SWUE SC Trigger Create Event

I'm trying to create an event for a shopping cart BUS2121, o notice that after the event the workflow trigger's an approval step to all the approvers, although there is a BADI that is correctly assigning 1 approver for each step.
Is this a standard behaviour ?
This only happens when creating an event with SWUE.

Hi Masa,
The example is, if you create a shopping cart in SRM Portal the system works fine, the approval goes to the correct approver's acording to our configuration. The problem is if i create an event in SWUE, for the same shopping cart, it goes to all the approver's. I try to debug the process and with SWUE i confirmed that the BADI is correctly assigning the approver's, but in the end in workflow Log it's going to all the approver's.
Did you ever experience this situation ?
Best regards,

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    Thanks and Regards,

    Hi Aditya,
    Atlast somebody replied to my thread. Since yesterday I have created 3-4 threads and didn't got any single reponse.
    Anyways, my query is:-
    how to trigger the workflow? I know we need some event to trigger a workflow. Now how to generate this event, when the user is simply sending an e-mail to the admin for some approval request? How can an e-mail trigger an approval workflow in the background?
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    Thanks and Regards,

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    For your Requirement workflow not Required.
    Write a  Program to send Mail. This Program has to execute when ever the Save Button is Click, then the mail will be sent.
    Check the program in this [link|https://wiki.sdn.sap.com/wiki/x/nYKdAw ], which send the mail.

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    Hi Roop,
    Can you let me know y you have created a subtype and delegated? Bcs according to your scenerio you dont require any custom business object, since you are using standrad event.
    Can you let me how you are triggering this standard event and y you have configured in swec?
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    try to do the transformation directly in the input cube by using CR of type exit, more details :
    hope it helps.

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    Thanks and Regards,

    1). Doubt regarding first question.
    For example, i would like to create time based event (it should be trigger daily at specified time),
    where we have to maintain scheduling options while creating event.
    When i checked SM62 there i found only two options a). Event name and b). Description.
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    Ans : You can use function modules like "BP_EVENT_RAISE" in a program and schedule the program to trigger.
    2). For externel BIW system also same procedure we need to follow or any difference.
    Ans : Externally you need to trigger the same event.
    3). i found dependent process chain also had scheduling options as direct scheduling insted of start using meta chain or API. As you said dependent process chain should be mata chain. it seems dependent process chain may be Meta chain or Direct scheduilg.
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    Ans : May be they are raising the event in the main chain and triggering the dependent chain using this event.
    But Metachain is preferred for such thing.Though it does similar thing.
    Hope this helps.

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    can anybody give some suggestion on this.
    Best Regards

    There are two cases
    1) to raise an event after the completion of a job
    This can be done by using ABAP coding, trigger the event using a program by the 'RAISE' statement. The job can be scheduled to run in the background daily or weekly(or anything as per the requirements)
    2) to run a job after an event
    in the start condition of the job, give the event name which should trigger that job in the after event field.
    or if you want to run multiple jobs after one event completes, give that event in the start condition of all the jobs.. or model a process chain which will run this jobs..
    I hope this clrifies your doubt...

  • How to create event

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    Any help would be appreciated.
    Thanks in Advance.

    Can anyone help me with that how can i create release strategy for Contract or how can i create "CREATE" event for BOR ZBUS2014 which is the copy of BUS2014(Contract) and does not have "CREATE" event.
    You don't see the created event in ZBUS2014 because you have not delegated it. Delegation means whenever created event of BUS2014 gets triggered your BO ZBUS2014 which has been delegated to BUS2014 will be called. After delegating the BO in workflow you can refer to BUS2014 wherever required instead of giving as ZBUS2014.
    Steps for delegation
    1. Go to SWO1 tcode
    2. Enter the BO name as ZBUS2014. Click settings - delegate.
    3. Click new entries. You will find three fields there.
    Give Object type as BUS2014. Person responsible as your userid. Delegation type as ZBUS2014 and save this entry.

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    I have a requirement, where I have to create an ABAP program, that has to execute (trigger) an event which belongs to a Process Chain. when I run the program, the Process Chain has to run.
    So, how can I do it?
    Thanks for your help, Federico

    HI ,
    The program can call function module BP_EVENT_RAISE to raise the event. you can create vent in sm64 and sm62 .There you give the parameter of the event same as what you will define in the event of start variant of your process chian ..

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         There is an event LEFT_CLICK_RUN and  its a public accessed event. But the problem is , the corresponding  attribute of this event  "EVENT_LEFT_CLICK_RUN" which is needed to registered that event (We need to register our events through a method set_register_events  using table of type cntl_simple_events...) is protect accessed. So I am unable to use that attribute...Could u please tell  me is there any alternative way to register that event.......ANY POSSIBLE WAY?
    Thanks in advance,

    I think you should use event selection_changed. Note that you shouldn't allow multiple selection for the tree at the same time, i.e. use: create object g_tree exporting \[...\] node_selection_mode = cl_gui_column_tree=>node_sel_mode_single.
    For more information, see this thread: Urgently required :  cl_gui_alv_tree single_click event...

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    For instance, I have an InputStream that I've got through a Socket that's listening for incoming data. I want to signal/trigger an event when data comes in so that the gui (in another class) can take appropriate actions. How can you do this?

    The basic idea is this:
    public interface SockeListener
        void dataEvent(/* pass a parameter if needed.  Often an event interface is added */);
    public class MySocket
         private final List listeners = new ArrayList();
         public void addListener(SocketListener listener)
         public void removeListener(SocketListener listener)
         private void triggerEvent()
               for (Iterator i = listeners.iterator(); i.hasNext();)
                    ((SocketListener) i).dataEvent();
    }Check out the PropertyChangeSupport class also.

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       - I have created a YBUS2054 as a subtype of BUS2054 using SWO1
       - YBUS2054 has been delegated to BUS2054
       - created an CHANGED event in the YBUS2054. This event is implemented and then released
       - created a type linkage (object type=YBUS2054, event=CHANGED, receiver type null, and receiver function module = zz_create_wbs_idoc) using SWETYPV. This function is supposed to create an idoc when CHANGED event occurs. I just don't know how to trigger the event to occur.
       - all the port, define idoc type, logical system, and etc are setup
       - when I try to create an entry in "Event for Chagne Document" using SWEC with change doc object=PROJ, business object type = YBUS2054, with on change, I get "Key for change doc object PROJ and business object type YBUS2054 are incompatible".
    I tried various configurations, and I was not successfully in creating an event on CHANGED
    can you please advise what I am missing in getting the changed event to trigger?
    Thank you in advance,

    If the change doc doesnt exist, check if you can create an event using BSVW.
    Also use the event log to see if there are other sap standard events happening.
    I checked the package belonging to CJ02 to see if there is something useable, but didn't find anything: CN_PSP_OPR
    If there are no sap standard ways to get an event, you'll have to find a badi/enhancement spot and include some coding to start the event using fm SAP_WAPI_CREATE_EVENT.
    Kind regards, Rob Dielemans

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    I wander is it possible to trigger FIPP event (and how?) when parking an FI document with transaction fbv1(and not fv60)
    Thx in advance

    In Financial Accounting --> Accounts Receivable and Accounts payable >  Business Transaction> Incoming Invoices/Credit Memos  --> Make and check settings for Document Parking -->  Create Workflow Variant for Parking Documents (Click  this)
    There you have to assign your workflow.

  • Can not create Event on HDD

    This is somewhat similar to the other HDD postings but on mine I see the drive and can select it but it will not allow me to create events.
    This is a new computer that I just picked. At first when I installed FCPX I could not create events so I brought it back to my local Apple reseller who had just sold me a custom configured Macbook Pro. They could not figure it out but when 10.6.8 was release they installed it and it appeared to fix the FCPX problems.
    However after using it for an hour I got an error with one of my events, the clips were red with a yellow triangle. This problem was limited to this event so I continue to create new events and import clips, once I decided that the problem appears to be resolved I decided I would delete all of the work and setup FCPX to begin my work. I then shutdown the computer and when I started it backup to my surprised I can no longer create events on my second drive.
    I have check permissions and verified the drive is a Mac OS Journaled disk. I have deleted FCPX, reinstalled it, re-formated the drive but I still have the problem. The only thing that appears strange to me is in the Event Library FCPX lists my two drives as follows: Macintosh SSD(with a picture of a house), STORAGE (with a picture of a diskdrive). Now in the Project Library the same drives are listed in the same order however the Macintosh SSD picture is now a drive and the STORAGE now has a picture of a house.  It changed the pictures.
    Here is my configuration of my computer: 
    -13" Macbook Pro.
    - The DVD was removed and the 500GB Apple SATA drive was installed in the space the DVD once occupied to be used as a scratch disk.
    - The OS was installed on a 120GB SSD that was installed inside the Macbook Pro.
    I have tried connecting a USB drive and that works.
    Every other application works fine but since I only purchased this computer for FCPX and chose this configuration based on the Apple reseller who know that my sole intention for this computer was running FCPX. I would not have purchased it if I know FCPX would not work.
    Any suggestions please let me know

    What if you try to create the APPROVE event using SWUE?
    I assume you are creating the event with the same key as for the SUBMIT event.
    As always, try SWU_OBUF.
    I've encountered that message before, never did find a reason for it. Please keep us informed how it eventually gets fixed.
    Rick Bakker
    Hanabi Technology

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