Syncing with a Palm

I also am waiting for my activation to occur at least 12 hours now, but when it does happen I need to know if I can sync my contacts from my Palm? Any help

Wrong forum area. the iSync forum area is best. However, I googled Palm Centro and iSync and got this:
There is more as well.

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    Just bought the iphone 3G and have got it pretty much up and running with music, emial, etc. Problem is when I log in to itunes I can't figure out how to sync with my old palm info. It only provides Yahoo contacts, Google, Outlook, and Windows as contact sources. No other options? I was told at the store I could sync with my palm data.
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    I have recently started have problems getting my Palm TX to sync with Outlook 2003 Calendar. I don't have any issues with Contacts or Tasks syncing. In the Hot Sync log, I get the following error code "OLERR:03-0024 (0x8000ffff)". Any ideas what causing this?
    Post relates to: Treo 700p (Sprint)
    Post relates to: Treo 700p (Sprint)

    Relates to Palm TX but probably applies to other Palm's.
    I had same Calendar sync problem but with Outlook 2007 (Win XP). One day I could sync, next I could not.  I tried resets, re-installing software, running DbFixIt but nothing worked. I kept getting a log saying "Sync with Calendar had failed."
    The solution turned out to be more simple than I imagined.  Just make sure you have the Microsoft 2007 patch installed if you are running Office 2007.
    Here goes...
    Right click on the sync symbol on your PC. Left click on "Custom" from the drop-down menu.
    Under the Custom menu, select Calendar (Outlook). On the right side click "Change".
    Make sure the button is checked for "Syncronize the files".
    Next click on Settings. Decide what you prefer, e.g Handheld wins" in the drop-down menu.
    You might also decide you want to sync two computers (e.g. a desktop and a laptop). You will see an option to apply that setting on the same Setting menu.
    Click OK. Then you MUST make sure the "Set As Default" box is checked for this to take effect in future.
    Finally click "OK".
    If you are having the same problem with Contacts, it is the same procedure except you pick Contacts (Outlook) in the Custom menu.
    It fixed my Calendar sync problem and everything is back to normal.
    Post relates to: Palm TX

  • Syncing with a Palm Centro

    Not sure if this is the right section or not but I have going to have to switch cell phones. I currently have a Katana (with Sprint) and I want a cell phone that will sync with my Power Mac G4 Quicksilver. In looking at the list of Mac-compatible phones I cannot tell if this particular model can sync. Is anyone out there using a Palm Centro (and does it sync ok with Mac)? I am interested in my address book, calendar and pictures primarily but would settle for just the address book and calendar. This having to make two different calendar and address book entries is time consuming. Thanks in advance!

    Wrong forum area. the iSync forum area is best. However, I googled Palm Centro and iSync and got this:
    There is more as well.

  • ICal fails to Sync with my Palm Treo yet my iPod does!

    iCal is a nightmare for me! Throughout much of 2007 it continually failed to refresh and update itself when I sync'd with my Lifedrive via Missing Sync. During Dec 07 I decided to perform a clean install of Leopard on a Cleaned Hardrive in my Powerbook. I also purchased a Treo 680 phone. When MarkSpace issued a Leopard version of Missing Sync I performed a sync with my data from .Mac via ical/AB. The first sync worked great.
    Since then, only 1 in my be 24 syncs have successfully transferred from iCal to my Treo ot Vice Versa. 99% of data entries are made on my Treo but they don't show up in iCal.
    AB is mostly fine. Although the odd Contact address seems to disappear and Missing Sync occasionally throws a wobbly by unregistering it's Conduit.
    Today I remembered that my iPod can link to iCal/AB so I thought I would test whether the data from my Treo was getting through to Sync Services. YES IT DOES!
    So my iPod is completely uptodate with my Treo yet iCal refuses to do anything.
    Has anybody got any ideas as to what I need to do to sort iCal out!
    Many Thanks

    Hi there,
    I do have almost the same problem with Leopard/iCal/Treo/Missing Sync.
    The guys from Missing sync announces some special issues when using this setup.
    And they say: it's related to Apple, cause they changed something in the iCal structure. And therefore syncing my Treo with Missing Sync and iCal doesnt work at all. I do understand that Apple likes to push us poor Palm users to buy the new iPhone... but I wont, cause it is too expensive yet and... last not least, I'm quite happy with my Treo for the last couple of years.
    Thin it is a shame that Apple prevents the further use of Palm devices in that rediculous way. Not very funny.
    So, back to your question: basically there is no solution yet. Missing Sync blames Apple for it, Apple doesn't say anything about that issue.
    Let's get back to ancient times and edit your calendars double. Either iCal and nanually on your Palm device. Great! Welcome to the 21st century.

  • Will itunes sync with my palm pre phone anymore??

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  • How to sync my Zire 31 with the palm Desktop Software on a Windows 7 PC

    Hi everybody
    My notebook died (vista) so I had to buy a Windows 7 hp model.
    Now I could install the software but the PC doesn't recognize my handheld device.
    A sync is not possible.
    Can anybody tell me how I can make my device known to the system or do I have to leave the Palm world altogether an buy me an ipod?
    I would really like to keep syncing with my palm.
    Thanks in advance.
    Post relates to: Zire 31

    Hi, and welcome to the Palm Support Community.
    Please refer to the stickied thread near the top of this board about syncing with Vista and Windows 7.
    I am a volunteer, and not an HP employee.
    Palm OS ∙ webOS ∙ Android

  • List of email clients/address books that will sync with palm desktop 6.2

    Is there (and if not, I think there should be) a list somewhere of email clients whose address books will sync with a palm Treo (palm Desktop version 6.2)? I have been happily using various palm handhelds for about 6 years now and have been syncing the address book with Mozilla and now Thunderbird  for the last couple years. I currently have an m130, but it's time to upgrade to a "smart phone" as I'm tiering of carrying around two devices. Unfortunately, the Treo requires palm Desktop version 6.2 which is not compatible with the Thunderbird palm sync. I have had the idea that Outlook (which I've never used or been exposed to) will sync with palm, but something I read gave me the impression that I would need to buy some third party software to make that happen, plus the $110 they want for Outlook. I would like to think there are other choices for someone who just wants to sync their smart phone with their email client's address book. It seems that such syncing ability would be esential to palm's sales and that a listing of all such syncing possibilities would be extremely beneficial to sales, particularly for new sales to people aren't already insiders on this sort of topic. The lack of ability to sync with Thunderbird may just cause me to stick with my old m130 awhile longer and give up on the idea of a nice new smart phone.
    Post relates to: Palm m130
    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    Wow, thanks a bunch! You just saved me from a long, involved, and discouraging search for an alternative. I'm using WindowsXP, palm m130, palm desktop 4.1, Thunderbird and Thunderbird's palm sync conduit palmsync-2.0.0.x-wsm .  I'm wanting to purchase a Treo 700 on ebay, but went to the palm site, clicked on the support link, then the Treo 700, then the downloads tab and it directed me to desktop 6.2, which made me believe I would have to use that to sync a treo 700.
    I do wish that both palm and Thunderbird would talk more about the palm Thunderbird palm sync. Unless you're a real geek or very determined (I'm the later), you're not likely to find out that such capability exists. I can't believe I'm the only one out there who needs to have my email client address book contacts with me all the time, so there has to be others who are looking for this.
    Next stop, ebay - I have a smart phone to buy.

  • Unable to sync with Palm Desktop

    Here's my problem. I haven't been able to sync with my elderly Palm IIIC for about 2 years. Now my daughter gave me her Palm Zire 31. All my data are in my Palm Desktop on my iMac G5. Somewhere along the way I tried using iSync and got a bunch of stuff in my Mac address book. So I did a hard reset on the Palm Zire 31, then successfully hot-synced on my G5. But my nice address from my Palm Desktop file isn't coming over, just the crummy one from the Mac address book I think. My Palm Desktop address file has all the names in categories etc. I have tried making sure I have the correct conduits for syncing with the Palm desktop, and I tried telling the Sync operation to override with the Mac contents. I just want to move all my address data from my Palm Desktop on my Mac to the Zire. Any help here?

    If you want to move all of the address data from your Palm Desktop to your handheld organizer, there is only one way to do it: using the Palm-supplied conduits to do so, not iSync and it's built-in iSync Palm Conduit. The transfer of all of the data from the Palm Desktop, including categories, simply is not supported by iSync or the iSync Palm Conduit.
    The Missing Sync for Palm OS is an alternative, but you have to plan carefully how you do this, as you must first move the data from the Palm Desktop to either your device—or, through an export/import process—directly into both iCal and the Address Book. iCal task data doesn't survive this process, only calendaring data. In either event, categories don't transfer.
    You'll have to perform some manual categorization on both your device and in the Address Book, and iSync will not support these changes. It won't reverse or otherwise modify them, it simply won't synchronize them. This is the case because you must overwrite the data on your handheld the first time you use the Missing Sync for Palm OS to synchronize.
    The Missing Sync for Palm OS will, but only when using Mac OS X 10.4.4 or later, and an advanced Palm device with Palm OS 5.4 or later on board, as I recall. Only the Z22 would qualify, if that contention is true. Here is a list of Palm OS versions tied to specific handheld devices:,/?St=69,E=0000000000412440418,K=2 589,Sxi=8,useTemplate=Case.tem,CASE=10714
    My Treo 600, with Palm OS 5.2.1, does not qualify as an advanced device and does not support categorization in the same manner as later devices do.

  • Can't sync Palm with Mac through iSync, only syncs with Palm Desktop

    I have an older Palm Tungsten T3 that I use basically only to run a medical application that I need at work (ePocrates, which has its own conduit and auto-updates itself with hotsyncs). I haven't tried to sync it to my Mac for a long time. I use iCal for my calendaring needs, sync it with my iPod, and ignore the old stuff that's on the Palm, which I hardly ever even sync.
    Today I had to reinstall the Epocrates software, and decided while I was at it I'd try to get the Palm syncing with the Mac (iCal, contacts, etc) again because it would be nice for it to show the same calendar data.
    I reinstalled the newest version of Palm Desktop from scratch. Installed the ePocrates software on top of it. I have iSync 2.4. My Palm was not listed as a device initially. I chose "Enable Palm OS Syncing" from the menu; iSync then went through a series of steps in which it disabled several conduits (presumably to no longer sync with the Palm Desktop), then told me to enable the iSync Palm conduit through the HotSync manager, which I did.
    I now show the Palm as a device on iSync, but it has a yellow caution icon over it and I'm not sure why. Clicking on it shows an options dialog. I chose for the first sync I wanted to erase everything on the device and then sync with the Mac. My syncs appear to work, but when the data is checked it seems to sync only with Palm Desktop. The old junky data on the Palm was not erased as requested. Newer calendar events and contacts from my Mac have not made it to the Palm. The ePocrates auto update conduit is working fine but that's the only part that is.
    Any idea what's incompatible, or what I'm doing wrong here?

    I have The Missing Sync and used it to sync my palm TX. I am now in the process of trying to get iCal going properly again. No longer have any calender views in iCal and the week views don't show until I have opened a month view and then go back to the week view. Very bizzare. Also have a heap of untitled calendar views in the drop down list option when looking at the info on any event - these calendar views are not accessible anywhere else though.
    I'm not sure if it is Missing Sync or something I did wrong at present. Will also throw the problem to the Missing Sync people to see what they say. Will let you know. It seemed to work really well without needing the palm desktop!

  • Syncing with iCal: Need the local calendar to override palm

    I want to find out if you can specify for the calendar on my computer to override what is on .mac and on my Palm Pilot. Basically, I make most of my changes on my computer, and when I go to sync I don't see an option for the calendar locally to override the others. When I sync with my Palm or .mac, it adds back in all the changes I have made locally.

    Michael Lafferty wrote:
    The conduit Apple is the iSync Palm Conduit: that's its Finder name.
    Ah, I see.
    There are many thing which can cause the null issue to arise. Chief among them is a lack of available storage space on your Palm device itself. Typically this can only be corrected by overwriting the contents of your organizer by initiating a first time synchronization and selecting that option, following a reset of the synchronization framework on your Macintosh.
    Eek - I have a fair bit of stuff on there I don't want to lose, since I usually use the Treo for taking notes at business meetings and that sort of thing. Maybe I can find a way of getting my notes out by copying into notes fields in the address book... (I haven't been able to get Memos to sync since I stopped using Entourage, and Documents have never synced, so I'm kind of used to kludgy workarounds for getting at those.)
    It makes sense that the lack of space would be an issue, since this really only started when the Treo got too full, and while I've been able to delete enough stuff to at least enable to HotSync in theory, obviously it wasn't enough for it to sync everything properly.
    You mentioned two machines - are you synchronizing your Palm device with BOTH, or with just one of these platforms? The synchronization to multiple platforms may also result in the sort of issue that you are seeing.
    Two machines? I don't think I said anything like that... Maybe the way I described the multiple conduits folders was confusing? They're all on the same machine, just that one's in the main Library and one's in the Library in my user folder. The only machine I sync it to is my iMac.
    I've been going through and deleting what files I feel like I can safely delete, in order to free up some space in hopes that that will help, but on the whole, I am starting to suspect that the long-range solution to this whole problem might be getting an iPhone instead. :-/

  • Sync with an applicatio​n that now syncs with my handheld Palm 505

    I have a contact management program that I sync with my Palm Handheld. The hand held has OS V 4.0, is it possible to sync with a smart phone like Centro or Pre? The contact management program is called TopProducer. A real estate contact management program. I am not married to the program. I am able to export the contacts, but I don't like to loose the notes.
    Post relates to: Centro (Verizon)

    You would have to ask the maker of the program.  Check their website.
    You most likely will have to get an upated version of the program that runs on PalmOS 5.x, but still will read the old data files.
    Post relates to: Centro (AT&T)
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  • Palm E2 not syncing with Outlook 2007 on Vista platform

    The problem is that Outlook Calendar does not sync with my palm.
    On 10-1-08 I installed Palm E2.  I have Outlook 2007 and Vista platform.  I need to use program PD414esetup.exe because it is the latest version compatable with other software I use.  Can anyone help me?
    Post relates to: Tungsten E2

    I went to  Then at the bottom of the page to Outlook 2007 Update / Download /  
    Download (7.2 MB WinZip compressed file) / Saved the file / Installed it then sync the Palm and my calendar is still different from my palm to Outlook.  Any Ideas?
    Post relates to: Tungsten E2

  • ICal not syncing with Palm Tungsten E

    I had to reinstall my operating system to the original Tiger. I reinstalled my Palm Desk top and updated it to 4.2. and synced with the Palm. Then I did a combined update to 10.4.6 & iSync 2.2. I added the Palm devise and did the original sync with the isync button. When I went to sync again later as I had added dates on the Palm I used the hot sync on the Palm. The dates did not show up on the iCal. How do I resolve this issue?

    Welcome to Apple Discussions.
    Can you describe what you did a little more clearly? I understand that you reinstalled Mac OS X 10.4, the Palm Desktop 4.2.1—revision D, I presume, from a downloadable package obtained from Palm—then synchronized with the Palm Desktop. You then updated to Mac OS X 10.4.6 by applying a Mac OS Update package, and added your Tungsten E to iSync, presumably using the Enable Palm OS Syncing… option under the iSync Devices menu. Is that correct?
    When you first synchronized using iSync 2.2, did you choose the Merge the data in iCal and on your Palm, or did you choose to Replace the data on your Tungsten E?
    Following your initial synchronization with iSync 2.2, you added, changed or deleted some events on your Tungsten, correct? And those modified records did not show up in iCal after yet another synchronization event, correct?
    The reason that I ask these specific questions is that individuals use such terms as Palm, Palm Desktop, HotSync, iSync button and so on almost interchangeably. By Palm, for example, you could be referring to your device, the Palm Desktop package—including the HotSync Manager and Transport Monitor—installed on your computer, or simply the Palm Desktop contact and calendaring application alone. Depending upon what you are actually trying to convey, the issues and therefore, the resolution of those issues, can be very different.

  • Events after syncing with Palm

    After syncing with my Palm, iCal has spread many but not all one-day events over two days. For instance, Halloween in iCal is now a two day holiday from October 30 through October 31. My cousin's birthday is now two days long as well. BUT, Easter is still just one day, as is my father's birthday. It's really weird. The two day spread does not happen on my Palm.

    Other users have reported this very same issue after updating to iOS 5.
    If you are using iCloud, try changing a contact in your Then see if the Edit button reappears in the Contacts App.
    I can no longer designate a custom title for additional email addresses within a contact. I can edit contacts and add new ones, I just cannot designate an additional email address for a particular contact as home, or work, or any of the other titles that should be available. iOS 5 has caused some weird glitches for some of us.

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