Suppress Fields on Printed Page

Post Author: RCRich
CA Forum: Crystal Reports
Is it possible to suppress a field, so that it can be viewed on the screen at all times, but not appear on the printed page.
Any help would be most appreciated.

Post Author: kcheeb
CA Forum: Crystal Reports
I've not tried this but conceptually it could work
Put the following in the Suppress for the field you want to hide :
WhilePrintingRecords = 0
I'm also not sure if 0 or 1 is true, you'll have to play with that one.

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    Thanks in advance

    YOu will need to use a parameter such as {?Print}
    User can select Y or N from your default settings.
    Then use that parameters to suppress fields as required
    {?Print} = 'Y'
    User will not ba able to print from the normal version, they will need to rerun report with this param set as Y

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    Thanks in advance for your help.
    kind regards
    Monika Anna

    1. Are these vertically arranged fields within the same group?  If so, you can try right click on the Group section, Select Change Group, and then Go to Option Tab and select Change Group together.
    2. Otherwise, if you want to fit certain amount of rows into one page, then you can write your own running total and Set New Page when that running total reach eg: 20 rows.

  • Details section extends to a whole page when multipage field is printed

    Crystal Reports designer in VS 2005 Prof.  C#
    I have a field which sometimes is large, so it is printed on several pages.
    When a field is small, ie. starts and finishes on the same page, then all is OK. I mean, that Details vertical lines and field borders are closed as soon as the last field is fully printed. Report Footer is propely printed after the last Details row.
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    I tried the following:
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    2. Inserting an extra Group Section - Group Footer was printed over on Details body - overlapped.
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    [The view with a small field|]
    [The view with Details expanded to a whole page|]

    Hi Trevor and Ludek,
    At last success -  I found the workaround!
    Before my give up, during the downloading time of the PerpetuumSoftware report generator, I tested the last idea which comes from [Joe's help posted in this thread|].
    I removed all vertical lines from the Detail section and the box surrounding the Detail's section row.
    I inserted a new group section which works exactly as the Detail section, so it changes along with Detail section.
    I put the vertical lines starting from the GroupHeader section and expanded it across the Detail section to the middle height somewhere inside the GroupFooter. And now I set the line's bottom = 0. It means that it ends exactly at the top of GroupFooter section.
    Next, I set the height's of GroupHeader and GroupFooter sections = 0.
    The import things are:
    - vertical lines (box'es) cannot start in the PageHeader, they must start at top of GroupHeader
    - vertical lines (box'es) cannot end in the Detail section, they must end at top of GroupFooter
    And now, it works as I expected. Here is the [PDF example|].
    Thanks to your advices and support I was able to investigate this problem,
    so thank you again for the help.

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    Thanks for help!

    You need to use a collapsable anchor so that the long field will replace the fields that do not display on the subsequent pages.

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    Yes the field page n of m is used normally for printing page numbers. But it won't display the current page of total pages by itself. You have to set the run time property to n (current page ) and m (Total number of pages). Carefully select the # (current page ) and ## (Total number of pages). Hope this works for you.
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    2nd page is the 1st page of the 1st copy of the invoice : we should read u201C1 / 2u201D
    3rd page is the 2nd page of the 1st copy of the invoice : we should read u201C2 / 2u201D
    4th page is the 1st page of the 2nd copy of the invoice : we should read u201C1 / 2u201D
    5th page is the 2nd page of the 2nd copy of the invoice : we should read u201C2 / 2u201D
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    I have used the follwing java scripting:
    this.rawValue = wv_pages -
    where wv_pages is total no of pages calculated from print program.
    Please help me in this regard with some formcal or java scripting conditions.
    Thank You,

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    I'm with you on this. LR 3 has come along way on the print module but placing text anywhere on the page at any angle using any system font would go long way in making a great looking album page. If you are in the senior market you could add the customers name to a wallet sized image.

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    Plz write the solution

    Hi Narendra
    try this code.
    reward pts if help.
    *& Report  ZDEMO_ALVGRID_EDIT                                          *
    *& Example of a simple ALV Grid Report                                 *
    *& The basic ALV grid, Enhanced to display specific fields as          *
    *& editable depending on field value                                   *
    REPORT  ZDEMO_ALVGRID_EDIT                 .
    TABLES:     ekko.
    TYPE-POOLS: slis.                                 "ALV Declarations
    *Data Declaration
    TYPES: BEGIN OF t_ekko,
      ebeln TYPE ekpo-ebeln,
      ebelp TYPE ekpo-ebelp,
      statu TYPE ekpo-statu,
      aedat TYPE ekpo-aedat,
      matnr TYPE ekpo-matnr,
      menge TYPE ekpo-menge,
      meins TYPE ekpo-meins,
      netpr TYPE ekpo-netpr,
      peinh TYPE ekpo-peinh,
      field_style  TYPE lvc_t_styl, "FOR DISABLE
    END OF t_ekko.
          wa_ekko TYPE t_ekko.
    *ALV data declarations
    DATA: fieldcatalog TYPE slis_t_fieldcat_alv WITH HEADER LINE.
    DATA: it_fieldcat TYPE lvc_t_fcat,     "slis_t_fieldcat_alv WITH HEADER LINE,
          wa_fieldcat TYPE lvc_s_fcat,
          gd_tab_group TYPE slis_t_sp_group_alv,
          gd_layout    TYPE lvc_s_layo,     "slis_layout_alv,
          gd_repid     LIKE sy-repid.
      PERFORM data_retrieval.
      PERFORM set_specific_field_attributes.
      PERFORM build_fieldcatalog.
      PERFORM build_layout.
      PERFORM display_alv_report.
    *&      Form  BUILD_FIELDCATALOG
          Build Fieldcatalog for ALV Report
    FORM build_fieldcatalog.
      wa_fieldcat-fieldname   = 'EBELN'.
      wa_fieldcat-scrtext_m   = 'Purchase Order'.
      wa_fieldcat-col_pos     = 0.
      wa_fieldcat-outputlen   = 10.
      wa_fieldcat-emphasize   = 'X'.
      wa_fieldcat-key         = 'X'.
      APPEND wa_fieldcat TO it_fieldcat.
      CLEAR  wa_fieldcat.
      wa_fieldcat-fieldname   = 'EBELP'.
      wa_fieldcat-scrtext_m   = 'PO Item'.
      wa_fieldcat-col_pos     = 1.
      APPEND wa_fieldcat TO it_fieldcat.
      CLEAR  wa_fieldcat.
      wa_fieldcat-fieldname   = 'STATU'.
      wa_fieldcat-scrtext_m   = 'Status'.
      wa_fieldcat-col_pos     = 2.
      APPEND wa_fieldcat TO it_fieldcat.
      CLEAR  wa_fieldcat.
      wa_fieldcat-fieldname   = 'AEDAT'.
      wa_fieldcat-scrtext_m   = 'Item change date'.
      wa_fieldcat-col_pos     = 3.
      APPEND wa_fieldcat TO it_fieldcat.
      CLEAR  wa_fieldcat.
      wa_fieldcat-fieldname   = 'MATNR'.
      wa_fieldcat-scrtext_m   = 'Material Number'.
      wa_fieldcat-col_pos     = 4.
      APPEND wa_fieldcat TO it_fieldcat.
      CLEAR  wa_fieldcat.
      wa_fieldcat-fieldname   = 'MENGE'.
      wa_fieldcat-scrtext_m   = 'PO quantity'.
      wa_fieldcat-col_pos     = 5.
      APPEND wa_fieldcat TO it_fieldcat.
      CLEAR  wa_fieldcat.
      wa_fieldcat-fieldname   = 'MEINS'.
      wa_fieldcat-scrtext_m   = 'Order Unit'.
      wa_fieldcat-col_pos     = 6.
      APPEND wa_fieldcat TO it_fieldcat.
      CLEAR  wa_fieldcat.
      wa_fieldcat-fieldname   = 'NETPR'.
      wa_fieldcat-scrtext_m   = 'Net Price'.
      wa_fieldcat-edit        = 'X'. "sets whole column to be editable
      wa_fieldcat-col_pos     = 7.
      wa_fieldcat-outputlen   = 15.
      wa_fieldcat-datatype     = 'CURR'.
      APPEND wa_fieldcat TO it_fieldcat.
      CLEAR  wa_fieldcat.
      wa_fieldcat-fieldname   = 'PEINH'.
      wa_fieldcat-scrtext_m   = 'Price Unit'.
      wa_fieldcat-col_pos     = 8.
      APPEND wa_fieldcat TO it_fieldcat.
      CLEAR  wa_fieldcat.
    ENDFORM.                    " BUILD_FIELDCATALOG
    *&      Form  BUILD_LAYOUT
          Build layout for ALV grid report
    FORM build_layout.
    Set layout field for field attributes(i.e. input/output)
      gd_layout-stylefname = 'FIELD_STYLE'.
      gd_layout-zebra             = 'X'.
    ENDFORM.                    " BUILD_LAYOUT
    *&      Form  DISPLAY_ALV_REPORT
          Display report using ALV grid
    FORM display_alv_report.
      gd_repid = sy-repid.
    call function 'REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY'
                i_callback_program      = gd_repid
               i_callback_user_command = 'USER_COMMAND'
                is_layout_lvc               = gd_layout
                it_fieldcat_lvc             = it_fieldcat
                i_save                  = 'X'
                t_outtab                = it_ekko
                program_error           = 1
                OTHERS                  = 2.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    ENDFORM.                    " DISPLAY_ALV_REPORT
    *&      Form  DATA_RETRIEVAL
          Retrieve data form EKPO table and populate itab it_ekko
    FORM data_retrieval.
      SELECT ebeln ebelp statu aedat matnr menge meins netpr peinh
       UP TO 10 ROWS
        FROM ekpo
    ENDFORM.                    " DATA_RETRIEVAL
    *&      Form  set_specific_field_attributes
          populate FIELD_STYLE table with specific field attributes
    form set_specific_field_attributes .
      DATA ls_stylerow TYPE lvc_s_styl .
      DATA lt_styletab TYPE lvc_t_styl .
    Populate style variable (FIELD_STYLE) with style properties
    The NETPR field/column has been set to editable in the fieldcatalog...
    The following code sets it to be disabled(display only) if 'NETPR'
    is gt than 10.
      LOOP AT it_ekko INTO wa_ekko.
        IF wa_ekko-netpr GT 10.
          ls_stylerow-fieldname = 'NETPR' .
          ls_stylerow-style = cl_gui_alv_grid=>mc_style_disabled.
                                                 "set field to disabled
          APPEND ls_stylerow  TO wa_ekko-field_style.
          MODIFY it_ekko FROM wa_ekko.
    endform.                    " set_specific_field_attributes
    pls reward pts is help,

  • When printing page data in Schwab, the font is so tiny it's almost invisible - this does not happen in Windows Exploror.

    On 2/20/2013 all printing was normal. On 2/21/2013 not only did the printing not work, but PDF files did not show up properly. Is this a new version of Firefox? I got the PDF reset so that works now, but not the printing. In Comcast email, the date field shifts way to the right and forces the font smaller. When I uncheck "shrink to fit" it does not wrap the text but rather chops it off when I increase the font size.
    Today I tried printing pages from Schwab using their "Print Page" button which always worked in the past but today it was unreadable.
    Can I go back to the previous version of Firefox?

  • Can the footer repeat on every printed page?

    I need the footer (part of the master page) to repeat on every printed page of a topic.
    Our client prints topics for use in the field and the footer contains time/date code (that I found on the internet). This date/time info needs to be printed on all pages of each topic. Most of the topics are 2-3 pages in length when printed from the browser. Is it possible to program the footer to repeat? or add HTML code to the topics to do this?
    I'm using RH 9, generating the WebHelp Pro layout for my output. Using IE9 and FireFox9 browsers. I've added a toolbar print button that uses the toolbarscripts01.js script to print the topics. (The script works great and is a HUGE life saver, by the way!! Thanks Peter Grainge!)

    Hi Shelley
    We've already established in a separate thread that WebHelp Pro is not what you should be creating as you aren't using RoboHelp Server. But that really hasn't got anything to do with the footers.
    What you likely need to do is to supply a PDF that will be used to print. When RoboHelp creates Printed Documentation it first creates a Word document. And if you have elected to create a PDF, the PDF is created from the Word document. So what you can do is to forego the PDF from RoboHelp and manually tweak the Word document to add the desired footers. Then you could create a PDF from that to supply to the user.
    Cheers... Rick
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  • How to prevent printing last print page in smartforms

    Hi everyone,
    when i print preview my samrtform, there is an extra blank page printing at end. for example, if i want to print 5 records, 6 print pages are printing. how to prevent printing this last page.
    answers will be rewarded

      Try out this
    You need to Create --> Flow Logic --> Alternative process where you can
    specify a condition that will either, Go to the last page or not
    depending on the Conditions. You will need to set the General
    Attributes --> Go to New Page check box and the name of the Page to go
    to, as well as setting the Conditions as you have then to suppress the

  • Select fields to print in contacts for labels

    Trying to print out mailing labels for Christmas Cards.  Would like to select the fields I want to print on my labels.  I have Mr. & Mrs. in my company field, and wish to use it instead of my name field.  Is there a way to do this?

    Sorry to say so, but there just isn't such an option.
    Which somehow even makes sense — considering Keynote uses the standard OS X printing dialog, wherein the page-selection applies to the actual printed pages *opposed to the document of however paged material*.
    Wether this is sane behaviour or not, is debatable. I think it is.
    One thing you might consider, is to select the slides *you don't want* to be printed and select "Slide" > "Skip slide".
    This—however—completely messes up the slide if you depend on them, your screwed.
    In my opinion handouts are a pretty weak point in Keynote.
    Since iWork is marketed as a suite of applications, there should at least be some sort of integration with Pages for this single purpose.
    Cheers D

  • Print Page stopped working, how to solve?

    Print Page stopped working, how to solve?
    Guys anyone knows a material with step by step how to create a page impression?
    I have an application where there is a page printer which generates a PDF but the PDF page rendering is no longer any more field returned from the sql query.
    If someone does not have a material for me incidar no way give me a hand?
    grateful for the attention
    Edited by: goj1 on 07/05/2013 18:34

    Actually what happened was the following:
    There is a page with a report of 4 fields. This field was rendered in a PDF document is blank in shared components -> Reports
    This PDF with 4 fields are used when you want to print the report.
    After an update the application when I try to print the PDF opens blank.
    Work in a government agency and is not how I use PL / PDF.

  • Adobe reader xi i am running 2 display screens and when i have a file open and go to print the print page opens on my second screen.  How can I get adobe reader to just display on one screen?

    adobe reader xi i am running 2 display screens and when i have a file open and go to print the print page opens on my second screen.  How can I get adobe reader to just display on one screen?
    I want the capability of adobe reader to just run on one screen.

    I had the same problem.
    Try this. _as_the_Safari_PDF_Viewer.html

Maybe you are looking for