Superimposed two files

hello everybody,
I want to make a bill preparing program by labview.I made a macro excel file(including headings,formulae etc).I want to take inputs from another file and put into this file and take printout.As labview cannot handle excel file I made a .txt file by labview with all input data with proper formatting that should match with the excel file. Actually the excel file has some blanks and input data can fillup these blanks.I could make the .txt file such that this .txt file and excel file match together and make the bill complete.How do I made this superimposing by labview and make the bill complete?
please help me and give some suggestions.
thank you in advance.....
                              -Sudipta Sengupta.

You can save the already created excel sheet as a template and then fill in values using the MS Office Report express VI in LabVIEW.
You can define a named range in Excel template to insert text, numbers, tables, or pictures into a template. Excel template filenames include the .xlt or .xltx extension. To define a named range in an Excel template, open the report template you want to use, point to the cell or a range of cell, right-click and select Name a range. Enter a descriptive name. This name will appear in the express VI configuration window when you use it in LabVIEW. Add names for all the cells where you want to insert data. For each named range, you can specify whether you want the Express VI to format data as text or, if the data is an array, as a table or graph. You also can use the Report Generation VIs to insert text, tables, and graphs into named range locations. Specify the named range where the VI inserts data in the MS Office parameters input.
In LabVIEW, put MS Office Report Express VI on the block diagram (Functions Pallete -> Programming -> Report Generation). Select Custom Report for Excel in template field and specify path to your template. This should populate the "Named Range in Selected Template" Field with all the cells or ranges that you named in the template. In the report destination select "Save to File". Click configure "Save to File" options and make appropriate settings there.
Press OK when done. On the block diagram you should see all the named ranges as inputs to the express VI. This is where you give approprialte data from LabVIEW to your report, and this gets saved to the file name you specify.
I am attaching the template and the generated report that I used. Hope this helps.
Chinmay Anand Misra
Technical Marketing Engineer
gen.xlsx ‏9 KB
Template.xltx ‏9 KB

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    Hi Jose,
    Don't specify any end condition for  fork step and check the start process check box in both the receive step.
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    FROM   "F0902_Account_Balances" "F0902_Account_Balances"
    WHERE  "F0902_Account_Balances"."GBFY_Fiscal_Year"=11

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    var filepath = "/c/filepath/"
    // Create a new PDF document for Profile:
    doc = app.newDoc();
    doc.saveAs({ cPath: filepath + "Temp.pdf" });
    doc = app.openDoc({cPath: filepath + "Temp.pdf" })
    // List of files of different extensions
    aFiles = new Array( "Doc1.xls", "Doc1.doc");
    for ( var i=0; i < aFiles.length; i++) {
    // Open and convert the document
    newDoc = app.openDoc({
    oDoc: doc,
    cPath: aFiles[i],
    bUseConv: true
    // Save the new PDF file to a temp folder
    newDoc.saveAs({ cPath: filepath + "Combined.pdf" });
    // Close it without notice
    // Now insert that PDF file just saved to the end of the first document
    doc.insertPages ({
    nPage: doc.numPages-1,
    cPath: filepath + "Combined.pdf",
    nStart: 0

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    source1     target
    root        header
    a           item 0 to unbounded
    b            a
    c            b
    source2     item1 duplicated structure
    a            a
    b            b
    c            c
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    In BPM follow the below steps and hopefully your problem will be solved.
    1.     Configure one sender CC to get the files from your application server, once the files hit the BPM now you need to
                         configure your BPM accordingly.
    2.     Use the Receiver step in BPM to receive the messages. Use the correlation step to get the correct files.
    3.     Use container and append the files, so both the files will be append, this means the message content will
                         have 1header, body, footer, 2header, body, footer.
    4.     If you want to split the message to different receiver then use the fork step else leave it.
    5.     Use the transformation step, the transformation step will call the message mapping. Provide the correct message
    6.     Now use the sender step to send the message to the receiver-target system. In this step use the split value for each
                          concept if you want to generate two different files.
    7.     Configure 1 receiver CC to generate both the files.
    Hope this helps.

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    Thanks & Regards,

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  • Need to setup Premiere CS6 sequence for two file types with different field orders

    I have a client who has shot video for me using two cameras, one camera was set to progressive, and the other to interlaced upper field first. I need to use both file types in the edit and have been struggling to set up the sequence to get the best look for the end product, a DVD. I have several videos to do for her that were all shot in the same way, so I need a solution!
    I would appreciate help figuring out how to set up this work flow from beginning to end.
    Should I convert one of the files from the beginning so they match field orders before going into a sequence? Or do I just need to do some adjusting of the files once they are in the sequence? Is it just as simple as changing the transcode settings to favor the upper field first? I'm definitely having issues once the video is transcoded in Encore and you can see a lot of jagged edges and lines especially during movement. My client isn't happy and I've tried several workarounds, but to no avail.
    Here are the two file types I have:
    File extension: .MOV
    H.264, 1920x1080, Linear PCM, 16 bit little-endian signed integer, 48000 Hz, stereo
    FPS 29.97
    No Fields: Progressive Scan
    File extension: .MTS (my Mac finder can't read these files, but they are read in Premiere)
    Image Size: 1920 x 1080
    Frame Rate: 29.97
    Source Audio Format: 48000 Hz - compressed - 6 channels
    Pixel Aspect Ratio: 1.0
    Upper Field First
    I am using Adobe Premiere CS 6.0.2
    Encore 6.0.1
    Media Encoder
    I am running it on an iMac 27-inch, Mid 2011
    with Mac OS X Lion 10.7.5
    Processor  3.4 GHz Intel Core i7
    Graphics  AMD Radeon HD 6970M 1024 MB
    I've just been setting the sequence to match the .MOV files since they look much better than the .MTS files. I've done the opposite as well, setting the sequence to match the .MTS files and it doesn't seem to help. I've also changed the field order of the files once they are in the sequence by changing the field options and have tried converting the .MTS files in the Media Encoder, but nothing I've done has worked.
    Any help would be so appreciated! The client I have is a photographer, so she wasn't aware of this issue when she first shot these videos. So I have 10 videos with these issues I need to get back to her, hopefully issue free! I'm struggling as an editor because my last job I was using FCP and was working with videographers who knew what they were doing, so I've never faced such problems before. Plus I'm new to the Adobe software. Not a good combination. Please forgive me if I didn't give all the information you need. I will happily respond with whatever more information you may need to help me out!

    I wonder if you could do your edit ignoring any visual issues of the interlaced footage but keeping the different sources separate ( checkerboard edit Vid 1/ Vid 2 )
    Lock it down then export the interlaced part of the edit as a Digital Intermediate.
    Maybe Export the other source as well to the same codec. DI
    Bring them back together in a New Sequence. You wold have to deal with the black spacing.

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