Synchronize 2 Jcombobox - double the action?

Hi all,
I have asked how to synchronize 2 Jcombobox before, and the solution works, which is:
JComboBox myCB1 = new JComboBox(...);
JComboBox myCB2 = new JComboBox(...);
   new ActionListener() {
      public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
         int index = myCB1.getSelectedIndex();
   new ActionListener() {
      public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
         int index = myCB2.getSelectedIndex();
); However, now I ran into a problem which the action perform by one of the ComboBox is done twice because the 2 combo are calling each other.
In one case which I try to print out the items in a final array (initiate by selecting an itrem in the comboBox), it runs into and infinite loop.
I've tried flipping an gobal boolean, which the comboBox only perform the action when the boolean is true, and after each action I flip the boolean. But this sort of disable the synchronization of the comboBox.
Could anyone please help me here?

If they are already in synch, then there is nothing else to do...
JComboBox myCB1 = new JComboBox(...);
JComboBox myCB2 = new JComboBox(...);
   new ActionListener() {
      public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
         int index = myCB1.getSelectedIndex();
         if(myCB2.getSelectedIndex() != index) {
   new ActionListener() {
      public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
         int index = myCB2.getSelectedIndex();
         if(myCB1.getSelectedIndex() != index) {

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    This doesn't answer your original question, so if you're determined to use d-clicks on a JButton, don't bother reading further.
    I've always found double-clicking on a JButton non-intuitive, not to mention messy to implement. I prefer CTRL-click, etc, to indicate a sticky click.
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    Based on the error message, the issue may be caused by the Visio file is occupied by some other program in DFS.
    >>4. Copy/pasted the file into the same folder where it's stored, then double-clicked the copy and it opens fine.<< If you did this step, the Visio file would rename in the same folder, like file1.vsd. Thus, it opened well.
    Thus, I recommend you check the file's status in computer management in DFS server, see the below image:
    If the affected Visio files were occupied, please try to clean them(right click>close the file) to test.
    Hope it's helpful.
    George Zhao
    TechNet Community Support
    It's recommended to download and install
    Configuration Analyzer Tool (OffCAT), which is developed by Microsoft Support teams. Once the tool is installed, you can run it at any time to scan for hundreds of known issues in Office
    This didn't help, the files are not open, locked open, and the issue still persists. Any other suggestions?
    -Keith Elkin

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    Thanks it worked ..
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    Edited by: Surender Batlanki on Feb 8, 2008 7:20 PM
    Edited by: Surender Batlanki on Feb 8, 2008 7:24 PM

    Hi Kiran,
        I got what you told, But are you sure double click action will not handel in SHDB recording for any transaction code ?
        I also tried all possibilities, as you suggested by using menu bar options, mouse right click actions and making changes in recorded program. If I gone through this step I can solve my issue.
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        Thanks for your reply.

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    What you are seeing is the expected behavior; the URL in the browser will be the action URL (with action=A) even though the portlet is setting a render parameter action=B in the action phase. There's nothing "wrong" with this; the "B" controller will get run because the render parameter "action=B" exists, even though it isn't what is displayed in the browser. In general, it is best to not be concerned about what parameters are in the browser's URL, as the portal framework is managing all the parameters for you on the server-side.
    If you really want the browser's displayed URL to not be the action URL, there is a feature built in to WLP 10.3.2 and later versions which will cause the browser to do a redirect to the render URL just after the action phase runs. This will make the browser display the "action=B" in the URL, but the redirect will also double the number of requests the server must handle, so consider if you really need the browser's URL to display the current render URL. To turn this feature on, modify the entry for your portlet in the WEB-INF/portlet.xml file to add a container runtime option "", like this:
                <title>Redirect After Action Sample</title>
        </portlet>The "suppressWsrpOptimisticRender" runtime option is recommended as a performance enhancement for any portlets being run over WSRP which also have the "redirectAfterAction" option, however, if you are running your portlets over WSRP you won't be seeing the render parameters in the browser's URL in any recognizable form anyway.

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    Ok, so despite my earlier suggestion being basically the only solution offered anyway on the web it appears that Lokust is correct and that the single click operation would be performed as well as the double click one. to get round this u have to implement a Timer, i'm not going to post my whole code here because most of it is irrelevent, just add this code in the correct places and it should work fine. apologies to all format junkies for not using code tags!
    import java.util.Timer;
    import java.util.TimeTask;
    public class WhateverClassName implements MouseListener {
    private Timer t;
    private boolean doubleclick;
    public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {
         t = new Timer();
         if (e.getClickCount() == 2){
              doubleclick = true;
         else if(e.getClickCount()==1){
              t.schedule(new MyTimerTask(),500);
    /*You need all these methods as well */
    /* (non-Javadoc)
    * @see java.awt.event.MouseListener#mouseEntered(java.awt.event.MouseEvent)
    public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent arg0) {
    /* (non-Javadoc)
    * @see java.awt.event.MouseListener#mouseExited(java.awt.event.MouseEvent)
    public void mouseExited(MouseEvent arg0) {
    /* (non-Javadoc)
    * @see java.awt.event.MouseListener#mousePressed(java.awt.event.MouseEvent)
    public void mousePressed(MouseEvent arg0) {
    /* (non-Javadoc)
    * @see java.awt.event.MouseListener#mouseReleased(java.awt.event.MouseEvent)
    public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent arg0) {
    class MyTimerTask extends TimerTask{
    /* (non-Javadoc)
    * @see java.util.TimerTask#run()
         public void run() {
                   System.out.print("double click");
                   System.out.println("single click");
    This assumes that for it to be considered a double click user has to click twice within .5 seconds.
    Let me know if that works or not, sorry its a bit messy!

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    please can someone help me

    Hi -
    When it comes to AVCHD footage, Prelude wants to leverage the complex folder structure in order to save metadata. If the file is just the *.MTS file and is not part of the original folder structure, Prelude will report it cannot write metadata to the file. You can transcode the *.MTS to another format and then add metadata.
    We are looking at future solution for what we call "naked MTS file", but unfortunately that is not part of the currently released product version.

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    If you want to give Scripting a try paste the following text into a new file in ExtendScript Toolkit and save it as a jsx-file into Photoshop’s Presets/Scripts-folder.
    // saves jpg into same folder;
    // be advised: this  overwrites existing jpgs of the same name without prompting.
    // 2010, use it at your own risk;
    #target photoshop;
    if (app.documents.length > 0) {
    var thedoc = app.activeDocument;
    // getting the name and location;
    var docName =;
    if (docName.indexOf(".") != -1) {var basename = docName.match(/(.*)\.[^\.]+$/)[1]}
    else {var basename = docName};
    // getting the location, if unsaved save to desktop;
    try {var docPath = thedoc.path}
    catch (e) {var docPath = "~/Desktop"};
    // jpg options;
    var jpegOptions = new JPEGSaveOptions();
    jpegOptions.quality = 12;
    jpegOptions.embedColorProfile = true;
    jpegOptions.matte = MatteType.NONE;
    //save jpg as a copy:
    thedoc.saveAs((new File(docPath+'/'+basename+'.jpg')),jpegOptions,true);
    //that’s it; thanks to xbytor;

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    Thank you. 

    Apple Computer Customer Relations:

  • Cannot delete exe files - The action can't be completed because the file is open in Windows Explorer

    We have received 3 new computers with Windows 8.1. All of us 3 have the same problem: we cannot delete exe files with message "The action can't be completed because the file is open in Windows Explorer"
    For example, I download skypeinstall.exe on desktop, install the program correctly and then try to delete the file: file is in use by Windows Explorer, cannot be delete.
    We reboot computer, we are able to delete the file. But, if I restore the file from the recycle bin on the desktop, I cannot delete it again until I reboot the PC. I used ProcessExplorer to see what is locking it and I can see 5 instances of explorer.exe
    locking the file.
    I can always reproduce the same way:
    2-Delete exe file
    3-Restore file
    4-Delete stop working and 5 explorer.exe handle are locking it.
    I have tried the following so far after reading multiple threads:
    - De-activating Windows Search service
    - Activating User Experience service
    - Deleting from command prompt (no success)
    - In folder options: inactivate display icon on thumbnail and activate always display icons, never thumbnail
    - Changing folder view (contents, detail, small icons...)
    - Using Lock Hunter - not working until reboot
    None of these worked.
    We all have Windows 8.1 with Crucial SSD drive, could the problem be linked with the SSD drive incompatibility?
    Any help would be appreciated.

    Please try to make a clean boot for your system, then check if this problem resolved.
    Clean Boot:
    If problem persists, try to open Resource Monitor to check handle of Explorer.exe, if there any exception, end them for test.
    Roger Lu
    TechNet Community Support

  • The action could not be completed because of a conflict with the original item. The conflict may have occurred when an existing item was updated on another computer or device. Open the item again and try making your changes. If the problem continues, cont

    I have a user on an iMac 10.6 connected to our domain.  She uses Outlook web access for email on our exchange server.  Last week she received the following message which is randomly preventing her from sending emails.  She claims no attachment was involved in the original email when this all started.  I have not been able to look at her account as she is out of the office but maybe someone else dealt with this issue.  I realize this may not be Mac related but thought I'd give it a try.  She did say it occurred once over two days while working on a PC but it continued over the past weekend.
    If an internal user tries to send a message with infected attachment using Outlook Web Access, it may report the following error message: The action could not be completed because of a conflict with the original item. The conflict may have occurred when an existing item was updated on another computer or device. Open the item again and try making your changes. If the problem continues, contact technical support for your organization.
    This is because F-Secure Anti-Virus for Microsoft Exchange has detected a virus in the attachment. If the user tries to send the message again, the message will be sent but without the attachment. At the same time a blank message with an attachment named "Attachment_information.txt" will remain in the user's Drafts folder. The "Attachment_information.txt" will contain information about the virus detected in the message.

    PS - have found other posts indicating that clips smaller than 2s or sometimes 5s, or "short files" can cause this. Modern style editing often uses short takes ! Good grief I cannot believe Apple. Well I deleted a half a dozen short sections and can export, but now of course the video is a ruined piiece of junk and I need to re-do the whole thing, the sound etc. which is basically taking as much time as the original. And each time I re-do it I risk again this lovely error -50 and again trying to figure out what thing bugs it via trial and error instead of a REASONABLE ERROR MESSAGE POINTING TO THE CLIP IT CAN'T PROCESS. What a mess. I HATE this iMovie application - full of BUGS BUGS BUGS which Apple will not fix obviously, since I had this product for a few years and see just hundreds of hits on Google about this error with disappointed users. Such junk I cannot believe I paid money for it and Apple does not support it with fixes !!!
    If anyone knows of a GOOD reasonably priced video editing program NOT from APPLE I am still looking for suggestions. I want to do more video in future, but obviously NOT with iMovie !!!

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