SUNMC 3.5 & SB100

I have installed SUN MC 3.5 server and agent on a group of machines. All machine communicate just fine except for 2 SunBlade 100s. The agents are running but the server doesn't collect data. When I run a 'discovery ' on the network for those nodes it finds the machines and labels them correctly "SB100" but shows there status of DOWN.

No when you attempt to add them it "Cannot
communicate with the agent process. Please check
host/agent an retry." I can monitor via "SNMP Ping"
but that is it.This often indicates that there is a security mismatch between your Server and Agent. Basically your Agents on the Blades don't "trust" your Server enough to respond to it when you try to make a regular icon.
First, make sure that you actually have a SunMC Agent running on the Blades and not the default Solaris "snmpdx" process. A SunMC Agent will show up as an "esd - init agent -dir /var/opt/SUNWsymon -q" process.
The next thing to check is if you specified the same security "seed" value when you ran setup on the Blades. This is the secret password/string you used when setting up your SunMC Server. If you think you may have gotten it wrong, you can reset it on the Blades with these comands:
(as root)
/opt/SUNWsymon/sbin/es-stop -a
/opt/SUNWsymon/sbin/es-run -s [seed_from_Server] -c agent
/opt/SUNWsymon/sbin/es-start -a
If you perform these steps and wait 3 mintues and you still cannot create an icon (and you're sure you have the correct seed), then you may have an IP address mismatch. Do the Blades have dual interfaces/NICs? If so, identify the IP address for the Blade that is on the same network as your SunMC Server (i.e. "ping [blade_hostname];arp [blade_hostname]" on the Server box), then edit the /var/opt/SUNWsymon/cfg/domain-config.x file on a Blade and edit the "agent = { ... }" section to add an "agentServer" entry with the correct IP like this:
agent = {
snmpPort = "161"
agentServer = "IP_address_of_Blade"
Then perform the 3 "as root" command I listed above again, wait at least 3 minutes, and try making your icon again. Please post to the list to let us know how it works out :)
Standard disclaimer: I am an employee of Halcyon (

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    Hi Arutherford,
    Arutherford wrote:
    If I use the snmpget command to ask the SunMC agent for the krUFS oids I'm interested in (Mount point, SystemSize, PctUsedSpace), I get no error, but I get no data either (i.e. returned value is "" for all).
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    [email protected]

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    Any thoughts?

    All of this was in fact related to the IP address changing (still not sure why a modified HOSTS file didn't fix?).
    As a test, I removed "use DHCP" and hard coded my network connection back to the address it was when I first installed. While I did in fact lose internet connectivity, EM and the Listener could then fire up.
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  • Exporting threshold settings in SunMC

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    2. Closely related, is there any way to have an audit trail if any changes are made to the threshold settings?

    1. Is there any way to export out the list of current
    thresholds for all monitored servers under SunMC via
    command-line?You mean with SunMC's built-in es-cli? Not easily. It would be a fair bit of work trying to wrap es-cli in bash/Perl to get it to work. It would be easier to do something like scp the base-modules-d.dat file from every Agent and then scp the corresponding .dat files listed inside. That would give you all config and thresholds in ASCII for every system.
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    For just detecting a change, "diff" would do fine.
    2. Closely related, is there any way to have an audit
    trail if any changes are made to the threshold
    settings?Other than when a module is loaded security info for the person who changes something they're allowed to is not stored anywhere. You may be able to parse server.log on the SunMC Server and try to figure out what went on, but there's noting in the GUI that will show that kind of audit trail.
    Using something like the File Watcher module against base-modules-d.dat would show what changes were made over time (and optionally alarm on them) for module load/unload or the changing of load params. The same module pointed to a module .dat file would also pick up threshold changes.
    [email protected]

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    plz try to solve the problem

    Dear  Kumar,
    Please, you delete the statement by program RFEBKA96, however before run this program look the documentation.

  • SunMC Container Manager - Can't get to it

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    I installed Solaris Management Center 4.0 on a T-5120 running Solaris 10 update 6.
    I can log into https://<server>:6789 which is the Java Web Console.
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    Now: Under Systems I have "Sun Management Center 4.0" so I click that but I see nothing anywhere about containers. I have 3 zones configured on this server of which 1 is running already.
    When I click default domain, I am shown my server's global zone name.
    When I click that I get host info but no other options.
    I am doing all of this as the root user and I have made sure that root is in the Zone management, Pool management, etc.. profiles.
    When I run the check on SunMC, it shows container manager as already set up.
    A few screenshots here:

    when creating the zone you have to fill in the full domain name, not only the host name.
    Is DNS correctly configured?
    Can you resolve the virtual host name?
    I configured such a zone yesterday without any problems.
    In DNS I created a CNAME Resource Record following TID 10020402.
    Originally Posted by chipps7
    Teaming 2.0 on SLES 10SP2.
    Created a zone 'teamshare' with URL of
    The catalina.out shows the following two messages:
    - Created zone teamshare with virtual host in Teaming
    - Created zone teamshare with virtual host in the portal
    I added the server to /etc/hosts and DNS, but when I go to the new zone URL, it shows me my login page from the original kablink zone and I can only login using credentials for the kablink zone....not admin/admin for a new zone.
    What step(s) am I missing?

  • The Database of SunMc 4.0 didn't start, on Solaris 10 X86

    Hello, happy new year, i am installing the three layers of SunMC 4.0 (server, agent and console), under Solaris 10 X86.
    But, after setting the Web Server Security Key, the Web Server Port Selection, snmp Port,etc, the installation fails to start the DB used by the SunMC 4.0
    This is the Log
    The system memory to be compared has mapped to : 512
    Skipping the Disable SNMP panel as a port other than 161 is specified as the agent port
    The web server organization is given as : elektra
    The web server location is given as : unefon
    The Setup script will be executed as : /var/opt/SUNWsymon/install/
    SYMON_JAVAHOME is set to: /usr/java
    JDK version is: "1.5.0_12-b04"
    This script will help you to setup Sun Management Center 4.0.
    Following layer[s] are installed:SERVER,AGENT,CONSOLE
    None of the layers is setup.
    Following layer[s] will get setup: SERVER,AGENT,CONSOLE.
    Database will be setup.
    Following Addon[s] are installed:
    Advanced System Monitoring,Service Availability Manager,Performance Reporting Manager,Solaris Container Manager,System Reliability Manager,Generic X86/X64 Config Reader.
    Checking memory available...
    Configuring Sun Management Center DB...
    Initializing SunMC database.
    Successfully enabled service sunmc-database
    Successfully disabled service sunmc-database
    Initiating setup for Sun Management Center Server Component.
    This part of the setup process does the Sun Management Center Server Component setup.
    Creating the group esadm that contains Sun Management Center Admin Users.
    Creating the group esdomadm that contains Sun Management Center Domain Admin Users.
    Creating the group esops that contains Sun Management Center Operator Users.
    You need to setup a user as a Sun Management Center administrator.
    This person will be added to the esadm and esdomadm groups.
    You must enter a valid username: : root
    Generating server security keys.
    Setting up web server...
    An encrypted security key is needed for the Sun Management Center web server.
    The key is generated based on the organization and location you provide.
    Enter the name of your organization : : elektra
    Enter the geographical location of this host : : unefon
    Configure Sun Management Center web server port. Default port is 8080
    Press RETURN to force default port.
    Enter port you would like to use [ 1100 to 65535 ]: : 8080
    The sunmcweb web application has been successfully deployed.
    Using /var/opt/SUNWsymon/cfg/console-tools.cfg
    /var/opt/SUNWsymon/cfg/tools-extension-j.x updated.
    Starting Java Webstart based Sun Management Center
    Java Console setup. This will take 2 minutes. Please wait...
    Completing Sun Management Center Server Component setup.
    Initiating setup for Sun Management Center Agent Component.
    This part of the setup process does the Sun Management Center Agent Component setup.
    Copying snmpd.conf file into /var/opt/SUNWsymon/cfg
    Server component also installed locally.
    Using this machine as the Sun Management Center server.
    WARNING It appears that agent.snmpPort 161 is already in use.
    Sun Management Center 4.0 agent may not be able to run due to this conflict.
    There are two ways to correct this conflict:
    1. Reconfigure the port that Sun Management Center 4.0 uses.
    2. Stop the process that is using the port.
    Press RETURN to force default port.
    Enter port you would like to use [ 1100 to 65535 ]: : 1161
    Updating /var/opt/SUNWsymon/cfg/domain-config.x with new port number.
    Generating agent security keys.
    PKCS11 Utilities package(SUNWcsl) was found.
    Encrypted SNMP Communication is supported.
    Setup of Agent component is successful.
    **Starting Sun Management Center database setup...**
    **verifyDatabaseDown: instance is not executing**
    **Database consistency information missing.**
    **Configuring database initialization parameter file**
    **Stopping metadata component**
    **Stopping cfgserver component**
    **Stopping topology component**
    **Stopping event component**
    **Stopping grouping service**
    **Stopping trap component**
    **Stopping java server**
    **Stopping webserver**
    **Stopping agent component**
    **Stopping platform component**
    **Failed to enable service sunmc-database**
    **Database setup failed : db-start failed**
    **Updating registry...**
    **As database is not setup, Marking server setup as failed in Registry.**
    **None of the base layers are setup.**
    **No Addon is setup.**
    **Following Addons are not yet setup: Advanced System Monitoring,Service Availability Manager,Performance Reporting Manager,Solaris Container Manager,System Reliability Manager,Generic X86/X64 Config Reader**
    **Could not finish requested task.**
    **stty: : Invalid argument**
    **stty: : Invalid argument**
    **stty: : Invalid argument**
    **stty: : Invalid argument**
    **stty: : Invalid argument**
    **opping agent component**
    **Successfully disabled service sunmc-agent**
    **Stopping platform component**
    **Successfully disabled service sunmc-platform**
    **verifyDatabaseDown: instance is not executing**
    **Failed to enable service sunmc-database**
    **Database setup failed : db-start failed**
    **Updating registry...**
    **As database is not setup, Marking server setup as failed in Registry.**
    **None of the base layers are setup.**
    **No Addon is setup.**
    **Following Addons are not yet setup: Advanced System Monitoring,Service Availability Manager,Performance Reporting Manager,Solaris Container Manager,System Reliability Manager,Generic X86/X64 Config Reader**
    **Could not finish requested task.**
    The lay-out of my FileSystems is:
    root@petersteiner install $ df -h
    Filesystem size used avail capacity Mounted on
    /dev/dsk/c0d0s0 4.2G 3.5G 721M 84% /
    /devices 0K 0K 0K 0% /devices
    ctfs 0K 0K 0K 0% /system/contract
    proc 0K 0K 0K 0% /proc
    mnttab 0K 0K 0K 0% /etc/mnttab
    swap 780M 856K 779M 1% /etc/svc/volatile
    objfs 0K 0K 0K 0% /system/object
    4.2G 3.5G 721M 84% /lib/
    fd 0K 0K 0K 0% /dev/fd
    swap 780M 396K 779M 1% /tmp
    swap 779M 36K 779M 1% /var/run
    /dev/dsk/c0d0s7 10G 10M 9.9G 1% /export/home
    I hope, that someone can help me. pLZ

    ... and ... before running es-inst you have to add the PostgreSQL packages from the Solaris Media (5.10 U5 in my case)
    Step order again:
    - kill all postmaster processes (PostgreSQL Procs)
    - if applicable svcadm disable all sunmc services
    - /opt/SUNWsymon/sbin/es-uninst -X
    - remove all SUNWpostgr* and SUNWpg* packages
    - install these Packages - to be downloaded from
    libgcc-3.4.6-sol10-sparc-local.gz , zlib-1.2.3-sol10-sparc-local.gz , readline-5.2-sol10-sparc-local.gz
    or - the x64 respectively
    - edit /etc/project to have this line for "default" : default:3::::project.max-shm-memory=(priv,2684354456,deny)
    the value have to be calculated by one third of your physical memory.
    - add the original postgreSQL packages from the Solaris install media :
    - run es-inst again from your install image path

  • Problem in launching sunMC 4.0 Web console

    Does anybody have problem in launching sunMC 4.0 web console from a browser?
    I have installed sunMC 4.0 on a Solaris 10 upgrade server.
    When I type the URL of the sunMC 4.0 server with the default port 8080 I gets the welcome page giving me two options:
    - Launch Web Console
    href=''>Launch Web Console
    - Launch Java Console
    None of the options works for me.
    Clicking on "Launch Web Console" ends with error page saying "Unable to Connect". Get the same error regardless of browser: Firefox or IE.
    Clicking on "Launch Java Console" gives me "Unable to launch Sun Management Center"
    When clicking on "Details" button I gets
    An error occurred while launching/running the application.
    Title: Sun Management Center
    Vendor: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
    Category: Download Error
    Unable to load resource: find on the server reveals that smconsole.jnlp is installed on /opt/SUNWsymon/web/console/smconsole.jnlp
    I have no problem in launching the console using via script /opt/SUNWsymon/sbin/es-start -c

    External access to Java Web Console was restored.
    Ports 6788 and 6789 are no longer restricted to localhost.
    I can browse sunMC 4.0 Web console from any workstation and/or host now.
    # svccfg
    svc:> select system/webconsole
    svc:/system/webconsole> listprop
    options                        application
    options/stability              astring  Evolving
    options/tcp_listen             boolean  false
    console-multi-user             dependency
    console-multi-user/entities    fmri     svc:/milestone/multi-user
    console-multi-user/grouping    astring  require_all
    console-multi-user/restart_on  astring  none
    console-multi-user/type        astring  service
    general                        framework
    general/entity_stability       astring  Unstable
    svc:/system/webconsole> setprop options/tcp_listen=true
    svc:/system/webconsole> listprop
    options                        application
    options/stability              astring  Evolving
    options/tcp_listen             boolean  true
    console-multi-user             dependency
    console-multi-user/entities    fmri     svc:/milestone/multi-user
    console-multi-user/grouping    astring  require_all
    console-multi-user/restart_on  astring  none
    console-multi-user/type        astring  service
    general                        framework
    general/entity_stability       astring  Unstable
    svc:/system/webconsole> quit
    # svcadm disable svc:/system/webconsole
    # svcadm enable svc:/system/webconsole
    # netstat -an | grep 678
          *.6788               *.*                0      0 49152      0 LISTEN
          *.6789               *.*                0      0 49152      0 LISTEN
    #Is external access to Java Web Console disabled by default?
    Is this procedure documented in any of sunMC manuals?
    If not then it should. At minimum, on the release notes.

  • Problems starting SunMC Agent 3.6 under Solaris 10

    Hi folks,
    I just did a test installation of the new SunMC 3.6 Server which worked fine. Afterwards, I did a fresh install of the 3.6 agent on a Sun Enterprise 420R running Solaris 10. I installed the agent in the global zone.
    At the end of the setup, when the system asks me if I want to start the agent, which I affirmed. But this didn't work, system says just laconically "Could not start agent". Unfortunately, I can't even find the logs, since there is no log subdirectory under /var/opt/SUNWsymon. Have they moved this under Solaris 10?
    Any ideas somebody how to dig into this?

    Hi Mike,
    This sounds a lot like a post just a few days ago:, yes and no...I read this thread and I found some similarities but it's not the same problem. Besides, this was Solaris 8, I've 10 and my guess is that it has something to do with Sol10.
    What do you see when you start the Agent with this command:
    /opt/SUNWsymon/sbin/es-start -aiNo error...I end up in a prompt:
    bash-3.00# /opt/SUNWsymon/sbin/es-start -ai
    info Dec 05 17:48:19 agent Sun Management Center Version: 3.6, Build: 18, H491, (c) 2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
    info Dec 05 17:48:19 agent registering import actions
    info Dec 05 17:48:19 agent loading standard services
    info Dec 05 17:48:19 agent standard services load complete
    info Dec 05 17:48:19 agent agent host and port: cngaer:1161
    info Dec 05 17:48:19 agent trap handler destination host and port: SunMC_server:162
    info Dec 05 17:48:19 agent event trap destination host and port: SunMC_server:163
    I've really no idea what to enter at this prompt. A simple "help" doesn't give me anything but I got something from "ls"
    agent:> ls
    classes templates _config config services iso shadow contexts rules                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

  • SunMC Performance Reports - Newbie

    Good morning,
    I've installed v3.6.1 and v4 just to poke around, but I haven't purchased any of the agents or add-ons (but we're about to), and one of my primary questions is about performance reporting. Does SunMC provide graphs and/or reports that can be easily generated, or e-mailed on a regular basis or something? Is there an add-on piece that provides that?
    - DT

    Yes, Sun MC does include the Performance Reporting Manager (PRM) addon which enables you to graph and report on various monitored metrics including hardware and software inventory reports. i.e. What hardware you currently have in your datacenter, what systems have a particular patch.
    However, the PRM addon does not provide support for email the graphs on a regular basis. For this you would need Halcyon's Enterprise Reporter:
    This product offering is bundled with Halcyon's WebPortal product which is a web interface into Sun MC that provides many easy to use features such as group operations (loading modules on 100 systems with a single click, alarm threshold tuning, etc.)
    Halcyon is also offering live 1-on-1 demos of Sun MC and their solutions and would be able to show you the various features of Sun MC including PRM. To sign up and setup an appointment:
    For a comparison of PRM vs Halcyon's Reporter visit:
    There are many other postings with screenshots that may be of interest:
    In addition, Halcyon provides many different add-ons to Sun MC extending it to monitor almost anything in the datacenter, including storage (Hitachi, NetApp), network devices (Cisco), applications (Oracle, Veritas, Syabse, Java System), non-Sun platforms (Windows, Linux, AIX), and integrations to various Enterprise Managers (Tivoli, HP Openview):
    A full list of products can be found here:
    Apologies to all the technies who may find this posting very sales like... I am now working with our marketing team :)

  • Need information on SunMC client APIs

    Hello everybody,
    I am looking for some information on the client APIs shipped with SunMC.
    Does anybody know if anything got changed in this API package between SunMC 3.6 and SunMC 4.0.
    If there are changes, can you point me to some documentation which will explain the differences.

    user445872 wrote:
    I need some information on the <af:query> component in JDev 11g.
    When using ADF 11g's new component, ADF Query (af:query) whether the default "All Queryable Attributes" or on other newly defined View Criterias:
    1     What are the disadvantages of this component, given that the result-set - without filtering - is large (between 1350 and 1700 rows, approximately).
    2     Does it fetch all rows from the database, then performs filtering upon user's entered search criteria – i.e., hitting the "search" button? You could tune your VO not to exeute the query by default (i.e., before applying a search criteria)
    check this blog for sample:
    As an other option, you could have a default view criteria applied and executed to filter to result set if it is applicable for your usecase.
    3     Is there a way to add client-side validation on the search criteria attributes?I'm not sure about this though.
    4     In general: What is the best practice to implement a Search Form in ADF 11g
    In addition check this sample as well. It might be of help:

  • SunMC 3.0 and 3.5 - E450 and ultra10 black splat problem

    Hi all,
    Don't know if this is the right forum, but if not, then I am sure you will re-direct me.
    I have just recently configured up all of our Sun servers, ranging from 3800's Exxx and new SunFire 210's 240's 880's 440's etc. All are now working fine with a little help from the Forum aswell.
    My remaining problem is that I have an E450 and an Ultra10 that are showing as having a black splat. I am fully aware that this does not necessarily mean that there are any components in Alarm, but does leave the console looking rather messy and indicitive of a failure to the untrained eye (IT director in particular)
    I have tried version 3.0 and 3.5 of the agent, but still the problem persists.
    It appears to be with the hardware config reader system section, which does not bring back any information.
    The agent log file shows the following messages which seem to point to a missing file.
    [00001770 0054 ]warning Oct 25 11:07:51 agent data update error: config
    dWG exited on error.............................................................
    [00001771 0095 ]error Oct 25 11:12:51 agent Error opening configd pla
    tform support directory '/opt/SUNWsymon/lib/platform/cfg': No such file or direc
    [00001772 00a6 ]warning Oct 25 11:12:51 agent data update error: .iso.o
    Is there anybody out there that can help !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hi Mike,
    I have run the configdWG manually on the U10. This seems to rattle through nicely and produces the following output.
    system OS="SunOS 5.6" OS_version="Generic_105181-08" \
    System_clock_frequency="90 MHz" architecture="sparc" \
    hostname="mersey-edigateway" image_name="chassis" machine="sun4u" \
    platform="Ultra-Enterprise-5" sample#="1" \
    serial_number="2157965313" timestamp="Thu Oct 28 15:58:46 2004" \
    timestamp_raw="1098975526" total_disks="1" total_memory="64 Mb" \
    total_processors="1" total_tape_devices="0" \
    view_points="front rear top"
    system-board board-num="1" fru="yes" image_name="-" memory_size="64 Mb" \
    state="active" type="system-board" type-int="2"
    SUNW,Ultra-5_10 clock-frequency="90 MHz" device_type="upa" \
    image_name="-" model="SUNW,375-0009"
    cpu-unit(0) clock-frequency="270 MHz" cpu-type="sparc" \
    dcache-size="16.0 KB" device_type="cpu" ecache-size="0.2 MB" \
    fru="yes" icache-size="16.0 KB" image_name="cpu-unit" \
    model="SUNW,UltraSPARC-IIi" pathname_element="cpu-unit@0,0" \
    pdistr="cpu-unit-0" processor-id="0" status="online" unit="A" \
    memory image_name="-" pathname_element="memory@0,10000000"
    simm(2) board_reference_number="U0702" fru="yes" image_name="simm" \
    pdistr="simm-2" size="32 Mb" slot="2" type="dram"
    simm(3) board_reference_number="U0602" fru="yes" image_name="simm" \
    pdistr="simm-3" size="32 Mb" slot="3" type="dram"
    pci(0) clock-frequency="66 MHz" compatible0="pci108e,a000" \
    compatible1="pciclass,0" device_type="pci" image_name="-" \
    instance="0" model="SUNW,sabre" pathname_element="pci@1f,0" \
    simba(0) clock-frequency="33 MHz" compatible0="pci108e,5000" \
    compatible1="pciclass,060400" device-id="20480" \
    device_type="pci" image_name="-" instance="0" \
    model="SUNW,simba" network_count="1" \
    ebus(0) device-id="4096" image_name="-" instance="0" \
    audiocs(0) device_type="audio" instance="0" model="SUNW,CS4231h" \
    ecpp(0) instance="0" pathname_element="ecpp@14,3043bc"
    fd(0) device_type="block" image_name="floppy-drive" instance="0" \
    pathname_element="fdthree@14,3023f0" pdistr="floppy-drive" \
    se(0) device_type="serial" instance="0" \
    su(0) device_type="serial" device_usage="keyboard" instance="0" \
    su(1) device_type="serial" device_usage="mouse" instance="1" \
    hme(0) compatible0="SUNW,hme" device-id="4097" device_type="network" \
    ether="8:0:20:9f:f0:1" inet="" input_errors="0" \
    instance="0" name="hme0" output_errors="0" \
    pathname_element="network@1,1" symbol="mersey-edigateway"
    m64(0) device-id="18260" device_type="display" image_name="m64" \
    instance="0" model="ATY,GT-B" pathname_element="SUNW,m64B@2" \
    uata(0) compatible0="pci1095,646" compatible1="pci1095,646" \
    compatible2="pciclass,01018f" device-id="1606" \
    device_type="ide" disk_count="1" image_name="-" instance="0" \
    cdrom0(2) device_type="CD-ROM" fru="yes" hard_errors="3" \
    image_name="cd-drive" instance="2" mounted_partitions="0" \
    name="c0t2d0" pdistr="cd-drive" pv_parent="system" \
    soft_errors="0" target="2" transport_errors="0"
    dad(0) device_type="disk" image_name="disk" instance="0" \
    mounted_partitions="0" name="c0t0d0" pdistr="disk-0" \
    simba(1) clock-frequency="33 MHz" compatible0="pci108e,5000" \
    compatible1="pciclass,060400" device-id="20480" \
    device_type="pci" image_name="-" instance="1" \
    model="SUNW,simba" pathname_element="pci@1"
    pci-slot(1) clock-frequency="33 MHz" image_name="-" slot-num="1" \
    pci-board(1) board-num="1" fru="yes" image_name="pci-board" \
    pdistr="pci-board-1" state="active" type="<unknown>"
    HSIP(0) compatible0="pci1214,334" compatible1="pciclass,078000" \
    device-id="820" instance="0" \
    pathname_element="pci1214,334@1" pv_ancestor_alarm="true"
    pci-slot(2) clock-frequency="33 MHz" image_name="pci-slot-2" \
    pdistr="pci-slot-2" slot-num="2" slot-width="32-bit"
    pci-slot(3) clock-frequency="33 MHz" image_name="pci-slot-3" \
    pdistr="pci-slot-3" slot-num="3" slot-width="32-bit"
    These two systems are the only systems that appear to have the problem through the whole enterprise.
    On thinking through the problem we have other E450's (but only 1 U10) and they all seem to be working as expected. The problem common denominator appears to be that both of these servers have been installed using 3.5 BUT their OS versions are 5.6 (BINGO I think). Do you think that I would be better downgrading the version of SUNMC to a pre 3.0 version? Or would the only way around this be to upgrade the OS to 5.8(minimum)
    What do you think? Could I be on the right track?????

  • SunMC 3.6.1 Web Server

    I'm having difficulty starting the SunMC web server on a solaris 9 V490. I've installed SunMC 3.6.1 on a Solaris 10 V100 (for testing) with no issues. Anyone have any clues as to what's causing the issue?

    Hi Mnlott,
    I'm having difficulty starting the SunMC web server
    on a solaris 9 V490. I've installed SunMC 3.6.1 on a
    Solaris 10 V100 (for testing) with no issues. Anyone
    have any clues as to what's causing the issue?Well, I'm guessing most people on this forum are going to ask you to provide some sort of detail about the problem you're having, so I'll be the first :)
    Do you see an error message when you try to start it (/opt/SUNWsymon/sbin/es-start -w)?
    Are it's ports already in use (netstat -an | egrep "8080|8443" (for the default ports))?
    Does it start, but you can't login (http://<sunmc_server>:8080)?
    You're using 3.6.1 on the Solaris 9 box too, right?
    [email protected]

  • Two instances of sunMC 3.5 update 1 anyone?

    Up to SunMC 3.0 it was possible to run two instances of esd process with 2 separate configuration directories by exporting ESDIR variable to point to alternative cfg directory and starting the agent with /etc/init.d/init.es_agent start. Each directory would have domain-config.x with different port and virtual host information to prevent conflicts.
    Unfortunately it is no longer possible in 3.5update 1. The agent would not start. After analyzing the logs it's relatively easy to assume that modifying ESDIR variable has no effect on which configuration directory is being used. /var/adm/messages shows that port (161 for ex.) is still being in use and second agent's startup fails.
    Sun response:
    ESDIR variable acts differently in SunMC3.5update1 due to architectural differences comparing to previous version and is "hard coded" into a binary. This does not sound right, since no compilation is done during installation of the product. I am sure there are others who would support me that Sun lacks Management Center specialists with really deep knowledge of the product. Most of the answers and "action plans" are coordinated from publicly available to documentation and barely any help.
    If anyone has any knowledge of "guts" of SunMC 3.5 update1 please help to accomplish above stated. This is very critical and very useful (with 3.0), since we recently migrated more than 300 hosts (agents) to latest version (35update1) as well as server layer. There is no way back. Running 3.0 on separate host to support such agents is not practical nor efficient.
    Any ideas, workarounds, suggestions, criticism are welcome and greatly appreciated.

    Problem is solved. Everything is ok after restarting computer(notebook).

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