Syncing two Icals on two machines

I want to sync Ical to two mac's in the same room. I use Daylite on my machine. I want to have Daylite sync with my Ical and then have my Ical sync with my wife's Ical. That way she can see what I have going on my Daylite/Ical and I can see what she has going on her Ical calendar. Hope that makes sense. I don't want to shell out $200.00 for another Daylite user just so we can sync. There has to be a way to do it. Would appreciate any help or suggestions.

I'd say there is no other way to do it... The Sync setting is for ALL songs and playlists OR selected playlists. There is no setting for all EXCEPT selected playlists.
So you can make a playlist and drag all of your songs to it, then manually remove the ones you do not want. Or you can simply ignore the playlist for the Nano on the big iPod.
but these all end up with the iPod Nano playlist on my iPod Video (redundant and a bit messy)
I'm not sure why it's "messy." It may be "redundant," but your playlist for running probably only has a few hundred songs on it. An iPod with video has at least 30GB of storage space.
And you may want to hear your running music on your big iPod; those are probably some of your favorite songs. I have a shuffle (old white one) that I use for running, and it has about 200 of my favorite songs. I don't want those songs excluded on my big iPod.

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    You can use iDisk w/ Automator to do this:
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    2. Then create a workflow to find the Domain file on your iDisk and copy it back to your other computer and save that as a different Finder plug-in. (iDisk 2 Mac)
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    Hi Pat,
    Using Lightroom Cloud to Sync Catalog Between Two Machines
    If you’re running Lightroom on a laptop during your location shoots, you might want to take all the edits, keywords, metadata, and of course the photos themselves, and add them to the Lightroom catalog on your studio computer. It’s easier than it sounds: basically, you choose which catalog to export from your laptop, then you take the folder it creates over to your studio computer and import it.
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    Synchronizing data between devices is a complex issue, and there's no really ideal solution. This comment is an oversimplification.
    Mail can be synchronized by storing it on a mail server that uses the IMAP protocol, such as iCloud. The mail stays on the server, so it's automatically in sync with all mail clients.
    Several other kinds of data can be synced via iCloud, such as calendars, iWork documents, photos, Safari tabs and bookmarks, and keychains. Some third-party applications can also sync with iCloud, but not many. iCloud is easy to use, for the most part. The drawbacks of using it are, first, that it doesn't sync everything; and second, that some of your private information will be in the hands of strangers. Read the iCloud feature list and privacy notice carefully before deciding whether or how to use it. There should be no privacy concerns with iCloud keychain, because the data is encrypted end-to-end and is not accessible to anyone at Apple—but you have to take Apple's word for that.
    A more comprehensive solution, and one that doesn't raise any privacy issues, is to set up an OS X Server on your network and create mobile accounts on your other Macs. You will then be able to synchronize all files in the home folder automatically at logout, or at any other time manually. The main drawback here is that OS X Server would be hard for most non-technical users to set up and maintain. Another is that the synchronization only works with Macs, not mobile devices.
    Third-party software such as Unison can also be used to synchronize files over a network. Unison is free, but it's not easy to set up in a way that doesn't lead to conflicts when files are modified on different devices between synchronizations. To synchronize more than two Macs in this way, you'll want to use one as the master, and sync between it and the others.

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    Robert Dall
    iMac G4, iBook G4   Mac OS X (10.4.8)   80g video ipod (black is back baby!)

    So much for other people having lives to live...
    I'd help you out if I knew anything about rsync, and
    I'm sure many others would, too, but apparently the
    ones who do know are doing other things. Considering
    it's a weekend, that really shouldn't be surprising.
    There are people and companies that give such
    immediate service for a fee. Look around and I'm sure
    you'll find one that'll offer to not only advise you
    but will also create the solution for you. They'll
    even you let you have the solution, for a price.
    Azqi, please don't belittle me about how the captitalism works in the world. I might been in a small community outside Vancouver that doesn't even have a large MAC dealership who could answer my question. I was already at the shop that does deal in mac because I wanted to SHOP LOCAL. I am perfectly aware I am on a FREE forum and have a life outside of this forum also! I waited four days before I said what I said and before my little question was lost in the forums. If I had 300 responses to my question like yours I'd never return. . . .
    I am just saying that it has been a bit of a cold welcome to these forums, as this isn't the first question that has gone unanswered. . . . and thanks to some helpful folks it isn't.

  • AND .mac-account on two machines - sync iphone.

    i have a .mac account for work (where i purchased music i needed for work) and a private account, which i use for buying my private music. Whenever i connect the iphone to one on these two machines it gets the account id from that computer.
    The problem now is this. I purchased some apps from the appstore for account A and some apps for account B. So far no problem, i can use all these apps on my iphone. BUT: Occasionally the app store finds some updates for installed apps, which i would like to load. But if the app was bought using account A i cannot update this app, when the iphone thinks it is synced to account B - and vice versa. There is an error message saying, you have to buy the original software first to get the update. Thats what i did, but with the wrong account.
    So my question: Can i use the iphone with two accounts? I payed for the apps, so there is no reason i cannot updtae them, when i´m allowed to use them. Or, the option i would NOT like to go: Can i merge these two accounts?

    Authorize both computers for one iTunes account. You should only be syncing with one iTunes account at a time, by using 2 you risk having everything wiped each time you sync with another computer with a different account. You can setup several mobileme accounts, but you should only use one iTunes account for purchases on the iPhone to avoid problems like this.
    Message was edited by: Randy Fast

  • How to sync a iCal calender between two people?

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    We have two apple-computers, and I tried to publish my calender, and then my wife "subscribed" to it. So far everything works ok.
    The "only" problem is that the calender is writeprotected in her computer.
    My idea was that we should have a calender that is shared between us, so that we could cooperate with info in it. So that both could put info in it.
    Could someone please help me out.

    With iCal you basically have two options: (1) publish and subscribe (as you describe below), where you each share a calendar, which as you point out is "read-only" to the viewer or (2) use a sync service (like .MAC) to keep the calendar synchronized (note: it sync's all of iCal, not just an individual calendar.)
    The next version of iCal coming with Leopard is going to support the CalDAV standard, and will allow for better sharing/collaborating with calendars.

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    Does anyone have any suggestions on this matter?
    It woudl be much appreciated.

    And that works fine unless you need both machines to have the library at the same time.
    And it wasn't my point it was the OP's
    From the first post:
    I have a mac pro and a mac mini which I run side by side. I use my mac mini for email, and iphoto, iPad syncing and music and my mac pro as my main work machine for music production.
    So for the orignal specs both machines required a copy of the library. 
    Let's say in the middle of working on the Aperture library on the MacPro he needs to email an image to someone. Aperture will have to be shutdown, the disk unmounted and carried over to/cabled into the Mini. Just to send an email. Seems a lot easier to just have a copy of the library on the mini. The library on the Mini could even be a stripped down copy, no masters just the previews this way it makes it impossible to make changes on the Mini to images if that is a concern.

  • Syncing two macs: what will work without icloud?

    Hello. I'm considering buying a second mac, or finding a totally different solution. One of the key questions is: can i still sync two macs; or: what, if anything at all, will sync, what won't without using icloud (which is  totally out of the question, and please no debate on that in this thread, i simply want to know the facts).
    Thanks a lot

    you may be right. The decimus guys however don't even get their own web site together, which doesn't inspire a lot of trust. Besides, what I really want synchronized, and what I don't see in their list, is iCal, Address Book, everything that happens in mail (sent mail appear as sent on both machines even outside imap accounts), and of course it would help to have everything in like the document folder in sync. If reminders and notes would go in sync, too, good.
    Now, like I said you're probably right in principle about the two machines situation. But I might consider getting the smallest MacBook, which probably won't match my MacPro, and won't accept a 2560/1600 external monitor either. Don't know yet.

  • Using iSync to sync two macs

    Is it possible to use iSync to sync two macs?
    I use a PowerBook and a Mac Mini and it would be handy if address contacts and calendars could by synced easily.
    I would rather not get a .mac account.
    Surely another mac should show up when you click 'add device' in iSync?

    In addition to the information Julian provided, you can use commercial software as an alternative to .Mac for some synchronization purposes.
    SyncTogether from Mark/Space will synchronize five of the six .Mac data categories across user accounts on a single machine, across users on a local area network, and across the internet. Keychain synchronization is not supported.
    BusySync from BusyMac provides local area network only synchronization and sharing of otherwise read-only iCal calendars.
    You can also investigate such products as SpanningSync for synchronization of iCal calendars using Google, and Plaxo, which offers contact, event and tasks synchronization—in a not quite ready for prime time beta release—for the Address Book and iCal.

  • How to back up/sync two phones on one PC?

    Aloha, This is my first post on this forum, so if I'm on the wrong board or if this has been discussed, I apologize.
    About two months ago, I purchased two iPhone 3GS's (for my wife's and my use). I have been able to sync the phones individually on two different pc's, but am unable to figure out how to sync both on my desk machine (for back up/speed purposes). I can find lots of articles and instructions on how to sync one phone on multiple machines, but am unable to find info on how to do two phones on one computer.
    Basically, I am unable to get the iTunes software to back up/sync the music collection on her phone--it says that all will be deleted in favor of the library (that is associated with my phone). I have tried logging in the iTunes software with her iTunes acct info, but I still get the same response.
    Any information that you can provide will be greatly appreciated. For the record, our phones are both current (iPhone OS v. 3.1 [not 3.0.1]) and iTunes is v. according to the upgrade blurb said it has better multiple phone capabilities. (It looks and acts the same to me--so obviously, I'm not doing something right!) TIA.

    You cannot take itunes content from the iphone and put it on the computer. The iphone sync is one way. It is designed to sync with a computer, not as a stand alone device.]
    The exception to this rule is itunes purchased content as described in an earlier post.
    " If I want to mirror her iPhone on MY pc however, you're saying it can't be done?"
    Yes, that is what I'm saying. The iphone is designed to reflect the content of the computer/library that it syncs with, not the other way around.
    You need to copy everything to the new computer, then sync. When you sync to a different computer, it will erase itunes content from the iphone first, then sync to the new itunes library/computer.
    "What's the purpose of authorizing multiple computers to connect the phone to if you can't do that?"
    You don't "authorize" computers for iphone. You authorize computers to play protected itunes content on the computer.
    Again, iphone will sync itunes content and pics with ONE computer at a time. This is the way it has been and continues to be.
    Ipods are different, but the iphone will sync with ONE computer at a time.
    As far as itunes content and pics go - the iphone mirrors the computer, not the other way around.

  • Sync two macs with .mac?

    Is it possible to sync two mac's icals without using .mac? Both macs have Leopard installed...

    you may want to look at these links:
    i use spanning sync, which allows me to sync from one mac to google calendar, and then google calendar to the other mac. i know of other users who use busysync from busymac and are also happy. cannot comment on the other two.
    hope this helps

  • Best way to sync two Macs?

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    Sorry No.
    I don't have a need for such syncing.
    But the app is around for quite some time and they have a time-limited Trial version.

Maybe you are looking for