Swf streaming or preventing caching

I have swf files generated from Captivate - I want to stream
these to prevent browser caching and conceal original file location
Can anyone point me to sample files or notes on how to do
this using Flash media server?
I have managed to glean that it might be posible - swf file
on web site connects to asc file on Flash media server which then
gets the actual swf from location on web server and serves it via
Flash media server to the client - but I need to see an example
Looking for either free or fee source

FMS does not serve .swf files... only flv and mp3. If you
want to conceal the server path to the .swf, I suggest you use an
application server (like ASP or PHP) to act as a proxy between the
user and the .swf
For the caching issue, you can give the .swf nocache headers
(again, you'd need an application server for that), but honestly,
there is no foolproof way of protecting .swf content or preventing
people from downloading it for themselves. The best you can do is
create a lot of hoops for people to jump through in order to get

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    With best regards

    Dear Friends,
    somtime I actualize my JAR-Files.What is that trying to say ?
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    Thanks a lot for the response.
    Actually i heard that using <cache> seems to be easy, where in  we could specify even the content-size to get cached (if we require) and also it just requires us to add something like <cache-mxml>false</cache-mxml> which will prevent the caching.
    And i have already tried appending the random number to the url. In the link provided by you, what does the swfObject refer to. I mean i couldn't find any reference to the object.
    Am trying like this,
    In index.template.html
    "src", "${swf}?url="+Math.random(),"width", "${width}","height", "${height}","align", "middle",.........)
    Please guide me thru'.
    Thanks again

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    SWFLoader.load(null) = no luck
    SWFLoader.source = URL + "?cache=" + new Date().getTime();   = no luck
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    private function menuHandler(event:MenuEvent):void {
         resourceSWFLoader.source = event.item.url;
    very straight forward. It loads the first time but when the value of source changes it keeps loading the same url. I have stepped through the code and the value of url is correct, but the SWFLoader is still loading old value.

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    All photos that you want to share to a stream have to be kept on your device as well for syncing with iCloud. There are limits to how many photos you can share to the shared streams, however. See:
    iCloud: Photo Stream limits

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    You kind of have a problem.
    I don't have a guaranteed solution for you, but I think once you send the PDF file to the client, the file is well, sent and you have no control over it.
    Internet Explorer treats PDF the same as a Microsoft Word document, that is, it recognizes that there's a specific application required to open it, and passes the PDF file in its entirely to the application. For example, if the file is classified.pdf, the browser essentially goes to the shell and calles "c:\adobe\reader\reader.exe classified.pdf".
    Similarly, if you tried a different file format and Internet Explorer is able to display that file natively, the client can view it, and to some extent, save it, or cut and paste the contents of it.
    You can use JavaScript to block some actions, but in that situation, you have to block every action you can think of as opposed to writing one generic rule and expecting IE to respect it.
    There are solutions, but they do involve software that circumvents IE. It is theoretically possible to write an Applet that will do the trick, but you'd need to install the right security managers on each client's desktop. Or a stand alone desktop application. Or a secure version of Acrobat. Or... And so on.
    There's no easy way to allow someone to view a document, but not make a copy of it in some way. The next version of Microsoft Office is supposed to alleviate this somewhat, but you need special server software to do it.

  • Swf file stays in cache and used in additional visits?

    If I have 5 HTML pages, each with the SAME swf embedded in them (..and that swf has a preloader sequence at the start that cycles through a LOADING sequence, before continuing on with the rest of the movie, if all the frames are not loaded yet...), will visiting one of the other pages (after viewing a first one) result in the swf embedded in it to skip the preload sequence (since it would already be loaded in the browser cache), or would it have to load all the frames again, each time you visit one of the pages?

    Darn... Still having issues.
    My swf is structured like this:
    Frame 1: Blank... Checks if all frames loaded (to detect a revisit).  If so, jump to 'Loaded' label
    Frame 2: ('Preloader' label): Display preloader background and percentage display.  Check if all bytes loaded, if so jump to 'Reveal' label
    Frame 3: Go to 'Preloader' label
    Frame 4 ('Reveal' label): Main content appears in layers below  preloader background, preloader background slides away, revealing them.
    Frame 20 ('Loaded' label): Unobstructed main content
    Theory here would be that on the first load, the preloader would kick in if needed (showing the load progress), then sliding away to reveal the main content.  If the connection is fast enough, it skips right up to the main content (no preloader screen or transition).  On return visits, since all pages are using the same swf (which should now be stored in the cache), all the frames should register as loaded, and so you just go straight to the unobstructed contect.
    A few flaws with that theory...
    1) Since the initial 'frames loaded' check is on the first frame, it would probably never register as having all frames loaded (unless you have a ridiculously fast connection).  Only time it (in theory) would work is on a revisit...
    2) ...which brings me to a newly discovered flaw in my logic.  Even with the swf in cache, it still needs to be 'loaded' (...it's just a lot faster than from the Internet... but nonetheless a non-instant 'load').  So, I would think now that you'd never get the initial 'frames loaded' scan seeing 'all frames loaded'.
    Only solution I can think of is to extend the initial 'blank frame' (frame 1) to a few frames duration, and putting the initial 'frames loaded' check at the end of that, allowing a highspeed connection to fully load the cached swf by the time the inital check is performed..... but that would give you a longer gap before something appears...
    So, now I either have the preloader just 'pop' away (without a nice transition out)... or live with the preloader background appearing on entry of the page, and transitioning out.  I could actually live with the traditional 'door opens on arrival, door closes on leaving' routine... if only the main content actually changed in some way (justifying the doors closing).... But, since it's the same swf being used each time, the content is identical.
    Just looks like I'll have to accept a compromise of one type or another...

  • Why don't .swf files seem to cache on a browser?

    I'm using Safari on Mac OS X 10. I've got a 3 mb .swf on a
    web page. It seems that if I hit a "refresh" on the browser, it
    loads the whole thing from the beginning, with the progress bar and
    everything. I don't have anything set to clear the cache as far as
    I know. Is this normal?
    What I'm trying to do is have a movie that shows a bunch of
    operating screens from some software as different frames that you
    can navigate to, like a virtual version of the software. I had
    hoped that once the user had already loaded the movie, that i could
    provide URLs (in other web pages) that link directly to various
    pages of the movie using FlashVars. This works sort of, but it
    reloads the entire movie from the beginning with each different
    URL. Is there some way to keep the movie in memory so that this
    doesn't need to happen?

    The standalone Flash Player (Projector) is not updated with the Flash Player browser add-ons; you need to download the latest standalone player manually from http://www.adobe.com/support/flashplayer/downloads.html

  • Preventing cache in all browsers.

    Hi all,
    To prevent browser cache I have added the following code
    <meta http-equiv="Cache-Control" content="no-cache">
    <meta http-equiv="Expires" content="0">
    <meta http-equiv="max-age" content="0">
    in one of my jsp(sample1.jsp). This JSP is included in all the other JSPs.(sample2.jsp,sample3.jsp)
    The sample2.jsp have a link to sample3.jsp. The sample2.jsp is reloaded everytime I click the tree option.This tree node points to sample2.jsp.
    The sample3.jsp is not loaded eveytime I click the link.(sample3.jsp?name=David- the value link in sample2.jsp)
    Can anybody suggest me to solve this?

    Here is one set of magic spells I picked up somewhere:
            response.addDateHeader("Expires", 791589600000L); // Wed Feb 01 00:00:00 EET 1995
            response.addHeader("Cache-Control", "no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0");
            response.addHeader("Pragma", "no-cache");Those should cover reasonable browsers, as well as most versions of Internyet Explorer. I don't know if those work with <meta http-equiv=...>, you could try.

  • Prevent caching of loaded images...

    How do I prevent Flash from caching loaded images?
    In my app a user make a change to an image and saves it back to the server as the same name. Flash then reloads the section and the new image should be reflected. However, it is not. The image looks fine on the server and is updated on the server...

    Perfect, thanks. I just created a date and used the get time method and a
    dded it to the string/link of the image. .....png?12345678787
    Works like a charm!

  • How to prevent caching?

    the browser caches the information and so i have to do a refresh every once in a while to update the dynamically changing information.

    it kinda doesn't work
    you see, i have links sorted according to the number of hits.
    This is how it looks like for example
    now if lets say Link2 has 10 hits and Link3 has 9.
    If i click Link3, then the hits become 10 and if i click it again, it becomes 11.
    but it still looks like above when its supposed to be
    it doesn't show the right order until i refresh the page.
    and the thing is, if i don't refresh the page, then when i click Link3, it shows the url of link2....

  • How to prevent caching of URL?

    I have an application developed using Flex SDK 3.2 that calls a java servlet using navigateToURL. The servlet returns a generated PDF file, but after the first call the response is getting cached. I'm not sure if this a problem with Flex, Java or Tomcat. I have tried setting response parameters in the servlet (seHeader("Pragma","no-cache")) etc and tried a similar approach in the client - new URLRequestHeader("pragma", "no-cache");.
    Anyway, no matter what I do I can't stop the caching and I;m hoping someone can help.

    You can append the random number to the url something like this
    var str:string = "http://someurl.com?rndm="+Math.random()*100

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