SVG pipe chart problem!

Hi guys I will need to develop an application in htmldb 2.0. In this version of apex I can use only svg charts. And I have a problem with pipe chart , when I have this values
label     value
B     100
C     0
In this situation on the page appear sth that dosent look like a pip chart, any ideas?

Hi guys I will need to develop an application in htmldb 2.0. In this version of apex I can use only svg charts. And I have a problem with pipe chart , when I have this values
label     value
B     100
C     0
In this situation on the page appear sth that dosent look like a pip chart, any ideas?

Similar Messages

  • Svg line chart  problem with latest patch?

    Hi team,
    I was checking out one page containing an SVG chart that I didn't modify in 2 weeks, according to the application builder, but it seems to hang after displaying the first line series of 4 total.
    It was working before the last patch was installed.
    It's page 65 of application 21670 in the online environment.
    Choose "automobile" from the first drop down list and click on the button, the chart appears but then it seems to be waiting for something to download.
    If you move the mouse over any textual part, you can see in the status line the following message:
    "xml processing instuction not at start of external entity: line 172, column 0".
    If you open up the SVG source by right clicking on the chart, you will see at the end of the file an error text message returned by oracle (ORA-06502), but what is particularly strange is the presence of an <?xml> processing instruction just in the middle of the source code listing.
    It looks like it is trying to append the second chart series by appending another svg source file.
    Could you check if I did anything wrong or if it is a problem of the patch?
    I have got other chart type running without problems.

    Things are getting complicated.
    I found some cases where the chart is displayed correctly, which made me think of some unexpected values returned by the underlying queries.
    Since my chart is made up of 4 different series returning 12 points each, I assembled the queries with UNION ALL and checked out what was returned both in a failing case and a successful one but I can't figure out a valid explanation, the only thing I notice is that in the failing case there are some values higher than average, say 10 times bigger than the average value and for some reason the chart stops drawing points exactly after the peak value (1155.62, see below).
    Each series returns exactly 12 points, some nulls, but that's doesn't seem to be the problem.
    I wonder if the problem is with the "autoscale" algorithm, but I am lost at the moment...
    Here is a successful data sample:
    - APRIL -
    - APRIL 119.57125
    - APRIL -
    - APRIL -
    - AUGUST 160.5
    - AUGUST 157.53
    - AUGUST 157.53
    - AUGUST 119.57125
    - DECEMBER -
    - DECEMBER 119.57125
    - DECEMBER 113.67
    - DECEMBER 131.214
    - FEBRUARY 104
    - FEBRUARY 119.57125
    - FEBRUARY 126.418333333333333333333333333333333333
    - FEBRUARY 125
    - JANUARY 153
    - JANUARY 119.57125
    - JANUARY 134.845
    - JANUARY 145
    - JULY 154.56
    - JULY 119.57125
    - JULY 154.56
    - JULY 154.56
    - JUNE -
    - JUNE -
    - JUNE -
    - JUNE 119.57125
    - MARCH 43.5
    - MARCH 119.57125
    - MARCH 106.918333333333333333333333333333333333
    - MARCH 100.166666666666666666666666666666666667
    - MAY -
    - MAY 119.57125
    - MAY -
    - MAY -
    - NOVEMBER 118
    - NOVEMBER 131.214
    - NOVEMBER 125.3775
    - NOVEMBER 119.57125
    - OCTOBER 164
    - OCTOBER 119.57125
    - OCTOBER 134.5175
    - OCTOBER 134.5175
    - SEPTEMBER 59.01
    - SEPTEMBER 119.57125
    - SEPTEMBER 124.69
    - SEPTEMBER 124.69
    and now an offending one:
    - APRIL -
    - APRIL 287.743333333333333333333333333333333333
    - APRIL -
    - APRIL -
    - AUGUST 1155.62
    - AUGUST 655.09
    - AUGUST 655.09
    - AUGUST 287.743333333333333333333333333333333333
    - DECEMBER 135
    - DECEMBER 287.743333333333333333333333333333333333
    - DECEMBER 197.2525
    - DECEMBER 349.865
    - FEBRUARY 114
    - FEBRUARY 287.743333333333333333333333333333333333
    - FEBRUARY 315.947142857142857142857142857142857143
    - FEBRUARY 130
    - JANUARY 153
    - JANUARY 287.743333333333333333333333333333333333
    - JANUARY 321.741428571428571428571428571428571429
    - JANUARY 190
    - JULY 154.56
    - JULY 287.743333333333333333333333333333333333
    - JULY 154.56
    - JULY 154.56
    - JUNE -
    - JUNE -
    - JUNE -
    - JUNE 287.743333333333333333333333333333333333
    - MARCH 223.5
    - MARCH 287.743333333333333333333333333333333333
    - MARCH 182.787142857142857142857142857142857143
    - MARCH 156.375
    - MAY -
    - MAY 287.743333333333333333333333333333333333
    - MAY -
    - MAY -
    - NOVEMBER 118
    - NOVEMBER 392.838
    - NOVEMBER 452.4075
    - NOVEMBER 287.743333333333333333333333333333333333
    - OCTOBER 354
    - OCTOBER 287.743333333333333333333333333333333333
    - OCTOBER 461.5475
    - OCTOBER 461.5475
    - SEPTEMBER 182.01
    - SEPTEMBER 287.743333333333333333333333333333333333
    - SEPTEMBER 497.396666666666666666666666666666666667
    - SEPTEMBER 497.396666666666666666666666666666666667
    Weird, isn'it?

  • SVG Series chart problems and wish list

    I've noticed that when I add more than 3 series, the fourth item in the legend is displayed below it, amidst the data, in other words the legend is not resized or the exceeding elements are not accomodated in the spare space available inside the legend's box.
    Also, I cannot use dynamic values for series names. This would be very useful when creating charts out of TOP-N queries. The only way around this is to split a chart into N charts, where, at least, I can dynamically assign the chart title.
    Likewise, I cannot calculate dinamically the X or Y axis maximum value, which would allow me to round up to the nearest multiple of some value.
    It would be great if these requirements could be addressed in a future release of HTML DB.

    Oh yes, my wish list for iTunes:
    - Clearer messages that are more intuitive than what appears now.
    - The ability to store/swap apps/music/etc. temporarily off-line (because of iDevice storage constraints)
       A backup/offline storage area that is ignored when syncing
    - iTunes should respect apps and app folder content and placements
    - Allow for multiple iDevices (with different content) on same iTunes account
       I have an iPod, iPad, and iPhone - I want to be able to independently sync them on a single computer
      with a single iTunes account.
    - Make it easier to sync in either direction (and change sync direction)
    - Allow syncing (or backing up) of apps content. For instance, QUICKVOICE app! I cannot sync the content of this app! Apple doesn't allow access to the datastores (like Android) - very frustrating that I may have to resort to backing up this audio analog via an audio cable! Ridiculous!
    - Allow us to use the iDevice as a temporary USB storage device! Grrr... this is frustrating that I cannot do this! I admit, this has little to do with iTunes
       However, it is the forced requirement of iTunes that is frustrating. This means that I cannot easily place documents to/from my iPhone (documents too large to email) when I at work because iTunes is not an allowed software.

  • Problems with SVG line charts based on PL/SQL returning SQL

    Dear all - I wonder if anyone can tell me whether this problem is likely to be fixed at some point?
    It relates to the fact that you can't get more than one series on a chart where the SQL is returned from PL/SQL.
    It is a huge issue for us when trying to create complex, dynamic charts, which are simple enough in PL/SQL, but end up quite nightmarish in pure SQL.
    Although we have implemented Maani SWF (Flash) charts as a workaround, users don't like them as there's no 'save as...' or copy+paste and they seem to print very badly indeed.
    Here's part of a post from last May with more detail:
    "If I take a really simple table like this:
    and populate it with:
    X Y
    2006-01-01T00:00:00 1
    2006-02-01T00:00:00 2
    2006-03-01T00:00:00 3
    2006-04-01T00:00:00 4
    2006-05-01T00:00:00 5
    2006-06-01T00:00:00 6
    2006-07-01T00:00:00 7
    2006-08-01T00:00:00 8
    2006-09-01T00:00:00 9
    2006-10-01T00:00:00 10
    I can create a chart with a single series using syntax something like:
    return 'select null link, x label, y value
    from chart_test';
    and this works fine. However, if I add a second series:
    return 'select null link, x label, (y + 1) value
    from chart_test';
    then the whole of the chart region blanks out.
    There's an example at:"
    Many thanks,

    On some, but not all SVG line charts, I had trouble when some values are ZERO.
    Putting a CASE WHEN var = 0 then 0.05 ELSE var END in the select statement
    fixed those situations.
    I had missing lines when the number of data points in a series exceeded the default number of 15, and I did not set in the series configuration to a number equal to or higher that the number of data points in that series.
    And I had one instance, where a couple missing lines reappeared when I exited
    the browser and app completely and restarted the app.
    All these comments apply to ver 1.6x and 2.0x

  • "no data found" in SVG Line Chart

    I have a problem with a SVG Line Chart!
    I have multiple series in the Line Chart, which data is based on multiple select lists.
    When I leave one select list blank, so that one line has no data, the "no data found" statement appears in the Chart.
    But when I delete the "no data found" statement in the Series Attributes it would not be deleted. Nevertheless when I open the Series Attributes again the message is still there....
    Does anybody have an idea how I van delete the "No Data found Message"???

    Chris and Cristoph -
    I have found that many times errors like this are caused by SQL statements that don't really address the business need or the requirements for the chart. Let me use a simple example:
    SELECT d.dept_name  dept_name,
           sum(s.sales_total)  sales_total
    FROM orders o, depts d
    WHERE o.dept_id = d.dept_id
      AND o.time_frame = 'Q1'
    GROUP BY dept_nameSeems simple enough. But what if this statement is run early during the Q1 timeframe and one dept hasn't made any sales yet? Well, they won't show up in the output of this statement. From a business perspective, you will want that dept to show on the report with a zero total sales. You don't want them excluded from the report. So how do we fix this?
    There are several options.
    One dirty way of solving this is putting in a dummy record for each dept into the orders table with a 0 sales_total value for each time unit. YUK! That has wrong written all over it!
    We could use a different type of join. And then use NVL or a Case or IF statement to turn Null Values into 0.
    SELECT d.dept_name dept_name,
           sum(nvl(s.sales_total,0))  sales_total
    FROM  orders o RIGHT JOIN dept d ON d.dept_id = o.dept_id
    WHERE o.time_frame = 'Q1'
    GROUP BY dept_nameWe could also square our data sets and summarize with an inner select
    SELECT dept_name dept_name,
           sum(sales_total) sales_total
    FROM (
      SELECT d.dept_name ,
             sum(s.sales_total)  sales_total
      FROM orders o, dept d
      WHERE o.dept_id = d.dept_id
        AND o.time_frame = 'Q1'
      GROUP BY dept_name
      SELECT DISTINCT dept_name ,
             0 sales_total
      FROM dept
    GROUP BY dept_nameThe final result is that every dept has a value. That is the key. This is how the chart expects the data and this is probably how your business expects the data.

  • SVG line chart raises ORA-20001 witha valid SQL query

    I am on version 1.6 & 10g database. I developed an SVG line chart which was working fine, but I wanted to fill in some sparse data by using data densification. So I enhanced my query with a partitioned outer join as follows:
    select null l, month_start, issue_count
    (with dates as
    (select add_months
    ( to_date( '01-jul-2004' ),
    column_value-1) dt
    from table( vtable(12) )),
    iss as
    (select trunc(start_date, 'MON') mon , count(*) cnt
    from issues
    group by trunc(start_date, 'MON'))
    select dates.dt month_start, NVL(iss.cnt, 0) issue_count
    from dates left outer join iss on (dt=mon)
    Now the chart throws an ORA-20001 get_data error. The query is valid as it runs in SQL*plus no problems. What is it choking on?

    I didn't mean for you to put in on the Studio, just install the app in your workspace on, use SQL Workshop there to compile your procedures, tell us the app ID, and that's it.
    The error message presentation needs some improvement, give us time. We're spending most of our energy on improving the capability of the product.

  • SVG multiline chart based on PL/SQL function

    Dear all -
    Having trawled this forum and with a fair bit of experimentation I've concluded that:
    1. Generating an SVG line series using a PL/SQL function returning a SQL statement is perfectly possible;
    2. It only works for a single series. Adding further series blanks out the SVG chart area and nothing at all is displayed.
    Can anyone tell me if this is right or am I missing a trick? The usual problems such as ordering, nulls etc. don't apply in this case.
    Thanks for your time.

    On some, but not all SVG line charts, I had trouble when some values are ZERO.
    Putting a CASE WHEN var = 0 then 0.05 ELSE var END in the select statement
    fixed those situations.
    I had missing lines when the number of data points in a series exceeded the default number of 15, and I did not set in the series configuration to a number equal to or higher that the number of data points in that series.
    And I had one instance, where a couple missing lines reappeared when I exited
    the browser and app completely and restarted the app.
    All these comments apply to ver 1.6x and 2.0x

  • Transforming XML data into SVG line charts using XSLT

    I am trying to transform revenue data from an XML file into an SVG line chart. The problem is that I am quite new to XPath and XSLT and whereas I can draw the grid for my chart I struggle drawing the lines using the data from the XML doc.
    The XML look something like the one below, and I would like to have one chart for each product and in each chart having the time on the x-axis and chart the revenue by regions.
    Any help on this is much appreciated.
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <heading>My title</heading>
    <date name="01/01/2003">
    <region name="Asia">
    <date name="02/01/2003">
    <region name="Asia">
    <region name="America">
    <date name="03/01/2003">
    <region name="Asia">
    <region name="America">
    <date name="04/01/2003">
    <region name="Asia">
    <region name="America">
    <date name="05/01/2003">
    <region name="Asia">
    <region name="America">

    You could try Jeni's XSLT utilities for SVG :
    Specifically, the sample code provided, when a couple of SVG charts are being generated from XML data :
    Hope that helps.

  • Transforming XML data into SVG line charts

    I am trying to transform revenue data from an XML file into an SVG line chart. The problem is that I am quite new to XPath and XSLT and whereas I can draw the grid for my chart I struggle drawing the lines using the data from the XML doc.
    The XML look something like the one below, and I would like to have one chart for each product and in each chart having the time on the x-axis and chart the revenue by regions.
    Any help on this is much appreciated.
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <heading>My title</heading>
    <date name="01/01/2003">
    <region name="Asia">
    <date name="02/01/2003">
    <region name="Asia">
    <region name="America">
    <date name="03/01/2003">
    <region name="Asia">
    <product_b>12</product_b>Long postings are being truncated to ~1 kB at this time.

    Instead of using SVG charting can I suggest that you look into digital charts. This service creates charts on the fly and is very easy to integrate with web applications.

  • SVG Pie chart : how to display no dat found message

    I have a SVG pie chart and written a message 'no data found' under charts attributes.
    If there is no data for the chart,
    In IE :the chart region will be blank . chart heading will be displayed and . no 'no data found ' message is displayed.
    In mozilla : in the chart region, i can see ,the part of whole page where i display the chart ,is filled . Chart region heading is also displayed.
    Could you please reply , how to display 'no data found ' in svg pie chart?
    Thanks in advance.

    I have a SVG pie chart and written a message 'no data found' under charts attributes.
    If there is no data for the chart,
    In IE :the chart region will be blank . chart heading will be displayed and . no 'no data found ' message is displayed.
    In mozilla : in the chart region, i can see ,the part of whole page where i display the chart ,is filled . Chart region heading is also displayed.
    Could you please reply , how to display 'no data found ' in svg pie chart?
    Thanks in advance.

  • Stacked 100% bar chart - Problem with datatips for zero value data points

    I have a stacked 100% bar chart that shows datatips in Flex 4.   However, I don't want it to show datatips for
    data points with zero values.   Flex 4 shows the datatip for a zero value data point on the left side of a bar if the data point is not the first in the series.
    Here's the code that illustrates this problem.    Of particular concern is the July bar.    Because of the zero value data point problem, it's not possible to see the datatip for "aaa".
    Any ideas on how we can hide/remove the datatips for zero value data points ?        Thanks.
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    1050" width="600">
    import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;[
    private var yearlyData:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection([{month:
    "Aug", a:1, b:10, c:1, d:10, e:0},{month:
    "July", a:1, b:10, c:10, d:10, e:0},{month:
    "June", a:10, b:10, c:10, d:10, e:0},{month:
    "May", a:10, b:10, c:10, d:0, e:10},{month:
    "April", a:10, b:10, c:0, d:10, e:10},{month:
    "March", a:10, b:0, c:10, d:10, e:10},{month:
    "February", a:0, b:10, c:10, d:10, e:10},{month:
    "January", a:10, b:10, c:10, d:10, e:10}]);
    private function initApp():void {}
    <s:Panel title="Stacked Bar Chart - Problems with DataTips for Zero Value Items" id="panel1">
    <mx:BarChart id="myChart" type="stacked"dataProvider="
    {yearlyData}" showDataTips="true">
     <mx:CategoryAxis categoryField="month"/>
     <mx:Legend dataProvider="{myChart}"/>
     <s:RichText width="700">
     <s:p fontWeight="bold">The problem:</s:p>
     <s:p>Datatips for zero value data points appear on left side of bar (if data point is not the first point in series).</s:p>
     <s:p fontWeight="bold">For example:</s:p>
     <s:p>1) For "June", eee = 0, mouse over the left side of the bar to see a datatip for "eee". Not good.</s:p>
     <s:p>2) For "July", eee = 0 and aaa = 1, can't see the datatip for "aaa", instead "eee" shows. Real bad.</s:p>
     <s:p>3) For "Feb", aaa = 0, datatip for "aaa" (first point) does not show. This is good.</s:p>
     <s:p>4) For "Mar", bbb = 0, datatip for "bbb" shows on the left side of the bar. Not good.</s:p>
     <s:p fontWeight="bold">Challenge:</s:p>
     <s:p>How can we hide/remove datatips for zero value data points?</s:p>

    Still have the issue after upgrading to the latest Flex Builder 4.0.1 with SDK 4.1.0 build 16076.   
    Posted this as a bug in the Adobe Flex Bug and Issue Management system.     JIRA
    Which is a clone of a similar issue with Flex 3 ...

  • Help - SVG Line Chart - ORA-20001 line_chart error Parse error ORA-00911

    Need help.
    I am trying to plat multiple series in a SVG line chart but am repeatedly getting line_chart error eventhough SQL queries work perfectly in sql workshop/sqlplus etc. How do I get past this error.
    Sample queries I am using to plot line chart are
    select link, col1, value from (select null link, col1, col2 value from xy);
    select link, col1, value from (select null link, col1, col3 value from xy);
    xy is a table with three number columns col1, col2 & col3.
    Thanks in advance

    Try taking the semicolon ";" off the end of the SELECT statements.

  • SVG Pie Chart drill down report

    I have created a svg pie chart report within a chart region. the chart contains url drill down.
    The urls work fine but it opens the result from the url in the same chart region on the same page.
    How can I get it to open on either a new page altogether or on another region on the same page.

    How do you get the url drill down to work? Can you explain to me? I have a 3d pie chart, what I want is when I click one of the pieces, it will drill down to a report.

  • Creating a SVG Pie Chart With Different Portion Linking To Different URL

    Is it possible to create a SVG pie chart in which different portion will point to different URL. on HTML DB version
    For example i've tried something like this:
    on page 20 i have a svg pie chart
    'f?p=&APP_ID.:21:#APP_SESSION#::::P21_DD_SALESORG:'||region,region,code from demo_region;
    i have a query in page 21 like this:
    select country from demo_country where region= :P21_DD_SALESORG;
    so when i click on a particular region on the pie chart on page 20 the value of item
    P21_DD_SALESORG on 21 should be set.
    but the value of P21_DD_SALESORG is always getting passed as NULL from the pie chart.
    I've tried it on HTML DB version
    Look for an early reply
    Thanks & Regards,
    Message was edited by:

    hi user445907--
    your link column in your chart query seems to us the correct syntax, so i'd imagine the issue is with your data/query or the item name in question...
    check the query and data: make sure your query returns valid values to be passed of to P21_DD_SALESORG. if so, you should see your links correctly formed as you hover your mouse over the individual slices. if your links look good then check your item names.
    item names: if your links above look okay, then might you be setting the value of the incorrect item? please confirm that. after clicking a pie slice to get to page 21, check to see that P21_DD_SALESORG is correctly set by clicking the Session link in the developer toolbar.
    basically, i'm suggesting that because your link column in your query looks okay, you'd want to see at what point the NULL value is being passed/set. try tracing things from the chart query over to page 21 (and try going backwards if you have to). if you can't find the disconnect, please feel free to set up an example on an instance, where i can take a look.

  • SVG bar chart label length

    There seems to be a display limit of 15 chars on the length of labels for a SVG bar chart.
    Any known workarounds ?

    hi patrick--
    i'm not seeing this limit in my tests. i tried both vertical and horizontal bar charts and was able to display labels like ename||ename||ename||ename||ename w/o issues. if you're still hitting it, could you please describe where/how your hitting that 15 character limit?

Maybe you are looking for