Synchronise Mail in Tiger 10.4.11 with Mail in Panther 10.3.9

I have
Mail 2.1.3 (753.1) on a G5 iMac with OS 10.4.11
Mail 1.3.11 on a G3 Powerbook with 10.3.9
I will travel with the G3. When I get back will it be possible to transfer all the mail I have sent and received from and on the G3 to the relevant Inbox, Sent Box and other mailboxes on the G5 to bring it up to date. Is it "just" a question of transferring each mailbox with its contents, one by one, from the G3 to the G5, or is there some cleverer way of doing it. Where are the mailboxes kept in Mail and does each have its own name? A complicating factor may be that I don't have the same mailboxes on the G3 and the G5.
Many thanks in advance.
PS I would like to do the same with iCal...

Hi Nicholas,
I don't think it's that easy fro 10.3.x to 10.4.x.
iirc, Mail 1.3 used a whole different format... no .emlx files, where Mail 2.1.3 uses them.
You can Import Mail though, the locations on both are...
With Mail 2 running, goto the File menu>Import, select the location on the Mail 1 computer if networked, or to a copy of that folder you copied to say a flash drive.

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    Does anyone know what I could be doing wrong here?
    Cheers & thanks for your help :-))
    Message was edited by: andromedea
    Message was edited by: andromedea

    If your mail is still there, it has to be inside your individual mailboxes in ~/Library/Mail/[name of mailbox folder]; otherwise you could not see it or read it when you open Mail on 10.3. Each mailbox is named like this (example only): [email protected], and inside that folder are individual folders for your Inbox, Sent, Drafts, Deleted messages, etc., and inside those folders are your messages for each mailbox associated with that email account. Look inside those folders to find out if any messages are there; they should be.
    On your 10.3 partition, Copy your ~/Library/Mail folder to the Desktop of your 10.4 partition so you're working from a copy in 10.4 when you try to export and import mail to 10.4 Mail. It's also easier to look inside your account folders instead of going back and forth between different OS X partitions.
    As for downloading and installing Eudora to try exporting from Mail 10.3 and Importing into Mail 10.4, .hqx files are an older compression format used for files on the old Mac OS system, so you can download The Unarchiver to decompress the Eudora .hqx file.

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    I just imported everything to a new macbook (10.4.8), and now some of the email accounts are not functioning properly. I get the misleading error message: The message from XXX <[email protected]> concerning “RE: YYY” has not been downloaded from the server. You need to take this account online in order to download it."
    I have not taken the new macbook's mail account online.
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    2. info@pics OK, 54 messages, 315 kB
    3. trav IMAP, empty, (probably due to not going online after xfer)
    4. web@al OK 3 messages, 2.9 kB
    5. web@kais OK, 147 messages, 802 kB
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    7. web@khs OK, 1248 messages, 27.8 MB
    8. dan@aa * BAD * 10419 messages, 607 MB (638 msg xferred,)
    9. cabin OK, 10245 messages, 39.6 MB
    10. news OK, 2712 messages, 4.2 MB
    11. web@aa OK, 97 messages, 1011 kB
    12. dan1 OK, 2945 messages, 11.7 MB
    13. info@dc * BAD * 2023 messages, 50.6 MB (22 msg xferred)
    14. dc@dc OK, 895 messages, 14.4 MB
    15. info@aa OK, 2484 messages, 39.7 MB
    The accounts I use most often are 1, 8, 13, 14, 15.
    Frankly, I'm surprised account 6 went bad, due to small size, and last saved received email over a year old. No recent mail received.
    All SENT Mailboxes appear to be fine.
    I have several archive mailboxes, and they all seem fine, too.
    I will do (in Tiger) the standard POP procedure posted multiple times by David Gimeno, unless someone thinks I should be doing the cleanup in Panther first...then re-import, or wants me to be a Guinea Pig and run some "tests"
    Another minor thing: Mail in Panther shows how large the file is and the number of messages (below toolbar), while Tiger only shows number of messages (and unread). Any easy way to enable showing how large the mailbox is? I think it should be displayed, especially if Mail chokes on large files.
    Also, is there a better, easier to use, less clunky Mail alternative that can handle multiple accounts? Entourage? Eudora? T-bird?

    The real issue here is that the conversion from Mail 1.x to Mail 2.x is broken and it may fail miserably even for mailboxes that Mail 1.x could handle without a hitch. Hence, trying to “fix” any problems you might have in Mail 1.x by upgrading to Mac OS X 10.4 is guaranteed to fail and can only make things worse.
    At this point, whether you go back to Mac OS X 10.3 and tidy up your mailboxes there (if that’s still an option), or want to try to fix the problem in place using the procedure I’ll post below again for reference, is up to you. Do what you find easier or more convenient. Whatever you do, be sure you keep a backup of the original ~/Library/Mail folder, so that you can try something else if things don’t work as expected.
    And yes, in their infinite wisdom, the powers that be at Apple also decided to remove the status bar from Mail 2.x, and there is currently no way to know the size of a locally stored mailbox in Mail 2.x other than by switching to the Finder and checking the size of the Messages folder within the corresponding *.mbox folder in ~/Library/Mail/.
    Before proceeding any further, however, you should verify/repair the disk (not just permissions), as described in the following article, in case there is something amiss in the filesystem that also has a bearing on the problems you’ve experienced:
    The Repair functions of Disk Utility: what's it all about?
    For a POP account, the following procedure should allow you to fix the Inbox problem. A similar procedure should allow you to fix other mailboxes that might also be affected:
    1. Quit Mail if it’s running.
    2. Make a backup copy of the ~/Library/Mail folder, just in case something goes wrong while trying to fix the problem. You can do this in the Finder by dragging the folder to the Desktop while holding the Option (Alt) key down, for example. This is where all your mail is stored.
    3. Create a new folder on the Desktop and name it however you wish (e.g. Inbox Old). It doesn’t need to have an .mbox extension.
    4. In the Finder, go to ~/Library/Mail/POP-username@mailserver/INBOX.mbox/.
    5. Move the files mbox and Incoming_Mail out of INBOX.mbox, into the Inbox Old folder just created on the Desktop. These files contain all the messages that were in the mailbox before the upgrade to Tiger, and maybe even some messages that had been deleted. mbox is the most important. Incoming_Mail may or may not be present.
    6. Move any strangely-named Messages-T0x... folders to the Desktop (not into the Inbox Old folder). These folders are to be deleted after fixing the problem. They are temporary folders created during an import or an indexing process, and Mail should have deleted them when done. Their presence is a clear indication that something didn’t work as expected. If you’ve been using Mail after the conversion and have already tried to fix the problem by rebuilding the mailbox or something like that, they might contain messages that are neither in Messages proper nor in the mbox file, so keep them around until the problem is fixed.
    7. Move everything else within INBOX.mbox, except the Messages folder, to the Trash.
    The result of the above should be that INBOX.mbox contains the proper Messages folder only, and the Inbox Old folder on the Desktop contains the mbox and Incoming_Mail (if it exists) files only. Now, proceed as follows:
    8. Open Mail.
    9. The account’s Inbox should properly display in Mail as many messages as *.emlx files are in ~/Library/Mail/POP-username@mailserver/INBOX.mbox/Messages/. If that’s not the case, select the mailbox in Mail and do Mailbox > Rebuild.
    10. In Mail, do File > Import Mailboxes, choose Other as the data format, and follow the instructions to import the Inbox Old folder that’s on the Desktop.
    As a result of doing the above, some messages may be duplicated now. Andreas Amann’s Mail Scripts has a Remove Duplicates script that you may find useful.
    Do with the imported mail whatever you wish. You may move the messages anywhere you want and get rid of the imported mailboxes afterwards.
    If all is well and you don’t miss anything, the files on the Desktop can be deleted, although you may want to keep them for a while, just in case.
    Take a look at the following article to learn what you might have done before upgrading to minimize the risk of this happening, and what you may do after fixing the problem to avoid similar issues from happening in the future. DON’T do now what the article suggests, though, as that would make things worse in the current situation:
    Overstuffed mailbox is unexpectedly empty
    Ask for any clarifications or if you need further assistance.
    Note: For those not familiarized with the ~/ notation, it refers to the user’s home folder. That is, ~/Library is the Library folder within the user’s home folder, i.e. /Users/username/Library.

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    One other question:
    When you format a disk in Tiger are there options to "low level format" or "zero all data" or will just a straight "erase" do the job sufficiently? I bought my 250 GIG Hitachi SATA drive new and so I am not sure if it worth the time to re-erase it with "zero all data" (if that is an option in the Tiger Disk Utility). What is the best formatting option to prepare this drive in the most beneficial for Tiger?
    Thanks for any suggestions.

    Thanks scb and Jeff,
    Jeff, you have me thinking now. I think I will be safe and try another idea. I have a 4 GIG internal SCSI drive I could use to backup my data in 4 GIG sections at a time via my Adaptec 2430 SCSI card. I could then move this hard drive over to my other G3 onto its 40 GIG hard drive. This would be done three times to take off all my data and essentially provide a backup before I install Tiger. Good idea. You are right. It is better to play it safe.
    By the way 8.6 can handle HFS+. And yes, I should eventually buy an external drive solution - probably an enclosure. I saw one called "coolmax" [1]. It could hold a SATA drive and it had USB, firewire and also an external SATA port.
    And also Jef thanks for the info about formatting drives. I am glad to hear it is not important to zero all data if you don't have to. I am not concerned about havig anything to hide and so yes, I will just click "format" - that should be fine. Zero all data takes such a long time and I would rather avoid using it if I don't need this feature. Thanks for the advice.
    Thanks for the new safer direction.
    [1] Coolmax (CD-311-SATA Combo)
    Coolmax Aluminum USB 2.0 External Case/Enclosure for 3.5" SATA/IDE Hard Drives, USB2.0, IEEE1394a, Serial ATA triple interface input CD-311-SATA Combo f27252cf17a17350cb603e0e
    $53.99 at directron

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    Assuming I have the correct disc(s) in my mailbox, any recommendations for the easier way to install them? I have an iMac and have had alot of difficulty with the network and file sharing, etc. Perhaps the firewire would be easier?
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    Thank you from an inspired mac geek-wanna-be with big plans!

    You shouldn't have trouble with the internal optical drive booting the installer just by deleting some folders. Use the startup manager: to boot the installer.
    The only reason that wouldn't work is if there is something physically wrong with the optical drive. Reinstalling the operating system won't fix the optical drive, but may fix access to the optical drive when the operating system is already installed from the operating system on the hard drive. The optical drive access before you reach the hard drive is independent on the boot process.
    I don't recommend target disk mode installs, unless the Mac you are installing from is the same vintage Mac and model.

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    I haven't upgraded to Leopard yet - I'm still using Tiger (10.4.11) with Parallels 2.0 (build 3214) so that I can run Windows XP (so that I can use Quicken for Windows).
    I'd like to upgrade to Leopard, but I am reticent to do so because of having Windows XP on-board. Quicken is essential, and everything works fine together, at present.
    Any suggestions on the most painless way to upgrade to Leopard? How hard is it to reinstall Windows afterward (and should I do so via BootCamp or should I buy a new copy of Parallels [or the other VM brand]?). What about keeping all the Mac software I already have on my MacBook (MS Office 2004, Adium, HandBrake, Carbon Copy Cloner, CleanApp, SuperDuper, etc.).
    Sorry if this has been asked a jillion times before...
    Bill in CT

    There is no reason why you'd lose your XP installation. Your XP virtual drive should be located in your Documents folder.
    By default the installation CD will just upgrade your current OS. Since parallels is installed as an application and some info in your user space this won't be effected.
    Alternately when you upgrade you have three options.
    1) Upgrade (this is the default and will just install your new OS overtop the old but keep all your old applications and user settings and home directory).
    2) Archive and install (this will archive your user directory and then install a new system you'll have to move all you user files into a new user directory).
    3) Erase and install. (you will lose everything since this erases your drive don't select this option)
    For more info check out this article

  • Upgrade from Tiger to Snow Leopard with retail DVD.

    Apologies if this has been posted before, but I've not been able to find it when searching.
    I'm going to be upgrading an iMac from Tiger to Snow Leopard, using the retail DVD. When I boot from it, it only gives me the option to install, and there's no indication that it will be upgrading rather than installing a new copy.
    Can you upgrade Tiger to Snow Leopard with this DVD or would I have to do a clean install? If I can upgrade, is it normal that it isn't telling me it's going to do an upgrade?
    Thanks all.

    The Snow Leopard installer is somewhat optimized for updating an existing system: it uses data gathered from the old system to decide what to install, its network settings to attempt to access an Apple database of incompatible apps to supplement the list on the DVD, & other useful things.
    It even does the equivalent of Disk Utility's verify disk step before writing anything to the HD & does the actual upgrade as root user, making permissions issues a moot point.
    There is no reason to hesitate to use it in this way. It is greatly improved compared to earlier OS installers.

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    AS long as ur not in the middle of a project, I'd go ahead and install.

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    How do i go about reconfiguring my Mail application settings so I don't have to log in to iCloud every time I want to check my mail?

    Thanks for the quick response pvonk. I received an email from Apple on May 1st stating:
    "You can now retain your or address and keep your email
    working after MobileMe ends, even if you don’t meet iCloud requirements."
    So I called Apple Support and was told that they had in fact just made it possible for me to sign up for iCloud and continue receiving email at my email address with my G5 iMac running 10.4.11, even though I am not running Lion on a newer machine.
    What I am trying to learn is how to configure my Mail V2.1.3 application so I don't have to sign in to iCloud every time I want to check my email, if this option is even possible.

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    Right Click XP Desktop>Properties>Settings>Colour Quality.
    Change this to 32bit. Click Apply then OK.
    When you have a problem, do what I do. on the main Forum page type (as in this case) Green Screen in the more options box on the top right of the screen.
    This brings up all the threads to do with that particular problem. you can usually solve it from the answers on that page.
    You can rest assured yo are not the only one thats had a Green/Pink/Black or Purple screen.
    This is a good Community Forum and we all help each other.
    Good Luck with your problem:

  • Merging Tiger Address book contents with ML Contacts

    Since late December I've been the proud owner of a (gorgeous new) 27" iMac. This has replaced my old G5 workhorse which is running Tiger. The two are running side-by-side until I get everything migrated and converted.
    For the past couple of months I've been adding new contacts, as they come in, to 'Contacts' on the iMac. However I have to bring over all my old contacts from Address Book on Tiger.
    With hindsight I guess I shouldn't have done it this way but attempeted to bring them all over on day one. But I'm here now and I have lots and lots on Address book in Tiger and some in Contacts on Mountain Lion. I need both sets.
    Any help as to how I can merge the two onto Contacts on the iMac will be much appreciated.
    (If it makes any difference I don't use by the way but my Contacts are synced with my iPad).

    On the Tiger machine, export the contacts as vCards. If you have notes, make sure to select the option to save the notes on export--I don't know if Tiger Address Book had those options. It should produce one vCard with all contacts in it, but it may make one for every card. I can't remember what Tiger will do.
    Back up Contacts on the new Mac using File>Export>Contacts Archive.
    Move them over to the new Mac and double-click the vCard to import them into Contacts. It should not ask you to replace them, but if it does, cancel the import.

  • Import mail..Panther to Tiger

    The two computers are connected by ethernet/router.
    I use file>import,on the Tiger Mac, then navigate to the library>Mail folder on the Panther Mac.
    In that folder, I choose the account(pop) folder.
    I am presented with "items to import".
    INBOX.mbox etc.
    It imports to a folder in the Tiger Mail window labeled Import.
    But I only get a fraction of the 1600 messages in the inbox.
    Is there a way to get these Panther mailboxes?
    It is unbelievable that Apple didn't provide for this.
    Dual 2.3/G5 23" Display   Mac OS X (10.4.8)   4.5 G RAM, MBP 15" 2 G RAM, Canon 400D

    You’re welcome.
    It did, infact import the messages into the Mail folder, showing
    as icons but they didn't show in the app and were useless.
    Still not sure what you mean. Are you saying that importing does create the *.emlx files in the corresponding ~/Library/Mail/Mailboxes/ folder, but that they don’t show up in Mail at all? Or do you mean something else?
    I did see that thread from your link when I did a search.
    I will look at it again
    If you’ve undone the conversion in-place, that thread isn’t useful to solve your problem anymore other than for understanding what the issue is here.
    I did rebuild the mailboxes before trying any of this.
    This merely reduces the risk of the problem happening. The real problem is that the conversion from Mail 1.x to Mail 2.x mailboxes is broken.

  • Importing Tiger Mail to Panther Mail

    My drive with 10.4 (Tiger) is having problems booting and am using a backup drive which has 10.3 (Panther) on it. I am trying to import my mail box from the 10.4 disk to the 10.3 disk but it doesn't see any of my mail from my original hard drive. Does Mail 2 do something different with the mailboxes? Any one have any suggestions? Thanks.

    Hello Jack.
    Tiger Mail uses a difference mbox format than used with previous versions.
    Each message contained in a Tiger mailbox is stored as a separate file in .emix format which is an Apple proprietary format designed primarily for Spotlight search capabilities but also reduces if not eliminates the "overstuffed" mailbox issue experienced with the mbox format used with previous versions.
    The Tiger mbox format is not backwards compatible to previous versions without a workaround.
    Check this link for an emix to mbox converter.

  • Lost mail in Panther- Tiger migration

    I just upgraded from 10.3.9 to 10.4.2, and have lost the body of many mail messages. They display the famous alert "The message XXX... has not been downloaded from the server. You need to take this account online in order to download it." This problem has been posted before but the problem in previous posts seems to have been due to too-large mailboxes, and the solution by Allan Sampson, which helped other posters, apparently isn't available to me.
    My entire Home/Library/Mail folder is only 255 MB, nowhere near the 1GB limit, so it doesn't seem to be a problem with overstuffing.
    Allan's suggestion to move the bad mbox (in my case, both the INBOX.mbox and Sent Messages.mbox) files out of the account folder and investigate them doesn't work. They copy to the desktop as FOLDERS, not files, and don't have an "Open Package Contents" contextual menu option.
    I have 6 accounts, only one of which appears to have been affected by this, and in that account, it is the Inbox and Sent mailboxes which appear to be gone.
    Any suggestions? Any additional info would be helpful? Thanks in advance!

    Hello Peter.
    My entire Home/Library/Mail folder is only 255 MB,
    nowhere near the 1GB limit, so it doesn't seem to be a
    problem with overstuffing.
    The 1GB limit is for an individual Jaguar/Panther mailbox (not for the entire size of the Mail folder) and an "overstuffed" mailbox issue can occur at any mailbox size depending on the number and size of message attachments contained in the mailbox and is more likely to occur as a mailbox approaches or exceeds 1GB in size for a Jaguar/Panther mailbox and 2GB in size for a Tiger mailbox.
    They copy to the desktop as FOLDERS, not files, and
    don't have an "Open Package Contents" contextual menu option.
    The open package contents for Jaguar/Panther xxxxxx.mbox files doesn't apply to Tiger mailboxes. Tiger Mail uses a different mailbox filing structure than previous versions.
    Within the INBOX.mbox and Sent Messages.mbox folders moved to the Desktop, there are some package files left over from the conversion process not required by Tiger Mail but are not deleted after the conversion process is completed. The mbox package file (which stored all messages and message attachments for the mailbox in the previous version) is transferred within the Messages folder and each message contained in a Tiger mailbox is stored as a separate file in .emix format and the converted messages are located within the Messages folder.
    The Info.plist file and the Messages folder are the only items required within a Tiger mailbox folder. All other items can be deleted.
    Before deleting all other files/folders except for the Info.plist file and the Messages folder, copy the targeted Tiger mailbox folder and place the copy in another location of your choosing such as your Documents folder for backup purposes.
    After deleting all other files/folders except for the Info.plist file and the Messages folder within the original mailbox folder, with the quit and using the Finder go to Home > Library > Mail > Mailboxes. Move the targeted mailbox folder from the Desktop to the first level within the Mailboxes folder.
    Launch Mail and the transferred mailbox will be available in the mailboxes drawer below Trash or Junk (if you have Junk Mail set to automatic) in the mailboxes drawer.
    Select the mailbox in the drawer and at the menu bar, go to Mailbox and select Rebuild.

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