Suspicious Firefox download window

An official Firefox download window was presented for a security update. I did this and a few minutes later, another window appeared mentioning an add-on Firefox update. It had a hyperlink in the window for more information about the update--but the link did nothing. I was half-asleep and can't believe I hit 'next' --it began installing. I realized in that instant it might not be a legitimate update and closed the install window before it completed--am I safe from the virus it was probably trying to put on my computer?

There have been quite a few bogus sites recently that purport to be an update for Firefox but are trying to get you to install malware.
To ensure that you have not been infected, try running several malware scanners. It is best to run several as each will pick up things that the others miss. Some scanners you can try are:
* [ Malwarebytes]
* [ SUPERAntiSpyware]
* [ Ad-Aware]
* [ Windows Defender]
* [ Spybot S&D]

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    == User Agent ==
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    This could be many things.
    * Have your provider test your web service
    * Check your modem
    * Have you tried using a download manager.
    There are add-on DownManagers. There are also external managers.
    Go to the '''[ Mozilla Add-ons Web Page]''' {web link}
    (There’s a lot of good stuff here) and search for what you want.

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    Did you restart FireFox after making changes to the about:config page?
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    *Tools > Options > Privacy > Firefox will: "Use custom settings for history" > "Remember download history"
    Also check the Clear Recent History (and CCleaner) settings if you use it.
    *Tools > Options > Privacy : History: [X] Clear history when Firefox closes > Settings

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    Hi Frustratedannon!
    I completely understand your frustration regarding these issues. Allow me to suggest a couple of things that may help lessen your frustration and resolve some issues. First, you should look to see if you have Automatic Downloads activated on your iPad (it could explain why the Simpsons game would have showed up on your iPad out of the blue):
    iTunes Store: How to enable Automatic Downloads
    In order to actually get rid of the Simpsons app or finish downloading it, you may need to try turning off your iPad, then turning it back on. You also may need to try a reset, which is a simple power cycle procedure that does not affect your data on your iPad. Both of these steps are explained in the following article:
    Turn your iOS device off and on (restart) and reset
    Take care, and thanks for visiting the Apple Support Communities.

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    Check that you do not run Firefox as Administrator.
    Right-click the Firefox desktop shortcut and choose "Properties".
    In the Compatibility tab, make sure that Privilege Level: "Run this program as Administrator" is not selected.
    You also need to check the Properties of the firefox.exe program in the Firefox program directory.

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