Suggestions before I buy new Macbook - to check, bargain, confirm ?

Hi All
After doing my research and comparisons on Macbook vs Macbook Air I have finally made up my mind about going for a White Macbook 2.2 Ghz, from apple store in Manchester.
Just wanted to check if any one has any suggestions/advice before I do collect it from the store like freebies (.mac account ???) , checks, missing stuff etc ?
Also, going through these forums I am pretty convinced I should upgrade it to 2/2.5 GB on my own. Anyone who would suggest against this ?

I'll just state my experience (all prices are in US Dollars). I bought an 12" iBook G3 600 20GB HD w/ combo-drive in early 2002 for $1500. I later saw that by the end of the year, the upgraded G3 800 (w/ combo-drive) was $1299 with a 30GB drive and several upgraded features. I don't think will happen any time soon, but sometimes the prices do get a little downward adjustment.
I don't know where to find a bargain per se. I know of a few local retailers that don't discount but throw in extras like a bag and/or extra memory. My last two Apple purchases were from, and both came with rebates, but that's US only.
Also - I wasn't sure exactly which "Manchester", although I was guessing the largest one. You might be better off getting one at your local Apple Store.

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    We can't advise you unless you tell us what your going to use it for and if you have enough money to afford one and the higher cycle of software purchases as OS X gets updated annually now.
    If your a struggling student and can't afford to buy a new Mac every year, or two or your working closely with other Windows users and third party specialized hardware, or if your college course requires PC's, or if your place of work is using all PC's and you using a Mac would make you stick out or not get hired, if your IT department won't support Mac's, or if your a 3D gamer, or if you live in a high crime area, or your very rough with computers, or you live in a area with high temperatures or extreme cold, or the closest Apple Support of any kind is more than your willing to commute to get there, or you need to use a wide range of software, then these are all valid reasons not to get a Mac.
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    Otherwise under the hood a Mac and a PC are basically the same machines, with the same processors, video cards, storage drives, RAM etc.
    As a Mac user, your likely going to have to install Windows regardless in order to keep your skills up in that area, if you don't then it makes you less skilled and desirable as a employee. So you really need to run both Windows AND OS X on a Mac, which is more complicated and costly.
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    And BTW, experienced computer users opt for anti-glare screens on laptops because one can't always control the lighting, windows etc. everywhere they go, to reduce the reflections on the glossy screens which then one can't see what they are doing on them.
    Apple is working on making reduced glare glossy screens, the iMac has 75% reduced glare, it's a start anyway.

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    We don't know. We have no more insight into Apple's plans for 2015 than you do. Making your decisions for you is not the purpose of these forums, so please do your own research and make your own decisions. If you have a technical problem with an Apple product then that is a proper use of these forums.
    Apple Support Communities - Terms of Use

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    While the loss of FW is a heartbreak, the LM vs 2.4ghz on MacBook is a tough call.
    The 2.4 Macbook with 4gb of ram will surely trump the LM, but what you sacrifice always is horsepower that can be allocated to other things.
    Were it me? I would go for the MacBook and box the LM until such a time a Mac Pro or iMac become a reality for you. As much as we would all like to have it all, Apple has made it difficult for us.
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    Just my 2.

  • Questions about buying new Macbook

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    4) Can I buy the $29 Apple iPod Earphones to plug into the Macbook?
    5) Is iKlear really safe to use on screens? (I've always used water on my iBook, not very effective.)

    You'll see a big difference switching from iBook to MacBook.
    Unless you need the Superdrive, get the cheapest MB with a CD drive or for more money saving buy a refurbished from the online store. Adding RAM and changing the hard drive is easy to do in the MB if you need to do it later.
    Applecare is only two years added to the original one year. You seemed to do fine without it for a number of years on the iBook so why worry about it. Applecare does not cover user inflicted damage, just manufacturing faults.
    I have a new Penryn MB which does not seem to have any heat problem but I still use an incline base under it for the typing angle. I sometimes pressure the MB with PS, video, burning and such but no problems.
    With the world aflame with iPods and other MP3 players, you can get a wide selection of earphones at most computer/electronic stores. I like the in-ear type which makes the music sound like it is in the middle of my brain instead of coming from the outside.
    iKlear is recommended by Apple but I find it streaky. I use a moist cloth, don't touch the screen and keep my hands clean when using the computer.

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    Poikkeus wrote:
    1. Your MBP will be somewhat slower than your iMac, as reflected in the general speed; desktop Macs have more RAM and storage.
    You recon? If he get's the 17", he would have up to 8x more RAM, 4 x more GPU,, and  a bit faster CPU;.
    2. Be aware of the advantages and disadvantages of extra RAM. Loading up the slot will make juggling multiple applications easier, like Photoshop, VLC, and Safari. However, more than 4gigs of RAM will make loading your MBP on startup twice as slow - at least a minute, probably longer. That's why a MBP user with extra RAM should sleep their machine nearly always when not in use, rather than powering off. 
    I did not know this, I just upgraded from 4gb to 8gb the other day. Have not noticed it being slower, but I don't often shut it down. It's nice to not even have to bother with ifreemem.
    3. Additional storage and RAM will maximize the basic capabilities of your MBP, but you won't be able to make a 2.3ghz machine any faster than it already is.
    4. I still feel that your iMac will be faster than your prospective MBP. The only way to dramatically increase the speed would be the installation of a SSD drive (like the lauded OWC series). But they're not cheap.
    I don't want to rain on your parade, but want you to get a more realistic idea of your performance.
    I chose a macbook pro, 17" of cause. I use it for gaming. Yes a iMac is better for gaming. But, it's nice to be able to move around. Set up a man cave in the lounge 1 week, or in the bedroom, the next. But you fork out a lot more dosh for that luxury. And yes, not as much power as Poikkeus has said.

  • Buying New Macbook

    I would like to Buy a New Macbook, is anyone help me to choose which one is good to buy, white one or the new that recently came to market

    Unless you really have to have the shiny Black glass model (which does look pretty awesome and has the light-up keys in the dark!), I see no reason to spend more on it instead of getting the classic White MacBook. There just doesn't seem to be that big of a difference to me in functionality for most users, except for looks and a big bad difference in price!
    I do wonder if anyone has an opinion on whether the glass screen of the new model is easier to clean than the White MacBooks? I would be a little nervous touting glass around with me in my bag, but that may be false alarm.
    Here is my experience with the early 2009 White MacBook and a refurbished early 2008 White MacBook:
    I just picked out a new early 2009 White MacBook for my sister, and we are very happy with its performance. My sis runs Photoshop Elements on it to do graphics, loads graphic heavy websites and flash sites, watches and downloads tons of video and images, and she hasn't had any issues yet. The computer is fast and hasn't had any bugs or errors. Just the other day she was editing a movie she and classmates made in iMovie. The white MacBook has plenty of room and capability for everything she needs (and she is a downloader!), and the decision should be about what you need.
    I use a refurbished early 2008 White MacBook, and it is great! I use it for all the same things as my sis on her newer model, with no complaints except that the fan annoys me a bit on some game websites (but I installed a fan controller that helps). It is indistinguishable from the 2009 White MacBook, except for these three details:
    • It runs a tad bit slower and the fan kicks on more often, but not a big deal. This is because the 2008 model has only 1 GB of memory vs. 2009's 2 GB.
    • Soon after I got my refurbished MacBook, I did have to send it to Apple once for repair (on AppleCare's dime) when the display went haywire, I think likely a result of the computer being refurbished. They returned it quickly and it's been perfect ever since.
    • My computer, like many others, did get the mysterious "freeze-on-sleep" bug after upgrading to 10.5.7 -- easily fixed by adding the Ethernet option in Networks -- while the 2009 White MacBook did not.
    I hope this is helpful!
    Message was edited by: Jae B

  • About buying new macbook

    I am in the process of buying a new macbook and was wondering if it is posible to buy 2 macbooks under the student discount if one is referbished and one is new

    Hi there,
    I am also a student and looking to buy a macbook soon. From what I understand, purchases are limited per school year. I looked through the terms and could only find this:
    Faculty, Staff and Students purchasing from the Apple Store for Education Individuals will be allowed to purchase the following quantities of product per academic school year:
    1. Desktop: One (1) may be purchased per academic year
    2. Mac mini: One (1) may be purchased per academic year
    3. Notebook: One (1) may be purchased per academic year
    4. Display: A maximum of two (2) may be purchased per academic year
    5. Software: A maximum of two (2) per software title may be purchased per academic year
    6. Apple TV: There is no limit on the quantity of Apple TV purchases per academic year
    7. iPod: There is no limit on the quantity of iPod purchases per academic year
    I believe refurbished items do not get further discounts, as they are already marked down. Hope this helps.

  • Buy new MacBook or stay by my Powerbook

    What will be the better choice?
    Stay by my Powerbook 12" 1.5Ghz 1,25GB Ram, or sell my Powerbook and buy a
    MacBook 13" 1,8Ghz 1GB Ram.
    Thanks Martin

    well martin. not really enough info there for any useful advice to be given, at least not from me. are you achieving everything you need to do in logic with the powerbook? are there reasons why you could use a machine that is more like a desktop dual G5 in performance? what plug ins do you depend on for day to day use? if something you need is not available yet as a UB, then you'll be cursing every day that passes till it's released. do you have the time to change over to a new system? are you in a break between important projects, so that you'll have the time to deal with any problems that might come up in getting it running? can you risk getting a new machine and totally getting rid of your old one -- there's always a risk that there will be a hardware problem with a new machine you buy, which could mean lengthy delays sending it back to be repaired or replaced.. what would you do to work in the meantime?
    personally I would move on to a macbook or macbook pro, but I say personally because I can use the extra power for what I need to do. also, I kept my PB 12" and still have the G5 based logic setup, so it was pretty much a zero risk purchase for me.
    elaborate on what you need. then people can advise.

  • Repair or buy new macbook?

    I spilled a cup of tea on my 2009 aluminum macbook. They say it'll cost 775 to repair it. I could buy 1,000 for a new one. I'm leaning toward repair since I like my computer but is there a reason to buy a new one? Has it improved much since 2009?

    Hi Judy,
    Sorry to hear about your coffee spill. One thing to consider if you go the route of a new machine is that you'd get a one year limited warranty with the option to buy the AppleCare Protection Plan for the machine. If you go the $775 route you'd only get a 90-day limited warranty and you're out of AppleCare Protection range unless the machine already has it.
    Let's talk differences:
    If you have the 2.4GHz model, there's no improvement with the newer MacBook. It uses the same CPU, Cache and System Bus speed.
    It does not have an illuminated keyboard, again if you have the 2.4GHz model
    The new MacBook would come with Snow Leopard and iLife '11, your machine came with Leopard and most likely iLife '08.
    Both can run up to 8GB of RAM (Apple only officially supports up to 4GB)
    The new MacBook has a newer GPU (320M vs 9400M) and while the newer one does benchmark higher (and thus on paper is better) unless you're gaming or rendering a lot of 3D images you won't see a difference.
    The new MacBook does not have an IR port if you wanted to use the remote
    The new MacBook has a much stronger battery (63.5 watt hour vs. 45 watt hour). As such Apple is saying you should be able to get double the run time off a full charge with the newer MacBook than your currently battery. But obviously, your mileage will vary.
    So much improved? Not really. But it's important to consider what I mentioned earlier about the warranty/AppleCare Protection situation.

  • Before purchasing the new macbook 2.0, a simple quastion.

    As I went over the technical aspects of the new macbook 2.0 13.3/ MACBOOK pro
    I have noticed that the macbook 13.3 doesnt support esata or firewire connections
    while the macbook pro does (firewire), why so?
    What if I wish to buy an external fast-safe-data hard drive connection, like the "WD studion book with" firewire\esata?

    hmmm, well ive got a problem.
    you see, im living in israel, the new macbook costs about 7100nis = 1800$
    while the new macbookPRO costs 11,000nis= 2900$
    I cant afford myself such an expense, after all.
    From your experience is it possible to watch a movie (with no lags) or listen to mp3 files while their physical position located in the ext' hard disk with usb port?
    And how about PSD\Flash or other adobe format files?
    Message was edited by: mrt4ever

  • Little off-topic: Should I wait with buying new MacBook?

    As U C I'm typing this on a PC. I would like to buy a MacBook, but I'm not sure if it's the right time.
    A Leopard is expected to arrive in October and maybe an iLife '08 will be included with MacBooks. On other hand I can get a MacBook 10% cheaper now. Don't know what to choose...
    I've heard rumors of a new MacBooks coming late '07. How sure is that? Is it worth to wait even longer?

    Nobody here can answer that question for you, as your computing needs and budget are different than everyone else's. If you need a computer now then buy, otherwise if you keep waiting for the next best thing, you'll always be waiting.
    *"I've heard rumors of a new MacBooks coming late '07. How sure is that? "*
    Sorry, but nobody here can answer that question either as Apple does not discuss unannounced products, and discussion of such rumors is a violation of the terms of use of these forums.

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