Double Spacing when typing on Nokia N8

When I type a message on the internet (when I write an email for example) my phone always double spaces even though I only tap the spacebar once. This happens on a Nokia N8.
Anyone know why and how to fix it?

You've gone to keyboard properties in the control panel, adjusted the repeat delay and it affects the cursor? That is strange indeed. I do seem to get a few more double letters on shallow keyboards found on slim devices than keyboards with longer travel, but I chock that off as a cost of slim. Still, it shouldn't be too bad.

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  • How do I stop double spacing when hitting enter. It just seems to have started doing so itself.

    I am updating contact information within a page and when I hit enter I get double spacing. I have always gotten a single space as I need now when hitting enter I get a double space. I can find no way to correct this problem. Any ideas?

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                            717-634-6682 <br>
                            <a href="Rolling" _mce_href="mailto:[email protected]">Rolling">mailto:[email protected]" >Rolling Saints</a><a href="mailto:[email protected]" class="links"></a><br>
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                            <a href="Phil" _mce_href="mailto:[email protected]">Phil">mailto:[email protected]">Phil Guica</a><a href="" target="_blank"> <br>
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  • Mail: OS X 6. fixed double spacing when composing

    Just upgraded MacMini from the first generation to 2009 and Snow Leopard. I'm disappointed that Mail is giving me the same problem that the old one did: when composing an email it sometimes double spaces and there is nowhere to fix it that I can find. What to do?
    Appreciate your help.

    Oww, Dennis, too much to do and too little time, sorry. I found another "solution" that has worked:
    found another thread on the same issue.
    my 2008 2.66ghz 15" mbp was running at 91C (hot)
    took a screen shot of the dock (using command-shift-3 and/or grab
    cropped pdf screen shot so it was only the dock picture
    deleted the user>library>preferences> file
    forced quit on dock
    new standard dock was created
    opened dock pdf and then rebuilt the dock like it was before
    problem solved
    perhaps this helps

  • Anyone else showing double contacts when typing in the To box? Maverick updated.

    Not sure if this is Maverick related but that was my last update.
    When I compose a message and type in the contact (which is in my Address Book) - I get double the contact entry.
    NO I do not have the contact duplicated in my Address Book. Checked that.
    It is not happening with every contact, only certain ones.
    This just started happening. HELP!!

    I have this issue too.
    Tried to empty previous recipients, but no result for that.
    Besides I cannot search for contact in the pop-up window (with the + sign).
    Whatever I type, it is not doing any searching for correct addresses.

  • Double characters when typing in Safari Browse

    I'm using the Safari browser, but when i type f.ex an A it responds with AA.
    I only have this problem in the Safari Browser. Is there a fix for this ?
    The Safari Version is 5.1.1
    Hope there is a fix for this problem.

    The problem you described sounds reminiscent of a problem many MacBook, MacBook Pro and even PowerBook G4 users have been experiencing. If you do a Discussions-wide search for the phrase "first key" in quotation marks, you'll get an idea of how wide-spread the problem is. Apple recently released a firmware update for the MacBook and MacBook Pros, but reports of first-key-unrecognition persists.
    While I hope your problem isn't of this variety, the point I'm trying to illustrate is that if it is, Apple has yet to pin down a proper fix for it. Until they do though, perhaps some workarounds you can try are banging on a modifier key before typing anything, or clicking twice to ensure focus has been given to a window element and not just the window.

  • Double spacing issue when pasting text from Pages

    I have a Pages document with text that frequently paste into a message that is generated by the Dropbox iOS app when I choose the e-mail option within Dropbox iOS app.
    I'm trying to figure out why when I paste the Pages text above the defaut Dropbox message the spacing between paragraphs is fine, but when I paste it below the default text generated by the Dropbox iOS app when e-mailing a link to a file, the spaces between paragraphs is doubled.
    It seem to be some phantom formatting in my Page document beause I tested by pasting a long e-mail below the Dropbox text and it's still single spaced. For some reason my Pages text goes from single spaced to double spaced when I paste it below that default message that Dropbox iOS generates when you attempt to e-mail a file link.

    Thanks, but this feature doesn't seem to work in iOS.
    The Pages document was created in Pages for OSX, but stored in iCloud. I usually e-mail links using the Dropbox iOS app and copy text from Pages iOS and want to paste into the e-mail created by Dropbox iOS. When I paste the text below the Dropbox link, the paragraphs are double spaced.

  • Nokia N8 Landscape Keyboard Double Spaces when typ...

    Has anyone else had a problem when on Facebook or Twitter or any other text field when browsing the internet. When you turn the phone to landscape to get a full keyboard and you his space between words you get a double space... this happens ALL THE TIME... even in the social app.
    But when emailing or Texting it works fine... I was told it was software problem with my unit.
    I would like to get the update to PR1.1 but I can't find anything for my product code 059D391
     Anyone else have this problem with the Rogers Nokia N8?
    Thank you

    I just noticed this today. When typing email, notes or other entries it seems fine but when commenting on facebook it does the double space thing. The new firmware is not available for Rogers yet... still waiting.

  • Satellite C50-A-1CK double characters appear when typing

    I have a brand new Satellite C50-A-1CK which is perfect for my needs EXCEPT I continually get double characters appearing on screen when typing which is:
    A. VERY frustrating
    B. Wasting a lot of time as I have to keep correcting words to remove the duplicate characters.
    Please does anyone know of a fix for this? It can affect any key on the keyboard and it doesn't matter if I type slow or quick, press the keys firmly or as light as possible.
    Have checked for firmware updates but none available.
    Thanks in advance!

    The Touchpad issue you have I mayy be able to help with....
    It sounds like you have the "Enable Edge Swipes" set on. This will bring up Windows 8 menu on the right hand side of the screen when ever you swipe from the right hand side of the keypad towards the middle.
    Yours is a different model to mine but assuming the setting is in the same place then:
    open Control Panel
    Open Hardware and Sound
    Under Devices and printers click "Mouse"
    In the "mouse properties" window click on Device Settings
    Highlight the touchpad and click the "settings" button below it
    De-select "Enable Edge Swipes"
    Hope this helps

  • HT1665 There is a bug in the spellchecking functionality when typing in the web view or while using Blogsy App. Why? Why my IPad crashes so often?

    There is a bug in the spellchecking functionality when typing in the web view or while using Blogsy App. Why? Why my IPad crashes so often?

    I have always found spell check to be "buggy" in every version of all of the iOS's that I have run on my original model iPad and my new iPad - especially when replying and typing posts in these forums. It works perfectly in every other application on my iPad but it has never worked perfectly in any web browser that I have used on my iPad - no matter what I have done to try to correct it. That is what MY experience has been with spell check on my iPads.
    As for the crashes on your iPad try these basic troubleshooting steps.
    Restart the iPad by holding down on the sleep button until the red slider appears and then slide to shut off. To power up hold the sleep button until the Apple logo appears and let go of the button.
    Reset the iPad by holding down on the sleep and home buttons at the same time for about 10-15 seconds until the Apple Logo appears - ignore the red slider - let go of the buttons.
    Quit all apps and restart. Go to the home screen first by tapping the home button. Quit/close open apps by double tapping the home button and the task bar will appear with all of you recent/open apps displayed at the bottom. Tap and hold down on any app icon until it begins to wiggle. Tap the minus sign in the upper left corner to close the apps. Restart the iPad. Restart the iPad by holding down on the sleep button until the red slider appears and then slide to shut off. To power up hold the sleep button until the Apple logo appears and let go of the button.

  • .java files appear double spaced in Jdeveloper IDE.

    After checking for updates and not finding what I was looking for, all .java files appear double spaced in the Code Editor. I can't find project property that seems to control this. The files appear fine when opened with other editors.

    How does the file show up in notepad or vi? How does it show up in firefox?
    You might want to evaluate the file with an ASCII reader to see if there are any extra line breaks in the code.
    Also are some of the developers on linux/unix and some on windows?

  • Double-spacing in my Task Description?!?

    Hi Guru's!
    Release 4.6C
    I have created a perfectly normal decision task and added some text in the task description. The only thing that I have done differently this time is use the <b>&ULINE(xx)&</b> command.
    When this task is executed, all the text comes out double-spaced (i.e. with a blank line between each line of text). Any idea why it's doing this?
    EDIT: When I remove the <b>&ULINE(xx)&</b> command, it is still double-spaced.

    Hi Guys
    Thanks for the suggestions. Once again I have learnt the advantages of using the normal text editor as opposed to the pretty graphical one.
    As it turns out, I had cut and pasted some text from a different task. In it's wisdom, SAP made each line a new paragraph. Going into the normal editor, it was immediately obvious that each line had a <b>*</b> next to it instead of being continuous text or a line feed (/). D'oh!
    Abhishek, you can use normal SAPScript commands in your task description.

  • Preview Doesn't Display Double Spacing In Documents

    Is there a way to display double spacing in preview? It shows up when the document is viewed in Pages and Open Office.

    Hi, Guy Burns,
    What is the resolution of the images you try to enlarge?
    My guess:
    If the resolution of your images is lower then 2560 wide (your screen resolution), the window will open with the exact size and resolution of the picture (for instance 1920 wide). i.e. One pixel on your screen equals one pixel of your picture.You can indeed enlarge the window and zoom in, but then you are enlarging pixels, the image will get less sharp.
    The "Scale large images to fit window" function, is meant for "large images" as the name implies, so images with a larger resolution then your screen resolution. With this function, you can reduce the size of images that would otherwise not fit entirely on your screen, to the necessary size to view the whole picture as big as possible. So this function does not work if the "scale" is 100% or more.
    In slideshow mode however, there's a function to automatically adapt the size of smaller images to "full screen", and also "quicklook" (spacebar) supports full screen mode.

  • Eliminating double spacing from pasted text in e-mails

    I've sometimes had the problem of cutting and pasting text from a website into a new e-mail and having the whole e-mail then be double-spaced. How does one change the line spacing in e-mails?

    I tried pasting it into AppleWorks, and it appears without the spacing. When I pasted it back into the e-mail, the spacing reappeared. When I deleted the line return between the two lines in AppleWorks so that they appeared on the same line, then added a line return back in it looked the same, but when I pasted it back into Mail, the spacing disappeared.
    What's weird about this is that when I select show invisibles in AppleWorks, and there's only a single line return between the lines. How is there managing to be an extra secret line return? Also, why is it that those extra line returns recur in the same e-mail with any new text I add rather than being limited to the pasted text?

  • Double spaced address in Word in Office 365 (Word 2014)

    I am trying to print an envelope. My brand spanking new Office 365 insists on double spacing the lines in the envelope address. There do not appear to be formatting options in the Envelope popup screen. Any idea how to correct this? Step by step instructions
    would be nice.
    What fool made double space the default setting for this field?

    Do you mean the Delivery Address field in the Envelopes and Labels window?
    Did you hit Enter when you want to change to a new line? If so, please try to hit Shift + Enter when you want to change the line.
    If you want to make the change permanently, you need to change the Paragraph settings first and make the paragraph settings as default. See a same issue discussed here:
    Hope this helps.
    Steve Fan
    TechNet Community Support

  • Images Double Spaced

    I just started using Dreamweaver 8 to do the HTML for my site
    but there is a slight problem,
    when I try to make the Navigation Bar I need to have several
    images stacked on top of each other but all my images seem to be
    double spaced how would i fix this?
    Image of problem here:

    I think the odds are in your favor on that one :-)
    "Murray *ACE*" <[email protected]> wrote
    in message
    news:g26glr$ks7$[email protected]..
    > I'm betting you have paragraph tags wrapping each
    <img> tag, and what you
    > are seeing is the collapsed margin between two adjacent
    paragraph tags.
    > --
    > Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    > Adobe Community Expert
    > (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    > ==================
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources
    > - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    > ==================
    > "insaneflame" <[email protected]> wrote
    in message
    > news:g24ase$5ts$[email protected]..
    >>I just started using Dreamweaver 8 to do the HTML for
    my site but there is
    >> slight problem,
    >> when I try to make the Navigation Bar I need to have
    several images
    >> stacked on
    >> top of each other but all my images seem to be
    double spaced how would i
    >> fix
    >> this?

Maybe you are looking for