Synchronize on objects held in non-final variables?

[This thread|] and post got me thinking:
linuxisbest.eric wrote:
I have noticed in my textbook that it creates a String in two ways:
String a = new String("Hello");and
String a = "Hello";Which one should I use? Is there any practical difference?
YoungWinston wrote:Pick door number two linux ... unless you plan on synchronizing on it, that is.
WinstonIs it best practice to only synchronize on objects held in final variables?
Edited by: Encephalopathic on Jul 26, 2009 5:46 AM

gnat wrote:
Is it best practice to only synchronize on objects held in final variables?
Above [best practices|] apply to cases when lock is not intended to change.
I think that there could be cases when lock is actually intended to change and therefore shouldn't be final. Here's an example of caching code I've seen recently:
private final ConcurrentMap<Integer, Object> pendings
= new ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, Object>();
public Object loadEntity(int entityId) {
Object lock = new Object(); // shouldn't be final, see below
Object prev = pendings.putIfAbsent(entityId, lock);
if(prev != null) {
// without using prev lock, there would be a chance
//  for concurrent threads to perform redundant invocation
//  of retrieveEntityFromSomewhereSlowly for same entityId
lock = prev;
Object res;
synchronized (lock) {
res = getEntityFromCacheQuickly(entityId);
if (res == null) {
// cache miss - retrieve entity slowly:
res = retrieveEntityFromSomewhereSlowly(entityId);
Huh? Please could you try to talk me through that code... At first glance, I don't follow it... I think it's still got "unprotected race conditions", but after reading it through several times (in the course of trying to frame a post saying basically "I don't think that will work, and here's why" I now think I understand how it does work (almost all the time), but I'd just really really like some validation of my mis/understanding.
So... Here's how I think that works... please could you verify or repudiate my understanding.
package forums;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
class GnatsThreadsafeCache
  private static final Random random = new Random();
  // pending locks := entityId --> lock
  private final ConcurrentMap<Integer, Object> pendingLocks = new ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, Object>();
  // cache := entityId --> entity
  //          1        --> "1"
  private final Map<Integer, Object> cache = new HashMap<Integer, Object>();
  public Object loadEntity(int entityId) {
    Object lock = new Object(); // shouldn't be final, see below
    // putIfAbsent: If the specified key is not already associated with a value,
    //  associate it with the given value. Returns the previous value associated
    //  with the specified key, or null if there was no mapping for the key.
    Object previousLock = pendingLocks.putIfAbsent(entityId, lock);
    if(previousLock != null) {
      // without using previousLock lock, there would be a chance
      //  for concurrent threads to perform redundant invocation
      //  of retrieveEntityFromSomewhereSlowly for same entityId
      lock = previousLock;
    Object entity;
    synchronized (lock) {
      entity = getEntityFromCacheQuickly(entityId);
      if (entity == null) {
        // cache miss - retrieve entity slowly:
        entity = retrieveEntityFromSomewhereSlowly(entityId);
        addEntityToCache(entityId, entity);
    return entity;
  private Object getEntityFromCacheQuickly(int entityId) {
    DEBUG("> getEntityFromCacheQuickly("+entityId+")");
    Object entity = cache.get(entityId);
    DEBUG("< getEntityFromCacheQuickly returns "+entity);
    return entity;
  private Object retrieveEntityFromSomewhereSlowly(int entityId) {
    DEBUG("> retrieveEntityFromSomewhereSlowly("+entityId+")");
    try{Thread.sleep(random.nextInt(1000));}catch(InterruptedException e){System.err.println(e);}
    Object entity = Integer.toString(entityId);
    DEBUG("< retrieveEntityFromSomewhereSlowly returns "+entity);
    return entity;
  private void addEntityToCache(int entityId, Object entity) {
    DEBUG("| addEntityToCache("+entityId+", "+entity+")");
    cache.put(entityId, entity);
  public static void main(String[] args)
    final GnatsThreadsafeCache cache = new GnatsThreadsafeCache();
    for (int i=0; i<10; i++) {
      new Thread(
        new Runnable() {
          public void run() {
            int i = random.nextInt(4);
            Object entity = cache.loadEntity(i);
            DEBUG("~ "+i+"-->"+entity);
      , "Thread"+i).start();
  private static void DEBUG(String message) {
    System.err.println(Thread.currentThread().getName()+": "+message);
}How it works:
1. create a new lock object.
2. check if entityId exists in the previousLock list... that's a ConcurrentMap so the putIfAbsent operation is atomic (i.e. syncronised on the previousLock object).
    ~  This operation is "garanteed fast"; ergo it involves no heavy "business object" creation/retrieval.
3. Now, if the entityId already exists in the previousLock list we syncronize on it, allowing one-thread-at-a-time to traverse "the crytical block" where we check if the-entity associated with the-given-entityId is allready cached, and retrieve it, otherwise create a new one (which will take an arbitrary "long time").
So what? Well I think it means that we've reduced contention to the individual entity level, as apposed to the "collection level"; as you would get if you just used a "standard" ConcurrentMap as the cache... which means that we've (probably) increased the throughput because each thread is blocked only upon those other threads which definately would stuff-them-up (waiting for the heavy "business object" creation routine to complete); as apposed to those that just might stuff them up (but won't because they're actually retrieving different entities).
In short: It's a way of blocking on distinct keys?
Is that correct?
Thanx in advance for your thoughts.
Cheers. Keith.
Edited by: corlettk on 1/08/2009 11:05 ~~ Removed extranious cache.get from retrieveEntityFromSomewhereSlowly.

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    Text nameField;
    Text junkField;
    // Constructors come next, etc...
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    Button is a local variable. The anonymous inner class object you create can continue to exist after the method ends, but the local variables will not. Therefore, as the error message says, you must make that local button variable final if you want to refer to it inside the anon inner class. If it's final, a copy of its value can be given to the inner class--there's no need to treat it as "variable."

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         boolean bDone = false;
         Element e;
         SAXReader sax          = new SAXReader();
         FileInputStream fis     = new FileInputStream( args.getInputFile() );
         Document document     = fis );
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                                                                                                             e = element; // PROBLEM: Cannot refer to a non-final variable e inside an inner class defined in a different method
                                                                                                             // WARNING: Type safety: The expression of type Iterator needs unchecked conversion to conform to Iterator<Attribute>
                                                                                                             for( Iterator<Attribute> it = element.attributeIterator(); it.hasNext(); )
                                                                                                                  Attribute a = (Attribute);
                                                                                                                  if( a.getName().equals( "randOffset" ) )
                                                                                                                       Integer i = new Integer( resolver.getTotalPermutations() );
                                                                                                                       a.setValue( i.toString() );
                                                                                                                       bDone = true; // PROBLEM: Cannot refer to a non-final variable bDone inside an inner class defined in a different method
              if( ( !bDone ) && ( e != null ) )
                   Integer i = new Integer( resolver.getTotalPermutations() );
                   e.addAttribute( "randOffset", i.toString() );                                                                                                                                            
         FileOutputStream fileOut     = new FileOutputStream( args.getInputFile() );          
         OutputFormat format               = OutputFormat.createPrettyPrint();          
            XMLWriter xmlWriter               = new XMLWriter( fileOut, format );
            xmlWriter.write( document );
    }PS.) on a side note there is a warning on one of the lines too. Can anyone offer help on that one too?!
    Thanks in advance.

    It is already set to that - it does look correct in Eclipse, honest.
    It's just the block that's gone crazy with the formatting. I've spent around 10 minutes trying to tweak it just so it displays correctly but it wasn't making sense.
    I'd rather not turn this conversation into a judgement of my code-style - I already understand that it doesn't conform to the 'Java way' and I've had Java programmers bash me about it for a long time.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

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              switchToOrderform4( backArrow_J, fwdArrow_J, rightColumn, c, jobticketEnclosure ); // ------- the problem line"
    The variable is "rightColumn."
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    Pass it as a parameter to second class, "Class2."
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    -- Declared & instantiated here, passed as a parameter to
    class Class1 extends JPanel {
         private JLabel rightColumn;
    class Class2 extends MouseAdapter {
    JLabel rightColumn,
    --Passed as a method paramter, causing the compiler error (line 771):
    class Class3 extends JPanel {
    Line 75:      JLabel rightColumn;
    Line 165:                          JLabel rightColumn,
    Line 255:      this.rightColumn = rightColumn;
    Line 771:           method1( backArrow_J, fwdArrow_J, rightColumn, c, jobticketEnclosure ); // ------- the problem line
    Declaring the variables final does not help. How do I fix this?
    Many thanks in advance.

    Hmm that's a puzzler. I would love to see a complete (but minimal) example of this.
    You might get more insight by using a different compiler, since you'd get a different version of the error message. Some compilers are more lucid than others.

  • Final variables

    Hello All
    I have a question and this contradicts what I have learned so I will like to have a good explanation for this.
    public class Foo {
    private final int x = 5;
    private byte b = x;
    will this compile? The answer is YES it will compile. Now if you take out the final keyword from int x will it compile? The answer is NO it will not.
    Why is this???????
    Thanks in Advance for your help!!!!

    sorry, but my compiler (jdk1.3) compiles the code :
    public class test
    private int x = 5;
    private int b = x;
    There is one thing you are missing is that it is instead of int b it should be byte b, now let see if you can make the above code compile under the jdk1.3 compiler. Now change the private int x to private final int x and compile your code...
    I think the compiler inserts an implicit (invisible)
    constructor that is called before any other explicitly
    defined constructor. And this implicit constructor
    makes the assignments, and thus you can use any
    non-static and non-final expression for
    initialization. Even this :
    class a
    int x;
    class b
    int y = x;
    And this really makes sense !!!
    When class a instanciates class b (if there was an
    explicit constructor), the implicit constructor first
    assigns x to y and after that the explicit constructor
    is called.
    also think of that :
    public class test
    int x;
    int y = x;
    this also compiles, because all variables are always
    (implicitly) initialized with 0 (and corresponds like
    false and null).
    enough ?I think you are right the compiler might insert an implicit(invisible) constructor, but the above explanation still doesn't explain why it treats final variable differently then non-final variables??? Thanks for replying!!!!

  • Inaccessible with local variable(non-final) via method local inner class

    Hi All,
    Usually local variables, including automatic final variable live on the stack and objects & instanace variables live on the heap.The contracts for using the method local inner class should allow merely method final variable, not non-final stack variable.
    Can anyone please clarify me ,behind the scene what is actual fact why method inner class should not access the stack(method) variable and only allow final variable?
    Is anything correlated with the stack and heap aspects?

    [email protected] wrote:
    ...behind the scene what is actual fact why method inner class should not access the stack(method) variable and only allow final variable?...explained by dcminter and Jardium in [an older thread||]:
    ...Final variables are copied into inner classes - that's why they have to be declared final; to avoid the developer making an incorrect assumption that the local variable can be modified and have the change reflected in the copy.
    When a local class uses a local variable, it doesn't actually use the variable. Instead, it takes a copy of the value which is contained in the variable at the moment the class is instantiated. It's like passing the variable to a constructor of the class, except that you do not actually declare any such constructor in your code.
    To avoid messy execution flows to be present in a Java method, the Java language authors thought it was better to allow a single value to be present in such a variable throughout all its life. Thus, the variable has to be declared final.

  • Non-static variable Help needed

    Hi, I am creating a multi threaded web server but get the following error
    non-static variable this cannot be referenced from a static context
    HttpRequest request = new HttpRequest(connectionSocket);
    Please could someone help.
    Many Thanks
    import* ;
    import* ;
    import java.util.* ;
    public final class MultiWebServer
    public static void main(String argv[]) throws Exception
         // Set the port number.
         int port = 6789;
    // Establish the listen socket.
                   String fileName;
                   ServerSocket listenSocket = new ServerSocket(port);
    // Process HTTP service requests in an infinite loop.
    while (true) {
         // Listen for a TCP connection request.
         Socket connectionSocket = listenSocket.accept();
    // Construct an object to process the HTTP request message.
    HttpRequest request = new HttpRequest(connectionSocket);
    // Create a new thread to process the request.
    Thread thread = new Thread(request);
    // Start the thread.
    final class HttpRequest implements Runnable
         final static String CRLF = "\r\n";
         Socket socket;
    String requestMessageLine;
    String fileName;
    Date todaysDate;
         // Constructor
         public HttpRequest(Socket socket) throws Exception
              this.socket = socket;
              socket = null;
    // Implement the run() method of the Runnable interface.
    public void run()
         try {
         } catch (Exception e) {
    private void processRequest() throws Exception
         // Get a reference to the socket's input and output streams.
         //InputStream is = new InputStream(socket.getInputStream());
         //DataOutputStream os = new DataOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream());
    BufferedReader inFromClient =
                        new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(
                   DataOutputStream outToClient =
                        new DataOutputStream(
         // Set up input stream filters.
         requestMessageLine = inFromClient.readLine();
         //BufferedReader br = null;
         // Get the request line of the HTTP request message.
    String requestLine = null;
    // Display the request line.
    StringTokenizer tokenizedLine =
                             new StringTokenizer(requestMessageLine);
                   if (tokenizedLine.nextToken().equals("GET"))
                        fileName = tokenizedLine.nextToken();
                        if ( fileName.startsWith("/")==true )
                             fileName = fileName.substring(1);
    File file = new File(fileName);
                        int numOfBytes = (int)file.length();
                        FileInputStream inFile = new FileInputStream(fileName);
                        byte[] fileInBytes = new byte[numOfBytes];
                        /* Send the HTTP header */
                        outToClient.writeBytes("HTTP/1.1 200 Document Follows\r\n");
                        if (fileName.endsWith(".jpg"))
                             outToClient.writeBytes("Content-Type: image/jpeg\r\n");
                        if (fileName.endsWith(".jpeg"))
                             outToClient.writeBytes("Content-Type: image/jpeg\r\n");
                        if (fileName.endsWith(".gif"))
                             outToClient.writeBytes("Content-Type: image/gif\r\n");
                        if (fileName.endsWith(".html"))
                             outToClient.writeBytes("Content-Type: text/html\r\n");
                        if (fileName.endsWith(".htm"))
                             outToClient.writeBytes("Content-Type: text/html\r\n");
                        outToClient.writeBytes("Content-Length: " + numOfBytes + "\r\n");
                        /* Now send the actual data */
                        outToClient.write(fileInBytes, 0, numOfBytes);
                   System.out.println("Bad Request Message");
                   todaysDate = new Date();          
                   try {
                        FileInputStream inlog = new FileInputStream("log.txt");
                        System.out.println(requestMessageLine + " " + todaysDate );
                        FileOutputStream log = new FileOutputStream("log.txt", true);
                        PrintStream myOutput = new PrintStream(log);
                        myOutput.println("FILE -> " + requestMessageLine + " DATE/TIME -> " + todaysDate);
                   catch (IOException e) {
                   System.out.println("Error -> " + e);

    import* ;
    import* ;
    import java.util.* ;
    public final class MultiWebServer
    public MultiWebServer(){
    // Set the port number.
    int port=6789;
    // Establish the listen socket.
    String fileName;
    ServerSocket listenSocket=new ServerSocket(port);
    // Process HTTP service requests in an infinite loop.
    // Listen for a TCP connection request.
    Socket connectionSocket=listenSocket.accept();
    // Construct an object to process the HTTP request message.
    HttpRequest request=new HttpRequest(connectionSocket);
    // Create a new thread to process the request.
    Thread thread=new Thread(request);
    // Start the thread.
    }catch(IOException ioe){
    }catch(Exception e){
    public static void main(String argv[]) throws Exception
    new MultiWebServer();
    final class HttpRequest implements Runnable
    final static String CRLF = "\r\n";
    Socket socket;
    String requestMessageLine;
    String fileName;
    Date todaysDate;
    // Constructor
    public HttpRequest(Socket socket) throws Exception
    this.socket = socket;
    socket = null;
    // Implement the run() method of the Runnable interface.
    public void run()
    try {
    } catch (Exception e) {
    private void processRequest() throws Exception
    // Get a reference to the socket's input and output streams.
    //InputStream is = new InputStream(socket.getInputStream());
    //DataOutputStream os = new DataOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream());
    BufferedReader inFromClient =
    new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(
    DataOutputStream outToClient =
    new DataOutputStream(
    // Set up input stream filters.
    requestMessageLine = inFromClient.readLine();
    //BufferedReader br = null;
    // Get the request line of the HTTP request message.
    String requestLine = null;
    // Display the request line.
    StringTokenizer tokenizedLine =
    new StringTokenizer(requestMessageLine);
    if (tokenizedLine.nextToken().equals("GET"))
    fileName = tokenizedLine.nextToken();
    if ( fileName.startsWith("/")==true )
    fileName = fileName.substring(1);
    File file = new File(fileName);
    int numOfBytes = (int)file.length();
    FileInputStream inFile = new FileInputStream(fileName);
    byte[] fileInBytes = new byte[numOfBytes];;
    /* Send the HTTP header */
    outToClient.writeBytes("HTTP/1.1 200 Document Follows\r\n");
    if (fileName.endsWith(".jpg"))
    outToClient.writeBytes("Content-Type: image/jpeg\r\n");
    if (fileName.endsWith(".jpeg"))
    outToClient.writeBytes("Content-Type: image/jpeg\r\n");
    if (fileName.endsWith(".gif"))
    outToClient.writeBytes("Content-Type: image/gif\r\n");
    if (fileName.endsWith(".html"))
    outToClient.writeBytes("Content-Type: text/html\r\n");
    if (fileName.endsWith(".htm"))
    outToClient.writeBytes("Content-Type: text/html\r\n");
    outToClient.writeBytes("Content-Length: " + numOfBytes + "\r\n");
    /* Now send the actual data */
    outToClient.write(fileInBytes, 0, numOfBytes);
    System.out.println("Bad Request Message");
    todaysDate = new Date();
    try {
    FileInputStream inlog = new FileInputStream("log.txt");
    System.out.println(requestMessageLine + " " + todaysDate );
    FileOutputStream log = new FileOutputStream("log.txt", true);
    PrintStream myOutput = new PrintStream(log);
    myOutput.println("FILE -> " + requestMessageLine + " DATE/TIME -> " + todaysDate);
    catch (IOException e) {
    System.out.println("Error -> " + e);

  • Help me please~ non-static variable rs cannot be referenced ...

    i make counter
    but this error occurrence
    only i doing resultset make and closed
    why non-static variable rs ....
    i am sorry i don't speak English ...
    help me please..
    error message
    non-static variable rs cannot be referenced from a static context
    package jjaekim;
    import java.sql.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import javax.servlet.*;
    import javax.servlet.http.*;
    public class Count{
              Statement stmt;
              ResultSet rs;
              ResultSet rs2;
              Connection conn;
              //DBPoolManager dbpm;
         public static String add(HttpServletRequest request){
                        int year =0;
                        int month=0;
                        int date =0;
                        int hour =0;
                        int min     =0;
                        int week =0;
                        String str_date=new String();
                        String str_time=new String();
                        String referer_url     =request.getHeader("Referer");
                        String infomation     =request.getHeader("User-Agent");
                        String ip               =request.getRemoteAddr();
                        int access_date=0;
                        int access_time=0;
                        Calendar cal     =Calendar.getInstance();
                        year               =cal.get(cal.YEAR);
                        month               =cal.get(cal.MONTH) + 1;
                        date               =cal.get(cal.DATE);
                        hour               =cal.get(cal.HOUR_OF_DAY);
                        min                    =cal.get(cal.MINUTE);
                        week               =cal.get(cal.DAY_OF_WEEK);
                        access_date          =(month*100)+date;
                        access_time          =(hour*100)+min;
                             str_date="0"+new Integer(access_date).toString();
                             str_date=new Integer(access_date).toString();
                             str_time="0"+new Integer(access_time).toString();
                             str_time="0"+new Integer(access_time).toString();
                   }catch(Exception e){
                        //return false;
                                  try{     rs.close();}catch(Exception e){}
                                  try{     rs2.close();}catch(Exception e){}
                             if (stmt!=null){
                                  try{     stmt.close();}catch(Exception e){}
                             //if (conn!=null){
                                  try{     conn.close(); }catch(Exception e){}
                        //return back;
    /*     public static void main(String[] args)
              System.out.println("Hello World!");

    Hello jjaekim,
    if rs is a class variable (the same value for all objects),
    try this (more likely to be the right solution) :
    static ResultSet rs;
    instead of :
    ResultSet rs;
    if rs has a different values in different objects,
    then you should add the object name when using it like this : or

  • Non Static Variable addressed to Static Variable

    I am new to java, I am getting (Non Static Variable sb,serverAddress addressed to Static Variable)
    Here is the code. Thanks for reading, any help or explanation would be appreciated-
    * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
    * and open the template in the editor.
    package webcheck;
    * @author
    public class checkhttp {
          private URL serverAddress = null;
          private StringBuilder sb = null;
          public checkhttp( serverAddress,java.lang.StringBuilder StringBuilder)
      public static void main(String[] args) {
          HttpURLConnection connection = null;
          OutputStreamWriter wr = null;
          BufferedReader rd  = null;
          String line = null;
          int x;
          //checkhttp check= new checkhttp();
          try {
              serverAddress = new URL("");
              //set up out communications stuff
              connection = null;
              //Set up the initial connection
              connection = (HttpURLConnection)serverAddress.openConnection();
              //get the output stream writer and write the output to the server
              //wr = new OutputStreamWriter(connection.getOutputStream());
              //read the result from the server
              rd  = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(connection.getInputStream()));
              sb = new StringBuilder();
              while ((line = rd.readLine()) != null)
                  sb.append(line + '\n');
              System.out.println("Server is up");
          } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
          } catch (ProtocolException e) {
          } catch (IOException e) {
              //close the connection, set all objects to null
              //rd = null;
              //sb = null;
              //wr = null;
              connection = null;

    Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but since main is static, any fields it access must also be static.
    The static keyword declares that something is accessable no matter the class state, thus you can call main() and run your program without having something make an instance of the object that your progam defines. For example:
    class Foo {
          static public String strText = "Hello World";
    //Later in some method, this is valid.
    String MyString = Foo.strText;
    //However, if strText was not static you need to
    Foo fooExample = new Foo();
    String myString = fooExample.strText;Static should not override private, so static private fields/members are not accessable. To be accessable you still need to be public.
    Edited by: porpoisepower on Jan 21, 2010 2:18 PM

  • Problem with final variables and inner classes (JDK1.1.8)

    When using JDK1.1.8, I came up with following:
    public class Outer
        protected final int i;
        protected Inner inner = null;
        public Outer(int value)
            i = value;
            inner = new Inner();
        protected class Inner
            public void foo()
    }causing this: Blank final variable 'i' may not have been initialized. It must be assigned a value in an initializer, or in every constructor.
    public Outer(int value)
    1 error
    With JDK 1.3 this works just fine, as it does with 1.1.8 if
    1) I don't use inner class, or
    2) I assign the value in initializer, or
    3) I leave the keyword final away.
    and none of these is actually an option for me, neither using a newer JDK, if only there is another way to solve this.
    Reasons why I am trying to do this:
    1) I can't use a newer JDK
    2) I want to be able to assign the variables value in constructor
    3) I want to prevent anyone (including myself ;)) from changing the value in other parts of the class (yes, the code above is just to give you the idea, not the whole code)
    4) I must be able to use inner classes
    So, does anyone have a suggestion how to solve this problem of mine? Or can someone say that this is a JDK 1.1.8 feature, and that I just have to live with it? In that case, sticking to solution 3 is probably the best alternative here, at least for me (and hope that no-one will change the variables value). Or is it crappy planning..?

    You cannot use a final field if you do not
    initialize it at the time of declaration. So yes,
    your design is invalid.Sorry if I am being a bit too stubborn or something. :) I am just honestly a bit puzzled, since... If I cannot use a final field in an aforementioned situation, why does following work? (JDK 1.3.1 on Linux)
    public class Outer {
            protected final String str;
            public Outer(String paramStr) {
                    str = paramStr;
                    Inner in = new Inner();
            public void foo() {
                    System.out.println(" " + str);
            public static void main( String args[] ) {
                    String param = new String("This is test.");
                    Outer outer = new Outer(param);
            protected class Inner {
                    public void foo() {
                            System.out.println(" " + str);
    } producing the following:
    [1:39] % javac
    [1:39] % java Outer This is test. This is test.
    Is this then an "undocumented feature", working even though it shouldn't work?
    However, I assume you could
    get by with eliminating the final field and simply
    passing the value directly to the Inner class's
    constructor. if not, you'll have to rethink larger
    aspects of your design.I guess this is the way it must be done.

  • Non-static variable cant accessed from the static context..your suggestion

    Once again stuck in my own thinking, As per my knowledge there is a general error in java.
    i.e. 'Non-static variable cant accessed from static context....'
    Now the thing is that, When we are declaring any variables(non-static) and trying to access it within the same method, Its working perfectly fine.
    public class trial{
    ���������� public static void main(String ar[]){      ////static context
    ������������ int counter=0; ///Non static variable
    ������������ for(;counter<10;) {
    �������������� counter++;
    �������������� System.out.println("Value of counter = " + counter) ; ///working fine
    �������������� }
    ���������� }
    Now the question is that if we are trying to declare a variable out-side the method (Non-static) , Then we defenately face the error' Non-static varialble can't accessed from the static context', BUT here within the static context we declared the non-static variable and accessed it perfectly.
    Please give your valuable suggestions.

    Once again stuck in my own thinking, As per my
    knowledge there is a general error in java.
    i.e. 'Non-static variable cant accessed from static
    Now the thing is that, When we are declaring any
    variables(non-static) and trying to access it within
    the same method, Its working perfectly fine.
    public class trial{
    ���������� public static void
    main(String ar[]){      ////static context
    ������������ int counter=0; ///Non
    static variable
    ������������ for(;counter<10;) {
    �������������� counter++;
    of counter = " + counter) ; ///working fine
    �������������� }
    ���������� }
    w the question is that if we are trying to declare a
    variable out-side the method (Non-static) , Then we
    defenately face the error' Non-static varialble can't
    accessed from the static context', BUT here within
    the static context we declared the non-static
    variable and accessed it perfectly.
    Please give your valuable suggestions.
    You are declaring a variable inside a static method,
    that means you are opening a static scope... i.e. static block internally...
    whatever the variable you declare inside a static block... will be static by default, even if you didn't add static while declaring...
    But if you put ... it will be considered as redundant by compiler.
    More over, static context does not get "this" pointer...
    that's the reason we refer to any non-static variables declared outside of any methods... by creating an object... this gives "this" pointer to static method controller.

  • Non static  variable in static context

    import java.util.Scanner;
    public class project4_5 {
         int die1, die2;
         int comptotal = 0, playertotal = 0, turntotal = 0;
         int turn, comprun = 0;
         String playername;
         String action = ("R");
         Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
            public static void main (String[] args)
            PairOfDice mydie = new PairOfDice();
         System.out.println("Enter your name! ");
         playername = scan.nextLine();
         while(playertotal>100 && comptotal>100){
                   System.out.println(playername+" roll or pass the die (R/P) ");
                   action = scan.nextLine();
                   die1 = mydie.getFace1();
                   die2 = mydie.getFace2();
                   System.out.println("You rolled a "+die1+" and a "+ die2);
                        turntotal = 0;
                        System.out.println("You rolled a 1, you lose your points"
                        +" for this turn.");
                   else if(die1==1&&die2=1){
                        playertotal = 0;
                        System.out.println("You rolled snake eyes, all points have"
                        + " been lost.");
                   turntotal= turntotal+die1+die2;
                   System.out.println("Would you like to roll or pass? (R/P)");
                                playertotal = playertotal+turntotal;
                                turntotal = 0;
                   turn = (int) (Math.random() * 5 + 1);
                   die1 = mydie.getFace1();
                   die2 = mydie.getFace2();
                   System.out.println("Computer rolled a "+die1+
                   " and a "+ die2);
                        turntotal = 0;
                        System.out.println("Computer rolled a 1 he loses hi points"
                        +" for this turn.");
                   else if(die1==1&&die2=1){
                        playertotal = 0;
                        System.out.println("Computer rolled snake eyes, his points have"
                        + " been lost.");
                   turntotal= turntotal+die1+die2;
                   turntotal = 0;
       }here is code for a dice game i made...and when i compile it practically every variable gets an error saying non-static variable can not be referenced from a static context....anyone kno what this means or how i go about fixing it...i think it has something to do with assigning the return variable from my getFace method to die1 and die 2...idk how to fix it tho
    if u need it my die class is below
    public class PairOfDice
         int faceValue1, faceValue2;
         public PairOfDice()
              faceValue1 = 1;
              faceValue2 = 1;
         public void roll()
              faceValue1 = (int) (Math.random() * 6 + 1);
              faceValue2 = (int) (Math.random() * 6 + 1);
         public int getFace1 ()
              return faceValue1;
         public int getFace2 ()
              return faceValue2;

    It means what it says -- that you're trying to use a non-static thing (like a method or a field) from a static thing (like your main method).
    You can either make everything static (which isn't great -- it flies in the face of object-oriented programming) or instantiate an object.
    If you want to do the latter, then try this: make your main method instantiate a method, and run it, like this:
    public static void main(String[] argv) {
        project4_5 game = new project4_5();;
    }Then create a method called play:
    public void play() {
      // put everything that's currently in main() in here
    }See if that fixes it for you.

  • "non-static variable cannot be referenced from a static contex"

    Hi, i'm writing a booking program at school and i'm getting 27 "non-static variable cannot be referenced from a static contex" errors. I can't find anything wrong with the code so I'm just asking you guys to look it through..
    public class bokningsmeny
    Bokning[] bokningslista = new Bokning[1000];
    String fornamn;
    String efternamn;
    String civilstand;
    String adress;
    String personnr;
    String telefonnr;
    int regnr;
    double inkomst;
    public static void main(String[] args)
    System.out.println("1. Mata in nya personer.");
    System.out.println("2. S&ouml;k personen via personnummer och skriv personens andra uppgifter.");
    System.out.println("3. S&ouml;k personen via efternamn och skriv personens andra uppgifter.");
    System.out.println("4. S&ouml;k personen via personnummer och &auml;ndra adress.");
    System.out.println("5. S&ouml;k personen via personnummer och &auml;ndra telefonnummer.");
    System.out.println("6. S&ouml;k personen via personnummer och &auml;ndra civilst&aring;nd.");
    System.out.println("7. S&ouml;k personen vis personnummer och &auml;ndra inkomst");
    System.out.println("8. Skriv ut alla personer med givet namn.");
    System.out.println("9. Skriv ut alla personer med givet efternamn");
    System.out.println("10. Skriv ut alla personer med given adress");
    System.out.println("11. Skriv ut hela listan");
    System.out.println("12. Avsluta\n");
    int menyval = Keyboard.readInt();
    case 1:
    System.out.println("Mata in nya personer.\n______________________\n");
    boolean BOOuppgifter = false;
    for(int i = 0; i <= 1000; i++)
    if(bokningslista +== null)+
    +System.out.println("\nSt&auml;mmer informationen? (Y/N)");+
    +boolean BOOcase1yesorno = IsInputCorrect();+
    +if(BOOcase1yesorno == true)+
    +System.out.println("\nBokningen lyckades!\n");+
    +bokningslista += new Bokning(fornamn, efternamn, civilstand, adress, personnr, telefonnr, regnr, inkomst);
    ++++else if(BOOcase1yesorno == false
    ++++System.out.println("\nBokningen avbruten.\n")
    ++++case 2
    ++++System.out.println("Sok person med personnummer och &auml;ndra uppgifter.")
    ++System.out.print("Skriv in sokord: ")
    ++String query = Keyboard.readString()
    ++query = query.toUpperCase()
    ++String personnummersok
    ++boolean contains
    ++int antal = 0
    ++boolean BOOcase2result = false
    ++System.out.println("Resultat: \n_________\n")
    ++for(int i = 0; i < 1000; i++
    ++++if(bokningslista +!<b<br />+<em<b<br />+++personnummersok = (bokningslista+.hamtaPersonnum()).t
    ++++contains = personnummersok.con
    +<<br />++++BOOcase2r
    ++++fornamn = bokningslist
    +++++efternamn = boknin
    +++++++System.out.println(antal + ". " + fornam
    ++++<e<br />+++++++System.out.pri<br<br />+++++<em<br />+++++++System.out.println("\nVilket sokresultat vill du v&bdquo
    ++++<<br />+++++++if(case2ch
    +++<e<<br />+++<em<br />++++
    ++<em<br />+++++++System.out.p
    +++++<e<br />+++<<br<br /<br />+++++++System.out.printl
    +++<em<br />+++++<em<br />++
    <e<br />++++++++Sy
    ++++++<e<br /><em<br />++++++++<<br />+++++<e<br />+++
    +++<<br />+++++++++else if(case11exit != 'y' &<br<br />+<<br />++++
    ++++<e<br />+++++++
    ++++<em<br />+++++
    +++<em<br />+++++<em<br />++++<<br />++++++
    ++++<e<br />+++++++<e<br />++<em<br />++++<e<br />+++<<br />+++++++++System.out.println("\n\nNamn: " + fornamn + "
    ++++++++++ "\nHemadress: " + adr
    ++++++++++ telefon
    +<<br />+++++++++Syste
    ++++<em<br />+++++++++if(correct
    <em<br />++<em<br />++<<br />++++<e<br /><<<br /><e<br />+++++++++I have another file with the class in it but I know for sure that its error free. Notice that I'm not nearly done with the program, theres like 10 more 'cases' to be created but I dont w

    Your code goes "+" crazy there, but here is your problem:
    public class B extends A {
        public void method() {}
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            //method(); //non-static method method() cannot be referenced from a static context
            B b = new B();
    }You need to be clear about the difference between static methods and non-static (instance) methods. Instance methods are applied to objects.

  • Non static variable?

    i've a small problem with an object.
    public class klassenobjekttest
    public static void main(String[] args)
    Auto meinFahrzeug;
    meinFahrzeug = new Auto(); = "Porsche";
    meinFahrzeug.erstzulassung = 1933; // woher soll ich das wissen?
    meinFahrzeug.leistung = 300;
    System.out.println("Fahrzeug name: " +;
    System.out.println("Fahrzeug Erstzulassung: " + meinFahrzeug.erstzulassung);
    System.out.println("Fahrzeug Leistung: " + meinFahrzeug.leistung);
    class Auto
    public String name;
    public int erstzulassung;
    public int leistung;
    the sdk says: non-static variable this cannot be referenced from a s
    tatic context
    meinFahrzeug = new Auto();
    1 error
    what's wrong?

    However if i use:
    public class klassenobjekttest
    Auto meinFahrzeug;//brought this line out of main
    public static void main(String[] args)
    meinFahrzeug = new Auto(); = "Porsche";
    meinFahrzeug.erstzulassung = 1933; // woher soll ich das wissen?
    meinFahrzeug.leistung = 300;
    System.out.println("Fahrzeug name: " +;
    System.out.println("Fahrzeug Erstzulassung: " + meinFahrzeug.erstzulassung);
    System.out.println("Fahrzeug Leistung: " + meinFahrzeug.leistung);
    class Auto
    public String name;
    public int erstzulassung;
    public int leistung;
    It does not work.
    could somebody tell me why.
    Appreciate the help

  • Non static variable errors

    I have been working on this file for 4 days now and I can't get past these errors.
    Here's the whole project:
    package toysmanager;
    public class ToysManager {
    //Method ToysManager
    public ToysManager() {
    //Method main
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    ToddlerToy Train1 = new ToddlerToy();
    ToddlerToy Train2 = new ToddlerToy();
    ToddlerToy Train3 = new ToddlerToy();
    System.out.print("This is an object of type ToysManager");
    public class ToddlerToy{
    private int ProductID = 0;
    private String ProductName = "";
    private float ProductPrice = 0;
    public ToddlerToy(int id,String name, float price){
    ProductID = id;
    ProductName = name;
    ProductPrice = price;
    //Method PrintProductID
    public int PrintProductID(){
    System.out.print("This method is PrintProductID in the class ToddlerToy");
    System.out.print("Product ID is:" + ProductID);
    return ProductID;
    public String PrintProductName(){
    System.out.print("This method is PrintProductName in the class ToddlerToy");
    System.out.print("Product Name:" + ProductName);
    return ProductName;
    public float PrintProductPrice(){
    System.out.print("This method is PrintProductPrice in the class ToddlerToy");
    System.out.print("Product Price: $" + ProductPrice);
    return ProductPrice;
    And here are the errors:
    "": non-static variable this cannot be referenced from a static context at line 9, column 29
    "": ToddlerToy(int,java.lang.String,float) in toysmanager.ToysManager.ToddlerToy cannot be applied to () at line 9, column 29
    "": non-static variable this cannot be referenced from a static context at line 10, column 29
    "": ToddlerToy(int,java.lang.String,float) in toysmanager.ToysManager.ToddlerToy cannot be applied to () at line 10, column 29
    "": non-static variable this cannot be referenced from a static context at line 11, column 29
    "": ToddlerToy(int,java.lang.String,float) in toysmanager.ToysManager.ToddlerToy cannot be applied to () at line 11, column 29
    Any help would be appreciated as I am plainly not understanding this even with a book.

    Could you help me understand the original ToyManager instructions more please? Not asking you to do the work for me I just do not understand exactly what they want me to do...
    After you install JCreator, write a Java program, with a single class called ToysManager. The main method should print the name of the class, for example: "This is an object of type ToysManager."
    (Hint: the process is very similar to the "Hello World!" program.)
    Please add file (.java)
    Group Portion:
    Deliverables:  two *.java files
    As a group, add a second class called ToddlerToy to your ToysManager project.
    Here are  the requirements for the ToddlerToy:
        * The class ToddlerToy is public and has a default constructor.
        * It  has  one private attribute called  ProductID (of type int).
        * It has two public  methods called  SetProductId() and PrintProductId().
        * The method SetProductId() assigns a value to the attribute ProductId. For now, the value is hard-coded.
        * The method  PrintProductId prints the value of the attribute ProductId.
        * The class ToddlerToy has no main() method.  In Java, there is only one main method for the entire program. In this case, the main method is in the ToysManager class.
    Here are the requirements for the main method of the ToysManager class:
        * Create an object called Train1 of  class  type ToddlerToy, using the default  constructor.
        * Call the methods SetProductId() and PrintProductId() to set then print the the value of ProductId.
        * The first statement  in each method should print the name of the method, for example:  "This is method <method name> in class <class name>". This should help you trace the execution of your program. Feel free to comment out the print statement.
        * On the Small Group Discussion Board, discuss your understanding of the concepts of class, object, constructor, method, and attribute.
        * Give one example of a class (giving its name, attributes, and methods)  that could be part of the shipping application.ANY help with this at all is greatly appreciated...a friend of mine found your post and used it to give me code snippets for help and I had no idea. Nearly got me in deep water...redoing the assignment but personally I find the next two assignments much easier to understand than this one. The instructions are confusing to me...can you point me in the right direction?

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