SUS - Clients not seeing any updates

Hi all, hopefully someone here with prior experience can help me along.
I have a PowerMac G4 running 10.4 Server with all the latest updates and I want it to be a Software Update Server for any laptops around here that need updating.
I installed Server and set it up with no crazy settings at all. This server is strictly an internal Software Update Server. No clients will be hitting it from outside of my network. The only service I have turned on is Software Update Server. SUS did it's "dance" with Apple and downloaded all necessary updates and the service is on and running. I have Automatically mirror updates from Apple and Automatically enable mirrored updates turned on. My server is assigned a manual IP address from our router.
My problem lies with the client computers. I have a dummy client laptop setup and running 10.4 and I am using Software Update Enabler to try and connect to the SUS Server. I have tried connecting using the http://IPAddress:8088 address and upon launching Software Update on the client computer it shows connecting to my server but it tells me there are no updates available. I'm not sure where I am going wrong here? Do I need to have DNS turned on the server for it to work properly or am I ok with using the manual IP address assigned to the server? Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance..

Do your local machines use a proxy to get out to the Net? If so, try this.
I created a new Location under Network Preferences without the proxy settings, called it Updateer, set the Software Update Service on the server to deploy through port 80 instead and set Software Update Enabler to go through to the server via http://serverIP:80 and everything works like magic. Had no luck until I went this way. You'll have to put the Location back to normal after so things work as they should Internetwise but Software Updates work incredibly faster.

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    thanks for your reply
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    Thanks Nancy
    It certainly worked in windows 8.
    I have deactivated and am trying to reload software inside of windows 8.1.
    Will let you know.
    Thanks again
    Date: Fri, 1 Nov 2013 12:13:57 -0700
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: Since upgrading to windows 8.1 I can not see any local files in the files window.
        Re: Since upgrading to windows 8.1 I can not see any local files in the files window.
        created by Nancy O. in Dreamweaver support forum - View the full discussion
    I honestly don't know if DW CS5 is compatible with Win 8.1.  The OS compatibility FAQ only mentions DW CS6 & CC. ml
    Maybe someone else can shed more light on this.
      Nancy O.
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    Hi Russ, Thank you for your reply!
    System Spec:
    2x2.26 Ghz QUAD-CORE
    12 GB RAM 1066 MHz DDR3
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    Here's the answer folks:

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    Mac OS X 10.5.8 is years old, 3 major versions out-of-date and unsupported at this point. You will never get any further updates for 10.5.8, and more and more applications will stop supporting 10.5.8 as time goes on. As mende1 points out, you can buy Snow Leopard (Mac OS X 10.6), which will let you use your new iPhone with your computer, but you need to make sure your computer's hardware is supported. See the system requirements for Snow Leopard:
    If your computer cannot run Snow Leopard, you will need to either buy a new computer or abandon any thoughts of syncing the iPhone with that computer.
    Also, note that you'll get far better integration of your iPhone and your Mac if you're using Lion (Mac OS X 10.7) or Mountain Lion (Mac OS X 10.8), which are required to use iCloud. Of course, the requirements of those systems are even steeper than those of Snow Leopard:

  • "An autonomous transaction does not see any changes made by main transact"

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    Oracle® Database Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals
    10g Release 2 (10.2)
    Part Number B14251-01
    chapter 2 SQL Processing for Application Developers
    Paragraph : Autonomous TransactionsI set up a simple case...
    create table emp_ as select * from emp
      update emp_ set hiredate=hiredate+100 where empno=7934;
    create or replace trigger trg_emp_
    after insert or update on emp_
    for each row
        pragma autonomous_transaction;
        emp_var emp.hiredate%type;
        select hiredate
          into emp_var
          from emp_
        where empno=:new.empno;
        dbms_output.put_line('empno: '||:new.empno);
        dbms_output.put_line('old hiredate: '||:old.hiredate);
        dbms_output.put_line('new hiredate: '||:new.hiredate);
      end;Prior to any change...
    SQL> select empno,hiredate from emp_;
    5498 21/4/1982
    5499 11/10/1981
    5411 10/10/1981
    5410 10/10/1982
    7369 17/12/1980
    7499 20/2/1981
    7521 22/2/1981
    7566 2/4/1981
    7654 28/9/1981
    7698 1/5/1981
    7782 9/6/1981
    7788 19/4/1987
    7839 17/11/1981
    7844 8/9/1981
    7876 23/5/1987
    7900 3/12/1981
    7902 3/12/1981
    7934 23/1/1982After the change...
    SQL> begin
      2    update emp_ set hiredate=hiredate+100 where empno=7934;
      3  end;
      4  /
    empno: 7934
    old hiredate: 23/01/82
    new hiredate: 03/05/82
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completedAccording to the Oracle doc the select of the autonomous transaction should not see the change made to the hiredate column of the table in the main transaction(in the anonymous block)....
    What may i do wrong..????
    Thank you,

    As Tubby pointed out, your dbms_output commands do not display the value you selected in the trigger. Your trigger based demonstration needs to be more like:
            ID DT
             1 05-SEP-2009
             2 17-JUL-2009
      3     FOR EACH ROW
      4  DECLARE
      6     l_dt t.dt%TYPE;
      7  BEGIN
      8     SELECT dt INTO l_dt
      9     FROM t
    10     WHERE id =;
    11     DBMS_OUTPUT.Put_Line ('ID: '||;
    12     DBMS_OUTPUT.Put_Line ('Old dt: '||:old.dt);
    13     DBMS_OUTPUT.Put_Line ('New dt: '||:new.dt);
    14     DBMS_OUTPUT.Put_Line ('Aut dt: '||l_dt);
    15  END;
    16  /
    Trigger created.
    SQL> UPDATE t SET dt = sysdate WHERE id = 2;
    ID: 2
    Old dt: 17-JUL-2009
    New dt: 25-OCT-2009
    Aut dt: 17-JUL-2009
    1 row updated.So, the automomous transaction select did not see the changed value of dt.
    I know you are just trying to understand automomous transactions here and would never do sometihg like this in production right? :-)
    Your trigger, as written, has some interesting side effects because of the automomous transaction. For example:
    SQL> INSERT INTO t VALUES(3, sysdate - 25);
    INSERT INTO t VALUES(3, sysdate - 25)
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-01403: no data found
    ORA-06512: at "OPS$ORACLE.T_AI", line 5
    ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger 'OPS$ORACLE.T_AI'
    SQL> UPDATE t SET id = 3 where trunc(dt) = TO_DATE('05-Sep-2009', 'dd-mon-yyyy');
    UPDATE t SET id = 3 where trunc(dt) = TO_DATE('05-Sep-2009', 'dd-mon-yyyy')
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-01403: no data found
    ORA-06512: at "OPS$ORACLE.T_AI", line 5
    ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger 'OPS$ORACLE.T_AI'John

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    HELP Please

    hello obrienn214, other users with this problem all had an embedded intel hd3000 graphics card with an old driver present. in case this also applies to you, here would be a link to update the driver, which in turn should also address the black firefox problem: (for win7 64 bit)
    in case this doesn't solve the issue or does not apply to your system, start firefox into safemode '''by pressing the shift key while the application is launching''' & disable hardware acceleration in the firefox ''menu ≡ > options > advanced > general'' (that setting will take a restart of the browser to take effect).
    [[Troubleshoot extensions, themes and hardware acceleration issues to solve common Firefox problems]]

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    Thank you for your help,
    Darren D

    Hello ddelin,
    Welcome to the Apple Support Communities!
    I realize that two out of your three computers can see your printer, but one MacBook Pro will not. You have also done some great troubleshooting by deleting the printer, installing drivers, and trying to re-add the printer. If the issue continues, I would suggest resetting the printing system. Please use the attached article for more information.
    Troubleshooting printer issues in OS X - Apple Support
    If the issue persists, try these additional steps:
    Reset the printing system, then add the printer again.
    If the issue still persists, reset the printing system again.  Download and install your printer's drivers. Then, add the printer again.
    Contact the printer vendor or visit their website for further assistance.
    Best regards,

  • IBook G4 Airport Extreme does not see any SSID

    My iBook 1,2 Ghz has been working great for several years now.
    I am working with Mac OS X Tiger (10.4.11) for quite some time
    and it never let me down. I connect to the internet using an Airport Express
    connected to a speedtouch router.
    The Airport Express Card in my iBook always found 6 or 7 SSID's of other
    Wireless Networks in my neighbourhood and it used to login automatically on
    my Airport Express wireless wetwork station.
    Last week it suddenly stopped working correctly.
    After starting OS X on my laptop the little Airport icon in the upper bar faded out grey.
    When I click it it says it can't find any networks.
    I checked all my settings, downgraded my Airport Extensions
    and even installed a spare (refurbished) Airport Extreme Card.
    Even with another Airport Extreme Card it does not see any wireless networks.
    My other macs, a unibody MacBook Pro and white MacBook work fine with the Airport Express.
    What could be wrong? Am I overlooking something here? Can somebody help me out?
    How can i get my Airport Express/iBook G4 connected to my wireless network again?

    Hi Elko,
    Thanks for the reply.
    I re-installed the original Airport Extreme card into the slot again.
    But now i pushed it harder than the first time. (just like you said)
    I noticed the second click, but that doesn't seem to be the problem.
    Both Airport Cards (the original and the new) were installed correctly.
    I also checked the antenna connection but that is seated o.k. too.
    After re-installing the card, i booted into Mac OS X Tiger and checked the ASP.
    It says a Airport Extreme Card is installed with firmware version 405.1 (
    and the langauge version is international/worldwide. So far, so good.
    Nevertheless the airport card does still not find any wireless networks or SSID's after
    scanning multiple times. (Location on automatic)
    I am planning an upgrade to Leopard today. Maybe that's gonna help, since there were some Airport Extreme updates in Leopard. If that's not the solution, I will stay with your other suggestion and buy me a nice USB dongle.
    Do you have any idea what type of dongles work best with Leopard? I have seen some different models, but a lot of dongles require third-party software to make it work and are not automatically recognized by OS X.

  • Can not see any Data in OKE.OKE_K_FUND_ALLOCATIONS

    I am looking in this table with SQLPlus and TOAD and can not see any rows.

    Hi Hussein;
    First I ran:
    select fu.user_name, fr.responsibility_name
    , fu.user_id, fr.responsibility_id resp_id
    , furg.responsibility_application_id resp_appl_id, furg.security_group_id sec_group_id
    from apps.fnd_user_resp_groups furg
    , apps.fnd_user fu
    , apps.fnd_responsibility_vl fr
    where furg.user_id = fu.user_id
    and upper(fu.user_name) = upper('&User_Name')
    and furg.responsibility_id = fr.responsibility_id
    order by 1, 3
    Passing in SYSADMIN
    Taking this row:
    SYSADMIN,General Ledger Super User,0,20434,101,0
    I ran:
    I ran exec fnd_global.APPS_INITIALIZE (0,20434,101,0);
    I still get no rows returned.
    Is thier a way in the App to ensure the SYSADMIN,General Ledger Super User can see this data? Or am I missing something else?

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    i have just dowloaded the icloud control panel on my PC and i am am able to see everything that has been pushed to icloud from my ipad. However i cannot see my email. i can send from the computer using icloud, but i do not see any mail that is being received by my ipad, which is set up with my mail server. What haven't i checked lol?

    turn your ipad off by holding the sleep wake button for 5 seconds and slide to turn off then turn it back on and the apps should be finished and if the apps didnt finish just redownload them

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    how do I delete photo ALBUMS from my iPHONE 4?
    I sync via icloud and I can not see any folders selected in itunes.
    I searched the internet and basically there is no one who has the answer (so far)
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    I have also had every iphone and I am not stupid.
    charles altman

    Replying to my own post - heh. I downloaded iExplorer ( which allowed me access to the files on the phone and there was the phantom movie in the DCIM folder. Deleted it, and all is well - although I still have 0.65gb of Other in iTunes.....

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