[svn:osmf:] 9850: Removed full screen code since it isn't working properly.

Revision: 9850
Author:   [email protected]
Date:     2009-08-31 13:01:06 -0700 (Mon, 31 Aug 2009)
Log Message:
Removed full screen code since it isn't working properly.
Modified Paths:

You have a tool, that doesn't work in a new version of java.
The tool vendor would be the one to determine whether the tool and/or the new VM has a problem.

Similar Messages

  • Adding full screen code into Captivate 5's basic Button Widget

    Hi everyone!
    I was able to create a full screen button in Flash that works with Captivate 5 projects, however, I want to be able to active the full screen feature for every button created using the basic 'button' widget that comes with the Captivate program.  I am not a AS3 programmer so I think my issue is that I am confused as  to where to place the full screen code into the existing 'button widget'  code. Below is the code ...
    Thanks in advance!!
    button_name.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fullScreen_action);
    function fullScreen_action(event:MouseEvent):void {
    //..........................Template for Static Widget(AS3)....................
    //flash construct to use external interface : This is needed to use flash functionality for communication between two swfs
    import flash.external.ExternalInterface;
    import fl.controls.ComboBox;
    var widgetMode:String = '';
    var widgetParam:String = '';
    var varHand:Object = null;
    var movieHandle:Object = null;
    XML.prettyIndent = 0;
    XML.prettyPrinting = false;
    XML.ignoreWhitespace = true;
    var checkUpdatedXML = false;
    var playedByButton = false;
    var pauseFrame = 0;
    var addednoskipframe = false
    var myXML:XML;
    var myData:String = '<element1><textProperties><font face="Trebuchet MS" style="" size="12"/><textDecoration bold="true" underline="false" italic="false"/><color textColor="0x000000" highlightRequired="false" highlightColor="0xffffff"/></textProperties><captions style="BUTTON_1" themeLabel="0" backColor="0xffffcc" eventAssign="" eventParam="" txtXPos="9" txtYPos="4" imgXPos="190" imgYPos="40" a="1" b="0" c="0" d="1" tx="0" ty="0" bgSelected="false" borderColor="0xff9933" borderSelected="false" containerXPos="" containerYPos=""><text visible="true" width="42" height="20" a="1" b="0" c="0" d="1" tx="18" ty="4">Button</text><image visible="false" width="22" height="18" a="1" b="0" c="0" d="1" tx="NaN" ty="NaN"></image></captions></element1>';
    var xmlConfig:String = '<configs><styles label="Ivory" movieclip="BUTTON_1" backColor=""/><styles label="Frosted" movieclip="BUTTON_8" backColor=""/><styles label="Grey Space" movieclip="BUTTON_9" backColor=""/><styles label="Honey Comb" movieclip="BUTTON_10" backColor=""/><styles label="Mountain Blue" movieclip="BUTTON_11" backColor=""/><styles label="Aero" movieclip="BUTTON_12" backColor=""/><styles label="Gradient" movieclip="BUTTON_13" backColor=""/><styles label="Vivid 1" movieclip="BUTTON_14" backColor=""/><styles label="Vivid 2" movieclip="BUTTON_15" backColor=""/><styles label="Aqua" movieclip="BUTTON_16" backColor=""/><styles label="Glitter" movieclip="BUTTON_17" backColor=""/></configs>';
    //var xmlConfig:String = '<configs><styles label="Button 1" movieclip="BUTTON_1" backColor=""/><styles label="Button 2" movieclip="BUTTON_2" backColor=""/><styles label="Button 1" movieclip="BUTTON_1" backColor=""/><styles label="Button 2" movieclip="BUTTON_2" backColor=""/><styles label="Button 3" movieclip="BUTTON_3" backColor=""/><styles label="Button 4" movieclip="BUTTON_4" backColor=""/></configs>';
    var myConfig:XML = new XML(xmlConfig);
    var myWM = "";
    var mc:MovieClip;
    CaptionMc.visible = false;
    textFormatterMc.visible = false;
    //update ();
    var objName;
    function fnHandleButtonEvent (evt:MouseEvent)
        if (varHand != null)
            switch (Number(myXML.captions.@eventAssign))
                case 1 :
                    varHand.rdcmndResume = 1;
                case 2 :
                    varHand.rdcmndPrevious = 1;
                case 3 :
                    varHand.rdcmndNextSlide = 1;
                case 4 :
                    varHand.cpCmndGotoSlide = varHand.cpInfoLastVisitedSlide;
                    varHand.rdcmndResume = 1;
                case 5 :
                    if(varHand.rdinfoCurrentSlide != (Number(myXML.captions.@eventParam) - 1)){
                        varHand.cpCmndGotoSlide = Number(myXML.captions.@eventParam) - 1;
                        varHand.rdcmndResume = 1;
                case 6 :
                    navigateToURL (new URLRequest(myXML.captions.@eventParam), "_blank");
                case 7 :
                    navigateToURL (new URLRequest("mailto:"+myXML.captions.@eventParam), "_blank");
            playedByButton = true;
    function update ()
        myXML = new XML(myData);
        if (myWM == "Edit")
            textFormatterMc.setData (myXML.textProperties);//strCaptivateXML:String
            textFormatterMc.init ();
            CaptionMc.setData (myXML.captions, textFormatterMc);
            CaptionMc.setConfig (myConfig.styles);
            CaptionMc.init ();
            CaptionMc.visible = true;
            textFormatterMc.visible = true;
            var arr = [textFormatterMc.sizeSelectorMc];
            CaptionMc.visible = false;
            textFormatterMc.visible = false;
            if(mc != null){
                mc = new MovieClip();
                addChild (mc);
            var xmlRef = myXML.captions;
            var textMatrix:Matrix = new Matrix(xmlRef.text.@a, xmlRef.text.@b, xmlRef.text.@c, xmlRef.text.@d, xmlRef.text.@tx, xmlRef.text.@ty)
            var txt:TextField = new TextField();
            objName = txt;
            txt.name = "txt";
            txt.mouseEnabled = false;
            txt.selectable = false;
            txt.multiline = true;
            txt.wordWrap = true;
            mc.addChild (txt);
            txt.text = xmlRef.text;
            txt.mouseEnabled = false;
            txt.width = Number(xmlRef.text.@width);
            txt.height = Number(xmlRef.text.@height);
            //txt.x = Number(xmlRef.text.@tx);
            //txt.y = Number(xmlRef.text.@ty);
            txt.transform.matrix = textMatrix;
            var txtProp = myXML.textProperties;
            var tf = new TextFormat(txtProp.font. @ face,txtProp.font. @ size,txtProp.color. @ textColor,getBool(txtProp.textDecoration. @ bold),getBool(txtProp.textDecoration. @ italic),getBool(txtProp.textDecoration. @ underline));
            txt.setTextFormat (tf);
            if (txtProp.color. @ highlightRequired == "true")
                txt.background = true;
                txt.backgroundColor = uint(txtProp.color. @ highlightColor);
            txt.visible = getBool(xmlRef.text. @visible)
            var mcCaption = new MovieClip();
            var mcCaptionMatrix = new Matrix(xmlRef.@a, xmlRef.@b, xmlRef.@c, xmlRef.@d, xmlRef.@tx, xmlRef.@ty);
            var ClassName:Class = getDefinitionByName(xmlRef.@style) as Class;
            var objHolder = new ClassName();
            objHolder.buttonMode = true;
            objHolder.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, fnHandleButtonEvent);
            mcCaption.addChild (objHolder);
            objHolder.transform.matrix = mcCaptionMatrix;
            if (SimpleButton(objHolder.getChildByName("btn")) != null && xmlRef.@bgSelected == "true")
                var tempColorStr = [email protected]();
                if (tempColorStr.length > 0)
                    var objColorTransform = new ColorTransform();
                    objColorTransform.color = uint(tempColorStr);
                    SimpleButton(objHolder.getChildByName("btn")).transform.colorTransform = objColorTransform;
            if (MovieClip(objHolder.getChildByName("mcBorder")) != null && xmlRef.@borderSelected == "true")
                var borderColorStr = [email protected]();
                if (borderColorStr.length > 0)
                    var borderColorTransform = new ColorTransform();
                    borderColorTransform.color = uint(borderColorStr);
                    MovieClip(objHolder.getChildByName("mcBorder")).transform.colorTransform = borderColorTransform;
            mcCaption.addChild (objHolder);
            mc.addChildAt (mcCaption, 0);
            var mcIconMatrix = new Matrix(xmlRef.image.@a, xmlRef.image.@b, xmlRef.image.@c, xmlRef.image.@d, xmlRef.image.@tx, xmlRef.image.@ty)
            var mcIcon = new Loader();//IconMovie();
            mcIcon.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener (Event.COMPLETE, imageLoaded);
            if (xmlRef.image != ""){
                mcIcon.load (new URLRequest(String(xmlRef.image)));
            mcIcon.name = "mcIcon";
            mcIcon.transform.matrix = mcIconMatrix;
            mcIcon.visible = getBool(xmlRef.image. @visible)
            mc.addChild (mcIcon);
    var cursor;
    var otherCursor;
    var downState = false;
    function initCursor(arr:Array){
        cursor = new Cursor();
        cursor.mouseEnabled = false
        cursor.visible = false;
        otherCursor = new StretchCursor();
        otherCursor.mouseEnabled = false
        otherCursor.visible = false;
        for(var i=0 ; i< arr.length; i++){
            arr[i].addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, showCursor)
            arr[i].addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, hideCursor)
            arr[i].addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, showOtherCursor)
            arr[i].addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, hideOtherCursor)
        this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, hideOtherCursor);
        this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, hideOtherCursor);
    function showCursor(e:MouseEvent){
        var txt = MovieClip(e.target).sizeTxt;
        if(!downState && txt.type == "dynamic"){
            cursor.visible = true;
    function hideCursor(e:MouseEvent){
            cursor.visible = false;
    function showOtherCursor(e:MouseEvent){
        var txt = MovieClip(e.currentTarget).sizeTxt;
        if(txt.type == "dynamic"){
            downState = true
            otherCursor.visible = true;
    function hideOtherCursor(e:MouseEvent){
        downState = false;
        otherCursor.visible = false;
    function removeAllChildren(mcRef:MovieClip){
        for(var i=(mcRef.numChildren-1); i>=0; i--){
    function imageLoaded (e:Event)
        var mc = e.target.content;
        mc.width = Number(myXML.captions.image. @ width);
        mc.height = Number(myXML.captions.image. @ height);
    function getBool (str:String):Boolean
        var ret:Boolean;
        if (str == "true")
            ret = true;
            ret = false;
        return ret;
    function getModifiedXML ():String
        return myXML.toString();
    //to register enter frame function
    this.addEventListener (Event.ENTER_FRAME,onEnterEveryFrame);
    //Captivate App will not recognize a Static Widget unless this function is implemented and returns true
    function isStatic ():Boolean
        return true;//denotes that this is indeed a Captivate Interactive Learning Object
    //a object needs to be created and values filled in . This is taken by captivate and stored as //xml string. This is the mean to pass values between captivate and widget swf.
    function getInspectorParameters ():Object
        //set the data in _parameters fields. This is called by captivate to get the values of widget swf
        var _parameters: Object = new Object();
        _parameters.dataXML = getModifiedXML();
        return _parameters;
    // whenever widget is inserted the widget swf is passed on the parameters stored inside captivate so that it is drawn in updated stage.
    function setInspectorParameters (inParam:Object):void
        //Dev//on Double click //edit window
        myData = inParam.dataXML;
        myWM = widgetMode;
        update ();
    //is called whenever widget needs to be drawn as per the changed
    //parameters like OK to widget dialog and stage swf is updated with the current values.
    function setParameters (inParam:Object):void
        if (inParam.dataXML != null)
            //redraw the widget as parameters has changed
            //dev//OK button
            myData = inParam.dataXML;
            myWM = widgetMode;
            update ();
    //this function is called to set the variable on player
    function cpSetValue (variable:String, val):void
        if (variable == 'movieHandle')
            movieHandle = val;
            varHand = movieHandle.getMovieProps().variablesHandle;
            //using varHand the variables can be accessed for eg. varHand.rdcmndPause = 1;
        if (variable == 'widgetMode')
            widgetMode = val;
            //dev//set mode
    function getEditModeWidth ( ):int
        return 411;// return required width of widget properties dialog here
    function getEditModeHeight ( ):int
        return 480;// return required height of widget properties dialog here
    //Register all the functions with ExternalInterface
    if (ExternalInterface.available == true)
        ExternalInterface.addCallback ("isStatic",isStatic);
        ExternalInterface.addCallback ("getInspectorParameters",getInspectorParameters);
        ExternalInterface.addCallback ("setInspectorParameters",setInspectorParameters);
        ExternalInterface.addCallback ("setParameters",setParameters);
        ExternalInterface.addCallback ("cpSetValue", cpSetValue);
        ExternalInterface.addCallback ( "getEditModeWidth", getEditModeWidth);
        ExternalInterface.addCallback ( "getEditModeHeight", getEditModeHeight);
    //take care of optimised drawing inside this function. Check the widgetMode , widgetParams  and draw accordingly
    function onEnterEveryFrame (aevent:Event):void
        var wm:String = widgetMode;//this variable will be provided by Captivate App or Captivate Movie
        if (wm == null)
            wm = widgetMode;
        if (wm == null)
            wm = 'Stage';
            this.removeEventListener (Event.ENTER_FRAME,onEnterEveryFrame);
        else if (wm == 'Edit')
            //Property inspection inside Captivate app
            myWM = wm;
            update ();
            this.removeEventListener (Event.ENTER_FRAME,onEnterEveryFrame);
        else if (wm == 'Preview')
            //The code here is used for previewing the widget in the preview window of widget panel
            myWM = wm;
            update ();
            this.removeEventListener (Event.ENTER_FRAME,onEnterEveryFrame);
            //On stage scrubbing/live preview inside Captivate app (OR) at runtime inside Captivate movie.
                if (movieHandle != null)
                    widgetParam = movieHandle.widgetParams();
                if (widgetParam != "")
                    var myXml:XML = new XML(widgetParam);
                    myData = myXml.property.(@id == "dataXML").string;
                    wm = "Runtime";
                    myWM = wm;
                    update ();
                    checkUpdatedXML = true
            if (movieHandle != null)
                if (movieHandle.isWidgetEnabled() == true)
                    if(addednoskipframe == false)
                        var slidestart = movieHandle.getSlideProps().startFrame;
                        var slideend = movieHandle.getSlideProps().endFrame;
                        pauseFrame = Math.ceil((slidestart  + slideend)/2);
                        var SlidePauseFrame = pauseFrame - slidestart + 1;
                        addednoskipframe = true;
                    if(movieHandle.isWidgetEnabled()  && varHand.rdinfoCurrentFrame == pauseFrame && playedByButton == false)
                        varHand.rdcmndPause = 1;
                        this.removeEventListener (Event.ENTER_FRAME,onEnterEveryFrame);
    stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
    stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;

    Hi again,
    I just added a virtual keyboard widget, so that you can enter text even in Fullscreen Mode

  • I initially used the swipe gesture to go to the full screen, and since then have not been able to revert to the screen where I can see my program icons. I have reverted to using Firefox. Any suggestions?

    When I installed OS 10.7.1 I used the gesture in Safari which displays the full screen. Since then I have been unable to revert this action in order to see my program icons. I have had to use Firefox since then. Any suggestions? Or will I have to wait for an upfate?

    EgisTec, who now provide the HP Simplepass application, have made an update of the scanner software for Firefox 4, for details see https://support.mozilla.com/questions/814397

  • When I open iTunes it will automatically go to full screen mode. I can't work out how to turn this off. Only iTunes opens to full screen mode.

    When I open iTunes it will automatically go to full screen mode. I can't work out how to turn this off. Only iTunes opens to full screen mode.

    Go to System Preferences (under the Apple logo in the menu bar).  Choose "General".  Click "Always close windows when quitting an application".
    That should fix it.

  • ITunes 10.4 full screen with Win7-64bit doesn't work correctly.

    iTunes 10.4 full screen with Win7-64 doesn't work correctly. I have the Windows taskbar on the left side of my screen. Maximized iTunes is panned to the left.

    Same issue here. When the Windows taskbar is position on the top of the screen and then the iTunes windows is maximised, it's position is as if the Windows taskbar is at the bottom of the screen so the top of the iTunes window sits under the taskbar.
    For those wanting a workaround, hold shift and right click the iTunes icon in the taskbar/quick launch bar and click restore, at least then you can adjust it to be full screen manually.
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64
    iTunes 10.4
    ATI 5750 video card

  • I am new to mac air. Today i installed (unsuccessfully!) MAPLE16 on my mac book air. Now since it does not work properly (it also does not appear in  applications) i decide to delete it. I could not remove it from launchpad . i need urgent help

    i am new to mac air. Today i installed (unsuccessfully!) MAPLE16 on my mac book air. Now since it does not work properly (it also does not appear in  applications) i decide to delete it. I could not remove it from launchpad . i need urgent help from your side.

    Any third-party software that doesn't install by drag-and-drop into the Applications folder, and uninstall by drag-and-drop to the Trash, is a system modification.
    Whenever you remove system modifications, they must be removed completely, and the only way to do that is to use the uninstallation tool, if any, provided by the developers, or to follow their instructions. If the software has been incompletely removed, you may have to re-download or even reinstall it in order to finish the job.
    I never install system modifications myself, and I don't know how to uninstall them. You'll have to do your own research to find that information.
    Here are some general guidelines to get you started. Suppose you want to remove something called “BrickMyMac” (a hypothetical example.) First, consult the product's Help menu, if there is one, for instructions. Finding none there, look on the developer's website, say www.brickmyrmac.com. (That may not be the actual name of the site; if necessary, search the Web for the product name.) If you don’t find anything on the website or in your search, contact the developer. While you're waiting for a response, download BrickMyMac.dmg and open it. There may be an application in there such as “Uninstall BrickMyMac.” If not, open “BrickMyMac.pkg” and look for an Uninstall button.
    You generally have to reboot in order to complete an uninstallation.
    If you can’t remove software in any other way, you’ll have to erase and install OS X. Never install any third-party software unless you're sure you know how to uninstall it; otherwise you may create problems that are very hard to solve.
    You may be advised by others to try to remove complex system modifications by hunting for files by name, or by running "utilities" that purport to remove software. I don't give such advice. Those tactics often will not work and maymake the problem worse.

  • Does somebody know how to get to the desktop via hot corners whilst being in full screen mode? it doesn't work on my mac... :/ thx for helping!

    does somebody know how to get to the desktop via hot corners whilst being in full screen mode? it doesn't work on my mac... :/ thx for helping!


  • Everytime I go to full-screen mode the photo I am working on is on one space while the filmstrip is on another. Also there is no way to get to the menu on top as it is hidden. When I hit the f key everything goes to black and I have to quite the program.

    Everytime I go to full-screen mode the photo I am working on is on one space while the filmstrip is on another. Also there is no way to get to the menu on top as it is hidden. When I hit the f key everything goes to black and I have to quite the program. This is the first time I have any problems with Aperture.
    I run aperture 3 on OS X 10.7 iMac 27" 2.8GHz i7 16GB.
    Thanks for any help.

    You have to change the cursor focus.
    What I usually do for PDF pages/tabs, is click in the URL/location bar, then F11.<br />
    For Flash, if you click on the page outside of the video area/box, F11 should work.

  • My FaceTime isn't working properly. Every call I make a black dot appears on the camera in the middle (fixed onto the screen, and is not dirt), and the calls always fail. It would ring 6 times and then say call failed. How can I fix this?

    My FaceTime isn't working properly. Every call I make a black dot appears on the camera in the middle (fixed onto the screen, and is not dirt), and the calls always fail. It would ring 6 times and then say call failed. How can I fix this?

    If FaceTime ever worked properly for you, restarting your modem (and separate router/wireless if you have such) may help.  If the problem continues, try connecting at a different location to see if the problem is within your wi-fi.
    The black dot problem may mean you need to reset your iPod.  If that does not help, it may need service by an Apple Authorized Service Provider.
    If you need help with any of these suggestions, detailed help on each topic is available via Apple's Support pages:
    Message was edited by: EZ Jim
    Mac OSX 10.7.3

  • Don't have full screen view since changing to 19 inch screen. Have about 2 inches of white space on each side. Changed to compact view and then back. No change

    I got a larger monitor and flat screen (19 inch). Since changing I am not getting a full screen view of home page. I changed the page options to compact view and then back, but no change. I've got about 2 inches of white on each side of the home page view.

    When going to a website the picture was small - tried changing the Zoom size , tried Zoom Reset - the text did change size but the layout distorts - found under View - Zoom - Zoom Text Only was checked --- Removed this check mark and the website returned to normal size and Zoom worked normally again. I am 99.9999% sure I did NOT check this myself and there is no one else on the computer to cause it. Maybe this will help.

  • Has anyone else lost full screen ability since 10.3 updates?

    Ever since I updated to 10.3 I have had problems.  First it was the flickering in the upper left hand corner, but I did the work around and that fixed it.  Now I have updated Adobe Flash to and I cannot go to full screen in multiple websites. The video plays in regular internet exporer, but when I press full screen button, the screen goes blank.  I had this problem in ie9 then I went back to ie8 and still a problem. I have windows 7 home premium on a toshiba e205 with and i5 processor.  Jim

    Thanks for responding!
    Unfourtunately, The update deleted the program. Can't find any office files on the hard drive and when I tried to reinstall, there was a yellow "!" sign on the hard drive icon...couldnt install it

  • How do I remove full screen mode in Firefox 4

    I clicked Firefox button and then clicked the full screen mode. I know wish to exit this mode but can not find the way to undo it

    '''F11''' toggles fullcreen mode.

  • [svn:osmf:] 9163: Remove unnecessary libs reference.

    Revision: 9163
    Author:   [email protected]
    Date:     2009-08-06 17:31:50 -0700 (Thu, 06 Aug 2009)
    Log Message:
    Remove unnecessary libs reference.
    Modified Paths:

    Thanks. That worked out perfectly.
    Now I have errors in OSMF integration tests.
    The reports shows this -
    Timeout reached before event. 
    Timeout reached before event.
    at org.flexunit::Assert$/fail()
    at org.osmf.elements.f4mClasses::TestMultiLevelManifestParser/handleTimeout()
    at Function/http://adobe.com/AS3/2006/builtin::apply()
    at org.flexunit.internals.runners.statements::ExpectAsync/protect()
    at org.flexunit.internals.runners.statements::ExpectAsync/handleAsyncTimeOut()
    at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEventFunction()
    at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEvent()
    at org.flexunit.async::AsyncHandler/handleTimeout()
    at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEventFunction()
    at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEvent()
    at flash.utils::Timer/tick()
    Timeout reached before event. 
    Timeout reached before event.
    at org.flexunit::Assert$/fail()
    at org.osmf.elements.f4mClasses::TestMultiLevelManifestParser/handleTimeout()
    at Function/http://adobe.com/AS3/2006/builtin::apply()
    at org.flexunit.internals.runners.statements::ExpectAsync/protect()
    at org.flexunit.internals.runners.statements::ExpectAsync/handleAsyncTimeOut()
    at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEventFunction()
    at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEvent()
    at org.flexunit.async::AsyncHandler/handleTimeout()
    at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEventFunction()
    at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEvent()
    at flash.utils::Timer/tick()
    I am not sure how to proceed from here.
    Please help me out.

  • Full Screen Videos in iTunes Don't Work in Leopard

    I've upgraded my MacBook Pro from Tiger to Leopard and I do have a registered Quicktime Pro 7 license. The QuickTime tab shows me that it's a Pro version. However, if I am trying to play full screen videos in iTunes I just see the mini video in the screen center. Any idea how I can fix this?

    I have recently relocated to Australia & have since updated my itunes account with an Australain address.
    The issue is your credit or debit card. They must be associated with the same country in which you reside.
    "Although you can browse the iTunes Store in any country without being signed in, you can only purchase content from the iTunes Store for your own country. This is enforced via the billing address associated with your credit card or other payment method that you use with the iTunes Store. You can use the iTunes Store in all countries of which you’re a resident, but you’ll either need a separate iTunes Store account for each one, or you’ll need to continually be switching your billing information on your single account. Generally, it’s simpler just to set up an alternative account for these situations."
    From here >  The Complete Guide to Using the iTunes Store | iLounge Article

  • I can't turn off full-screen, and pressing F11 doesn't work.

    I can't turn off full-screen mode, and hittng F11 doesn't work. Is there another way of turning it off?

    - Reset the iOS device. Nothing will be lost
    Reset iOS device: Hold down the On/Off button and the Home button at the same time for at
    least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    - Reset all settings
    Go to Settings > General > Reset and tap Reset All Settings.
    All your preferences and settings are reset. Information (such as contacts and calendars) and media (such as songs and videos) aren’t affected.
    - Restore from backup. See:                                 
    iOS: How to back up           
    - Restore to factory settings/new iOS device.
    If still problem, make an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store since it appears you have a hardware problem.
    Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar          

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    My iPhoto 9.1.5 will not open. No error messages have popped up, I have ran a disk repair, and restarted the computer. WHAT DO I DO?!?!??!

  • HT1688 My phone is glitching all the time and won't stay on for more than 30 sec...

    Until a few days ago my phone was fine but then the screen turned kind of denim looking almost and slowly faded black and I would restart it but it continued to go through this proccess

  • Library consolidation from PC to Mac

    I have a itunes library on a PC formated EHD that I would like to transfer and combine to my Macbooks library (music and movies) how do I do this or ultimately how can I get the content from both computers libraries onto my iphone that can only synch

  • KE5Z report with date selection

    Good afternoon, Is there a standard COPA report that would allow me to report the information available on KE5Z with a dynamic selection to select a date range I have tried using FBL3N but it does not contain either the product codes (output & input)

  • VOD in VO instead of french

    Guess what ? I'm kind of lazy...I hate to watch movies in any foreign language before I see them in French...I've just rent a movie on Apple TV which was supposed to be in French, and it's not ! No line saying it was to be in English...Is there any w