Non Static Variable addressed to Static Variable

I am new to java, I am getting (Non Static Variable sb,serverAddress addressed to Static Variable)
Here is the code. Thanks for reading, any help or explanation would be appreciated-
* To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
* and open the template in the editor.
package webcheck;
* @author
public class checkhttp {
      private URL serverAddress = null;
      private StringBuilder sb = null;
      public checkhttp( serverAddress,java.lang.StringBuilder StringBuilder)
  public static void main(String[] args) {
      HttpURLConnection connection = null;
      OutputStreamWriter wr = null;
      BufferedReader rd  = null;
      String line = null;
      int x;
      //checkhttp check= new checkhttp();
      try {
          serverAddress = new URL("");
          //set up out communications stuff
          connection = null;
          //Set up the initial connection
          connection = (HttpURLConnection)serverAddress.openConnection();
          //get the output stream writer and write the output to the server
          //wr = new OutputStreamWriter(connection.getOutputStream());
          //read the result from the server
          rd  = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(connection.getInputStream()));
          sb = new StringBuilder();
          while ((line = rd.readLine()) != null)
              sb.append(line + '\n');
          System.out.println("Server is up");
      } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
      } catch (ProtocolException e) {
      } catch (IOException e) {
          //close the connection, set all objects to null
          //rd = null;
          //sb = null;
          //wr = null;
          connection = null;

Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but since main is static, any fields it access must also be static.
The static keyword declares that something is accessable no matter the class state, thus you can call main() and run your program without having something make an instance of the object that your progam defines. For example:
class Foo {
      static public String strText = "Hello World";
//Later in some method, this is valid.
String MyString = Foo.strText;
//However, if strText was not static you need to
Foo fooExample = new Foo();
String myString = fooExample.strText;Static should not override private, so static private fields/members are not accessable. To be accessable you still need to be public.
Edited by: porpoisepower on Jan 21, 2010 2:18 PM

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    I'm anything but new to Java. Nevertheless, one discovers something new ever' once n a while. (At least I think so; correct me if I'm wrong in this.)
    I've long thought it impossible to reference a static variable on a class without the class' static initializer running first. But I seem to have discovered a way:
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      public static final SumClass fooVar;  // by default initialized to null
      static  {
         fooVar = new SumClass();
    public class Bar  {
      public static final SumClass barVar;
      static  {
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    }Warning: Speculation ahead.
    Normally the initial reference to Foo would cause Foo's class object to instantiate, initializing Foo's static variables, then running static{}. But apparently a static initializer cannot be triggered from within another static initializer. Can anyone confirm?
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    }But there are times when you need to use it.
    So what's an elegant way to avoid the problem?

    DMF. wrote:
    jschell wrote:
    But there are times when you need to use it. I seriously doubt that.
    I would suppose that if one did "need" to use it it would only be once in ones entire professional career.Try an initializer that requires several statements. Josh Bloch illustrates one in an early chapter of Effective Java, IIRC.
    Another classic usage is for Singletons. You can make one look like a Monostate and avoid the annoying instance() invocation. Sure, it's not the only way, but it's a good one.
    What? You only encounter those once in a career? We must have very different careers. ;)
    So what's an elegant way to avoid the problem? Redesign. Not because it is elegant but rather to correct the error in the design.<pff> You have no idea what my design looks like; I just drew you a couple of stick figures.If it's dependent on such things as when a static initializer runs, it's poor. That's avoidable. Mentioning a case where such a dependency is used, that's irrelevant. It can be avoided. I know this is the point where you come up with a series of unfortunate coincidences that somehow dictate that you must use such a thing, but the very fact that you're pondering the problem with the design is a design problem. By definition.
    Besides, since what I was supposing to be a problem wasn't a problem, your "solution" isn't a solution. Is it?Well, you did ask the exact question "So what's an elegant way to avoid the problem?". If you didn't want it answered, you should have said so. I'm wondering if there could be any answer to that question that wouldn't cause you to respond in such a snippy manner. Your design is supposedly problematic, as evidenced by your question. I fail to see why the answer "re-design" is unacceptable. Maybe "change the way the Java runtime initializes classes" would have been better?
    This thread is bizarre. Why ask a question to which the only sane answer, you have already ruled out?

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    By making it static,
    you can 1) save memory 2) make the variable visible
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    (because it isn't even though it could be declared as
    an instance variable). If the variable is supposed to be static under the design then yes, you get all the things you just mentioned. But whether each instance has the same initial value is pretty much irrevlevant to that.
    Point 2 is arguable because
    maybe you specifically want to require an instance
    before accessing the variable. Also, if you're
    initializing the variable to different values for
    different instances then of course that's a different
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    Skydev2u wrote:
    I just recently started learning Java so I probably know less than you do. But from what I've learned so far a static class is a class that you can only have one instance of, like the main method. As far as non static members in a static class I think it allows the user to modify some content of the class(variables) even though the class is static. A quick Google help should help though.Actually the idea behind a static class is that you dont have any instances of it at all, its more of a place holder for things that dont have anywhere to live.
    Non-static members in a static class wouldnt have much use

  • PS Script to Automate NIC Teaming and Configure Static IP Address based off an Existing Physical NIC

    # Retrieve IP Address and Default Gateway from static IP Assigned NIC and assign to variables.
    $wmi = Get-WmiObject Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration -Filter "IPEnabled = True" |
    Where-Object { $_.IPAddress -match '192\.' }
    $IPAddress = $wmi.IpAddress[0]
    $DefaultGateway = $wmi.DefaultIPGateway[0]
    # Create Lbfo TEAM1, by binding “Ethernet” and “Ethernet 2” NICs.
    New-NetLbfoTeam -Name TEAM1 -TeamMembers "Ethernet","Ethernet 2" -TeamingMode Lacp -LoadBalancingAlgorithm TransportPorts -Confirm:$false
    # 20 second pause to allow TEAM1 to form and come online.
    Start-Sleep -s 20
    # Configure static IP Address, Subnet, Default Gateway, DNS Server IPs to newly formed TEAM1 interface.
    New-NetIPAddress –InterfaceAlias “TEAM1” –IPAddress $IPAddress –PrefixLength 24 -DefaultGateway $DefaultGateway
    Set-DnsClientServerAddress -InterfaceAlias “TEAM1” -ServerAddresses xx.xx.xx.xx, xx.xx.xx.xx
    Howdy All!
    I was recently presented with the challenge of automating the creation and configuration of a NIC Team on Server 2012 and Server 2012 R2.
    New Team will use static IP Address of an existing NIC (one of two physical NICs to be used in the Team).  Each server has more than one NIC.
    Our environment is pretty static, in the sense that all our servers use the same subnet mask and DNS server IP Addresses, so I really only had
    to worry about the Static IP Address and the Default Gateway.
    1. Retrieve NIC IP Address and Default Gateway:
    I needed a way to query only the NIC with the correct IP Address settings and create required variables based on that query.  For that, I
    leveraged WMI.  For example purposes, let's say the servers in your environment start with 192. and you know the source physical NIC with desired network configurations follows this scheme.  This will retrieve only the network configuration information
    for the NIC that has the IP Address that starts with "192."  Feel free to replace 192 with whatever octet you use.  you can expand the criteria by filling out additional octects... example:
    -match'192\.168.' } This would search for NICs with IP Addresses 192.168.xx.xx.
    = Get-WmiObject
    -Filter "IPEnabled = True"
    Where-Object {
    -match '192\.' }
    = $wmi.IpAddress[0]
    = $wmi.DefaultIPGateway[0]
    2. Create Lbfo TEAM1
    This is a straight forward command based off of New-NetLbfoTeam.  I used  "-Confirm:$false" to suppress prompts. 
    Our NICs are named “Ethernet” and “Ethernet 2” by default, so I was able to keep –TeamMembers as a static entry. 
    Also added start-sleep command to give the new Team time to build and come online before moving on to network configurations. 
    -Name TEAM1
    -TeamMembers "Ethernet","Ethernet 2"
    -TeamingMode SwitchIndependent
    Dynamic -Confirm:$false
    # 20 second pause to allow TEAM1 to form and come online.
    -s 20
    3. Configure network settings for interface "TEAM1".
    Now it's time to pipe the previous physical NICs configurations to the newly built team.  Here is where I will leverage
    the variables I created earlier.
    There are two separate commands used to fully configure network settings,
    New-NetIPAddress : Here is where you assign the IP Address, Subnet Mask, and Default Gateway.
    Set-DnsClientServerAddress: Here is where you assign any DNS Servers.  In my case, I have 2, just replace x's with your
    desired DNS IP Addresses.
    –InterfaceAlias “TEAM1”
    –IPAddress $IPAddress
    –PrefixLength 24
    -DefaultGateway $DefaultGateway
    -InterfaceAlias “TEAM1”
    -ServerAddresses xx.xx.xx.xx, xx.xx.xx.xx
    Hope this helps and cheers!

    I've done this before, and because of that I've run into something you may find valuable. 
    Namely two challenges:
    There are "n" number of adapters in the server.
    Adapters with multiple ports should be labeled in order.
    MS only supports making a LBFO Team out of "like speed" adapters.
    To solve both of these challenges I standardized the name based on link speed for each adapter before creating hte team.  Pretty simple really!  FIrst I created to variables to store the 10g and 1g adapters.  I went ahead and told it to skip
    any "hyper-V" ports for obvious reasons, and sorted by MAC address as servers tend to put all thier onboard NICs in sequentially by MAC:
    $All10GAdapters = (Get-NetAdapter |where{$_.LinkSpeed -eq "10 Gbps" -and $_.InterfaceDesription -notmatch 'Hyper-V*'}|sort-object MacAddress)
    $All1GAdapters = (Get-NetAdapter |where{$_.LinkSpeed -eq "1 Gbps" -and $_.InterfaceDesription -notmatch 'Hyper-V*'}|sort-object MacAddress)
    Sweet ... now that I have my adapters I can rename them into something standardized:
    $All10GAdapters | ForEach-Object {
    Rename-NetAdapter -Name $_.Name -NewName "Ethernet_10g_$i"
    $i = 0
    $All1GAdapters | ForEach-Object {
    Rename-NetAdapter -Name $_.Name -NewName "Ethernet_1g_$i"
    Once that's done Now i can return to your team command but use a wildcard sense I know the standardized name!
    New-NetLbfoTeam -Name TEAM1G -TeamMembers Ethernet_1g_* -TeamingMode SwitchIndependent -LoadBalancingAlgorithm Dynamic -Confirm:$false
    New-NetLbfoTeam -Name TEAM10G -TeamMembers Ethernet_10g_* -TeamingMode SwitchIndependent -LoadBalancingAlgorithm Dynamic -Confirm:$false

  • Calling non-static command from within static method

    I have a static method that reads bytes from serial port, and I want to set a jTextField from within this method. but I get error that says it is not possible to call non static method from a static one. How can it be solved?

    ashkan.ekhtiari wrote:
    No, MTTjTextField is the name of jTextFiled class instance.You haven't declared any such variable in the class you posted, not to mention that such a variable name violates standard code conventions.
    This is and instance of that object actually. You haven't declared any such variable in the class you posted.
    the problem is something else. No, it isn't, based on the information you have provided. If you want accurate guidance, don't post misleading information about your problem.
    It can not be set from within static method.A question commonly asked on Java forums concerns an error message similar to the following:
    non-static variable cannot be referenced from a static context
    In Java, static means "something pertaining to an object class". Often, the term class is substituted for static, as in "class method" or "class variable." Non-static, on the other hand, means "something pertaining to an actual instance of an object. Similarly, the term instance is often substituted for non-static, as in "instance method" or "instance variable."
    The error comes about because static members (methods, variables, classes, etc.) don't require an instance of the object to be accessed; they belong to the class. But a non-static member belongs to an instance -- an individual object. There's no way in a static context to know which instance's variable to use or method to call. Indeed, there may not be any instances at all! Thus, the compiler happily tells you that you can't access an instance member (non-static) from a class context (static).
    Once you understand this concept, you can fix your own problem.

  • How to Assign a Static IP address to VM created from VM template

    Hello All,
                I'm New to SCVMM, I have installed my SCVMM 2012 R2 in Lab environment and added 02 Hyper Servers on the same (One server is in domain & another one is in Perimeter Network). Once I added the Hyper-V's two Virtual
    Network's has been detected in SCVMM.
               Now I'm trying to create a new VM in each Hyper-V with a static IP address. I have created the VM template without connecting to any network, while creating the VM, below is my settings,
    VMNetwork : VMPeri01 (Perimeter VM Network)
    VM subnet  :  None
    (Grayed out)
           IP Address:
              Clicked Static IP
                          IP Protocol version: IPV4 only
    MAC address:
              clicked Static (its showing 00:00:00:00:00:00)
    Question: How can I assign the static IP to my New VM?
    Note: I have created a static IP pool for the virtual network (w.r.t :
    Please help me to create the VM using Static IP (specific address now)

    While creating the VM choose the Virtual Network on the Hyper-V from the IP pool which you have created it wil take the IP during provisioning.

  • HH4 and static IP addresses on home network

    I want to assign a static IP outside the DHCP range to a server on my home network. I know I've done this in the past as I already have another server on the network which the HH4 recognises as having a static IP (and not in the DHCP range) but I can't for the life of me remember how to do it now.
    I do recall that it wasn't obvious last time, but I've looked repeatedly through the HH config options and can't find it. The only place that looks likely is the Device Information page, where if "IP address assignment" is DHCP then you can select "Always use this IP address" and type an IP address, but only addresses within the DHCP range are accepted (this is reasonable). But there seems no way to provide a non-DHCP address.
    I've read elsewhere that I should allocate the static IP on the device itself, but this doesn't work - while the device is able to connect to the LAN and can ping/can be pinged by other devices, the HH doesn't recognise the device and it's unable to connect to the internet.
    I've constantly been frustrated by the non-standard interface of the HH4, and the fact that BT will provide little information on how to configure it (no manual is available). I called BT just hours ago to ask their tech support the same question I'm asking here, and their response was that "they don't have that information". When I said I was amazed that they don't know how to support their own hardware, they replied that it came ready configured and I shouldn't need to change it. Unbelievable. I was invited to subscribe to their tech expert support for £8 per month to get the answer, so I suspect that the claimed ignorance is just a revenue-earning opportunity.
    Anyhow, any help will be very welcome.
    Go to Solution.

    licquorice wrote:
    Hmm, as far as I'm concerned the only 'true' static address is one configured on the device itself. Anything else is a non-changing dynamic address which is still at the mercy of the router dishing it out correctly.
    That's a fair point. Perhaps I'm not used to routers (or just never used the feature) that allow "sticky" allocations within the DHCP range. So I see (saw?) DHCP and non-DHCP addresses as different.
    However, I have to admit to feel a bit stupid at this point. I've just looked at the HH display and now I can see my device in all its static glory! This is after a number of days of testing and experimentation and getting nowhere (and before you ask, yes, regular refreshing). It's puzzling - perhaps it takes time for the HH to pick up a static allocation and I just didn't give it long enough.
    So it does appear to be working now. I can confirm that your advice of just defining the address on the device is the way to go, and eventually the HH will recognise it.
    Thanks to all for your patience!

  • Email Settings for email with no static IP Address

    I have been a Blackberry fan for years and have setup countless Blackberry's for friends.  I recently changed jobs and therefore, had to change my email settings, to receive work emails on my Blackberry Torch. I emailed our hosting company and asked for the settings to setup my phone, I received this response: (have blanked out my details for security reasons)
    To setup the email account on your BlackBerry device you will need the following information
    Email address: ********@******
    username: ********
    Password: ********
    Incoming mail server:  The incoming mail server is tricky as your organisation doesn’t have a static IP address. For now try IP Address: **.***.***.***
    I have tried these settings as well as the settings in my Outlook account settings folder (the incoming server on my Outlook is a local IP Address, to the server in our office)
    None of which have worked.  I have contacted both our hosting company and Vodacom (my BB service provider) neither are able to assist me?  Even my husband (who is an IT specialist has tried, with no luck)  I then tried to use the BIS html option to find my settings, but for some reason Vodacom does not allow this, I received this error message when trying to logon/register:  Your account is not accessible via HTML browser. Please use your device to access BlackBerry Internet Service.
    Could someone please help?  Even if it's just a step by step guide on how to setup this type of email account?  Any assistance would be appreciated!

    Yup, the routine settings didn't work, i also tried adding the additional settings manually, and this did not work either. 

  • WiFi - Static IP Address

    I'm trying to use a static IP address on my BlackBerry 9700.
    I am able to obtain a dynamic IP address but not static one for Wifi.
    I have unchecked "Automatically obtain IP address and DNS" and I'm using the following:
    IP Address: xxx
    Subnet mask: xxx
    Default gateway: xxx
    I use similar setting on my desktop PC with no problem.
    On the BlackBerry it never connects.
    Any suggestions?
    [edited for private information]

    Ahhh...OK then.
    For reporting to RIM, you have a couple of choices:
    1) Escalate through your carrier. RIM provides no direct front line support...the carriers provide that, and have paths for escalating cases into RIM.
    2) [email protected]
    Whether or not either of those will result in it getting fixed is something we simply won't be able to firmly identify. Someday, an update will be released in which it magically works again. Or not. We'll never really know for sure.
    As for an explanation of why it doesn't work...well, I'm thinking that'll be a non-starter. The reasons could expose many internal things that RIM wouldn't want to reveal -- such as (as examples...not offered as any statement of fact) sloppy coding, bad documentation, etc. Not typically the things that firms like to admit. They much prefer the "newer and better upgrade" path, slipping in the fixes that they might not have previously acknowledged. Marketing tends to win out with situations like this.
    Our goal on these forums is to try and provide folks with whatever answers might exist to allow them to get the most out of their BB's -- often in spite of any shortcomings. As such, it involves work arounds and trade-off's, to be sure...but a compromise is often a better choice over not functioning at all.
    Good luck!
    Occam's Razor nearly always applies when troubleshooting technology issues!
    If anyone has been helpful to you, please show your appreciation by clicking the button inside of their post. Please click here and read, along with the threads to which it links, for helpful information to guide you as you proceed. I always recommend that you treat your BlackBerry like any other computing device, including using a regular backup here for an article with instructions.
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  • Tethering is not working with static IP address iOS 5, 6, 6.1

    When I use in our country - Czech Republic (carrier Telefonica O2) static IP address, I must use APN "internet.s". When I turn-on Personal Hotspot with this APN, it is possible to connect to this wifi hotspot, but withnout access to internet. iOS 5, 6, 6.1
    Do you have same experience?

    I've just wasted 2 HOURS diagnosing non-existent router issues due to this OSX "bug"
    Thank you for the workaround. Let's hope they get this resolved soon!

  • Cannot change static IP address on MacBook pro

    hi, I've got quite the dilemma. I used a 2WIRE134 modem and DSL with AT&T w/o problems a few years ago. Then changed to cable but kept the 2WIRE134. Moved to a different residence and AT&T came out to set up DSL with that same modem.
    The technician had some "easy-to-fix" wiring issue in the closet where the phone wiring for the entire complex resides. When we got into my apartment, my 2008 MacBook Pro could not connect to the web via Wi-Fi. He had me enter a static IP address of 169.something.....but we had to then use an Ethernet cable to connect to the web.
    My iPad2 connects just fine, but my Mac always hits the same static IP address on Wi-Fi and I have to use the Ethernet cable.....None of the Support Forum remedies have worked. I read that this is a somewhat common problem with the MacBook....
    Help please ?

    Then the thing to do is use
    System prefereneces > Network > WiFi > (assist me) > Assistant...
    ... and set it up again from scratch, including a new "Location". This will give you a "clean slate" with no pre-conceived notions.
    A "Location" is a basket of settings from all over the place that could be apllicable to using your Internet Connection when you are in a particular place. Apple intended you to have one for Home, one for Work, one for StarBux, etc. Just select the appropriate "Location" and bam, all your corrects settings take effect.

  • Router Setup Thinks I have a Static IP Address

    I have been using my Linksys WRT54G router with DSL for some time now without any problem. Yesterday, my DSL stopped working. After multiple reboots and resets, I called Earthlink. (Mistake) Anyway, they had me delete my account and set it up again. That worked but I ended up with an icon on my desk to "dial" the DSL rather than the router doing it and none of the other devices on my network (mainly a Tivo and picture frames) could access the internet.
    I tried folloing the directions on the Linksys forum to set up the router with DSL and it called for me to change the IP address in the router to Now, the Linksys setup thinks I have a static IP address and it will not access the router. It wants me to connect to the internet first. I do that using the Earthlink icon but it does not recognize the connection.
    I tried accessing the router in my browser using, which worked with the address was but that did not work. The browser said it was taking too long to respond. I tried holding down the reset button on the back of the router for way more than 30 seconds with no luck.
    Now, I am basically hosed. I cannot access the router at all, the Linksys directions for setting it up with DSL do not seem to work, and I cannot reset anything. Suggestions?

    Hard reset your router...
    Press and hold the reset button for 30 seconds...Release the reset button...Unplug the power cable from your router, wait for 30 seconds and re-connect the power cable...Also make sure that your computer is set to obtain IP automatically, disable any firewalls, security softwares on the computer before trying to access the setup page...
    Open an IE, click Tools >> Internet Options, then delete all files, cookies, history, forms...Goto "Connections", make sure Never Dial a Connection is checked, click on LAN Settings and make sure all the options are unchecked...Once you are done click on O.k...Close the IE and re-open it...Now re-configure your router using this link

  • HP Deskjet 3050 J610a - static IP address

    How can I assign a static IP address to the above printer? There is no option on the printer control panel to do this as far as I can see. It seems the only possibility is to allow the printer to grab whatever IP address it believes is appropriate - usually a DHCP one. In my case this is inappropriate since I want to assign a specific fixed IP address.

    Well after two automated responses telling me what I already knew and failing to answer any of the questions I was starting to lose my patience.
    I asked that they change their web site which clearly states that the Deskjet 3050 is supported, apparently only the 3050e is supported. So say 3050e then not 3050!!!
    This is the response I eventually received:
    Thank you for getting back to us.
    I understand from your email that you have HP Deskjet 3050 All-in-One Printer - J610a you are not able to find the Printer code to set your HP Deskjet 3050 All-in-One Printer - J610a on eprint or enable Web Services. I see that the printer is listed as an ePrint and AirPrint enabled device yet none of the support articles refer to the Deskjet series.
    Marc, I am glad to assist you with your issue and concern. I request you to please let us know the website name or provide us the website link where in it states that HP Deskjet 3050 All-in-One Printer - J610a is an ePrint and AirPrint enabled device so that we can correct this immediately and avoid any further confusion.
    I appericiate your time so far to interact with us and give us an opportunity to assist you.
    This was the link that HP themselves state to check to see if it supported CLICK HERE
    Won't be buying a HP product again.

  • Can I assign Airport Express to static IP Address?

    Current setup - Airport Extreme attached to cable modem with 2 hard drives, Airport Express as print server in separate room with USB printer attached (just changed from Linksys with sometimes working NetGear print server). Clients accessing the network: 2 Windows XP, 1 Windows 7, iPads, iPhones, iPods, Apple TV, and sometimes a Mac Book.
    The issue is that we don't keep the printing system on at all times (light switch with Express and printer plugged in); We dont't do much printing, and I print to pdf most of the time. As a result, the Express IP address changes every time it's turned on, requiring me to change the port settings on the printer properties before anyone can print. Is there a way to assign a static IP address to the Express so that I don't become tech support every time someone else in the house needs to print something?

    Is there a way to assign a static IP address to the Express so that I don't become tech support every time someone else in the house needs to print something?
    Yes. The first order of business is to find the AirPort ID for the AirPort Express. You do this by opening AirPort Utility and clicking once on the Express. In the area to the right, jot down the AirPort ID.
    Still in AirPort Utility, now click on the AirPort Extreme and click Manual Setup
    Click the Internet icon
    Click the DHCP tab below the Advanced icon
    Look for the DHCP Reservations area and click on the + (plus) button at the bottom
    Enter a description, for example AirPort Express
    Click the MAC Address button and click Continue
    Enter the AirPort ID in the MAC Address box
    Assign the IP address you want the Express to use, for example
    Click Done, then click Apply and the AirPort Extreme will restart
    It would be a good idea to power cycle the entire network as follows:
    Power everything down...all devices, order is not important
    Power up the modem first, then AirPort Extreme, then Express, then devices

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    Please forgive me.. but I've searched for an answer and can't seem to find one. I created a DVD for a town to be used in DVD players. I also included on the DVD an Extras folder that has a web site and pdf's. What I want to do to polish it off is to

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    I am running Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition R2 x86.  I'm trying to install Internet Explorer 7 but the installation is stuck on "Installing Windows Internet Explorer Core Components". CPU Usage is stuck at 100% (svchost.exe is at 99%). I'm at