Synchronization using RMI

Hi... i implemented a weak reader writer problem using Sockets... andnow i am into the task of using RMI to solve a distributed reader writer porblem.... i know that RMi takes care of communication and threads as it creates a thread for eah independent client... i would like to know as to how i could synchronize the operations of the clients... ( the clients readers and writers will access a server object through RMI to read or write into a shared value respectively... this is the problem i am working on).... can i use the same old synchronize keyword in server side?... i thought i would make just the methods responsible for interfacing with the clients remote accessible and use these methods to internally trigger sychronized methods in the server to access the shared variable.. can this be done... any other approach is really welcome..i am open to suggestions... i was going through a message from some forum when someone suggested that Synchronize should not be used on the server side in RMI as it doesn't go well with the RMI architecture and we must develop some form of remote synchronizarion mechanism for the clients to synchronize themselves.. .is this true?

Thanks for the reply...i just have one more doubt... some times after starting the rmiregistry, when i try to start the server that contains the implementation of the remote methods, i get the following error message..
RW RMI Server Exception RemoteException occurred in server thread; nested except
ion is:
java.rmi.UnmarshalException: error unmarshalling arguments; nested excep
tion is:
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: RWImplementation_Stub
I have compiled all the files properly and i have generated the stub and skeleton correctly for sure using rmic... but still i get this error message. I have no idea of why i get this error message.... it says ClassNotFoundException.... RWImplementation_Stub... but the stub and skeleton files are present and i have counterchecked it.Please help me out with this.

Similar Messages

  • Cache Sync with RCM using RMI

    I am trying to do a cache synchronization between 2 nodes using RCM and RMITransportManager. The problem is my setup does not have a multicast server as mentioned in toplink documentation.
    Can I do the cache synchronization using RMI ( through RCM) without a multicast server. I am using the Toplink 10.1.3 version.

    Have you tried RMI, what error are you getting?
    You could also try using JMS cache coordination.

  • Error while using RMI IIOP

    Hi all,
    this is my client code which access EJB 2.1 and SUN JES AS 8.1 using RMI IIOP
    i get the remote home interface well but when i use home.create(), it retruns null.
    can anyone help me???
    Here is the coding,
    Properties props = new Properties();
    // "");
    props.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "iiop://"); // the port of the application server
    String[] args = null;
    ORB orb = ORB.init(args, props);
    Context ctx;
    Object obj;
    try {
    ctx = new InitialContext(props);
    System.out.println("RMI: 1");
    obj = ctx.lookup("ejb/NewSessionBean");
    System.out.println("RMI: 2");
    System.out.println("object name: "+obj.getClass().getName());
    System.out.println("object class loader: "+obj.getClass().getClassLoader());
    NewSessionRemoteHome home = (NewSessionRemoteHome) PortableRemoteObject.
    narrow(obj, NewSessionRemoteHome.class);
    System.out.println("Interface name: "+home.getClass().getName());
    System.out.println("RMI: 3: " + home.toString());
    if (home == null){
    System.out.println("home is null");
    NewSessionRemote remo = (NewSessionRemote)home.create();
    System.out.println("RMI: 4");
    remo.printText("Welcome to RMI world"); //the message send by the client
    System.out.println("The sending of RMI is succeed");
    } catch (Exception ex) {
    System.out.println("exception starts:");
    System.out.println("Exception occurs. Exception: " + ex.getMessage());
    Here is the traces,
    RMI: 1
    RMI: 2
    object name: com.ooc.CORBA.StubForObject
    object class loader: null
    Interface name: fr.teleca.orangebenchosa.cdrstat._NewSessionRemoteHome_Stub
    RMI: 3: IOR:000000000000004b524d493a66722e74656c6563612e6f72616e676562656e63686f73612e6 36472737461742e4e657753657373696f6e52656d6f7465486f6d653a30303030303030303030303 0303030300000000000010000000000000188000102000000000c31302e32342e31372e3638000d2 0000000000056afabcb00000000260000003f00000009533141532d4f52420000000000000002000 00008526f6f74504f41000000001237353732393838353136303237353936380000000000000d010 d0bede7dc000000000001ff140000000000070000000100000020000000000001000100000002050 10001000100200001010900000001000101000000002600000002000200000000000300000016000 000000000000c31302e32342e31372e3638000d1600000000000300000016000000000000000c313 02e32342e31372e3638000d1300000000001f0000000400000003000000200000000400000001000 000210000007c000000000000000100000000000000240000001e000000660000000000000001000 0000c31302e32342e31372e3638000d1600400000000000000008060667810201010100000017040 1000806066781020101010000000764656661756c740004000000000000000000000100000008060 66781020101010000000f
    exception starts:
    at Source)
    at javax.rmi.CORBA.Util.isLocal(Unknown Source)
    at fr.teleca.orangebenchosa.cdrstat._NewSessionRemoteHome_Stub.create(Unknown Source)
    at fr.teleca.orangebenchosa.servicelogic.CallHandler$EndState.sendCDRStat(CallHand
    at fr.teleca.orangebenchosa.servicelogic.CallHandler$EndState.start(CallHandler.ja va:1047)
    at com.appium.TAS.SessionContainer.StatefulObject.enterState(
    at fr.teleca.orangebenchosa.servicelogic.CallHandler.access$4800( 61)
    at fr.teleca.orangebenchosa.servicelogic.CallHandler$SuccessfulLogicState.routeRes (
    at com.appium.TAS.SessionComponents.CallControl.a.exec(
    at com.appium.Basement.Synchronization.Asynchronizer.d(
    Exception occurs. Exception: null

    Hi ejp,
    because my stand alone client application runs on telecom server which uses orbacus. It calls the remote method on sun AS using RMI IIOP
    I specifed the properties of the client to use SUN AS naming services.
    I added j2ee.jar and appserv-rt.jar in my client program. but i dont know eventhough i specified the Util properties to use as below
    props.put("org.omg.CORBA.ORBClass", "");
    props.put("org.omg.CORBA.ORBSingletonClass", "");
    props.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "com.sun.jndi.cosnaming.CNCtxFactory");
    props.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL,"iiop://"); // the port of the application server
    props.put("ooc.orb.service.NameService", "corbaloc:iiop:");
    ORB orb = ORB.init(args,props);
    Context ctx;
    Object obj;
    try {
    ctx = new InitialContext(props);
    obj= ctx.lookup("ejb/NewSessionBean");
    NamingEnumeration ne = ctx.listBindings("ejb");
    while (ne.hasMore()) {
    System.out.println("Binding: " +;
    System.out.println("object name"+obj.getClass().getName());
    System.out.println("object class loader"+obj.getClass().getClassLoader());
    NewSessionRemoteHome home=(NewSessionRemoteHome)PortableRemoteObject.narrow(obj,NewSessionRemoteHome.class);
    System.out.println("Interface name: "+home.getClass().getName());
    NewSessionRemote remo=home.create();
    System.out.println("Remote name: "+remo.getClass().getName());
    remo.printText("Welcome"); //the message send by the client
    } catch (Exception ex) {
    but it uses J2SE Util. Is there any other workaround to do?

  • Is there any problems in IE if using RMI.?

    Hello buddies,
    this is my 3rd attempt to get answer. before it i tried 2 times but didn't get answered.
    actually i m making a chat application. in that there is a canvas on which we can draw something and send it to all users. i make an applet and from within the applet i m calling a frame. all this awt components like canvas and buttons etc. displays in the frame. applet is just a platform do call the frame. i m using RMI to do the chat. i tried to run it first in appletviewer and it works fine. but when i tried to run in IE from <applet> tag no frame is displays. i am trying to solve it from last 20 days but still unsolved. here is the code if anybody wishes to try it.
    // clinet frame...
    import java.rmi.*;
    import java.rmi.server.*;
    import canvas.Drawer;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.applet.*;
    import java.applet.Applet;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.util.*;
    /*<applet code="ChatClient" width=600 height=300>
    public class ChatClient extends Frame implements IChatClient,ActionListener,MouseListener,MouseMotionListener
         boolean flag=false;
         int n;
         String str="";
         String Coord=null;
         IChatService service=null;
         FrameApplet fa=null;
         TextField servername,serverport,username;
         Button connect,disconnect;
         TextField message;
         Button send,sendText;
         TextArea fromserver;
         int i=0,j=0;
         int x[] = new int[1000];
         int y[] = new int[1000];
         Drawer canvas;
         boolean connected=false;
         String title,user="";
         // Class Members //
         public ChatClient()
         public ChatClient(String str)
              setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER,45,10));
              // Create controls //
              add(new Label("Chat Server Name : "));
              servername=new TextField(20);
              add(new Label("Chat Server Port : "));
              serverport=new TextField(20);
              add(new Label("Your User Name : "));
              username=new TextField(20);
              connect=new Button("Connect");
              disconnect=new Button("Disconnect");
              message=new TextField(30);
              sendText=new Button("Send Text");
              fromserver=new TextArea(10,50);
    canvas = new Drawer();
              send=new Button("Send");
              catch(Exception e)
              Coord = new String();
              Coord = "";
    //          fa=new FrameApplet();
         public void mousePressed(MouseEvent me){}
         public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent me)
              Coord = Coord + "r";
         public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent me){}
         public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent me){}
         public void mouseExited(MouseEvent me){}
         public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent me)
              if (Coord == "")
                   Coord = me.getX() + "," + me.getY();
                   Coord = Coord + " " + me.getX() + "," + me.getY();
         public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent me){}
         // RMI connection //
         private void connect()
                   service = (IChatService)Naming.lookup("rmi://pcname/ChatService");
                   Coord = "";
              catch(Exception e)
                   fromserver.append("Error Connecting ...\n" + e);
         private void disconnect()
              catch(Exception e)
                   fromserver.append("Error Connecting ...\n");
         private void setStatus()
                   setTitle(title+" : Connected");
                   setTitle(title+" : Not Connected");
         // IChatClient methods //
         public String getName()
              return user;
         public void sendMessage(String msg)
         public void SendCanvasObject(String str)
              this.str = str;
              fromserver.append(str + "\n");
              Graphics g = canvas.getGraphics();
         // Actionlistener //
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
                        Coord = "";
                   flag = true;
                        fromserver.append("Sending an image...\n");
                        Coord = "";
                        fromserver.append("\n" + "Image Sent...");
                   catch(RemoteException re)
                        fromserver.append("Error Sending Message ...\n" + re);
                   catch(Exception ee)
                        fromserver.append("Error Sending Message ...\n" + ee);
                   catch(RemoteException exp)
                        fromserver.append("Remote Error Sending Message ...\n" + exp);
                   catch(Exception ee)
                        fromserver.append("Error Sending Message ...\n" + ee);
         public void paint(Graphics g)
                   StringTokenizer stoken = new StringTokenizer(str,"r");
                   String strin = "";
                        strin = stoken.nextToken();
                        fromserver.append("\n" + strin + "\n");
                        StringTokenizer stoken1 = new StringTokenizer(strin," ");
                        String strin1 = "";
                             strin1 = stoken1.nextToken();
                             fromserver.append("\n" + strin1 + "\n");
                        for(int k=0;k<j-1;k++)
    import java.rmi.*;
    import java.rmi.server.*;
    import canvas.Drawer;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.applet.*;
    public class FrameApplet extends Applet implements ActionListener
         ChatClient f;
         public void init()
              Button b = new Button("Start Chat");
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae)
              f=new ChatClient("Chat");
    here is html file which i calls from IE
    <title>Micky Chat</title>
    <applet code="FrameApplet.class" width=200 height=200>
    and at last a shocking thing is it is runs in Netscape displaying frames but not calling paint method.
    pls. help me
    thanks a lot

    Hi Umesh!
    Sorry that I cannot be too concrete about that since it has to be centuries ago when I fell over this problem.
    As far as I can remember, the JDK provided by MS has no RMI built-in. These was probably one of the main reasons why Sun sued Microsoft concering its handling of Java.
    Afterwards MS released a path for its Java Runtime that included RMI support, but AFAIK they never included it in the standard package. So much luck when searching for the ZIP! (-;
    A little bit of googling might help, e.g.:

  • What are the limitations of using RMI over http with EJB?

    We have a requirement for an intranet application where the majority of the clients
    (Swing clients) will be able to connect directly using either T3 or IIOP. However,
    there are a number of clients that will need to traverse a firewall.
    We could use SOAP, but I dont want to lose the value that RMI gives us (clustering,
    security, statefullness support etc). I am thinking of using RMI over http - which
    Weblogic supports.
    I have been trying to find some documentation on the topic - but havent succeded
    so far. What I would like to understand is: What limitations I would have using
    RMI over http. Do I lose anything (apart from performance) using http?

    You will have to enable tunneling on the server side and I have not heard of any
    complaints of using it.
    Nick Minutello wrote:
    In fact, we are not using applets - and its not an internet application. We are
    using Java Webstart and Swing on our intranet (the problem of the size of the
    weblogic.jar is a pain - but well known)
    The question for me is; Apart from performance, are there any limitations to using
    RMI over http?
    Can we also use JMS over http?
    Shiva Paranandi <[email protected]> wrote:
    "Old wine new bottle".
    The biggest problem with the approach of Applets like
    stuff connecting to weblogic is the size of the classes that need to
    be supplied to the
    users. The applets/swing would need a lot of weblogic classes which you
    need to
    supply as jar file. This file can be in the order of MBs depending on
    weblogic version. we had a similar kind of problem and migrated the applets
    to use
    servlets instead of directly invoking ejbs or jms topics etc. Having
    the applets
    to servlets you would still benefit from the features of clustering etc.
    and added to
    you would reduce the number of remote calls.
    Nick Minutello wrote:
    We have a requirement for an intranet application where the majorityof the clients
    (Swing clients) will be able to connect directly using either T3 orIIOP. However,
    there are a number of clients that will need to traverse a firewall.
    We could use SOAP, but I dont want to lose the value that RMI givesus (clustering,
    security, statefullness support etc). I am thinking of using RMI overhttp - which
    Weblogic supports.
    I have been trying to find some documentation on the topic - but haventsucceded
    so far. What I would like to understand is: What limitations I wouldhave using
    RMI over http. Do I lose anything (apart from performance) using http?

  • Strange system hang using rmi

    Hi, I read for several hours now, but I can't find a hint what problem I'm experiencing. Perhaps someone has an idea?
    I have a small java application (jdk1.3.1_08) which starts a RMIRegistry, binds an object name. It then starts another java application in another jvm using Runtime.exec(...).
    Everything fine until here. The second application starts and works fine.
    BUT: Now I close app2 and start it again from app1. Basically everything works also this time. But there is a delay at startup from app2 which I cannot explain. App2 hangs for 10 secondes up to 70 seconds, between two debug outputs!!!
    Every little hint is appreciated!!

    I think the hanging of app2 is not depending on what it actually does. But I try to explain some more, you're right:
    App1 is kind of a starter environment, a launch center for several applications. One of these applications is my app2. The reason for using rmi and the second jvm is that I now can use a System.exit(0) in app2 without killing the launch center (app1). When I start app2 standalone from command line without rmi, then it starts without the strange system hang.
    What does app2 do?
    App2 has a starting time of about 30 seconds (standalone) where several things are initialized. In detail, it is a Swing application using the oracle framework JClient for data binding of Swing components and the oracle framework BC4J for mapping to an oracle database. The system hang when started in the second jvm occurs in the startup process, but not at a specific point in the programm. This means: on PC1 it hangs everytime between the same two debug outputs, on PC2 (a bit faster) it hangs later in the code. Thats the reason why I think, there could be a rmi problem.
    What I did not mention yet: The launch center (app1) builds a kind of transfer object which is passed via rmi to app2 in the second jvm.
    Does this help to solve my problem? I really run out of ideas what to do...

  • Using RMI from another language

    I've been playing around with an idea of connecting to some Java library with RMI from a another programming language.
    I know that deep inside RMI uses sockets to send the data, so any language supporting sockets should be able to use RMI as well, it's a matter of creating the protocol for that language x.
    Does anyone if there's a library like this for any language?
    Is the RMI protocol free for studying? I found a couple of articles on RMI internals, but they don't go into this much of details.

    dave_spaghetti wrote:
    jtahlborn wrote:
    dave_spaghetti wrote:
    jtahlborn wrote:
    dave_spaghetti wrote:
    The RMI-IIOP sounds good, but the language(Flex/ActionScript) I was first thinking about does not have a CORBA support. Another need for an open source project maybe. I'll have to learn more about CORBA to see how complicated it is.doesn't flex/actionscript already have a java binding api?There's BlazeDS and GraniteDs, if that's what you meant. Those are Java EE apps running on top of an application server
    I'm thinking of something running local machine only. And like I said, I'm just thinking whether it would be possible at all.
    Edited by: dave_spaghetti on Mar 26, 2010 12:02 PMyes, that's what i was thinking of. the graniteds web page claims it runs on standalone tomcat or jetty. jetty is pretty lightweight. if it were me, i'd look at using these existing libraries before reinventing a (rather complex) wheel.Thanks for the reply and sorry for my reply coming so late.
    These are very valuable notes. I'll consider them. I think at least Tomcat has something called "embedded mode", which could be useful here.jetty has an embedded mode as well, we use it that way in our product. works great.

  • Will multiple Lan cards cause problems using rmi?

    Will multiple Lan cards cause problems using rmi? If a host has two or more network cards (only one of which is Internet-enabled), how does RMI know which IP address to use? There seems to be a problem when such a client registers with an RMI service, and has a client-side callback method invoked by the server.

    You can tell RMI the address you want by defining java.rmi.server.hostname at the JVM which exports the remote object.

  • Chat Applet using RMI .... trouble running the Applet using the IE browser.

    I'm trying to run a chat application using RMI technology. Actually, this wasn't created from the scratch. I got this one from from the cd that comes with the book I bought and I did some refinements on it to suit what I wanted to:
    These are the components of the chat application:
    1. RApplet.html - invokes the applet
    <title>Sample Applet Using Dialog Box (1.0.2) - example 1</title>
    <h1>The Sample Applet</h1>
    <applet code="RApplet.class" width=460 height=160>
    2. - Chat session client applet.
    import java.rmi.*;
    import java.applet.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.rmi.server.*;
    //import ajp.rmi.*;
    public class RApplet extends Applet implements ActionListener {
    // The buttons
    Button sendButton;
    Button quitButton;
    Button startButton;
    Button clearButton;
    // The Text fields
    TextField nameField;
    TextArea typeArea;
    // The dialog for entering your name
    Dialog nameDialog;
    // The name the server knows us as
    String privateName;
    // The name we want to be known as in the chat session
    String publicName;
    // The remote chats erver
    ChatServer chatServer;
    // The ChatCallback
    ChatCallbackImplementation cCallback;
    // The main Chat window and its panels
    Frame mainFrame;
    Panel center;
    Panel south;
    public void init() {
    // Create class that implements ChatCallback.
    cCallback = new ChatCallbackImplementation();
         // Create the main Chat frame.
         mainFrame = new Frame("Chat Server on : " +
         mainFrame.setSize(new Dimension(600, 600));
         cCallback.displayArea = new TextArea();
         typeArea = new TextArea();
         sendButton = new Button("Send");
         quitButton = new Button("Quit");
         clearButton = new Button("Clear");
         // Add the applet as a listener to the button events.
         center = new Panel();
         center.setLayout(new GridLayout(2, 1));
         south = new Panel();
         south.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 3));
         mainFrame.add("Center", center);
         mainFrame.add("South", south);
         // Create the login dialog.
         nameDialog = new Dialog(mainFrame, "Enter Name to Logon: ");
         startButton = new Button("Logon");
         nameField = new TextField();
         nameDialog.add("Center", nameField);
         nameDialog.add("South", startButton);
         try {
         // Export ourselves as a ChatCallback to the server.
         // Get the remote handle to the server.
         chatServer = (ChatServer)Naming.lookup("//" + "WW7203052W2K" +
         catch(Exception e) {
         nameDialog.setSize(new Dimension(200, 200));;
    * Handle the button events.
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
         if (e.getSource().equals(startButton)) {
         try {
              publicName = nameField.getText();
              privateName = chatServer.register(cCallback, publicName);
              cCallback.displayArea.setText("Connected to chat server as: " +
              chatServer.sendMessage(privateName, publicName +
                             " just connected to server");
         catch(Exception ex) {
         else if (e.getSource().equals(quitButton)) {
         try {
         catch(Exception ex) {
         else if (e.getSource().equals(sendButton)) {
              chatServer.sendMessage(privateName, typeArea.getText());
         catch(Exception ex) {
         else if (e.getSource().equals(clearButton)) {
    public void destroy() {
         try {
         catch(Exception e) {
    3. - interface used by clients to connect to the server.
    import java.rmi.*;
    public interface ChatCallback extends Remote {
    public void addMessage(String publicName,
                   String message) throws RemoteException;
    4. - implements Chatcallback interface.
    import java.rmi.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    public class ChatCallbackImplementation implements ChatCallback {
    // The buttons
    // The Text fields
    TextArea displayArea;
    public void addMessage(String publicName,
                   String message) throws RemoteException {
    displayArea.append("\n" + "[" + publicName + "]: " + message);
    5. - interface for the chat server.
    import java.rmi.*;
    public interface ChatServer extends Remote {
    public String register(ChatCallback object,
                   String publicName) throws RemoteException;
    * Remove the client associated with the specified registration string.
    * @param registeredString the string returned to the client upon registration.
    public void unregister(String registeredString) throws RemoteException;
    * The client is sending new data to the server.
    * @param assignedName the string returned to the client upon registration.
    * @param data the chat data.
    public void sendMessage(String registeredString, String message) throws RemoteException;
    6. - implements Chatserver interface.
    import java.rmi.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.rmi.server.*;
    * A class that bundles the ChatCallback reference with a public name used
    * by the client.
    class ChatClient {
    private ChatCallback callback;
    private String publicName;
    ChatClient(ChatCallback cbk, String name) {
         callback = cbk;
         publicName = name;
    // returns the name.
    String getName() {
         return publicName;
    // returns a reference to the callback object.
    ChatCallback getCallback() {
         return callback;
    public class ChatServerImplementation extends UnicastRemoteObject
    implements ChatServer {
    // The table of clients connected to the server.
    Hashtable clients;
    // Tne number of current connections to the server.
    private int currentConnections;
    // The maximum number of connections to the server.
    private int maxConnections;
    // The output stream to write messages to.
    PrintWriter writer;
    * Create a ChatServer.
    * @param maxConnections the total number if connections allowed.
    public ChatServerImplementation(int maxConnections) throws RemoteException {
         clients = new Hashtable(maxConnections);
         this.maxConnections = maxConnections;
    * Increment the counter keeping track of the number of connections.
    synchronized boolean incrementConnections() {
         boolean ret = false;
         if (currentConnections < maxConnections) {
         ret = true;
         return ret;
    * Decrement the counter keeping track of the number of connections.
    synchronized void decrementConnections() {
         if (currentConnections > 0) {
    * Register with the ChatServer, with a String that publicly identifies
    * the chat client. A String that acts as a "magic cookie" is returned
    * and is sent by the client on future remote method calls as a way of
    * authenticating the client request.
    * @param object The ChatCallback object to be used for updates.
    * @param publicName The String the object would like to be known as.
    * @return The actual String assigned to the object for removing, etc. or
    * null if the client could not register.
    public synchronized String register(ChatCallback object, String publicString) throws RemoteException {
         String assignedName = null;
         if (incrementConnections()) {
         ChatClient client = new ChatClient(object, publicString);
         assignedName = "" + client.hashCode();
         clients.put(assignedName, client);
         out("Added callback for: " + client.getName());
         return assignedName;
    * Remove the client associated with the specified registration string.
    * @param registeredString the string returned to the client upon registration.
    public synchronized void unregister(String registeredString) throws RemoteException {
         ChatCallback cbk;
         ChatClient sender;
         if (clients.containsKey(registeredString)) {
         ChatClient c = (ChatClient)clients.remove(registeredString);
         out("Removed callback for: " + c.getName());
         for (Enumeration e = clients.elements(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) {
              cbk = ((ChatClient)e.nextElement()).getCallback();
                        c.getName() + " has left the building...");
         else {
         out("Illegal attempt at removing callback (" + registeredString + ")");
    * Sets the logging stream.
    * @param out the stream to log messages to.
    protected void setLogStream(Writer out) throws RemoteException {
         writer = new PrintWriter(out);
    * The client is sending new message to the server.
    * @param assignedName the string returned to the client upon registration.
    * @param data the chat data.
    public synchronized void sendMessage(String registeredString, String message) throws RemoteException {
         ChatCallback cbk;
         ChatClient sender;
         try {
         out("Recieved from " + registeredString);
         out("Message: " + message);
         if (clients.containsKey(registeredString)) {
              sender = (ChatClient)clients.get(registeredString);
              for (Enumeration e = clients.elements(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) {
                   cbk = ((ChatClient)e.nextElement()).getCallback();
                   cbk.addMessage(sender.getName(), message);
         else {
              out("Client " + registeredString+ " not registered");
         catch(Exception ex){
         out("Exception thrown in newData: " + ex);
    * Write s string to the current logging stream.
    * @param message the string to log.
    protected void out(String message){
         if(writer != null){
    * Start up the Chat server.
    public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
         try {
         // Create the security manager
         System.setSecurityManager(new RMISecurityManager());
         // Instantiate a server
         ChatServerImplementation c = new ChatServerImplementation(10);
         // Set the output stream of the server to System.out
         c.setLogStream(new OutputStreamWriter(System.out));
         // Bind the server's name in the registry
         Naming.rebind("//" + args[0] + "/ChatServer", c);
         c.out("Bound in registry.");
         catch (Exception e) {
         System.out.println("ChatServerImplementation error:" +
    Using my own machine (connected to a network), I tried to test this one out by setting mine as the server and also the client. I did the following:
    1. Compile the source code.
    2. Use rmic to generate the skeletons and/or stubs from the ChatCallbackImplementation and ChatServerImplementation.
    3. Start the rmiregistry with no CLASSPATH
    4. Start the server successfully.
    5. Start the applet using the AppletViewer command.
    It worked fined.
    The problem is when I ran the applet using the browser, IE explorer, the dialog boxes, frame and buttons did appear. I was able to do the part of logging on. But after that, the applet seemed to have hang. No message appeared that says I'm connected (which appeared using the appletviewer). I clicked the send button. No response.
    I double-checked my classpath. I did have my classpath set correctly. I'm still trying to figure out the problem. Up to now, I don't have any clue what it is.
    I will appreciate much if someone can help me figure what's could have possibly been wrong ....
    Thanks a lot ...

    Hi Domingo,
    I had a similar problem running applet/rmi with IE.
    Looking in IE..view..JavaConsole error messages my applet was unable to find java.rmi.* classes.
    I checked over java classes in msJVM, they're not present.
    ( WinZip C:\WINDOWS\JAVA\Packages\ and others from msVM installed )
    ( do not contain the java.rmi.* packages )
    I have downloaded and installed the latest msJVM for IE5. ( I think its included in later versions)
    @ I found ref to download to provide
    these classes. I couldn't get the classes from the site but I managed to find a ref to IBM
    site @ which had similar download.
    The download however didn't solve my problems. I was unable to install with
    RmiPatch.exe install.
    I solved this by extracting the class files from and installing them at C:\WINDOWS\JAVA\trustlib ( msJVM installation trusted classes lib defined in
    registry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Java VM\TrustedLibsDirectory )
    This solved the problem. My rmi/applet worked.
    Hope this helps you.
    ([email protected])

  • Select,delete in MS ACcess using RMI

    I am using RMI in order to remotely connect to an MS Access database
    But when executing the following
    Statement stmt_access;
    String res1_access = "DELETE FROM CUSTOMERS WHERE cid='"+CID+"' ";
    I am getting the error
    data type mismatch in criteria...
    Does anyone know if there is something in my statement?
    CID is a String and cid is a defined as a Text field in Access database.
    I should mention that the same statement works fine in Oracle.
    Is there any difference in the syntax of select and delete statements in MS Access?Because I suppose that the error is in thw where clause(in insert statements i don't have problems)
    I would be greatfull if someone has an idea...

    Seems to be some confusion in the above.
    You need to post the exact statements that are causing the problem.
    For your code the way to produce those is by using System.out.println() on the line before you use it. That does not mean by guessing or by printing it out twenty lines before.
    And the create statement is the one that you used to create the database, again not just a guess on your part correct?
    Keep in mind that if you do not get a SQLException then it means all of the SQL is executing correctly, but something is wrong with the data (or your presumptions about the data) which is the problem.

  • Binary file transfer using RMI

    Thanx in advance !!!
    My Query:
    Is there any restriction on the maximum size of a binary file that can be transferred over RMI?
    In an application (and as per the requirements), I am converting the file contents to a byte array on the client machine and transferring using RMI method calls. At the server side, I am reconstructing the file using the same byte array.
    Writing a Java FTP application is out of question.
    So please advise.

    RMI uses TCP/IP so the default should be close to the standard IP limit.

  • How to access streaming vedio from server using RMI

    Hello please provide me the solution
    i have one vedio file in remote system and i want to import it to my local system using RMI after that i have to control it like vedio player.This entire application should be developed in struts.
    please give me a basic idea how to approch and wht r the files i need to import and is there any classes available to control the remote streaming vedio.

    If you are using Struts then you are in a web environment. So there is no RMI for the client (browser), it is just HTTP.
    About streaming video take a look at JMF (Java Media Framework). And if you are over HTTP you can use something like this to embed your video streaming:
    <object width="320" height="63"
    standby="Cargando los componentes del Reproductor de Windows Media de Microsoft..."
                <param name="filename" value="">
                <param name="url" value="">
                <param name="AutoStart" value="true">
                <param name="volume" value="100">
                <param name="uiMode" value="mini">
                <embed type="application/x-mplayer2"
            height=129> </embed>
                <param name="url" value="">
    </html>Hope it helps

  • How to configure OC4J using RMI/IIOP with SSL

    Any help?
    I just mange configure the OC4J using RMI/IIOP but base on
    But when I follow further to use RMI/IIOP with SSL I face the problem with: Unrecognized SSL message, plaintext connection?
    p/s: I use self generate keystore which should be ok as I can use it for https connection.
    Any one can help?
    Below is the OC4J log:
    D:\oc4j\j2ee\home>java -DGenerateIIOP=true -Diiop.runtime.debug=true -jar oc4j.jar
    05/02/23 16:43:16 ================ IIOPServerExtensionProvider.preInitApplicationServer
    05/02/23 16:43:38 ================= IIOPServerExtensionProvider.postInitApplicationServer
    05/02/23 16:43:38 ================== config = {SEPS={IIOP={ssl-port=5556, port=5555, ssl=true, trusted-clients=*, ssl-client-server-auth-port=5557, keystore=D:\\oc4j\\j2ee\\home\\server.keystore, keystore-password=123456, truststore=D:\\oc4j\\j2ee\\home\\server.keystore, truststore-password=123456,, host=localhost}}}
    05/02/23 16:43:38 ================== server.getAttributes() = {threadPool=com.evermind.server.ApplicationServerThreadPool@968fda}
    05/02/23 16:43:38 ================== pool: null
    05/02/23 16:43:38 ====================== In startServer ...
    05/02/23 16:43:38 ==================== Creating an IIOPServer ...
    05/02/23 16:43:38 ========= IIOP server being initialized
    05/02/23 16:43:38 SSL port: 5556
    05/02/23 16:43:38 SSL port 2: 5557
    05/02/23 16:43:43[Orion Launcher,5,main]): getEndpoint(IIOP_CLEAR_TEXT, 5555, null)
    05/02/23 16:43:43[Orion Launcher,5,main]): createListener( socketType = IIOP_CLEAR_TEXT port = 5555 )
    05/02/23 16:43:44[Orion Launcher,5,main]): getEndpoint(SSL, 5556, null)
    05/02/23 16:43:44[Orion Launcher,5,main]): createListener( socketType = SSL port = 5556 )
    05/02/23 16:43:45 ***
    05/02/23 16:43:45 found key for : mykey
    05/02/23 16:43:45 chain [0] = [
    Version: V1
    Subject: CN=Server, OU=Bar, O=Foo, L=Some, ST=Where, C=UN
    Signature Algorithm: MD5withRSA, OID = 1.2.840.113549.1.1.4
    Key: SunJSSE RSA public key:
    public exponent:
    b1239fff 2ae5d31d b01a0cfb 1186bae0 bbc7ac41 94f24464 e92a7e33 6a5b0844
    109e30fb d24ad770 99b3ff86 bd96c705 56bf2e7a b3bb9d03 40fdcc0a c9bea9a1
    c21395a4 37d8b2ce ff00eb64 e22a6dd6 97578f92 29627229 462ebfee 061c99a4
    1c69b3a0 aea6a95b 7ed3fd89 f829f17e a9362efe ccf8034a 0910989a a8573305
    Validity: [From: Wed Feb 23 15:57:28 SGT 2005,
                   To: Tue May 24 15:57:28 SGT 2005]
    Issuer: CN=Server, OU=Bar, O=Foo, L=Some, ST=Where, C=UN
    SerialNumber: [    421c3768]
    Algorithm: [MD5withRSA]
    0000: 34 F4 FA D4 6F 23 7B 84 30 42 F3 5C 4B 5E 18 17 4...o#..0B.\K^..
    0010: 73 69 73 A6 BF 9A 5D C0 67 8D C3 56 DF A9 4A AC sis...].g..V..J.
    0020: 88 AF 24 28 C9 39 16 22 29 81 01 93 86 AA 1A 5D ..$(.9.")......]
    0030: 07 89 26 22 91 F0 8F DE E1 4A CF 17 9A 02 51 7D ..&".....J....Q.
    0040: 92 D3 6D 9B EF 5E C1 C6 66 F9 11 D4 EB 13 8F 17 ..m..^..f.......
    0050: E7 66 58 9F 6C B0 60 7C 39 B4 E0 B7 04 A7 7F A6 .fX.l.`.9.......
    0060: 4D A5 89 E7 F4 8A DC 59 B4 E7 A5 D4 0A 35 9A F1 M......Y.....5..
    0070: A2 CD 3A 04 D6 8F 16 B1 9E 6F 34 40 E8 C0 47 03 ..:[email protected].
    05/02/23 16:43:45 ***
    05/02/23 16:43:45 adding as trusted cert:
    05/02/23 16:43:45 Subject: CN=Client, OU=Bar, O=Foo, L=Some, ST=Where, C=UN
    05/02/23 16:43:45 Issuer: CN=Client, OU=Bar, O=Foo, L=Some, ST=Where, C=UN
    05/02/23 16:43:45 Algorithm: RSA; Serial number: 0x421c3779
    05/02/23 16:43:45 Valid from Wed Feb 23 15:57:45 SGT 2005 until Tue May 24 15:57:45 SGT 2005
    05/02/23 16:43:45 adding as trusted cert:
    05/02/23 16:43:45 Subject: CN=Server, OU=Bar, O=Foo, L=Some, ST=Where, C=UN
    05/02/23 16:43:45 Issuer: CN=Server, OU=Bar, O=Foo, L=Some, ST=Where, C=UN
    05/02/23 16:43:45 Algorithm: RSA; Serial number: 0x421c3768
    05/02/23 16:43:45 Valid from Wed Feb 23 15:57:28 SGT 2005 until Tue May 24 15:57:28 SGT 2005
    05/02/23 16:43:45 trigger seeding of SecureRandom
    05/02/23 16:43:45 done seeding SecureRandom
    05/02/23 16:43:45[Orion Launcher,5,main]): getEndpoint(SSL_MUTUALAUTH, 5557, null)
    05/02/23 16:43:45[Orion Launcher,5,main]): createListener( socketType = SSL_MUTUALAUTH port = 5557 )
    05/02/23 16:43:45 matching alias: mykey
    matching alias: mykey
    05/02/23 16:43:46 ORB created
    05/02/23 16:43:47[Orion Launcher,5,main]): invoke(ClientRequest) called
    05/02/23 16:43:47[Orion Launcher,5,main]): process: dispatching to scid 2
    05/02/23 16:43:47[Orion Launcher,5,main]): dispatching to sc [email protected]7
    05/02/23 16:43:48[Orion Launcher,5,main]): invoke(ClientRequest) called
    05/02/23 16:43:48[Orion Launcher,5,main]): process: dispatching to scid 2
    05/02/23 16:43:48[Orion Launcher,5,main]): dispatching to sc
    05/02/23 16:43:48[Orion Launcher,5,main]): Entering dispatch method
    05/02/23 16:43:48[Orion Launcher,5,main]): Consuming service contexts, GIOP version: 1.2
    05/02/23 16:43:48[Orion Launcher,5,main]): Has code set context? false
    05/02/23 16:43:48[Orion Launcher,5,main]): Dispatching to servant
    05/02/23 16:43:48[Orion Launcher,5,main]): Handling invoke handler type servant
    05/02/23 16:43:48 NS service created and started
    05/02/23 16:43:48 NS ior = ..IOR:000000000000002b49444c3a6f6d672e6f72672f436f734e616d696e672f4e616d696e67436f6e746578744578743a312e30000000000001000000000000007c000102000000000c31302e312e3231342e31310015b3000000000031afabcb0000000020d309e06a0000000100000000000000010000000c4e616d65536572766963650000000004000000000a0000000000000100000001000000200000000000010001000000020501000100010020000101090000000100010100
    05/02/23 16:43:48 Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE 10g ( initialized
    05/02/23 16:45:14[JavaIDL Listener,5,main]): Server getConnection(119e583[Unknown 0x0:0x0: Socket[addr=/,port=1281,localport=5556]], SSL)
    05/02/23 16:45:14[JavaIDL Listener,5,main]): host = port = 1281
    05/02/23 16:45:14[JavaIDL Listener,5,main]): Created connection Connection[type=SSL remote_host= remote_port=1281 state=ESTABLISHED][JavaIDL Reader for,5,main]): Creating message from stream
    05/02/23 16:45:14 JavaIDL Reader for, handling exception: Unrecognized SSL message, plaintext connection?
    05/02/23 16:45:14 JavaIDL Reader for, SEND TLSv1 ALERT: fatal, description = unexpected_message
    05/02/23 16:45:14 JavaIDL Reader for, WRITE: TLSv1 Alert, length = 2
    05/02/23 16:45:14 JavaIDL Reader for, called closeSocket()
    05/02/23 16:45:14[JavaIDL Reader for,5,main]): IOException in createInputStream: Connection has been shutdown: Unrecognized SSL message, plaintext connection?
    05/02/23 16:45:14 Connection has been shutdown: Unrecognized SSL message, plaintext connection?
    05/02/23 16:45:14 at
    05/02/23 16:45:14 at
    05/02/23 16:45:14 at
    05/02/23 16:45:14 at
    05/02/23 16:45:14 at
    05/02/23 16:45:14 at
    05/02/23 16:45:14 at
    05/02/23 16:45:14 Caused by: Unrecognized SSL message, plaintext connection?
    05/02/23 16:45:14 at
    05/02/23 16:45:14 at
    05/02/23 16:45:14 at
    05/02/23 16:45:14 at
    05/02/23 16:45:14 at
    05/02/23 16:45:14 ... 6 more
    05/02/23 16:45:14[JavaIDL Reader for,5,main]): purge_calls: starting: code = 1398079696 die = true
    05/02/23 16:45:14 JavaIDL Reader for, called close()
    05/02/23 16:45:14 JavaIDL Reader for, called closeInternal(true)
    05/02/23 16:45:14 JavaIDL Reader for, called close()
    05/02/23 16:45:14 JavaIDL Reader for, called closeInternal(true)
    05/02/23 16:45:14 JavaIDL Reader for, called close()
    05/02/23 16:45:14 JavaIDL Reader for, called closeInternal(true)
    05/02/23 16:45:14[JavaIDL Reader for,5,main]): DeleteConn called: host = port = 1281

    Good point, I do belive what you are referring to is this:
    Any client, whether running inside a server or not, has EJB security properties. Table 15-2 lists the EJB client security properties controlled by the file. By default, OC4J searches for this file in the current directory when running as a client, or in ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/home/config when running in the server. You can specify the location of this file explicitly with the system property setting -Dejb_sec_properties_location=pathname.
    Table 15-2 EJB Client Security Properties
    Property Meaning
    # oc4j.iiop.keyStoreLoc
    The path and name of the keystore. An absolute path is recommended.
    # oc4j.iiop.keyStorePass
    The password for the keystore.
    # oc4j.iiop.trustStoreLoc
    The path name and name of the truststore. An absolute path is recommended.
    # oc4j.iiop.trustStorePass
    The password for the truststore.
    # oc4j.iiop.enable.clientauth
    Whether the client supports client-side authentication. If this property is set to true, you must specify a keystore location and password.
    # oc4j.iiop.ciphersuites
    Which cipher suites are to be enabled. The valid cipher suites are:
    Whether to use SSL when making the initial connection to the server.
    Whether to send user name and password in clear form (unencrypted) in the service context when not using SSL. If this property is set to true, the user name and password are sent only to servers listed in the trustedServer list.
    A list of servers that can be trusted to receive passwords sent in clear form. This has no effect if client.sendpassword is set to false. The list is comma-delimited. Each entry in the list can be an IP address, a host name, a host name pattern (for example, *, or * (where "*" alone means that all servers are trusted.

  • How to use RMI Stub class in programming?

    Hi all,
    I'm new on RMI.
    Is there anyone can explain to me how to use RMI Stub class which is generated by invoking rmic command?
    For my testing, I can only invoke rmi object nethod via its remote interface. Then what is stub used for when we are coding?
    I do appreciate anyone's help.
    Thanks very much,

    When the remote object binds itself to the registry, what is actually bound is the stub.
    So when the client does a registry lookup, what it gets is the stub. However from the client's point of view it is just some mystery object that implements the remote interface.
    So you never have to use it directly, it is all automatic.

  • What is the advantage of using RMI over socket connection

    plz tell me guys what is the advantage of using RMI over socket connection bcoz inherently RMI also uses socket what is the exact difference in between thm and what is the advantage of using RMI over socket connection.

    i knew tht bt i
    How To Ask Questions The Smart Way
    Eric Steven Raymond
    Rick Moen
    Write in clear, grammatical, correctly-spelled language
    We've found by experience that people who are careless and sloppy writers are usually also careless and sloppy at thinking and coding (often enough to bet on, anyway). Answering questions for careless and sloppy thinkers is not rewarding; we'd rather spend our time elsewhere.
    So expressing your question clearly and well is important. If you can't be bothered to do that, we can't be bothered to pay attention. Spend the extra effort to polish your language. It doesn't have to be stiff or formal — in fact, hacker culture values informal, slangy and humorous language used with precision. But it has to be precise; there has to be some indication that you're thinking and paying attention.
    Spell, punctuate, and capitalize correctly. Don't confuse "its" with "it's", "loose" with "lose", or "discrete" with "discreet". Don't TYPE IN ALL CAPS; this is read as shouting and considered rude. (All-smalls is only slightly less annoying, as it's difficult to read. Alan Cox can get away with it, but you can't.)
    More generally, if you write like a semi-literate b o o b you will very likely be ignored. So don't use instant-messaging shortcuts. Spelling "you" as "u" makes you look like a semi-literate b o o b to save two entire keystrokes.

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