Sun.util.calendar.ZoneInfo error

I am getting the following error when I try to run a servlet that is supposed to get the current time and convert it automatically to GMT.
Error invoking servlet
Here is the code:
java.util.Date today;
String result;
SimpleTimeZone tz = (SimpleTimeZone)TimeZone.getTimeZone("EST");
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
int offset = -5;
if (tz.useDaylightTime() && (tz.inDaylightTime(cal.getTime())))
offset = -4;
tz = new SimpleTimeZone(offset, "GMT");
DateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmss z");
today = new java.util.Date();
result = formatter.format(today);
Any help would be much appreciated.

Don't use the sun.* classes, use the Calendar and related classes for this.

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    I was wondering whether this value could be cached somewhere or passed into the GregorianCalendar operations. Since I'm running on an application server, the time zone is not going to change during the application's runtime, so it should be able to cache all zone-related information.
    Does anyone know how to prevent this method from being called with each operation? It seems like it should be cached.

    bumping this up....
    I'm surprised nobody else has encountered this. If you use a lot of calendar objects, this actually can become a bottleneck.
    It seems like this could and should be cached if it's called with the default Locale setting.

  • Java.util.Calendar returning wrong Date object

    Example: This was my scenario last night. A server in California has date/time of 'Mon Aug 18'. Current time in Indiana is 'Sun Aug 17'. I use Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone("America/Indiana/Indianapolis")) to return a Calendar instance. I then call the getTime() method on that instance. It should return a Date object relating to that particular time zone. It will not. It defaults back to the server time. When I print out the Calendar instance everything is good, correct date, correct time,etc. WHY WON'T THE getTime() return the correct java.util.Date???
    Following is the output was run today so the dates happened to be the same so focus on the Time. Output includes Server time, new Calendar values, and the Date returned by calendar instance getTime(). See that the Calendar is getting the correct Time.
    SERVER DATE=Mon Aug 18 15:52:13 CEST 2003
    CALENDAR INSTANCE=java.util.GregorianCalendar[time=1061214732975,areFieldsSet=true,areAllFieldsSet=true,lenient=true,zone=sun.util.calendar.ZoneInfo[id="America/Indiana/Indianapolis",offset=-18000000,dstSavings=0,useDaylight=false,transitions=35,lastRule=null],firstDayOfWeek=2,minimalDaysInFirstWeek=1,ERA=1,YEAR=2003,MONTH=7,WEEK_OF_YEAR=34,WEEK_OF_MONTH=4,DAY_OF_MONTH=18,DAY_OF_YEAR=230,DAY_OF_WEEK=2,DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH=3,AM_PM=0,HOUR=8,HOUR_OF_DAY=8,MINUTE=52,SECOND=12,MILLISECOND=975,ZONE_OFFSET=-18000000,DST_OFFSET=0]
    Date from getTime()=Mon Aug 18 15:52:12 CEST 2003

    I got it worked with using DateFormat.parse !
    The trick is to instantiate a new Date object as a result
    of parsing out of 'localized' date string.
    with below code :
    Calendar localCal = new GregorianCalendar(TimeZone.getTimeZone("America/Los_Angeles"));
    localCal.set(Calendar.DATE, 25);
    localCal.set(Calendar.MONTH, 7);
    localCal.set(Calendar.YEAR, 2003);
    localCal.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 38);
    localCal.set(Calendar.SECOND, 11);
    Calendar sinCal = new GregorianCalendar(TimeZone.getTimeZone("Asia/Singapore"));
    int date = sinCal.get(Calendar.DATE);
    int month = sinCal.get(Calendar.MONTH);
    int year = sinCal.get(Calendar.YEAR);
    int hour = sinCal.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);
    int min = sinCal.get(Calendar.MINUTE);
    int sec = sinCal.get(Calendar.SECOND);
    String sinTimeString = date + "/" + month + "/" + year + " " + hour + ":" + min + ":" + sec;
    System.out.println("VIDSUtil.hostToLocalTime : time string now in SIN time : " + sinTimeString);
    java.util.Date sinTime = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss").parse(sinTimeString);
    System.out.println("time in SIN using Date.toString(): " + sinTime.toString());
    It prints out :
    VIDSUtil.hostToLocalTime : time string now in SIN time : 25/7/2003 21:38:11
    time in SIN using Date.toString(): Fri Jul 25 21:38:11 PDT 2003
    (Ignore the PDT, because Date.toString() defaults where the JVM is running)

  • Ktoolbar does not recognize "java.util.Calendar"

    Although says that java.util.Calendar is supported, ktoolbar errors out with
    error: Found unknown simple type: java.util.Calendar
    What's wrong? WSDL not compatible with Java ME?
    any help/hint is very much appreciated,
    regards Florian

    To be honest, I am a bit lost.
    I am beginning / trying to develop a mobile app using WTK / Java ME which uses a web service; the WSDL is here:
    Running ktoolbar's stub generator with a local copy of this file, I get the error above, but with a simple MIDlet which just says "Hi", everything builds and runs fine.
    Funny thing, at least for me - or make that "irritating":
    There is no "Stub" in the generated files. The one class which at least extends "java.rmi.Remote" is "MainSoapPort", but that is only an interface.
    But in all tutorials/docs so far I find these Stub-classes to instantiate the service!
    I guess I am doing something fundamentally wrong.
    Any advice/hint/help/link?
    It's very much appreciated (as I'm lost atm)

  • Java.sql.Date vs java.util.Date vs. java.util.Calendar

    All I want to do is create a java.sql.Date subclass which has the Date(String) constructor, some checks for values and a few other additional methods and that avoids deprecation warnings/errors.
    I am trying to write a wrapper for the java.sql.Date class that would allow a user to create a Date object using the methods:
    Date date1 = new Date(2003, 10, 7);ORDate date2 = new Date("2003-10-07");I am creating classes that mimic MySQL (and eventually other databases) column types in order to allow for data checking since MySQL does not force checks or throw errors as, say, Oracle can be set up to do. All the types EXCEPT the Date, Datetime, Timestamp and Time types for MySQL map nicely to and from java.sql.* objects through wrappers of one sort or another.
    Unfortunately, java.sql.Date, java.sql.Timestamp, java.sql.Time are not so friendly and very confusing.
    One of my problems is that new java.sql.Date(int,int,int); and new java.util.Date(int,int,int); are both deprecated, so if I use them, I get deprecation warnings (errors) on compile.
    public class Date extends java.sql.Date implements RangedColumn {
      public static final String RANGE = "FROM '1000-01-01' to '8099-12-31'";
      public static final String TYPE = "DATE";
       * Minimum date allowed by <strong>MySQL</strong>. NOTE: This is a MySQL
       * limitation. Java allows dates from '0000-01-01' while MySQL only supports
       * dates from '1000-01-01'.
      public static final Date MIN_DATE = new Date(1000 + 1900,1,1);
       * Maximum date allowed by <strong>Java</strong>. NOTE: This is a Java limitation, not a MySQL
       * limitation. MySQL allows dates up to '9999-12-31' while Java only supports
       * dates to '8099-12-31'.
      public static final Date MAX_DATE = new Date(8099 + 1900,12,31);
      protected int _precision = 0;
      private java.sql.Date _date = null;
      public Date(int year, int month, int date) {
        // Deprecated, so I get deprecation warnings from the next line:
        if(! isWithinRange(this))
          throw new ValueOutOfRangeException((RangedColumn)this, "" + this);
      public Date(String s) {
        // Start Cut-and-paste from java.sql.Date.valueOf(String s)
        int year;
        int month;
        int day;
        int firstDash;
        int secondDash;
        if (s == null) throw new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException();
        firstDash = s.indexOf('-');
        secondDash = s.indexOf('-', firstDash+1);
        if ((firstDash > 0) & (secondDash > 0) & (secondDash < s.length()-1)) {
          year = Integer.parseInt(s.substring(0, firstDash)) - 1900;
          month = Integer.parseInt(s.substring(firstDash+1, secondDash)) - 1;
          day = Integer.parseInt(s.substring(secondDash+1));
        } else {
          throw new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException();
        // End Cut-and-paste from java.sql.Date.valueOf(String s)
        // Next three lines are deprecated, causing warnings.
        if(! isWithinRange(this))
          throw new ValueOutOfRangeException((RangedColumn)this, "" + this);
      public static boolean isWithinRange(Date date) {
          return false;
          return false;
        return true;
      public String getRange() { return RANGE; }
      public int getPrecision() { return _precision; }
      public String getType() { return TYPE; }
    }This works well, but it's deprecated. I don't see how I can use a java.util.Calendar object in stead without either essentially re-writing java.sql.Date almost entirely or losing the ability to be able to use java.sql.PreparedStatement.get[set]Date(int pos, java.sql.Date date);
    So at this point, I am at a loss.
    The deprecation documentation for constructor new Date(int,int,int)says "instead use the constructor Date(long date)", which I can't do unless I do a bunch of expensive String -> [Calendar/Date] -> Milliseconds conversions, and then I can't use "super()", so I'm back to re-writing the class again.
    I can't use setters like java.sql.Date.setYear(int) or java.util.setMonth(int) because they are deprecated too: "replaced by Calendar.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, int date)". Well GREAT, I can't go from a Date object to a Calendar object, so how am I supposed to use the "Calendar.set(...)" method!?!? From where I'm sitting, this whole Date deprecation thing seems like a step backward not forward, especially in the java.sql.* realm.
    To prove my point, the non-deprecated method java.sql.Date.valueOf(String) USES the DEPRECATED constructor java.util.Date(int,int,int).
    So, how do I create a java.sql.Date subclass which has the Date(String) constructor that avoids deprecation warnings/errors?
    That's all I really want.

    I appreciate your help, but what I was hoping to accomplish was to have two constructors for my java.sql.Date subclass, one that took (int,int,int) and one that took ("yyyy-MM-dd"). From what I gather from your answers, you don't think it's possible. I would have to have a static instantiator method like:public static java.sql.Date createDate (int year, int month, int date) { ... } OR public static java.sql.Date createDate (String dateString) { ... }Is that correct?
    If it is, I have to go back to the drawing board since it breaks my constructor paradigm for all of my 20 or so other MySQL column objects and, well, that's not acceptable, so I might just keep my deprecations for now.

  • error in opening zip file

    Hello all,
    We are using Sun Java System web server 6.1 SP2. When I tried to deploy an application, I received this message: "Posted content length of --- exceeds limit of --- " the -dashes are the size of the file actually.
    I then added an init-param to the web.xml specifying the maximum size.
    After doing that, I tried to deploy the war file using administration interface, but received a network tcp/ip error. I then deployed it using command line wdeploy command. It worked but the web server won't start up after the deployment. The following error messages are found in the log file. Any thoughts as to whats wrong here? Is there a bug in SP2?
    [22/Sep/2006:17:30:44] finer ( 5668): ContextConfig[search]: URI='/search', ResourcePath='/WEB-INF/sun-web-search.tld' [22/Sep/2006:17:30:44] finer ( 5668): ContextConfig[search]:
    tldConfigJar(/WEB-INF/sun-web-search.tld): error in opening zip file
    [22/Sep/2006:17:30:44] finer ( 5668): ContextConfig[search]: URI='/jstl-fmt', ResourcePath='/WEB-INF/fmt.tld' [22/Sep/2006:17:30:44] finer ( 5668): ContextConfig[search]: tldConfigJar(/WEB-INF/fmt.tld): error in opening zip file
    [22/Sep/2006:17:30:48] failure ( 5668): CORE4007: Internal error: Unexpected Java exception thrown (java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/xml/sax/ext/Attributes2, org/xml/sax/ext/Attributes2), stack: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/xml/sax/ext/Attributes2 at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass0(Native Method) at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass( at at org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader.findClassInternal( at org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader.findClass( at org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader.loadClass( at org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader.loadClass( at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal( at org.apache.xerces.parsers.AbstractSAXParser.<init>(Unknown Source) at org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser.<init>(Unknown Source) at org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser.<init>(Unknown Source) at org.apache.xerces.jaxp.SAXParserImpl$JAXPSAXParser.<init>(Unknown Source) at org.apache.xerces.jaxp.SAXParserImpl.<init>(Unknown Source) at org.apache.xerces.jaxp.SAXParserFactoryImpl.newSAXParser(Unknown Source) at org.apache.catalina.util.xml.XmlMapper.readXml( at org.apache.catalina.startup.ContextConfig.defaultConfig( at org.apache.catalina.startup.ContextConfig.start( at org.apache.catalina.startup.ContextConfig.lifecycleEvent( at org.apache.catalina.util.LifecycleSupport.fireLifecycleEvent( at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.start( at com.iplanet.ias.web.WebModule.start( at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.start( at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHost.start( at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.start( at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine.start( at org.apache.catalina.startup.Embedded.start( at com.iplanet.ias.web.WebContainer.start( at com.iplanet.ias.web.WebContainer.startInstance( at com.iplanet.ias.server.J2EERunner.confPostInit( [22/Sep/2006:17:30:48] failure ( 5668): CORE3186: Failed to set configuration

    ooks like you are running into bug: 4719677
    When you deploy a web application using the Administration Server from a
    remote machine, the maximum upload size by default is 10 MB. This can be
    changed by editing the
    install-root/bin/https/webapps/instance-app/WEB-INF/web.xml file. In the
    servlet webappdeploy, insert an init param named maxUploadSize with a
    value in bytes specifying the maximum upload size. Example:

  • Web Service Model transforms dateTime elements to java.util.Calendar

    The issue is that my EJB returns a java.util.Date object, the WS that exposes this EJB states in the wsdl that it returns a dateTime element (see attachment). Web Dynpro web-service model, when given the wsdl generates proxies that receive a java.util.Calendar. Later this Calendar object can’t be bound to UI elements (e.g. tables) see error below.
    Has anybody encountered this problem in the past? Do you have a solution, besides manually transferring the java.util.Calendar objects to java.util.Date object?

    Hi Valery,
    I tried changing my return type in a method in the EJB from java.util.Date to java.sql.Date, the problem that I ran into is that I was not able to expose that method in the web service afterwards. This is a bit strange since java.sql.Date is suppose to be supported as a web service Endpoint. I checked this twice just to make sure.

  • OC4J startup failed: error in opening zip file

    I am getting the following error. Can someone help me on how to fix this issue?
    E:\oracle\product\oas\\j2ee\home>java -jar oc4j.jar
    OC4J startup failed
    org.xml.sax.SAXException: META-INF/boot.xml in E:\oracle\product\oas\\j2
    ee\home\oc4j.jar, line 466: Could not process 'external-classes' for /E:/oracle/
    product/oas/ (from <code-source> in META
    -INF/boot.xml in E:\oracle\product\oas\\j2ee\home\oc4j.jar): caught java error in opening zip file.
    at oracle.classloader.util.XMLConfiguration.registerExternalsFromPackage
    at oracle.classloader.util.XMLConfiguration.registerExternalsForPostProc
    at oracle.classloader.util.XMLConfiguration.endElement(XMLConfiguration.
    at oracle.classloader.util.XMLConfiguration.configureLoaders(XMLConfigur
    at oracle.classloader.util.InitialLoadersFactory.populateLoaders(Initial
    at oracle.classloader.util.InitialLoadersFactory.initLoaders(InitialLoad
    at oracle.classloader.util.InitialLoadersFactory.create(InitialLoadersFa
    at oracle.oc4j.loader.boot.BootStrap.main(

    Sorry for the delay, i can't attach it so i'll just post it
    Logname: root
    Monday February 23 14:29:15 GMT 2009
    smpatch settings:
    smpatch analyze:
    Sun UC patch revision:
    Solaris release:
    Solaris 9 s9_58shwpl3 SPARC
    Copyright 2002 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    Use is subject to license terms.
    Assembled 15 April 2002
    Solaris Kernel: Generic_112233-05
    Machine Type: sun4u
    Platform: SUNW,Sun-Fire
    Java -version:
    Unrecognized option: -version:1.5+
    Could not create the Java virtual machine.
    Software Cluster:
    All ccr properties:
    Sun UC package status:
    SUNWbreg not installed
    SUNWccccr not installed
    SUNWccccrr not installed
    SUNWccsign not installed
    SUNWcsmauth not installed
    SUNWppro-plugin-sunos-base not installed
    SUNWppror not installed
    SUNWpprou not installed
    SUNWupdatemgrr not installed
    SUNWupdatemgru not installed

  • Calendar webserver error

    Hi, we're using SUN-ONE Calendar server 6.0.
    In the file /var/opt/SUNWics5/logs/http.log there are a lot of error like this:
    cshttpd[XXXX]: Network Warning: Unable to accept client connection: Software caused connection abort
    What does it means ?

    What with :
    logfile.loglevel = "Debug"
    in your ics.conf ?
    Why don't upgrade to Calendar 2005Q1 which is 6.2 ?

  • Why not Deprecate java.util.Date and java.util.Calendar

    With the introduction of java.time, why did you not flag java.util.Date and java.util.Calendar. These classes have been a bane to every Java developer and should never be used again with the introduction of Java 1.8.

    Adding the @Deprecated annotation would only just provide a warning about an old API and recommendation to the developer(s) to no longer use it. Doing so would not break any existing library out there; in fact quite a number of constructors and methods on the Date class have already been flagged deprecated.
    The new java.time package is far superior to Date/Calendar.

  • error when building

    Good Day All,
    I am a newbie and this is my first JWS deployment. I have an app that I am writing in Netbeans 6.1 that I want to deploy via JWS. The app accesses five different JAR libraries and that is where my troubles started. I thought that I needed to figure a way to configure Netbeans so the libraries would be deployed with my app JAR so it would run correctly using JWS.
    I was trying to get things working and now my problem is that when I build I am getting the following error:
    Copy libraries to C:\Java\DataMed\dist\lib.
    To run this application from the command line without Ant, try:
    java -jar "C:\Java\DataMed\dist\DataMed.jar"
    C:\Java\DataMed\nbproject\jnlp-impl.xml:61:  The following error occurred while executing this line:
    C:Java\DataMed\nbproject\jnlp-impl.xml:386:  error in opening zip file
    BUILD FAILED (total time: 0seconds)Scrolling to line 386 in the jnlp-impl.xml file it says:
    componentsprop="jnlp.components">I futzed with my options so much I can't seem to figure out how to get everything reset so I can get a clean build ! As a newbie to Netbeans I sometimes have difficulty figuring out where all the different things are hidden ... I **think** it all went bad when I was working on the Properties > Libraries > Compile > Compile-time Libraries but I can't remember.
    So I have two questions really:
    1) How can I resolve the ZipException error? I suspect it is one of the JAR libraries but how can I tell ?
    2) How do I get JWS to find my five libraries ? I now suspect that I am supposed to upload the five libraries to the webserver and then in my JNLP it will have links to the libraries in the <resources> part of the code. Is that correct ?
    Edited by: DBirdManAR on Aug 10, 2008 7:22 AM
    Rather than spend to much time figuring this out, I just used my revert modifications through my SVN to go back to a previous version that builds correctly.

    I have the same problem but I cannot solve it.
    Help much appreciated.

  • error in opening zip file Deploment Error

    Hi All,
    I am getting the fallowing Deployment exception while i am trying to deploy my webdynpro DC. Kindly help me if anybody know the solution for it.
    deployment aborted : file:/C:/DOCUME1/291123/LOCALS1/Temp/temp7081pg.comiprscipr~dc_intreg_process.ear
    Aborted: development component 'ipr/scipr/dc_intreg_process'/''/'GGD_EPREGDEV_D'/'20101220152524'/'0':Caught exception during application deployment from SAP J2EE Engine's deploy service:java.rmi.RemoteException: Error while getting the internal libraries of application in operation update.. Reason: error in opening zip file; nested exception is: error in opening zip file (message ID:
    Mahesh Nuli.

    Hello Ram,
    It is saying that the library file is missing. Can you deploy  first and try to deploy this ear temp7081pg.comiprscipr~dc_intreg_process.ear.
    Nizamudeen SM

  • I have a mid-2010 27" Quad Core i5 iMac running 10.8.3.  Startup disk recognizes the primary hard drive as a startup volume but will not boot from it.  Have tried zapping PRAM, ran disk utility.  No errors reported  Any thoughts?

    I have a mid-2010 27" Quad Core i5 iMac running 10.8.3.  Startup disk recognizes the primary hard drive as a startup volume but will not boot from it.  Have tried zapping PRAM, ran disk utility.  No errors reported  Any thoughts?

    My bad Eric. The startup preference recognizes the primary as a 10.8.3 startup volume but when u select it the system does not boot. I can only boot from my external backup drive

  • How to map javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar to java.util.Calendar

    Hi ,
    How to map javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar to java.util.Calendar so that i can use pass String parameter in YYYY-MM-DD format to my Web service.
    I generated the schema classes using Jaxb 2.1.5.
    Please give suggestion
    Thanks in Advance.


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