Synchronized void dopost() Not Possible???

Why we can't do
public synchronized void dopost(){
as supposed to :-
public void doPost() {
synchronized(this) {
Ofcourse both of them allows only one request or only one thread to access the method at the time. Then why the former one is not possible
that is synchronized meth??

In the first example, you don't attempt to read the response from the servlet. At least I don't see where you do that. So the request never gets sent.

Similar Messages

  • System Error- Restart Not Possible

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    I have Synchronous scenario.
    I am trying to handle system error in BPM. so if system error comes i m cancelling process.
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    But it is giving me error as "System Error - restart not possible" .
    But I need to resend / restart this message again.
    So can u please guide me for same

    When your WS id down you are handling the esception in your BPM perfectly....what more you can do is in the exception branch throw an alert to the support team from SAP saying that the processing for a particluar IDOC failed as there was an error while connecting to the end this case you can ask them to restart this particular process once the WS is up....
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    Hi ,
    I am working on a IDOC to SOAP synchronous scenario
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    I have written a operation mapping outside BPM
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    Try to implement SAP note 1164228 or apply package SAPKB71007 to resolve your issue.

  • Restart not possible (Xml message)

    Hi All,
    I am facing the following error in SXMB_MONI , restart is not possible & unable to check the payload.
    can any one please let me know what is the cause for it & how to resolve it.
    Sender Component     
    urn:wssprocessorWsd/wssprocessorVi/document -
    sender name space     
    Sender Interface                         
    "Current Status"----
    BE -
    Outbound Proxy
    & The Receiver components are Blank.
    Message Status is System Error RESTART NOT POSSIBLE(RED colour Round Button)

    Have you configured Receiver Determination with the appropriate target system and interfaces?  Looks like your target system is down or connectivity errror...
    Go to SXMB_MONI and pick that message and navigate pipeline steps and see where it fails.. Also the steps it fails you check the payload or response mesg and you will see the details of error.
    Also go to RWB and check your communication channel monitoring  area. See any help you get.
    Also go to RWB and go to message monitoring. See the inbound side of the interface and see what is the reason for the error.. Sometime if the receiver comm channel or target system has issue you mesg stop.
    Check SMQ1 and SMQ2 and see any locks for those mesgs. If so remove locks and activate again.

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              final LoggingWidget widget = new LoggingWidget();
              Thread t1 = new Thread(new Runnable() {
                   public void run() { widget.execute(); }
              try { t1.join(); } catch (Exception e) {}
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    /* dummy classes that show the proof */
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         public synchronized void execute() {
              System.out.println(toString() + " (base).execute: synchronized");
              synchronized (this) {
                   System.out.println(toString() + " (base).execute: synchronized (this)");
                   try { Thread.sleep(500); } catch (Exception e) {}
                   System.out.println(toString() + " (base).execute");
                   // .... code
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         public synchronized void execute() {
              System.out.println(toString() + ".execute: synchronized");
              System.out.println(toString() + ".execute");

    I perfectly understand how Java monitors work and I also perfectly know that Java synchronized ( aka intrinsic locks ) monitor is re-entrant.
    The reason behind my previous post was that I am trying to check out a code which is written in Goetz's book: Java Concurreny in Practice. In there, he gives a code example that leads to a deadlock. Despite, I am aware of the fact that it cannot be occurred, I have given it a shot.
    Thanks for the comments.

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    Hi yevgen_78,
    It is not possible to load the file synchron. The best way I
    think is to leave the program in a "loading" state until the call
    back for loading event result gets called.
    Mihai Corlan

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  • Transaction type 100 not possible (posting to affiliated company)

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    I am trying to post asset acquisition through F-90
    Asset Dr Transcation Type 100
    To, Vendor Cr
    while saving the above document  i am getting an error Transcation type 100 is not possible (Posting to Affiliated Company)
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    can anybody help, is there any alternative to go ahead
    Edited by: sreenivasulu VAS on Feb 26, 2009 1:57 PM

    When there's a trading partner in the document, you need to use a different transaction type for external acquisition.
    Have you tried this? (I've used this one. without chaging document type setting)
    150     Acquisition from an affiliated company
    Difference from Transaction type 100 is posting type. 150 has a posting type of 'Post to affiliated company' whereas 100 has not.
    Check with IMG (T-code: AO73)

  • Transaction type ZGC not possible (posting to affiliated company) in ABSO

    Hi all,
    We have depreciation areas 01, 30, 31, 32 .
    dep area 30, 31, 32  inherits the values from 01.
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    Transaction type ZGC not possible (posting to affiliated company)
    Message no. AA390
    For the current document, you specified either implicitly (via the customer/vendor), or explicitly (with a manual entry), that this posting is to an affiliated company. In this case, Asset Accounting requires you to use special transaction types.  This enables the system to separately identify such transactions.
    Check the line items that you have already entered, and the transaction type you entered.
    Not sure why it is asking for affliated company .
    It will be great if any one help on this why we are getting this issue.

    Hi Daya,
    Please try to choose Trans.Type 100 in AO73 transaction code and select the radio button  Post to affiliated company under Posting type.

  • Error while creating source system in BI: Modification not possible

    Hi All,
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    SAP system has status 'not modifiable'. Because of this, and following with known consultants practices we've changed the client to customazing but it still not working although the message at this time is: Changes to repository or cross-client Customazing are not permitted. We have also verified transaction SE06 but it's not possible to change the Cross-Application Component to Modifiable. 
    Did someone face with this same problem before?
    Thanks to all in advance,

    Hi Rick,
    I really appreciate your quick response. We followed your recommendation and could create the source system without problems. Thanks once again!
    Best Regards,

  • Creation of new DC is not possible

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    (When I create a model in the local repository, the "New..." button next to the DC listbox is active and I can create a new local DC.)
    Please help me create a new DC in the shared repository.
    Thanks and cheers,
    Edited by: Thorsten Franz on Apr 16, 2008 6:27 PM to remove question on how to delete a DC in the shared repository - it's not possible in release 7.1.

    Hi Thorsten,
    To creat a new DC in shared repository do the following:
    1. Create a DC in the local repository
    2. Go to manage models, click on the newly created DC and you would see the icon with blue + (tooltip: Add to the source control)
    3. Your local DC is now your shared DC
    Good Luck,

  • Not possible to output CFTREEITEM in a CFC function?

    Hi there,
    I am parsing a sorted list of strings (in the form of a/b/c/,
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    I have the CFFORM and CFTREE tag in the top function and the
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    following error:
    Context validation error for tag cftreeitem.
    The tag must be nested inside a cftree tag.
    It seems that ColdFusion doesn't recognize that calling code
    is already nested inside a CFTREE tag in the top function. I
    extract the code generating CFTREEITEMs to a sub function because
    it is called multiple times from different context, it would be a
    lot of hassle and quite stupid to "inline" it.
    If what I am trying is, for whatever reason, not possible,
    would it be possible then to have the sub function generate the
    code into a string and somehow dynamically evaluate that?
    Any hints or tips will be greatly appreciated!

    Hi there,
    I am parsing a sorted list of strings (in the form of a/b/c/,
    a/b/c, /a/c/d etc.) and trying to make a treeview out of it.
    I have the CFFORM and CFTREE tag in the top function and the
    code that generate CFTREEITEM in a subfunction, but I got the
    following error:
    Context validation error for tag cftreeitem.
    The tag must be nested inside a cftree tag.
    It seems that ColdFusion doesn't recognize that calling code
    is already nested inside a CFTREE tag in the top function. I
    extract the code generating CFTREEITEMs to a sub function because
    it is called multiple times from different context, it would be a
    lot of hassle and quite stupid to "inline" it.
    If what I am trying is, for whatever reason, not possible,
    would it be possible then to have the sub function generate the
    code into a string and somehow dynamically evaluate that?
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  • Not possible to reverse the document in financial accounting Error

    Hi All
    We are getting invoice Data from Client
    through  ACC_EMPLOYEE_PAY02  
    Document Like
    31 45699(vendor )    2356.00
    31 45688 (vendor)    1245.00
    31 45677 (vendor)    1000.00
    31 45666 (vendor)    2000.00
    40  Accur(Clearing)       6601.00
    In this list some of vendors i did payment Run.
    I need to reverse the 1 vendor open Item.
    It is showing open item but i am unable to reverse this document.
    i tried to FB03 but it is showing Below Error
    Not possible to reverse the document in financial accounting
    Message no. F5673
    Document '1900000003' in company code '1164' should be reversed. However,
    this document was not posted in the Financial Accounting module, HRPAY is, rather, of type ''.
    System Response
    Documents which were not originally posted in Financial Accounting also cannot be reversed in Financial Accounting.
    Reverse the original transaction. 
    You can display the original document from the FI document via 'Environment' -> 'Original doc.'.
    I tried to trace Original Document.
    trhough Environment -> Original Doc.
    ERROR is
    Payroll Posting Document 000000091 does not exist
    How to Reverse the Open Item.

    SAP doesn't allow you to reverse a document in FI if it was created subsequently from another module (in your case HR).
    Why don't you use F-44 transaction code to manually clear the open vendor line item and offset it against the same clearing account?

  • Web-UI error message "Access via 'NULL' object reference not possible"

    I need some help, I'm not a Basis person but I need to get this connection problem resolve.
    This problem is in our DEV ICWeb system.  After logging in to Web-UI, I got a error message "Access via 'NULL' object reference not possible".  We have 3 clients (100, 220, & 310) in DEV and all 3 clients are giving me the same error message.
    From the, I found this topic
    but in the document it asked to go to SM59 to check the ESH_APPL_WS_TEMPLATEENGINE destination.  But we don't have that destination setup in all our systems.
    Here is the complete error message:
    Error when processing your request
    What has happened?
    The URL http://crm-dev.staff.copa:8000/sap/bc/bsp/sap/crm_ui_frame/ was not called due to an error.
    ■The following error text was processed in the system CD1 : Access via 'NULL' object reference not possible.
    ■The error occurred on the application server CRM-DEV_CD1_00 and in the work process 0 .
    ■The termination type was: RABAX_STATE
    ■The ABAP call stack was:
    Method: PROCESS_NAV_QUEUE of program CL_BSP_WD_VIEW_MANAGER========CP
    Method: DO_INIT of program CL_BSP_CTRL_ADAPTER===========CP
    Method: GET_PAGE_CONTEXT_CURRENT of program CL_BSP_CONTEXT================CP
    Method: ON_REQUEST_ENTER of program CL_BSP_RUNTIME================CP
    Method: ON_REQUEST of program CL_BSP_RUNTIME================CP
    What can I do?
    ■If the termination type was RABAX_STATE, then you can find more information on the cause of the termination in the system CD1 in transaction ST22.
    ■If the termination type was ABORT_MESSAGE_STATE, then you can find more information on the cause of the termination on the application server CRM-DEV_CD1_00 in transaction SM21.

    Hi Michael,
    Refer to the link below and check the procedure.


    Version is My Essbase is not starting. Issues from the logs and what I have attempted are as follows. I have highlighted the relevant areas in bold.
    When Starting Essbase from products/Essbase/bin/start.bat:
    C:\Hyperion\products\Essbase\bin>REM eis
    C:\Hyperion\products\Essbase\bin>net start "Hyperion Integration Services"
    The requested service has already been started.
    More help is available by typing NET HELPMSG 2182.
    C:\Hyperion\products\Essbase\bin>REM APS
    C:\Hyperion\products\Essbase\bin>call C:\Hyperion\products\Essbase\aps\bin\start.bat
    C:\Hyperion\products\Essbase\bin>REM aps
    C:\Hyperion\products\Essbase\bin>net start HyS9aps
    The requested service has already been started.
    More help is available by typing NET HELPMSG 2182.
    C:\Hyperion\products\Essbase\bin>REM EAS
    C:\Hyperion\products\Essbase\bin>call C:\Hyperion\products\Essbase\eas\bin\start.bat
    C:\Hyperion\products\Essbase\bin>REM eas
    C:\Hyperion\products\Essbase\bin>net start HyS9eas
    The requested service has already been started.
    More help is available by typing NET HELPMSG 2182.
    C:\Hyperion\products\Essbase\bin>REM EssbaseAgent
    C:\Hyperion\products\Essbase\bin>net start hypservice_1
    The service name is invalid.
    More help is available by typing NET HELPMSG 2185.
    C:\Hyperion\products\Essbase\bin>REM EssbaseStudio
    C:\Hyperion\products\Essbase\bin>set CONFIGTOOL_HOME="C:\Hyperion\common\config\"
    C:\Hyperion\products\Essbase\bin>call ""C:\Hyperion\common\config\"\setJavaRuntime.bat"
    Logging configuration file is not found. Expected filename is C:\Hyperion\products\Essbase\bin\.\
    Log file location is:
    13:23:09 11/01/11 INFO Starting up
    13:23:09 11/01/11 INFO Oracle Essbase Studio Server. Version, Bui
    ld 090, June 25 2009
    13:23:16 11/01/11 (system) WARNING Failed to load driver for sap
    13:23:16 11/01/11 (system) SEVERE Cannot load Teradata connector
    13:23:16 11/01/11 (system) WARNING Failed to load driver for teradata
    13:23:16 11/01/11 (system) WARNING Failed to load driver for mysql
    13:23:16 11/01/11 (system) WARNING Failed to load driver for netezza
    [Tue Oct 25 11:26:31 2011]Local/ESSBASE0///Error(1051223)
    Single Sign On function call [css_init] failed with error [CSS Error: CSS method invocation error: com.hyperion.css.CSSSystem.<init>]
    [Tue Oct 25 11:26:31 2011]Local/ESSBASE0///Info(1051198)
    Single Sign-On Initialization Failed !
    [Tue Oct 25 11:26:31 2011]Local/ESSBASE0///Info(1051232)
    Using English_UnitedStates.Latin1@Binary as the Essbase Locale
    [Tue Oct 25 11:26:31 2011]Local/ESSBASE0///Error(1051527)
    In Shared Services Security mode it is not possible to start Essbase when single sign on initialization fails.
    C:\Hyperion\logs\essbase\SharedServices_Security_Client.log com.hyperion.css.CSSSystem.<init>(Unknown Source)
    2011-10-25 11:26:11,039 INFO [main] Configure CSS with registry com.hyperion.css.CSSSystem.initCSSSystem(Unknown Source)
    2011-10-25 11:26:11,039 INFO [main] Initializing CSS from Registry. com.hyperion.css.common.configuration.CSSConfigurationManager.getConfiguration(Unknown Source)
    2011-10-25 11:26:11,085 INFO [main] Trying to get Registry Instance com.hyperion.css.registry.RegistryManager.<init>(Unknown Source)
    2011-10-25 11:26:31,023 ERROR [main] 20:1092:Failed to initialize EPM System registry. *[Root Cause: java.sql.SQLException: [Hyperion][SQLServer JDBC Driver]Error establishing socket to host and port: machinex:1433. Reason: Connection refused: connect ] com.hyperion.css.registry.RegistryManager.<init>(Unknown Source)*
    *2011-10-25 11:26:31,023 ERROR [main] Arguments: param1={}, param2=null, param3=C:\Hyperion\logs\essbase\,* com.hyperion.css.CSSSystem.initCSSSystem(Unknown Source)
    2011-10-25 11:26:31,023 INFO [main] CSS system intialization failed. : [21484 ms] com.hyperion.css.CSSSystem.initCSSSystem(Unknown Source)
    What I have attempted:
    - Attempted to connect to Shared Services, Workspace url's - YES
    - Checked openLDAP & my Database is running - YES
    - Added following to Configuration File :
    SharedServicesLocation machinex 28080
    AUTHENTICATIONMODULE CSS http://machinex:28080/interop/framework/getCSSConfigFile YES, but same error
    - Changed essbase.bak to essbase.sec YES but same error
    - netstat -an to check for 1423. Port 1423 is not listening, although ALL TCP Ports have been enabled. So YES but same error.
    - Read Knowledgebase article # 954322.1 - the suggested things in there don't seem to apply to my case, unless I am missing something.
    At this point does anybody have any suggestions ?

    An update: Just for kicks, I tried restarting Essbase using Start->Programs-EPMSystem->Essbase->EssbaseServer->Essbase.bat and apparently now Essbase is started.
    EAS, Studio and Planning however are down.
    Excerpt from the HyS9eas-sysout.log:
    [ERROR] RegistryUtils - SQL Exception when trying to create a new connection [Hyperion][SQLServer JDBC Driver]Error establishing socket to host and port: machinex:1433. Reason: Connection refused: connect
    * CRITICAL ERROR: Common Security Services initialization failed. Please *
    * make sure that a valid entry is provided for SECURITY_CONFIGURATION in *
    * This is required if Shared Services is enabled. *
    * Please restart the server after the changes. *
    Stopping DAO factory!
    HBR Configuration has not been initialized. Make sure you have logged in sucessfully and there are no exceptions in the HBR log file.
    .... bunch of java code.
    This is really strange. There is NOTHING that I changed, started or stopped which could have caused Essbase to start magically all of a sudden.
    Any insights into the cause of all this ?

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