Syncing at album level

I have 1,200 songs on my ipod nano and wish to synchronise at album level, rather than song level, is this possible?

Ok, I'm getting it now (I think!).
As your music library is exceeding your iPod storage space, how about the option to manually manage things?
See: How to manage the songs manually.
With this setting, you can drag and drop albums etc onto the iPod as and when you want them.
See this link also.

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    I am posting this as a question and will proceed to answer it as per the solution provided by Applecare case id
    I run Powemac G5 OSX 10.5.8 Leopard, iLife 09 and iPhone 4 & iPad2
    Software versions are iPhoto 09 V 8.1.2, iTunes and iOS 5.01 on theiPad and iPhone
    Problem 1
    Following software updates on all my devices I began to run into sync problems with my iphone 4, namely error message 1104
    On contacting my mobile service provider they suggested:
    connect iphone to itunes, selected photo tab and untick the box sync photos from iphoto then proceed to sync
    Solution 1
    This allowed iphone 4 to sync thus eliminating my 1104 error message problem
    Problem 2
    iPhone 4 will no longer sync selected albums, events and faces with iPhone 4
    After level 3 escalation within Apple the problem was reffered to iphoto computer support who delievered this fix.
    It was identified as a problem with my iphoto library not being seen by itunes despite my iphoto library functioning normally (or so I thought).
    Solution 2 (I will try and articulate this as best as I can)
    Open iPhoto app whilst alt key is depressed
    select/ locate the iphoto library source file from your hard drive which itunes is using.  This now tells you where iphoto library resides ie this is your library in which all your photos slideshows and star rating data resides.
    Go to Time machine, locate iPhoto library and then select restore.
    The file will be restored to it's original location and you can now begin to work on the fix without jeopardising your original library
    Close iphoto, and reset system
    Open iPhoto with alt key depressed, select the recently restored file
    Open itunes and try and sync your iOS device
    Does the selected, albums and faces tabs in Photo tab now work? If so problem solved, if not read on.
    Restart system
    Open iPhoto with the alt and command key depressed
    (You will be working on the restored file as iphoto located this automatically when opening - see previous note)
    a list of boxes will appear detailing repair permission etc - ensure all are ticked and follow instruction to rebuild reorganise the iphoto library.  Sorry for being vague here but I can't remember the screen details.
    Let iphoto rebuild the iPhoto library file
    close iPhoto and restart system
    Try the sync process again in itunes.  Does the Photo tab option whick allows you to select pictures, albums and faces should now work?
    If so, problem solved, well almost.  If not, refer for further help.
    Given you have just cured the problem with a restored backup iPhoto library file, should you need to work on your most recent file since that back up, repeat solution 2 from the beggining.  Once complete, you will need to move the iPhoto library file which didn't sync to the trash. 
    Should you have events in your originl iPhoto library which don't reside in your backup file, export these events into folders by using export "current" feature in iPhoto, then drage them bag into your new library once your problem is solved.
    I hope this helps someone, if so please let me know.

    Other folks have resolved similar issues by trashing  the iPod Photo Cache.

  • How can one sync a) Albums to all my iOS devices and b) Photos

    1/It is evident to me that only My Photostream is automatically uploading/ syncing ( within the number of 1000) pics;
    but Each iOs- device may have a different Photostream ( eg: if activated at different times, previously)
    2/ since Photostream will then delete ( algorithms unknown) an unknown number of photos, to stay<1000,
    saving is necessary:
    one would either save them in Photos/ . (?)
    Someone here has suggested to take the content of Photostream and create a new Album ( eg: "From Photostream_ Date"),
    and transfer ALL images thereto, from time to time (?)
    - it would be helpful if syncing is also  possible on the Album level ( via iTunes ??)
    - OR: are the Albums strictly collections on the respective iOs - device, (and the Mac ?), eventually
    containing different Photos (!), ie : Albums are on the device - level (?)
    ->> Having said so, Can one sync on the Album level ?
    - OR somehow also on the Photo- level ?
    3/ when is the best time, to save the My Photostream
    Sorry , if too many Q's

    My Qs were more specific
    It is easier to answer specific question, when I know whch options you are having on your computers. I.e. I wondered if you would be able to use Shared PhotoStreams  instead of My Photo Stream, but that would require MacOS X 10.9. at least, see: iCloud: Using and troubleshooting Shared Photo Streams
    ( pls see above): 1/ I was assuming that via iCloud only " my Photostream" is distributed onto all aktivated iOs- devices;
    The Photostream "My Photo Stream" uses a buffer in iCloud: Each device will upload the most recent (last month)  photos saved to the Camera Roll, if Photo Stream is enabled and any photo you share to the stream. The buffer in iCloud will only keep the photos for a month - it is meant as a streaming buffer and not as a storage. And the stream you are seeing on your devices is fed from this buffer. Depending on when you activate Photo Stream on the devices they will show different selections of photos - it depends on what is currently in iCloud. With IOS 7.0.4 you could also stream to Shared Streams, and they will keep all photos in iCloud, only you would need to upgrade.
    - having said so: does iCloud then back up my Camera Roll ( Photos)  in toto ?
    Your Photostream is generated automatically from all photos saved to your camera roll, so if you keep all photos in your camera roll and save any new photos from the Photo Stream to your camera roll, they will all be backed up, inclding any videos in your camera roll. This list describes in detail, what automatically will be backed up in iCloud over Wi-Fi:
    See: iCloud: Backup and restore overview
    2/ the 2nd Q posed was: Is there a mechanism to save/ backup on the Album level ( I guessed it can be done via iTunes), but also through iCloud (??)
    That is exactly, why I asked for your system versions: if you could create Shared Streams, you could use 100 separate streams just like albums, and all would be stored in iCloud.
    But there is no way to structure "My Photo Stream".
    But the iCloud backup of your devices will include all application data, so albums you define in the Photos app will also be included, only not the photos synced to your device using iTunes, unless you save them to the camera roll.
    - Does one then HAVE TO make b/u via iTunes for EACH iOs device ( and of course the whole Library file
    You can make your iCloud backup using Wi-Fi ( iCloud: Backup and restore overview), but you will have more control over it, when you create the backup using iTunes. And syncing using USB is faster than Wi-Fi.
    4/ Does one have to save (B/U) as well via iTunes into the iPhoto library,
    as also via iCloud (?)
    It is recommended: the iCloud backup of your IOS devices will enable you to restore your devices directly from iCloud, but a separate backup in iTunes will make it possible to restore a new replacement device from the backup, if your iPad, iPhone will be stolen, lost, or defective. And you can access the iTunes backup even when the network is down, or there is a problem with your iCloud account.
    iPhoto library: When you automatically import the photoStream into your iPhoto library on your Mac, any backup of your iPhoto library will be a backup of your Photo Stream photos as well. I'd create the albums in iPhoto on your Mac.
    Some Links: 
    iCloud: My Photo Stream troubleshooting
    iCloud: Photo Stream FAQ
    A remark about Photostream : its deletion logic for pics, once 1000 is reached is intransparent
    This is explaine d by the fact that "my Photo Stream" is not meant to be a storage, just a transient buffer. You have one month time to grab your photos from the stream, and then they will be removed, consider it to be a stream of photos that you are viewing from a narrow window. You are supposed to download the photos to your camera roll or to an event on your mac, as soon as you are seein it in the stream. After a month it will be gone.

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    I just found instructions for permantly turning off Match and have done so. Works great. Thanks

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    Hi NWL1,
    Thanks for the question. If I understand correctly, the iPhone won't update and is stuck. I would recommend that you read this article, it may be able to help you resolve or isolate the issue.
    If you can't update or restore your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch - Apple Support
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    Have a great day,

  • Itunes doesn't list all my music in my itunes library, will refuse to sync some albums

    Both of these problems have been issues for me for years. I've finally gotten irritated enough to post something. As a musician with a variable and eclectic taste, I've always had a huge CD collection. Some years ago I got my first mp3 player and soon broke down and converted every last CD to mp3. Now everything I buy is digital and I have some 300 GB of mp3's!
    I've searched around for a solution to this problem many times over the past several years and was never able to find any posts that describe either problem.
    The first part of my problem has always been that, after installing iTunes and telling it where my library is, it starts to catalog them in the iTunes library. However it always stops short of cataloging all my music. Also, after the inital cataloging it does right after installing iTunes, it never cataloges again, so my new music never appears in the library. This is very irritating since this means I can't listen to my new music on my iPhone.
    The second part of my problem happens when I try to sync individual albums that are already in my iTunes library with my iPhone 3GS 32GB (iOS 5). This also has been a problem for years. I prefer to sync individual albums with my iPhone, so I keep the "sync only checked songs and videos" box checked, and then go into (my iphone)>music and check individual albums. Sometimes I will try to add a few albums to my iPhone, so I'll go and check them and click Sync. iTunes goes through the sync process, but during the last step where it's supposed to copy the songs to the phone, it will not copy any songs. I check on my phone, and sure enough they are not there. I check the list of checked albums in iTunes in (my phone)>Music and they are checked. Unchecking, clicking sync, then checking again, and clicking sync gives me the same exact results. Whenver this happens with an album, the album forever refuses to be synced with my phone. Also, each time this happens, the bar at the bottom of iTunes showing the free space in my iPhone decreases as if it's on there, but it is not on the phone. I can go on to sync other albums with my phone, but the albums that misbehave like this will never sync. I know it's not the mp3's that are in the albums: they play just fine in both WMP and iTunes. Also there does not seem to be a pattern to which albums will not sync. Some albums were ripped from my original CD collection, some were bought digitally.
    How can I fix these issues? I think they're distinct and not related. Thanks in advance for all the helpful tips

    I should mention that, for the first problem, I do make sure that my new tracks are stored in the folder where I told iTunes that my music is in. Also, when I say the cataloging of my library stops short of cataloging all my songs, I have tried leaving the computer unattended for days (my computer's sleep mode is disabled). It always stops before cataloging all of my music regardless of whether I am doing something else while iTunes is cataloging, or if I just let iTunes be the only program that's open during the cataloging process.

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    I recently purchased an iPod Nano (5th gen, 16GB) and figured out how to sync it with iTunes. Unfortunately, it seems to only sync up with select albums in my library. I know that in order for an album to sync there needs to be check marks next to each song, which I did, but after I sync it I browse my iPod and find that only (roughly) half of the albums I indicated actually show up on my iPod. For example, I was able to sync albums by The Afghan Whigs, Bryan Ferry, and Berlin just fine, but for some reason I was not able to sync certain albums by Autechre, Low, or King Black Acid.
    What gives?? I will note that I am using the Windows 7 release candidate - hopefully this has nothing to do with it.

    Hello livoryy
    It sounds like the battery just does not hold a charge. Check out the page below and look at the battery replacement section to get all the answers to what you are asking.
    Service Answer Center – iPod
    -Norm G.

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    Anyone have any suggestions?

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    awaiting response at earliest.
    thanks in advance.

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    I'd ask that on the iPad forum.

  • Problem with Aperture not syncing iPhoto albums to iPad

    Want to sync a few choice old photo albums created in iPhoto to my iPad.    Since I am now running that old iPhoto library in Aperture I should be able to sync selected albums via iTunes, Aperture and USB.  
    I looked at iTune's photo sync screen and saw that iTunes still distinquishes between iPhoto and Aperture libraries, i.e. one needs to make a choice. 
    I selected Aperature in the "Sync Photos from" popup and got the following err message:
    "Your Aperture Library could not be found. Open the preferences window in Aperture and enable the preference to share previews with other applications."
    My iPhoto/Aperture libary easily opened again in Aperture but for the life of me I can not see a preference provision for previewing Aperture albums in anything other than iLife and iWork which was already enabled.
    Perhaps Apple is a bit slow in upgrading the detail in their latest Aperture version or are simply screwing people who favor syncing well chosen albums on their iPad in lieu of using iCloud which would require a lot of extra redundant effort to recreate favorite albums so much more easily created in iPhoto/Aperature.

    I was experiencing this exact same problem for days and none of the fixes I have found have worked for me, including the one listed here. Only un-installing Aperture allowed me to again sync my iPhoto albums individually again to my iPad2/iPhone4S. Even after re-generating the library for previews/thumbnails, as other posts have suggested to do in Aperture, I still could not see the option to select individual iPhoto Albums as it was greyed out in iTunes.
    So here is the simple and odd fix that has just worked for me. When iTunes tells you: "Your Aperture Library could not be found. Open the preferences window in Aperture and enable the preference to share previews with other applications." Do just the opposite. In Aperture Preferences under Preview, with the dropdown after Share Previews with iLife and iWork: select NEVER.
    Now if when you open iTunes again, and your option to select individual folders is still greyed out (as happened to me on occastion clearly) do this. Uncheck Sync Photos from iPhoto, select Keep Photos or not depending on what you want and then quit iTunes and DON'T APPLY changes. When you restart iTunes, you should now be able to select individual iPhoto albums.
    I realize this doesn't give you options with syncing Aperture Projects, but hey, hopefully Apple will fix this soon.

  • How do I sync photo album created in ipad running ios5 to my apple laptop that is running os lion?

    How do I sync photo album created in ipad running ios5 to my apple laptop running os lion?

    iPad not iPod!

  • Sync iPhoto album with iCloud photo stream

    I have a couple of albums - used basically as categories.
    I want to be able to sync the albums with iCloud. I know you could just add the photos to an iCloud photostream, but it takes a couple extra minutes each time when you do that.
    So basically, I want my albums to be copied as iCloud albums, and then just updated automatically when I add a new photo to that album.

    Not possible.  Send a feature request to Apple via

  • Syncing selective Albums through iCloud Photo Library?

    Hello, I would like to know whether there is a way to sync selective Albums through iCloud Photo Library? For example, I want album A and B to show on my iPhone but want to see all albums on my Mac. Is this possible?

    I don't think so... looking to do this myself...

  • Synced photo album in ipad cannot be deleted

    Few days ago, I synced a photo ablum into ipad.
    When I want to delete the synced photo album today, I didn't find any albums in itunes.
    However, I found I hv deleted the ipod photo cache folder that ican't delete the photo album.
    So, is there any other ways to delete?
    Thx very much.

    Backing up with iCloud would not backup synced photos anyway. iCloud only works photos that you take with the iPad.
    There are third party WiFi apps that will allow you to transfer the photos back to the Mac. You download the app to both devices and then you can send photos and videos to and from each device.
    I use this one. There are others available in the App Store.

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