Sync error occurred

Out of nowhere I started getting a message "sync error occurred, please retry". There is no error number. This happens in the middle of syncing my contacts. I can't think of anything I have done to cause it.. I have rebooted, tried entering a dummy entry both on my  BB and my Apple address book thinking it would possibly correct. All to no avail. I am using Desktop Mgr 1.03 (build 19) Mac. I have a BB Tour 9630 v5.0.0732 (bundle 1242). Under advanced settings, Replace All Settings on BB is unchecked, I think it has always been that way. Before the error I was sync both ways so the news data would overwrite old and additions would be added.
Thanks for any help that can be offered.

Hey jezebel10,
Welcome to the BlackBerry Support Community Forums.
To create a new calendar in iCal click on the (+) at the bottom left in iCal and this will create a new calendar.
Make sure you name the calendar to something you can find, for example "Test or BlackBerry Test"
Open BlackBerry Desktop Manager and make sure this new calendar populates in the list, and you will only synchronize with this calendar.
Test and let me know if it goes through successfully or fails.
Come follow your BlackBerry Technical Team on Twitter! @BlackBerryHelp
Be sure to click Like! for those who have helped you.
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    Message was edited by: edwardwashere

    Try here:
    iTunes: Error 13019 during sync

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    One thing that might help.
    1. open itunes preferences from the edit menu and click on the devices tab.
    2. check the box to disable syncing for iphones connected to itunes and click ok.
    3. Then click the button to reset sync history.
    4. Now click ok to close the preferences window.
    5. connect the iphone to itunes and go to the info tab.
    6. scroll to the bottom of the info page and check the box to replace the ical data on the iphone.
    7. then click apply on the bottom right of itunes.
    This will overwrite any events on the iphone, including any events that has become corrupted.
    Hope this helps

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    Hi Centreless,
    If you have difficulty with your iPad not being able to connect to iTunes in order to sync, you may want to try the troubleshooting steps in this article -
    iOS: Device not recognized in iTunes for Windows
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    Brett L

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    Does both your Windows and Macbook iTunes have the same library of songs?
    if it  does then, much easier to proceed, else try to load the Macbook with the same library as Windows.
    Note that only one of the Macbook USB port is good for iPod Classic, the other is too slow and may cause timeout, and I would suggest disconnect all other USB devices, while you Restore or Sync the iPod Classic.
    Connect the iPod to the Mac, (if iTunes launch, please close it back.)
    Use Disk Utility -> select the iPod Device->First Aid->Repair (use option FAT32)
    After the Repair complete, eject the iPod.
    Connect back to the Mac
    When iTunes launch, Restore the iPod when Prompted, (use FAT32)
    Sync your library.
    Good Luck!

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    I have searched all over for troubleshooting help.
    Doublechecking. In the course of your troubleshooting to date, have you worked through the following document?
    iTunes: Error 13019 during sync

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    Error 20, 21, 34, 37: These errors typically occur when security software interferes with the restore and update process. If you are using a PC, follow this article to resolve this issue.
    Above from:

  • Ipod cannot be synced unknown error occured (-48)

    _Help needed please!_
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    *'The ipod "ipods name" cannot be synced. An unknown error occured. (-48)'*
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    I preferably don't want to restore my ipod because i don't have all the music on it on my new laptop, so I'd lose a lot. I gather syncing the ipod will match what's in the itunes library to the actual ipod? I don't want to do this anyway as I have nothing in my itunes library & i don't want the music that is on my ipod removed, so i'm very confused....
    *Anyone have any ideas of what i should do?????*

    Your iPod will mimic your iTunes so if there is no music in the library it will wipe the other music that you have on there off so if you don't want to lose the music its probably not a good idea to connect it
    as for the error
    the same thing happened to mine for a while when i first got my ipod it would sync 250 songs or so and then come up with the same thing.

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    help thanks

    removed photo sync and no error message. checked for updates but ok.
    4.14GB free space on ipod, tried syncing only 1 photo and error message returned?

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    I recently bought a used iPod Classic (my previous one was stolen). I still had my iTunes library on my computer so I was just going to hook it up and sync my library over, replacing what was on there from the previous user. When I first hooked it up to my computer (Windows 7 64-bit) there was a message saying the drivers were not installed properly. I un-plugged it, and plugged it back in to the same result. I tried 1 more time and didn't get the error message. I then opened iTunes and clicked on the iPod. I checked for updates, then clicked "Restore this iPod". Next, I set it up to sync music, and the sync began. It seemed to work for a while, the "Syncing iPod" message was displayed at the top, and it said it was copying songs over. It did this for about 10 minutes before I finally got the following message:
    "Itunes could not copy (name of song) to the ipod (name of ipod) Because an unknown error occurred (-53)"
    After that happens, everything seems to freeze up. iTunes says it's still syncing, but nothing ever seems to happen. If I click the eject button, nothing happens either. I eventually have to just disconnect the iPod. The iPod seems frozen for a while, then it seems to reboot itself (the gray apple window displays), then the interface displays and I can get to the songs on there. But, only a very small portion of my library makes it to the iPod. I've tried several times now and it always seems to be the same songs that DO make it onto the iPod. However, it's a different song listed in the error message each time, so it doesn't seem to be just 1 song causing the problem. Also, once I hook the iPod back to the computer, Windows displays a message prompting me to scan the drive and fix errors. I did it once and it said it found some errors and fixed them.
    I saw this thread:
    and some people were suggesting removing everything from your library then re-adding it, in case the paths were messed up. I tried that and still got the same results. I also updated iTunes to the latest version, and I've tried different USB ports and 2 different USB cables.
    I also found instructions for a batch file you can run that, I believe, updates the iTuens DLLs, I did that as well but it did not help:
    What else can I try to fix this?

    bump (if that's allowed)

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