Sun Win32 Emulation Library v1.1 for Solaris

I was wondering, has anyone else experienced missing source and header files from the 'Sun Win32 Emulation Library v1.1 for Solaris' download.
When proceeding to download this version and unzipping into the relevant directory, it would appear that many of the source and headers files described at:
(ie. Functions currently implemented in the in32 Emulation Library V1.1 for Solaris) are missing ?
Any help regarding this matter would be greatly appreciated.
Best Wishes

For those interested, the Sun Win32 library can now be properly downloaded.

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    Comments on your 2 questions:
    1) Yes. IIRC, SC31 for S10 actually supports ONLY 64 bit. To be clear, this means
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    As for your RT being 64 bit, and scrgadm being 32 bit, no problem.
    2) See (1). You are good.
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    Hardware: Sun Blade 2500
    PCI Memory card.
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    device memory description:
    static ddi_device_acc_attr_t sdram_access_attr =
    DDI_DEVICE_ATTR_V0, /* Boilerplate value */
    DDI_STRICTORDER_ACC /* Don't reorder accesses */
    The user application does a read call, which goes to xxread. xxread calls physio( xxstrategy, bp, dev, B_READ, xxminphys, uio );
    In xxstrategy the transfer is done using
    (uint8_t*) kaddr,
    (uint8_t*) raddr,
    (size_t) bp->b_resid),
    (uint_t) DDI_DEV_AUTOINCR );
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    03 02 01 00 07 06 05 04 ...
    A read of 40 bytes returns:
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    00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07
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    The DataSocket(DS) library is available for use on a solaris 2.8 platform with the only limitation that the DS server is not available. You can request online evaluation versions for NI-Software at the following link:〈=US&p_0=eval
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    Hi Aju,
    With SAP NetWeaver 7.1, the SAP NetWeaver RFC Library only supports 64bit for SUN. You can find more information you can see the SAP note 1025361 and at --> SAP NetWeaver RFC Library.

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    Well, since Solaris 8 is rather ancient by now i suppose that it wasn't shipped with the required gtk-library.
    My guess is that you have to grab gtk 2.0 from, install it and add /usr/local/lib to $LD_LIBRARY_PATH, if the package installs under /usr/local/
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    You might already have the libraries installed, but they are just not in your search path.
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    line 541: Warning: Too many arguments in macro Assert.
    line 541: Error: No direct declarator preceding "(".
    line 541: Error: Use ";" to terminate declarations.
    line 546: Error: Use ";" to terminate declarations.
    line 652: Warning: Too many arguments in macro Assert.
    line 657: Warning: Too many arguments in macro Assert.
    line 663: Warning: Too many arguments in macro Assert.
    line 663: Error: No direct declarator preceding "(".
    line 664: Error: A declaration does not specify a tag or an
    line 664: Error: Use ";" to terminate declarations.
    line 664: Error: A declaration was expected instead of "{".
    line 665: Error: No direct declarator preceding "(".
    line 667: Error: "," expected instead of ")".
    line 670: Error: A declaration was expected instead of "}".
    line 702: Error: A declaration was expected instead of "}".
    11 Error(s) and 4 Warning(s) detected.
    gnu_make: *** [SchedUpdateSubscriber] Error 11
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    I've always compiled xerces from the source code. Have used 2.4.0 and 2.5.0 this way with Sun One Studio 8 without any issues.
    If you want to try compiling, I'd recommend going with the later release (more compiler tweaks and fixes) and the following build commands:-
    % cd xerces-c-src_2_5_0
    % export XERCESCROOT=`pwd`
    % cd src/xercesc
    % runConfigure -r pthread -p solaris
    % export CXXFLAGS="-library=stlport4" - skip this line if you're not using stlport
    % ./configure
    % gmake
    Hope that helps!

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    iasdeploy for iPlanet Application Server 6.0 SP3
    Connected to LDAP server on port 389
    iPlanet Application Server is running in international mode
    sstu15:10 kas> deployment action ''J2EEInstallEar'' (/u02/home/iplanet/JAR/SSS.ear) running.
    sstu15:10 kas> deployment action ''J2EEInstallEar'' (/u02/home/iplanet/JAR/SSS.ear) running.
    After this nothing happens for a really long time.
    When starting the deployment I get in the beginning of kas.log two entries
    ADMIN-168: kas> deployment get log ''J2EEInstallEar''
    GDS-007: finished a registry load
    but suddenly the second line disappears and the only message I get is the first entry. I need to break the deployment process and kill the processes manually.
    When starting the application server I get two error messages:
    Connected to LDAP server on port 389
    iPlanet Application Server is running in international mode
    Connected to LDAP server on port 389
    iPlanet Application Server is running in international mode
    iPlanet Administrative Server
    Version 6.0 SP3, Build 20010704
    Copyright (c) 1996-1997 KIVA Software Corporation.
    Copyright (c) 1998-1999 Netscape Communications Corporation.
    Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Some preexisting portions Copyright (c) 2000 Netscape Communications Corp
    . All rights reserved.
    Use of this software is governed by the terms of the executed license agreement between you and iPlanet E-Commerce Solutions.
    [14/Feb/2002 11:02:12:7] error: ADMIN-071: kas> error: failed to either start up or connect to engine ''0'' (CCS0)
    [14/Feb/2002 11:03:08:8] error: ADMIN-071: kas> error: failed to either start up or connect to engine ''1'' (CCS0)
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    Is someone familiar with this/these problem(s)?

    It seems you are deploying a very big application. Try to deploy this application with following command
    j2eeappreg <filename>
    It should work fine. It was a bug with iasdeploy command in iAS SP3 which had been fixed in iAS SP4.

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    Here's the HCL for solaris 8 x86:

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