Swatch to Layer InDCS2...

Hi everyone,<br /><br />We have more than hundreds of InDesign documents. What we have to do is, turned off this "IE-Black" spot color swatch applied paragraphs in the document. So i am finding "IE-Black" spot color applied paragraphs in the documents then apply "ANNO" named layer to the corresponding paragraphs text frames. And finally hiding them all. If i have tested this script in the new document its working fine. But not working in our exiting documents. It showing error like, <br /><br />------<br />Error Number:45<br />Error string:Object is invalid<br />Line:12<br />------<br /><br />Please find my script below;<br /><br />----<br />var myDoc = app.activeDocument;<br />with (myDoc){<br />     myNewLayer = layers.add();<br />     with (myNewLayer) {<br />     name = "ANNO"<br />     }<br />}<br />var mySwatch = myDoc.swatches.item("IE-Black");<br />for (i=0; i<myDoc.textFrames.length; i++){<br />       if (myDoc.textFrames[i].paragraphs[0].fillColor == mySwatch )<br />               {<br />              myDoc.textFrames[i].itemLayer=myNewLayer;<br />               }<br />}<br />myNewLayer.visible=false;<br /><br />alert ("DONE...")<br />----<br /><br />Thanks in advance<br />Thiyagu

The error message ("Object is invalid") points to a text frame -- probably the first paragraph in that text frame. You must try and anticipate as many errors as possible in a script. In your script, possible errors are a layer and a swatch that may not be present, or a problem with some text frame that you try to do something with (maybe it's empty, or locked, or anything else that prevents it from being processed).
Below is a version of your script that tries to get around errors: if a layer doesn't exist, it is created, same for the swatch. The script also creates a layer to which obstinate text frames are moved. When the script finishes it alerts you if it encountered any problems.
#target indesign;
var myDoc = app.activeDocument;
if (myDoc.layers.item ('ANNO') == null)
   myDoc.layers.add ({name: 'ANNO'});
var myNewLayer = myDoc.layers.item ('ANNO');
if (myDoc.layers.item ('errors') == null)
   myDoc.layers.add ({name: 'errors'});
var errorLayer = myDoc.layers.item ('errors');
if (myDoc.swatches.item ("IE-Black") == null)
   myDoc.colors.add ({name: "IE-Black", /*more features*/});
var mySwatch = myDoc.swatches.item ("IE-Black");
for (i=0; i<myDoc.textFrames.length; i++)
      if (myDoc.textFrames[i].paragraphs[0].fillColor == mySwatch)
      myDoc.textFrames[i].itemLayer = errorLayer
if (errorLayer.textFrames.length > 0)
   alert ('Some text frame(s) could not be processed.\r(See error layer.)');

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    I don't think that is the problem but I would create a new document and copy everything from the corrupt document and paste into the new one. Save it and see if it is working properly.

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    You could try trashing your preferences. How do I delete the preferences?
    But since it is only happening to one file, not sure that will help. Can't hurt.
    If you still have the problem, post a screen shot of your file with Tool Bar, Eyedropper's Option Bar, Swatch Panel, Layer Panel and Color Panel visible.

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    OK.  In Preferences > Interface make sure you have Auto show hidden panels checked, and turn off the panels with the Tab key.  They will then fly out when you hover the mouse cursor over the edge of the screen.
    I am not familiar with Mac OS, but it is super easy to set up an extended dual screen with Windows 7.  I am sure it will be just as easy for you.  The two screens in my Workspace are a 30 inch Dell Ultrasharp (1920 x 1200) and a 19 inch 4:3 Philips (1280 x 1024).  Having those panels permanently is extremely useful.  I can Ctrl click a work path to load it as a selection.  I can immediately access brush shapes and dynamics.  Alpha channels, colour swatches, adjustment layer and mask properties, and all of it immediately there.    I would hate to have to work any other way now.
    BTW  You can save custom keyboard shortcuts with custom Workspaces.  Check out this video for some great info on the subject.

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    How do I change the colors of a gradient fill layer, and why does my color swatch show only gray shades when I have the gradient fill layer selected, even though clicking the swatch brings up the color picker?

    To change/edit the gradient color(s), double click on the Gradient Fill thumbnail in the layers panel
    Then in the Gradient Fill dialog, click just to the right of the word gradient to edit the colors
    In the gradient editor, click on one of the color stops at the bottom of the gradient bar and click on Color to change the color of that stop
    There is a lot more to the gradient editor than room to explain on the forum, so you might check out the following to learn more
    Photoshop Elements Help | Gradients
    Photoshop Help | Gradients
    The reason your color keeps showing as grayscale, is the layer mask is always active with adjustments layers in photoshop elements and layer masks are grayscale
    Photoshop Elements Help | Layer masks

  • Script to apply a random CMYK swatches from a group of swatches to selected objects.

    I would like to write some scripts for randomising the allocation of swatches to adjacent object.
    Imagine a map of Europe and all her nation states/territories. I have a User Defined Swatch Library. I can open the AI document it was made from as I understand from this thread that having the swatches as objects on the page makes them easier to be referenced in a script. 
    I want to iterate through the selected objects and randomly assign one of the colours in the swatch document as a fill to each object. It would be great if hidden swatches (they are all small rectangular 'colour chip' filled paths) on page were not included in the reference swatches randomly choosen from.
    Iterating the selected objects I can do, but not sure what references I need to use to create an array of swatches to randomly choose from.
    I see I can make an array of swatches using the general swatch group from Adobe's CreateSwatchGroup scripts:
    var docRef = app.documents.add(DocumentColorSpace.CMYK)
    // Create a new SwatchGroup
    var swatchGroup = docRef.swatchGroups.add(); = "CreateSwatchGroup";
    // Get list of swatches in general swatch group
    var genSwatchGroup = docRef.swatchGroups[0];
    // Collect 5 random swatches from general swatch group and move to new group
    var i = 0;
    while (i < 5) {
              var swatches = genSwatchGroup.getAllSwatches();
              swatchCount = swatches.length;
              var swatchIndex = Math.round(Math.random() * (swatchCount - 1)); // 0-based index
              // New swatch group does not allow patterns or gradients
              if (swatches[swatchIndex].color.typename != "PatternColor" && swatches[swatchIndex].color.typename != "GradientColor") {
    // Updates swatch list with swatches moved to new swatch group
    swatches = swatchGroup.getAllSwatches();
    // [… etc etc]
    tell application "Adobe Illustrator"
              set docRef to make new document with properties {color space:CMYK}
    -- Create a new SwatchGroup
              set swatchGroupRef to make new swatchgroup in current document with properties {name:"CreateSwatchGroup"}
    -- Get list of swatches in general swatch group
              set genSwatchGroup to swatchgroup 1 of docRef
    -- Collect 5 random swatches from the general swatch group and move to new group
              set i to 0
              repeat until i is 5
                        set swatchesRef to get all swatches genSwatchGroup
                        set swatchCount to count every item in swatchesRef
                        set swatchIndex to random number from 1 to swatchCount
                        set currentSwatch to item swatchIndex of swatchesRef
      -- New swatch group does not allow patterns or gradients
                        if class of color of currentSwatch is not pattern color info and class of color of currentSwatch is not gradient color info then
      add swatch swatchGroupRef swatch currentSwatch
                                  set i to i + 1
                        end if
              end repeat
    -- [… etc etc]
    If someone can help me to create the Swatch Array object of swatches loaded from a seperate document (or unique layer) then I think I can work my way to changing the fill on the existing paths (the nations in my map of Europe example).
    Would be very cool if I could detect neighbooring paths (nieghbooring nations in my map of Europe example) make sure the colour being assigned is not within a certain hue/CMYK range of the random colour and if it is rechoose random colour. I have no idea how to perform the logic of determining neighbooring paths in an Illustartor script. Anybody?!
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    But Javascript is okay if someone has this covered already :-)

    I would like to write some scripts for randomising the allocation of swatches to adjacent object.
    Imagine a map of Europe and all her nation states/territories. I have a User Defined Swatch Library. I can open the AI document it was made from as I understand from this thread that having the swatches as objects on the page makes them easier to be referenced in a script. 
    I want to iterate through the selected objects and randomly assign one of the colours in the swatch document as a fill to each object. It would be great if hidden swatches (they are all small rectangular 'colour chip' filled paths) on page were not included in the reference swatches randomly choosen from.
    Iterating the selected objects I can do, but not sure what references I need to use to create an array of swatches to randomly choose from.
    I see I can make an array of swatches using the general swatch group from Adobe's CreateSwatchGroup scripts:
    var docRef = app.documents.add(DocumentColorSpace.CMYK)
    // Create a new SwatchGroup
    var swatchGroup = docRef.swatchGroups.add(); = "CreateSwatchGroup";
    // Get list of swatches in general swatch group
    var genSwatchGroup = docRef.swatchGroups[0];
    // Collect 5 random swatches from general swatch group and move to new group
    var i = 0;
    while (i < 5) {
              var swatches = genSwatchGroup.getAllSwatches();
              swatchCount = swatches.length;
              var swatchIndex = Math.round(Math.random() * (swatchCount - 1)); // 0-based index
              // New swatch group does not allow patterns or gradients
              if (swatches[swatchIndex].color.typename != "PatternColor" && swatches[swatchIndex].color.typename != "GradientColor") {
    // Updates swatch list with swatches moved to new swatch group
    swatches = swatchGroup.getAllSwatches();
    // [… etc etc]
    tell application "Adobe Illustrator"
              set docRef to make new document with properties {color space:CMYK}
    -- Create a new SwatchGroup
              set swatchGroupRef to make new swatchgroup in current document with properties {name:"CreateSwatchGroup"}
    -- Get list of swatches in general swatch group
              set genSwatchGroup to swatchgroup 1 of docRef
    -- Collect 5 random swatches from the general swatch group and move to new group
              set i to 0
              repeat until i is 5
                        set swatchesRef to get all swatches genSwatchGroup
                        set swatchCount to count every item in swatchesRef
                        set swatchIndex to random number from 1 to swatchCount
                        set currentSwatch to item swatchIndex of swatchesRef
      -- New swatch group does not allow patterns or gradients
                        if class of color of currentSwatch is not pattern color info and class of color of currentSwatch is not gradient color info then
      add swatch swatchGroupRef swatch currentSwatch
                                  set i to i + 1
                        end if
              end repeat
    -- [… etc etc]
    If someone can help me to create the Swatch Array object of swatches loaded from a seperate document (or unique layer) then I think I can work my way to changing the fill on the existing paths (the nations in my map of Europe example).
    Would be very cool if I could detect neighbooring paths (nieghbooring nations in my map of Europe example) make sure the colour being assigned is not within a certain hue/CMYK range of the random colour and if it is rechoose random colour. I have no idea how to perform the logic of determining neighbooring paths in an Illustartor script. Anybody?!
    I'd prefer Applescript for sake of readiblity and also I'm learning AS ATM. Plus I'm using Script (which is excellent) to work with AS and I can't seem to run JSX scripts from within Extend Script Toolkit 2 (perhaps I need to make my scripts point to Illustrator?)
    But Javascript is okay if someone has this covered already :-)

  • JS[CS3] Create Pattern/Swatch

    I am new to JS
    in AI. I know pretty well JS in ID but the object is totally different.
    So I am creating a layer, naming it, Creating a box, Importing an EPS as a groupItem.
    NOW the tricky part. The imported EPS is my Stamp so I need to create a pattern from it.
    Then apply that pattern to my box. That is where I loose myself. I don't comprehend the relationship between stwatch, pattern & Patterncolor. But I did understand that a swatch COLOR can be of type PatternColor and there you can access its properties like angle, scale, etc... But a PatternColor is a Pattern itself?!? I also understand I can access my pattern using the swatches because a pattern is actually a swatch color.
    Any pointer on how to create a pattern from my groupItem? Pattern.add method has no argument, right?
    So I can't do
    var myDoc = app.activeDocument;
    var myStamp = myDoc.groupItems.createFromFile(myFile);
    var myPattern = myDoc.patterns.add(myStamp);              <---- Error = "XXX";
    var mySwatch = myDoc.swatches.getByName("XXX");
    mySwatch.color.rotation = 45;
    mySwatch.color.scaleFactor= [50, 50];
    var myRCT = myDoc.pathItems.rectangle(myDoc.pageOrigin[1], myDoc.pageOrigin[0], myDoc.width, -myDoc.height);                              
    myRCT.fillColor = mySwatch.color;     <---- DOES not apply it maybe because a pattern?
    Any help is appreciated

    Yes that is what I get as well. There as to be a way to assign, just like the GUI does.
    Compared to InDesign, AI scripting sucks. It is really poorly implemented. Even the help is sketchy at best.
    I'll keep trucking along and post my findings.
    Cheers, Alex.

  • Changes to appearance of repeat swatch and gradient (both with transparency applied) when .ai saved in PDF 1.3 compatibility

    I need to send a complex vector print to a commercial printer who requires my .ai file to be saved as 1.3 PDF compatibility.  All the graphics display & print correctly bar two elements:
    1. A gradient with transparency applied
    2. A repeat pattern swatch with transparency applied
    Both of these elements are layered between a solid colour background and a complex array of vector art.
    The gradient displays as solid white when converted to 1.3 PDF.  The pattern swatch displays partly white, with some elements of the pattern repeat visible as a watermark.
    1. I have tried to rasterise these elements within the a@rt, and while they both display correctly while in .ai format, as soon as I convert to PDF the appearance changes as above.
    2. I have tried to apply the transparency to the paint buckets on the gradient slider instead of applying it to the shape with gradient fil
    3. I've fiddled with the Transparency Flattening presets, Document Raster Effect Settings, and everything I can think of in the 'Save as PDF' dialogue box
    4. I've tried to rasterise the full file with an even worse outcome (all colour information lost, appears only on grey scale with fewer elements visible)
    Could this have something to do with spot colours or overprint?  Any help would be most appeciated!
    I'm using:
    Illustrator CC 18.1.1 (doc colour set to CMYK)
    on a Macbook Pro OSX Yosemite Version 10.10.1
    Apple Preview Version 8.0 (859)

    Hi Mike,
    Thanks for taking an interest! I tried rebuilding my gradient as suggested to see whether it would make a difference, but was still having issues.  Tried to save every which way with the save as PDF options in 1.3 profile.  Finally went back into the file to unpack each layer and see what I could adjust to save the appearance.
    Found this fix in my swatches palette: for some reason the swatches I was working with had converted to "Book Colour", something I never use.  I changed the dropdown back to CMYK and changed the colours from spot to process, which fixed the file    Relief after hours of searching and late nights!
    Thanks again!

  • How to smooth edges of a layer in Illustrator?

    Okay, I'm not exactly sure how to phrase my question, but I'll do my best.
    Basically I have a drawing that was made in Photoshop and now I need to make it larger. However, it gets pixellated of course. Therefore I want to put it in Illustrator and make the edges smoother (it's basically four colors that do not blend, so each color is separate).
    Is there any fairly easy way to do this? I figure I could either smooth the edges or turn it into a vector. I know Photoshop and InDesign, but I haven't used Illustrator at all, so I have no idea how to do this.
    Sorry if I wasn't clear on something, please let me know. Thank you very much!

    You can also make a path/paths out of your layer/selection in Photoshop and copy to Illie.
    It will probably be more accurate that way if you handle it right.
    Once you have pasted a path into Illie it becomes an "Object" (Illiespeak) on a layer. Illie's layers can hold many objects.
    Now all you have to do is colour it (Color ans Swatches palettes).

  • Can I sample a layer's "true" color despite its opacity and blend mode?

    I'm doing some painting with a lot of layers set to different blend modes.  I find that every time I want to paint on one of these layers, I have to go to that layer, set the opacity back to 100, change the blend mode back to "normal" sample the color, then change everything back and continue painting.  I realize I can save a swatch for the color, but it can get confusing when you're using subtle color differences on multiple layers.  It seems like there should be a modifier key to the tool that samples the layers "true" color discarding opacity and blend mode.  Does this exist?  Thanks!

    Perfect!  This is exactly what I'm looking for chris....I don't suppose there's any way to toggle the tool's "current layer/all layers" functionality on the fly so i don't have to go to the tool and select which mode I"m in each time is there?  I usually access this tool by just hitting "option" while using a brush.  Would be cool if i could set "Option + shift" to use the eyedropper in "current layer" mode.  Thanks for the speedy reply!

  • Pattern Swatch From Pattern Maker Filter

    Is there a way to copy a new custom Pattern Swatch that you create using the Pattern Maker filter? I have often created a pattern that worked perfect but could only apply it to a layer. I want to be able to save just the custom swatch that patterns correctly so that I can use it as a repeating background image on a website.
    I know I should know this, but it's something that I've never been able to figure out, or find in the Help Menu.

    > Well, you could always open a new file the same size as the pattern you created originally and load it from the Layer Styles > Pattern dialog.
    For some reason it tiles right when I apply the pattern to a large background. But when I attempt to create a simple square tile, even the same size as I started with, and attempt to use it as a repeating background on a web page, you can see the tiling.
    > Or how about after you make a new pattern in Pattern Maker and OK it, you have it load into an open Photoshop window, yes? You know the size of the tile the pattern maker made. How about making a selection the same size and use the arrow keys to move it into place and then copy/paste a new doc.
    Sounds good on paper Welles. But I can't get it to work right. I still see the tiling when I save the file out this way and use it as a background.
    I don't need this for anything urgent. And I know I can make something work for when I need it. The pattern I'm working with has a lot of texture so when it repeats outside of applying it in Photoshop, it just doesn't match up right. I had hoped there would be an easy way to capture the custom Pattern Maker Tile as a single image that could be used to repeat itself without seeing the tiling.
    Maybe this would be a good feature request. Thanks for both of your input.

  • Create Pattern Swatch from Placed Image in Javascript

    I need to create a large number of pattern swatches from some .jpg file on disk. I've figured out how to script the insertion of the .jpgs into my AI document as placed images:
         // Embed the image into the document.
         file = new File("MyImage.jpg");
         var document = app.activeDocument;
         var newPlaced = document.layers["swatches"].groupItems.createFromFile(file); = "MyImage_Placed";
    This works fine and the item shows up in the correct layer as an embedded image.
    Now I want to create a PatternSwatch (I think) from that Image.
    To create a new swatch the code starts out as:
         newSwatch = document.swatches.add(); = "MyImage_Swatch";
    but now I'm stuck! How do I associate the new PlacedItem with the swatch I just created? I can see the swatch in the palette so I'm partway there.

    When you say you would drag the image itself into the Swatch Palette and it would show the image itself? How would then use this swatch? Can you give an example of what you would apply a jpeg to as a swatch? The only palette that I can think of off the top of my head that you can drag a jpeg into and have the icon appear as the jpeg is the Symbols Palette. Is is possible that you were using the Symbols Palette in the past and not the Swatch Palette?

  • [AS] Change Colour of  all page items on layer

    I am trying to set up a script to change the colour of fill, stroke and text of page items on one layer, and having very little luck, what I have so far is below, as it stands I seem to only be creating the swatch, could I get a few pointers on how to do this correctly please?
    I have three attempts as below, which return pretty much the same result, nothing?
    tell application "Adobe InDesign CS3"
    set myDocument to active document
    tell document 1
    set _Swatch to make color with properties {name:"PANTONE Blue 072 U", color:spot, color value:{100, 88, 0, 5}, model:spot}
    set _NewColour to swatch "PANTONE Blue 072 U"
    set swatch _NewColour to every page item whose fill color is swatch "Black"
    set swatch _NewColour to every page item whose stroke color is swatch "Black"
    end try
    end tell
    end tell
    tell application "Adobe InDesign CS3"
    set myDocument to active document
    tell document 1
    set _Swatch to make color with properties {name:"PANTONE Blue 072 U", color:spot, color value:{100, 88, 0, 5}, model:spot}
    set _NewColour to swatch "PANTONE Blue 072 U"
    set _Colour to swatch "Black"
    set _Fill to every page item whose fill color is swatch "Black"
    set _Fill to _NewColour
    set _Stroked to every page item whose stroke color is swatch "Black"
    set _Stroked to _NewColour
    end try
    end tell
    end tell
    tell application "Adobe InDesign CS3"
    set myDocument to active document
    tell document 1
    set _Swatch to make color with properties {name:"PANTONE Blue 072 U", color:spot, color value:{100, 88, 0, 5}, model:spot}
    set _NewColour to swatch "PANTONE Blue 072 U"
    set _Colour to swatch "Black"
    set _Fill to every page item whose fill color is swatch "Black"
    set _Stroked to every page item whose stroke color is swatch "Black"
    set _All to _Fill & _Stroked
    set swatch of _All to swatch _NewColour
    end try
    end tell
    end tell

    Try this:<br /><br />tell application "Adobe InDesign CS3"<br />    set myDocument to active document<br />    activate<br />    tell document 1<br />        try<br />            set theLayer to layer 1 -- or whatever<br />            set _Swatch to make color with properties {name:"PANTONE Blue<br />072 U", color:spot, color value:{100, 88, 0, 5}, model:spot}<br />            set _Colour to swatch "Black"<br />            set fill color of every item of all page items whose fill color<br />is _Colour and item layer is theLayer to _Swatch<br />            set stroke color of every item of all page items whose stroke<br />color is _Colour and item layer is theLayer to _Swatch<br />        end try<br />    end tell<br />end tell<br /><br />-- <br />Shane Stanley <[email protected]>

  • How do I make a small honeycomb swatch pattern in Illustrator?

    Hi All
    I really want to make a small honeycomb swatch pattern (the polygons should be small  - 2 px x 2px) , but I just cannot get it to work. What I did is make one small polygon, and went to: Object>pattern>make
    and applied the following settings:
    See images:
    This is how it looks.
    You will see that on the shoulder of the t-shirt, the pattern is kinda trasparent - the bottom layer is visible-I don't want it to be.
    The bottom pattern(on the side of the t-shirt) you will see came out fine, except that the polygons are too big and I cannot get it any smaller - How do I do that?
    Any help will be appreciated!

    Maybe this video can help you
    Simple tutorial how to make a hexagon pattern (honeycomb) in illustrator - YouTube

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    Hi! I recognized several times, that Bridge is regenerate the preview images very often. If I mark several images, the previews are regenerated. That is not so funny, as Bridge uses only one of my eight virtual CPUs (Intel Core i7 2600@3,4 GHz with f

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    Currently I have a docking station for my work ThinkPad laptop and use the screen & keyboard... Will I be able to do this with the imac screen?