to inactive memory and then either crashes or gives me an out of memory error. Meanwhile only a small portion is actually active. The same thing happens when I export using compressor.
    I tried compresing the same exact file on my old powerbook G4 that has 1.5ghz of ram and it processes fine with plenty of free memory left over.
    I have absolutely no clue what's causing this. I've adjusted the preferences, deleted them, deleted render files, ran FCP rescue, and nothings having an effect.
    I don't think anything is wrong with the ram, because every other program works great.
    Has anyone heard of this problem before? Any advice to what can be causing the problem? Please help!!

    If you don't feel comfortable with this process, Brian's advice seems the best way to go.
    That's exactly why I suggested it. Swapping RAM sticks in a MBP is a little bit tricky. I'm experienced at all that stuff, but the first time I did it on a MBP, I was a bit nervous.
    And if you don't practice safe static control, you could do harm to the good sticks as well. (And you might never know you did it, as it doesn't always show up right away.)

  • Firewire issues with DV camera

    When connecting a Samsung VP-D305i mini DV camera to the firewire port (4pin to 6pin cable) Mac OS fails to recognise it.
    I know this is an issue that has been covered in this forum a few times, but none of the answers seem to work for me. Furthermore rather than get the "unable to list firewire devices" in system profiler, system profiler displays it as unknown device. The following is given as the detail:
    Manufacturer: 0xF0
    Model: Unknown
    GUID: 0xF000084139E5
    Maximum Speed: Up to 400 Mb/sec
    Connection Speed: Up to 400 Mb/sec
    Unknown Unit:
    Unit Software Version: 0x10001
    Unit Spec ID: 0xA02D
    Final Cut Pro and iMovie both fail to work with the device, however they do recognise that a camera has been plugged in. My MacBook Pro has the Texas Instruments Firewire chipset, is this not supposed to be the more reliable chipset?
    Flushing the SRAM doesn't work, I've formatted reinstalled Mac OS X, didn't work. The DV camera works fine through the same cable on my sister's MacBook. Furthermore, the DV port works 100% fine when booting my MacBook Pro, using Bootcamp, in XP. This port did work, I've used it before with iMovie in November last year. (with Bootcamp and Windows installed). Does anyone else know anything that may help?

    Is the sound mixer physically connected to the mac via firewire? Maybe just unplugging it will help; there is only one firewire bus, and sometimes the capturing you are trying to capture from needs to be the only device connected.

Maybe you are looking for